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*‘JK" the l anadlan« bad mode it fnur tfraight from Jfwolt * 'tty by win \ ntn(Mt(iiri|iy'i i«nw they would now ] %# in the tie for find a* TafUill* rurifd nut i!« part of the liopol-for program by putting Wanregan to-deep back of the ermetery in tiieir own little village Hut they didnT,and they now liave the undiapiited title to tliiril Ignition, the tail **n«l of the find ill via* ton. The name wan really a plteher* bat ik with honor* atmnt even, *'■ hit* were • nade off v|t-l.aughlin, anil 7 off Talro, tint total ha«e* were K all. It la one of 1 he my «lerie» of the name how w hen Mci.atighliri fome* to I’utnam he i« a otnrli for the roll* but on hiaown rub ber, aurrounileil by frienda, lie i» a (Ml/ /le to even mil tw~l atiekera. lie nertalnly handing them over alee Mai •inlay, with plenty of »|a-ed amt eon Iroi, ami the only man that eotihl lirnl •uni with any regularity wa* Iriott. who, hv the way, fair to give the leaih r* in the hatting a haril run Arnl I here i» not a lilt of fault to tlml with Jatni'a w irk It wa* gilt edge The lirnl, whieh went lor a double, w in a or ixleh, if it would have lu ll all euiy out for » fait lielder, and tbia would have eh ringed the a*|g*el of (binge ma •«*rt*U> Or hud w«* I#ii«l Hi* tmtliiiK ability in I!*c* outHHil ihiil *hotilil In* 1 hi'if to uiak<‘ .» winniiiK t<‘hiii, l h<* «•!<»■ ty would time* !*•» ti ili.hut th* H< ire all “if** " I Im* .li'WH U*nt us fair 'tint “i| UMff, not 11 m * \ outplayed cm; Uii*v tlnln t, look at tin «tmm «*o| until. .Nol iM-i'aii*!1 IIh'v u I hry cliff11 l, I*h.K a! tin* total ha * s tilt fm. Mill niic i»r tl«i' <»l lit*r ha*l to win mid it happ‘-md iik« thi Marion wo* th«» hr*4 mm nj» a ml hit to Wtlllw. Wtlllmii** -a » l tlx Hur t liaM-mnn an < rr«»i by c*m*pin;; in hi** lifiil lit r: * v%, Mini Minion wan out, Ii /•till' jmiI a ah ty o < r short hut w:h out I rvilift? to I Molt w a** ih«* thhd iHit, Mr I uiu^hlm to \V’ 11 if fit it**. Willin w a * llfd up for tin forid* ami pul a high My hack of llr*l ba^r. I»ai Kl»* hms slow on tin tffl nway amt only j^ot iiioir eiimiKh In it to put out hi-' un l{l«.umI h im! mill Nit il ai tl mlcl ( iiiilnK It l" rull tlnwn thr •lilt’ lull, w hi\\ IIhi k-pl mi In -temul I «lm tilt llalll \\ illhmtnle tlilril, the milt nlulen tmite ill Ihc Killin', we il > mil Mi n re I -lull'll im-e wIth a imm mi thlril il- Mm m I- mil i H11V ill 11' 1111 il loculi'll !litn) mill Until went iluwii mi Hu throw III I nil'll Willi* William* f mi ii‘‘it noil I £' it * 11 -mi III*'* I In I hitn iel lollin' -temul mil II ten fi' i - wn up. "Om -trike' ' *h nli 'l Ihc it11111 j !o=n i' ti i i ioi ' *iiti Nil Ihnl ii»'iil I'omnium mil I" iikIiI eln-c In Ihc I" il It I*-, in.I |!n li I f Imml of I’liiiiniti l,iii. h< ni l ■' ii ho olh "I'oitl Iml I tieiiowcil the uHlclnl, mill every mo. jo, .,.,11'.. ,.;h! I’ll t O M " ■ Jilt' 'll '■' :l polite iti |{| i mil of Mil' hole, Iml It 'V II' in t■> t■ iit* mol 'hull ti*i iilatnmtil 1..