OCR Interpretation

Putnam patriot. [volume] (Putnam, Conn.) 1872-1962, August 07, 1908, Image 4

Image and text provided by Connecticut State Library, Hartford, CT

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84022396/1908-08-07/ed-1/seq-4/

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Lditori&l ScraDt.
rr*--itlf nt I tom* veil l*gr«-*lljr encour
aged At the rpfp>n^ (rf the Oovcrrsori
who attended tf.« \\ lilt*- House r-orifer
cnce, which called for the pur^me
of fitting; Ihdr co-operation with the
National (on^rvatkm (kwunW'ffi,
which promise* to lie an a**ured nur
re**, Severnl Governor* base already
appointed -talc co-operative coimni*
moiin, and many other* have signified
their intention of doing m» The Loin
minion viill hold it* flr»t meeting on
ficcemlier 1, and in eoofjeration with
the State eoni«it**ion»# w ill prepare a
preliminary rejsirt for tlie* President,
a- he desired, by January I. Great re
hm it* are expected to kfow out of their
State arid National jiolitic* ju*t now
are occu py ing most of public attention
aa buxine** Intercxt* are cons a fencing.
In national politic* the course *ecm*
to l»e running for Taft and again*! Lrv
an Not Alone Republican and hide
fieri dent newspaper* are certain of the
election of Judge 'I oft, hut aUo rno*t of
the ablest Ia-mocratic pa|»er* of th<
K»*t, many of whom are not only ix
lieving hut are helping to elect him.
The call for the Itepuhlican State
con vent ion fia* been i**ued. It i* to
|»e held in N* w IIh cii Sept. H and U
There Is a struggle going on among tin
candidates, »j**eiHlly for Governor
— Lieutenant Governor Lake and 1 *n
grrsMinnu LI I ley arc most prorninent.
hut there l* some ipiiel work di lug
among the friends of Governor Wood
ruff to have him elected for another
term To do this suer • ■--'fully it r
lirged that Major John *i TiUon wili
have to withdraw «* candid ate for < on
gres-m(in at large, a* no t w o St ate can
didntes from the same town -houid
i*,i he 111< st nma/ing event that has n
rentiy Iran pir« d in the political world
Is the mn’i * ** fu I bloodies* revolution
iilTurkev 1‘roin the most d«-polie of
wrMf utiv « rum* nl « iiimI I Ik? inrwt I
d» -|»im d and hated of modern rulers
Turkey ha-. U rn transformed inhi a
constitutional government, with tlo
declaration of ih** t*<|uniii(v of ail otto
man* w iiliout dUllneUon im to run* 01
religion, arid with full lllicrtyof speech
si ft * I pfr**, it 11 • I thf Suhllini l*<i i it* who,
had to exclude himself fmiti the 111
of hi* auhjcct*, so linird w a* he, In now
their hlolt/4“<! ruler who mingle* «afclv
with them In nil public place*. He ha*
left hltiiftelf to* Hitfe retreat from hh
proff retail vo ooume.
bending tnemliers of the Syrian eoh
ony In New ^ «>r k elty were no delight
rd w Ith tlo in w •* of the granting «if th<
TurUUh t onslit 111loti that tlo \ deter
mined to raise fund* and present a mo
dern battleship to link's There an
3000, UtMi Syrian* In that city.
The movement It* rend let tlo spread
of tulareulosis is witness' d in « erv
direction President M< t n ha given
Instruetions that a rule In* adopted and
enforced against spitting m iiiiIum.I
cam, U» allow hU deep *vmpalt>\ with
$be movement.
