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Kc’es ?.n Ccr im Some Mi»tr' .i V A Lon Son T. ■ fill III ShOV. >' Miy r.irn t Note? mt Infirr ' A LI ! f | f- A. - 4 • r,n Hrip* » ’V C ’i* 4 Oh*r A K i mor«' tliJin *!« '> "'*• Tin? varJitfon r#nJ * ton uwU *hr*f U AMifU* at Hu* » ’ j>• of «• •!»♦«* i » 'irr nwmbor of ft*. f oully. >« .Hy i: >» #Tt»rworked *»' ' ’»o or f ’’ f»‘» satiMt r* * i in f I »** through tlo* long Miiou^r #1 *» Mi«f tbr family may r« * H in f’ ** <!*• fhi* of th«* jk»«i*h#»rp or mountain r<* *»rf or **nj »v tb«* ***o| of fl»** roal r..m«rry Th«* va«'.itloll «'otd< t**n iu»M'h Mint *itt* tiff i*o largo a p^ncrnfairr of tin* family in ■ <nn* that *►* *■ '*r **'**r> Ot>6 will IjfHi* t'» «• rinif» dnrln' Ho* r#*'» of thr* y«*nr to filar** ! !* for If Tin* YAcfiffort *-*«•* to** i;r <fi that I* innd<* In a #!«♦* of utf»*r **shai^flon. tlw* n-xulf of ;t i d i it ’ a t 1- h to g**t !h«* ordinary l o i «*h«*M or lot ui* ^ i nffa r» in ord'*r anil to p *h* a .^ult Ohio HardroU Th*» vacation <•" f* too iimm It that U ftfW'til In a r.mj of go* *• ;•■** that bring on** hoiu* i o id ,i ’ I rn *• fttftt* ;«l of r» fro l» * I .iH Mr**n o’moioiI In f;»'d, .my ' noiith-u t it I h-t pKirmoJ with a d n#r rd t ih «* vwil' t -1* nod ouhf'trt of o! to r i*« tiki* ly to ht> a v**rv po< r aff lir V#*ry <*nio>nf i«* va* nflnti* tmi.v !*• Hfrf'flt »t home if voi! kbo* how to fai:*‘ th**in iitnl how to |*i,in tinou. .Mr« Emily V, Woolhv fh o?fv wo mail «n«r glvni a * n 1 *’i ‘- 1111 affirm* ft* th»* ’I'liitn! *f* « »>"’ db*d fWlltl.V iit ll«*r h • •• I'l Ptr 11•!• • Khr w«* *• **'}?; Mil * « ‘ • * • and fpcclv I her < ■# !' - on rr«> h PrenJdmt \lifahi hi 1 > ojn I»■1 r 1.* r th*‘ Hv'.l v »r nU** ' <*t <d t mi •* at tin* front. r: I it v. In r»*' •"> i\ »« of li^r Ir »i if* M* ’ roniUi m ‘ i. » I of War FtiinT . » j-r if ! U•» •• Mi n gold tin dal "i> ! ■ :r « f ’' • • fflfMlt Ml«. U'tt'tii' »•"•* «n M*d I'l \‘« *04*1111Ion of \ritl S«;r - of Um? 1 ’ 1 !; War ami ■ ' i»s ’ ' > tfor only v, oi * • i a i- • 1 dtor of th*» Itrand Anu *«f tI • * * Till* in tin* f* *#1*0:1 h Ih*i» tin* hard Worbrd nc'ti* P « u;o>inu « r«**l front t u*a toll an I ;»it % I** f t« - of lit r jmoi»' a on Moat of fill* n»or«* pro-- JM l oil • Ma gr uo iiii'ii listvr Bumnwr lio!11**' in whirl* tljry rrrmlt tIt#*11* atinr^th and a • '*i took* in nil hi if i h *if nndlr |»ui aits o» outdoor iv|m*| fw Mi- Ilia i< h li it*' tlliM a rlihhrn farm oh tin Hud >ii AJlMM Maude* V < til * * 4 a tdtf < cnml r\ |» » ** at ItonkiUiktnmi lal • n I S "l Mr * Ma> It n in a ii«*n»r « n < In • t ]a* w r*’ii* • M • - I ■ •: in ihMir Soim*rvl'i • N .1 •• i t *• Mai tutor il hrthn ill tin A Sis >n»la Ml | .n!u *11 i a % i t • > " ^ irfetr y, li j ilct1 * rr- ‘I’li’ ** n * a • of liri nativr i'ittMi nn: Thrir n >r aUn-nl 11k* aiiiit-dhdty Is* a NU'Ii ■■m* roll tf*t*t to til • ;V'i • 1 of tin* foot light** Wlii!.' ih* ii ' nor In out tile lir>‘ of III!’ Hi 1.11 ■ «:« "1.11 tn**M* |nvi nrlnil Hunt m mi iti ’t m ■ I |n*t of *'ir'ti-li In riNi-timu lit* .in mil ‘lin o I iif itiilillo trhttiit imi ill I Is*' il"tf lilimiii jffteii nl flu I• i*liliii MluiMi'T n .in lx ll I* u i *.1 fm Hu- l«'l 'l''n that till' h!i'i v hliiiillit III* niililiiiii-" mill til HUH)HOT timii’.l I lit III N\ Inter lil <1 eohl cioniti'il jni.'ll'' 1 ill ll l‘. M’",'l Hiliu, to,i, lm «i**;lmn linn emilno pet* bIcmill in l,i liioiiiililf. fm It In ■tire* Hi.' »riiH*«’Siiih U" "I ' •n*‘ iu"l make** iMoii I In* uioii^lcl i*,*t*i|i.n iNi'iin of the iImch tiwiici! h* Nen \ - fuel* liiuntilc vv'i.iiiu ivovili tln'ii' oi'ii:hi Jn «nhl Mr* i!*• iia 11 ml I Mr- Her tint i * * i ttciiii'. 'ii-* vviiiin , T ii . Mr« I • |: i M i• • 11ii • !• ••! lor M* r* Ih ! Mi !!* Ililht Vdiiili-i 1*1 It i * I M ■ ■ Vi t**n I ‘ ‘'It Uimkli on a * • ' I ni' 1 ■ Mr* fiutiUl n* ■■* tm.lit" Mi " n ,■•!,►. nl f, « v. i; 'V I ti ih ,i tll. rh!** I I . .. II |‘- • hill M 11:1.4111 null.,'- a ■ *.'. i *li of to ■ r i. i coii Uiijj, Ml A I .Hill M I. m 1 I tin’ fi r I '"ii ■ M • V I.I >' fc is I |. I. it i'll 1 : MI It Hm (leu I .. I to I, I.•! i I* I In* fanhoiu A- * I *. 4 I li-H * lit! .v I'ollt* r« motiogrtttutmat i'l.iuUof* *vvMiiti-i's. oVt’i fcti*M** f" . ar ii • I how » of f ' boon k<i hi hi la I- Itir ‘<‘*1 of ttw A.llvll - *1 o '•( flu* at *h l ill U ilotf h* n la* ,«• ' r r f'oHonutiftl *tlit*I t iU«lpal Kiiffmir** IlilH In-! i I * * 1 * 'I t*i tin* W tMUlMI nl |)t i 4* K !'•■!!