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w Flderty Woman Who Her Tim« Worrying. fooii‘-Hne*»» of llo*rding#,Un comidv red Trifl V Weir inj Out Ont'n Welcome. * «f«* if in* flier i-4 *fu\injr. with tin!" The apeaker't* ton#* 1 wj ff»» moat deafterat* resignation Von will understand. dear n-a^r, ibw I I yon It mhk n «*n»e of mother hi taw Tbrrt' l« no fire without a little •moke, and lb#* dlxltke of on**» moth , rr In law usually tiear* n I rwaon t**|jti»i It Ho I asked ln*r why, oh, why! "I!n\e you ever II▼♦-*! with the wor ryiuic tyi**T’ abe asked me pathetinl |y "If not. then 1*1! bnvi- to enlighten jroti The wonting fyjie ran I** seeu a mllr away an I r#i«»gnlwd by Itw far#* Th»* tiirea are long and poetlah I be mouth la narrow like tbt brain. and It dr«»op* a I the corner* Tin# who!#* attitude of a p on of till* type la i direct JiidteMou to bat! lin k I <lo ladle*** If there )> ho bftf! III1 k •round she actually fee;* |oi»<*,r M < an you f un > lh ng with one of them- delightful women. t f»* only content In n p * blue ittuio*ptierc and #41dolus; nothing waiting for bard time* to h-tppeii. In*t i. eg not the •llghteat effort to avert them? No. In deed If she did anything a hr wouldn't ha «• Min- !«» I a* blur, and It** mot give herself that luxury at the cot of everything » !*e! If then-’* no r»*ii! trouble a Hide |»n eglmitum will do Jo-f n- w* I and file tmgujarlfy of the inn • fnrnlahr* « gram! opportunity f um y bi ing below**.! ;t round «* you do your ho i* rvvru k l > :i tbfit pin hid q‘i< rnjn i i .'uii-j »% * r and •» et flgftlll I w fouler why she doe n’t write I !» vend ;i idemm If I do I t | hear from her tomorrow " I lie bn lit f|»ie»*M >ii *s* n vrr> bn > d lughlrr v In tin 4ft* t written ;i IcMcr f * *' three win b duj •=, ami r**n e«piriiM> tie* trouble tKirr” * r limp i" -*!*«* 1* dying <»r rotor |tn urnble di rune I den t v i to iy anything brutal about Old p bill what tit; hr* them *'l won I-• Ml Will lt» I...J • I WSini: ' *ro linn I (•> 11 \«* with* Mainly he- hi 111 the Will'll?* *«f I In* th Ini VIM-■ i nothin* «‘Im* t«» ! «:! nit nut f i ill : i« I llilttk ll|» tl MlliU* a '»•**» I ti. ii ielxe* umt other |HHi)*Uk Why h H Ul u xx on mu <•■;«*’ to Ih tweful nmt i «iiiMM|*niut!> luh'i vHiiujc w hen »he eN ta »\ hair • Tin* mmuui who -t. tafe* at sixty or « -n \.' • ■!> t » I've twenty jrenr* l< •. i i.’ •« ■ ! ie • hi luttii t n |«f«M ■ l I.* ti t* f m * iii |1 Otl tin* >e w }h« luiXe t>> i.i. 4 ii f'f v t o* Imr ui* wit!» hi i My it* » f t 1 - If M i i‘« 1» grow o!«t xx n\ let’** . -k 'tone one to i*h!*M'»n * t » ! > •“*• v\o Imm-ohh* IfUl lh'M tl* « ‘ ‘14*1 ' '• ’ It’* « |*-mi thill*.: xx h - t % n im t n .1 1 > *.»I Jm pb* In* N l' .1 Miill of It? I It’f li| Hint tv Vintc^i, j When \ .»*• i 1 i * * *ia\ with h flit ml 4*r * * \ 4*u a n i. ho sure that jtoii are ii * »f otii* .uin*; your wehouie “Always leave ?! - 1 mm; hi:.; When \OM Bit \ tfOmthx K title ! O**' to < It* I ho Mrimi f i i* ■ n I v h * i ■ xx hit h hill* t****n inu>*v| Ii? too proloiiffett finite! A U*HHi |H*tU iJ* t«11% ;l \ >4 to Htttto how ton* \ *11 it »** p*i to 'tax XX In tl you tcrept thv In vital km Alut Jou't thioK i hum* yoa an* with relative* that x <* i etui In* a fixture t'hey iii.M x ■ <*i v.t: t* • imiii.i am e hut they fool it hint tin* *4tin* I ran remember one awful ease w ht*u Aunt Maty an.e to Max » x or Sunday with hor uiox-o am) u«pho\\ amt rv tnaiiit*) four vu*tio tin* you a*; j*eo |>io u*n) 14i »*k t*4i4 h other oxen «tav h».w U*nit nilulto 11*11• *ni*** 1 to stay It »vw to !*• a hou*M Uoal prohtoui. am! I ho utifoi' >ii»ato -m»!o «i-uU1nt x ory wWI tifh for tho rtii'ixxt-r Finally a quarrel * aumst hv over wrought norxvs .uni t proximity brought n*';t f \ *w t?i* v nt'tthor a-n* b«*r nor w II sho .*xt*i jwaW to them attain all of w\ ’» !