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Xs* wr. n^i is y&* ''l*-*?'' : 1U VI v?'T^n ! ' -^%cor jn • * ^ r f ll ,>'*’> S»C BASE BALL C. A < . 10 » *•■•»*>* '' Wr tpoltiKllc for iwItiK the alinve he ad in it over our »tnry of what t »k |,i»i; on the Providence utrrrlKW’jniV I ant Saturday. it’* an inmlt to a *<*«! caption, hut havlnir iwil it so Ion* our reader* have brcooie aeuatorned to look for it, and if they don't find It thl* wrk they will never reco*nl» our re port a* the name old t>a*e trail column. Tire t handed to the ' ariadian* by the crippled leader* of the league, a**t*led hy the tallenderx’ victory over the Koaehud*, put* u* In a trl|rle tie for ttrnl place. It nar no prirna donna performance rm the part of Putnam'* |»'l« that turned tin- trick, ami ha<t the *ante *ime ninny nnrre Irmiri** lire I'olt*' *t»ck of blue* would have been on the visitor*' alrlc of the talrle. lio to Mouth ikwturi Mai* airy time and -ee the Pirate* aridTtgern, (life lim it 14 year*, *ive an exhibition with a ball made of -trio*, and a wa*on *|*.kc for a hat anil it will |i*ik more lik- the real rial lot in I - |M>rt, of which Mali i rday * content waa a cheap imitation, rc*em blin* the real article alanil as rnticli a* a ten cent production of Kauai doe *ran I opera t in ,.»o,oo i.imo inhaluiaii tmf li • < trine**' Imiipifc wouldn't limk a* yellow, mil any chink that couldn't JukkIc a Iteach special more *raccfully with a pair of clio|Milck*, than did mo*l of t he Pi performer* in Saturday * matinee would tinvc hi* pigtail cut off and 1" 1 run |*n led In *oo<l plain l ulled Htate* nlnn*, the Kiinic w a* on the fiit/, am) would ecttninly have I** ii pinciicd mid -col to the island for six month* if it had been found la low find street after dark. II l III ' In* |iiclun mm Hu eoulrl have taken a record of those bid I ail) j»s« eusiort*- |iiiraeblde (tlllljw, -k V rocket*, and II/./.I* . d Would be a (jicd do*e of medicine if the man I ensemble that took part in it could lie in etc to watch tin reproduction of il twice a day for a week, and charge ttiem a <| Harter adinl'*loii each time. It'* a cinch, that if they wircnl sent to 111! • hilly llolisc labile the week Wfls over, when tin lime wii up they would Iwat It to the bait Kiotind mclil , and chase over the (liaiiioiid enou*li to atari the |a'r*plrallou, keep down the weeds, and cam their wn kly meal ticket. Met hilby hi»s»w«*«t up wiil, III* »lui»U l(wkt*«i to lx* the good* Ir*»i»* tin* blearhe n iiimI pu//le«l lhi* ImhI ** 1 jt• K• i the visitor* pr mIim'*’, anti when hi? furtiK >1 the mighty Haymoiul in tin seventh, with the sar Us fail, n wu time loi ft full blast from tin* nretu'Mtrn mui tin white light. I to v got ti n bib* oft' III in* 'M' tins (lid, tni it wouhln’t lake a rnliege profes oi vt r Kftf In higher mathematic* |«» take a mhititf nml a j»i« of blue rhnlk am) figure mil, how, with aiivifiinv' hie the Hup)H*rt the t> »m an* rapahle • », the in! w oil hi t»r cut ilmvrt t*> th« Tin* only eiilleism to l.