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MACDONALD & WILLIAMS FNOPRIKTORI PUTNAM WINDHAM CO..CONN. Lditorial Scrap*. lyjiw uneaxinem i* felt In the bust ne** (l(pm«ion, a,* xo ninny lokcni of Improvement are xeeri on every hand. Interest i* eentetei] in the l»urri|>er har vest tin* tali and the election <<f Taft to end all *u*|**t»»e arid Inxiire a rapid return to great pro*petitV. The great American fleet of hallle- , ahij** hail a gr at welcome at Aui'k- | land. New Zealand. The sailor* ran- i not hut feel that wherever they go they are among American people *o cordial are their greeting*. It can never l>e known the extent of the mental and moral revolution In the mind* of the human race wrought through the in fluence of till* world'* voyage of. war ghi|>» on Ihcifc nii*»ion of |* ace. Deputy Dairy ' niiitiiUxiorier Hulcrt K. Potter, of North Haven, wax aj |*iinted I miry 1 ornitil**ioner, l>y 1,1 ernor Woodruff, on Tu< -day <m Wed nesday t oiimil—tiorier Poller appoint eil Tyler < ruttenden, of Norwich, to I* Deputy Dairy < dniiiii»'ioner. The New Haven Irireelorof Piddle Work* will n»k the board of ftnanee for * to »avethe city elm tree* from the ravage* of the lieetle, which I* doing grenl damage there We hear of nothing U lug done In *av e our I fees The AmerIran \\ until Mrother- now aland fnrpiiiutit in tin* ranks of Invent' or* of l)mt cmii sal! the air. On TucwImv, at l.«-until*. I1 ranee, in an * jH iimentrtl trial, they made the long est imd tiiiint MitrtfHsful Min lit of tin new, remaining it* the air n« airly four minutes Tlit* machine circled the field three 1111m >, at the rate of mile Mil ho.. r i In |- 'I* < ! •»I * - I t: t h ♦ ■?'. I ly at tile grand dimd until within N|»es»kinn dlH tnee of tin -|mtI film** then soared Ilk* a I>ir<I to new heights ami continued its flight until it reach tin starting point, where it gently descended, ti1111«t the Inin! plaudits of a «Je!ighled audience. \\ till a view lohtmging nlmtil liftlcr mocImI, sanitary am! economic cmnli lion- on \imrican farm**, President Roosevelt has requested four (a\|*erl*nti cmnlrv ttfe to make an Investigation Into tin* whole mailer ami to re|«>rt t i lllin with recoininemiattoiia for iin provftiiciits t he matter will la? la <1 before (’ongre** Tin? ev|x*rlM named are Professor I II Hat ley, of the New N «*rR t Villciic nf Agriculture, Henry Wallace, of “Wallace's Parmer,” I >«•* Moines, Iowa, President Kenyon I Mutter fit* hi, of the Mnssttehusett* \g ricoltural < ollegc, tdfford I'inehol, of the I 8. f orest Me^erve, ami \\ alter H I'agr, editor .i ;!o “ \\ m Id 's \\ ork rs'ew \ ork The Conference «»f N'w l.uglitnd's (inventor!* in September nett, say s the Hprlliglleld Republican, may suggest In more t lian on** ingenious a ml impiii j lug mind, whethei. if these -i\ 'states have common Inlcreat*, a mcrgci o! them into one < otninouwcttllli might Hot Ik* a subject worthy of di*cu**ioti. I ..llli. wl 11 mis. Ilrvnn'a s|»**-h of mre'ptmire' Iih» l*-tn niHele , anel n kimmI purl is ilt'ioliil to criticising the KrpuMHan petite ami )>tnt>itai It Ini' no Ira,line piiniipie or bailie cry like the ‘Truss ul « or “Irt to I I'm Silver," t« firmin' llie IN'inocratlc mi.i'-i'm, a* in lu» (m inm campaigns lli- mnl Ills lnomls an htruttKliiMi against a losing light,its ye-i Tin- I iiiiiih'i