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The Scrap Book , »-‘ic pative Burial. Enc’i-b liner li steward. tw'ffl 4,1 , 1 *ai7 ,br ‘ b»r tb< Batrrr and . • -1 tbottf!-- ■ <* -ha! ;l IS 5 ' «t« be a man bad died In state . usual Instructions to were given So ate hours was still there. He u.iij's aiteuiion to tbe . later replied: sail t '" U 4*5. 1 wiut u l te> icv.l wan of tliitn vc dead?' says I 'No.' j.rettj near dead.’ |r **»« * is:.*-- , :‘c ■ nigr.: s - Cor »'-r -:' y >ns ire !ewilderment do we -n trim out the brief ■ >ns. iousness d ith grope 0i ' " lot ! t™"' .ok. as if It could not free 3 unseen. Ti»e:i mem " ■ r rbt outfiaslies from Its Ijt ‘ *! . ' which It had last to keep TV - —< - -- ftr ps sr.J ... vy or grief we see w . worth like the yesterday; Pf.'sre .Tic anted, our life the lam we u, ‘"*'1 « Ur if this is the way V wake ■’ death s short sleep, to fTrt,gp e * r1 agh reef ■ rtt.ent and in dismay LLo.d car life unto our old life true. —Helen Hunt Jackson. fort of » Reproach. A Vork>t. re (Knglandl fanner was ^ to the funeral of a neighbor's , nl wife . nd as he had attended the Uffttl ,,f the two others his own wife wis ra'ber surprised when be declined t> imitation. On being pressed he _,.e ijjg reason with sotne hesitation. -Weil, thee sees. lass, it makes a k,r. fee a hit awkward like to be al at,-ep' 'ic other folks’ civilities be never has uowt o' t’ sooart of b'sawnto BX ’cnl baclt to-” (tot Wert*1 the Offer. : was standing out 1n front one teiid a theatrical manager, “wtien a ragged little urchin came *•;!, a dog under Ids arm. The i was a v* »\v cur of the mangiest variety I d ever set n. A. the manager of the show?’ liked the I"iv. ,i ! a I was. - \Y. narked tlie lad. 1 want to ^ d!e v v i.nt I hain't got no jjhhw I tel: von what I’ll do, I'll von ' ■) .g if you'll let me in.’ I : it the hoy and then at the d.e ami it In art melted. ’You can go {„. in; [ - ;.i. hot never mind giving the d-'g lake the dog along lit *itb you ' •The l:ul -cent in with the yellow rtsr under his arm. After the |>erforiu a„ce I nas -.landing out in front and bai l-lied t»* see the urchin come out. " Well, ' liny.' 1 remarked, 'how did you like the show?’ “•Oil, pretty well,’ he said, ’but I’m lurful g.ol I didn't give you the dog’ " At tl» Milliner'*. Yes, I like the hat immensely, tint I'm afraid my busbaml won’t cane for tt." ’Bat such a love of a hat. madam"’ "Yen; 1 kli*'tv. Oh. will you {tut It asile uatii tomorrow and I’ll bring tut husband ii;" — impos'd !e. madam. You bail bet ter lake it mm. II is much easier to get another husband than another tint like this "lit i" Woman's Home Com paniim. A Warm Corpse. >■ :u I - i-'.-iy snatchers had ritleii a grate ii.ii i.i.l tlieir Imoly in a cor ii'- f tin Imnhyard si lien it oc r rrnl : ■ . r tipsy fellow, who had I"), wnt' h g them meiliserved, that i! wottiil i pleasanter to lie driven hi.k to tin- nearest town lUau M walk Be sreorditig’.i se< reted tlie deuiS man aatier a hedge and lay down in iiis I'1 " lb was duly transfer lied to a rart but n !,• n almut half tfae journey *1'- over one of the men wiwi had lied I. s hand screamed to his Ifrieuti. "t. 'd heavens, the bot{v' is •ami!" Hereupon, in a deep voice, the sup frosrd dead :i :m remarked. "If you had ten. where l ie li-eu for the last two .'ouil warm toor* la ■ rue:'.,, i.t he 'Mis left in full yios "f 'he vehicle! Sir M. K tyrant Duff's i.jary. peact or Earth. :*a " v • r thought seriously ef ' ' g of that blessing given ' !"'