Newspaper Page Text
MACLKj.SALD Al WiU-iAMS punfN I r T«>RI» PUTNAM WIN 1JHAM i:0.,C0NN. L&tett Newt Condensed. Illinois. followIng the lead of other >\ extern -HHf*. adopt'd a primary law ami tin- Hint municipal election under that law took place in fblcago on Monday . There i* no reason t<> liml fault with It* i.r-t tnai Toe voter* of the two parlies who participated in ttie primary election*, *ue'ce<led iri eject I UK the men they desired, if they were not the la**!, ami they defeated tlie machine candidate*. The law coni mend* Itself to thinking |*-*'ple. In the place of noininatiriir eandtdale* In a eaneti*. I he entire “ter* are jiermil te<] to name whom they want for can didate*. A meriean farmer* w ho liax e for aorne year* teen seliltiig on the rieh, fertile lamL* in the norlhwe-l part of the I >o minlon of < anada. gave 10 Idettee of Iw-mg progrc**lxe in their Id**" Ni»w Australia t* making an organized eltort to attract - one of the *anie da** to sellle on some of it- w a-lc fertile tieid* w lueh netd Irrigation The Hr*t hale of < .eorglaeotlrm of I hr present season w a* marketeil hy I teal Jackson, a negro farmer lie thus re tain* hi* title of the “lir-l hale farmer of i morula, which he ha* held for the past sin year*. Pa tter than that, lie get* an extra high price for til* cotton In a manufacturing town'** mile* southeast of |iuda|**l, Hungary, a fac tory collapsed in a hurricane, hi-t ~i turday, arul a liundrerl |* r*ons were tint led In the ruin* Jnhn Mile*, now one of New ’l oil, merehant prince*, rn-i from a ea*h hoy lit -* , 41 a week, to Is* one of tile rno*t forcible, enterprising and di*linc!i\e!y original merchant - in I hat city \uiong til* axiom* ire I >o all the grsal y oil eim. I n all I he w ay * you can, At all the time* you can. To all tie people you enn, A* long a* ex er you fan. “Afinrlrn xav-.lolin Milt**' xc^*!** 11m* w<*fl«l hi IIm* inaiiufaetuie of 11*k!> ^rad* -ilk- ribl*ins It ll«l \td\«*u,ninl yt | Aiiii-iii'iiti v\ (MiM'ii imagine llieh <hoiii-l -ilk ami ribbon* an- i1111m• rI i»«j. In n\rngr III* r\i‘C*itllott of ail Itl»flr cdds! ifitllly of high crime*, In liiiri’Hn «ia, h|i;iln, a Ih*iuI» v\ *«-• «*.v |»I«»«I#■«I in »» ferry l mat I »_\ •muik* of lux associate*, in JurlriK Muir |n -<■ 111misI\ On a railroad running out of Itirminghani, Ala , a passenger train was tired Into 1 * \ non it* -iriking iiilmi', ami three In tmcerit !»« i hoiix killed ami e!e\ cn woiin tied llt»w utterly deg»ailed must liti ■nan ixuiikcs reach who a engc fancied Yf rungs nil iniii'ct lit | m-* * |»U A strike on I lit4 * mnnliin I'adllc rail i tad last week, i' \ lending !'•» wlioli I nglh, Iasi week, x11s|a*i idetI all tratllc f<» a tiiiM rin- cause w a- tin- «(cmttml f »r an tiiilil hour da\ In (iin< mil* m Ih*IU*r spirit pies nils in laUu onions I he \ vi ill mirely lx* a «U* I < > dose «|u\\ n nil mechanical Industrie* m a country Hueti nn attempt wax made in I* ranee recently, hut vi ns defeated by tin .» (ion of iIm* go\erttiiit'iit A fterOtJ miitflc between (lit* mi |iUiyt*is‘ ami llu* united trade fedcrA lion ill < oiM*nh * * I N’litintr k, is k* u i ; ltd All Iml |li»' InlUl |*n|a-1s t.»*« been suspended oit HCMMiiil ul nstiiU» Mini a hK*k out of all workmen has U*< n iIm-Ihh <1 m llu shipbuilding and hal! «t dozen ol tin* ol lit* i principal imtns trie* unit's*, llit* strike din puli* is s|»oed II V settled. « arm*Kit* has offered f helxca a 4 a*,tarn lituarv building to replace llu* out* Itati In the recent fin* I'll* gift is on ism tiltloii that the oit\ prov hit* * >,nnt» a \i u for maintenance and u*c llu* *J*», pw insurance received, for tin* purchase ut *HM»kS. The rtfih unnl'n-Mi\ .u the ohoiih I it>ti »*! i'o|x I’ll. u i evli'ln nlt'tl in the Valient, It!