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in savage atuaze :e>l if lit* ears l'a,l not Bennett bad always ,ts with uniform cour • gan belouged to the ,>s who do not uuder ate the difference la reeding and weak cow a man should s|n-ak to and not interlard his obscenity or rough Horrigun. as it does to >r. an evidence of ti ^T*“n,t v k of virility. A l>amas u far more harmless look 2 »W,-n tban a bludgeon, yet it is 3,* when the necessity arises of fir deadlier work ", ifl(,„'T the man whose gentleness ‘ Dot rt" l,e stren*rt!l as i,s fol,nda ”'5 wbo deserves tiie newly popular ttrm of “mollycoddle.” Ha() H or rt gaQ's large experience leen eiteuded to embrace be w nuld probably never have «Tted out Alw.rn Bennett in the first r,rt 8, candidate for mayor nor Laied the younger man a fit tool for at organisation's crooked work. The pienrb sohle* of the old regime, whose ' ,b of manner was the envy of the ,,r,d. fought ke devils on occasion r(i went to (tenth on the scaffold wftb , mile and a jest on their lips, while B? a t,ratal demagogue in the same niwmstaiices broke down and scream „( (br mercy However. Horrigan cksaeed to he more familiar with the (c.irv of the organization than with t6 , 0f prate e hence, deeming Beu replv a : re sporadic flash of d- cia'-e from a ; roperly cowed spirit, i ved to crush the rebellion at a tr. to Imn't S’ irul. “1 Moreover.” < i' tt as though >ktn. "I sli.t: ■ futtire yon ' trail of hurst i private office. Dn you i I've exi-.-t "••! as dearly as I can what I mean. If yon don't under itiad me I can't supply you with In ’Beiuiett." said the boss, his burn tag rage steadied down to a white best far more dangerous, but less In wbetent. "yon and me are talking too Hu.b and saying too little. We've K"t some to a showdown. You're a clev twy aud you made a rattling good lpt:t and you're on the right side of public and of the press too. You're lest material we've got. and if you try and do the right tiling there's no licit to shot you can rise to—but only yon do the right tiling.” ■'The right thing.’" echoed Pen nett hat do you mean by the right ngr '! mean yon’ve got to do the right ::,g bv ttie men who put you where are today " But w ho *pnt me where tn f e any insolence!” he stand for it. and”— y continued Ben i t lie boss had not be very much obliged will knock at my door g in on me. This is ■t yours.” "That's fair, is today ?'" 1 did—1. I>i ard of you t !y if ’I d; « did. I'd !il The voters k Horrignn. Who ever 1 took you up? No n't make you mayor, e to know?” Ttie people of this The voters." scoffed Horrignn. “The ie they did! W ho had yon nomi «ir A m did But it was the public who tel me. and I'm going to oliey 'fur orders In one thin*. I'm going to fhe right thing by the men who t tre where I am today.’ I*tn going pay the voters fur their trust In me fivln* them a fair and sijunre ad r stration la the case of this Bor irh Street railway franchise bill, for tapping the document lying —re him on his desk, "before I sign t Nil | intend to make sure it's for food of ti e tieopie, that it is for S'Jod of the city, not merely for g'«l of isi. hard Horrigan and a d'le of his frii tit a wear. If a "0 this niui *led with me •arms| is eieeteii I s[ : - As for lii 'As for , | ■ -f - s*v ,i gi ll doaf Wei,r Ms ami heelers. No. do you no good. I'm er If you're discon ifs your own faint. nils ago that if I ■ . d keep my oath of - Borough hill” — rough bill.” broke In y. "you'll sign it. If due I Bennett, as t lie boss