*■ a pity and fnlirh? have tu* UM by the tow* f»f a Itttlr eotuuioi f «* V v! !> 1UUHNS0N. !u < t tills »ilh i-U-sl, Anil l hut ll \\ h»( l> n • ■ I :i '>'■ Ins b» »'►-«*l II >’’ i'-"it ll lily's t'reniu Ha' » *’ - > gi iltsnK'f mol 'i> ll>'- ^ i's th»e«i<l may gn « Into Tins sir I< m in Ha me. I You h:t\ s’ to llirtt tot ri i i) Im-nlli |I* lnw that Kty’s t ifiM'i m»|<» r.ifsrrh. j*roi*i|Ml,y ami wrUU»l> ■ H it know the ni l 'a »- about lh* «WW’ ii-‘ iw\ t'Htlun. Ttoewfore mm? I'b am t;« , » fun tlM H» U* show* \n JrufgiaW, ale., or inaiUnl i-v Kiv ttriw., 30 Warrea Street, N*w Y nk.' J-’or a mil I, <f«" »ftlon of ’.he howrU s kiug!v of Itomt’a RdfuhH* 1' enough. TmtUuKit curt". habitual e>n *\ijulktu 36 eeaU » lb’s. ■gsitt’flal for Ihftu. SUNDAY NIGHT SUPPERS. S'fr* H;fti F r H . a'.+ V • pmr Dur ing * he Warm yife»to«r. A- |i .:, ; j »■ , r*» Hrnlui fr> put of I'oof * *f f »ir | Hr-i tm* fl»« ro . *<-i it r 4t o\-**r\ wv»i mid ’»«** '• ! | .:f oo M-fV** f?M* *-V I tf»* *lt «fljr{»r*r Oft fM* pi /« »i»i M' i"H t.t hU* uwl ft * If»i ii arr^'ti t > pr if vw i * li i { r**' i -HMl v. ’ i’f I M rl | - tl d piil'M* ! A ifttW f Iff < ;JI !M.« S tii f In* « \ t*t:f«»( ■■» r • tf «!!*{».-* t ;m if#* r*»ok«l flu* i|ji‘ lu»for«* in i «"*!'! -1**1* lipd *ri!rno»i f*« »«t# Voft l##H ***** frirli f* - ft ami •»If vifft fin#! #hof*f#t*d p ! Von I,!?;** tf from Hi#* fro ;t *i#I :hM ;t f«-s»»#|»noiifijf of m »*#! .1 w i'or ind Y$»«-f» dtfHWft • #*<I In tt If I of .1 up of hoi ivHtor. pour If ovor fIt** nww, whl<h h*» f**#*n puiH in i* mold •hop#*. and If to i <mt Korv# it M ’.VK It o'. TM »€ l»l % /./ \ , ur»si-!1 \ j' f• > i ho or f>«►* tain !■»- n o' ■ !nn^h»'il |m> ifo fhrusijjii a pa vs hM** Sfnr -,! -f. . 1 ■*«- , ./ j iH-t, V-I’l f '■«» I ! • > o r • i hr il I* 'hi r^tf mil. n \l Mm* yoIU |»oHih*r It >: :nJ mi\ i: Mh Mini; of ha u ami a tiny M!*|»l»'|o<| »o onion Miiilif.l v, Mb IMlt 11 > ♦ *n t -v uu«! inn \ * t: i lift* .1,1 ; JIO imm| <$\ #*r t f i< - hi an* lino for a lint wight |w*vlbsl <*rr* t*** iii.i» «» -41f y 1** pivp i r**« 1 tin* May boforu, a < Han lh*af im»|| • laica f<»x KEEPING CHILDREN BABIES. Moth^f i Don't 'halt ec That Its Ap nfaran « Afiatt > tha Child. W hi l 4 i i i.ii( I h»t« t«> H-4> |) I 11 to fM r J» » {ft I - f j Mr * I uni V |4! o:.'l h Ini 'f V. f all It *ur Vvih'H J!; ■ I a u t.a I an* U | t I I n . »o - i \ oil v * r n V...I ! :■ • •' ■ mi it f' loud v*. !»u « . i f t hatid * i ni. Iiv i'l b. four v u ol 1 fi.iu on rut off w. «i «' i h.i,. r . . . hiii mi! v tho 1 n\ - i.ij.' moflior I k*'M up Mini i n.11wry. Ilk tail itinl -»1 -*-«• i » un* war d ht it ro.UfH o ? ti |f . bll to M, ,| ton ti: •:o I* atHJUlor •;;**« an- i !.t i Util litiartoi* of -1 tun I n, k ulhi a ropiiirlntf tho • u a hi hah' b n iji 4 . a- Imv Mint* >iu«*iilhi'ri« Ih l Iri# • auuo In* hulk hi?* i in to hod bl it to » Ion " » tirU • * * * * «* ^ *oit* any :'o*m da> I law a IU >U>UK % l»l|C hth> N»y. wbo oiu;til i » itttvo w»*rn ft |{t)Ksiuti still rt( i li«* v**r> U*am‘. »lre%>«hI tu hu «*ml*rv U*r st * i|* «u.| t ImI»> h:U tU fwr * Ittil* nirt one half of bb I WOt*‘t sJhhW of llu* «h!t‘ of Uahxt r; clllklivii. l*o* nils** I twvt«s| of that a short tltuv hut why. oh. why. tlo >. :m* mothrnt mviu to want i i* th* lr % h'Ulrvo always tu tlu* to fa tit m ..-v* 1* »t a uinitiurg provtmv always to otv <it» W'Mktn*u» tn*io**l of attviurthf Xml don't ttioM* *onttiny*nfa! wuiiuu v ihit i h4llH apjHvir «mv .not v ‘ ■ vart tlvy aAV< t U» ! rh oa irr amt ui^uvoUoi** si it a xiwwru 1U.4\ \ Muj-itft* h H t HUM1' H n n! ! *ly, pimply wiupifvhm, ht*a*lachts. mtitsr* * Thtiikloml makf* j v , o hW, pair k v mmlorktlloo'1 H&tpr* talkie t !h h«oo*t rieh, rv<l, |'tsit ,, .. K.