*e ma*le i* r« Kunting hit wtl<tu«*s, \vIttc%11 Has only ufitiuril In a flit app» ;u iio*» II pa e<i three III n. hit •»»»• . hu*t »»n*» ».v:1 { pitch, amt pitched himself into the hole «|ttiit* ii limit tun «»f times lie ul-u Martini atiiiir of hl■» drops too Nm , unit it wax only by the li\rliest Kimlut work OU the pa11 of In-, t uitmiMm t'ol'egian bucket* p that In w n- sasetl linn -es era! hum w il<l ,»m - \\ 'Mill* : po|* ! ir!r> I M .1 t m‘j| ii!h*u| liken cork in a choppy t a i t hi * ex ItlbHioii sli uii' ont like a >hant tint in a bunch <*f *«n!tp ii*«;t. Me dug them out of tilt lift, took them on the bound, Unit jintU *t them out of the at unisphere at umtMHtl height* H tihtHit ft hi!ii ami by tin nn at of In-* loon, > ,01101 hi* weekly sllp ltil Ul llll' Iftst 4Hlp|HM . \\ at • to view ■ the P .re they biili going am! the sign* point to a .Kfoggy finish 1111I0' they ate «ln|»c«l up for the »v o»'M eiol. t widish*. one of l hi l*e*t ftisl basemen Mi l>?e league, lifts torch tlftlisfereil to short, which look* like a l»mt none, ah hi >.:h In- emered his territory fmily w> !, a- «11«I his *ur cc^or at Hint, an Italian limned Lang, thin* tried *cvtin«i but the ball went through tns luiUlikt* a *lrop of ipitek #il\er mnl He went to the stable in tin third mnl Mr. Hill amt hi'* p uujnuloiif look tin* second station, umt by get ting tlie easy ones tie managed In «s *ragr 1 HV7, Although the re were tie error- ■ n the outfield lhtrt> w i, stupid fielding t!iai added to Putnam's hatting average |f *|m«' |*-rmil« w. ii tell how the eomedv wtt- played, and you'll not nwl to I*' « eritie to nnilD* how the atara forgot theti cue* and the otioru Was out of tum> It-no tint, we hale ledutt, li t llli' »alilti|i front drvaiu tng you ve got a million hetore you got lime to pot it in Hie hank A i)uarti lt of t amtdiau-eireled In the Br»t. Talro lanl down a little ground erthat Hogan »»- kind enough to liitnhu Ho went -h w it w hen liovern dropped the third -trike oil'l lrolle anil hail to throw to tii-t IMott put a safe ty to right, ami went down on the Hist hall a- 1'ate wo- |*erehed on third. Martntt Oopped out a little grouiuter that tdadtsu- -l I add ivti a- it po--ed ' \, and two runs scored. lism iiK.«nl(<tl I the ap seyHnnl on a had throw hint (tapping, t‘p Mot— lo'.u.t ore ] etl the end of hi» t at that wen! cui ! among the auto- in tight ami with a n or more -linn- h«> mattethird<m it, Marion -oortni Daigle tiled to left an I*’'t> robbed him of a saeriilet to refusing to date third. Humic-pul up an < is) jx>p tl,- to Dion. He tried to c&leh tl p,«t:y ami pU awe the ladies The tesalt was tie dtdn l eateh it A-laii i.e.d M .r-I era—ed the part. Hitler—| i wr Icy «-u ppe I to the plate with his l.!»pi.igreed hat, ami changed ht» name j fev -tailing tits batting average up tin-' ladder with a Texas eaguer just out of |, f# .wi MH artliy emit- t the 1 aet by farming Hav i : «id .<*rled things f«r 111* v li lt .r- The !ir*l I all went wild. The .eeund one In m*l. It went hi "hurt j j itft mid llmrtii- “ >t a hand for captur- | i ing it. Govern fartnol snd Gang waik- , j id, hut' grounder In Marimi J j forced him al ---ii»iiil. Two more f<.r tli*- l oil* in tin- -"cufid. . I There weft* lw- i gone wli -n iliult tilt 1 safe In -hurt iimi!