ill If HUIr central com ii,ill.s' Inis issue'll tin'mil for hethlnig I In* stale • 'mil I'litlviu, « iilfh is in Is lirlil in 11nrlford, -*n pi I , mnl l'> stair jt'rtiivrs Hint a i .Migu ssiuau nt latuvnit* t Is' nominate'I Major Joint if Tllaoii, list Inti if t .mil'll from Ins \aritlimi at Ilia olil home in Ti'iim'ssi r, iIi'i Ihm s Iii> Is n caiiillelale' fur i mutii ssiimii m lmt;f tin- store of tils \i mi al la'lng it la luii-ntion I ll'll prceenl* tllf ivnoiiil nation of (ioifiiH'i Wisalruft. -se nator I .a I Ulie'lte is preparing to copy Itiy an a melhoels to win National popularity. lie' is alsiut to start a weekly pn|a-1 to aihiMHte' Ins lailu-al reform measure's, which !rave> inaele' him |M>|>nlnt in Ins en* n state i'f Wis consin Hr will also le-eturc through out the country , tot*' ready as a caneli elale lor President In IMK. t‘r«*ieleul Itoeiaevell ha* publicly an ncmnocel that tie alone l» responsible lor the Issuance ot the original ore let discharging the battalion of negro aol* etll rs Ini nllege'ei shooting up Hrtl&na vtlle, Texas All that Taft had to eto with that onler teas in the line of hU duty as Secretary eif War, Great tn(hu>lt<in ha* bwn aroused In New Yotk Kt*l( tor (ho nomination of (kivemor llughe* for another term The lames don’t like him. If elected he will kilt thrin. If not nominated the people util kill them That i* the dilemma ttiat ha* come home to them. A ahreuil |<olltii'al observer ««’es In all the *ix National platform* a simi lar line of thought in regard to taking the control of |*>litiral tiflnir* out of hands of the leader* and placing it hack 111 U»e hand« of the (icople At.the notification of candidate ’'het man of hi* nomination lor Kepubllc ui Vice President, at I lieaj N \ , the delegate* objected to a large Hr van and Kern banner in the vicinity. Mr. KheMtiaii *anl “I believe ttiat it would b- a proper mark of courtesy and n|. deuce of good feeling if the organisa tion* In Ihc parade, on Ihe day of the notification,should give aehoer a* they pawl under t!ie banner.'' Throurb the Eye-Ode. For several summer* the Kriglish people have Ut-n holding great out rtoot pageant-, in dilferent U» iI Itntnle various period* of tfteir nation al hiilory. Ttiey ha •• been irnnten*e ly popular, not only a- -hows hut for their educational value. Thus 'ar Itos i ton Is the only American city to try t he scheme A few weeks ago its new Normal , ,-school building w a- liedicatnl, but not with the eomenttat exerci-* - hot with a series of brilliant scene-, uuslefed af ter tlie hngli-h idea, to ill -trate the pr. ar re- - of education from llie earliest times. Another mammoth exhibition of this sort w ill lie held in fioston next year l for the p irjro-e of demonstrating the i success »,f foreign mission*. - n b an I exhibit, la-ling fi e seeks, has just ts-en tield in hind hi. and attracted nearly a million visitors. Winston < h (i retd I M I’., made a notable ad dress at llie opening, and one of Ki.g find* most famous <nmj*.s-f'. Ham isti Maef 'unn, wrote the iiiusk- for th* I’ageant itself, which is only a single ! feature of the show, 'l lie mam pur isms- is to represent the actual life of the fieopie of tin- Orient arid Africa how they eat, drink dress ami wor ship, liie kind of houses they occupy, w hat l<sd*,wea|srus and domestic uten