-rtl* I, -• 1 s'. H o » usfil with slmv*>s in * if ■ .o4h! NV ^ ’ Mr* 1 j v\ Mlauwiv, IKrVaKs N \ CASTOR! A ;or Inunt* aud Ciuidrm Hit K nd You Have Always Bought B#*r*;h* /? sj££S/+^ * , uiui* v 4 \ *. aMHBMfe 4 S.+4 4*44444444 !-4444 > ;.4444•> 4 ♦ £ Humble Folk | 4 4 r,» c u. Lrr.js 4 4 f T-.1 * *> 4* v /♦♦♦44^y4»v+4,4,4’4,,i,444‘M444t r tn«rk • tv) If* Amvf I i ;* way th*-* had I « »*n #*njpisr**d for I n )Kir or mor»* Torr tfedf.-r* and LI d.i In n way, I nny I# -««»*♦* ! th** humbU* |**'*>f»u* firing i** Oh* t*©v#** I or fuuft«*r«*d mMim on Hi#* unit** him! | < renin of the Hoillhrm mountain* do no! of ■VlJJJitKHIM'flli'’ It 1* taken for gniiit#d that whin a "young frl|4»r” ‘hung* around Hi** r*;ihiii of a rnotinf;ilr»#***r jwr4H«-*tdfig n j mar ring**** bit daughter In* Iihm matri mony In rtew, nod «rh«*fi thr i»#o«r»_fd nHgtif»oni ar«* <ai!U*d f ri to **-*• th** Jump fh«* lir<fHO!ttt<'k or atand up It^for** i traveling pr#*a<b**r to I** mad** on** there* I* no nurprliM* and lit ti#* *oinrn*'fit 'Hi** father of Linda I5r**«*ri had no *pi»o»tion* to a*k of Tout Saltern !!*• had known Ida father for yt-„ m Tout had n* yet no rjtioxtlofm to a>k "f l.l * (I.i’m air** \*dth»*r Linda nor tier moth nr tiad referred to tin- *ttbj**e» Manv* tlm*** «t«*n Jo** l?r**en and the UHinit tin in wit- out hunting *«iuur*U or walking to th** 'Hinge together Tom would «udd* n!v s iy without prefa* «• **!h*<koii in<*’n Linda lietter Kit bit* le*d • A * d t'o* father of LStida would throw avsfiy tf*#* o' I Ijind. bite off another will aft* r away for h toupl# of ininuieH ou!d reply: * I • • • > -. ' • * *tj■ _r tli** Ldher would have a few void' to way to tin* mother In private. ni»d nt a hiti*r hour whe won *1 I : i!i; !*■';; I fk to ftl*> daughter. 1 Ton* S» dri w irits \ <«ii and I reek on you*!! la* gofn* in a frvv day* * JI fifW* «>s J t of f \% «•!» t y the r? *:» r I i ': - ‘ W'eil follow T'l' r W'lllh !«• .1 new ««j*iai of liirifl taken n , ?»<.-. * . i i liiirl uni! f * 11 * *t tier fa in I i;\ woni'l on ! i »khr4 tmHtntHiu his rv r* r in ihi- »-m .. n . ni iirin-f*' fo‘ =>we| |1 ’-:-i* nil o:j .leeoltflt of the Irf t i! iif Tom Suiter's ninTe from « \ j; ' hi H:« awl- It** v. a* tit Mi.h - *h «!«»'.*■- r» there in I 'Aim foil help | so !m* !h»! i owe for Ton* J mo h ! i • «•«! -mi »n !»ut he hn«1 ! mifii • wit Hi was know n to he n *i i rhf - : 4rt" \ oiini; iumii T he niiHe f i ki* I of h hi'oinlio hehl u rli.iHM* foi i «*i 111 • . i! !« mi nut il 11 e Mi flu worhl l.ln «I .i in'! i uni \l the ehtl of n > •*;» r or two low e*mi 1<1 route hank aim! ntfirrv her nwl f:ik»• her awn* \w! in * * i ■ r % I! * t or n «mmmT'n • • i : ! > in ami I irnlat at on h l. *j; In li • ! .1 In-r tathei h rnhln. it *|nt*e of n fool net ween them Ltofli Itmkeii info \ an tin \, ilnl he lohl her of the plrtll lie t;l!Urf| ill il Jefk> iliKjolufeil W si V I lilt •‘lie un!i I mI.mmI jjs we.I as If In- hot ii ii -il • a fint^neij orator lie hot i T il for her h im! lie meant t- • mar It her th h ii! i;o thought «»f flksloy nlf\ l!> loanl H«*eim <1 *-1 r.i I tr t* T run I j •!, < ns fo hint tnl he ilitl not tin am that flier-’ wits n knife .il hei heart h* 4 In* li'fene I Mill will Inner i filler-M n*l ln*w fur If n hjn- w < ’ o . ins t, ' I li !s I lie Un! f !* We ! i - i> * W in ii--*. ill ! > et she i lit s!i rile! iiioiif! * .J month Hlo S-T mT llif'iil T wf» i i i ee f t:t v]I• * i tn Mvef; ,-ejn li ) o.l 11 i * | h t im| ■ if to •h*f.»!lJ him, Inf < t; * n h .. u v. i h>. Ii:»\ Wif 1*1- i • 1 the a; ti Hi t *> «*l tiller tilUeg ftn-li- were 14‘i l rs In tier , e-, trill ll* took i it IV III.If he tthonlil Mot see t hem "Well, «ln yoli le '.Mi'" h H skfH I H s lie] fill ishi’fj ill 1 the si lew e nan! Ia**e*l for a hem minute "Hett^r It". I reekon Will the r»*pt> W other answer im.! *h< 11 iv« m nle a toUsUs! hiii’foo i ,! turn ran? lifri of (he in*-' ’ -!;s, aiul vef w »♦«!