lsed. choked oy his own fury, "if *i«it sign it—what then?" *•'yw don't, your political career Is from tli . time on. Sec? It's Smashed flat. You think of lri*lf as a tine promising young whoa on the r«ead to the gov ®**b‘P and maybe to the White '**■ "el. you areu't You're what ’ Horngan made you. aud your •t* »!,. i* what Dick Horrignn **** ,0 make it. I lifted you up, '3L iear you down just as easy. "- what's more, by -, I'll do it If * dot, t alp.;, the Borough hill. I’m 11 “f my word and before ever were Uoi: aated 1 pledged my ^ to have that bill put through 11 IW'd Jour election expenses. 1 J15"** own election expense*. 1 that " '»k p*rx*'Lal expense*, perbap*. , *!0 M;'i for parades, hall*, ban * Br**orts. speaker*, advertise , _ *'jr^r> and watchers and all er a; mn things that elected he Ben tiehind that Borough them And they did it on the !o >uu d »l*a the bill." ^othec «iorda," remarked Ben .• ,’*J ffi;; le a bargain for me. cant keep it.” “ rn t 1 »at Mil Ton’ll ilorr. * *!<*<• Ph Th: Urn, if i '«*T ■ it all right r vuu’ir— exclaimed Bennett temfier with more and “you said something '■'ir coming to a show ;!ie time for it I want “r henceforth that I , * collar—your* or any that you can't deliver “ l<itrgaiued for in my ’hat : ill. it trou t he • **. l ot liecuuse 1 think it right." *•' !•««!;• 1 Horrignn. »tiot:i- *1 , he licgan to tlie drift of the oth ! er s mind. ' I don't hold out fur that. I d.11 t care why you Mgu it as long as you do sign it.1’ •■W! it do you think aliout the td l yourself?" impimed Alwjn. "L*o you I consider It honest?" "What do I care? It's gut to he signed. and" — "1 cure And I think the bill is fraudulent." “(Setting tender in the conscience, aren't you? Weil*’— "If you put it that tray. yes. 1 think this Borough tiiii is crooked from tlrst to last. But"— “What's the matter with It? Ain't”— “l-et me explain," pursued Alnyn “This bill gives the Borough Street Railway company the right to use whatever motive power they cho<«e to It gives them the right to charge tive cent fares without any transfers. In one paragraph there's a clause permit ting them to build a subway If they want one. By another paragraph's con cessions they can build a conduit and lease it out for telephone or telegraph wires. By another they cau do an ex press business. But ail these provi sions are as nothing compared to tlie fact that the bill gives the streets a love and below ground to t lie Bor ough company forever and ever—not for a term of years, but uutil the end nf the world. It delivers that route to the company not only for our time, but for always, and binds us and our de scendants to its terms That is the chief outrage of the whole thing. To think that the"— ■'< >li. we ve got h bowling reformer lu tlio mayor's seat, have we?" sciitcd Horrigun. "If I'd known that"— “The people have not a man who Is _ trying to protect their rights and p erty. Here's a letter I received to day. You'll recognize the name of the i capitalist who wrote it. You know h Is honest as well as wise. This is his proposition: lie will pay for that same franchise, give the city 10 Iter cent of the gross receipts and turn over the whole plant to it at the end of fifty years. What do you think of that?” ‘ It’s a fake” “it is a hona fide oiler. He volun teers to deposit Sl.nOO.OOO to hind the bargain. Now. what 1 want to ask yon. Mr. Horrlgan. is this: If the fran chise is worth .