-.! •• Ill«l:«\ , til the I'll". Cliveuf the l*0|*', nil lllf lllglltlMlle* in' tin- inu11 mul church, tin' Homan mi* It‘I fnrv mul tin' Knitfht* ol Malta- tin* Aiohhi*ho|i i»! Non \t>fk mul other American prelate* matehetl In tin' pro 1’1 XNlilll . \\ mil niim > tlmmith < onxianlinople (lint Tabrir mul all tin Verhaljan pm ilnifi lime nwili'il (mm IVmla, ami have iliclarnl al left luma' to Turkov The tribesmen » hum the *ihah brought to prutwt III* person, have mailo hint a prisoner to ovtort money (nun him. Al the Old tirchanl annual ineeliritt «>( the thttxtian Alliance, la*l r-oimlay , Uic religion* Irnui reached a xlage of liValeria while the contribution* fur ii)iaxtone viere taken u|>. Kite tlmu* ami men ami vmiirn *l niggled to g\le their money and jewel* Women «lrip ped Iheuixelve* ot their ring*, earring*, anti dropped their torgnellc* anil even jrarlwl wiiiIm intu lltr basket*. Men itittie*I their J nickel* in»ide out, anil their cult buttons, »iud*. we to he. ami scarf pin* aitilul to the )*ile* There wore six buxhcixuf valuable* mlltctnl lit. Simp*on announceil that alrool r.tam in money amt pledge* hail been reeei i etl. ntul \«luat>!.-» Worth »to, urn more. 1 h*in, the Jr-moralit Treiltlritl eamlt lltlr. tmie a *up|xtrlct of liryari. ro w observe*. “Ttwii tree stiver m l*» , t;ie liemoetatie party ha* turmit tagout brick* In Hats— ami that i» the only chance it ha* umlergonc Al the reijnext of l.aiiy Henry vim- j er*et, W l T. I . uirtubcn oit**r\cd Turwliv a* "hrcxh Air l>ay oumne muratiug her birthday by giving out- j lng* an I entertainment* to the ahul-in 1 ones Our Shoe Store On the Corner Cii'iiinii'-' I' *J] odd lots and Broken S /<■“ ISijf I’urgfni - ill M< ’ - ami V01!t)l“ l’nt* I t I,i ltl< O .| i Cottons and Sum mer Muslins — A I — Marked Down Prices J»<iU«'d Swim*, V'.iIpk and Dirnilii—. J'J 1 lr OJi In ‘l’i<' iJUaliti**H |*i!«•*• 7«* jK’r yard 1 r,r I'mr \ IMutil Mu«linH. irj tin Newetit I'lni I- Clink* Htri .Slri|«»« Sn'i Pm*\ 12 I-2c j>«r yat i) 2'ir S .(ih Mcrcrrizol \i.iI«h hiiI Mfrr<ri/*‘il <iingiiain« Sale I'm < I Hr prr yc!«l ■jr»c Silk Muii’iiih. all tlii* Si auon'n ! S’mi -( l>i -1;*i - hull l’ii' *', I .»r l>**r tui '1 ‘/~>r I'li'l' Ilf III'* W *’*( I ’ ' all--. .'ll* iih’Ikh wiilc. Ml,all tif'iirc*. iiii'1 fancy Siriju * ^il* l*i in l,c |ni vai'l ■J \r \\ Inti- i (Hi.' Ill I >.(«,( In 'kn mi.I Mi.|i'i<n/i I 1 igur*■' Sul*1 l*i ii i- I ’><• 11* i ym I 1 /»•• anil 'Jllr \\ lull \\ HiHi' I.;/ Clu cks hi 1 St i ij.i hull- I’iii '.Ic |.i i \ hi .I I An Athletic Carnival The ninvs* of tli*' AiiM f i< in nl lilett**' in the <e|\ 11»|>ti* i *:1111« ' in I 11u! 11mI hu* prompted tin* III i 111 age 111 * * 111 III (lit 1 nil neeticul I' itir In plaee ill)- nm.'iinir nth letir even!* litst tm tin* programme for I, nl mu l >m v I w «> gold medals, uiii* si I v er him I ii hron/e will he gi v en I hi* win tier* tit each of tin- events ill Iihi, _*n, III) Hlitl hsii yMrtii Hint In Iht- l‘J-* \ 141«1 hiindieap, Mini ns the value of the gold medals Is alums! In tin limit livid hv the rules then* should in* ti lively mm petition f-»r them. Also on tin* «! .