Newspaper Page Text
VtCXNITY. •UX'TH ttl'ODsTOCK u „ V. 1 ie Burleson spent in-i week •h friend' in Columbia. This week *•"' entertaining Mi" Josephine ^,»m! anti M." Dora Tucker. Jltrua--! lilover !■* it Mr. Sliippey - („r t fe» tia's Mr- ami M r' been enjovinif ^eari't tittle boy. j. -ie Barter of Danielson is atAllxrt H William*. v«s Bertha Flynn w as the recipient /. surprise partv and post card show r a«t Saturday evening in honor of l£f twentieth birthday. The Baptist Bible school picnic at Rtseland i’ark on Thursday. Mis, Bernice Sanger is at her cous Miss tirace Stu-idon s,in Moos up, k.r a short i Isit \isit. . Henry Lamothe have a visit from their son's HAMPTON \\'e spent a pleasant (lay Sunday, August lid. visiting the old homestead, ■ Ke<i Roof" in the morning, taken ••■•eitfcv ••Mike's” Red Wing, person ,‘v conducted, -Mrs. Hammond and Holt alon?. Just as the sun twkdip to tlie west we added Miss Hrien Storrs Hammond to the party, and tinned onward to ttie dining table oi the Propped House—correctly named loathe well known Hampton Hill. The Pro-peet House is very [vopular, temg patronized by people from New Hi en. Hartford.and New York. Au tomobile parties are frequent, one ar riving at the same time as ourselves, l ie dinner w as good, as we exacted it would l* The only criticism was the economy shown by only partially cov ering the top crust of the apple pie with delicately moulded strips—the pte was all right front tire top to the piste. We were very glad to meet two old mate'. John G. Lewis, one of the ates of the Sew Britain s-. 'i'iol, n.t lilly-lwo years :• t'eaoher in New Haven, and tinring that time ■ rt.v eight years principal of At the close of his fiftieth tear: teaching there was n memorial meeting • the nliimtii and citizens genera i>. loihom alia gala tlay. He resigned the close of last year, anti ,(3i, p, t-t tl to state the city of New Hatci! fa- given him a [tension of tluui a ytair. At 71 his eye is bright. »ml step ■ O'tic. remaining at Prospect Housi in; the season. I Its sjstor, Mis. strait llmwn, was with him. In lss7 shiie visiting the principal cities of California, we called at her home, just established on a ten acre tract at Red lands. the land covered mostly by a young growth of orange trees. Today she rai-es on that small spot yearl\ Mime twenty-five hundred to three tnousaud l»ixes of selected oranges, site ha' a bright family of children,one son going to the Spanish w ar, an offi cer. It is fair to say she is partial to the California climate. tte had a comfortable ride home The only unpleasant incident was when we came up behind some gentle men ? in a runalsMll,going very slow ly—the liest they could do, by the way —who kept the middle of the narrow road until room was found to pass. On the runny excursions we have made in the good and true lied Wing, we have never icen headed, frequently passing machines costing live or six thousand dollars. The machine is <». K. but tlie skill and nerve of .Mike is what takes it to the front and holds it there some of you who have livers try it on w ith him, e*{tecially where the road runs over an undulating and sleep hilly country. Take your nerve with you. «. a. II. WOOItNTOCK VALI.KT Miss Marie and iSerllta Child from riu'hiug, have been the guests of friends for a few days. Mrs i. ice a has been entertaining Mr and Mrs. Hay ter and two sons the present week. .Mi*s Florence Green lias returned home alter '(vending a week with friends in Jludley. Lieutenant ami Mrs. John Kennedy, and Lieutenant and Mrs. Sidney !