$'2,000,000. why are you and your faction iu the board of aider men so anxious to give it away for nothing?” "Look here!” blustered the boss "I am looking.” returned Bennett “I've iteen looking deejter into it titan, you realize. I asked you a question just now I'll answer it myself iti one word -‘draft!’ That is why you want to give away a franchise that is worth t'!»'it.'‘ “Graft!” snorted IIorrigan contemptu ously. “The same old reformer howl! What's your itiea of graft anyway?" “Graft is unearned increment. Money to which the recipient has no legal or moral right That is”— “So! Then show me the man who ain’t a grafter! A lawyer shows his client how to evade the law. and he takes a fee for doing it What's that but graft? A magazine takes pay for printing an advertisement its editors know is a fake. What's that? Graft! When a congressman votes for an ap propriation because another congress man has agreed to vote for one of his. what’s that? draft! When a five thousand a year senator retires at the end of ten years worth a million, w hat s that? Graft! A police captain on $2. 750 a year buys yachts and country estate*, draft! How about the rail road president who gets stock free in h corporation that ships ow-r his road or the insurance man or banker who gives or takes fat loans on fancy se entities and clears 1.000 per cent? j drafters, all of 'em! drafters' Every one grafts w ho can or who nut t t<» > stupid Show me a man who doesn't graft and I'll show you a fool. Present co:np:iu> not excepted. ••That's where you're wrong." return e,l Alyvvn. ignoring the slur and speak ing with n judicial quiet oddly at con trust W ith the' vehemence "T *'• unin who said Honesty is the best [s*l ley' knew what he was talking about, it pays !>est not only hereafter, hut here as wel 1 Why did Missouri choc>se Folk for governor? Because in spi>e of his faults he is honest. " hy was Ha I'olletle sent to the senate froui Wisconsin? Because, faults and all. be was honest. Why dhl the people of this country make Ibs-sevelt their pres idonf* Were they blind to his faults su'd foibles? No. but they knew be was honest! 1 am honest 'I bis^ bill Isn't. That Is why I won't sign it ••You won't, eh?” roared Horrlgnn “Tbeu veto it: Veto It if you dare. I It not onlv smash your political career, but I'll pass the bill over your veto That'll show you pretty well bow you and me stand as to [«ower In the city I'll make von the laughingstock of tba administration by taking the whola thing out of your hands and passing it in spite of yon -' • I doubt it." answered Bennett pal ing. but meeting coolly the fiery wrath In Horrigan's little red eyes. "I intend to tight your Borough bill In the a der mauic chamber nud outside that conn - ».ui mpr hit veto 1 *J right " "One thing more. ling more. Mr Horrigan 1 :.ii to lieliere there i* bribery itter. I'll ferret out the name man who gives <* t*ke® * a t> to el II. you lair. st "Then. Mr |{. frtn. who i-i rr > the man j : h ,v Mr t hare s \\ in g:.-i V ■ .’re try u „• |(, He leaned hcu k ! . not, bis r- . 11 Uiv>\e»l lie ■;:>< e. gave uo b ut of what lay beneath "Bc»;d**v went on H irriirtn. eager to press bis advantage, ‘'every cent t. uucie of the the effect of face of M:-s Wain »right s fortune and of her broth er s has Uvn p it by Walnwrighl into Borough stock if the franchise Is ts-at eu. that stock will collapse mu) Miss Wain wright will I s' a pauper. You'll lieggnr the girl you're tu love with atid her young brother If “A'mr ahc<uf ami you veto that bill. d 11 iu you Hfcc,r sui.i Uorrlgnn. Now goalwadaud do as you like.” It was Horrlgan's trump cant, ami he had played it well. White, si lent. Bennett walked I nick to his desk. The fight seemed all knocked out of him Heavily lie moved, like a man overexhausted. Picking up a pen. he wrote rapidly, then cast aside tile poll, crossed to the w indow and looked out into the snowy, crowded park. ••Y.