*i % ft the Kalr t he it 'unncet lent M*hooi Im\s w III in given an tuning In dnshe* M <M, I * M ‘. lint '> V a i 'i s', |; 11 v it»* I ' >' « i hurdles -uni n two mile re! tv raee.i aeh r.inner In go one halt mile l’l» • win ner - in eaeh of these events will Ik* pre seiiteil with gold, silver ami bron/e medals ami when the young athletes a! s<*hiHil the follow lug 'lav a im)inI**'i m( them will Ik- demrated with < onneetient 1 tit prizes, all of which Uuir In hold relief tlu* figure of the * mi it «»s ii| i «>n nert ten!, w hleh is |H»sed - » £» aeefulK on tin* golden dome of the ' apltol, 'In athl< tie • eitls ot» the tIIIrd day of the I au w til U- eotilllied to * 'ounce tlevil tiiemen ami poihv I aeh tit part men! will hav** an npptrlunllv l*» par ade lin n fastest m< n in lull ami *J2»» said tlashes an I * \hil»il their “I raitg men in a log o! w ti tu Iht* champion ship nl tin s t .ai \\ a 11 e i .1 Snv tier, tin* m;ma*n « »•! tilt* * 'mine* lieul I atr.ts now i * * j -• v j it 1111 enliv blanks toi the athletic *\nu.|\ » old It anv one is oveiltMtke * i!> v t tn gel one i*v drop ping him a p • : tl to Hartford. A I ..Ilil. hI »'..IU.r Tluro i' tlit' vcar olio m«rr I’rosiilon I In 11 iimlhtato III mi I hole w ,i- foul \ mi nt:" llio cmoluliiU - mi' nil nami'il mol Air n- follows ItopohliOHit -William II l ull IH'Iiiih’ihIo- Win Jomilugs Itrjan IVo|iU' - l‘»il> rinunn- I Wnl-on .-iN-inll-l Kugono \ Ivlis I'rohtUllion Kugono W i ft mi it Kivinh-l l.almr August lilllhaus, Nil ougineor of Now \ oi k. w n- -ul»-l I luliil lot Mnrliti l« rio-lon. now sorv 111K n lilo -oiiloinn lor murtlor, rolu-fit IO AOOS'pt UlO IIOIIllllHtlOII 1 lulojH'iuloiit— Thomas l. Ill-m u l ho \olor onn o-iluinlo what the ns Igtivevoto on-I w ill In' ttii- voai from lhat on*l four yoars ago, n- follows Kopohlioaii, 7,r>:.",4vt I amooraiio, rrohiliition, Sooiali-I, 1’ooplo s, Socialist l.almr. ,077,M74 40_\_'v; 117,1M .11,4*1 Tho I mlo|iontloiit, lloarsl - now par ty, will ilraw voio- mainly from lho Ikunocralic party, lull oan hanlly polo ov or 1 41,1100 v olos Klsitnl of Ink uil Whll#ll »l l'>|sr Host fur Ik* E)Ml(llt To sulwliluto something ol-o for wish! |hiI|>. for making | «|x r, on ae ooiiiil of tho increasing o»«-t of l!io lal lor, U li»- l-'tii »iigm-sie«t lItal a liliroii alancc lliat grow - almosl instanla lu-uislv ovor a m«l aira of llio l*tttIt|s plncs, mil!It'. Is ustul, also a largo pari • >( the manila fis-u11> w hit'll now ms-- lo W It-ll' AllotllOl sllggt slloll I- lo list' laioiia; that » nlil make Mack pa(* t util uso w fills' ink Tito i-fltol on tfio fit* ought lo is" a Hi si oon-ultiallon. Inrri stale s!uii,.il Itlvr a law lo pm* lool tho ovo- gltl of lho Jss'l'U* a- mttoh •s a i'uri-lis-1 law lo protect the rest of llio hotly Tho lino sinaU faoo lv|o usovl on ntvM oi our largo ilailv |tN|>n with scarcely any -1ho.-c tartwoon llio lino-, is working havin' wuh Iho oyo Sight of realtors l*os>i>ls aro also u-mg The Byron D. Bugbee Corporation The Last Call Startling Prices on all Summer Goods. Interesting Specials in every Department. Shirt Waist Suits r.»w Suits Si»!f Friet*. #1 IJ9 *.',50 t n.broiJfteil Suita. Sale Ft ire 43 50 Suit*. Saif Frier*, 4375 Suit*. Sa> Prior, 4t 00 Suit* Saif I'rirf, Jumper Suits '1 ■’>0 Fancy (iin«'liatn Suit* Sale !’ric< *1.98 75 Mifl 1 00 ( nun Muslin Jump IT Suit* Saif Frit f. !f*S I 5(1 Hint 5 no 1 me I’atu y Dimity Juiiiiht Suit* Salt) Frier. S3. I S The IWron Ihi^hee Corporation. I>u<»l)ee l>ar<4'ain Centre, 1’iitnnm, Conn. tinted pupiu with tinted ink. in writ Inn let t«-i*, that make *i little emit rail that il -drain' the e_yed|{hl to read them Tv |s- write!', foolishly think me it irenleel, um- Ihevamr tint', and their work run only la-easily read un der a 'trmiir litilit, w liieh 'trains the eve'ltchl, -eii'llile |ample know tlial ijrente't emit rival ink' and p«|*r are ta-'l for the 'iiftit ami pleasantest to read, and for neW'|ia|a*rs and tssiks, ti»*l -i - tv|n-, with extra 'paw !