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f For the Weaker Sc;:. i* Gn# Catiw of Failure to Achieve a I t arable Result. 1 he Modern Old Ltd V * Great Improvement Wo men Who Arc I oo Good. "I ftrtnly tiie ratiae of nn«t failures, mining my «w n eel W the fatal habit of [Hitif! g <(T" remarked •Hr* Alii*- "When >< -i i..ii!i.-< f tie lautn raire w Itti tlie- word •«om -row' you make a emit mlatake I have known plenty of Anglo-Ktt*on women of tin* pure Moult fyi*- >-■ tu* ne'er did today what roll Id la* nhnved over to neat week Amt. warw utlli. they would never do at nil what tte-y could |>la. e ou the abouldera of antne one I nine kni-w a wotnati who had ••very one font**il emept no*. fthe Lad many latent*. tint t • w nlleil ttie- fai-t that *In- liad m* tilin' to eulttvate tlieni ><lie *«■ overworked nn<| lover had an opportunity to do what «tn- really wanted I .fe < all t-m short. «he luted to *lgh Kvery one felt an worry for muh n brilliant i-ri-ittlie who wna no Itiinleil and penned in hy < -Ireum etani e* Htuff amt imu-eii-e' I lull •vaa merely her p me Kin* « w a I - tiluffur and eoiildlit have Hunt* good tf a he’d h id nil the opportunity In the world Hie probably <mild not have folfllli-il all i-f In-r amldiluil' Put alii nilftht have »i-i ooifiltelu- ! **oim- part of them If 'In- hud aloj ped dreaming and foil I lug “IT -'Kin* never wa* b MO v n to d i a thing right away Hie would all among tin* ■d Murder of her own lion •- a id yawn at the thought of tin* thing" - In- h id I" do. and thinking iilmii! them u-iinll.t run11*- tier' -o tlri-d lliat - a* d--- 'dial to wait for a more favorable In. »• lo gel tyuaj " Now that "oil of I'd e'f | I'v a id liUllb'K off dr. i not p II • i n r nr 11 a or happi •*' ’tWi .in In* avail fa no anlhleg nnd want* It leiril • “hough mu I i " * - up h ' 'idn-l ted olds 11• *v e| !- ' o i|> t ‘ led es. but til atd lipair Ill- ill If P" ible If von ti i• i* a tot o' h ril « rh to do whl' ti > m die. .1 ih null w a io V *i *, ; v'm i Htii i'M o i ' imsi.3 B»si li \I» iV» I a. fi\(M 1 • it |s I * v .itl.i i* Hr It 1‘" H* H nt» !\ H«• VCM' t ti' H tMilil ' *‘*U I KM l lu hi U H .itlt* ft ill lu »i. ru«*n y>u nui tuni to l»eltf*r things Theia I* i n -i <! i » » tint . .idnot U mil otai* I#y iai U. u• j> i-vt|t ii*»«1 itiiit |H*l < ' «’t » ♦ al t r I ♦* * a - U «i I ai It! Utn t Oki Wbiii .« *i tit,* 11.« » Ua t;. w “liiait inaUrs by iillm. | ij, Immif f<» raw **hl! FriNliiiH) i no »i* li t ml: .»s tile ’'alii i.uly mv i if, ami Ia.*Ult»n lx nil- \ ’ i it a , *J • 'ilij* |i» wonuui a- • > «v I'ii t’l irrh lion lit*!* litul * a |‘H i i- a I la-tt I tliUii* all ■< i, ,v «h‘ n , ifi’ta* it tut un early , > \ a Of < t V i1 1 < t: t ■ fa 1 s i a I I’ W Wi‘ li ! * I a M I i t la in tlv'i-urtUfat I at *** \u mh>i»l rtlty t *t.*i will, h ,:r» * \ t i luT «utn |»h*\lon t | cl 1 i| »;iv 4nt.vU* wlii it r r-4 \* l ’i ! r tU re. It •Ih* i* u wit- w a i a **'i a til s,h* Unit lift MliiliMt* If ' " i » • -at lit‘1 • kill t lair With t'a* f tV»a S *{* she *'«u vvt r |>la.ti ally t*vv|-> thin*; (itul #lie waits i . . h iss, t IfM* flttiuis fuller ttiutkes, a <! »il Uumb f«»r th« n-ahl.-r i « M« rtv wt tnmi! May *>’»♦* i i Is* w< hfa.t down to her > v ■ il aUvnv* In i trim utn I snort ’ Oon't B«* N«r' ■ l Wh«»u \ UU ItluUn Ml> niXht> f«l flirting, m> ilt'Mi Mi* i\o >«u | «*v**r »top to think that she I* out lihwfHl wltk l«»vtt*ic liu^tmnd Ilk** >«tlw, l»ut is anxious to for in*t hi»r on u h«*«Hn h»* in a llftit* fin* Khu« s* Wh«*n y «m rrlth is»* th« tvork In*: *:lrl »it<l hor n ti\». you «*var tiuAgiti«xt n hat It wonU1 Is* it* t»ot your m*\t In her pu.<e* You might not rv«*u titltk** *u»*h a k.hs! *h.*o lug as »*!»«• dtmi Mtkt* up your itstml to thu that ymi gAIII tM»utr hljtiiie p*s.|. « until you mi tl^rvtatHl tbonmghlx the * livomstAUv*** fh**x arn Rtrvij^iiim umtrr In the ixotxts of H< .1 ^ 'Yt»u ,m »*r Uin toll ** 1^*.. t ft >our «>wn cihh! !;»•*}* >*r a rvpronh > ton In Hull If tuak**a you nation <u«l not .a{v«t»?