«u've signed the billV” cried IIor rig in in delight. "I've vetoed it.” replied Bennett. rn \i'Ti:u \ 11 T 11 C 1..«s is turu>><) down Tins startling news flew lightning i:ts-1 to overt quarter of the organization ami in its wake spread a trail of incredulous amaze Kveiv member, from alderman to "heeler,” knew win Horrigan had made ltemiett major That the latter should turn against his iteuefaetor sfemed not on it black Ingratitude. hut something akin to insanity. for it ap parently spelled political suicide for the young man. While neither of the disputants had repeated the details of the quarrel, vet those details with many another were already passing from mouth to mouth in the mysterious fashion wherein the closest kept secrets are divulged and enlarged on. In the tiuuuclal world, too, the veto came «s a bombshell Borough Street railway stock fell with a thud that shook more than one colos sal fortune Bennett—central point of the whole upheaval—was the calmest man of all who were involved He hud chosen his course, ami tic was follow lug it with a dogged quiet far more dangerous titan any loud mouthed bins ter He had laid out a cam)sign, and that campaign he rigidly followed His first step was to send for Berry Wainu l ight early in the morning fol lowing the clash with Horrigan and. under strict pledge of secrecy to ev plain the whole complicated affair to that very bewildered young man "You're all right.! You're all the goods!" crowed I’erry In genuine admiration "But why didn't you liackheel Horngan and throw him downstairs?” "I think I did." said Bennett dryly. “I think I'm still doing it. That's why I sent for you today " "Want me to lick him for you?" ask ed Perry In delight “He's a bit over niy weight, but I wouldn't mind past ing’— “No." interrupted Bennett, amused at tlie lad's vehemence "1 want you t« play tlie melodramatic brother and protect your sister " Say." snorted Berry, all the light mss gone not of Ids manner and his young frame stiffening ominously, "d'vou mean to say Hie ctir is framing uji any game on Jiaiias? i"— Sit down." ordered "and try t,, aw a Iiat little human Intelligence you may have. I've got to have your heip. and what use are you when all you can think of is getting thrashed by somebody ? Sit down now and listeu to U1C. • Perry meekly ot»*ycd the new note of command in hi* friend * voice, and Bennett resumed: -your unrle has tried to hamper me by putting all your fortune and Imlias’ into Borough Street railway stock. The new* of my veto will reach the exchange almost at once. That wi.l cause a slump in Borough stock. If llorrlgan fails to carry the till! through over my head—atid he will fail if I can possibly block him—that will mean the practical collapse of the stock. It will mean that you and I»allae will l>e al most [•cnnlie** " ••Well." suggested Perry cheerfully, -then you can marry Iialias, and Uttle brother Perry can come and live with you. Iton't worry, old chap. I”— ••Shut up. you young Idiot, and ait down and listen: lleres a check: also a note of Introduction to my broker. He's a chste mouthed fellow, and be II keep the secret. I want you to sell Borough stock short to