sils, they sise, how tiiey treat women and children, and then to show how tin- |s-ople have ls-en lifted to a higher • .el by < hri-tian inatltulions. ( hina holils a prominent place in llie exhibi tion. A Viceroy said, at a recent gather ing in •'hmighai. where < htnese oill elals met to discuss educational |s>li li<-, Iimt the mission schools are tin ts d in tin I fiipife ‘ !s< iiu-e they tiave a religion which i-absolutely necessa ry to make men Our new learning, lie continued, "doesn't make men.'' I In- presentation of conditions in Hu I a> Kast, through the eye-gate is eon elusive ev hlcncc that missions are not fanaticism, hul slatesinansliip of the hlglie t order. A Noble Philanthropic Work. I Jo * ini .Hati chureh >s «1 <»iiik a great d< a I in iivi Mori to maki*. IIm* World I M l in, even in til** darkest n uImii*. In re «•»•! \• ar«> it fin-* Ireen |. anting to Irani the young |»»-**|#*t* of tin* churches and tli*«* that t hi -v ean hrim: undei ehureh in« , in * ahils to make then; good rm/nit and useful ini,niU,i-i nf society, by appealing In their ambition and by nl!« ring I h rm rewards ot . urious kind" These Hu (.miiM'lldld* fm lit* maid 11icy* accomplish in tin large cities then* an* organ! /id MH’irtii" to project tin ti«-l young, mid n-.cue tin depraved and niminal young, to help titnu to I>« coffie Ijff I ter and Useful by kind treat Hunt. Most of t lie St ah ** have i n-t it u thru* for tiie same purpose, whit'll in a \ta> are doing good Hut the t« *d way of dealing with young boy * to mak< them g«>od and worthy eiti/ena, In tin plan of a philanthropist ,»f Toledo, O < < unckel by imme, ev idently a < •riiiinn, " hit'll might U* Murrs^ifuli v adopteiI in mu plMee, I nr ire or small. It would ftin.i eie\ ate till* lliorai tone of thowe di dally engaged in the work, mid I been lire community. The *t«»iy m tli 11** told in tiie Walerbury \merlean ■ I dvdo ini" the fewest Had Imys, 11* proportion to population of any city in the I ilion People generally would have -aid that thU honor t>elnri£ed h I Hut v er, hut the ‘ \\ or Id *» NN or k* show > that it Udotigs to t'olerto I low* lift! lhi** U*en aerom plished.1 t hrough the efforts ot John I t • tuiekei, a loenl>!, who net to work with the newad-oy*. to "tart all the Im>\m ot I the fit y I le organized a baseball team a hand, a eotupauy ot cadets, and a drum corps, admission to w hlch could only 1 *v i « ;iv t through merit; by go in K into i; and a' am toning tmeh hat'd' I- vea' ing, gambling, stealing, drttikiln . i t • m *khig cigarettes t he i in genera in mem t m i --.Ip k • i" ■ w n a> the \ew*>lm\s \m»«»«*iutioM In d no one can i#*eoinc in - ih « I'r.ive honors without pio mi »• !i» is free from the viitv given ahti • 1 •' ij*iw :i ink! tnhuyson this side, gt>ing them as amhiti m li do right t !u ,■ md some!; hi mr in teres*. Inc U» do i • t< w ard *»t that am 1stt it Mr tiunek* i>. to a 1 a- extent. made ov V p- 'pulat I oil ot I ' e do. this is in e-n dance with the last theory of s»h I progress that of activ tty Interesting | ample in rigid things Instead of forvver emphasizing the not doing of w rong things The viekwis ness of the present situation is that so iiiltt) young people might In- saved for worthy eiti/eiiship and good lives, ii only the world went in the light way at the job of saving