«* »p pivoitithia tin Ittlomi of »lo* r**:l Sfs ~*U- f,. • •, * hi opvt mif MAI I' lUMUXNON W ?lHt ts si x - I ifi t4u h I Not f : g to worry Vsuil if you it vtri Kl v’i t *r?ttm linisil a1* ^ n»n a* you t. 0in tenmtr* ***** H:,;' V; * h YOU knmv th* oiti xiia about OW UM? t i f;t‘ brail s For Y .rutit, fisA notion tal l*owt U 8 sij-ljilr i|<K«r ot Ibiau a Ki'ilUivl'* is tuumgh. Treatment euros h&t>ilu& cun* «ttpaSHwi i‘5 fttili a Uu. Ask your v; for ttoiu. GRASS CULTURE. fortt Non;'* »"f l«rt»li>^f nt SiiB*r- 1 .ituif Inrur# a C'Vcc* us&n. r.r,., I . ... ■ ■;. ! I-** UtHl t<7 lb- | f*rU-. i-r v :*h M= !a -M M »« *»*• <s«' T*f In- i • ►•jfijl * |» **{n*f** 1*1* I ' , ;,.. i I‘i l« I > th** j . ■ ■ - - ■ - II; I i'Ttf |<1 •.;*•!• ‘ '.**• **•«•' •* '• I tl* ■> |f •••»».. ^ ..ii *1# .<iM j bIi.jh* fr >'u flii. Ii -,= ifi * if ni ’*4 j ftlmtiiil 1* iInin- i*i* m* m iImii I ..'if** f*. *.|iiv nil .nrf.m<*r **>'|)<JH « •!«* I fni'tiiiillnl* i'f llll i' I'm. wliii Ii i*ii 1C 1*4 prwltpti « mifiudt*. Tlw mill nbntlhl • •** ‘ Ih*<I v ith a lllwrnl *ti|i|’!v <>f ttfli u*tl«l in mor-, lliln in i"*—itlnl wlrtTf tli“ »>tl b* 1:1,14 fri^ In hnmn« nt'ii'rttlt**' liiiii** tiii*:il or olln-r sf'<i«l fnrtlllner In m***f»l. nnil rim nur* nfinn nitititiii* tlif '-•'•'I *>f wt****l« Tli»- ffrutititl "IiiiiiIiI In* pl«w«*tl «if n|in*l «*| nut li*nn ..IJfIII Infl*‘-n 'I'fp ft* RiOvIiik nil llm nliiiii'i* mnl .tinllnf ***n• tfiinl mnl tin. -nrf.'ii •• m nl** ;m miuKith n« (nn**illili* ‘I lifii It in i**nilj f**f w*w InX I ini* nf tin- I•**’*! mUtiirt"* fur tb Ini. n i- f-nir p,itt« Is.'iilin M liliu* xr;i«« ullli him- purl uf " till** ' In' *"W n lint If-H llinu ti'i* lui«li»*l*" In ill'- iifi‘>* K.pi ill* jtu-nl n- 'U» nri* u-nxlly uli I.-. III. ■ •<■ nr rmltnp In p1 -*■-«* nf tin- liliu* r i-t nr Willi «*i|tt«t pnrtn nf ri«lii p mnl lilu»* xritiw mid « llltb* V lilt.' i In it *VIll'll mut*MIH* If |i i'tl tlt'il tlin I in' iti futiti* i .iflnr turf flmli iln- i.-ill p lull tl'i’-f imt '■•'in I'H'Inri* iltn; .' if ''i v»**!l In .Irnly pm in. fp. lilt;.' it * ii "X tnlxlnri* I* ••**>*» NnthiiiX l*nt |niff ".'i'll "Innitil t*** '*■ I! |« k i■ M in If with Iln* lu'iil, nut tu n ittir t t*ni llii’ilv uni In I*' in ii| {mrllniiit Hint l utin' up puui ly. Ei1UC"£LS CPRO'jTS. fZ»%y to P « .« a*" ■ Prof t»bU Prop «r I y M ,ii« mu v l»* #**i ^ i ! > ri-fiVN I) In t ’■* Mi. 1 ..»f > fi* •****' v« iP‘!;» I'N* ,» i r < 1»* f I III* I ill » ;| < Imh«* «*f t)|<. « l*t* 1 i fmif I?* Hf«M I of j.i«m!,!4 u ;< f•*ri»i** n immtiH' of :,».«!! • o*4 in riu* mxiM of tlm him! I : ■ IimmiN • •»l«i,'l ejHinil llll'l li Tt’ fit*’ MillllU' li'i’t of Mu* v«i;< hil»Jt« I';*- | -• * i ii\i* in <5** out' or t ■ <• ;' !»♦ • i’l -I 1 • I Tll*‘ I ,i:!.l 1 *• MiHII III Mi* o|MMl | ft |-f j|. i|i} j 4 r.t! \ |i *4 flit* \\*.If III*! Jm’I’ I J* \* l;, | | .. j.: !•», ||f VlH'tf III* Im*4 j M V I I U* ll ;l||w|«l.1»l1i*fl *’| ! t!111111< I * , In <* if . mv. ify four to tfllll V I'l. |KM |f,irt .Mi I llliotlf fVVt» fl'l'l tl | ,ii it ill i lit* row lilt* pltltit 4 •«•*»«! U* ; \M‘II iviit* m I .iff»*i tin' i* !****»» i mot i*tI \. flu* VM, ill |.p ’> t.i-Lfln lo rrmvil i I hr lrt»<r«M *!>..ul‘! l*«* hrokfii from Mm* •-{.•iii fo tri *• ll* 4ui'ill Ih'imIh nn»tv i room A i.■ tv !«•)•*.»* -ImmiIiI Im» Iff* a! fin* fop of fUt* «ft*lli tsliiot* Mm* n»*tt flf llN i iv fol ltM tl In tt ;»*■ i11 i IlniiiftM Ho* phttif* in*iv If | I,,ft hi i11pt*11 u o ml HI w I»*t«*r. tlit* h • M| i I «‘inu m*■ i• • • I * iIm*- jtfil. lull j in n <,to i i IP*. > ml"'- piiiliN M. »' | IV. » II’ I ' III- 'in-'ll UP | tt lii ii n t • » * ‘‘I i i" ! jm;!„ til I pi! of loibir or ll ‘Vnl.l j t!,1 i ! 1.1 .-I- I tv Ml dll*** I , t , I n ‘m»t*t llii'il ^ M • i ; . \ i> I •• Ut‘pt III! | .. . I . , ! ' | 1*11 fl«f !f I VS lit*!. ! Up 4| . • .Mi < It iliil llll’t MM liril* »*» F HU [ARB. A C■ p T s P WjII r ir Vtry Lit *|Mj, | , ( , ; ' i • ! IU *4 ■ Of ii ■; 'I >'! >’f t-'l! Ill llm-'l. I* 11 j|»|t |I : | || *ll.l» I I lilt H of lit*’ I iiuiiii oultUv thst m v*.ifly, iriolrt it ii* t us i- ::n i i very liUKo, Is If*-** to M than m i - *if ii* Ktniff* it*. , <s ■ \ Im 1T(!11^ !|o »r % i ! i !i. I .vine it h’ ,( ■ ■! • k » sit ..gain m mi «1 U.i - ' • • ■ t »!*>'»* tin* «!, >i :! . . 'i ip Kflift* rot «»ft N |» .* ,Si i.* • . , It*.i t tiiu; iilhiut «, I ., ‘ I • ! 1 i . i • '•* »f Ml t lit* stilll* If \v • ’I hi? !« .1 v • III < pall I»t I ho !• - f 'M» 11 i*j * i u i i Ii i - »t* \sUo\v loaf oi \\ lo’iv i )\y i Nf.iik h.ii j>*vi*n ii'ft I II*. 1 , •, * « -Ilf I »• t fort Ml- III it litt p* iit!