the amount or- . . ••To speculate? Gee! I never thought"— • I don't helteve in speculation as a rule, but this time It’a the only way out. Beil short. Then If the bill Is de feated you and Gladys will still Us as well off a# you are now. even after paving me l-ack this sum I've advanc ed If the hill I* passed over my bead the stock Will boom, and you'll both t«e richer than ever l'tide rata ud the Idea? | think I've arranged it ao you and she won't lose a dollar In either case. “Alwvn." cri< d Perry, the fui! klea at last penetrating hi* youthful brain, -you're the whitest ever Tbe" ••H jid ou: I do this on one corn* tion ” ••<*h r I I "On condition you prou ise so emnsy i that neither I*aHas nor any one else shall know my abase in it.” "But"— "Promise"* “Oh. we>. all right, then. But t'a! las ought to" "No. site o' khtn't Now ear out Ptu tois' l> >n ! w. *••• t ;.v g i to my broker Pm h k the otth'ial aotioum-emeut of tiie veto as long as I ran But" Pm to ^ Enter Perry the I-auih Into ii ir a ' Bu'.l Tt ‘e: Horrigan «, t o intlu ge iua tluieiy tremble!” Scarce 1 1 Perry dotio! on hs mission when Phelan was announced "Y nr hot..»c," he shout I as ;t< Mat caught a glimpse of Bennett Y re \ gsn s hi tin* boles, in the n lie s —oh. you needn't look • o mum Pm 1 wise. 1 haven't sis- t t. ti years at, 1 close on a million bucks serat> ' t» jollier a private *<s ret service system . Ptrry H'lMuir- . M for nothin'. ‘You've sigued the hilt?" squeals llorrig.m. 'No. jou big stiff!’ says you, 'Pvo vetoed it Now go chase yourself before l fetos-k you from under your hut!' any* you I'tiein was the very words, so I'm to I " "I congratulate you on sei rot service uieii," laughed It' i t ■ rin-y seem to have a wonderful f,u nify for quoting one's remarks lid y. b "Hut did I tome here to i ile out hot air to you?” supplemented Phelan "No, I didn't. I come to tip you oh to a meetin' lliat’s held last night at Wainu right's house turn an' llorvi gun au' tiildis an' some others. In: Inod i n* lieu Williams. Who's liortlgulTs moutlipieee an' liandy uiau in the hoard of aldermen. IMdO't hapisti to hear of tiiat meetin’. did you?” “No. 1 am unfortunate In having no set ret servlee corps." “Never tnlnd.” returned Phelan, on w hom (he satire of the reply was quite lost. “You can get the tieneflt of mine Now. at this meetin* they did a lot of Jaldierln* an' they cussed you up hill an' down dale. Says llorrlRau, 'If that young cub' **• "Thanks.* Interposed Ahvyn. "hut I don’t cure to hear n hat was said about me. I”— "All right, then, hut there's some thing you do want to hear They got busy at last an' framed up a new word In’ for the Borough tall that'll inaytw throw dust In yum • >• - If you ain’t put nn to it In advance They've cut out the subway paragraph an' the express business clause, an’ they allow trans fers it all (toss lines That's Ihe way they'll put the hill up to the aldermen next time. A like, harmless lookin' document It'll be. an' perhaps the laiard ’ll swaller ll If— "Itut do Ihe alterations In the hill also eliminate (lie 'perpetual franchise’ clause?" "Ah. there’s the point! They don't. All the other things you kicked against have been willed out. hut the ’perjietual franchise' clause stands " “And the fl.imuiHi cash offer stands too." added Bennett "I still fall to see why I should present Mr Wnlnwrlght's company with a franchise for which another man la w illing to pay the city fj.taai.taat. and I shail tight the Idll to the very end." "flood hov. your honor! An' Jimmy Phelan's with you. We'll make Ilorrl gtui look like”— He needs fourteen votes to carry the trill past my veto He has Ids thir teen aldermen, under Wlllluma’ lead. Hut only those thirteen voted for the bill In its original s' ric Pules* ILorrl gnu and Williams can And a fourteenth aklen .su to" “T'r-U-HS one of thi* men who voted again*! it t«ef'Te van !