* iiutier, from New Haven, have tieen gae-ts of Mrs. Jlutler's mother. Mrs. it. tf Brigg-, making the trip in tlwir touring car. Mi— 'lingsby and friend from Bos ton. wort guests over Sunday of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Slings I hey also entertained their broth er and wth from South \\ illiiiglon. Mrs. Briggs and guests took a drive ' unlay in an auto to visit her son, A. I' Briggs in Pomfret. Mr. and Mrs. George Young froi on. are guests of her brother, A ten Kenvun. Ul'INfr BAIU Mi" Man- Kins was in Worcester on Tuesday. ' 1 !ie funeral of Ihe youngest daughter of Mr. ami Mrs. Kdwurd Healy was at their home in Quinebaug Sat oniay. Interment at Webster. Hie Quinebaug base ball team won a ■ iclorv from the Webster nine Salur afternoon to the tune of II to 5. Misses Florence and ICdna Aldrich •ere the guests of Miss Nellie Breen in Webster Sunday. Miss l.iz/.ie Hathaway, of Taunton, l» idling relatives in t^uinebaug. ..May Willett, little daughter of Fred " 1 lelt, fell from the ste|>s of her home I ns weelt and sprained her wrist. WOODSTOCK Mrs William H. Williams, sister of In (ieorge Austin Bowen, died at her borne in Brooklyn, X. Y., Friday July "‘M- The funeral was held at her Brother's home Sunday afternoon, and ehe was laid to rest beside her husband m the Woodstock cemetery. The fu neral was attended by her’lamily and Woodstock friends and relatives. Com •orting words of scripture, remark and | raver, were Spoken by Rev . Oeo. F. ''‘fers. and “One (sweetly Solemn lhought," and “Lead, Kindly Light,” *er* feelingly sung bv Mre.Undholin. . ?real profusion of beautiful Coral ‘Obtit*, were indicative of the love and e*le*rn of many friends,and their beau and fragrance fittingly typified the ’■e which had ended. Two brothers tod a si,t{.r sUrvjVe Mr».Williams,and “J'*f daughters mourn the loss of a “other,who since her husband’s death ua> seen a lower of strength in the Borne. Her life has been characterized . * 'are degree by the cheerful cour *** »ith which she has met the emer prncies of life, she united wilh the Ufe m°Ulb eburch in Brooklyn in early f he birthday parly of Ida Spalding, nday, Aug. w’as greatly enjoyed . Kf -ier chums, who were the incited ***** of the dav. | MU* Olive Child of Bethlehem, Pa.. *1 \ alleysi»le goe^. Mr*. William Mat hearson i« enter taining her cousin, Mr* Peck. from Nr w i ork state. from Baltimore arevi*it mg Mr*. Hamilton Holt. Mr*. PieriKmt Foster is entertaining her father anil mother. W. Bowen ha* guest* who made the trip from Halton.Ma-* ln an a .to. •M*"* Margaret Barren i* the gue*l of -Mi»* Hinrtch*. .Mi" Uertnnie Talier i* home. Re\ . W S. Beard. the new iy ele tteil jt of tlie W illimantie * ongrega Uonal church, wa* entertained over "urwlay bv K. K. Koll'n*. Mi** Mabel Bitch i* home after a few week* visit with New York relative*. Mr*. Clarence Weaver ami chid from texa*. are .visiting at George Lyon'*. »■ M. Sampson ami family have re turned from their outing at' Pleasant \ iew. Mi**e* la?