*-* and utoie. II** seor* | ed on Marlon 's Tex a* to left. Marion j woill<l haie Ian n an *a*y n il at second hail nut I lion «*ei»fi|**-*l Govern'* good throw when tie touched him. The < ap tain tiled to -teal third, and came right along with the run on Govern’* wild throw to H aran .Veveau reached see end on l/izotte a wihl throw In ttie visitor*' tialf, tiut Rot no further. Ttiree "inirle" and two error* in ttie third, increased the local*’ leaii to h. In llie Ural of the tlflh Wauregsn punctured a little hope of a aim tout that tiad "11111111* up in the miml* of norne of the faithful, by getting a man around After making a Rood stop Marion wa* a little "low 111 netting the hull away and Kayiiiond l*-al it out. Govern heal a hunt, wlnrdi pul Kay mond on "*i*ond, and Gailtiois* hit down the l!r»t ba-e line brought him over. I n their half the t 'ansdlam made the round* for tin- last two time* Mon sieur Farley singled, lie tried to turn it into a double and would have been out al the second -ark If Mr Hill had eauglit the lull. McCarthy lined it by seeornl. A man wilii a wooden leg would have scored. Farley showed In* i*»*i aprinth'g puce and managed to reiieh third. A wild pitch seored the catcher arid put Mm- on third, from j win-re hi- sr-ii 1 ciI llie leulii ami last run on 'I aim'* -moi(ice. It you lui - - us prepare to shed I iii-iii now I icven of our guest* went lo bol in I hi * ■ enth, and li ve crossed the rilblso 'llie Ifhi.l i oils looked like broken down e;i , linr-es in a J: '<!! eias" heal. Dairy rtit I in Marion liny liiund put a grounder down llie first hli-e line Did l‘ion slop 11 11 » did led Mae fun t-d film down by imping |{.iv h*»imI Hung Ml to Mur inn. <»K or Sueli it throwingrotten’ I hr only tiling Uml *top|»ed it wax ttic» first ‘ »m* blerndterx, un i before that ill VV«i fine 4* f"i Us "*i * 11 and the hatter reached xeeond. f.ullxd* tut h lillli* grounder to srimvnl Tate fell Into Hie error jiro*-«*Hxion v\ 1111 n juggling *1(11111 Hogan lMill <i Imnt to first mnl I win it Hioiiil <«itdlx)ix crihiM'l on Bemdi's out at Hrxt. Neveau singled Bringing Hogan ovei with the fifth and hut run of itu* gn ■»»«* Hill hit to MH Hrlli> , wlm mini', a good throw. Hiil I'apn drop li? II* did Mu* took hand and IIIlt*<I the Im -‘i hv passing Burry. !ayitiond,* otw of tIn ui• it !i*111 i • In tin* Uague a ;»s up MH ar t!i > had been p n w i"its to I Ik* gentle man s anility, and b*ok a hitch l«* his idl and opened wide the throttle. It was Hint' -Irik*-- for his, and tin cm lain fell mid great applaud* I’ulnani g d to tlmd in their half, l ain v* a« up hut couldn’1 bring It in. \\ ui icg nn didn’t s. *• second tn the « maining iimiMtf', two men Ixdng thrown out at station mmb**r two Iniin left Held Itu cmwd I* It tin field looked •is p » ,j ,ed as thooch they had played the long end of a :'0 to I shot, amt the horse they played led down the home stieteh, and :• it dead time feet from lilt* win Tat fo 2b U itU I dot l el M a i ion Mot »• i b Halgio it 1 hinias if Mei dutin p h!