t»coj^e lYlllhone, for yearn promt
m ill in tin- odVUW'il V* U* " V»U'IU I « I
tie ration of Milieu, and ehargtMl, with
Moyer amt I lay wood as the Instigator
^>f fhv murder of Uovvmor Steuneu*
U(M of Idaho, died in Ih-nver, Mon
liny front tin* efteets of an o|*eraln»ii lor
The House t»( i.ords has yielded t»» a
popular expression ol the |H*ople oi
tireat Britain in lav or of an old age
Im 11s|oii, and liave consented It* accept
the I>111 for that purpose parsed b> the
H him'of t'cnimon* after having refits
cd t«» do SO
The Internal revenue tax allows that
more mailed lopiois were tiiaiiufaclur
td ami sold in this country last u«i
tin t he v ear hehue P»d there was a
euhstaiitlal rvthietion m the revenue
from distilled IU|Uofs
IVrformanee m the digging the Pan
ama canal i* really extraordinary \t
first tin* f ulehra cut was regarded as
the decisive task to indicate the com
pletion of the canal. Now it Is the
iiatum dam and Us appurtenances
If they arc tlnishc«l soon alter the t u
Ichra cut is done, tl is now claimed that
President Taft ought to steam through
the canal on one of our l iggv*t I>read
noughts some lime in hU hist term of
The rtmiikibk progress made In lire
construction o( flying machine* juslt
tin) Itw r«|vcliUi>tn vl able mcehanl
nan- that befoit Ionic Urey will lap * lit -
pluvrtl a- regular mean-of travel. No
les* than trail a iliwii dtlffprenl Inven
tor* arc giving practical demonstra
tion* »( nracliinr- ttial can travel close
to the ground or high up ttial can no
long distances cart lw -leeml to go In
any tilrectlon. \\ hen the first suggrs
llotl at a ta»al to l>c propelled l>y »naur
was matte, it w a* regarded with derl
Mun. So also was the steam cars on
roatla—anti improvement til each lias
(Tone on anti it ts m<|*>*sil>tc to conceive
what they are yet to accomplish. So of
the all ship—now In rls Infancy 4
The wot Id Is fullof natural disasters,
anti the past week an unusual amount
has Iteeir nporhtl Forest tires lake
precedence Tire misery brought upon
many thou-anti- o( poor families ty
the lt*s of all ihelr properly ami many
thetr lives, Is appalling. Ttw wvtrsl is
not yet know n. Then there Is in** ami
disasters liy flood*. The old world has
ita share of simitar calamities, t'hiua
losing immensely lu lives am) shipping
by a ty phoon. An earthquake w as fell
In many |taru of Algeria on Tuesday,
precursor of other* to follow.
The lailed State* in 17**.
In March, I79M. the I'ntwi eon«l«l(d
of twelve -date-— Khode falatid, the
lad of the original thirteen to enter
the 1'nton, ladng admitted Mayn't' of
the name year. Vermont, the flr*t ad
<1 It ion. wa* admitted in the following
j year, before the re*illa of the tir»t cen
' «u* wax announced. Maine war a part
of M a»*achu«elt*, Kentucky wna apart
of Virginia, ami the pre-ent rdatc* of
Alabama amt Miwjwi|i|ii were part*
of <ieorgia f lic present .■date* of Ohio,
Indiana, I Hindi* Michigan, and Wi«
(■o!)*in, with part of Mtnneaota, were j
known a* the Nortwrit Territory, and
! tfie present .*>l»te of Tenncaaee. then a
part of North f arolina. w*> »>n totie
organized a« the wouthweat Territory.
The f'nited M t a le* wri bounded on
the wed by the Mi**m>dppi river, lie
yorul which dreu fifil that **t and un
explored wllderne** belorifiinff to the
Hpani»h Kiiiif, which wn* afterward*
ceded to tlie I nile l -Mate* by Frame
an the lyouidana Purchase, and now
comprise* the Kreal arid |*opulotM
ritate* of Mouth Daketa. Iowa, Nebraa
ka, Mi**ouri, Karina-*, Arkan**a*. and
Oklahoma, and jiortioMH of Minnesota.