*lie and Su*an Sumner are spending a week in Attleboro. Miss May Seaman, a teacher of Ger man in one of the Brooklyn High schools, i* spending her vacation with tier *i*ter. Mrs. K. R. Uollin*. h. J. Williamson and fumi.v from Hartford. al*o Mr. and Mr*. V.rne*l illiamson fromProvitience.are guests of their mother ami *i*ter. Fred Howard is home for two weeks Mr. and Mr*. Herbert iKingsbury leave this week for their Hartford home. Avery enjoyable social event was the ‘‘Porch Party" given by Mr*. W i|. liam Mathew*on Tuesday evening to about twenty young |>e<>p!e. who were invited to meet Mi** Margaret Barrett. Richard I.. Child i* home for a time. Henry T. Child, C. H. Child, and William C. Child, attended the Fieid I>ay of the Connecticut Oairymen't Association July loth, and rejnirt ir tine time. Next Thursday evening, August 1 there will tie a concert given in the Swedish Congregational church, at which there will i>e music of the high est order. The concert w ill also tie giv en in Putnam the preceding evening. The particulars will therefore U found on the first page. Clarence XV. Bowen at the close of the concert will deliver an historical address on Woodstock. Kev. Benjamin A. Dean and family will soon move from Vershire, Ver mont,to Cast Martland, Conn. Mr. Dean has accepted a call to the* bngre galional ;church at Hast Martland, which is near t oiehrnok, where he preaened from lsito till l'.atj. MIHTH W (Milts lOCH. Mrs. (Danville Perry is entertaining her son, Henry J. Potter and family i Ml. X’ernon. Mrs. Charles Ware of Uockvide is visiting her sister, Mrs. Byron Bates. .Mrs. Way land Cage recently enter tained Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Vaughn and child of Worcester. Rev. (ieorge Hibbard, son and moth er, of Drafton, are visiting Mrs. Moses Cage. Miss Mary F. Potter is visiting iter cousin, < 'harlot Talein, in Kastford. John Healey celehratcd Iris Ititll birthday by hav ing a picnic at Roue land to which nearly ■>> of our yuunf people were invited. The Sunday school has lieen reorgan ized recently with Mi" Kthel liawson as sujierintendent. Prof. Sidney N. Mor-s- has the lays' "iass, and Mrs. Frank Perrin the infant class. Mrs. Frank Mav is enlertai’ her brother. Sidney Moore and wife, and Mrs. Austin, Sirs. Moore's mother. Mr. and Mrs.<Bin ('hatiee spent Sun day in XX ilsonville, the guests of their cousin, Mrs. Burton I phaiu. Mrs. i liar! •» Snow is entertaining iier brother, Thomas Feely and family, of North Brooklield. The Fast Woodstock JSandex|ieet to give a concert on Saturday evening in Grange hall. A liean suptier w ill fa given in the dining rooms, puce lo cents, ice cream and eake In cents. They hope for a good attendance they have had several disappointments in arranging for a concert. On Tuesday evening the young i*‘» ple gave a farce in Orange hall,entitled ••A Itox of Monkeys. " Those taking part were Maude and John Healey, Mildred throw n, Kruest Hibbard and XV inifred Putter. Miss Edith I a/|*en ler rendered two piano selections. L. H. Heaiey aUendcd the funeral of Dairy ( oimnissioner John B. Noble at Flftsl Windsor last Thursday. Miss Kuuiee Hibbard Is visiting in Pomfret and tirosvenordaie thi» week. Last Thursday Misses -ara rnd l v tlier Bishop, Mr». (-eorge Morse and Mr-. Ellen llyde, two daughters and grandson, took a triji to ML Tom, re turning on Saturday. WK-iT W '!UHT(K K i»r. ami Mr>. Guild. Mr. ami Mr-. K. \\ McGuire from Windham j.a—j through in an auto.and ca. ted at K 11 John-on - mol Y■ J- < orhin -. M r. Richmond from N"orwieh » a- at Mr-. Phillips' Mi-- Mary Sumner -pent -a in I ay with her cousin, Mi-- Nettie Phillip-. Mr-. Thompson, who ha- been visit ing her daughter, Mrs, Brown, has cone to her home in V\ orce-ter. lies , and Mr-. Atherton are spend jnc a week in this parish, ami he wilt preach in the Baptist ehurch Sunday. Miss Itorothv Bundy give* a party Saturday to some little friends in hon or of Mi's- Kuth Bales birthday, and her little friend Beryl