#! tier Mum ih'h firnh- ■ >-U iletain him when ho |*tf«|io*.i •! Hie s«*fiaraT ..n‘* t'he.. Siil hmei’-ei f >f |;\e IoIUJIT, nit> I t !i»’tl t!ie\ s|n o enter tin* » -H irul M*ek its I nk* n f «»| J *|' ft * h-t her I * - flffvV he I . shake hawN with t»*‘f fattier ir t| m t \ or md 1 *iiI them m>«!i*> It 11 ay to ,*■; i; ■! Of the lover* ft it l*o?h i “wru* m. s? mV * t rw an I l*»>th t,mUI rad u m hiv I nr two1 *>•* sorawin i om',1 between them They xx» re work \ at tnJ i?»♦-?! there tti-tv i . i infer'.Us If Torn «!U1 i «>t w v\u i !a « on d n*»t n»Hw«*r 'Hu ll one dux there < utio a neighbor xxh> flail M’rii 1 * in in pot-Min In I :■* hew fl» d l it1 speaker di ! tint tmnii t<» wo ii or bruise. I nt ho had s*hm» a now Tutu Sabers one wh«* \v ns n«> lunger of I - u on the i nun! ,i:ih II,• h, i for g^ten the * f :■ gs ami peaks f »r the Miwt* of (tip town When tin* man had departed I In la * mother wanted tn I » »k Ivor In !ho eye* Urn!a w a titl'd to do tin* name t>> lior mother Instead of so doing faith turned their heads awav. Ihey said nothing of foui What happened was all simple and tint lira: Tom Salter* hail entervd U|k»u a now life It offered nuuiber less nttrnrtions to tho young man who hu<l nexor fruxo ed ton mile# from tho rabin in xxhhh ho had Iwu Uxrn, and I was hut naturnl that ho should soon Ixegln to forgot tin* old life ami ail that he had left hold ml Ills (tornxx s wore Indited at latifpr Intervals and tin * x ceased altogether , lie crime to almost Ignore tho few mountain men ho had known in other ( TOiey * hed *t hi* noxx clothea, ! noted his spec* h and xxalk ami wont away shaking their heads In their opinion this was rank tlis oynlty to the mount a tu* l>\ and hy there ran - another nice ►or.gyr to the cat in the cove whore I.iiuta waited \g.i i there xx a* node ajre to wound or fni'v l it simply to ■ new* S lug up” to » hat down there Me bad W No muter rue X r.\g girl .-uost a jrvnfemjtu nt su rt ho had g ho: o. ho had tmrv-'y le>v a* iigt.u smarter* *f*«r h* > i life a ’ *i.g 1 m uvf* K \\ V - 1 : I or return. lie xxh \ marry ?.:*i **?* .* ! uow u vx here be xx ;> A« U*U and turn h m.-re 1/:;»!:* t?v | fined to with he* eon her km ^ i and her head la her hands. S!i s'1 t!ro After the <. *» ir : | at led her mother datvd ikk break the Alienee It was Un«k hers* 't wlm broke it at laM by MU~& Let Le.*i| a«d UUtcI \ sa y l u g *d never reokoi*ed on his rotuftt* la k We haiu't go in* to siwak v*i tan The mother erased tb* rrrom srni pstted the daughter on the sli* i‘4pt. j and the fneHent w»« Mr Hr^o wall not ftpu informed of the go^tp Unda h»d not sung for u*<#«11is fLie began singing bow She bad m*i rani; bled from the cabin for w•«-*«* ** *a I now lx‘^9 taking ii walks ter came to her hp* ome mure *ud j when she stopped if the Hltte ofii' e and wan told that there w.m tw j letter h»r smile wan not replaced by • look of <li*«pfjoft»tt0«‘bt "Linda** forgot at*.* f Tom and in git* tin jmrter tlian . r remarked tl*e father to the mofh-u one evening a« < they sat slone 'J be rn >rl*« r did red snswer. looked at hint In contempt- An a mot!* er she knew that Linds was simply breaking Iter heart I be true woman suffer* roovt wfien * %*• laugh* most Kite was watching I .da There was nn undefined fear that ttie girl * reck less spirit might lead to tragedy \V«***ks paam»<J. however, and nothing happened nothing icept that Linda grew pale cheeked and thin, and a note of *f#»n>»nee fang ;*> la-r laughter She wa* suffering .and yet defying tlie pain Then came u crisis She was a mile down tf»e mountain road one day. seat ed on a bowlder where *h»* had often sat before wjifehliig th»* highway w ind ing down Into the ■ •viand* and tl*e bu*y world *he kn»* n t of. wheo a human figure came *•» \ i* -w half a mile h* low She r**< -4 /.»