Imkoia, Montana, Wyoming, Colora
do, New Mexico, Texan, and I > mini a
na. The lxnii«iana Purchase wan not
consummated for more than a decade
after the find eenaiiw wm taken. On
the south wa«t another pa rush colony
known Hn the Florida*. The greater
part of Texan, then a part of the coin
ny of Mexico, belonged to Mpain; and
< aiifornia, Nevada, 1 tah, Ari/ona,
and a |*#rtlon, Nevada, f tah, Arizona,
and a portion cif New Mexico, a I wo the
projM'fty of Mpain, although |»enetra*
ted here and there l#y venturaome ex
plorer* and tiiiftdonariev, were, for the
mo*! part, an undiscovered wildcrne***.
The gross area of the 1‘niled Htale*
win HJ7>44 **<piare ittllea, but the net
tled area was only -*|iiare
nil lea, or about j**r cent of tin* total.
Though the area covered by the enu
meration in I . mi mtiii*. m iy small when
compared with the present area of the
I nit*'I ■’Mai* -*, the difficulties which
confronted theeensu* taker were \ a**l
|\ urenter than in It mo In many lo
calities there were no fiiiuh, tuiti where
these did exist they were jaair and fre
• Ik'
(juently impiiH**Hbl
moat unknown. T'rai
entirely hy horaehaeU,
enrich. A journey a* I*
New 'l or k to \\ ash high n w n- i rmci
undertaking, re<|Uirlng eight day-* nit
der the most fmoirtMe condition*
i! at lot i w a*
e or prh ate
i- 11 nil from
Western \rw 'l «n k wo- » w i Ideine-.-..
I lmifM inmI Miiigamton laing hut *1*
lathed hamlet* Till* Imilijiv weM of
Hit* Allegheny mountains, with llii'cx
cepMon of a portion of Kentucky, was
unsettled anti m'hmtI.v jienctrated I »c
tr«*11 him! Vincennes were too small am!
isolated to merit considerMtion. Mhlln
delphia was the capital of the t nit* <1
States. Washington was a mere »mv
ernment project, not even named, hut
known in the Kedeial * ity Indeed,
by tin* spring of 171* t, only one w all of ;
the \\ hit** 11 ou •*** tun! heen constructed 1
him) tin* site for the Capitol htn! U* n |
merely surveyed. N«*w York city. In
17'***, possessed a population of onlv
*.l d. although it was the largest cits !
In the t niteil States Philaddphia w as
second, with am! I ton ton third,
with Is* .o Mails were transported
in very irregular fashion, ami corres
pondence was expensive amt unccr- |
Then were, niorenv er, other difheul
ties, which were ol serious* moment in
I #‘H>, hut w hich long ago ceased to In*
problems hi census taking. The in
hahitanU, hav lug no e\|a*rl«itce with
census taking, imagined that some
scheme lor ineteadng taxation was in
volve*!, ami were inclined to U* can
louts ,rs[ r v *li»iili| rvwul l"<‘ much
of lheir own affair* There w a* a’so
op)a>sit i >n to enume; alinn on religious
grounds a count «•: inhabitant* being
i ‘gaitied > many i> a ionise for «i!viiie
dtsplea-•;o I ;h- isuimlaries ol towns
ami olln minor dlv 4*lou*, and even
those oi »- >i.111ic '. wen* in ma iv eases
unknow n > e 5 defined it all. i he
hitheito s* (:ii in.tepi mlcnl elates had
Ui ii iiml< ! the c ti’ oil of the Keileial
limernmcnt »u *•» short a time Hint
tin* difteicnl •. ion* had not vet la*t u
welded into an u umonion* nation idly
In w hu h tin* I cdei al authority should
U* uit'jth sttuned ami its instruction*
promptly am! fully oi»e\ed.
NorlhficldChristian Marker*'Coafcmtcc
Nu class nt * 'hrlsilatl oonleiences ha* i
ever maintained Us continued (Hipulai
tty mu! increasing mU'iest a* Uihi oi
the t hrlslian Worker*, established by
hw iglii I. Moldy, twenty *i\ years
ago, Hi i ast Northticid, M:i"
ly w a* the plan eoncciv ed for accom
plishing It* purpose of tirliintnii Ixrieth
or Hie great theologian thinkers of e\e.
ry esangelical denomination of l ho
world to present the \ancd * to re* of
biblical truths garnered from personal
»tudv, lhal even the death of It* found
er ha* not stayed it* steady Inerease of
IHipularlty. Ki\e thousand delegates
are expected at the « onferenee this
year While new s|>e*i>ers are sought
for ami appear eaeli year, those of the
abler ones w horn the |<eop!e delight to
hear with unaluded interest, like Kr\
Messrs. Morgan and Meyer, of Kng
land. and hrs A T l*tei»on, l-en t.