Atherton. Mrs. Byron Bate- father from Rut land is visiting her, also Mrs. Albert Moulton from Worcester. Rev. K. T- Baker will be in North Stonington over the Sabbath. tbosiwji. Mrs. J. K. Ikiane gave a party for he young people on Tuesday after roon. Miss Mildred Knight celebrated her hirteenth birthday by entertainrng a lumber of young friends. { Mrs. K. M. Buchanan of New •-on ion is visiting Mrs. Allen T. Babbitt. Mrs- Haseai! and her si-ter, Miss lioane. left for their home in Shrews jury ou Monday. The Rev. Lreorge I-Ake of \errnont j reached last Sunday at the« ongresa ional church to a good audience, ,is sermon was excellent. Re^. Geo i. Cummings will preach next sab >ath. The Sundav school of the Baptist •hurch held a' picnic at Bale- Grove ,n Tuesday of this week. T)ie Misoes Brown of Framingham ire guests of Mr. and Mr-, h lelcher. Miss Shaw has gone to 1’rov idence to pind a week with relatives. The Ballard family reunion »t.> lie leld in Nichols' Grove, Ue-tThomp ion. Wednesday. August l-Th Miss Doris Jaeufsi is entertaining a roung lady friend. A souvenir leap year party »a- ie.u ;U r wn It.i.: last ■'at a tiay even i«t. and the voung people enjcved danein* until a late hour. Mr • h1 Mr- t harles K. Searls are e\i<ecled to re'.urn from Nantucket on 1 r rivl a y. ti't niHiii.iniK A concert for the bene (ft of the pub lie library will tie given in the t'onere gatiotial church August Wtn. t ake an.i ice cream will be mi sate. ruaiam i.tMiina H ^ oung i- lean appointed dis triet on 11itee :u ilistriet No. in 1 place of (tiara- Ketnpton resigned. j < otton - Bridge i- now open to the public. The new -teel bridge i- appre- \ eiaie«i. Mr-. H. l» W hippie has her grand-; daughter, Miss Ethel Peek of Auburn. ' ; K. I.. with heron a visit. Mi" 1. —u. ivan of Pawtucket is a guest of Mrs. J. l». Johnson John Allan;- ha- mo veal into the Al- 1 ilrieh house < tiriuie- ;- wing v i-iled by hisUra ham relative- of Bridgeport. Mr and N| r- Doughty of South t'ridge were recent guest- of W illiam Darling. During In- weak - vacation Krvd Darling v i-its hi-parent- and others. Mr. Gallup ot Ahington i- repairing Mrs. J. B. t lapp s hou-e Apples are worth but little, being so wormy. 1 To Subscribers of the Patriot According to Order No. on" of the Post < >rtioe Department subscri bers cannot tie indebted to anewspa I>er more than one year and 'till ha\e the pajier sent to them at the second class rate. The order reads as follows: A reasonable time will lie allowed publishers to secure renewals of sub scriptions, but unless subscriptions are tsfirissly r'tuir.ti alter the term for which they are paid.within the follow ing iteriods: Dailies, within three months. Weeklies, within One Year, they shall not Is' counted in the legiti mate list of siibscrilier', and copies I mailed on account thereof xhntl nut hr ai, ,pt,-d for iiini'intf at the second class |sis(asc rale of one cent a |Hiund, but may lie mailed at the transient sec ond class |ms|ate rale of 1 cent for each fo ir ounces or fraction thereof, prepaid by stamps attlxed. Wildwood Park A vaudcvii.c show without music was the unusual entertainment given in the theatre Monday evening, and it w is a good dial like eating potatoes w ithout salt. A pianist appeared on T esilay and things moved along tad let. (ins Kaine, n tlerman comedian, iii s a good musical monologue: Miss t. adys se;\rs, singing comedienne, has a good voice and gilt ' some clever im itations. tollman A Cushman give a rats- track sketch. The Yynos in ttieir sketch, "Music in a f armyard," intro duce many novel features and a clever transformation of costume. Fireworks w ill be shown the 1 Itli anti t-’Tth, and l and concerts given on the afternoons of the H>tla and 'nth. Itiipot 1 miu Census He|u»rts of 1 rate Congress recently authorized the Di rector of the ( ensi.s tu publish the tlrst census of the C nited .''tales, to inelnde the heads of families then constituting the population of tlie country in 17!