*d it even at that distance A !#i -h came to her cheek, and her eye- fl t«h**d Turn Sal ters was corning ha ) »? mst She saw that he w -s dressed «* she had hist w*<*ti him and that lie walked with weary step and d* >*«-feil attitude f'ntil he was within a quarter of a mile the girl was biw-hfng and trem bling and ready to r.ii-e her hand and shout a glad welcoim Then she l*e came a thing of Mote*. ex . ept that she mo\cd her eyes to icte Ins progress He did not discover h r until he was within a hundred ft*. ’ Hieri he drop peri the Rntctiel fie < arrylug and sprang forward, her n > •• on Ins i ;»** The girl slightfy In* ■»**! her head lest there was i v in h r !***»k "Ami > on won't *' ■ '' -'. - N! Von won't howdy' \ an t • t S!ie nioiton*d to hi: to if Ilf her ?****(. nii*l tit a sv»u»>, ! ■ • ■ *'* "as «*** u!h >♦*<! II • S'flit.* ! >» Hi !t il* ami fIn*n in h l»u*ky vol< * • 'i "I hast* < *»!}:«* hsU : i > I 'VSI* ** fool i<> i'o u wily I v\ » * ii up y t*rt*. an I illicit ti,*s i* knoss «l I ss 5*?*11*f lit ten r »r fh»u n M>- *• **"»*!♦•!»«*>Is toM you I tr#**I * t? nr of >m I (till I WO|f *J| • I ).I* H-tOtV Hot lie*. I trb-l »«* i >he **in an Ht i !Hi«* Vin, l>tlf I i t ftlt**i» ! fkun-’it I mltffif hr : I i‘» \ i <otihl ! M • Wd'l’t s "-I xp'M1 f • ' 1 I "I-» ' *•«;.» on.” hIjh ivpivstiliotn IfHtkiiii: at Mm *• \|ch!n* it *** ?»!»** «uiu- *’v frn»o ll|* s «*ri- to!»I SOM f* I M M * I II • I U' * 1.»11 thru* tta*r<* ss i> * I foil I low with h,-r. nt»’ slit* -*'<• u. oh* fun of i*it- Sin* htuuhtn! uf \n I.hi ila. flu* f * u-o-'U**i! i:• •• an pal upon no* ;ii»’ m i I1 irmn* of "i** I iloti It no n * a Ht) I ha t rorm* ha* k r**iiif ! to .sou ah \\ oa t you xpt-yli to ?*. 1 or two luiuntos if - i;!'l *at sin I So* a* ! <|otfn '•»«• t o n* - - Ji m! look i i i 'or** I ton Hu* i pa -a*-! 1 * ami sv s ut tip tin* » >* i vv< at slowly * p tin* I *» * l toss at! ’a* of n« i. : h-M»U t‘.» t o V t • non!. • !• »'• 1 tin ! i : . a of tpo witsx o- pi-' ■ «>r I. •':<* i»a4 th in :! : —t sso J: »n * Lin 1, ! n*J si„- !* I *•' plat ion ; • a .. .. : * \U i ! I»*i Mi-- hot h* ni ii ht t fa.** Ii.itl bnpprh. I ai;i t ■ !\ piii i .. a:*«m»n.l !u i uiitf ssh!**; * .*»! • I ' • iluM-t* !»i 1 by fin ! by ( u . «•},.• *' . ! iCHillis Intvr ,1a sat In ' t o iiisht on tin* saint* oh] , a; at th = .)**•*: Again lit-r r-bow* s% ,*! oa ! an 1 li**r fa*a* ui ht1* is I'i !* i* *s sotut* on»* kiiff I*** ?.».{■> O'! 1 Im*» Ih*:o1 fin.l look y ! < 1 l ! III! i * . , now I.iu hl V“ 1 in l r- x -o sht* r»*p‘ o I as stn* k ' *‘ !sr in*r Imul I ‘ ti i,»o was **)risi liko a wo man A Good Reason Pi.!: .mi P Can I'd! You \\ liv It P So ' Ki• ir < » fill* curt* tho cause of >li" i' < I Unit i- hIij the cures ate always i;isiinii. This remedy strengthens mnt tones up the kidneys, helping lliem to dti\e out of the body tin a,pint puis. is, that cause' Um-kite lie. headache and distressing kidney and urinary eaimpiaints. Putnam people testify to |K'riiiaiieiil cures. Mrs. Ik-iinis t ady, of ris School et., Putnam, Conn., says: “For tlirt'e or four years my hushand hail see ere |>ains ill the small of his hack which prevented him from sleeping well at night. .V day or two tiefore a storm lie always noticed that the pains were worse, and when he eaughl cold the treiuhle was al>e> greatly aggrav aleti. .\dded to this there was an annoying difficulty from the kidney ^secretions lie used many remedie* hut got no re , lief until tie began taking IVian's Kid ney l*ills, procured at Dresner's drug store Their use slopped the ikidney difficulty ami banished the back aches." For 'ale by all dealers. Price at* cents 1-osier-Miltuirn t'o.. Kutlalo, New York, sole agent fv>r the I tilled slat, s Keinemts'r the name—lkian's—and take no other. eS\SM0* ■- ■ ' ... a ■ re.