*• tween the lines, are preferred by all readi is lor the eomlorl and 'alisfaetimi they altord. lit* Mr*! »■ i oiijfluiH I ole, i \ Senator troni < nil fnrniit. -:i\llu'lliHMtid \iW', If I Is in hi-* M» mon> In * w til* i»f - * " |k»i i y t*\ pres* reached .•sac rumen to, i nl , long I h*I ore the 11 r*^l transcontinental itiii roml vvns *%iir\ eved. “Those w ho were there to witness it will m-ui forget the* hiiiwiI of the lir>l of these express* me* senger* at Sacramento. Il whi an oc casion of great rtjoi< mg, and every ImmI'V, big anil Utile, oltl and young, turned out to see the fun. All business w a* Hus|s ndo»l f\en the courts ml jtnirnnl for the event A large numl>cr ot the citi/ens of all ola**ev grave anil guv, mounted on hor*e*. rode out some mile's on the line to meet the incoming wonder. ••The wailing was not long 'The little rider, upon hi* blood \ eluuger, under whip and spur, came dow n u|h»ii them like .1 meteor, ind made not the slightest halt to greet his manv \ i"il 01 sv 'Then l»eg;m a ia *e of all that wait ing lhrong, over the stretch hack to the oitv , the like ol which has never l»eon •seen It may have l*een rivalled in speed and confusion b\ some of the ea v airy disasters during the war that pie sentlv followed, but the |*eaeoful |hv* pie ol Sacramento, I am sure, never tieheld anv tiling of the kind Ulore or alter w ard. *• The w hole cav a trade, shouting ami cheering, smif waving banners and bareheaded, riding at the lop of then sjHed, dadimg down a street, might have l •ecu taken, had it occurred on the j plains, tor a t>aml of w ild t amanohe*. but the little mail carrier paid no at teiitiou to them and kept in the lead Strange iti*iwe> ap|**ar in this conn try rs-ciislona!ly A woman died re cently m INrnnsylv aula. weighing >H’ |hhiml-, alter suffering Hi years from Uial tare ami dreadlnl malady, fie phanliaais And rarer is the disease oalled "leukeintna. of which Kev. l>a mel I Meiiillicuddy >iied last week in i llosloii lie contracted ll in Thlts'l Alter ten years of blindness, a man sh y ears old. Its ir>K m Jamaiea. I. I. rrtsnrnal hl>sight Iasi week shortly alter losing his sight from a stroke of (laralysi', the physicaiis told him he cou Ui never see attain. ‘*1 have faith,' said the blind man. "and will pray for my sight This he did daily for ten years, usually holding the lilble 1 asi Thursday he led a sharp pain in one of his eyes, he fried out. 1 can ms I can read this Itilff I Physicians of the Merer Mrits|ritah of Pittsburg, asM'rl l!ley hare discover* ed a new cure for tetanus, one much (s lier than flu time-honored antitoxin. I’he nr*w cure is magncsi im hate Injected into tile spinal coin inn of i hr Injured during the spasm or contrac tion of the tun'Clcs. .■slops itching tnalanMy I'ures pi , » fr-riiil. sa l rheum, teller, itch, hi es herjs's scabies — iknui s Ointment. At dru; slurany e. Our Ware Department Bigger Bargains 'Ilian Ever Before Mason Jars Plain White Ware Away Below Wholesale Prices 1 Pint hi/**. s.h. I 30 1 Quart nize. Sh > Price, <»'*«• a do/.. 