>iin-Ii"I Ihc luu *<* thi'le, out Into -hot! center Im tween Ihihtn'l mill Mitrimi II-pctl, iiti'l ill the name tilin' Willi* ami Unltl wen *|m* tllng limin' with I ’n mill two I'm It if .lew * t If In l!" Killin' Meant* hilt I 'It l n ItirilC'l Mu- Intil I" I- nr ley, ami when I Ilf Halit I saw wlinl w a-happening he Mlaricit Im -eemitj, h it » n- tm thirti fill I t mi tit "urate throw jim jiclltnl lit I i f I it -■ right » hi|i. \\ n il McKuuie* entile In Iml in tin -et'iru t1 1 .tiles tiw -nittelhing In Mn cm I til ill- Ifit Mini look til ill,.' n pin it *l'ln' tinipli ith iilloii v' o* f "let! to II tunl he threw tl" Iml ""I Ihitinim ttluiert ini'll I" luc, e him ihehtre the flr-l two mu- if. il"! emilitut", hut Mo hr refit- 'I to ilo lie then nioniuniV'l that Ihitiinpi linl-ln«l the ■ nine tmlei j.rote-i til i o e j-ttrs...r;> »t Imt* are talx-it aeruiUing to Huh’ i >,w liielt -a* - that tins t ut shall i«e math "t illMel,* "f liartl w ml, i ut nl I- -i the l it n I w n technlcal mul w a- h\ no menus nine tor lit w u in mg, am I Ih lit w n* throw n cult a- , on n. »lc.i ill .1 f w el I 1 lit •'laimt'tl lln i 'uf I ni I n o Imietl out ami illleil with el'.* h» make il tlghtei *i wu men tiletl to steal m lhi- inning, iml lit- hall wh- then- w illing lot Until irefute the* arriteti lit tail h ni ic.\ Mirt'w tug lo -eeoml w a- one nl (Ire tent lire* ol the game In lire fourth I Holt -lailetl with a *Utfclv I’at« * hunted Wiilt* u in on lo hu Job and |fot It on tlu* ft\ .doubling iHutt :it Ahl ll oa* a good ptooe of 0 ork. Not a man *no third until tin' d\th, w hfu alter l hr find loo men fannod, Ihott oopped out a clean triple eloso b\ the left Arid flitjc Tale o a* up but bo onl> t ui vvt tihs in the atmosphere,and Mei anjthiin o a* credited O'till his third strike out in tho inning, all be tint in tiw game It on*, in tlo* ninth that the (V»lb »a\ed the uliut out and hud a line chance to Me of oin l.l/otte hatted him \\ iiita : iinl>>. d lit* grounder and heoa**afe I Holt >*ot t»is third bin Hie in 1‘ nsniit- and l .nolle. oho tind *» a* bed seOOlnd on a pavnoil hall,scored 1 holt wont to *oe**nd on the return but would ba%e u«-*» out had tuiiltfon | nan dropped U*e hall i'nuo put a *it»- j *1- to abort oeuu-i p mm in-U on batting dritogth had ht’« u«td up Ale-fmo hit a teiitijg liner to rijitht that *• I IS, j», X. «-««« M«» tn-oomkr to W t • |! looke-t itliO » ■, hvt rh io«> nmt trtiTii to S^V(f. Willi* 1'K‘ki ’ i .1 i’titn ihrttt it litu* a itiut, iiiut IH *4t irs* ettl T*tn< nw up on l lit til on l,js p!»v »int tt '■ ». ■ t»' •■■«' HU'ti j. i U> rrtinr. put a lift* lilt down lir*t (.*«■ itne. It looked Ilk* a kiifc safety William* jumped tip, knorked H down with hi* glove, and caught it. Il<- would have ilMWrd Mo/-e at h‘-nd I ad Brennan ohpwI the bag- Iluma* wj* jp. iNit- Mirike and ne fool. YY> were all wi*fnng Taint would !ry to not |j'.Ht«. of t|«i aitiirlliitiy el«f d»*|ierale, lot now »jt the time for it if tin re ever wa» one: . tint he didn't he waited, and Ituma* iiit a latiimh r to Mcl.nighlin, YY'il- | liairi* getting the put out and tlie game »a< Jewett * itv ’a. \. t Marl*.n 2b l.i/olte lit I Molt ef Tat no p .\lor*e It. Iiaigleirf lltimaa If I murial *n Parley e an 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 :t tt. i) I I 0 It II I II ■ A I H 24 f 0 0 h 10 IKWKTT I II) ah YVIIIi* db 4 ItHiilf d William* It. 2 Itolerlwn c <l I.Hereux ** d McKinney ef i Brennan 2b :s PI*o rf 2 Mcl.nughlin p2 Jewett ('itv l . A. I r It th |vt a r I I 2 2 ft I 1 ll ll I 0 ll ii o o In o o HI I i> 2 II ll ’ 2 I 0 2 0 2 2 1 0 0 0 ll II 4 H 2 (II I 2 0 0 0 0 0 14 0 2 7 H 27 14 2 o o 0 0 (I 0 (I * 2 0 0 O O 0 O 0 0 1 I Three tmae hit, IMott Two ba*e hit, Willi*. Sacrifice tilt, William*, Me i-aiighlin. HI ruck out by TatroO, Me l.aughlln . Into, on nail*, Intro 1 Hit by pileheil lutll.Kaill .Stolen haw * W'ilii*. I'.t-*ei| hall,ltolterl*on Karned run*, Jewett ( ity I lion bit play*. Willi* in William*, Parley to Marlon 1 in|tire liny. Time III .