them." Soniv years ago a plitlmilroplst in the whUtii part ol New Notk ■Male organ t/ed a *‘|!oy* Kcpubho, which look with tin? l«>v*. »iui uiiv rtapiired to agree to load clcati lives to la'Oomc mcmttvr*, and to hav t-gotal r» pulations to la- eligible to hold otlloe It accom plished mi much giaal that It haa been copied in oilier place* old clti»n> give the Republic support and other aix *ho» their Intcrbl, which add* encouragement p, 11»«* Imys Another organisation of buy* la the “kid police id t ounclI Muff*, Iowa, which i* doing admirable work in transforming the neglected youths of that city into self-re*|a>cting young gentlemen The chief of police, who has a natural sympathy for |»or boys Coucelveii the scheme On* ol the nu merous street Aral-* of the city was brought into court for violating some city ordinance The policeman who dragged in the dirty faced, terror-slick en little fellow , said he caught him in the act of shooting oft a giant cracker, t he chief took him in hand and said lo the tear-faced culprit. : “Jimmie, w hat do you say to hel|*. t tug me make the 'gang la-have them *c.v«s tomorrow, i mast a gis«i hoy, i and I believe you are the very one I ( w ant Not me, ' answered Jimmie, “ l ain l 1 gun to tell on none o me |*a:* •N. , I don l want you to do that, saut the chief, “li! make you a regu , -ar policeman, and vou can arre*l any Itaiy just like any oilier policeman.’‘ • And kin 1 have a star?" “Yea, 111 let you have a badge.' «aid j tlie chief | “Ail right, I'm wtdjrer.' And Jim mie right there w »* made a sjax-ial, and started oft. hadired »> a policeman to keep the other toy* from shooting off cracker*. Half an hour later Jimmie returned, bringing In two ragged. dirty little fellows, who had disputed his au- , tbortty •M hief. here's two of the gang the,\ *ay i can't arrest nobody, no matter ; what they does. Yoa teti 'em about it.' The chief ‘-told em," and after a long talk with the two newcomers, the;, re cei\ >•<! badges and were made poliae riien with Jimmie. As the wonderful news spread, practically every “kid*' i in town tried to get a|>|»>lnt*d on the new |«»ii«-e force. As a «amj ■ of tlie go-si work donehy the •‘kid»," that on ! July 41 l!»m, it Man not found neeeswa- I ry to arrest a single boy for setting off j lireworksor playing unruly trick*. In- I deed they did more towards keeping I order among the boys than the adult police. 1 he abo. e three organisations are formed on the -ame principle—to make the »• r-t class of city boys feel that they art worthy to fill honorable public offices, and their pride and ambition strengthens them so that they cannot forfeit their selfre«|«-ct. JVrhaps a great work is yet to is- done on this line, to re- ue lads prone to go to the bud without M,me such aid. The town clerk* are receiv trig the blank* fur hunter*' lieemie*!, without which no one can legally hunt in thin nlate. I.ieeiw* ire good for one year front <1 ate- of i**tie, but a large number will expire September 1*1, when the often *ea*on.on wildlowl and bay anija; will tiegm. T he large*! ntlmU-rofli cenwn lant year were i*mted in the lat ter part ol September anil the early part of < ii-tolar, a* the ojeu .e;tnon on •juall, woodeoek, anil partrhige*, lagin on the fir*l day of tire latter month. T he lleebne fee for resident hunter* in *1 