2 Quart size. S»i<- Price, a loz 20c Heavy (tla-, Tumbler- Sale Price, 15c Joz Clothes Pina. Sail Pru <■, lcp5 doz 3 Piece Glass Ware Sets Butter I>isb, Sugar Bowl an 1 Creamer. Sale Price, l#c per aet rou Vacation Wear Women’sSuits Kton Suita in liglfancy mixtures, just what you i • < I fur vacation \v nr S1 b an 1 ; to £.'1(1 suits, •4, Pric #7.88 Butterfly suits aid il! tliis season s light colored suit your choice now just half juice. SJH Suds, S2u Suits, -alt SitO Suits, i . pries #10 ! ’ #12.50 JMl #15 Cup» ao 1 Sa leers, Teas, an 1 Cof fee.. lue values Sale Price, ic Bread an 1 Butter Plates. Sale Price. 5c each Bleak fast Plates. Sale Price. ♦Jc each Pull size Pinner Plates. Sale Price, 7c each C flee Mugs Sale Price, “c each The King Hose FOR Boy’s and Girls. School time will so n lie here. Make your lii st preparation by s.-l erring a stocking that ,vears well at u moderate price. Small sizes only 1 2 1 2c per pair Size, to 10 only lor per pail hientn tconumy. “A inau the -u l ■ ir<* to Paris to I#*.!in som* thin,: t ill** »*t otio in.v of I'reiuh * (M - (i a janitor, "Ail 1m* ii. s t * * «1.. is r. - .-r a job like in I lit* in a hoti-< I mostly by I n n* Ii fnmiiit - 1 L* i leant some* ustonishing l»*s'*t - in flu* .ut of sav f u I'|* to t * .' jo I was working Iti a 1*; j • •!' that kin*! So far ns atten _ to the garbage wax com -erneil. I h i iIn* easiest time • f my . if .• t 11* j »• w s |*r:i i i y no garbage I he peop lived w* il enough I > * - ■« Anyhow they iv j*.i s from thi httteher ami groeer. ! ' they ue\ r -»» im-d ?«» throw mi} th.i. g aw?i> About the only thing th y 'hnn't # ;*t was « «*!!.*»* grounds «nd i dato skins ami tomato • alls, am! flu-re was |»re» tons* itl.»* w asie of «*\ on that ■ Wit# te I mi working m»w the fatal lies are i \im*riean. That is where file foo-l j.m- to waste I he people In that house throw away enough pro visions I'M ii day to feed a l those I • t f s a w eek S.t u l 'ran yis< o < hroii i* U*. Mad* the Judge P*r*pire. Sir Joint « harlen 1 *uy. the huglish judge who the title of the It.*., ikan s terror," died at the a*:*' of eighty two 1m the nineteen yearn Sir John was a Judge of the high court fr» ttt ivsi* to Hull he was noted for In* gift of solemn humor and for his lira**ti» flogging sentenees In fourteen >. 11* he senleneed 137 criminals to 3.7‘ ti si’* Ue* of tlie out. Onee he suit! to a gam: of I.iverpool ruffians “l am n»»t gor j f give you men tout; terms of llltfU i'Otttuelit. hut when VoU go lit \ *n get ttteutx lashes of the eat: w hen you h.a \ e been in little months you get tweni) «*’ s of the eat: before >«ni roq get twenty lashes of the » at \ t n mu 'id show w hat > on !♦ i\ your friends " lie was per haps the \ Kngllsh judge who ever d i ; I *r While on a visit ?<• a prison he u a d the treadmill, hut w hen he asked to he set free the guard pro tended not to hear his request The judge was penqdriug fr**ely hy the time he was permitted to abandon his experiment Eggs Barred. Oiu* evening a solid looking eitiien carrying a basket. Knight a ticket and Mario*I to tutor the o|**ra house iu a long Island town Just as ho was going In the o\or of the basket uq accountably sipped off. revealing two « ggs Ht> *nid the ticket taker "This isn't K.ister Where you going with them ecu*'!'** Non*- v r business’ Here's my ti» ket. all |*aul for an' reg’lr.** declared the cltiieu • Well there don't any eggs go in side while I'm here.’