■; ker'r People are «! r I" get Ih*lice in Ileaveii st " hntever |ieace they get ol.v made. Whatever "' e they call lie blessed ii the earth here, not iln* - against but .the build 11 d Us "sea of troubles” -h, you think? Per *'* ***• **ut 1 d" not see that any of complain uf the want of . ■ - '? of llrsts *“ the hat t':(Br*Jt * YY, aot thing, » -«e want votes, we want **’ •nnt amusement, we nrjint . -r " t> b of ua feels or kuw*vs li‘ w*htr peace?—John Ituskiu. *0 Ctfrprcfn^*, tbe middle of the war a ■ appointed colonel with a new ! Jtftistrd (he Federal j io the far south One mornjuj; «as re , >od that „ «niali detach- | ®f General Wheeler's cavalry J **■ 00 -he other side of the hill, j * f"Ce started out In pursuit. "**! day the tV-ufedemtes were u‘- es distant In the opposite ^ 1 loiro nay the new t*o!o , * *eteran brigadier i!an«l out ,t r,'***efe ride a mile front camp j, r"*'* 'fi,° the fugitive Con fed ^■r*. *tso bad been circling the camp * *«-li Jt was a narrow escape. away unharmed • vr i: wa* . \ rt the general said to ' •■ a*!. WVii, «hat do you thiuk W H lictricr Of the ! > etui -.. . In this neighborhood ime''" replied the colic He is here, there and H‘hai Jo you think of '•-■red the colonel refleo der whether there isn't > infernal thing can he '*.c< 'r* Verdict. ' a j. iTi.’ai pull in New f ■ '►si for stealing a truck ihe trial came The o. .util e against the thief was over •v helming. His lawyer leaned u* tiim ami v. • 'pwrd: • Y.u are a gene goo**. There u g for me lo do." But ilie prisoner repiied: •Ju>l y u gel 11]. there, please, and Ht :k»* a sjws*. It abusing ai, rlt«* w e Considering the *;?e vf y ur fee you |. se heart pretty quickly." j So t’te lawyer made a m..«t abusive speech. Bus the judge summed up • l*o-,,erfi:.’y against the ham stealer. Ai:er an absence of five minutes, how ever. the jun brought in a verdl t of ! "not guilty " "U'e i i can t understand it; s, d the prisoner’s lawyer as he left the evert arm in arm with his . "I ran. sai l the other, with a cahn 1 'Kvery man on that Jury had one iff the hauls."' A V’sy They Have. A prominent < ..stern clergyman Is v. j .wig in marriage ceremonies to whenever requested to. the ob noxious “to oVy.” One of this clergy man’s parishioners took him to task about this matter "What right have you." be said, "to tamper with the marriage ceremony J" "Oh. weil.” laughed the minister, "that ‘obey is a dead letter anyway. The very l est woman in the world promised to olev me eighteen years ago. but she hasn't to this day." Under Marshall Law. Wlit'ii .IiHiit's Watson Webb of Now \ork made Tom M a r-ba! 1 of Kentucky a target for his editorial lance. lie struck a tartar. Marshall challenged and insisted upon a duel, which was fought near Wilmington, I tel. The principals were stationed ten feet apart find exchanged shots without effect. Marshall Insisted n] >n another shot, and both men tired simultaneous ly. Colonel Webb staggered, his sec onds laid him on the ground, and the surgeon announced that he was wounded below the knee. “That was the lowest net of u»y life." shouted Marshall. "Stand him up again for another shot." lint Weld) was unable to stand He was taken to a hotel, where he was laid up for several week-, saying to his visiting friends. “1 a in confined to my bed under Marshall law " Troth and Bubbling Springs. Truth! Truth! There is nothing hut truth The spring of eternal youth Ponce de Leon sought was truth, the spring which fcubldes deep down in the heart of man- though often never, never none hod— and has bubbled there from Adam to Washington, from tin lilci to Marconi. With the elixir of truth the most sustaining of all the tonics rstiin can never grow old. llut he who