*;Tf 'Scientific fltncrksB, A k-»- •• e c •« — v vl w i.%*n**i efls Tfa • MUNN&Co.«’^‘N8wTVri Ml Q& r lx C. Heart to Heart l a!ks. By EDWIN A. NYE. K«Jtrtn A nt* YOU ART RICH Are yon l'» %'**'* health. and birtf j*»a B t » B*l|>|Klrt-r Then y ou are rich. Health u wealth It \n more than capital, more than labor. It is both combined It is ability to do. opp or tunlfy to earn, cbaoti* to win With health the poorest man is rich; without tt th** richest man I* poor. The * bief trouble with moat of us is this We do not realize our riches. 'Ve do not know bow to Inventory the best things of life In our invoice we put down some things— as money. for in CaiK H tie* high and others- as health, for ln*??.!i<** at too ion* a prb*e. We repeat. If yon are healthy, strong yon arc well to do. and !f 1 f» addition you have a family de|*»ndeiit ujxhi your efT*>rts you are ri« h. At th*- first thought you might be dis po^-d to put your family down in your Invoice as an incumbrance, a liability luster d of an a*«‘et M in alive, there’s where y«*n make your mistake! In»l y >u ev *-r s»s* an oriental woman carrying a jug of water on her head? What |M*!se and gracefulness! I he burden she bears does that, and like wise your burden should only serve to give you |*iise and strength. Hut. Iienitles You need, all of us need, an incentive —nomethiiig to I e for an Inducement The man without the family burden ma\ rejoice in. Ins iil»erty for a tftnc b: i the day w ill come w h**n Ih • vanity of ubimi liberty \ II car dd.- re wii* be no stern necessity upon him. no heart compelling ! * -e. ib* will have no divine cal) fo do and suffer. As tht 5ears shall multiply the emptiness of life will appall him Hilt yon \<*u have given hostages to fate Y **»i have inducement. \ > i’ heartstrings are steady because tie > fire harnessed t > your io\el ones! Ye i have : to I've* f<»r. work for. die far I .•*!» i: 1 > th * answering face of \our wif • \ our child Is it not so? ^ • * * i a r«* r it S.»m*•*i ’ t!i * way may hi* dark and ro- ! Miivwtt upward If tli«*rt* Is joy. flM*rf ; n- «|*o f»*,i hi I misl**t \ Th*re miist In* a rooftr**o f<»r wifi* an! hi Os *1 nil fo wl an | ralnirnt «»n«| sonu-thlm* ov»*r for ir *n»i** ■ ■ u Anti tin* «■ *»t «>* ban* im< ;!»•< Is larsre Ali«l m»uh* [M*oji|»* *h*»*ih to c»*i on hot tor thin you hut do tlioy got tht* boat out of lift*'* That's tin* tout-list mm* Can't you *t*o You an* rf<*h. Tbonsands Hate Kidney Trouble and Never Suspect it I'lrtalHirr of Kt<ln«*y liim aM*. W.H. Mansfield &Co SELL King Arthur Flour HARivtti * BALSAM lSL2i This woman mti she wm MTfd ! from an operation by Lydia K. Pinkham’# Vegetable Compound. J,ena V. Hemr, of Norristown, Ga, writes to Mrs. Pinkham: “ I suffered untold misery from fe male trouble*. My doctor *aid an opera tion wm the only chance I had, and I dreaded it almost aa much aa death. “One day I read how other women had been cured by Lydia E. Pinkham i Vegetable Compound, and I decided to trv it. Before I had taken the first bottle I waa better, and now I am en tirely cured. “ Every woman suffering with an^r female trouble should take Lvdia t*. Pinkham s Vegetable Compound.” FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN. For thirty years Lydia E. l*ink haiu's Vegetable Compound, made from roots and herbs, has been the standard remedy for female ills, and has positively cured thousands of women who have Iteen troubled with displacements, inflammation, ulcera tion, fibroid tumors, irregularities, periodic pains, backache, that hear ing-down feeling, flatulency, indiges tion, dizziness or nervous prost ration. Why don't you try it ? Mrs. Pinkham invites all sick [ women to write her for advice. I she has guided thousands to i health. Aildress, Lynn, Mass. A Reliable Remedy CATARRH Ely’s Cream Balm is quick fy absorbed. Relief at Ones. It clean-soothe*, bcal.