* said the ticket taker and then the other saw the res •on his burden wraa «u*peeted and roared with laughter lie left the eggs lu charge of the man at tlie l»oi office and entered, and he enjoyed cr\ moment of the show When it was over, the manager re lumol tin* eggn to hiiu and Mid *1 wt>- at rani you tught put your foot *:.!«> the basket while you were applauding ” The B n of a Deg. "I w e t •> say a few words about h> '-N *; ' said a |d»ysieian * W hen .- I i. i \ ,< through ckdhitig tlw-rv is to * k' or i danger of in feet km. Tin* v: s i, , i, t ,• t,vth of tin1 an.! a' and v ■ »*a •* -v«m i it*»*u has received the wound through a layer of clothing then* is jttle danger. l a * s . the teeth is left in the clot hi: g . d is not communicated t* the pets. i -neii. KaUkt dx gs or c;V animals ary* net likr i .ey have no fc*» low teeth through whi t pobttMi u»ay be coo* u»uu .ca ad - 1? o*u>: be Introdtii ed dire* tly Into tin* system of the vi< tint “Therefore, when a supposedly raMd dog 1 »-s a person, if the bite is n« • on an exposed part of the 1 <-iy he should haw* no fear." Washington post. Bee* and Their Baskets. Kvery is*e tarries his market basket around his hind legs Any one ex urnining the body of a i-ee through a mierostope will observe that on the hind eirs of the treature there is a fringe of >t *f hairs on the surface, the hairs approaching each other at the tips ...» ;iS t*» form a s« rt of cage. This is the bee's basket, and into it, after a snore-d‘ui journey, he will cram enough pollen to last him for two or three days. Gray and the Elegy. TIi**;:;.is t. *\ kept the . ■ jy by him f«*r nine years before lie gave it to the "'•rid lie im*d away at it ail those \ears as a iapUIary polishes a gem. and tiie result was he made it a gem. In his whole life he wrote comparatively little, and when asked whi he had written s . .iitS* In* replied, "He* a use it the exi-rtNn it eosts in tiie labor of t oinpositittii." Diverting Attention. “S.i v»iu favor the suit of that for t Iguer "Yes.’’ answered Mr Cumrox. *i think l should rather like to have a man in the family whose English mother ami tin- girls can i riti* ise In Stead of mine." Washington Star A Good end Sate Rule. It Is a (_•• •,d and safe ruie to sojourn In every |■ .. e is if y u n . i!:t to s|>end your life there, never omitting an op portunity of doing t kindness or sp,-ak tni! a true word ,.r making a frien I — J.di' Ituskin. A Min's Idea \ man's hit a • f i m ai >ig hat for tils Wife is l I. It that eoSI S ,< 1 f.p — Nasln i'.ie Vmere an Potatv Rot A matt «'h,« lias tried the ev|terc meat da inis that it is vert east to pre vent I Hit a toes from rotting to p.acitig ; In ilifferent parts of tin- ,,r in which | •hey are kept a t*ot eeiit ining a tjuan- ; • Ity of lump slack lime lie states that this ime ahsort-s the moisture which lias sneh a detrimental effect upon po talcs’* ami in his case has resu ted iu j keeping pis stis k of this cotumod tv a'vats In g.ssl condition The plan is ■ini| e enough and is w,- worth a trin' by ant grocer who has had dif flctl Tt in ket | ii g bis potatoes iu a damp ce ar Letter*. "XowlH'rt' ' the i i.u ty of the* present a so ti. re anurrut than in tLe mg otters reeeivvd by rk b met;/* fa ti a fTivjittf secretary “1 have t*€vn -O ': : J < tter* of that kind ty the hun ♦IrtM for the past tifyears For • ’ > *■« tfs* '■■& otters auikn! alike s were they that they : -*ht hoe Us u cuphhI U*!iy from a ’*• !> o*vr "r ter v w the writers • v :a? - ! > Tin > u.„v v nut ereti tuirv* >ti their a*!’ hut - mau h i rt rp|*|y T a<* -• tin oi *” phr<s,»« for every «• it th ■ £ th • ?e*i hut They w y IV i » the art ©f »-■ * dramatic w •&r<‘:\av It : ly the U tter T1 ! 'in just. the •MX*. ^4 *' ' < :r • rvdevvs sk f> r t in a in n*tv] tifl vf r<" s them !> «•( aO«l • ' ' rl£ You are Judged to a large extent by the writ ing paper you see. A letter written on a coarse, flimsy paper falls s»h*>rt of its mission. The impression made by a good, stylish writing pjper on the mind of a correspondent amounts to 40 per cent of the whole. By Using the Popular Eaton s Fine Writing Paper. : you are absolutely sure of that 40 per cent of good impression. They are easy to write upon, attractive in appearance, strong in manufacture, and always stylish We carry a full line, and can show you the latest creations for correspondence. Prices run from 19c upward to 35c. Eaton Hurlbuts' Swiss Chi ffon, pound paper, 23c per pound Envelopes to match pound paper, ioc a package of 25 Eaton Hurlbuts- French Paplin. 19c per box Eaton Hurlubts’ Linen bond and Iligh'and Linen, all sizes, 23c per box Eatons" Hot pressed vellume, 35c per box Mark Misjudged. \\ it M ii n 1 wain was u .young ami sir _r now spa per writer for the \" < •* in New York • i r > : i . i\ ef Iris acquaint a nee saw hi. i < .e d.i>. with a cigar box under liis an i. -Hiking in a simp window "Mr < 'lei.;* ns." she said. I always see \ on with a cigar box under your! arm I am afraid you are smoking too j ranch.” ; “It isn't that," said Mark. 'Tin mov I ing again.*' Only the Runner Up. I’lie In si mall fli.night he'd take a look around and set- that everything was running as a fastidious bride would wish if. and up in the room where tin* presents were displayed, j alone and unhappy -Hiking, he came ' up a a \ •»' '!i. in ready. like the Wcdd.'lig a' -‘•'I of tile l-j.'giish p *e(. to “beat 1).> It ast." He was w ander ing al it. o<-h; g at silver and cut gk.' v» ith-ait > -mg t’aein. ami the j best n an hardly k: . how toapproach him. * i : have .'"ii kissed the bride?” he asked at last And the answer told far more than its two ii * ager ui»i\N in ght hav, boon , expected to It was ‘Not lately”’— J I.ipi *i neon's. On Papa's Side Only. "Mamma. our teacher nays I'm de scended from a mouke.v .** liis mother <g am ing severely at her husbandi Not on my side, darling. Not Quite the Same. Ha\ ng an i\ ed at that point iu tin* baptismal st*rvin- whole the infant's naiM is conferred. the «. ;ergy man said. "Name tin- « h id ." "<>:.gimt Story." said the sponsor uu is. • "What do you say V he asked In sur prise*. "original Sb.ry/’ she repeated, it's u v.i • h|d name. Are you suii- \ >u want hun called by the uame *f < >r . Mon V" "Original s' \ tliat's right” **ls it a family name 7" "N:»! ed after his unde, sir,” explain* e<l the i ;rst\ Ot gmu. Story the little fellow was christen.-d. Sum* mvks after this event the minister made the acquaint ance of the said uucie, a farm laborer in a not .her vi:!ag*-, whose name was Keginaul Story The Painter's Way. M ben a painter h s taken up the par lor carped, removed the furniture from the dining room, leaned two ladders against tae haii mantel and stacked a half dozen variegated cans of paint on the sideboard, it means fce is now ready to paint the outside shutters and the back feuce Mark Twain. Crockett and tha Mule*. It ts toid of the famous Davy Crock rtt that one Jay while standing on Pennsylvania avenue. Washington. a •warm of im.w trotted by under the custody of an (iirrsw from one of the «t«vk farms in \ Irgiula. A congress man from Boston attracted Crockett's attention to the onus uni sight. saying: He o. there. Cr.a-ketC Mere's a lot of rour .