> i h lb po a 1 O 0 t I o U o o (I o i n 1 tn t w \ i «:» « \ \ h H« Kay in >nd tl «inver n e I .run’ I h I ilid• oil ss Hogan ili I .each I f \e\ t au el I 'tell ,*h I till 2b Barry p 1 po a ! n I •• o 1 1 1 u o in 10 in o 24 I 2 1 ;t l t%tn 1 -10 ( \ t * : 2 o . n o n \N .tntegan tt o n o t o > n n u Tliro imse Ini, Mors*1 sacrifice tut. latro Struck out by M« t'mtli\ <*, Barry 1 Base mil bails. Met nrlhy Bairy 1 lilt hy idlcher. Barry W'lUl pdeli, Barry 1, Met arlhy t stolen bases, Hiott. Ihunax, 4iadlxiis ('.anted rims, 4 \ 4 2, \\ 4UIVHHI1 J Allen daiuv mh> l mpire.W hile Time l 4 » I- VsTKK \ CONN,, 1 lOUll, SI \\|*| Mi C A C. V\ auuitiii Nor» u-ii-run Jrwell I II) \ m loins I ifit \ ille W till 10 10 10 5 t» 10 11 IM\ .667 f*i7 iit.7 400 . i>U «?H7 Corml tUtlm* 4*era*c nl C. I C. I.afrols I loll tin* tour Ulm I nolle V! ,111.ill I > ingle Mol strlli) 1 ‘a mu Mois* I Kile l V It. 4 14 1 4H •-'l l'i 10 1 1.' 14 H Cl .W0 £4 it*. ’ Hi ' 'll) |'i untieing it 340 .41 I7T mist also in nor « Uuu l lo ll . »it Oatv to L* il.ino amt ii hI llottn' ttt* ro*«,t -mf«uu >11 tmni imgtltwu MoiMe mi ii:» hail just rvtunn.t tfota lion.) at a w editing in Matiio;. : i oi.lior is reeupr rating *l \\ olvtoi lake after Maetisug » 15 w 0 ttolorj «Vfr kh pnnin. 11 will lake 8>x»il two week* fi>r a wrapkte re ci>fry, hill hr to le ahie tocome In Putnam S»ltiril«v and put the Pon te* through llte:r pace* when Man rhaug return* the call. Meantime !»• - partner. Manager RlVltl, wnddCt* *n infrorffiiation bureau and w ill tell you, free of charge, how it hap|* ned. Iron'I hand him any kidding eon a* he ton i* reiairteil threatened with a brain at or m. Manager fienott ha* sgtied a new man named I ruga*, who ha*i*-*-n play ing with the Taftvifle Athletic*. A slight *inile and a pull on hi* cap when Mae thought they were over anil the umpire didn't, but ntver a word *|mke he. “Sow I want you fellow* to under xtand that there'* to tie no noi*e on the coaching line* till a runner get* on," i *ay* Mr. White, and there twit. He made hi* second appearance and again ga\e entire satisfaction. Ttie 1'resident of llie league w as there too. lietween lime* he had to listen to the sorrowful tale ol the Jewett < ily plugged hat episode, hut he didn 't ap l»-ar greally impressed by the narra tive. Watiregan 10 errors, Putnam 10 score* Putnam a errors, Wauregan 0 j acrre*. * Pete, custodian of the hat hag. hail n hu-y day. < >ut of IH chanee* lie hit a Hies to the outfield, d to the infield, fouled if, and missed 0, average sm He now thinks he I* the real melons. If you want to see him wound up get t»the ground* early plenty of time to 11 see hl u uefore the log show com mence* If we bring Taflville's scalp back In the wigwam la-fore setting sun next! Saturday, the medicine man will la hear-l to say “Heap big brave*, go on warpath, lake |«*-1111;i111 ting I'gh! i \nd he * a wi*e Indian If Putnaru ! win* Saturday's game the flag should he theirs unit-** something unfurseeii hapia-n*. Hut we needn't In-gin to worry ab-.iut where we are going In get a (lag pole, yet. hat f orestry ha* Done. A eireutar, entitle! "\V nal Forestry Ha* l> » i , ’ just pohltsh * I by lb • F - rest S r\ mv, ni l obtainable up map pbeatihn to the Forester, Washington, reviewi* tin* forint work of the It* nting f *r**ii» eoniltries The rhief lessons H .iirh iti i\ he learned from them are Mil in n» art/ed