‘Klin K.»«IKIIN ln\N . I l:\lll I. 'I INIUNCI \S nil III III 9 J ^lll 4 4 5 Watiregitn .Sill H M il I lift C A C. A iiili'iii'* ■li'wi II I l( y I »iiv % llli Currctl Halim,: \verafe of C III I'M I .liernl \ I Unit I 1** I II in finale i.i r M arion I ifil^ii* I >1111111* \||||M* II Miikiiiiii I .ague I toll 1II II Miiuiinii Km U* \ \ I!. I l.| HI I: n 17 11 i a p.i ,71 I .714 .643 .■I I C. ii 11 .11 ”|M _>ia aia l.HH III lam •Any player ih>IIi‘Imi( ii m i I -1 ;* k »• m III' I>|||||HU HvrlUKf Will C'lllfel il favor i >y imllfy imm I lie xfiiffr. Sm| KH. \InmiI l’ I i last Hat unlay, Iiv«• iiiinulc' alter Hi*- team Iih«I U*f| the hotel for t)»«* grounds, a thunder *l<»rm i jitm* up, iilul llu it- being no slieiti r on Mi«* In! ♦ \fept ! hr g i-amid him) , which leaked hiulU, 1 !*«• |* iin.1^ ilia de Inf 11 barn III l field in ?irh\ llelofe thev - m'I u I if I hey \v i1 f«■ drenched ! » tilt kim Ulci lln - h •--% i the diamond. a hieh u i v. a- ! t it i ftill »* aa* el uni i - > > if Ifric Would **• no game. I .nthuda-lu Inns got I'mIm ami by • h h i • • IreiU’hes 1 * <1 r .1 i tl t!i* wnM'i oiT iiii.l I'mjiloymi; I an looted l»o\., with I* .ml-, tii |• i■ ijH*ii tin Ultcr in tin- l * * . ami sweeping ml « lew U - ; i | '111ir > the ground** ueie |»lll ill l ».|i> :••• >1 ii'inltt loti I'll** ’ iii*« s t*d ii. d ho U a »- tailed Hi 1 I *, Hini of « .« , i . t tie i iosvl was mil Iflge. I i ijl't 1>, \ n! iaflvtl'e made lip IlM np|H fiiaiiu a'i I gave gn<»>l Mili" button allho i It ? i »l fill of M"Im‘ * ' ! it \V . \ i-1. »*=« to ; ’ < i! line lift* Igllt • 'il a fill Id proleiil 1 : ■; »\ .i> HblMlt i i r 1 tif fill* game aside if n the i-> el* d hill in chief’ll, which the official hmi nothing in «|n w ll h e \eept to thelan that the but - — mi lint u*cd furl ei Old hi i a I »U ‘int amt follow- i oi Hu- game in Jewett t ilv -aid it w «- tin I*•-! % xhl I latioii ol the spoil e\er -%»•«• n in |k» 1'iWii. ami Were m»l stinted in tludi juai-es t*»i tin wank o! the \ isilors. I 1 i-li* weie **e\ « till f N t f i motels along ia-t week nhuo uf them went to tin *djore to spend ’- uniav a'ler the jHim s.;te, Siiium wu* there He haau | nit’vse t a game u I, and w hen he g« t> too old to go he is to have n pension His new suit was soaking wet, t»ut it’s all w **i and in* haim done The iadie- on the*tl.»lU> ears were pleased to see hint a- he »- lull »*t small talk that help** to paw the lime plea-anllv ll the captain hadn't a ovwthenil we might tell something lint if vou want to know how |topulnr the colls are awa> from home go along til III MH’ I'lie onlv chance that on tut* Ihihriel’* u ii \ vi a** a lilt It* tty ho it iil 11 l have a chance to show ht*» <|uatit\ MU one tut was** ifmat as I tie a\ crime, amt U‘U«'i than half of the toll! i veterans cmUl ito. it w a- a pleasure to watch those lullU ifu to sccoint vi hen a Jew trail the amtacilv to try to steal lt»e sack