gives himself to trulh must not look for otlice. for riches or even for i«vpnlarity. — Louisville Courier •louranl. Where They Keep Things. A New England clergyman was tak ing breakfast one Sunday morning It a hotel In n little western town A rough old fellow aeross the tnhie culled over to him. ‘tloiu’ to the races, stranger?'' The clergyman replied, "1 don't expect to." •doin' to the ball game?” “No." “Well, where are you goin'?" “I’m going to church.” “Where do you come from?'' “New England." ••oil. that explains it! Tltaf's where they keep the Sabbath and every other blamed thing they cm lay tbeir hands fin." When Webster Dodged. When Until, w, ster wa* secretary of state our eonstu general at Shang hai, having on his hands a hundred or more rofractor> sailors and no prison, sent the whole -it to the native gov err.or to lie confined. I hc\ staled there a little while anil (hen inarched out of tlie prison and down tin* river road in front of tlie consul's offi<-e. each one bearing on his shoulder a pole w hich t:e had taken out of the prison stock ade The consul wrote alwuit tlie case to Mr Webster, giving the facts and urging u|mn his attention tin* disgrace attending the situation, lie got his an swer: 1 have received your dispatch of — riate in writing to the departin' nt le-re fter please use cap paper, leaving a ! .argil urn? inch wide nil around t !-r# a-spcCtfully, DANIEL tVEHSIER. ( II Paid For. Kii/gilieth's moflier did not teach her little daughter much that she shoo'd have learned about religion, nor did •lie father. The other day a guest said to tlie lit *e girl, “Elizabeth. does your father say grace at the table?” “What grace?" returned the gir! In nocently. “Why. thanks for what you have to ■at:” •Oh.” replied Elizabeth, now on ghtened. "We don't have to thank my one for whart we have; we always *ay < .to M* • ***■ “Going out to sm a tnan was the .mention oi Arti'iuu* Ward. Oue nigbt U ibe winter of 1805. when tbe bumor j,t was uImiUI half through bis lecture. paralvzad hi* audience with the at* uouuceiuebt tbit they would bar* to ilk* a ro eM of fifteen minutes *" *» \ enable lain to go across tin- “tree! to • ee a man. H li Tra. ey. the editor f tbe Washington Be;;ublicau. was tot be audience and. seeing at) opportuni „ to Improve upon tbr Joke. pen. aed ,'bese lines and sent then, to the |dal -Dear Artemus—Jf you wdi l'!a*^ ▼ourself under iny guidance I d take von to -see a man without crossing the \ rternus accepted the invitation and khile tbe great aud.e.e e Impatiently „n with turn b amusement awaited tbe ■eapp.mran.e of tbe tbe lab e, was making the a -qualutau.-e of vnr n a «• I ku-wn restaurant keeper H itat fin..' ai d luxuriating at a "* alien refreshment board "f '',u •verylsHly "caught on to" tbe i hru md men be--ame fond of up w.Vu the s and - - Vliln" Tbe restaur it. ir s bu»tapw Tom that time forward I* ■ m.d Men * p,, would ordinarily sit ‘i ■ • - bri.ngb an entertainment and ! *'Uave ben*selves allowed tlwm-. . ™ to !*• in flue wed by the eouta g iuU.-Loii w riiie Courier-Journal. H* Was Careful cf Hi* Ve.c* Brign >'i- the famous tewr. verv susoeftil-ie to flattery ‘ * ' that ><a e in New York when the ••*»sTra vigorously applauded one of * '.•’ ' ssr* he was so torn heU !: '■ i * e down to the foMlishtS «D<1 Invited them all to a ehanii>agne r at toe Kverett House. The S i-r c s; 1, >: m >• - '-ry tireful of his " It was e;;.-e s';t"ed that during the e. it w ay « took him threeopiar t; ts of u -ir t > get from hi- room to the street. First tie would ou teal g tit- room ; ■ the hall for ten minutes to get a,, i uated He then •tes.en.'ed to tin- ht.y. w here the tem I•era'are ' hover, and s-M-n; twenty minutes there. He then ven turoJ to t’io i from which the ('.