Ilroughton, and Hugh lilaek of this
country, are gladly welcomed e\ery
Among the new sja-aker* from abroad
this year will he hr. \V. 1,. Walkinson,
a \eneralde old man, w ho for years ha*
Is-eit the leader of the Methodist deno
mlnalton in bug land lie lias twen a
preacher for nearlyfusty years.
Ke\ W K. Meljeod, of Edinburgh,
who was connected with hr. Hugh
lliavk in his work in Edinburgh.
Many missionaries of distinguished
reputation will is" present, among them
i hr. ii t« t'uilerwviod, of Korea, ami
Itishop \\ K uldham, of India.
Urnator Alltam, of low a, one of the
great statesmen of tins country, died
at his home in hubu<|ue. on Tuesday,
*• tieart failure He was T9years old.
I at rail HroarHi
Next Saturday. at i o'clock, tharp,
| there will I* three horte race* at the
: f’utnam Fair *rouni|«.
The event* will ron*i-t of a J.4 ti
and -t minute eia»« l*nr*e *■*' each:
half-mile beat*; trot or pace. Admit
aion 2>> cent*—grand aland free.
There are eight entries in the min
| ute ela»t. and *ix each in the other two,
— which prom ire* tome piod aport.
The entriea are from I’utriarn, \\ ele
-ter, Oxford, Snuthbridge, Waun-gan,
Oraflon. I’omfrel. Itrookiyn and other
— I.iat of letter* remaining at the
I’utnarn IVt OITloe for the week end
init Amtutt t:
l.idiet—Mitt Barbara Ito**
i .1 ni iciii- r— John .1 I tarry < oiooer.
.lone* A to. Fleming Jackton, Oliver
lirake, Vermont Harnet* A Trunk < o.
—Arthur McIntyre I* visiting hi'
grandparents in WiiitlnsVilie, Maw.
Mi" Matht Hriftin i' sjiendirig
t wn Miw k* in WoKMter.
-Ten orphan' from Ikmton were
placed in various Catholic home' in
thi' city during the past week
— M rw. Charles Warner and daugh
ter ol Itii111more, are guest* of lier par- j
cut*. Mr. and Mr«, I llennor, South I
M ain't reel.
—The Thame' * Itih of New l^indon
had their annual clam bake on Wed
nesday. (ieo. A. Hammond, a mem
ber of thet lull, attended. Mi John
K. < arjwnter and Mr. Silas Wheelock
were present an gue»ts, with others
from New York. Hartford was repre
sented by I.ieutenant-t oisernor Cake,
a candidate for .">tate Senator, Kenn, of
the <ourant and Mr. Hewitt of Wea
tlier'lield—always active ami ardent
in interest of <>.<> I* Kx-Ho.ernor
Waller, Senator Itrandegee, Secretary
of State Itodenwcin. I'oslma'lerJohn
Met iinley, of New Condon: Congre"
man Higgins, Mayor l.ippilt.l'o'tma'
tcr Carrtithcrs and • >1. Steiner, from
Nmwli'li: I'arker and l.yon, of Meri
den. Just a little of the political fla
vor Chowder and lobster til 1J o'clock
base ball at J o'clock, ami the bake
containing voting pig. chickens, frank
foil, sanaage, corn, sweet and white
(Kilabs-s—the 11f'l well liflllkc.l with
cam!- VII in kn ping wilh 111 high
reputation the Thnmcs t inh lie for I
l licit Ioikcs.