*ti. The returns of three States were thus published last year—New Hampshire, Vermont and Maryland. There are now in press the census for 17!*tiof Maine, Massachusetts, Rhode island, Connecticut, New York, Pennsylvania and North and South Carolina. They are each printed in a separate volume, of Inn to inn pages, no laid antique pa per, sewed and boumi with turned handsome covers, with map 11x17 in. Any of these state pampiels can Is- had of the Director of the Census, \\ ashlng lon. at the uniform price of "1 fur each part. \Ve give elsewhere an article headed “The I nited States in J79H," constitu ling part of the preliminary and histo rieul and explanatory articles printed in these census reports. The Peace Congress in London may well be encouraged by the progress of arbitration. The nuuilier of such trea ties made was only 2 iu JikKi, but it rose to J7 iu IHOl, 4s iu liMifi, 41* in IWtti, &3 in 1IM.7. aiyl sai in 1H0*> down to April •i. A t such a paee is reasnu being sub stit tiled fur quarreling. I tklahoma is tbe pioneer Male lor ultra radical innovations, municipal ami political, some of which tnnycoute in conflict with tbe < unstituliun. The Attorney (.eneral bus ileclareil that Ibe Slate lias the right to regulate tbe price of coal. Why not all products? Auction Hv virtue of an order to me directed from Honorable Andrew J. Bowen, Retiree in Bankruptcy for the district of Connecticut. in tin- mailer of tdorge r Murdock in Bankruptcy ,\ j. IS4.*, 1 will sell at I’ublic Auction in the vil lage of New Boston, in the town of Thompson, on Saturday, August lo, lfais, ai 11 o'clock in the forenoon, the following dererilwd properly, to wit: A tract of land situated in the said village of New JJoston containing alsiut the o. aeres. Bounded North by land now or formerly of one Bamiwon and •piinebaug River: Kast by highway; South by the land of Mabel M. Stobtw: and West by tbe land of the so-called Jordan estate. Sale positive to the highest bidder. Baled at Stafford Springs this Hist dav of July, 1H0H. L' .t: Kohkkt H. Fisk, Trustee Republican Caucus The Republican Klectors of the town of Pomfret are requester! to meet in caucus at town house in said Pomfret, Saturday, August 1 >th, !!**>, at two o ciock p. m. for the purpose of elect ing delegates to the Kepublican Stale « on .ention to tie held in New Haven, Conn., (September H and 9, 19Ub, to nominate candidate* for the Slate tick et and Congresaman-at-large, and to do any other business proper to tie done at said meeting. Bv order of the Kepublican TownCom mitlee. F. L,. Vt kkiht, I n airman. Bated at Pomfret, Conn., Aug. 5, IS**, 12-33 Di-ikifT of lHustnwi s*. pkobatk court. As*. 1st 1**> Krtal* ol py*r A L utvais ,il»olIV'»|s:< in -at-1 a .strict drswswd. I?. AdmiDiorstor h»rlo* <-*nit>it«-«l !»!• s,Ofloi»s rsnoo aceoaat wttb said rstaU to tlil» Court tor siiowsnor it 1* Ordrred tfemi *S« *th dsy of Aaguse. at 10 s etoell » m . »! ’tl- Prohai* Odke is Thompson Is *«ia dt-'Ort be, sad the o* 1*, As*lrn*d tor % l„»riM I’D the siiowmB.