ii*' follow ^ What forestry hasdone in otherc itin trit*M shows, first of all, that forestry pays, and it pays Ik-hI where the most in mey^ Is expended in applying it Hit* I nited States is enormously Uhmd hand hi its expenditure tor the man agement of the National Forests, but nevertheless returns have already in eie iseil wltli increased ex |ieit«li I u re for management. A sceond h’.ssim, otearly brought ! home by foreign forestry, is the Herat of j timely aeiton, *iiiit fort si w a*lv nm tie i-'paiied only at great eo-d. I hird, 11rlsale Initiative d«>e* not *uf ■ • ' U .• !’!'-■ ■ nt w i'lr! ri !.1 Use. Fuglund, it i* true, lias so far eon- j sistently followed a let alone poliey . ■ II on ver, 1 nglnnd has Ihh*u dejnmd lug upon foreign supplies of w.khI 1 N iw that all I running U hmd every year iu the pr iduetinu of w >od 4m tons , ami there are utimis lakal'li M^n* that I'uuniiu*-* w hich had ill t*\|u rleis of wood >% iiI hn\e (o eur tiiil their wood exports, I uuhimi is ti hist f< «*1 iUK her d< pendent* mid is sj»< cilnling iiiih'iiiil) n> {» « liru' she ran (tiIhiiiIv vtiiu’ what wood she mvds in thi* future* f un fill, w lu*n tfu forest countries an I'omi'iut'il ii' to wood ini|«t'h and < • |hirI*, and w ln*n it is realized that ii number of tin* countries which prac tice foredr ;\ uree\en now on the wood* liii(Kutiiu; list, the need of forest ry m lhr r \ |*ot t eo.i nt in s doubly enforc <1 liussia, Sweden, Austria Ihmuaiy, and i mada, for instance, arc makine go,> i the wood deficit «»f a large pint of t o* world Sweden cuts much more w «m| Itm.onu otto cubic Icct than she produce*: Itu*M:t, lit spite of her error inon* lo cst>. has probably cm tend the same road, and Ingtend, the i a ding in |mrter of wood. llliM i*uilllt ni ne and more on t anada Hut the l uited State* consume* e\er> year I mm three limes the w.» »d which its t nests produce, and indue time will d odd less take all the Wisal that t ana da can spare In other word*. unless l he countr»t*s of the western hemisphere Apply forestry promptly and thorough tv, they will one day assuredly U* held responsible for a world wide timber ta mine l itth, in comparison with foreign countries tl'.e prospect* far forestry in the l idled Stales are particularly blight, for the following reasons ■ l We start with the assurance that success run ectiauilv l» attained J We have few «f the handicap* which have trammeled oilier countries. We have no ancient forest rights ami us«Kt^ with which to contend, or Irou hlesome |tro|w'Uv <iuo»lions to settle. the result* winch other land* hate achieved l>\ long *1 ruggle, often with tdtter costs, are free to u* to use' a* we vvisit We have. it is true, our I'UfvIv national and i , ,i forest >jue* lion*, toil the hev to nianr of them is * 'im-where in the keeping of the conn I! Its which hn\ e aehle < ed forest rv . I In vanetv combined with value out tort'slsate without a parallel in ttie world l'aev prod ,.s- timt'er adapted 1*> tlu <TViittM,»l \ariti) of :»»•>. n.» tlutt, » vtvj { to uwel whorl mgr, ini|^ of art* uiiiHWvwiin fr urthrr HU'ft, 11 AU^JKUtHtlOll fnvilitios tiisl f u« to m.