Bradley Theater
The mm. iruf picture hahit Mtiih t>.
t»e making neu coiiverih weekly amt
ciiitiniM‘ to nfT«ti«t pleasure In targe
niiiiiltci ■« -Hjint nir night Tucj*«iiivs,
I. ii • I j i ■ night rh.ifMlnvs, Xmahnir
ttitchl I ri«la \ i, iiih! < lithln-n > mat im «
Saturday* are eniaTially feature I an t
ntr pleading cil\er-ninn* The pmtmcs
change 111irtnirstlav evening amt tin
m u program i* a winner Some goo<l
amah ml aits are t>ooke<t fur I i«!a\
night >liss Mae Smith, eonlratto, i"
wmnieg favur m ft 11 \ .st rated aongti.
There* is more* r atarrh in this section 1
of l he count ry than ail other ili'en^ts
put t'*^rtlie r, ami until I lie* last feu
\enrs vs as snppewet to l*o incurable.
Tot a ureal many years doctor* pro
tiouitccet it a local ebseasc amt prescrib
es! Um-hI remcetieo, and hy Cein*taiitly
falling lo cure with l«K*al treatment,
pioiiounccd it incurable. Srdence has
proven catarrh U> K* a Constitutional
disease ami tlierefore re»juires constitu
tional tieatment. Hall’s Catarrh Cure
inantilae!uted by I J Cheney A Co.,
Toledo, e >hio, is the only eamstit it ion a I
cure* on the markel. It i* taken inter
nally in d«*st*s from lo drops to a tea
vpoonful. It act* directly on the* blood
and miH'oiis surfaces of the system.
They oiler om* hundred dollars for any
ease it fails to cure Semi for circulars
and testimonials
I .1 e it K\ i \ A I •»., I’olcdod ».
Sold by I >ru«tftst, 7 k
l ake* Hall’s I amily l’ill* f«»r tonsti
In West I |Hon, \un a ilmiKhti'r
lo Mr ami Mr' Koy Alilncli
I III WlMnl'tlH'k Hill, Vllgll't U|, li\
It*- \ i. I Wilier'. I ill < ItoniT'to
Mi" Nt'lln* i Myt-r*. tioth ul I' ilnain
In l*ntnKiii, .1 uly :|, Tltnnin* Komih
ils , iihimI (Ml y imi>
• hi July I it In'i lionii'. 'M' I nion
*trwt, Brooklyn, \ V , Nelly Itowi'ii,
wif** o(t lit* lull' William lliil'i Wi
ll.iiil'.iiiul ilHuirlili r nl'tlio lute I ilw.inl
I 'Mon mul fs*»|*l»t• »i»lft Atwell llowrn
I-inu'ral'*>r\n*i 'on Sumlny . Vuku'I ,
111 W 'HHl'l'H'k
A Mg unt I'l, Mary Jniu- 1 U-unt-r, wifi*
ol 1 l ink 1 Iti nm t of Nrw loin illo,
'III" , mul iImukIiUt of W illiuin mul
/ll|nili llarri'.
In 1‘iov nlriiiv, Auirii'l Mum 'I
Murjiliy. ay:i''l Jyi'iii' lluual In I’ut
In W illJamsiillo. Vioru't l.i'inui i
It Wi'i, agvil Til years Hurlal in Wo
barn. M i"
In I'nlniim, Auirii'l 4, AUlnri* tirijr
oire, aKeil o years
L. K. Smith
Furnishing linderlaker,
Arcade Block Main St.
Att«ad«at At Mora. Tol«|»hui»o
Ballard & Gark,
Funeral %# Directors
Putnam, Conn.
r*l«pboiM call* «n*«rrrv* promptly
SUM 3 14. 1>«.T »_4.
i.*>!, *Wn
4; FutAAift wtthltj ABKl t'V iMUvi dntlH t dl
Futnam ot* lb*1 2tN of Jolv, \ l* IMS
1'rrwi K*l*ardt» J: Jud*r
I o’ Aif**M T IHu* <*l I'u-ium
; t oon.. 4atmi»t*lr»tor »JtH a *«n.t»v otithr
!«-*(*!• r*U t »»t f fill 1^*0, 1st* of I'ui&am
otthstt *oi%i 4iMr*<t. *Sroooor*s.