*• brought to vote for It next time IIwrrtjpi 11 lone-*," IDiwi'ivd Phelan. "lie II make it Ida buslDeaa to buy a fourteenth man. an' IT1 make It my buslm-aa to find out who he trie* to get an' to help vmir honor keep that aarne fourteenth man straight. That * how It add* up so far Well. I'll he Joggln’- I'll keep you post ed. an' between ua we'll make llorri gno give a livin' picture Imitation of a man without a acalp before we're through with him.’' Little of Phelan * emltatloo waa re flected In the new mayor’* face aa the alderman t.untied out. Hie duty lay clear before him, and that duty be would follow. But be alooe realised the cost. He had »« otioted on the promised fhlk with Dalian Watnwrlgbt the preceding evening Oa the bopee of that Interview be had staked bis all In It be waa to have received the half pledged reward for hi* months of toll and achievement Tet In view of bla pre*eot relations toward WaUiwrigbt be could not. of course, visit the financier'* borne. The door* of the house that contained the woman he loved had l*een barred to him. And I>ul!a*-wbat must she have thought of bia failure to call? B**»tk* l(Htu* tf BLANK DEEDS AT THIS OFFICE Thousands Have Kidney Trouble and Never Suspect it Fre\»le»ry i»f Kiilnrt V.-st people do nor res e the al nr* ir.e increase ami remari.,i! e prevail tut ofkidney disease. \V :ie kidney d is orders are the nv.'M ci-mre. n diarases j re vail. thee are almo*t the last recognucd by patient ami phv ivuiir. tri<* o'ii tn,t thrmt'Uit yi'i r' -r.'i-t i? (V *f ■'*. while the < fiy t , .us-. undent ncs the system. What to no. There is comfort tit the ktrowledge se often expressed, that Itr* Kilmer > Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy, fulfills evert rush tit curing theumatixm, pain in the Kick, kidneys, liver, b .uhiei and every part of the nriuarv passage. It corrects inability to bold water ami scalding pain in passing it. or bad eflccts use of I nor. wine or b-.vr. and overcomes that uttp.vacant tie of being c< mpeUrd to go often during the day, and to get up many times during the night. 1 he mild and t o extr a ;:y .-.tect of S*«mp*R00t is MH'ii te.i'o i 1 It statt'.s the highest for its wonderful cures of the most tits' tres&mg eases. If you need it medicine v ou should have the hvst. So 1 by drug gists m fifty cent and one dollar sires. You ittav have a -.mlpie bottle and a book that tells all about it. both sent free by mall. Address Dr. Kilmer .Sc Co., I'ing hamtots, N. Y. When iia*gl»*at Him writing mention this jiaja-r and don't make any mistake, but rementlier th« name. Dr. Kilmer's i'wit»|sKool, and the address, lUnghututon, N. Y. No«*l«‘ly Directory 1. O. O. F. Israel Putnam Lodge, No. 33 Mcotji i vm TucMlay evening a* 7HO oVU*el Ir«*m October 1 tt April l. atol ^ ** * lock fcui. April i t»» U« i.i1h r 1 iu ikkl bellow*’ Mai Poitihwl Street Witintf brother* a)nay* wei Noble (•mud, Walter VV alk a • Vic < »i mol. < '(mile* M Nil hoi* Kctretarv, l.ttdn* II. Fuller Trrrt^ufii, Leon T. Wib«a. A. G. Warner Pom No. 54. G. A. R. Meet* id b. A. R. hall Wed 0"«*d*y evenings *t H o'clock ('. M. Po*t t om to antler. < l.