-tkt v\*r \ h*re>; u r, hW 'fhai, l'\ iui; u management, each kititi ot U>n>t mav tv to >4eUt the kiml v>. material foi which it i> *uivi the \i itwicw *hw? to 0\iii)|)iiiiv»rv io&fcJ *u|*f>4k* ittiv t*e |»r;uHui.i eUnhnaUHl fcmn'W <0 S* * ** > - - 1 « - 4tt»»Uu W « lin *«i»|»lv tlrt I'rtfMt Pure w»ter In ntfe^iry in onto to , hatt goo I brilth. Ordinary wttl **• , 1-r i» not reliable, neither i* tW*n water even when the rain water i* ti • t red a» it eiitem, an both are liable to have offensive if not i.njurioun matte re gel in each. Not wo with »rte«ian well*. Far nem, and other* limit in lhe<r*un try muni have a nupply of water,whicli ahoiitd be pure to be healthy. In the*e days even threw w ho hav e depended on ordinary well* or cinterri' are getting artewian well* to repjre-*- them in order to have pore water. Much Improvement* base lieeri ina<ie i i drilling apparalu* that the eo**l of an arleniari well ha* teen greatly re • dueed. One of the meat ex|*rienced I and auceeaaful men in the bu»ine* of drilling well* in New Kngland in h. A Champlin, ot Kanl Ixngmeadow, | M i** During liaOT he drilled Z\ well* i i tbi* Stale—five In Jiroad Brook and | live In Krerkville In hi* own town of Ka*t laxigmeadow he ha* drilled : well*: till* alone i* one of the highent tentimonlal* any one need ank for. If any one dcreiren he will nend him a li*t of well* drilled the pant year in the v a ■ riou* New Kngland ~laten. and can I make «ueh in<|uirie> a* he de*ire* of t ielr ownerw,be»ide* other Information. 1 Mr. ('hampltn n advertt*ernenl will be found elsewhere in thin innue. M \*n i< III -Kl 1 Karr Alpaca t o. Holyoke W arp t o. White A Wyenfl Mfg < u. Holyoke Shooting llub, Henry 1’eUrrwon, i .rente II. (junri, Henry It Johnson, John K. I.yman, A. T. Muck hunt, I >wlght Mfg. < o. Ki'*ta* Itr'm. < imalia 1‘ackimt < o. (leorge 11. Kilt*, John I aney, Kldie Welch, Mer .in II l’ea*< Holyoke do do do do South Hampton South Hadley tlo do < 'hlcopee Springfield l.owell Sherburn South Kramingham I ;i*l l,imgmeadow do < •»,\ N FA TH I l John Wuthriek, 1,1* derlofel Singing < id», 11•• i man Noank, >1 tndard oil < n Kllen Buckminster, H \V. Taleott, Hartford <V Springfield St. < \ Arnold, L J . \\ ink If r, \ I < urti>, ner*\ ill*- Vffg. < - James Wotiler, H 1' IVIlon, I >r. K. S I tennis, {.. A Kent, Lilly, Swift tV * o. - I led Tyrrell, II < . Bronson, I. s. ('hast*, A .1 Ketcdien A- Son 1 i 'haiter Oak Hygeia hr < Rooky ille do do do do I’.road Brook K \. do do do do Somer*\ ille do Somers Norfol k Suftield Waterbury Waterbury Middlebury < >ak\ ille TariflK il je o. Hartford \ KVt II v M i \ rl hu r K <'hilds, - Henry Dyon, in n K Marrisv ille do M A I Nl l*orl land < ‘reamer v Portland M IV VTilH \VKU> Barney A* Berry, < \V . Bow ker, I .-■> Imi\ elo|H* i o Kd w ard M iller ( «*. Hartford Iiuspit ul, II art ford I oundry < I .at h rop i '• roeery < «>. l nnsulidated 11 ard w arc S pringfield \\o roes ter • to do 1 lartford do do New Britain EXCURSION SAVIN ROCK \ in N<« H:i\<n:unl l.lfi’lrif' Tuesday, Aug. 11 SjH-ei.i! I- ! • 111 I'ulnam I »:i\ \ 41 It* I ImtirNon I rain ho lu!t* ami Karo* I ,i i i I ’a r t * $1.50 I Mit* N \v 1 j » i'ii lu.4ft a. in. an I Sax in k*m k at 11 . lo a. in. N.inU'i •>! in ki ts strictl4v hmiUil. \ihm-"! ii i" Hi-- r.imoti** Whin ( iiv I K KK MolimiitiL' NjHiini train ioa\*‘" Now I law n at n.OU j*. in. New 'i osk.Niw 11 a\on A I lar tfnnl K K. av 1 i * I < 11. I «* I 111 1 CON III 1 ION rir>l National of Putnam, r . n Hi M.itr o| 1 hiihviItrut. At (In i>-» I ; - - ^ t ’..1 •«*». I IMIH i ml .