I TM« l .v»r? ikXk drw tfcat MX tw 4l
’ and for th« t'MdlUMn Of **ki rMohp
rxhltit tkrlr el«itu» th* mhm> ta tb»
: A4wM»l»tr*tr4* OOd ttw«« tUa* pobhi* *0* N
, i‘.\t n <1 this 1‘ivh’t 0% o*l' I* a •«o*|'ajvr
Sa> *uj£ 1 tirMtattoo to •tWdi*tfk», id4 t * j■»’»»?
1 t«( a ^vt'» *«« Un* pohiN’ Mifl la
T»>a« t*f fk'rtvi i**NM* M tfc* pUo* wltfff Th*
loot ao«!l
1 * rti tNsl t*\>m ttoc«Nr4.
J*3? H»*UU»ti «Kh»HT
I«n U*
&f uiu»
_jf\U tat ft* Kiw »«« S.^*t
We re Strong] on Strong Trouper'. Trousers that do not rip, that 'ta\ where put and
that v. 'ii-tand all -orts of har<{ usage. The best for work. Good for dress-up. We have them for all
kind' f wear, in neat stripes, worsted and cassimere, at
1.50. *2.00, *2 50, *3.00, *3.50 and *4.00
I • t»_-st of service always proves the absolute sup emacy ol DU I CHhSS I ROUSERS, to cents
a butt i a rip. The new Fall Style-* are now on our counters.
The Church Clothing Company
Putnam Hartford Danielson
) ©00 @0000006000000000®®® @®O®®0 (
A warrant having n issued to me
for the collection of t h\ t- iexicd try the
grand list of ttie < 'tty ■■f I'utnam, for
the year 1W7, which i'e due and |»aj a
blc on or tefore Almost !■>, ItMcs, ac
cording to the rate of -aid city, ndice
is hereby gi\en that for the imrjiose d
receiving taxes I will mis*! all |<erson
lianie to fray taxes d ■ -aid city, at the ;
t 11 \ t ofiueiI 1 tool11. ’ I oi >t reel, oil
riMirsdrty . I tdn.v, -at arday, \ugiist
I.:, | I, lo, Itxts, from 1 o dock a, m. to
I o’eioek p. III. 11 no! paid for w ithin
the tone pre-eritieil leir i * , and it per j
rent, interest will he r!iurire.|.
.1. ISKHII M lx X1 !1 v I K,
I . iieetol of Taxes lo; . I ItV of I'llt -
I rated a; t’ninani, t n July 17,thus.
For Sale.
l*r<^|K*ron«. bak« r\ • inr^-.with real
eslalt* ol atxiul »h»«» i*« i of land J I -
story ho !><• with • • i, 'niMtnirm bake
shop, large Hour hoib* . a »*mi» and ear
i ringe house ami HnestfH'u- No incum
liritm't’v Hake-shop lias good brick
! oven. In K. M h Kir:.West Thompson, ]
Conn. •*1 * -1»
Stair fcuiaiijalieBS
An examination for -date Teachers
i ertificMtcs will U* hr *1 :it Israel Put*
nain School Huildmg, I'utnam, on Au
gust •’> and *> from '• a m to » p. m
Kor Information apj- \ t«> >taicHoard
of Education, Room .4-’. i apitol, Hart
The examiner will I*1 glad to confer
with persons desiring («> the Nor
mat SchooU■«1
To Wlio-i. It M.o < ..ii. . * n: Not,,-' -
b\ t’lo u llial the lli'iok.hlp S<jn.t’* t.'*tiU Ai.'.
n < >ti |M)> hi mu oi'iiui <1 and existing undei ' i
l.*ws nt the si tn «»i ( rumei tiruf, uni having
i(s |irmn|iAl |<U> e a bti-ines* nt Woo-kttK k.