*un«*y M*ne,At|j s. K. Si**liltnK,<junrteimiutei Putnam Council. No. vie Royal Arcanum Meet* lit and 3d Monday# u each montti, #t H o'clock, ii Odd Fellow- Halt, Kent IMack Pondivt Street. (ieorjre W. linker, UfffDt* Warren S. Ann*, Secretary. Business Directory. (,'HAK! M h M-AKIJJ |* HASH F. Kt **KI SEARLS & RUSSELL, ATTORNKVH ANO OOUHMLCOWi-*I-LA» CENTRAL BLOCK,PCTNAM. Office Hours »a. m.,to 4 p. m. Mr. ttaarl * gives apeetal attention 1 o t ornofRtloi and Municipal law , Mr. KumcII to probate all the of will*, act# also a* caeculo* administrator and trustee in the icttlrnt at of ate* CHARLES I.. TOHKKT. MAW.OH H. UKlftKLBN Torrcy At Geissler, ATTORNEYS AT LAW New Bradley Building. Office Hour*: t» to li; ] to S: 10; 7 t« 9 J^KIC H. JOMMROH, Attorney and Counsellor-at-Law Wagner's Block. Formerly oft * of John I Carpenter. Putnam, Conn. BJF" I elepbone »• li | | l it a. 11 U. CAKII Attorney and Counsellor At Law OKF ICE NO. i Now lirmluy Building, Hour* « —12 1 —< 7—t lino id 107 Elm tftrett. c. M * K. H KENT. MABUrACTURB* Of Mouldings and Brackets, ub, Wind.. Uoora, Wiadow Kraowa, Woo* urain*, Htralfbt, Hero 11 and Haad d*w|M. laalaa »d Matching fr.»ia* Flaa. Hltafclba oatN N»»ri Po»t*, Baiu.trr, S'ar Hall aid alldr.r’ > ibi.b. uiioe.r riBiin. . . .. u . Strop on Pomfret street, near the bridge, Fat Tfei PitiiM Mniry iH Camratin. Muni Foundry MBd Machine work, and aia< ■iBifacttrcn ol lb* o®|ytnl<d Flonayr Xtoaa HeitVr W. K.BAKBK* Ire*.. pern AM MTHM KAMA MtMcsAi >'• <mIM April lit end OM*M 1st If rack year, payable April i!ul uTpilt made after tae Ir.t darof aaat ■MUKUruriatrrnt has lbrlnlto| »1 IB JEROME TOCETELOTTS.Traaa. OEOKGK W HOLT fm. II A MOL OH TO*. Dentist. Court IIoom Block, Putnam. Ofc« Bonn from # a. m. to 1p.m.. atxi 2 to Sp.m (rgt'f. Telephone 6S-i.Ho»* TeIopfc«a«l7s~n pnuri General Insu-ance Agency, rvixck it'lLMiu vr rraiiu, i-crua* A li Coanai eat ioae rhea Id k« addrraaad L. II Fuller aad will prompt attcatlaa CLAYTON W. THURBER Teacher of Piano and^Organ Trlcpboot V?—2. Potoam Cono. M. KINNEY ft SON dealer* ia Lumbar. Coal. Doora, Moulding* Brick. Limo, Comont. P.B.8. Mixed Paints Load and Oil FOR SALE The two start tea rw® rr<i tenor m FVrofVr aow mnI * T» i phone \ *®ce to Th Ssmbero Near k. „ MiJ Tf phone tVmMB' r»r**a». Cooa liti o lion(Is U »rv t n A '.tie ooa j taWotiTrt»tift "-ii :»eriv-»ioe to* I ^1- Mutt |M .il vfe»5 »lo'lnrwhr# «tu<r, Uv • { xpeeial net o! tit 1 *• *!>!,»•art ;hetr sr* | a fcejfm tetr osifBt !•*: :t ustf**, • * j Mhattmtrater* >t! | fa»«U. t\ >i- , j Coupon ho 1* * Wihmi in \r\\ > ork Sf«|> ui THE NEW FREFROOF .» ,H0TEL NAVARRE, 7tK Ave.nrtd 38th St, I r.»iMw Mr». I •-.« • M»x itwHoi o Luxury *1 M,t t«>v • i 0*1. I A<ve«nhle, (juiet an«i Kle> ant Within F n1 Minute*’ Walk of Theatre#, Shop* t«ti l lut*. 300 Fret West ol Hivt«tiwn. No* Ihitoh t«rill Kooui* I aiffrtt »u C ity, F* le t'#r» I'*** Hotel to AH Kail roads. f I SO ****•»' DAY without Hath. f2.00 FBN HAY with R t|, Suites |3 50 HpMifiU H« n ft Put Booklet j STEARNS A HARM, Prop# ’Aitesiaii We e F. A. CHAMPLIN Mnin St. F,n»t Tjont.r>i>pml<"w Miihi NEW YORK CLIPPER M tni an cat tar TKATIUCAl i SHOW PAPB IN THK WORLD. SUIhrYur. SiR(li Copy. 10 Ol Hwrcn WRRKLT. Sample Copy Frkb. PRANK QUEEN PUB. CO. (U% . mu> I'l'M.iMirKH, m a. to. ar_ sbw 3»tVvvWV* WVO JOHN U.FIIa&C0 1>K A I KRN I N LUMBER of § ALL KINDS ^ Lime, Cement q Drain Pipe V Paints and Oils X Fertilizers O Fire Brick and Cement Y Ladders Shingles, &c. &c. JOHN 0 FOX & CO Office ltd