• •' t 'll'' tv? - r'U « jjrvul '* t1 ' M I * la M »*t * ojti'li |*a:4yit, » .si fho tiiuii «*f jnibho works, S i.l It 4 ’ t w as shown spo etui tun “l * m!i a .»*u«it -f I Ik* nasfcut Nnt't* with ti In* t <1 i* .It is I tin* uionl A lotegmm of thank* was *«*nt tsi t to* k ■ : w » h • » i *»s oismI If It In tiop* s th t . iv l*'5i>r parita tltentat} I * l Ih- o\U*tukHl Is* wornoa The nirIv .tins --Mt'ts sis- not Ukrti |..... s! 'll Ulu-ru.i The .Vnwitt mi ikv"i m>l sh:i!s- the Ulll siou <»( the I'ivui h«.‘ ."M (hut she Ins the most !» Mil'!,, im ft* la Hu- n-i»tr1 *«kI In i unfurl mu n ts-neMt on tiinuii >• Its by dtspla,\ e If Tin* |n-r<*vt HKiirv is rare, mill llu- A Mr! nil woltiui 1* liiloillHi l ami “i*ii'Mr enotijfh to know (lowing draperies niai t> driuHnbnl upon to blvio detteteui bn whk-ti ttw a lira I h skirt serves only to biul.-s . MAIU DAIK \V list U a is 1 In the in n! Noth Inst V> mn tv s'--'ll II mhi loat it with Klv tlN'iui Nr# «» i »* y ou tv- j (|l!» to s*KS-i'r no.t ■! ’>r»: ‘.f ’ theeoiil any *><"* !»«•’ »'»4 Ihe Mr-JM**«**■ tie so iiiUmed (U : , von Ha- e to tio'it for every tirvnih It is true ttitl Kly’a < H*m U#ltn cur- - * CHtarih, prompt U’ stt-l ivrlsiuty I'.iit ¥ v-Hi know the o!,i sji » shout the oisnee irf iwitall'Ui The ret ore u»<- < m i Helm w hen the will in the hee«t »h»» - i • ate., or mailed I , , anm ' W .ini ct -’.ns ; N -> lor a .ntht, •■sa mHien of the imwek a -tnefr iluw! of jHiiin's Hiatulets is rn muh. Treat merit runs habitual wru rUli iU-fn ni o*nt* a U>\. Ask v.-ut <j>u££tsi for th-ill. r . it H C./f i tb ! I *. f a! Jt fit f. ^ * f -Crvmfc5 9* , Z^Al. * If* a ' All . ;! a wroag ok t\: *rv atiOMi'S U . t. K •*<* ■..-<* way. tVb*"f* M*f 1*1# f« '» ««*!» 1 i t t** iU< -i mi n i jiff* amt hio » : a*ff| pat mi I. n it nf ;i i ! : . ! '*■ a ^ f #J5U- for cm III rift a! \\U' I , t ,-ifr «»f |n.;; ;?;**» hire** f'liH’j'i tn st* ,* *#-1 M»» ■, . J ii •? «o '.it z* l#-il that two cap wi;! r*> »*r if If am ititT > *((n , < :iri' tit** i*‘st Mfily mi** fiiimJlc f» ;•#*! la* *i * : ' r '» **i !i* II r hir$f«*r illiC. fli/r** l«f| M*I U' l: a) Is* net «M* cm h *1 Jr Knottier c o *11 on »'»»•*tf'sf la fa art up hJx i *•*9i«)t»**■ l»y f vc «»< :r*?t an '.rfonv Iasi ! the former inefti'xl hi,r'icn a lw : •*f ftr.*« **«l ato*M-k I arn tl» i* »i » !»!' . i*»n i I’l l! r*i|» laifMlI#** i;■»; Ii.ifiz *! i 4 v * during heavy W M si*- i » o*r**»l M. sr f»* »|* «• - • i Hi tr Imwll*** two l»y * •- <* Hi fo; r - l**» * v. |*limit raps 'I Ilia in v (fit f*.t > . !•'*»* firs flint an* tf'-erii I i itf v i • I- »» i4 ati im aN* pran - . c t » i**r ; jl iiiti If a fa*ri si ff r i „■ •- -fhr aii«*c king Mr* !;r*n|* an* * . »-"«!. ami many k**r v iil epn* r , mi . i*n crow, while • •’.* ;! r.-ippc*.| ii-i'.v »!»** ln%uJ* of the • ijija-r * rip I- ii*! '’»» ***po **<| I hue o- ii * \ . v. i • i ,>1***1 l'» at a ml |h'i : . > »»f wet WcHther without !;»!»#% whi t* tf»#» » *«• itf»ra!»fa*cl fii-l'f |,» 1% W«i« lit »• Ii l»ijtir**<l lisc t*!ift«* PEHr.Vi;j3 THE SOIL Ho// fl Womv t rarn Hai Be«n Mad* Profiti*bl«. "HMci j v : * I *'"♦•<! n * i . < r » - . ! if It:t<t l>"<*n owimm] !,y m ’ • • ■ i**l In mM f * * ln*r , I ■ on ' f * I - II! 'I of mur*!1 !>•;. i . : li !ii !r portion lioftn» \ \ \ s »i on Ifsi-lr I it i ?•»»< uimI rWurneil no* V* - • ■, ihi i i ti." w i it#-* *i <-orr«* •• \ < if « I to f i r *»* M I i .. .! i' ■ : > t {' - <hi« « ‘l t»"i < » • • f • •! I • • 'i | ‘*r in r»\ I Ik* > n, fi»*: l v to forty ’ :i ; i - i . • i \ i• -* !11*t on , -,y I mH • I M »t | * t • t hi M I o.if in ' t: • I i m> r* iU ••f tH«* illtrli. ) nil ft r \ t v, !»«•;»f Hint v I 1 f | • t i; i , ; '111 ill t III* Hill mi- ,i.»| p.* *1 if oil tin' pour Kj*of?i 1 4| , . - r » of ' on <»IH* of V Ilf If MM I ) • of ( lo\l*r in HltfVfAMjrifJ I |»!<» v i f in- Im-i *1***-|» *»til n**vt*» f.’mv or fit n or sio. k oi» k found \vli*‘t» v l-1 • Now th- i !,m I uni will product* ; iirty lo i i \ i . I- uni lilm'k l hkI ! i" (y to hlrtv 1*1. !l«' I * of rum | »' flCf*t*. v. ' it 1 \U .11 I i t WH : y ft I* IIlhi clover • In-ii\ \ tli** ni I? d !*. |»<* Htirtio) Ik* • I «• It Woitlil rrn* I t'Miv Ilf ft 11 M<*t I i I >i 11: i * I of , .«1 fo rt lli/i*r I . ju I l l *•;» ill O tlif f «*! | | V of tlif I !' ■ I 'if ‘.1 nit* (ItIH V *’ M i ...! - C# ♦ \ . oils* I• i ,t* <• in nuke . , . j! i o v . «»! o mu n-o* i.l , ii nn> l -o’ It* « n O’ In IliiVf , ,j ! ;_ ; i h- b i on w hen-fa*, . p .-to i . •''- ■ no u -itof or ; : v !' ;;.»t »»: !*l or !tn» heavy %♦. | », > \ I not !