Windham < omitv, state of t ooneetieut, h o. >\
.igt cement signed hx all ii* stockholders. --i
• 1**<I to terminate *?« corporate existence, o'
r hr lit mol tf Ihuetois herthy give notice t*» t
jK*rst»u having * . tun- n.'aiiot such < ouifrxny, ?o :
t . ■ same on oi be- • Nov, 1 * HU*, vx , ' .•
Sctixtatv of -.» • t Company, cither «t W.>.••!
-lot k, in the Mu?.' of < «iune« ti'nt, or a' 17
I' nit pint >’,« .• t itv ol Ihtxiklyn, State <>{ ,
\ a \<»ik. -John K Sheppard Uriel « . Shrp- |
I'Htil, < hares li. Hester. Director*.
I __
\\ rt*'e, I, tin -uhatriber having levied a j
tax wa» ran’ upon a * i tain tract ol Jai.>i " tb ,
! Uciili o house t!*♦’»eon situated near the vil- |
u> ot V ith \shloid, to* n * I l as;! •-(.
i\; *1 assessed to tienrge W. Darling at. I
- tmsed lo In . • -aid tieoige W Hailing
ht ume ol t"t "Hi* i t and contain* eight «• !» -
iquo- oi «-s. Ik'-i i 'm <| a* follows Ik'^ionii:.'
tt -tak« at i - t? the northwrst con?er ot
,, t lot n\ ' a tv mooing souther*' on
.» \ logha *' *!«.»• C4) jx»<ls to t -!ak«
ii ,| itoih s | t>. ing the MoChnest eorrei ol
s , • ! liti i t»* !hc iaiwi ttfli !.r. j| ■ in «
a . '\ 1M. Mien to • . ?!?-•
, - i \. Ic*« rdied on page l'JO. v u.
sol the U, o - t - of | age J of t*v nonet, the
I»ttti o' C.<s‘■ t,! s4td vy U ttig f‘rlltepav
n-.eut 1 »\ . " :> *t 1 tstltmf or. it-r a|
l ^ . n• i • . Otlit lee »l inter-s* to > 5 07.
t his i- u / a. ie • . e t a? on the JAth da\ I
s, , s c 10 i dock, a in. »' th-* - .
\ \ s
tmtiiul l,tx!l-i' ! shaM fKdl eimngh ol -ail
iw a fj » _;t*s thl li*0»l < 41''' l*.
! t iiu, 1 < t Ol Taxe-. town t'f Kastlord,
I' oot vx . i nun., .Inly JOth, Id*
W . •<»<«*. I »k, - rib* r having l«*v ir»1 * fn
w*rrat ' ;} j» • rt*:n Tti't *»T lan-1 *i‘Ul*fd in :
*V %'uUi- rn (mi -in* Town of K.n'{>*r<J »i>*i ;
ar ,« \V -• .i \ -tl» or IU!‘* »»*• -ouvoir ic j
t, « n of I • * >i.* • -untyof Windham *ttd •t.r« |
<f< onto t-fit'UI aid to Fran' A
Kockwood, and » i i .'Mil to t*lor.£ to «B!iJ br.»n%
\ Kx'kn***! a uo of .vw*»*v*i«riit aiid e« »taiti*
4 t.-rt- m : r* ? !«-*« described •• fol- j
w* Nor*h ’• and now or former tv Of
\\ kk-r uDd William Kradwa'
r»%ur t Mi: v « orwtfrlv of Fl'^ha Or«n! ■
an-i «*ivi »ud heir* of Jo**ph FhiHtp*.