■< p aiv i ’? i i i -'V I Uo only vt ot v 4U*<1 «»n if ii t.» i oh i \ uft* t wo »r Him i» I: t«• *« t a t!“* «-.t Ml rtwl hut1 || toil I lo ! p (ill' l'*W* 15 to a til mIHH) inn uni** |*rtl IT t i *' ; I !,i* l] IV tip Mini Irliil lht» !!>. i P ‘ ! I III \\ ■ 'll t ' fr? \ o i h * n- i will it lull h If r!t»w ’ »! in I- M>:\ | ’ • 1 • - ' i . \ j (■ . 111 ■ • 11> * it*!* I tibout i t«» * . * .oi at i« mm month Spra> » Potato Tho iiiiiti of ip'M>tut;H Si will !»*• fO * » 11 Li'*' P ’ luk'H l|p|H*tltlN k.m»u*w1mI ti{> * i tin* M'.o.m If rainy t\ 4. t • 11 * * * piti.iis it v> ii: ii’ n*Hv*m»t*> to *pmt to ui fusplontly Ih.m If If l* \ hit not only tMSiium l ho mm nil! tt a >li tho spray ninliflul ofT tin* t-lo-s, ItUf also Ims lit»o itaklit| w oat lift is fax tiniliir H» llio «lfvoittp lllflll of III.- il or IM’ V lP**l |JVllt*Kl rulo Is to iM'irin Mpmylng whou Clio vino* uro hImhu *ii ho In** Inch anti sprat ft **i \ ion iUvn or two mvk* throughout ihf s»*,isau \V J. lira on AMf'fa anc* WaUr. To if row alfalfa nx*» imuhi rtn*t of all a *oll xn lili li N «lrv U> H.1HIIV .»r wbi. |i t* uml« r\lmIf «<» <1in 1 |h»i In tie four l«*l «l«*v|» an«l ttml w* ti»r nx f iiiav know that alfalfa x\ ill not rm\ there Thfiv In an ohl vi.\ nm whioh ♦•\|»ie*&*e*i thU Alfalfa will not CiOXN xx H h xxet fee! " lhoutfh It mvk'* water In a tlooi*er «*oil uml tbe rt**t» .■enetrate v*»\ *h*epl\ in«tee*1 in an old ti«*M \n « t< -I not . \jhm I It to £row wlirit \n 111 * om1* to within tour IM of tho '»tlt i nv Moan v, impure make* a m ni tty, |*i • | 1 \ «vmj iiAion, heaxiaohc*. \ nauM S ttntUe*Nv»n Thin I'Km* l ninkei> j \ on weak \' i > Mvk \ HurtlookHlnMi \>iUer> make* thehk*Ht Hell, ml. pure ‘ fir \' V .a> I k eet?u* Oil i* the t***! ! ro;u- ttv !'i! ill at iKfh‘u fata» 'Ri < ronj) Ma- k*va Um4 with *«ex‘e** in I o- r • v : i Hsfh! venr- —Mr* I. V\ uiU ,v ' •. \ Y CASTOR IA lor It.uuU ai.d Children, Hu K nd You Have Always Bought *« (2L*/r?t£z>M B*»r* t h C 4'iiatur* t Lanrscn Pride * fcy CLARISSA *WCk!E. 4 4* 4 ited 4 f 4* v<«;-4 v444 v444444i- ♦v44*4v4//z S«- motir fr«*v tied iuic<*!t Into the fire ahd rfimpteJ bin U;fir with tmpa j fjc-it finger* * If you iron il listen to reason." be ^ in I .m** jigo but her fin im p hitermpteil her • U • *»»orfe«i eon fern ptooti** Jy There i*» no *«eh word a« re.»«»>n In a woman* voraMiImry *’ Mim Minnon a nr** from her meif gn<) Mijrtrrferf him with eoot hant**»»r You forget yonrwelf. \Ir Hrjraiotjr |t***»* ll»le*r flint JT-9VJ ha\e not now .in*I Drr»*r will li;Mf the right to a lire** rue tu that manner I f**g von will e»cua« me «»ir *J«*»»I night " She av»ej,f from the room while Seymour ar«*<| iniaeraMjr after ti*-r I i *• fen. lift Hen minute* nn«l I’auiln** did not return Then Seymour got upon h •* feet ami. faking hi* hat and nfi loft t!»•* hoU*e with a SrOW of deep injury. *omHw hat tem|M*r**<1 by flu* knowledge lie wan entirely In the wrong If Po!i\ wanted the dining room oil tb‘* south side of the new In mi e they were building, what mat ter? H , it\\ ii n Hlict worn ny *> diniriir roan «»r> the north aide of til.- #, m«* whin* flu* III»r:ir> ot-rtip .*<| th<* Hiitinv e*j»osur** v% !»#•»«► I’.niiim* rotr.f ItiivH blooming plant* In * Jji' window* Mini when* he eotild *♦*«• h« r I #; i I * f Ipm I liemting ov**r h»*r ***w lug when In* looked up from hi* work. What * 'il spirit had t«*ui|>f«A<I him to artne ( Im* «| • ■ ■* i m »ii with her and lo »* ? tike mi tin:ji ntiierl} brute? Now there W-Ml -I I f Ii * i|f <l!J Ilf (timed Ul Ilf l!» !*• ]’» ii ! I tllf **Vt»fiIfi£ ill sop* 11> wreteh*• Mi • J j i:»!'-«m.oh* dignified haste to ♦ iff "'All I M w!h*I«* *hf |imrkfd the ’o-.r I|..f » f * • 11 *11 to h**f pi Mow tiliit f; . i f. \ lijoHi w a ;i ernb •ed oiil l!: \'j, ’ t fJihI in* nil* (find they e osdd in «*r i v married I pon 11• i * relV< t!«fii she > hied more I»l114*rly ! ! v t;«* i In tii >f !»*• r I riff it I *t i i h d ih Jo ! she he r! tie- * S »i- of I hr front »|i»nt mill l!n* f o i r f !« ! f 1 *»*f Jf4 Oil tllf p.i s n > . f il \ i, f i;i!o - i!» ;m o SI;** wit up fiuT^fli illv "I'.ndim I nitiMoii )hi are n lit Mi* f.M, ! »• U'!ui/.f| ' If lloli want* fin* Ii>\ <<u tin south side of tin* liott •>**, w iiiit ilifTfiviif•* i|*k*< it make to urn? Ilf 11.! *4 to w > rk in f 11 • * r* * most of t f.r- <1 \ u 1 ■ tin- 11! I. * - vr mot n is only >i «* 1 ju .. i !iit*,4_ -i 11«I it doesn't mat for uhfif it Is N'niv there wont Im* any IJhtun north or south nor nny dining room nor anything for I fiirirmt ifo lm*h on my won I A I,unison ncu-r doe* that!’ She <o|, .f | I • r-elf ltih> a most tin « ’r nit ship I -t ivlih ti whs broken I y ffotjtifTP hi{ Hfs into wakefulness, am! ?M ho t ;i gray morning dawned \im| ;i!l th«* motii'tr'H am! afternoon* v .■ i »;* i\ after that, f f f’oh S •ynnrtlT itiit n = .f < on |o 111* for panion, am! io-I? her «!U! r.l'tii. • ftit! f! t •- * l. 11 ‘ * n t* nim li \vi - ! It »\f hrotr/iit him ifp«‘llt ant ♦ • lift ♦ ’t 11 v s.’v ' • P* •!,* * iln-t l/iin s«iii pitth*. um! o I,t f »' ’v I Is noy m int It- ii't-i’f I. • i iiinl Kpre -1 his wiolffs to If * * . t o t! * i ■ i mil pi ■ f propfabh* tllislllt . n ■| ■ i t* hv t ti« * now It him* f >dny I 'tin' t I l! It *'i■ ■ r ‘ I' m *! to I {n v in-" nil I *•:*’•«! h o r • n 1 f to armfhot Ih.i-.Im**' from tin* «1:•*!» on I’iiuIm• 11■:* fnl*1t» :*n* 1 ni!»h|i*il It jipprooinllvolv y «• I nhuo’s \ €•!«*- \\ ;i -4 f * ‘ n t and thoro uhh a pink flush In olthor thw'v Yost" lulmh-k»-i! ML Itsi\ !U«!■ 111 pot ulontly “Your In.! i fY«*»•• "a o Is \vo!l ns mim'd !**»!!> linin' hot" I ;;u* * i I I* 11!*■11»* w Ith sudden do- ' on I mnat foil you I 1 I'fi't toll ftiittftn»r son! that Ih>h S.-vuiour and I uio ti *t •’ t - ho in art . I ML: ItnviiM-iMl i‘S-r»d n si pn-ol - hrh»k • 1 \ o -a ! tf d » von \\ 11 \ 1 was t ''■■■£ w!»h I* >h n«*t llvo - Muff i at ops of ,ho now 1o*os»* :inl frotn w I in t ho *n- Sho pans .! with out harms moot no 1 hu-l» d horsolf with tin* hnnhoh d*<h **tV! t did * say ?*’ l'aulluo’s tom* W MS I } 1 \ ISO, l Why now, 11«• ■ *t of oourso I don't ufiilot s*antl anythin:; about tin* mat tor, hut ho salt whnn I hlnfod that I would ko to ip» in r tho h»»*iso ‘Mr* Soy mi • tr w i'l havo that p'oasutv In tho iprlnff' ami ho stin'isl s.> naturally I stlpposont' Sho hH»kisl 01 |-rosslvo \ nt hor frloml “It Is probably sotno ono o 1 so somo othor girl/* siuIUmI Ikmlino stiffly “It might Is*." was tho dl*o<uioortlng roplv “I did so** him talking to Linda Hurton tho othor day. amt Just an I passod thorn Li tula was saying 1 niui'h pro for tho library In grown too' I didn't think anything about It at tho (lino, hut Linda Is tvrtalnly attrao live “l.tuda Is a dear." Rushed I’tullw, |touriu| herself another cup of tea “Well .*’ remarked Kindle practically “of I'm surprised to hear that your engagement Is broken. hut 1 j luuiif *ay thst t.lnda Burton van v>»r I trtia'v nirtkr that house look '.Ike a Hitvun She Is am artist * •‘That la *o," *anl INitllne soberly (m\iiN ire ** After Ktnl’ie li t* mend had fluttered awa> to another tea table and proha bly to other eourtdonces* Pauline fled tv* her own room, \% here she spent a very quiet hour 1‘hcn just as the dusk we falling she donned her wraj*a and crept out of tin* h«*use and along the avenue to tt »t peasant croaa p ivrt wfccrec; >t« ,d hou>e of dis* ► < " i-v;, the I that l - 1 i*o« :i built a tth jv've as advfxef ami an'lutwt 1‘;, appt >,(‘ hed :t ? nkt y fr»>ai * S « t: \t \ I. > > * . ,« d= • •• | A. a i#w;i freer, and atrah^e to re'.a’e t ! IHunonato.) from top to 1 ;!t u and I there wore people uto* 1 • ^ i. ] s ie She «Ut*tasi a- street &v A 1 entrred the yard Ale g the north vr;U! * of the house ran a !‘a&gecf to the rear, aud a hen she had «a;ked ataujt fhta path she found herself direct iy botnaith a brightly hgiued bow u .u- ‘ dov\ > <• vv .: , v •‘This is tv* be the library. i.i da J naM Boh Seymour* tohMsv a ad it a lii be gr*~**Q of ' 0*1 f <#* ”* \ • . .ijv / -2 ' -• »**. Bo'i !n mini this room for the ill«r^ry The soul!) T'*>ui in much more suitaMe." ‘•pony piannrt) !f this wajr. add I war;t I? to !** >^ta fly »* <*> wish**.” The* was an obsttusfr note in Bob’s voice tb;if Pauline knew well. »Sb<» ut ! tered a i** wlhb-red utfje *t*«P **t tb* comi^ka'i iiifi of the altuat^MJ “Very lands < heerfulfy “I only wist* Polly ■+*•?*• here to srhe her opinion alxmt that *h»de *rf tff***en But I »in wry srratef'il to you. Bob. for j (thing in#* on oppurtnutty to display my talent* a* a pr»f**« decorator I * iibail boj** for hi* *cal*n<*he of owlm j after this Why don't )<w run up and get Polly? HV could decide all tbes** . puzzling matter* at once.