Yard* eouth of J‘»*t Office, Putnam. *000*000*000 *ooo coooooooooooooooooooooooooo* N*« Malay Opium Cur* Being Distributed Free by ■ New York Seciety. Co-operattiig with mission* in Malay sia. the Windsor LaboralorUs of Hew York have secured a supply of the won derful combretum plant, which has done so much to revolutionise the treatment of the opium habit. A generous supply of the new remedy, together with full instructions for its n»e. aid United Sta'es consular report* beartnjr on the subject will 1 it sent to any sufferer. To obtain a free supply of this remedy and the consular reports, ad dress Windsor l-aboratorte*. Branch >U, Ui Hast it’rth Street. New York City. CASTOR IA In Isfcsf* ui CkUirta. lit IW Yn bn Ahrqi taftt Bears the Bignatwra of puia o. oasis Real Estate, Life Accident and Fire Insurance. Hathaway Black Ptuua | When You Have got done "Trying” 4 unsatisfactory Meat- - ing lioilors, YOU CAN SAFELY BUY THE «< DUNNING !•> al way.satisfactory. All styles ,uul .ill si/.es. liu use .since 1S53. NhihUiv plumber, Mean, and Hot Wait t Pittet. I’umfrpl, Coon,, ow'Immw Ami'll lot W ituHtaut •ml lollaml I'ouiitli The finntual fttirtv that jtia>t ha* to mhi e ih i'M r dvlOOIlMi sit'd ^:;stn , what * deroouti«»etI in * vvrv tttai ked tltgreti «it.tfUit M,d h i owusj? the 1 *••»«• of l^tM tan r!y lha* It.* »«* i.»* othri 1 tv *0 *alr m laud. at d I that «o in»'j( »* the tat- tall* and the **»# sluuet I I In 1 e fan he no Itatd littm ahead lot ft if man I w it It a well |o< nUil latttt. m 'liter tau thetp l>o any itvi tlet! the holder oi a "Tllptnw^ I hiiat M hi !&<*>;«'on sue It f? \ t i*r to enty i five 11 hi - r.tti Find I .m m l.oatuv have stood the lest h itltttttl ilw le»* ol 1 sioyie dollar lo a' > investor, » *i»iti,u.i u' that any t»l out Ni \V taiul *Piston eta » t»- • .'I flint. Wo should he i»leM*t'd to -etui or ■ » j live ntentot %mU ul our i*»*n* lo any « »e iatfteidtd in ulMtolutely sail Impairment that will 1 et live |h i mil. 11 v o jui mil. Farmers&TradersBank Wakefield, Nebraska John l). Haskell, Pro*. I*. Mathewaou, V-P If. II. Malhewaow.» ashler. BOILER THE AME LAMP The Light that Never Fails. Tin* IU**1 mi*I t Tieni***! Lump on Iht Market, all ttiiitK" eoushieretl, iioitiui gcr, no whadow. 1 'all aiul see them In ojierallon at I). i\ X. MVOY, Js«t, <>l Main Nlmt, Putnam, where(iIoUvh, Tojw ami alt suppllw lor l.uinncnn If hml. Al*' ri'fcreiiccN i'hii lx- given to n nitty now in u«*. I have * collection of Hue Violin* have decided to di«|>o*o ol; mitong them %#• •cv«»r* ot uiy own make % lilch »r© »in#iiiDAinA4 for otvfMMtrnl work, *t«o «cftr*l vt ry old *i» iiiniiocuU wuiut»lc lor | wrlor or prota«*km*J po«c*. All tit OHO lllllit in* told. The early bird ~#tr., etc. JOHN A. MORSE ■JIH Smith Siicft Putnam, C«B» Commonwealth Hotel Opp. State Home. Botton Offera roam* with hot and cold »»U( for ft.00 per day and up; room, with private bath for fl.SO per day and up; •ultta of taro roomi and bath for fJ.OO per day and up. Weekly ralaa on rootna with hot and cold water end .bower bathe, fti 00 to |».(0; room a with pri vat* hatha, fW 00 to flit 00; anllea of two j mine and bath fit 00 tof‘iX.00. Atiaoluteiy kireproof. Stone flaoM, nothing wood but Ibu door.. Ki|Ulpptd with Ita oen Sanitary Vacum Cleaning Plant. Lon* Utstance Telepnoue In Kv.ry Hoorn. Sir lolly a Temperonco Hotel. STOKER T CRAFTS. Manager. Hand lor Booklet. For Sale! THE ON ELM STREET Inquire of Richard Gorman, Insurance am! Real Estate, Bradley Building, * Tutae*