with 10 eenln for recording for non* reniilenln the fee in -In w ith tfo cent* f ir recording, and for alien* the fee i- • I 'i and the recording charge i* ■ celil*. Speaking of men w ho carry heavy hindrance, a cotem|iorary -ay* there are neveri men in the I iiited Siaten w hone live* are inmired for -1 yniu.ono and there are »,I u who are iimun d for • ill mm. Sinei that report. I. M. \; nold, of thin city, ha* made the il*t ■i,l in. Deaths In I ’ a l n a in, . \ 11 g 11 *! II. \ V i n II i hiinilie'laln, aged *. vein*. In I'liinlret, Augiml 7, (>crtliidc .1 Seoit aged , yearn. . H.. r-smith Furnishing ludertaker, Arcade Block Main St. *l«h' at Htora. T«l«t|»hou# CuontelluK | Ballard & Clark, | | Funerals Directors t Putnam, Conn. 1 elephone cmIU Miittwered promptly i F* Nlirhl i 14. Day 3 4. 4 i % i\ t»«--?»nt when requested. 4 117/// 117/7/7 •ii* >L>' ••!"’■ I . :., -.IV W.-i k t*M \h 'IH Ml I I»IV. Lore /brothers South Mam Street Putnam !U*. > i..i„, .•... k (■ranlte and Marble Monument*, Tablet*/, (Jravextones, \e. >tt hfittd. A iiIhtmI dt«f**Ht nt w it*. ’tv«n oi: miv order* rwvtvtd lot the •*:*».e tie lore April 1. ltum, Samuel W. Nelli, . Agt'iit Republican Caucus! Tilt* 1‘lerlors of lln‘ low n of Pom fret are re* | nested to intet in miicui at town hou-e in >aid IVmtret. ^atiinla.v. Vuum-d l-»lh, l’*1*, a! tuo oeloek |» in lor Mu* of fleet Inn de It'llHle*> to lhe Uepuhlieno ''tale l on\ enlion to i»«' liehl tn Nev% Ha\en ( iitui , septeudfer s mu I -C I ,<,s. lo nominate candidates for Ihe state liek el ami t onnie^onaii-alMaine, and to d» an\ other htiMiuve* pro|*T to U* done at said meet inn Hv order of ihe Kepuhliean I’ovuit no mitUv. I I W ku.ii i, i hairin ui hated at I'omtrvt, Conn., Auk \ l^'s. Notice Xolliv i' hr rrhv given that Uii- |*!trt not slit |t hrrvloforv r\ 1st tug U l wion J.1 «mIi Kalin nml Nathan WilnU'u:, Imth of Putnam. 1 min . ttmler tin linn imnif nml stylr ol I'lie Kagirilalluring 1 omomiv, i" this iln> ihssolvol l*v mu tual oonsrnt. l ilt- business «tll hereafter be carried on 1 iv Jacob Kalin aloiu-, in tin- uiiiu' jiiaot anil under lh«* same name All la'raons owing The Kafir Tailoring ( om|Kiii an' authorized and requested to make paymrnt to Jwvb Kalin, ami hr agrees to assume amt pay all out standing obligation* of said company l>alnl al Putnam, t'onn., this 7th •lav of August. A. 11 lAks. J VI OH K ll IV, .vU.u Nant m \Vkinhhku. For Sale at a reaaotialtle price. a Ivaru, 'ire Hva> feel. framed with pin' l healmtl frame. All in trand condition tatlfi the CXWplIOn Of A •IIIMlI |HMllOll of Mil. Ham can readily l>e taken down and moved to any h*cxl4l\ t i n ikk, Lock Hox In, Putnam •SUf Republican Caucus; The KepuhlirAn Kleelor* enrolled j U|hhi the iteputilloan « aitoti* l.ndaot the loan ot rhomp'on an- retjue'ted to meet in caucu* tn lire Town It all on Vujmat 'Jt-Wl, l**s, at •' o clock p. m tor Hie purpose of eteclimf delekaie' to I | the lte|>uh!icaa State lonxeullon to lx- j held tn New llaxen September s and j ;t, !;»*', for the nomination of candi •lal*-' for state OIHcer*,Kepres*ntatlve at-lanre in the l‘on<rv*» of the I tilted state', and Presidential Kleetorx. Ky order ol the I'otfen touttuitlee, Mareit' A t'wvell, Ira l>. Hale*. John iKHinell, Rciv—1htlc' tovn * om util tee ; titled al Ihontpaotu Conn . Auc..