>• of uny sd/v to •til |! * t! - h n n i * u I WrtlUhm * Iiitl viitor t* * n;> \ w I iim* I v niuy l*» *t It he Ijsiti . ift i»U,V old tl\le A * lit' N « W I Nl i NI’R. w im :» , v\ In- U voh t-Yifmcp t. in, I iI*• 11 t > t liit w «>r\ th |»t.tin . r| i - St 1 »\ tlf t liv rltflrt . li ,! . »’ iitf t iiwl IV*t .. kr :• tt<* it I -I ;«•* ■iHrU II it IH In! i ;Hi< (I t- Im j1 !ifuruaril, ami tt;,' i*ih| : ;if«- ! U* m»m«Io romot it \t\ «» it t i- • i. t *: < n * ‘it ‘it ♦ in»}>'»*' 1 I-J j t!.t. , im tlr,-1; > al i i* * M l ' h ’ • i * * ■ : i . i it r w f • t«< • ;:Um‘ It U ■ t» tit i ■«! to tit * •* ‘«m» «* »r>*, jj-tl tin wo 1*4 hi *■ u t Ik* t*>* ; rv«t t Rnfti l cr Nii■» | i!-.- ’; i * . ■•} ? ho r-»«»-»•, or ! UImM | i'"'. .,. « it :.«*■ ■ irvs i vit!i tin* ‘ oh' l*ni wo lia \o . » !n J» :s:iI Mi’ViT f a i H m t; ! itMuniv So'k tiia rwith it ffvmi I 1 v f<» thu<\ or <n\\ i.f :o«*. ** >\ I? nU i\ or U»»* III air ><{ fho i : M*4<‘li* liii* ovorv t’tok an I i ivvh o it U1 s w in-. m« r il in i Ho* ttva! moot w\ ±i\\< snHoihis; l<» lit** |HMM f(»M 1> ami I- it ' f« J | III* OVV UOf Outdoor H-lps. \pp!oi r - a |oriiMh't* » r-p toll it s Imh■ i (mil \ (o talsr tlivili lol tho wait in’* to Oilt \ foti«r Toutnl tin* wn.irtt l* Hot • nju*. ami if sa v rs a lot of utitiov anot' \ row of vraj*«‘vIn'* aor*** ihif Iwt k f it»«' j^anion will i-o a t;iviU aUdi i ton. Tin*iv fusf uni' tiintl of grafting Mat I * i1! t ! I ih * * , I o kiwi that ' orks w *-lI i t ho Mivii »,i If > n iiv t. f « a * o wIhiv ; i <> fr«*o .1 .t\ of umU you tifcM npprv, tato it u»“tv i;.» *t mo! \h oho of tio* lin*t o*son litis • * r • »i -ml vol! rtu*l on?«lt r n ari* two othorn t• i s’- u\ a’ ' iiioiioy oft Im* V • ’v si tiot \v r* io- f> * lit * boilsotH'UI llra\ ' impure klmul make* % mud | tlv, pimply i>>mjUt \snn, treat! ache*, j nmi-r t tmtU'-t-iin Thitt l<Uiott makr*-j ><hj weak. pa It* *lt*klv ItuhtafkHItKKi 1 Silloi** makes llu>l>U>otl r»t*!», red, |»utv ~ sv'it’R''* }<!itt't health * 0- J'h«ma»'K»*!isMrU: «HI t* the 1***1 remedy :.ii that ttfUii lata! d k *t‘ a -a*— f : Ht* Uvtl t’.'t d with su<w*« in 1 • i ' «*t*ht v*« * ’—Mo I U :,i(. . * . i. i . \ V CASTOR IA ior liiiLiaU aud Chiidmu [he K nd You Have Always Bought Et .tr* th* VJf^rrT * yu.-tuux V LJL*S/Z7S (cA+U Cupid Acrcss j {* a c, br r.PLS w SAi'CENT !>-* I y AKKy'ilt^ «»ri >? "}r Hr hat: La n# Over th* «*<'auMfs rati and regarded th* city Ritti .1 frown fl«* hated tin* v. «**r. -■ the iliufjifit pier prmni'tt**! relief from til** tlhejuief h«? »i WMJMf ft' i! Whfrf) l*e Hai on a *hlp yet f*v#*rjr Iw.if of th • powerful engine*. every revolution of the bog* propelter* that pwtlted the n* •** of the liner info the v»- \v *ln/,/.}*• of h *umm*r rain, brought birn immM to tl»*- dreaded dreariness of hi?* own born** With an almost self com ml* era? ion Ik* <*ok**d ha* k upon tli** la*f few* month* and contrasted fb*dr brilliaticy With th* f I, * f lay ! >*• fi »r** him Htid bi« arm I revolted at It*** thought of re turning to t;«k»* up th*? dull monot'Miy of the horn** tif*- lie always known Presently th* ;. Would dock a? the pier I !«*'!♦* would Ir** fh** usual dtfft i ulty with fhe < trhlcb ***** ma to he r**M-r\<*•! for th** American citizen 'It*** carriage* would l»* walling and in a lift)** wl ** he would find himself t »*for»* th** HO 'it»*r iirowustone prison that In earllrr d:*v* had sf«*M| to him for all Uni! w i elegant and refined .h*an Ins vvll< would come out ofi th** high hIo f. at th** *♦ *:nd of th»* < jir riagi* She ouid itfffc her cheek to Is* ki i**I sl»u w« iil«| «sk If h»* had had n pleasant trip Viid then she would fol low him in o the lions#* and with tin* closing of tin* door would U* shut out ail f!»** son hi I possibilities of the past Nothing, how»" «*r. c ould c|<*prlvc* him of |he* though! In* had li\ed for one*#* I'm si\ weeks in London In* hail d w*dl In n fair; hit•«! *'f fan* y I le li a I mingled with m»*n ami women of th#* • d ■ d » 1 • I'd * ' M • d *:i) ”>! v lof*| a rid \ »ur ' with out finding Ids Ium i'! v.i ik ;if fh«* teal i/atirn 11 i a f li** was speaking to a mi*m L*r of th#* *! * *! ility |o,:i g •hi* . **ar just passed he* had a « ompb a i» i : u ; 11 **f *-i)g <Ug . had oun fn. lirifLh ma tel • Ilf th**it ow n # . iff I ! * y h d glvon up the firoiiiem a! !i to Hr. hum line! Ktrinwl sii j*h‘ i no* 'li. and when he had ae eom|»!l*dn*cl l la* i#*si|}| ||»* had U*rmni* ft mil "H | hen* foi a day ’I he Aim n run i ol**ii v had dined him. and he ha 1 lieeti pr«*'cMit**il tc» • he king. »ml he had re»#'ived ma1lti> i?afM;its to country house part hoc. aii part of tin* fairy giej m ♦ .laham Inn! mnnlHl early, and ms mhui as he left coio ge he had plunged inti* Ids work with never a thought of play This tiad l*e«*n his first real 'a ration, uni li< had mingled in laiglish ■in*h*fy with a d* light that was wholly unworthy of Ins country and his g *u ills Il«* htnl had 11• > Him' for '••fifty In Ills own lit lid Ihmmu .