-sir . • ■ , i (• street lie would parade the '■"' < for liftiH'n niiti hie' ■ - . .g I Ilf ills If to let in a htt.e eoSii air IVing now ae custoiue i to a (o..ij temperature, lie "oo ,i button i ,> in- oat auil sally forth. A Fast Feccrd. At a I of: , . ; 1 in mt tuns the itnfsotai . of i, oniiaating a popular ui: a for a ■ eitaiti close district was thorn g iy n guild A s|» uket hail just i p-ersiinat friend for the f—it?i >n and in an eiaiorate eulogy had presented in glowing terms his manifold merits, especially empha sizing Ills g v«t sen iees Oil the tie d of battle as we.i as in the pursuits ol jienoe After be had finished a voice was heard in the rear of the room. "W hut we «aut Is the man that "ill run the lest.” In an Instant the orator "as again ou his feet "If you think." he veiled, "that this convention cun find anyIssly that can run l>etter than tin gcjtleuian I have uouiluated, I |siint mice more to his well known war record" l.ippincott's Mystericus Creen, To those wii • he r\i* iii the influence of e*‘ior the si:.ul*s of green a (Toni an interesting study, not only 1h*> a .im* of the large number <f green things foilii' 1 in nature, hut the s« ale of greens is so \ ailed Green is. or was. the eho^ni color of V'1 ms . »r tIje S aiidUiavian goddt*s> Frey a and shtaiul be worn upon Fri day. her name «iay. The e«*i:»r Li.js . ways been consider <h! uiyst»V:.‘Us i a its l utt lieu* e Alii gr**»*i4 <iv:; • ans, sii'-ti as snakes or birds, are web. 1, and people with who? i arc known a - greeti hir.el eyes need j to l*e carefully < « i>-iiiered. and amour ; i l.j irvuyaots green stands for ii telle* tlial | A'«-r. Us’ as they speak of tlie *d ' le if pi a» e. r- se of love and aearlet of auger.’* His K nor Vindicated. k couple of g«**d nut tired Frenchmen pit into a i,’; r* ! am! ehalleuged etn h other to tig ; < »u the morning of the duel they and their s<*ronds tramped through the wo ids to the fatal spot, when one of the duelists, the chalh ng lllg party, tli *Jied ami fell His sr Mild he!|»eil him to his feet. *1 hojie you are not much hurt." said the other duelist. •Till not iiiut h hurt 1 only bumjied my noise «iii the ground.” “Does it h!»vdV* “Yes. a lit! r “ “Heaven le praise!! Hlood flows, and my honor is \ ndleabd. Give me your hand, old boy!" Betting In the Nursery. “Mamma." Raid iter boy, "I just I Hide a bet." “What was it V" she askeii. “1 bet Ib.h n v i;;j» against two shoe I it tons that you d give me a penny to p et some apples wilh. ^ "U don t waut me to lose my cap. do y"U?“ He got the penny Philadelphia In quirer. A Vegetarian. First Deacon Our new pastor must |e n vegetarian Second Deaeon Why do you think no? First Deaeon There doesn’t seem to lie auy meat In his •erintms. Phila delphia ledger. “When a man wants an eicuse.” wild Charles Kingsley, “the devil will anon flt him with a good one " A Good Reason Putnam People Can Tell You Why It Is So Doan's Kiilnt-y Pills cure the cause of disease, ami that is why the cures are always lasting. This remedy -t rengi hens ami tones u|> the kidney*, helping them to drive out of the body the liquid lsiisons tinit cause backache, headache ami distressing kidney and urinary complaints. Putnam people testify to permanent cures. Mrs. I»enni* l ady, of *>s .School «t., Putnam, Conn., says: ‘•For three or four years my husband had severe pains in the small of his tiack which prevented him from sleeping well at night. A day or two before a storm