-.inst:tretits on parade. Where tre they gi4ng;** i ro.-kett io.iked at the"animals with i ; glance and answered «|Uiet > "They are going to Massachusetts to teach ^ The Sweet Potato Belt, Tho H^nn. ->i ’.mit f ir sweet potato 'il* ur“ ' Indicate*] by a line drawn from the l*>n!er Hue of Massa :r-d 1 •*.. .«*• tU v:t on the eart ‘ 'Tn r ’ * northeast «x»mer of < o rida !*?:* the area where i? Is ’‘r”‘ " ! i%* ’■■*** : eft!. !!y would be COQ ' ► of (bis. exee|*t in the r-"f r where it exfemls uto Iowa. Illinois. aad ludlaoa. DON'TS FOR MARRIED Wong. Tha Wise of -Ynm IB'I ply to all aiikt matron, bat it i Matron Unbu-de*. it * Fen Max mi tr’r* lit." remarked wife t< It every I ri !e In ,i land »oui' 1 '-e trni.: tlie follow!; ^.'t of njli fci.r . i. !ef- the ■:ir. IHan’t ask your bush n, you. Let him ask vo : I too’t lx* fussy about Leave that to hw old m:. Itou’t pry Into his .... mental or o’her« i-e. la privacy and have soi . .. y Iton’t nag even If it p giexl That's the w.iy t I>ou't lose a ecrtaiii should lie yours until y. regardless of eircunista . Iion't extract ncits. Have him put things on ■ by giving you an allow a: I»on't l>e jen'.ms If tber you are eoiuinitting the *n !J* *h, ’hat v*. ! V. t*** sf *t<* Bait * 'a** * 1 lf be to*. ' *tVt hr* elf. 'r !i» »*» . *212 fmn> b!« ,,r ’per Usa 's R,i r,1n^ i 'V«H Bib. liOS'T WFHP. take of your ii,e. ii i!i iv is dg. you :iir !.»ill ' half tile l. it: e hy s!h>» Ins your weakness. Pon t weep! ! ak • your conversation oo» tissue ot person,t'iiii s i must de* voted man on earth will tire of thtt and yearn for real t ik. Don't make intimate fi ii-nds of roar husband's relatives. Pou't make your quarrels public. Don't tell tin* secrets ot ; jr h(®« to your dearest < hum, s day may cease to l*e so near and so dear Don't sins doleful sons* around the house. Don't sins at all unless you are dead sure what you sound like I >on'l say "i lo!J ;> on 1 " Don’t remind him of the days tvbea you were free How do you scow what he is thinkius of? Pou t sit up for him. M A ISO Al! i'.T WHITE VERANDA ROOMS. The Piazza In Summer Time Is Fur* m&ned Elaborately. Nowadays \\ e all <»f us live our of doors nHirM nr less. The picture shovs un attractive wide piazza fitted like a room. A trellis made* of whitewood con* reals part of tile side wail of the b*w \ and provides an artistic* barkpr'»u:i1 A PI.JlASANT FL.AI £ FOB WA. The furniture is of Ku-'.i'b proof cretonne, a fabric which ■* D#* ami is obtaining much favor. Potted plants a<lil much to th« (®fc summery effect. The wicker tables and chair* *** painted jrreeu. A couple of canaries' cafe# »** * Imuuit the shrubbery. The bin** *‘T Itlad to tie released from the •>*•* ; • ud their sweet notes ate soottnK they are heard from their nest i® j vines 1 If rugs are desired they *hoa**^| made of grass fiber or cotton in ■ _ j of soft green and red. as the** heat ni Tea sets of solid green ware j found at all tile orients store*. K DK T A BATH* Catarrh Is a constitutional disease orifnn^^ impure blood and requiring eoC:‘I’ _^j treatment acting through and PaT^ ^ j blood for its radical and periuaarf The greatest constitutional remedy Hood’s SarsaparH"! In usual liquid form or m tablets known as Sarsatats*- ^ Nasal and other locat K>rn,f are relieved by CaUrrlets. *tuf^ fla initiation and deodorize !"' l allsJ3 Bsantbe Btgaatsia N rf T-sa-di:.