-•#* t!if work III.’ll m.itlf him wlmf In* was hml piw**nti*i1 tfhtXMflon I hi*n !<»«», Mrs f indium proud «»f his nlH**'f hh* nfs, hn * I Imoit • «Mitr*nf f(» dia i * hi- !•-*»!.11 jifi and Hud ri'iviinl r»*r In r t nn. • it l« »n of - .»•-!***> Iti flif ph a ‘iif of rein '■ htfj; From hr: p.tlll tin* h t i i * • 1. I | it»f I \ mtfs of dahy t Iff J. rtfi Si.*;I grown Kotnov. li,»t stout with thf | »al; .*• 1 * i'-i of fin* \ *i, . Mm) fir* < i > 11 * | *! * * \ ; Mi Whirh lliul lw‘i» lift gr<Mf‘ . t <•{ 'ffi j i h r m !ioo | h.i I fad* <1 V t }:(•-« \\ : i. r ml tit • hast tl >1 if - «• ! h»*r ror tt iliut*. Inti .ii in** fii'-l In- Wjis . ...1 slit* liiOi H«'l «"llif III* fonti r.ti 'l hi*r pi n id contont •!i l.ri 'i in; v of ftn* «o nit'ii In* hml im*f. and In* kn**w tint thf v mnl si.,* m*\ t*r t «*nltl huvt* mi\ f*l I or tin* th si 11 mo h«* f fit an m*tu.d ilisHiitisfin lion with his wifV am! w!-!i otI that sin* mlssUt hf inoff l;kf tin* ♦* bnftfitlv rri'.-iitm** As hf tic a .ilu of thfin whiU* fh*- far rlaift* rod. I uptown in* frit hn»t«- and iimn* ii distnxit* for flu* wdV n wailing him ntnl win'll shf mint' to tin* do in gtvrt hhn In* mtilnnltMl tin* port!' Hgoir h* Its sohft* dross with tin* slfn »h*n,fss of thf si11 miMv jf.iv foil wo: « a )f I ■ r \\ !'■* l. *d amu<»sl fll'-iunrh I'*. 1 V * ui a t:»* thf 1 ** id t»f fin- finer Aimti •tin for a fn*v works Vft til th *i■ i w is ast.mishf I to find (toil lia was g'ud to sff If an lift* kiss of gri'f flni: whs loss jH i fum toi > fh.mi In hml H’!iftp-it'* l rtnuv ha \ Is i ti otif tt • <‘*nf • I • o o| that now hr no ah! to f'oigrt It was at a hail 11,r :.hts, thf notslf ami h sir mgr! pnnrh than In* was nsrd to hoi a k ’-u* i*» his In* nl 1 or o'.** <l*’liJons moimmt In* had ho -l a siftnlfi. y If hi I ui: llu'irt* in his k s 1 hf iif\t instant l.a<1> Ii • am*? h i m*ta*pits! tin' hupftuous riuhru-r tis a gnumtu! f\fum* for r inline a Ihi.v hit flirtation that promised to grow ».'iiha:i issh - \ st : .ms tnsh ad Of tnorniy amusing Fin* mritiurv of that h -s ha l not Urn p vasnnt to (indium, for hf was a rleau tnltnhsl man. mul h»* had shuddered at tlu* brink ujmn \\ It till In* hml found himsf'f lie f • i.'Wi'il Jeitn up tlio narrow stairway. ivnlt ("t ins It with tlio great •il.'i iivases In* h.ul seett mnl non with tin* ' It ittil n"t seem to In* hi nun m ho h;nl Imagined. 111* iMoiu w i- .« til ’uJill lit' loft It tin' tint I t I ln<iv were tilntchi'* mi tin- in.mi id linin' of tlio cigars In- lik-il lx .• V l»,i"k mnl n reading iitlit tti'io by t1n« head o( tin- Iml mnl Ills ulii'pi" s >lil . t In*- ilo tint lounge tlrahaiii n.i" 1 methodical nilllil I'ln* prim or !• r !■ n-ss of tin' room « i* In contrast to r-.c hotel rooms In which be lisil tin ■ iter part .of n yenr. mnl It please) t t > have thing* ust as he w n;inl t". to In' I'l l* he hiul Imt found v't'it in tin' ■ nntry bouses w here ho h t » - S utie of hi* il « <jiilot vanished to give p! > v to n sense of satisfa iInn, am! t!:o frown hint left t ii fne wlton he went down to the ; w . to mt".it mail *.o W lilting lii» attention Von. he w -• wo i ..intent to be at lo'l 0 .III I lit h. W .1 0 tl SC'.Oils lug He W5t over the ■. ';n'neil letters autl wotnli'iinl this m « fee!.:..: might tn', yet dinner time came with tin' solution as far away as nor lb* well served meal well Its few si.npie dishes w -s a relief after the i •.it-'Oste il'Uiters of the iowii I’tmr ami the still more elaborate fttarthin* a : .-(■! M s <h ' ts.. .Hi In sat IsfHotSon when he was uni ml to, praise the cooking "l was afraid that after the Eng •.«!» roast beef you would mg care for this." she said. I "A* th< igb there was any n>mpan son «■(.ff«l Grsbam as t*» remitled that Je»u <rm k»<k: g nn'i-maily well In her a!) blar-lr g iw n. He father regretf.~ I the end of the tr.eal and the custom wbirh decree,! fie shook! l<e -ft al-ne with b;* work lifter dinner .The nr) wented rather duff. and he «a* still eoBStdoos • if that strange *e:.i>f a want uusttp fti-! I"or a time he work! over bis pn tier*, lint a grow i g d>«a'isfactlon e,in f it him to stop Impatiently be tv- -I ftie paper* -- •)'!. lighting a fri- t( i igsr he « »:l <: o -r to the wb • i|,,w and puffed the ke f ■ ' I n t e *- Ivor moonlight w !,..