-s and protects the di. a-ed mem l.rane resulting fr-.rn Catarrh and drive, a way ali’id la t is*- lie t-1 1 (a i !y. Kest< >res the Senses of Ta-te aud Smell. Full «/« a ctrt. at Druggists or by mail. Liquid I'ream Balm f r u-e in atomizers 75 eta. tlv brothers. 56 Warren Street, New Fork. OUTLOOK > the LEADING NATION AL WEEKLY FAMILY NEWSPAPER, and for the eighteen years has been the LEADING N A T I ON A I. M EDI I’M for Classified A d It >•>•! ,cv an advertiser, let !us c nvince yon that our Cla-h;i ! I ? i>.v jincnt is ail we claim for it tD !>est. th«* past longest e-ta >!:>hed. a d the most responsive in the maga zine field. Send for full information and a specimen copy cf I IIE OU I'LOOK, 2S7 Fourth ave., New York. For .Sale In order to close the estate of \<le lard Li 1 ley, I will m 11 at prisale sale, the home place, eotisiting <it' a lot. lions,) and two barns, corner of School ami May street". Inquire of IMwarti <». Wright. lltlf CASTOR IA for Infanf8 and Children. rhe Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of l ive Working Horses for Sale at our K S. Itrucc farm.l’omfret Land ing. Inquire of J. \V. \Vhij>|ile on the premises. The Child Lumber ( 'or ite ration, I’uinam. l'4 For Sale Fort Hill Farm THOMPSON, CONN. Consisting of .'Hid acres ami buildings, formerly known as l>av, Sibley and Laker farms, all or part, alsoistanding grass, cow >. pigs, hard wood and hay for -ale at reasonable prices. One dwelling house furnished with steam heat, electric light, bath room and run ning w atcr. for sale with two acres of land or more. Also house ami Jo acres tiearThomp M>n station anti N. H. Hearn's premia _ Jtilf First National Bank - nr - PUTNAM.CONN. CAPITAL, - $750,000 SURPLUS $60,000. Saie Deposit Boxes for Rent ! Drafts Issued on all Foreign Countries l niiesl States Dcpositar). I (‘its li a S p . .. CLAYTON W. THURBER I I..u .ter of Ptano and .Organ 91—2. Futnim. C’ono. KINNEY & SON Lumber. Coal. Doers, Moulding Brick. Lime. Cement. P.8.S. Mixed Paints Lead and Oi!. hourly udiii u.wi. m., nan Dourly until f v p. m. and then hourly until 9.55 p.m. n-* * aing. leave WeWter at *6.i 0 a. m . 7.4; ^ tn<i hour! unti 12.45 p. m., hail houri?^ Trollev Time Table The Consolidated Railway Cn EFFECTIVE JULY 1.19w ° Tim* given tor c»rs leasing Front ud Mam Street I>ea*e I’utnaro for Worcester sod ate .tops at *0.17. **>.07, t7-V' ». m . sue kT*6 0 tlll.5r. • tu . bolt hourly ic: : . _/ hourly until 8 55 p. m. Ee»'v. J V'orcester A Hail) at 8.15 a m., an<l louri; uutii 9.1J. ~ Tim* 2 hours and 20 minutes{are 45 cett,. 1 I.eaee I’utusm for Webster »ud intarajj_ stops *t *7 17. *8 07 ». m.. J7 55 ». B hourlj until 11.45 a. m., h»ii hunrly unti’i sv p jyj sn/4 tKon Kmirlv nfifil Q ^K » — •. aing and 7.45 p. m., then hourlv until 10.4'* 20 rents Leave Putnam for D^yrille and interned;,., stops at x6.35 a. m. and hourlv thereafter t~, 1.35 p. m., half hourly uutil 8.35 p m t ,■ 91 hourlv until 11.35 p. m. Returning 'u,® Dayville at *5.00, 5.45 a. m. 6.10 a. m\ JJJ* ville (car house,; 7.28 a re., and hour;* , ^ 1.28 p. m .half hourlv until 7 > p. hi. until 10.28 p. m. Fare 10 cent*. ' ~ Leave Putnam for Danielson at x6JSa. B then hourly till 1.35 p. m., half hourlv untii7£ p. tu., hourly until 10.35 p. ,u. Returning leave Danielson at 77.10 a. m. and then hourlv util 1.10 p. m., hail hourly until 7.10 p. m„ hocr‘t until lO.lO.p. m. Fare 15 cent*. Leave Putnam for Central Village and i***.. mediate stops at *6.35 a. m. and hourly egg 1.33 p. m., hall hourly until 7.35 p. no., Wuriy until 9.35 p. m. Returning, leave Central V> lage a?