There wasn't even a done (iieiium, It w as a <juiek rt*tum to the stable Kitilli* McCarthy of Charlton City, Ma>* . will slant them over in the in tenets of the i iiiiaihatis at Wan re*an Saturilav I’tie favoriti fruit of Pop Morse ami the \hleiman is pit* 1 »a v v 11 ’» > ■ \ ictor\ m N . h iimsveiioniah w a- a surprise \\ . has t een u*s!r:> on their own groomi*. It is now 111> u* the rest of the hunch to 1'v-: - {< *i in ? ir <io;: the\ j Herthta tme 4»vni in lloston i'otsolay w atel ^ K o.u»n take a V’ a pie out of St. imuis. nmu* one pijssl lksi<»n oft atmitt who was w at chime them amt they tfingercvl up i nolicibh after want. 4 The next •top on the foreign trip Waurefun If «+-don't heat th* in »e ©f/rne home without a viclory. The t A < ^-cond team ‘•hut oui (he r, A. A. <if Wofte*'ff day afternoon on Ihe new honw groumh by i «• rn 1 to o. I#‘il**jh pftehe I for the winner*, Jind \V Iterator au«l !• rappier excelled at the i>al Ihit t«*r—ImiUh** and Kenne> : K*tever and flargra**•*. I'm pi re, Bonin. Rradley ■e W t: Kl.hin K»|' THEATR: Arre*r»oo**3 I; Euxiioi * W c; KMnrt, H#-«Mlrw* Moving Pictures Illustrated Songs and Travelogues Every Afternoon and Eiening i'i.lo ami H.|.) Tuesday Evening Souvenir Night Amateur Night Prizes *3.00. #2.00 and *1.00 Nunes muftt be iii banded by Thursday of each week. KVKRY Saturday Chldrens Souvenir Matinee Attention ! I UK 151 ST I'andy. IrH nam and Fruits iiimI 15* (ail Cnnfrcf ioiiprj iiml Ii-p Cre*ni I'rv Our H '»i« M**dt < hoc* late* Hr-r» bur s. I tic beat hhcj th» price lowest. Our Ice t'r«nfij is guaranteed under tbc pur* f<"m1 !*w , Price 30c r»r O it* Dollar per gallon W* k- «*|) In mjr stock h full line »»f fresh Honanas of all mv*--, Try us once ant4 you %% i 11 lit sat iaflKd. George Paris,! I.! )'.! 1_*. I'lirl- mi' ilr i \ t-r kimiiJs In I "ut ii i u in nu\ nf 'Ur roiuttliiiK tow n» • New • Improvements * Saturday BARGAIN D \Y al (’hapul’s Market _J Fancy and Staple Groceries Kresb. h**b frada, ri*ht in every way. srv Kbit we vndMVor to itv’urf, and sup ply |n our customer* It litres great care and eiai'ance on our p*»l. but we succeed, b<)l(v«,«nd give I our friends the best groctrlr* obtainable tioods that please (hen. bot h ’n |J qiAUlY ANO l’KICK. is Iba lirauu'sted Sugar for *1 0'1 is liar* of World Soap for* fl (Hi l plgr Corn Starch, tv S lbs of Fancy Prunes, 2V* j ft lbs of IHdes, iftc l g«l Mspir Saap, fl do l Cake Maple Sujsr 10c J lb tissk, Jftc l* rt Kth, IS* it bo*t % of (' iio. ;’v Scicitlific American. 1 A w-# f P’wsSrstwA »ev . * t *•***! ec> I «r * • * ‘ * •* * 1 «• - * f • j :« • net T‘'*srsd»*»‘*rs. ' MUNIUCo.""’-" Ne«r York | U;* ca v **o». C'- i‘ i\, v. # it .-.*. Our Big Closing Out That we opened on July 10th is in Full Blast, and judging from the manner the goods been leav ing our store goes to show that the Public Appreciate Real "Values especially when they can be secured at such ridiculously low prices READ READ READ The startling, unmerciful prices and be convinced of the Monev Sa\ing opportunities that await you at this genuine Closing Out ~aie. Men’s Suit Prices Cut in such a manner that there is nothing 'eft but WALL h. Suits in Worsteds and Cheviots, former price, 8.00 and 8.50, now Suit' in t I'simer; ' and Worsted', lormer price, 9.00 and 10.00. now «... Suits in t .I'-imeres and \\ orsteds. origi nally sold at 11 00 and 12.00. now v * “ The same liberal reduction proved on the better grades of suiting. i 1 . I ! i A lot <>i Men’s Suits 15,00, 16.1.0, now that originally sold at 1 poo half i*nu 1: Boys' and Children’s Suits At less than w holesale prices. Were 2.00, now *1.48 Were 2..