(IS, i • U . .?.*.<% v .v*5 «»*•*,, : X. «■ I U Htvun'vi. . . 41001 l > 1.1’mlH'l . '! 1 ♦' l I It'll itt I toil 1*4» iKl*! l.l! O « t I !-‘i- : I *s |l* |Halls. •«, I v It , .. i.M** «m p ' i, \ • i.»n I • * »? rrfrr»«- ajjt i»t* < •* i Mu* lln:N:.ll'ilj!|o .|!|ll H.i'llt r« . 1»H» (Ml l*.» 111- 1 t|*|>i'Vnl !«*-.« IVr iilft'Ula_ SOI.;. 4 t (i* k* . ‘ ’i ' ■ : *ti it. m. . : .Kit til \ • a» s . >' i »t V..* i Hank* . . IPt'l. tt.'NM S( i > t»*. . ;*s. •‘KS »-• I t» s.*l**t no’**-* hw*a> «** no Kf'k'BlftH»n 'it t * i l . > fltiuttw N P< r Ofitl. ot o»rrulat|oo .. T.Vimho Total . . I lAtMMTIfcft. «»l«M-k pukl m...$|.N«M»tt» oo Surottp fittui . t4i.mii-OH I’lHinultMi i»nait». i-vs a»«i U\TS I'Ald '•'( \*r|on«! Hank tto»t** ut standing. I4>.0n m> l>ue to ollit-r N*tkMi4 (tank's . T.’-'-t I lkit» to l ru*t Compauii» tu«l SaTiagu H-nk* ltt.vfci lit (Hi t.k mi. .. ( lfiiiw lnU!V|, iit tK<-.‘(» tut>)t*oi 10 I'htVk. 3*! t>C3 M iViuAiui <vrr,n»“.»i, •* io »i« jM**n ; ***• m iVrnnttl t h.vk* . m I tiletl Nfar*--* Kjknu.. '* Nptf* AI.I bill* r»-l!'.'v*ur«!rtl . * ?0J 0t» Hill* |amM. , tu» iu iiu* o*rtill<**t*S of «4opu*i'. ?vu moQt-jf k>rrowrtlt , ont* uo ( ror . .nfr ToUl . 8tAt«* \*t i vHjnfy of UkHltfnirr.M. I. i» H *.t'mihler of th* sK>»e lywk «lo h • •« nu»ly MiWftr that th«* abmr «utnnrui is trw U' tli«* t***t of my kuowH|« •mt *. H.tmrmh .('ashl^ SulwcnM wul swum to before nr this ,**.h d*> ot July, |W* KXANvlj \NKTT. Notary hitvlk. r«rfrct~AUr»t * h v> H Hi * l " »v Kvm > k. • IHwlor*. • _______ WHEN YOU GO ON YOUR Vacation H. W. Thompson,; <>. j: <10. Co. <1 }U«* HttiUuur. ! iNWI.U'XN * Rradlsy” m/0 u C Moving Pictures Illustrated Songs and Travelogues Ewj ItltiiuM and Euninj and *.15 ! Tuesday Evening Souvenir Night Amateur Night Prizes 13.00. #2.00 and 11.00 Names must be in banded by ! Thursday of each week. EVERY Saturday- Ch Idren s Souvenir Matinee ♦ i limit*** Attention ! THE HEST Candy. Ire ( ream and Fruits Wholesale and lft-tail Confectioner) and lee Cream ■fry Our Home Made CboCoUtef, Ben boo». The best and the price lowest. Our Ice Cream is guaranteed under the pure food law. Price 30c or O ;e Dollar per gallon. We keep in our stork a full line of fresb Banana* of all s;*■*■*. Try us once and you will be satisfied. George Paris, Tel. 42 12. Our team* deliver i^oods in Put nam or any of surrounding towns. i i i SATURDAY BARGAIN D\Y al (liupul’s Heal Market Pooifret Street ' Fancy and Staple Groceries | Frpnh, h ir b trr uic-. right in tv cry way. | are « hat wt emit v r to secure, and sup* It in*'**', grout c<rc and vigi'anee on our put, hut we surged, we bt 1 » v *. a ud give our friend* the t>esi groceri ob'aioable (iiv.ids that p! the n. b* t h 'll l4 tp \ 1,1 FV AND I*KICK. : t* lbs (trauu'rtfed Sog.u for ! -S Kars f W rid > ,\p for | l pfcge. I rn Sta-eu, | 3 lbs of Fancy Prums, 5 