** "l don’t believe mb# < ouhl come dow n ; this evening.” caii*** Bob''« cot. t* era ■i 1' y sad ratter (Itiwaliiillf P*®* I fine choked lie wo clinging to a fas* hoj»e that she would releaf before ft | waa too lata He was comforting him aelf with the hope that their engage ment was not forma y broken. ( A moment later *be found her*«»i? | speeding through the wM# ball Into the library. She sllpfH*d her band tbrough Bob’* arm and ibe-f< !t bla start of aur prise and then the a rrn firm pressure of hi* hand upon uer own. “I earne (low 11 to help choose the dec oratlona. Bob,” she «* i 1 breathlessly. “<Jood! Now ecer’ fb;ng will I** all right!” exclaimed Linda guyly. a rel so It w as A Rule For Dramatists. A dramatist uniat never keep • se cret from hi* attdi* *•. although this is one of the fa von devices of the novelist I>*< us suppose for a moment that tlw* *]*-• fa tors were not let into the secret of Hero’s pretty plot in •‘Much Ado." to bring Beatrice and Benedick together Suppose that. like the heroine and the hero, they were led to believe that each was truly in love with the other The inevitable revela tion of this error w shock of surprise th scatter their attenthu were luiwy making conception of tio vi111 have no eyes t■* r < g» rig on up ui 1! - the true ch ifjo fer often hidden untt tl through; then ws come* the reader ha* think hack and see n been deceived 1*1* must he know n t - h tlr-f entrance The the play may tie kept the Inst net. hut know the secret all *! any situntion w hh h *»' suffering from « n< k edge as the nudlctr *• win s prottures it ?. stage The sp»*cta!nr ! a go's villainy and Mama * innncein e I * he nearly so strong they were kept Iglml North Aineri* an i!> * otild produce a it would utterly and w Idle they er their former it ton they would - for nil a t was - • a hypocrite I* » iKMik i* nearly the r oe! -! ' » n efify of time to I \ deftly he ha* | i n play a rogue a rogue at hi- j ier < hnra' tens u n the dark unti audien- e must ie time In far t lows a eharai tet of such know! holds secure :iI g nffect Upon th* *. are aware of , !i . w ■ f f >» sde I. • \ \vn d It* t if like M? hello t of the trutll - Apostrophe to a O-ampon Cow Ifni «» rt»: »*r of th. ti » mail rti o! II\V > t «-!i»*\vor of rmtf f l-'Ms ( I' f ■ i *• o ! o[h*ii air l*o :<ix ai i * ■ irhr. im l o*4|»e rial.> l*!*,v<> tl '« f • • of lirr w. vIrIl iJK !‘ : i'r >• . r \ < IJ»’* i* that ini!iti* you lot. < : *:* ? rlrrupiun • if flu- world1 ptMMjtH of m ! at i hiui) vt 1 t hi* I • U of uh too ill in * viu of*. * * ; y a nil n ! o ■ of fat! ■ srn a*:il If*. • ■ with «*o I 9 Th* y Thrv Hu y Not r t Not • N t »! \ -• HI |0P 4 H ’ I I I K i :t*ul n hint* .*< .t 11.. i •tk<* In th* i m« *t< k disrtissj' G *1 s.'WI. »i'*t «»n*» la <\ ;he mania >f own* -.1 another nor i*» » is Ulrti! - isftmia of > ■ irs tjjo t »bit* or unh * t*py <»\ »*r »rth. t it- * * \\ l i 'a- ai .if 11 >:ncr we-o our (in n, i . «. ! \ •• i i taste i.i eelel r ate I1..- f. .it-. . iiiirals nml presidents | n I .1 unMinliulros mi l w.ui.d (a i .! ) in Ii. . I.i lilt cm, for she li\ r a.- .. .... l.-.l mliiht tin snip; air! I'. 11 hies (his mirth Co.-ier's \\ n ti: i A Samcn In Rhyme. An I «. .•rniii: parson who v i I ' leu the Suinhiv tnori' r „■ ' -i , * ■ that lie tiilsht Join * . |i s (1e!: i ervil the ! . -I • .• ;i n«*t M>rnmn mi tee .! ■ . . e l.” lie silhl "the >V . . I •! ■ : (Ii- eei“e this liuirniiu; Is 1 , t s: ilivkle it Into three parts .. ! :i . • usjoii tirst man's ti Rt..»s t» t\ • w l; umiiiil mini s pros iv>. tin, ' ■ world. third, man'* egress fr f.e v rid and to con el de tiKie > 'e after departure M ■ !n*n *s t.> lift is naked and bare M.o. s :■• . .. through life la trouble Man s i;r».*s from lift* la nobody knows is her. If n- ..we' here we will do well there I cou; I ■ i - . no more if I preaehed a o.iow year ' - Post r. * > Why It Succeeds Because It’s for One Thing Only, and Putnam People Appreciate This. Nothing oan t>e good tor everythin* lk>ing one thin* well brin** auceeaa. IVuui's Kidney Tills do one thin* only. They cure sick kidneys. They cti re Imck ache .every kidney ill. Here i> Tutnam evidence to prove it. t larence 1! Titus, of -tl Woodstock avenue I’.i : c *t onn., say* "M\ knowledstt of the great value of PoattN j Kidney l‘: ■> based on the e\|<ert j rus \ |.f her. He sufl^red from j kidney com|daint for some time and : w S' v n li.ied by any of the reii'.c i'. 