>0, now *1.87 Were 3.00, now $1.95 All the better grades cut along the same lines. A lot of Children’s Suits that were originally sold at 3.50, 4.00. 4.50. 5.00, 6.00. now §1.75, ‘2.00, ‘2.‘25, 205, .3.00 A lot of Youths’ Long Pants suits that originally sold at 6.00 7.50, S.oo. 9.00, 10.00, 11.00, i2.oo, now ’ 3.00, 3.75 4 00. 4 50> 5-oo, 5.50, 6.00 HOY’S KNEE PANTS 25c kind, now 50c kind, now 75c kind, now 1.1 >0 kind, now He I 39c { 39c J 79c ♦ I'rudent and economical buying people who are in search of Hon a fide bargains should not tail t<> attend this sale—it > like binding Money. Entire Satisfaction (iuarantetd or Me my Refunded. A. C. LUKE & CO. tUIiNAM, Conn. ►♦♦♦** **♦♦♦+♦■**** ++++++++4'++++-«-++.H-+-M-H*+** 4 » •+++ +++++++-m.++j. }_1.+^..!....+++4>W41J DOUGLAS CAMP MEETING JULY 17 to 27, 1908. C,t" <in l*oun!a* n tht N Y N II H Kai.r ■! the direct line from H< i i York l,irur’ti«n rates ftom H«»Mon Worcester Willimantic I’rox nlcnce ati< 1 «!! w i stations ll< .ilthful surrounding* fine nut?n excellent liunitik; spiritual meet hk« A lour cumt>any of aide preachers and Christian workers Mr Frederick Bailey, kn -wn llu sh»ng »i!i tell of his » onversio’i from a iif- ‘ *.•>» Itn \ Wh W eek $■« ' da a ' Oti I •< an plan BOOMS--. and a per !.n MINI'S $ It term of meet i me 1- •• ' our m tent now . Write to M N Brown. .15 Autumn Street. I \erett W««f Eastern I 'm Street llloek, i'j jH>'i il C am. Operative Dentistry M >t Modern Methods and Materials Skillfully Applied Mechanical Dentistry Midi Grade Workmanship and Materials. Crown and Bridge Work A Specialty. The Eastern Dental CO. Bra I ley Bloek I’litiiam, Conn Call for Sample at the Patriot Office Iulv is a Bargain Monti *- o J' : we ran t begin to tell you of .ALL the . i things.. Many of our best bargains are m ver advertised except by our pleased eus :K'r>- ^ "ill repay \ou to come in and look around. Leather Hand llags Marked Down 25c bags, now jqC JQC bags, now 25c 500 bags, now 39C 7 =;c bag>, now soc 1.00 bags, now 1.25 bags, now 75C 95c Childrens one-piece Aprons i fine checked ginghams and percale, bound with turkey red. regular, 25c, now 19c ' 50c novelty dress goods, nmv _33C i Balance of dress muslins,! iawns organdis, etc. were 12 i-2c, 15c, 19c, per yard, now -C. i-’ 1-2C buck towels, 16 x 30 inch, now -ioc ; > -Oe iaces by the yard, b ack. wn tc. tan, brown, 12 White Shirt Waists All Marked Down ^ hito lawn and wash si-& 951' waists, now :.;c i-5 waists, now 1.5a waists, now 9? :.oo waists, now 2.75 waists, now 5.00 waists, now Uj i.*j 3.50 waists, now 5.00 waists, now i-T 5.50 waists, now 6.00 waists, now 4.* 4-: 1.25 wrappers and two-pi^ suit>, now • 250 mercerized s 1 tee ns,« shades, per yard, n w “ Lace curtains, '/d P3?^ or soiled, now at liait in*-. , s'- ' ' Fr lays at OXK P. M.. during July* ' ■ ^ s i sr Special Friday M • - l>ar'-’"' Trade With Us and Save Money" Isaac Champeau, Mgr, Aleuts for standard Patterns. Lewan Jos French Dyers and Telephone 19-2 PUTNAM, COS*