lbs (if lht'e*, 1 gal Maple Syrup, 1 l ake Maple Sugar, * lb steak, j Pork Klb. 3 boxes of l ams I_:_ *1 00 *1 00 j «c 25c 25c j fl 05 ; 10c I 25c 12c 25c Caiinis Registration Mire rhc Registrars of Vulch of the Tow 11 of Thompson w ill l«e in session at the office of Marcus A Coyell, North Uros i yenordale, and Hall of Reco rd'.Thorn p i -on. ! Friday. August 7. and Friday, August 14th. from 12 o'clock noon until t* o'clock p. m . to remoter the legal \oter> of said town who may apply for Hie privilege of voting in [>o!itica'l caucuses as pre scritied ill Ihc Connecticut Public Acts of UaWi, Chapter 27 l. Those who have already registered under ttie act,are not required to again unless change of |>oiilieal preference is desi red M vK< l s A i ovii.i,, 1 IliiK.n k s Moksk. Registrars. Thompson, I t., July 24. lfyis 1-12 Registration \otiee The Rejfislrars of the Tow n of |\,m. ! fret will lv m session at the Town I House ,m Friday . August 7th. and Fri day . \utcust 14, from 12 o'clock no*m. I until v cock, I' M . to register those I w h o nest re the legal right to vote in , cam: os,’s and pt;manes .-.cording to Wanted. hand. Man teacher preferred r iany is Mrkcn. 12 \ 47. *»'*■ »-> ava x».. I«a tfc* >|ntw M -''U' vp1 OUR BIG CLOSING-ODT=SALE IS STILL GOING ON. Lots of Good things Still Left. Birgains In ■ Men's Suits Men’s Pants Youths’ Suits Boy’s Suits Knee Pants Straw Hats Men’s Shirts. A grand good time to secure a good article for future use at unheard of.Prices. Come in and look them Over while the assort ment is of the best, and get your pick—the best values naturally will be the first to go. I )on't delay but come NOW* A. C. LUKE & CO., RELIABLE CLOTHIERS AND FURNISHERS. m » i -i 4 ACICJ’Uoiit •* ». a ubuuui The Store that h as gained the eontiderce of the public. V ’ r.CODS STORE IN PUTN^ .Hirst AND BEST VEMlLan The Profit Time For Summer Merchandise is Past I'ven the cost will not be considered where the surplus lots are large, bach day of the August selling will be a bar gain day. Make our "Ad>" your steady study. You'll get many a money-saving hint from them. $1.00 Silk and W ool Eolien ne 42 inches wide, now 69c $1.00 Silk and Wool Crepe, 4- inches w ide, now 69c Ladies' 12 12c fine Swiss ribbed \ ests, size> 4. 5, 6, each 9C now, 3 for 25c Ladies 15c fine Sw iss ribbed Vests, extra sizes, 7, 8. 9, each 9C now, 3 for 25c 50c Fancy Back Combs, now 39c Ladies’ colored turnover Collars, were 35c to 50c, now 10c. Fresh Elastic Belts, the bal ance of big lot sold at 17c, now IOC. Colored Silk and Satin Belts, were 25c to 75c, now 10c 53-00 l>ress Suit Ca-es, only a few left, now $>-95 One lot 52.00 and $2-:5 White Petticoats, lace trimmer now Castile Soap, per dozer, cakes, ,oc Ladies’ Korso fine ribbed Vests, regular 51.00 vests now 50c, regular 50c vests, now o5c Other Lots From Other Parts of the Store. B.upin> C-;;> nx Sheets. Pillow Cases, Prints. Ginghams. 'S:'rt ” IVtth .us. Dress Goods, Silks, Lining' etc. Noticey S.itu'day H\ 1 r:da\ > at One P. .Open Monday. M. dur ng R* Wednesday and Trade With Us and Save Money” Isaac Champeau, Mgr., m Jar! 1 atterns. Lewandos French Dyer# *nd Gun* Telephone 19-2 PUTNAM, CONN.