1 He Ivtin taking Itosn - K i,lute I'i proewired at llfessef ■. > d :c - eul they did him so much i if. - .I that he would not be without I i»e. t know of many j other j« who have i>een cured of | ku.l y i y |i;e use of I V I Kidnt v IS v T -a e y all dealer* Trice *> , nils, I ,!e’ Milburu t*o. i Hu ft a lo. | ew Yosk,>o.e agee11 for the fuited 1 tates.'s- the naiu*— IXvaa's—and ! take no other. 1 WHAT'S IH1 tSt? Why i« man iwra * *t» P,.,-:, ■;*. . . ■ t I ■ K *'• Ant V- * * — ‘ • ’ I: c a.of < * Hoard fists' everythlMS 'sirs noth The (jtiaftif tut y lust of the Ta : :u I i’ i go*i one fur this <1.1 V in■ 1 ail*- a; ajf** of tcrnspinit eommeroht' ism Seine <«ii- Imo apt It named tin* ilHjw gltion of modem uten to jrit'ior to themselves more wealth than they oee<l or <-a» tine it "money madness.' There* method In that madness Note the (-tinning of the monoferflst trho gathers to himself file wai * anil •neitns of proiluetlon See ho-.v hi* ‘-on verging line* of tranapnrtatlon ;<n<l hi* wati-hfnl eieentlon matoh that of the spider that weaves Ilia i-otiverglng neia* ami hires his vletltn Money mail. the-»* moderns Ami some of them. like I ll ll a ties In n tell, grasp at the straws of their mat tin* to weave them Into a golden errin n Ami s i n*- of them grasp at the motes In the ;;!r of f!i -!r (lusty '-ells reeking siihstitnee Soar of them rnv age tin* w or hi mil roll their fellows ttfMoe steal from earth an*! sea ind sky p line sell their soil - to the ilevll 1.1stI.n to the mari-lting i horns of tin ?non»t ptni'es. !'••• grunting. sweat? • horns of trrah "nth gfrah! J’lMlf ftMt s | Yf»t a lift’*’ whi!#* .'Mi l th? ‘ fhall away Who thr*n. fin th’tliT* t ' T'l ”■ r : V *•*.*.*! ill till* I * »f of it !i» in* wiM «;n:r r*»l mf*r if. li" r t: " i »»n • • fun* 1 -s. aid t r » !:•'» d ' *' <0 ' snr|iluM \v»*:ilth l»ri> !<-n>t •• t*r tu< "npr h Kvpn non ^ v •' ' f°r f ' ar*t s* •• •*•••*) <f I :r V ! on 1h fl«f* r,f f !-, • 1 i’111/1 T i* * *li rolnx ?!»♦*»■ i t * • * * i! s f *»* tn«. I* > *r f.v»‘ ■: Our I*: iff \fur -* >.-• «*’i j»hr thn >t 'sS.M i 1 wnr.’.i (itir >r - t->’* vver • a •< - * .. ) f.» \ 1 h*-n* nr? no [>*> .••*• i» *hr«tutls *’ fools! So »n fti«* —ii i > hand ‘ ’i cunnlvuT hti 1 the lyiusr tone •* ' leave to the r«v>f f*f it** iiio'tth In tin* InnsMnift* of the street: What's th“ use? FOUR GIRLS Restored to Health hy Lydia K. Pink ham’* Vegetable Compound. Read What They Jay. Ml«w Lillian Roan. 530 Faul ©4th Street. New Y <rh. writer “ Lydia E. Pnikharn’* Vegeta ble Compound over came irregularities. Pe riodic iurtering, and nervous headaches, fter everything el>e failed to1 r er^urf. rn A Sbdtl el. lv. mppre ’ Lydia E. Pinkh.♦’»»'* Y*-g*-laMd Compound made use and gtit»i»g.” Mi'i Ellen M. Olson, of 417 N East St., K*v an»**\ 111., •uy* " Ly dia E Piukham''* Vege table Coin pound cured mo of ba< ka< he, side ache, and established my periods, after tiie best 1>« al doctors had failed to help me.” FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN. For thirty years Lydia E. Pink ham’s Vegetable Oonii»>und, made from roots and herbs, has been the standard remedy for female ills, and has positively cured thousands of women who have been troubled with displacements, inflammation, ul<v ra tion, fibroid tumors, irregularities, j» ri site p;uns, inn kaehe, that U-ar ltiK-dmvtt feeiimr, tiatulency.indiaes t ii m,di7ziness, or nervous prostration. Why don’t you try if t Mrs. Pinkhnni invites all sick women to write her for advice. She has cooled thousands to health. Address, Lynn, 'lass. W.H. Mansfield& Co SELL King Arthur Flour To Rent room tenement on Se)u>>; -Tool Putnam In-, lire at SH ScIkm) *irw t, or oi Jame* .V N10! ^ 1 * am t - os. i ; To Rent Pta Wag! at Jgf t room :J4x », floor ."' dock. rent moderate. Inquire TourteihMte, trustee. iMtf •‘Fruit Pruning Po»drr" Ha-* a reputation of over 4n .'far' -Ianding. Guaranteed under t ,o rood aril Drug* it i» ladeles* and will preserve *1 quart* of Fruit or n, tines- Mi»ne\ refunded >. not satis factory . Price -V- a bot.thwfm f 1 ■ Agent vv anted- K. Hecor,_*>4 \\ illougii fo\ Ave.. Brooklyn. N t *p Wanted Agents to introduce a high grade household necessity into every home. < J iieU sales, -in f<er cent, profit. r<>r information. Narragam-ett supply to. ]pit North Main street. Providence, K. ^s-.aip A Reliable Remedy FOR CATARRH Ely’s Cream Balm it quick >i i Cum Reset at One*. It cleanses, soothes, heals sul pro's eta the diseased mem- - . I,rune resulting fr> m Catarrh and driv aw*y a( old m the Head quickly. Restores the Senses of Ta-:e and Smell. Full -ice .