<• he ana!} led hi* feelings To fill surprise h - f* u'd ’hat. af er a!). In* was glad to get 1 a* k. He iunt had a pleasant t n.e he bad enjoyed It«-ing lionised. and yet not one of bin titled leistesst-s had r; ele the “lightest etTort to provide the little things that more than the great one* make for 'comfort. There bad always te-en a hired housekeeper t took out for his comfort, and the fa r ■ lute-sine had teen left free for her flirtations and her bridge It bail been com.V. able to find Jean a<T>>Hs the table fr mi him. to ri-n.ize that she was there t.. to Ids com fort. to jierfonn tie tti ,-isaud and one little servlets of • <■ It was Jean whom he had mis-- ! a'l the afternoon. Slie had effai-eil her-- f. as sh»- always had done, arid he had missed her. The thought came on him with the vigor of a blow lie had dread’d meeting her as tin* ‘■reamer bad come • ip the buy, ami already he was regret ting her nhsem-e II-- had railed against lib dim eo*-irisl Hfe. and he had regretted that Jean w is not like the people he h.atl met Now he knew that tIt > quiet life was what he liked fast He would not have .loan other than what she wan. I »tsl Min* ion merit hail come already In t!ie reaction of tin* home atmosphere It waa hi* own fault that Jean was n<>f r.if.'v f.i him (Inn she h d been He had himself thrust her Into that place lie whw sti pondering Ills ill** covery when his wife entered ■ i * !h i e any tii. -4 * - i Ti 11 f. tlrantV* ■he asked »»* h!m* pan i d on the thresh old "I a n Kofti;: «!?* to niv room tin !• - - f i i w,m 4 that > *r fiC: tl " ■ I you.” said Hrahafii as tie 1 .1 t • ar 1 her *1 >■ been want lti4 } on f or a \ ear. 1 I Inn* juM found It o*it Wli.i do v •«! know, .loan that as I raon* up i I was s*.rry that I was f*.»:i»i11*4 ■ to exchan/e the whir! of the last few week* for the dullness of the " • we lead “And now I ft ml that life very pleas ant. and I have made the most aston Isliinu «!is«-overy of that I love my w ife very much hide* l ' She saw in Ills « - a iook that she had not seen since h ** courtship yean* before, ami she gave ! happy Iitti* fautrh as she laid he?* land upon his sh**uld« r Idle 11 • i - * I licit s'... loved had conn* home to her. nl thipll In enuie with him a« r<*>< th - as Through his >« r\ *1 - • .i« t «.r.i, a hid found I'UHti i.tUa ut T h' r ■ Tin* * .?*• nd ft ni rti■ r hns m n |>*M»r i» i f «>f 'I n ■ hesfet |ji^!::itd. have he* .\ ! pm rs> > •; *,i “'I Ik* Sen " To man ■ t *■ i»• i11 Ike wi d 1 eolivey* the vagm : of klcas. for the;. h'l ‘ I* * i*\»*r ki • I !;■- mM. t*V ell Ml: IV i. !,;» ! I. . ho hrv In }»:m thriMmli the v»* mind* flu* n : e\ I*' it ion ' • **?•;! = •* ‘.Mm- p • inniiU reft ■ pi- I In* sen. v> ri'o fill'* ii * i • * li. U vet \ I’-efOl to !’;«• t lc'\ ' V Ml >1 SJlIln! die* | he* f»• l \ *• .1 lit!:.- i »• allll «|fu«» til!,i 11! tt» i! ‘ *'l ! • 1 • \; Inins nimlhor is m Miru*’ pee" «>r laud dug f:om tlx ;; n: In I 'Mi v 'nr ill Ij " * >!ir l» 1*\ MV!H* to i • * I r. 1 of t hr rnfryinu 1-f IIP! I- ' S !•. !»■ at fr«*t! ! ‘1 • I ■ ; U to So h! > ‘m'|\ 11« *ri*. for he w i i I ns, • i ’mm m \ i otlfes oil the M-a n* wed oti r!»♦* land.*’ nml !»■• mills a I • • • <*l! 21 f Of till' V l!ll md»T t !>•* A t tln» Itot11 of flu* ; >•-.< • ii> >.*of»!e. s|M»i,m*s. wait*! weeds • ! othi't things *' R h o c' r fV- H li’mde am i -• tarvT* ■id Matrimony. if iu»t* time find h prl ' whom In* enfertni*;i*d • d w !• * , se? \ ha s |»o • ••«* film morning this atmoum od that in* The <*< dossils* r h iiuligmition for ft ilhriii',' :>t t!m ml* out. ‘What on earth * for another secre \\ if! ' 'or a replv hr strode hr d !*r ' I It raf viol**' r. HU g d Ha . t; • \or. prompted him to extend t! ■ u.vnm hand Inter *m. and hr gave u> thr tirtdr some fine dlam* pU Mition, tie lent them his o\\ ti . ml horses for use to ami f: ip it irch. It to *r d his head to give his erstwhi.e t ,\u secretary any more empk»> uietit S vb ft crime as matri mony though forgiven, could uot be focdonetl. FOR CATARRH Ely's Cream Balm it qwu*S &»*•* R*m*! at One*. It rl«HUi'Month**, iuhl |»n*t *•» t*A U»* ills USrflU Iran***; r> u Catarrh and drivw th* 8*n< m>H ■ at> Cta. at 1 >• u.. ■ tVattt Ka a i Ely lin*fe»nk ■>'» ■ ll«ii«l i^uti kla. Best*** Hiul I'tuelL Full "t.v * or by n »il. Lk|ui4 ifiYU Stnvt, No'*' Votk. A ■**-?