-» sad AdBiiitrUstloU •ecus' sad tin- so rt direets tie- Admmlrtrstor Cfr »',i »rrn>a* iB'ereCrd th-reln »<j appear St ,• d time sad |>i*w. t»f laiduSUa* Uus ororr mo- la ssiir twamapor *» ■ n« * rlreaJ.tloa i,. said district. sod nr pos’lD* • c-vpr on tar rs,t,;.c >./• post ta the r«wa of l!«>»isoi wfcrr* 5T* d«*a*ed pan «*•«, *t least • day« While iilJIk’-E Si. i K*‘sBV. Remnants Fancy Waistings India Linens Fancy Dress Ginghams Apron Ginghams Calicoes We offer BIG V.AI.l’FS in these Manufacturers' Mill Remnants of New Cp-to-Date Goods It will pay you to look over Our Remnant Counter The Keystone Stores Danielson Putnam Moosup ... ..»»♦»♦♦»♦♦♦ Connecticut Fair Charter Oak Park, Hartford, Conn. September ”7 to 12 OPENS LABOR DAY Grand Circuit Meeting Running Races Horse Show Cattle Show Poultry Show Twenty-four Hour Butter Test for I '•airs Breeds Automobile St how Athletic Carnival Exhibition of .Agricultural and Home Products bheep Swine Goats Pet Stock Pain's Fireworks Sjiectuelr ! Vl. 1. Ol PORI ARIitl R lorry Night 5(H) Perfoi iners. Entries to trotting, pieing and running races clone August 25. Entries to Dog Show close August 24 Entries to all other departments close August 21. Admission 50c. Children 12andunder25c ‘Privileges of Every Description Por Sale. Write for WALTER J. SNYDER. Mgr. premium lists and (>27 Connecticut Mutual Rldg entry blanks to Phone 14S20 Il\Rl frORD, t t)NS. MANUFACTURERS PIANO SALE A T SHAW’S For the purpose of introduction the manufacturers offer an extremely low price, and for the Next THIRTY DAYS 1 can offer a iarge upright mahogany piano, full 7,'j Octaves, double veneered case, ivory keys, sustaining pedal, full metal plate, and the whole fully guaranteed for $165 Cash I also offer a second hand Chickering Piano just the thing for Sunday School or Endeavor Society for ONLY $65 Geo. E. Shaw, Putnam. Th^ Ivy Corset After cat fill ronsideiation of many lines of Corsets wo have added .» complete lino t of the famous -Ur" V v»o * I ai r vf -igned by a woman of wide experience iu I tln> luitmifiu'lurv of Corsets, one who knows shr Ii't| unturiils of thr feminine figure. I in- I nr includes thr f» louring styles) •uni (iricrs. Stylo 100A ami It!'A at 1.00 Stylo 100A S at 1 35 * Style 4t*0A at l 50 Style 350 at 3.00 Style t!») Ah to Strap, (See Cut» 3.75 sty le 55‘A at 5 00 j The Style 45*0 Ah I Strap, eveiv women mrlined to stoutness will appreciate n<>t only for the eomfort they given, but for their long service wlnrh makes them decidedly economies! (live this no art a t»i-1. and we ran assure you perfect satisfaction. We have a rorsrt for every figure, ami every purse. We also carry the newest and most up to date no dels in Koval Worcestei K and <1 1. iK ssista and 1* 11 \ Co. Corsets, and the Sahhn tigure builder for slight figures r>fj €ar|Mkis and Wall Papers. Putnam, Ctn. DEVOE PAINT allons Ready to figure? Cost hy the gallon that’s one way. The number of gallons that’s another. It calls for I)evoe every time. It costa less because it takes less gallons. 1"»3 years of honest paint making back of every gallon you spread. For sale at Burt’s Pharmacy CHANDLER & MORSE otaouvw Sherwin-vviliiams Paints tor all Kinds o( Good Pdmtinp White Lead, Oil, $c. Poultry Netting, Ell wood Woven W ire Fence. Barbed and Plain 1 Wire With the United States Cream Separator. You take no risk. You have time to try it, then if satisfactory we will make easy terms for payment. Call on us kor Crockery, Kitchen Furnishings, andLamps. Chandler & Morse j HARDWARE PLUMBING