«l t.. , Ua«x j X C Of i v" t if h ! ITT A, I .e*-- 2ifg. Co. Easy in ^ Any Position. E)30000© ©O30000O0OG 00©G©£ We're Strong on Strong Trouser*. ^ I rousers that do not rip that stav where put md that withstand a ; sorts < f hard U'agc. The best to. work. Good for op ss-up. We have them lor ait bir ds of wear, in neat stripes, worsted ana cassimere, at 81.50. 82.00, 82 50, *3.00, *3.50 and 84.00 © © © © © © © © The test of service a!way- proves the absolute supiemacy ol DUTCHESS TROUSERS, io cents a button, $t.oo a rip. The new Fall Styles are now on our counters. The Church Clothing Company q Putnam Hartford Danielson WWW C»I WW(*JWWW w •M* wwww 000 CfTY IKK Notice \ warrant ha . mg been U*ue<l to me for the cut lee t ion of taxe* levied by the irnunl !Ut of the lily of Ibitnam, for (he y« ar lt«»7f which art* «lue ami paya ble on or U*for<* \ iuru^t I >. I'*ns, ac <or«iimr to t tie rule of *«i<! city, not ire i-* hereby given that for the purpose of receiving taxi— i \\i h meet all |>er<oi}s li.-mle to pay laxes* "ai• I city, at the ( hy t oimeil Itoom. Klin Street, on Thufoiay, I* i<I.*> . - it unlay, August I . I I. !•’», bn»s, from '* o'clock a. in. to . o clock p. in. If ii”! i»nt<1 for within t In- I'li** preM/rtUi fet^aint'* per I cent. intere*! w ill be charge*!. J«i-:i*11 Mi K \« ii MK, < i. etor of Ta\ * ' b e < it;, of l*ut WHEN YOU CO ON YOUR Vacation l»on*t 'hi! to get a ur of our new am her ien«4!« tr-1 «iir» 4.. ] w*!«m plot ;<»«, ^rr»t im prornneut <*v< » 1 01 color* < I H. W. Thompson, < *} !i I I • M M' I* 111, _r . ! 1 \ \ M. M » \ \ faurus K« »islralhill .hitin* The Kegistrarc of Voters of the Town . i Putnam \m!I Ik-in m :»t (hr >e lootmenA office in I nion llloek. Friday, .August 7, and Friday, August 1 4, from PJ o’clock noon until M o'clock p, m . to rmi'lrr tin* legal \oicrs of said town who nun apply for tin* privilege ■ of\oting in |>olitleal caucuses a* pre sor»l*ed in the 1 onnectieul Acts of t'*o..». < llftpter .7 who have already register 1 under the net,are not required to again univr* change of political preference is deal red. I K. N l WlfSON, 1 ||o\| N > l*. ItY AN Putnam, < onn., J nly > Registrars. 1, Phis ;o-;i Registration Notice I hr It irutnir* of t lie Town of I'oni fri'l wiii U m at thr Town ! I i-t 00 I- >i In , AtlgtM Till. and I ri dux, \ .t H, from l:.’o'clock noon, until •• , 1 . -k. IV M . to register those «flu iti'-tri lhr legal right loxote in . iui-iim'. anil primaries according to Irgi.uili.. >. t« of l‘.n>. chanter -7 I. i"ito»c 1 nly registered under Oils, irt nni i- do >0 ml If*- change of jn tir li | ' Irirnrr is desired t H I x"\, .1 I > lolill.X ltl>, Registrars. I*.-1, i :. 1 run., .1 uiv -1, It*'1-',. -1 c ramus Registration \«tire I Uv \U t irs of Voter* of the 1’ovv n of 1'!»*■:i»| " >n v%it! Ih* in vision at the oflWv «•! M i » n A. i o\t*H, North t• ro> \ *»or«l:tV. tmiliailof Ucvortl*,'Thump- ; son, Friday, August 7. and Friday. August 14th, from I’J o dock noon until h o clock p m . to register liie legal voter* of *aid town who 11 tv apply f»r Ihf privilege of vtiling tu i*itilioai caucuses as pre serilwti m tin t 'ouneclicut Public Acta of 1'nv‘i. t liajder 1T7 >. Thtw who Itave already registered under the act are not required to again unless change of |w>!itlcal preference i« tle'ireti. M vu. 1 ' V t "Vii 1., 1 H^jqnrs 