* «-■ 4 » |»4 4#*<r !'• ••-'fl M> C : •. * o* .t « :«!•»>-* »r«# *vhif ac * • *'H- T J u«- it**;* Omnar.K* * .it. HAH38O0K on #«?■ »■ « f l;‘f *WUT,R< ?*» fV » . »k*» Muua \ t\v WilH ty . , ie., .u l&« Scientific American. A H. Tf't i vM'v. l*rs«*t t*T tni«. 94 a M*’ H.v I*, iUl ait *#«»»<»#•;«*%. MUNN & Co.56New YQrk •ranch v %cv. s* y «t, W aafet&«ivB. U C. -lead to Heart rT' «< H f* * ' ^ —* l* A j* J » By E IVY IN' A. NYE. Cnffrrft • t. !>*. !*y F>iwtn A. Sy* YOUR SOU DO YOU KNOW HIM? “Oh. my (wj- ia nil risht. Me may '•* a litt!^ wild. tut I am *ore be would o<>f «lo anything erj t>i:d " That »•** l!w? way a loud mother spoke of her son when a friend hinted i-oncsrniiis the young mans ha'its Tin- son i* of age. a kind in-artel hr oftt votin' fellow, and la the itlo: of his mother What arn the fa fa nl«ut the boy? In a unnl. tie la doing «everything a !ot ought not to do He does n.ore than take an "occasional drink." He gambles regularly He nftenils to bast ties* ail right In business honra, Out of business hours be devotee btinaelf t< vartoua vices. The fai t i» this young man Is rapidly going t‘» the d"gs. And there Is pathos In the thought that hi* mother Udleves he Is a good sort of tioy. only "a little wild.’ She will never know her son as be Is tint!* •nine crisis come*. Some day he Is Ilk ly to dlsg-an- It's family and cruelly shock a doting mother. Why la the son going wrong? He comes of a good family. He has been well edocatisl Ills mother has (might him from Ids youth up the pr1n clpl-s Of right living Having fortified him In thN way. his parents do not dream that the son Is leading a dlsso lute and unclean life. Father and mother do not know their son They do not know Ills real thoughts, habits Inclinations. a«s si a tlims. They think they do. hut the;, don’t. It may l*> this b y got away from ho ne Inlitten ms when In* was a iad Many I soys do get n vay ear!'. Moth i s simtctliiie* are unable to keep a rtring around tlmm Mothers some liioes think the; are I Of .* g c h on the little fellows when they are not doing 10. Thev are d cch ed It matters not when the young man I. : .-ci ■ 1 h.nei| to he cor c ii.ie1 '' M is sure- his case Is n typ | a I one i ' .. ure the amis of young Pico be eli log their parents hist as I f'-'s o-w d.' ■ Ihdng of the stature rod age of i: i :i the; ' '•* free to eome end g . at n t I It I- ill ;.■ nit to know y , of life i I ; ou p onld I -. • i1::. ‘i'i; in convincing the par HF . t!' • t t'o laws a "c lot ill right. f>o von ko your log Imy? Voo nil (i i .!. Fiat, having trot him safely "| to nianhood you can let him go whereas yon might to know that manhood prs-cots man; spools 1 and peculiar temptations T> i 'mi know your son? Are ' oo sore' The Cause of Many Sudden Deaths. There is rt disease prevailing in tins ; Country most lamjerons t**v.‘iust* sotieca • i t|Vf. Mriliv * deaths ait- caused by it—heart <! i s e.isr, juieuinomt. heart tali nit- or a jMijiIex \ are of!ell the result ut kni ne v disease. If ki-liif' trouble is allowed toad vance theknine\ poison ed blood will at tack the vital organ*, causing calami <*t the bladder, «»r the kidneys themselves break down and waste a wav cell 1 \ fell. 1Uadder troubles almost alwn\s n - i!t from a derangement of the kidnevs nd a cure is obtained quickest b\ a proper treatment of the kiduev >. It \ou are feel ing badly ) on can make no mistake by tak mg I »r k v-r- 5wamp Root, ! e great kidney, liver and Id ; ber remedy. It corrects inabilitv to hold urine and scalding pain in passing it. and over comes that unpleasant 11 rr sit v »»f bi mg comjHdied to go often through tlie dav, ami to get up mam times during the night. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Swamp-Root is soon reah.-eb. It stands the highest for it- wonderful cures of the most distressing t Swamp-Root is pleasant to take and is sold by all druggists m hftv cent ami one-doilar si/e IfM'ttles. You m.iv have a s itutde bottle of this wonderful new dis covery and a 1 wh*k that tel - a'! ..bout :t, both sent free by mail. Address. * >r. Kil mer \ yV. liingh .mu»n, N Y, When writing mention reading this generous otfer ill this jwijMr llon't make anv mistake, but remember the name. Sw aint» R *>t. I*r. Kilmer * Swamp IT ot, ami the address, Binghamton, N Y on every 'xHtl" W. H. Mansfield & Co SELL King Arthur I Flour PARKER'S' HAIR BALSAM fc* fea.'y. , * 4 f*vurt*\ ft * ~£ urwj This sign is permanently aftaenea to the front of the main buiMing of the Lydia E. Plukham Medicme