-el eta. St IXTiggists or by mail, liquid Cream Balm f r u-e in at. .mller* 7o cts. Elv Hr->thers, jfi Warren Street. N-s lork. OUTLOOK NEWSPAPER, and for the eighteen years has been the LE A DING N A T I ON A L MEDICM for Classified Ad vertising. If you are an advertiser, let us convince you that our Classified Department is all we claim for it: the best, th<* past longest established, at d the most responsive in the maga zine field. Send for full information and a specimen copy of I Ilf'. ()U TECH >K, 2S7 I ourth ave., New Vork. For Sale In order to close the estate of A de lard I ail lev, I \*ill sell at private sale, tin* home place, consilium of a lot. house and two harns, corner of School and Max ■dreets. Impure of Kdward \Vright. h»tf 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Patents Designs Copyrights Ac. • find : nfinniimf i /.. »»■» " ' . - ‘l • 10' V. T I'.UB r "... *-Ht r.f i<«r ••"■urtsijr 1\, . > ■. , i. • i Mu. A, i u. ruc*lvf fj nil > utCIjMVe. lu t Ml SiUwCic Jlmeilcaa. A h-»?H1*..' '» ri>r':!f. / ircwt Hr Cl f !.!•▼ - ■ 1.1 • l a \ I wt. MUNN & Go.3C?Broa<lw*’'- New York Minch Offlco. '■ “I ,, Wnihlniu -a. 1). C. -V.' riJSf ! ARXER i> *V.'> ha;:; i? At.saw t ;S " & • • ' & ut Dru^' -tV 10-: l'ive WOrking' Horses for Sale :i( our K. S Hr nee farm.l’omfret Hand ing. Iii'iuire of J. W Whipple mi the premise'. The I hilil l.umlier ( or|a> ralion, l’utnam. -4 For Sale i THO' PSON, CONN. ( oii'i'Umt oiAm nerts ant buildings, formerly known a» l>;iv, Sibley and ttaker tarni'. all or part, also:'landing gra", cow pig'. hard wood and hay for sale at reasonable price', tine dwelling lioii'C furnished with steam heat, eieetric light, hath room and run ning water, for sale with two acres of land or more. Also house and Al acres near Thomp son station an t V 1!. Hearn's premis es. 1'tilf First National Bank — or — PUTNAM. CONN. CAPITAL. - S150.000 SURPLUS S60.000. Safe Deposit Boxes for Rent Drafts Issued on all Foreign Countries United States Depositary. l il ts. H. Brown, President, J K. t'ARPKSTBR, Vice-President li. H. Oilpatric, ( ashier. Home Memories a ©cob €*ID Countrp &torr bp <£li ivirUrr Even orst is reading it. If you are nor, you are behind the times. C rmcs su_v it is the best story of rural life that has been written for years. I* is neath bound m dark creen an.: g"id. contains 430 pages, and soils for $1.50. -Mention this paper and we wili 'y j wmi cops at the special rate of $1 .CAL Postpaid. R- G. Badger, Publisher •v* Bosiston Street, Boston Trolley Time Table The Consolidated Railway Cn EFFECTIVE JI I.Y 1.19* J Time (riven tor car, le»v Fmat M»in Street lienee Putnnro for Worcester tad icterme*. ate .tops at *3.17, *6.07,17-35 a. m., Iw ^ u tl 11.55 * m - balf hourly ; 545 f s hourly until 8 56 p. m. l*e»v J'Vweater r » Hall)'at 8.15 a m.. ami loath uatii 9.16e « Time 2 hoars and 20 minutea; fare CJceau. Leuve Putnam for Webster aud interne,!*, •tops at *7 17, *8 07 a. m., *7 55 a. a., ^ hourlj until 11.43*. m., halt urlr a»ti| i » p. m. and then hou ly nntii 9.55 p.m. KetsP aintf. leave Webste at *8.' 0 a. m . 7.1! a. ». and hourl tint! 12.45 p. m.. half hoarlv ,t..i 7.43 p. m.. then bourlv until 10.45 p. B. ' 20 cents Leave Putnam for Dayville md ntinaef:. , stops at *6.86 »• m. and bourlv f.. reader ,r 13(5 p. m.. half hourly urtil 8 55 p m , ^ hourlx until 11.35 p. tn. Returning, Dayville at *5.00, 5.45 a. m. 6.10 a. eille tear house,; 7-28 a m.. and hoarlv 8„o 1.28 p. m , ba fhouilv until 7.2!