1 i 1 1 It At h ' I Thompson, i t., July -4, Pae* 1 Auction By virtue of an order to me directed from Honorable Andrew J. Bowen, Keleree in Bankruptcy for the dtslricl of t onneeticut, in Vbe matter of i-dorge r Munlock in Bankruptcy No. 1M>. I will sell at Public Auction in the vil lage of New Kuttltm. in ifie town of Thom|*»in, on Salurday . August la, Psi*. at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, the following dererlbed property, to wit \ Iran of land situated m the »at.i village of Now Boston containing about five acres. Bounded North by land now or formerly of one l*ampson anti tjninebaug Kivet: Kml by highway: south t>» the land of Mabel M Stobti*: and West by the lain! of the so-caiiod Jordan r'stale. sale ptouive to the highest bidder. Halts) at 'taftord Spring* this :Ul day of July. IaK Ini lad Vut H» ‘ KttnKHi H. Ki*k, Trustee Btwrs tia Dresser's Drugstore FOR GIFTS Some very dainty bits of Fine China Glassware as well as Delicious Candies in Boxes Dresser's Drugstore Saturday at Store of E. MULLAN 1*4 lb box Stickney’ and Poor’s Ringer, cloves or Cassia & ibs Uinge r Snaps 5 lb* Soda Crackers, 5 Ibs Boston crackers Bakers Cocoa Hoopies’ Jelly Canned Salmon IS lbs granulated sugar tic Id Medal Butter 5 lb* Special Blend Coffee S oked Shoulders Blue Label Catsup Blue Ribbon Kaislns Pea Bean* 22 ib» flue Granulated Sugar, limited to tbe purchaser ot gOc bulk tea 8 !b# Sweet potatoes All round Soar Large Mackerel pepper, 6c 25c 25c 25c 19e Copkge 10c fi 00 28c lb fl 00 10c lb 18c 10c pkge 8c qt fl.00 a pound ot our 25c 70c 10c each NOTICE T ' Wbc'j I: Mij Coacert Notice i* hero b' 4,"”’ Ibe Broofeside ifth I'oOiUOV, • 1 wpora:ioo orjw tai tnu eautu# i-tder lit* I the State d! (.'oo&ectcut. »i>ci bavin* lU ;neoipai place v*f bu% ae** -e Wooxistork. W • -•u. * :-!>, >t*l* I Cob r • has. by i **. by ail Mockk«kn, » : jo it’ -i *a‘« .s corporate tri.»teocet aa^i * *b<* I*'** 1 ' ’ 1 Erectors hereby give not** to all j r*r>'C •>■*' »Coh COOMMtBT, lO ti »n or N lore N\n , $ , tv*. » i:h* |?*i Jvc’ftary : *aivi Oo«kpai.y. cither at Wood. ! • ib* State os at, ar t: 37 J s* Swriwk. MbF.. i> }'♦! *, 1 arid K. Hester. Director*. *1—44, r- ^ i» -X* Jbk JL a^W . Man <fce _/y *» *& Fi* i *** ^ ' a ALL GRADES OF Pianos and Organs Sold on easy payments or for Rent. SewingMachings. *d‘gs Edison and Columbia Phonographs and Supplies tef,')000 Edison record* constantly in stock 1.copies >t iiidiiril music at IOC a copy. A.! thi p >,iular music at 19c Di - > is pul) ieation sheet music 1-2 off. A Fresh Stock of Strings for all Instruments. 1 rv our Italian \ lolin Strings, 40c each. Pure Silver Wound (i Strings. 50c each. F. G. LETTERS, & CO. Main and Union Streets. Putnam. Com. The Eastern Dental Co. Elm -Street, Bradley Bl ;k, opposite Con<rrelational Church, Putnam. Operative Dentistry M<>>t Modern Methods ami Materials Skillfully Applied Mechanical Dentistry High Grade Workmanship and Materials. Crown and Bridge Work A Specialty. The Eastern Dental CO. Bradley Block Putnam, t'on» ^MAAMAMNW ■« WWWWWfl Don’t Forget TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR Sommer Shoe Marked-Down Sale Do it Now Don t rm»s the opportunity. They are going fast. We are giving Great Value. Always glad to show our goods. Green Stamps With Each Sale. C. M. ELLIOTT, PUTNAM. .ill