Company, Lvnn, Mass. What I>oes This Sign Mean ? It means that public inspection ot theLaboratory and methods of doing business is honestly desired. It means that there is nothing about the bus iness which is not “open and above board." . j. It means that a permanent invita tion is extended to anyone to come and verify any and all statements made in the advertisements of Lydia E. Hnkham's Vegetable Coininund. Is it a purely vegetable compound made from roots aud herbs with out drugs ? Come and See. I *> the women of America continu ally use as much of it as we are told ? Come and See. Was them ever snoh a person as Lvdia E I*inkham, and is there any Mrs. Pinkham now to whom sick woman are asked to write t Come and See. Is the vast private correspondence with sick women conducted by women only, and are the letters kept strictly confidential ? Come and See. Have they really got letters from over one million, one hundred thousand women correspondents? Come and See. Have they proof that Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound has cured thousands of these women? Come and See. This advertisement is only for doubters. The great army of women who know from their own personal experience that no medicine in the world equal- Lydia K. Pinkham’s Vegetabh < onijMiiind for female ills will still go on using and tieing ben efited by ii : but the poor doubting, suffering woman must, for her own gake.U- taught • onfidenee.for she also might just a- well regain her health. OUTLOOK s t he LEADING NATION AI. WEEKLY FAMILY NEWSPAPER, and for the eighteen years has been the LEADING N A T I ONAL MEDIUM for Classified Ad vertisings If you are an advertiser, le! u> i inee you that our Cl.i-sih Department is all \ve claim !<>r it: the Pest, the longest established, a d the most resp insi'.e in the maga zine field. Send f<r full information and a speciir en copy of I 11 E OUTLOC)1\, rSj Eourth ave.. New York. For sale In order to clone tlit* estate of A<le* lartl Lit Icy, I will sell at private sale, the home place, consiting of a lot, hon.NA and two iwirns, corner of School ami May streets. Inquire of Kdward <«. Wright. 1.>lf CASTOR IA For Infants and Chiidren. The Kirn) You Have Always Bought Bears the /^y y , <T'~, Signature of l ive Working Horses for Sale at imr K - Itruee farm.l’omfret Land ing. Inquire >f.l. \V. Whipple on the promi-o- The < Tiiltt I,mutter ( ’or ite ration, Putnam. ili For Sale Fort Hill Farm THOV PSON, CONN. t on-isting ot -ssi acre- and building-, formerly known a- Day, Siblev and Maker farm-, all or part, al-o.standing gra--, cows, hard wood and hay tor -ale at reasonable prices. One dwelling hou-e furnished with steam heat, e eetrie light, bath room ami run ning water, for -aie w ith two acres of land or more. Ai-o house and A1 acre- nearThomp -on station and N. 1!. Ream - premis es- 2#tf First National Bank — OF — PUTNAM. CONN. CAPITAL, - $(50,000 SURPLUS *60.000. Safe Deposit Boxes for Rent Oran- I"iied no all Foreign Countries loiled Siaie> Depositary. < Hiv M lit. yys 1'resilient J F■ t ilouvre*. Viee-PresHie'nt *’ It tin i-ATKii, Cashier. CLAYTON W. THURBER ‘c r Piano and^Organ itieph, tu 97—2. PoIdio Coon. KINNEY & SON defers is Lumber. Coal. Ooors. Mouldings Brick. Lime. Cement, P.B.S. Mined Paints Lead and Oil. I 5TOP AT^ Trollev Time Table The Consolidated Railway C* EFFECTIVE iri.Y !. 19US J Time given lor cars leaving Fronted Main Street Leave Putnam for Worre-ter and inter*-*, mte stop* at *5*17, *6.07f 77-5A a. m., sr}). ju till.56* m . bait hourly '.t.l 6.J5 r. hourly until 8 55 p. m. Leav J .Von eater ft* I Hall)*at 6.15 » m., and loorly un*:; 9.1jr • Time 2 hours and 20 minutes; fare 4o cea&l fc ' I Leave Putnam for Webster %nd in term**:**. ; -tops at +7 17. *6 07 a m.. 77 55 a. m., ^ ! hourly i-atil 11.45 a. m., bait hourlv ac*: § u I p. ni. and then hourly until 9.55 p.m. jV^' | uiog, leave Wehatei at *6.' 0 a. m . 7.4? 1 j and hourl unti 12.45 p. m.. half hourly 7.45 p. m.. then hourlv until 10.45 . m. ' p~ ‘ ‘20 cents | Leave Putnam for Daw ilk ar.d air ncedi*u stop- at x6.35 a. m. and hourlv thereafter csS ! 