< p. until 10.28 p. m. Fare 10 cent,. Leave Putnam for Danielson *tx0.3t,. ^ then hourly till 1.33 p. m., (mil L'liriy ontii L5 p. m.. hourly until 10.35 p. ,n. Returning lent l)anielsou at t".10 a. rn. and 'torn bouihr,^ 1.10 p. m.. halt hourly until 7.10 p. n„ howrr until 10.10 p. tn. Fare 15 cents. Leave Putnam fot Central Village and :cv mediate stops at *6.33 a rn. and tiontiv tunj 135 p. m.. halt houilv until 7 35 p. u./bot-, until #315 p. m. Returning, leave Centra] V#. lage at*6.15 a. m., 7.45 a. m,, bouili thereafav half hourly until 041a. a hoi.rly anti! 9.43 p. m. Fare'25 cents. a)!^b connect at ('ertral Village for Moo.up. File! cents. Leave Norwich for Putnam a' ' .to a. m., trj hourly uni 1 8.45 p. m. Fare 55 . m>ts. Putnam and Providence Leave Putnam for Providence and way po!:a at 6.3ft a. ms changing at Eimville oo ur*g the Providence and Daim-isoti Kail way, letriat Ktmville ,at 6.45 am* s.45 a. m. and hou dr thereafter to and including 6 4* . Retu-> ieg, leave Market Square, Pn-\Motce, *5.44 a. m. aud boinly the’eaiUr to 3.40 p. m..tug 5.45 p. rn. Fare 75 cents*. •l>ocs not run Sundays. {Sundays, one hour later. x Sundays 2 boors later. All southbound cars connect at < ntr»l V3 lage with cars tor Moosup Above table subject to change w:tboatBstiec a»arj th« Tla Hinil You Haw Sa.b to* “T* Putnam Mail Setvia 1908. POST OFFICE OPEN Frum 6.30 a. m. to 8 p. m. Sunday*.from 8.30 to 9.30 a. m. The lobby m| remain open to Lock Hot holdei* until 12 a. Holidays from 6.30 to 12 in..''.30 to 7 p.m Carrier^ window openSundays from 8.30to9J MONEY ORDER DIVISION Open from s a. at. to 6 p. m., tlo*ed on Sun* ■ iavs and Legal Holiday*. Registry 1 >ivi'»i«»u open during of e hours 1.1 1.1 \ KHIK* Bv < 'it v Csti’.ier* Dalv. inlays and llollday*. • V ; .1 N i’.-i 4.U‘ p. pi. , aii 1 1.05 i. in. in tin ■ - • Section One deliver* by t i v Can ■ ’« * :i iluiidaya, HOT in* Oi r*»LI.M IT »>S 1 F' - u iho >t reet Lett B >\» - Sundays tai Hoii i.iv - « TOCpti >i. ai d Do- ' lies. II* >1 l.»fr NT 1 A L i ION Co lie* lion*. I>e>patthei 6.15 to 6 40 a. n .. mail dispimh* 1 *t7.10a. a. S. ;o loll :>1» a. m., »• •* 12.15" 4.:;o ::n ... ui., *• *' “ 7.45 p.a FR« NT A > I> ELM STREET BOX 6.15 a. m., 10.00 a. nt , 11 15 a. u».f 3 30 a. in., 5 0o p. in., mail despatched it 7 1® 4. a. • 10.10 •* •• 12.15 “ •• 3.35 p. nu •• 7.45 •* It! 1C\I. FREE 1>ELI\ FRY. Routes No. 1 and 2. Rural arrier-» lt a\«- daily, (Sundays and Hob .‘a* > ex* epted'at S.lOa. m , retu : at3.10p.fc Madahle matter, weighing 4 mmui'Is or if* > ut by Rural Carrieri must be tvparedt* 'tamps affixed. MAILS OPEN* FROM Boston, New York, 11 a it ford i all poiEfc north, east, south and we** r 8 15 a. m. Boston, 8.15, 10.45 a. in.. 3.45, t. * p. m. hanielson. 8, 11 a. in., 3.45 p m. Norwich, 8, 11 a. m , 3.45, 6.05 r . m. Hartford, 8,11 a. in., 4.10, 6.45 p. ra. New York, 8. 11 a. in., 4.10. 6.»11 m Worcester, 8.15 a. iu., 6.05 p. iu. Webster, 8.15 a. ui., 6.05 }». m. WUlimautie, 8.00, 11 a. in., 4.10 p. m. Suiuiaxs from all points 8.30 a. : MAILS CLOSE H>K Boston,7.10. 10.10 a. m.,12.15. : .5.3$J.4lpJk Danielson, 7.40. 10.10 a. rn., 5 5 5, 7.45 p. Hart fold, 7.40, 10.10 a. m., 5.55 7 »’ p. in New York, 7.40, 10.10 a. in., 3.15.5 35j.45p.B New Haven, 7.40. 10.10 a. ru., * .5. 7.4c p. a Norwich, 7.40, 10.10 a. m., 5.35. 7.45 ♦». m Willimantic, 7.10, 10.10 a. m.. 5. 5. 7 45 p. »• Worcester, 7.10, 10.10 a. m., 3 35, 5.35,7.45? West and Southern States, 7.10 7 40, 10.10, *• m., 3.15, 3.35, 5-15, 7.45 p. m. Worcester aud New London, North, "*J tions, 7.10 a. m., 3.35 p. m. Worcester and New London, South, Way tious, 7.40 a. m., 5.35 pm. ... Boston ami Hartford, East, Way Station*. <•** Boston and Hartford West, War station*! 5Ji p. m. . t* Boston and Pough., East, Way Station*, ** Boston aod Pough., West, Way Station*. ^ a. m. .e. Boston, Providence and New York, Eait, ” Stations, 10.10* Woodstock*. Westtord and Eastford, by 10.30 a. m A .. _ Woodstock*, Sooth, North, East, 10.3# fc •* 5..35 p. m. , Pomtret, 8.00 a. m., 5.35 p. m., by ***£•* Nights for all points 7.45 p. m. Sundavs for all points, 3-30 p. m. TRANK C. LETTERS. PmI TlePutoaio Sprit* to Chaliense the World A. S. DAVIS, Mariner. Telephone 144—1 fali-iiim Cartxmate. Mul'Di. ,! nm rarbooafe.... Sc i; o Hi I'altmuate. 8odium ( o.i-'ride. Sc.hiua Sulphate. ho- uni Nitrate. Pi ' Suirnate. S'lie*. it\ ,1, of ]iod and Alum. Volatile and Organic... Total T' -*1 Solid RosUilie on Ev t. tw r. >. In ...SU* .IB Id " ■' at a* ■“ .tin "* *u "■ ,tW ;;; ** IJS» SUHB* - real * ft w» akn t* Vm>T» truly, HERBERT E. ~M