*6.15 a. m., 7.45 a. m,. houily thereafter until 12-45 p. m., halt hourly until’6.44 p. i. hourly until 9.45 p. in. Fare 25 cent*. All ^ connect at < eetral Village for Moosup. Farr 5 Leave Norwich for Putnam at 6.4' hourlv ani l 8.15 p. m. Fare 55 cent Fatt *• ra*. acd Putnam and Providence Leave Putnam tor Providence and war at 6.35 a. in-changing at Llmv ;e on car* of the Providence and Daniel-on R , , v ,y, learns Elmville ai 6.45 and 3.45 a. ni. and bendy thereafter to and including 6 45 p rn. Return ing, leave Mat ket Square, Prm:, at .'•.45 a. m. and hourly thereafter to 3.45 p. m.,tiit*B 5.45 p. m. Fare 75 cents. •Does not run Sundays. ^Sundays, one hour later. xSundays, 2 hours later. All southbound cars connect at Central Vi lage with ears i«>r Moosup Above table subject to change without notice Bears the Til* Kmd You Haw Always ir.pi •nr G%&ytez&u Putnam Mail Service 1908. post orriCK ofkn From6.30 a. m. to 8 p. m. Sunday'.from 8.30 to 9.30 a. ni. The lohtn vi!i remain open to Lock Box boldei- until 12 bi. Holidays from 6.30 a.m. to 12 cc.,5.30 to 7 p.m. CanierN window opeiiSunda.vs fn.m 8.T0to9.30 MONKV OKDEK t>I\ I MON Open ttoni s ». wi. t-» 6 p. m., < ••m-1 on $u> • tv'- l !•' !-• _"l) Ho.'M.IV*. R* _istry I>iv!>ioii open duriusr <>rf - uours t KI.1VK' 1K ] »\ l itv L.ini - Sm:,!av* aed 1 i . >\ ' \< -■pled i at 8.-0 • 4,10 p. n!.; ai d 11.05 ,t. m in the i’.u- • *■» Section, Oueni 1>\ i iu • un « •. Ifiubvs. mu io i»i r »i i i < 11 »>s From flit Street Le ter Box. -. -Sin-Jay* and Htdnnn - excepted, and J>e» it< he*.) KtSIOI- NTI.%1. SKI TIMS r.i.v.f Despatches 6.15 to P) a. ir.. ri.Hil despatched at 7.10 a.m. S. i :'» a. m., *• • •• 12.15 “ 1. '• to o " p. in., •* “ •• 7 45 p.a FK««NT A > 1> ELM STIIKT T BOX 6.15 a. in., 10.00 a. in., ii 15 a. in., 3.30 i. III., 6.00 p. in., mail despatched »t 7 10 a. m. “ - “ 10.10 •• •; - “ 12.13 “ “ “ •» 7.45 til »: A I. FKEE l>KI.I\KHV. Koute* .Vo. 1 ami 2. !! .*'a! -run* ii:t\e daily, (Sunday* *nd Holi* n\s exrepu:J» at3.10a. in , return at 3.10 p.ia. Mailable master, weighing 4 pounds or If* -'■•L.t b' Kura! Carriers must be prepared by '•tamp* affixed. M YII.S OPKX F.iOM Ho>r«>n, New V»»rk, II art lop'- i ail point* enth, «:i-t. south ami west at 8.13 a. rn. Hosiou, 8.15, 10.45 a. ni.. 3.45, 6 05 p. m. Daniel-on. s, 11 a. ru., 3.45 p. m. N uw.rh. 8. 11 a. ta , 3 15. 6.05 ••. m. Hartford, 8, 11 a. m., 4.10, 6.45 p. m w York. 8. 11 i. nj , 4.10, 6.40. m Worcester. 8.15 a. m., 6.05 p. m. Webster, 8.15 a. ui., 6.05 p. in. Willintaniie, 8.00, 11 a. ra., 4.10 p. m. Sunday* from all point-3.30 a. n>. MAILS CLOSE FOK Boston,7.10. 10.10 a. m.,12.15.3. 7.43p.m Danielson, 7.40. 10.10 a. m., 5 35, 7.45 p. m. Hart foul, 7.40. 10.10 a. in., 5.35 7. i~ p. m. New York, 7.40, 10.10 a. m., 3.15 ' ,7.45p. a New Haven, 7.40, 10.10 a m., 5 ' , 7.45 p. a. Norwich, 7.40. 10.10 a. in., 5.35. 7.45 n. m Willimantic, 7.10, 10.10 a. no., 5.33, 7.43 p. ra. Worcester, 7.10, 10.10 a. ai., 3 35, 5.35,7.45p m, West and Southern States. 7.10 1 A*), 10.10, a ni., 3.15, 3.35, 5.35, 7.45 p. m. Worcester and New London, North, Way Sta tions, 7.10 a. in., 3.35 p. m. Worcester and New London, South, Way Sta tions, 7.40 a. ni., 3.35 p ni. Boston and Hartford, East, Way Stations, 7-1C a. m. Boston and Hartford West, War Stations, HI p. m. Boston and Poujjh., East, Way Stations, p. in. Boston and Poujfh., West, Way Stations, 1I»W a. m. Boston, Providence and New York, East, Way Stations, 10.10 a.m. Woodstocks, Westlord and Eastlord, by stag** 10.30 a. m Woodstock*, South, North, East, 10.30 a. 5.35 p. m. Pomlret, 8.00 a. m., 5.35 p. m., bv stage.] Nights for ail points 7.45 n. ni. Sundays for ail points, 3.30 p. m. FRANK G. LETTERS. Postmaster Tit Pulliam Spring Waters Challenge the World. A. S. DAVIS, Manager. Telephone 144 — 4 Calcium Carbonate. Magnesium Carbonate.,., . - • i Nitrate.. « k k oi lion and Alma Voiatlie and Organic,.. Total l • ; - iv: c. >. I - U , A*i -IIJ . .IS* J1J ' .0* .711 .014 Jfl iJtf list ►aii* t