1.35 p. m.. h*lf hourly uctil * *. p m ‘ I hourlv until 11. <5 p. in. He* • * Davvifie at *5.00, 5.45 a. no. 6.10 a. m vlife (car bouse, ; 7.28 a m., ami hourly 1.28 p. m .half hourly un»il 7-2* n. a,, w, until 10.28 p. m. Fare 10 cem«. Leave Putnam for Danielson at x£.3fta - then hourly till 1.35 n. n».t halt hourlv u• t," x p. m., hourly until 10.35 p. *n. Returning Danielson at 77.10 *. m. ami then hourlv cs*} 1.10 p. m., hal! hourly until 7.10 p. m, wj until 10.10 p. m. Fare 15 cents. Leave Putnam for Central Village and int^. mediate stop at x6.35 a. m. and hoork nad 1.35 p. m., hall hourly until 7.35 p. na., hoars? until 9.35 p. m. Returning, leave Central vj lage «t*6.l5 a. m., 7.45 a. ai„ hotulvthereat until 12.45 j>. m., half hourly uutif 6.4ft p. & hourly until 9.45 p. ra. Fare 25 cents. All ears rnnuect at Central Village for Moosup. F«n» cents. Leave Norwich for Putnam at 6.45 a. m.. a^ j hourlv uut 1 8.45 p. m. Fare 55 rents. Putnam and Providence Leave Putuam for Providence and way poing at 6.35 a. m changing at Elmville on ^ the Providence and Dani* isoo K < lway, leav ^ I Elmville at 6.45 and S.45 a. ni. and hourly ! thereafter tc. and including 6 45 p, m. Beturv [ ing, leave Market Square, Pi\»\ :-'rnce, nt5.4ft j a. ni. and hourly thereafter to 3.45 \. m , the* I 5.45 p. m. Fare 75 cents. 1 *I»oes not run Sundays. 1 JSundays, one hour later. xSiindavs, 2 hours later. All southbound cars connect at • atral ?| : lage with cars lor Moosup Above table subject to change without notict CASTOHIA. Bear* tie _/) ^‘8 KM Ym Ha.s Meats 3aqs Putnam Mail Servict 1903. POST OFFICIO OPEN From 6.30 a. m. to 8 p. ro. Sundays,from 8.30 to 9.30 a. m. The lohhv will remain open to Lock Box hoidc!- until 12 m. Hoi hi ay 8 from 6.30 to 12 rc.,5.30 to 7 p.m. Carrier’s window opeuSundays from S.dOtoiUO MONEY OKDEK DIYIMOX <>l*en Horn 8 a. i*i. to 6 p. ni., i .“til on Sua tiavs an*! Legal Holidays. Hc^i'Tiy l)ivi-iou oihmj tim ing v hour; OKI IVKP I ES By i itv Carrioi> " odiys and Hoi iav‘ '-v t pted) at 8.20 t. m. and 4.10 p. m.; m • i 11.On :,. ni. in tin- !’ - ■" Seetioi. One deliver\ by City Carr'it - ;i Holulav*. HOI' tlS OF COL1K I I >>S From Ilir Street Lo'ter Suedavs Xti Hoiidai >■ e veepted. anti I)tu a;.) HI SlOt* N IT A L SM 1 ION Collection*. % Despatch* 6.15 to fi Ida. rr.. mail deepen'.. ; tt 7.1(la. sl s 0 to 11 to :i. IU., *• '• - 12.15 “ 1.30 to 6.30 p. m . •* •• 7.4.T,:\® MOUNT ANI) ELM STREET BOX. 6.15 a. in., a. m., 11 15 a. in., 3.30 a. ni.. 3.00 p. ui., mail despatched it 7 10 a. a. “ “ “ 10.10 •* *• •* " 12.15 “ “ - 7.45 HI UAL FKEE DKLIV EKY. Routes No. 1 ami 2. Blind aniers leaw daily, (Sundays and FWi* Oav sex*-epteJ> at8.10a. m , return at 3.10 p.». Mailal‘!t* manor, \v« ighing 1 is or le* "vut by Rural Carriers must lu- prepared by stamps affixed. I >i .\ i is ori N fkom Boston. Now York, Hartford • all poiafl rortli, > ;i'i. south and wm :it 8.1' ;t. m. Boston, 8.15. 10.45 a. □>.. 3.45, 6 05 p. m. I H, U h . ni , 3.45 p. m. Norwich. S. 11 a. in., 3.45, 6.05 p. m. H:utf«»nl, 8. II a. m.. 4.10,6.45 : . m. N vv York. 8. 11 a. m., 4.10, 0 *o. ; m Worcester. 8.15 ». ni., 6.05 p. m. Webster, 8.15 a. r.i., 6.05 p. in. Willimantie, 8.00, 11 a. m., 4.10 ?• rn. Sunday* from all point'- 8.30 a. re. >1 AILS CLOSK KOU Hoston.7.10, 10.10 a. m.,12.15,3. .X'J.tip* Danielson, 7.40. 10.10 a. ui., 5 7.45 p. m. Hartloid, 7.40. 10.10 a. m., 5 ’ 7.45 e. in. New York, 7.40. 10.10 a. m., >.1 7.45p.« Ne w Haven, 7.40, 10.10 a. m.. .7 4' p.a. Norwich, 7.40, 10.10 a. ni., 5.55. 7.45 m W dliumntic, 7.10, 10.10 a. in., , 7.45 p. m. Worcester, 7.10, 10.10 a. m., -< , .33,7.45? iu. We>t ami Southern States. 7.1n 7 40, 10.10. a ni.. 3.15, 3.35, 5.33 , 7-45 p. ni. Worcester and New London, N ‘h. 5V a? Sia* tions, 7.10 a. :n., 3.35 p. m. Worcester and New London, South. 8!* tions, 7.40 a. m., 5.35 p ni. Boston and Hartford, East, Way Stations, <1» a. in. Boston and Hartford West, Way Stations, p. m. m Boston and Pougb., East, Way Stations, *» P*m* \ ua Boston and Pough., West, \\ ay Stations, a. rn. Boston, Providence and 5ew York, East* «*? Stations, 10.10 a.m. Woodstock*. Westlord and Eastford, by stair** 10.30 a. it* Woodstock*, South, North, East, 10.30 a 5.35p.ra. Pom tret, 8.00 a. m.t 5.35 p. m., bv »tage.| Nijrhts for all points 7.43 p. m. Sundays tor all points, 3.30 p. m. FRANK G. LETTERS. Ikt Pulnai Spring ft’iW Challeuffp the War A. S. DAVIS, Manager. Telephone 144—4 Calcium Carbonate. Magnesium Carbonate. St* hum Carbonate. . Sodium Sulphate. Sodium X-trate.. PoW.-ium Sw'pnate..,.. lice. Oxide of Iron ami Alu Volatile and Organic. Total Total Solid U -doe on Evaporative. I,mu- per U. S. OaihH, These recalls -how that the watery U of exeellt nt oiganic ru.*!> .:; - drainage contamination. In ;nr water is an excellent one t *r - HEKBKET E. SMITH. ..OJH .m ' M . -'J .Ml ■; 8* * «# " ,n» ,«h iw ■ j -i« "fiat* jo 'J* O Bnndi ftyiitart a