MUlhtrt} to *»■•! r » or fortnorN to land of ;
»*UI pi»! ’ j *. o r* «: .1 Pieman k« ner*o» >du on
the Beat to iixl vu-t h«ner**n a*4 lm»d n»'»
or V ro4er \ t»y \ > W wU and H \
H»«hc \% J» •.« page b. Uni
re\X»HN ©! the Town o' t V*tfor«1 '*■*»«! )»\\ bet! * j
for the of us dor If**- town of barton!
on lot vd ltd.. and *nH»'iBti»£ with tvgal interval
tofia 4 Thl* I# to C! * r Bulk*- that oo ’.lit* J*'t» !
day of sUf »-mbtr, *>v a: # o*r Jock * in . at th» ,
*(fB pu*t In rtkoMii* ill* IB b«M Iowb of t ast •
Nad. 1 Mil enough of *a»d r*a} to |
pay uM »»\ toff'.M «ith the lawful m:* atd ;
* harfe# them*n. » art* P Latham. Oftliwctwf Of |
Ta*««h town of £*»tford, PtMtttUlv li«, C obb ,
Why Wait!
t»‘J May '< Uibiy ontfricj; tcmfirrt Work
for Merawrt 1 l>*v»
Lore Ill-others
South Main Straat
Have a \meft stocll *>t
tiranite and Marble lonamt-Bli,
Tablets tinfMonn, If.
Mt hsed. A rvr»i will ^ f Tet oa
bbv owert root ired for ifce *amv before April
Samuel W. Neill, . Agent
Dresser’s Drugstore
Some very dainty bits of
Fine Chinn
as well as
Delicious Candies
in Boxes
Dresser’s Drue’ Store
Caucus Krgistratiuii Aotire
The Registrars of Voter* of the l ew n
of Putnam will t*' in session at the "se
lectmen's office in In ion Block,
Friday, August 7. and Friday,
August 14,
from IJ o'clock noon until ;* o'clock p,
m., to register the legal voters of *.1 i• t
town who any apply for the privilege
of voting in political caucuses a» pre- 1
scribed tit t he t onneclicut Acts of l'*wi,
t hapter it 1.
Those who have already registered
under the act,are not required to again
unless change of political preference t»
i.WoN T WltJSiN, t „
Thomas P Rva.x, ^"trar*
Putnam, t'onn., July 21, tyos :tn-.il
Saturday at Store
Hoop lea" Jelly ec pkge !
Large Mackerel »e e«ch
3 can* Die ted milk 00
3 pk tree Jello 25c
, 2 lb caa Luncheon or Corned beet 21»
| 13 lb« tine granulated sugar |1
, Kora Kink* 3; pkge
i B ue Ktbbon Kaisina 10c pkge
i 1 bar Cutlet Soap gi»en to J"ue purchaser
ot a pound ot any bulk C\ Bee,
! .*> lb Bulk Starch 2&c
J ib can Libby"* Ok Tongas ygc
lb* flue Uraru.ated Sugar, fl oo
|o the purchaser ot a pound ot our
HOc bulk tea
S Iba (.Singer Snaps r?*
5 iba Prune*, 2*c
j B:ue Label Cat»np jsc
Quart Bottle ot Ammonia 10c
j iioid Medal Butter 2Sc ;b
3 iba flg bare 25c
Pianos and Organs
Sold on easy payments or for Rent.
Edison and
and Supplies
V jg“2,()00 Edison records
v constantly in stock
1.5 i t copies stoidard music at IOC a copy.
All tin p ip il,ir music at I9C
Ditio i'i ptilt ication sheet music 1-2 off.
A Fresh Stock of Strings for all Instruments.
Try our Italian Violin Strings. 40C each.
Pure Silver Wound G Strings, 50C each.
Maiu aii l Union Streets. Putnam. Conn.
The Eastern Dental Co.
Elm Street,
Bradley Block, opposite Congregational Church, Putnam.
Operative Dentistry
Most Modern Methods and Materials Skillfully Applied
Mechanical Dentistry
High Grade Workmanship and Materials.
Crown and Bridge Work
A Specialty.
The Eastern Dental CO.
Bradley Block Putnam, Co»»
^uiiiiiii.Vm it mViVnVin «%
Don’t Forget
Sommer Shoe Marked-Down Sale
Do it Now
Don’t miss the opportunity. They are going fast.
We are giving Great Value. Always glad to
show our goods.
Green Stamps With Each Sale.

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