he always noticed that the pains were worse, and when he caugiit cold the trouble was also greatly aggravated. Added to this there was an annoying difficulty from the kidney frweretion*. He used many remedies but got no re lief uulil he began taking Iran's Kid ney Pill*, procured at Dresser* drug store. Their use stopped tha ikidney difficulty and banished the back aches." Kor sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Poster-Mi I burn Co., Buflalo, »w York, sole agent for the t inted Htates. Kemember the name— I*>an and take no other. % I ALCOHOL .1 PtK CSST AVc<jeuUe lYepraionErAs si mikii a^i,v Fool ami R» v'« < ling II*' SuwHisaniiiyiuvsi Infants .'Children CASTORIA For Infants and Children. nomies Dnj’smmfkrnfid ness and Hreu'unuws nriBw Opium Morphine nurMatrai Not Narcotic. Ayr SM UnEMm /W- w m+Eutt- I Apwfrd Rrmrdv forCoRHfO lion. Sour Slonarh.DUntni Worms .TonvulsionvFrvrnik ness wd Loss OF SLEEP TteSnit SipuwroT flLttffGafc NEW YORK. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of V For Over Thirty Years GASTQRA ! Exact Copy oI Wrapper. WANTED SUMMER BOARD By thousand* of Brooklyn people. (’mi you take a few 1 If sn, list vour house in till BROOKLYN DAILY lvVOLI. FREE INFORM ATIoN Bl'RKAlY for which purpose n pnnttd blank is provided Tito service of tbo INFORMATION 111 REAL Will Cost You Nothing Tb® Brooklyn Engle is tbo In st advertising medium iu the worl I. It carries moro result ndvei tisuients |thau auv Now York paper. It stands l’RK EMINENTLY at tin load. An ALVKRTIsM LN 1 in the Eagle costs little, but brings largo results, because the EAOLE INI ORM V I DIN i>l III. VI is constantly helping it. Write for listing blank ami Adv« rtising Rate ('aid, A.Ulress Information Bureau- Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Brookyn NY. Mention the ps|>er in which you s< e this advertisinent. Worcester Buckeye Mowing Machines Scythes, Snaths, Rakes and Forks. Sprayers, Various Kinds. Paris Green. Bug Death and Arsenate oi Lead. TheCyphers Incubators and Brooders Sharpies Cream Separator (NONE BETTER) American Steel Wire Fencing J#*GET OUR PRICES This Stove In Your Yi i!! Kitchen \\ ill Save Tune Work nndMoney. Putnam Light PowerCe. Removed Cver Pr.iy's Maiket. The Indian is Chief OK Ani<‘! iran Motorcycles Rides as easy as mi automobile, plenty of pow r. always ready. ASK THE y AN WHO RIDES ONE ? V < >T< H’V(’ LI'S |u tmiM |i V »*lf M l il U dUM » »» fli« minium. Iiiil-rhit hiry. v<*timh lf»i# itivv |hr-9V Mntrwt m*. Our 100H iiiimIi l« now t*i» « \hifufim> Hi tin* AutlMIloi.lM- Ht»»W. \1< l ililMK « |l «• i i <i • ii a, i I ‘.till llli'itlli A v« . i.M HH kill illK |U <>«>!» Olitl ftl* ItilM* 1U 11*11 pn*i I*| U* Mliou of Kit l!\ . THE llr.MiEE It Hi. I'll., Sp ingfield, Mass .1 li T % I K M . J , t»t. I u I li h m TWO SECOND HAND WOTOR CYCLES FOR SALF Two New 1907 Indian Motor-Cycles lor salt* c heap. - -----■ ;-“r~r—. . j :'-=i■■■—* STATIONERY Our line of stationery contains supplies for the business man, the professional man, the student, anrl the lady. In buying for thi department we al ways have in mind the store, the office, the school, and the home. We make our .specialty of the best grades and latest designs, but have in stock the cheaper grades- blank books, pens, pent iis, inks. School Supplies fora Song! Vacation time has come to a ( lose, and boys and girls will again resume their studies. They need lots of little utensils and we have nearly every sort of helps required, and at p ices so low as will certainly astonish all comers. Edward G. Wright, Central Block, Putnam HmniMi>nnnnin))lmMtMH^MMMun,IM<tlltmW