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m #rv. ":*%"> .-• R iJ ' X- • ' fju?, ■<♦>.'• » -*co'j r> M .r BA St; BALL MlKWII 11-1 IHVII.I.K 7 ‘ j We met the enemy and we were their*. and then our |*»jw went nut, amt now it i« time to tfet up ami if« to work In a <>>I<1 ami erne1 world of fnrU. I aet" that teach m* that it may t«- n (treat joke w hen father take* a |rrr|ietual > 1, r- it ion. ami mother ami »l"ter Ann have todo ditet Maithon the M ndq moth* ln|t piano out In the wood* tied to (fet him the weed that rfir Walter ltalei«h Introduced Into Knfftand. *o |>a|ia ean enjoy hi" clay, hut when the electric ian tunc off the foot liitht* ami you (to home ami think y >u can do the “father" act In reality well try it on aome "trenuoti* Monday mornlnit while the tub of "lid" emit* -round* like the rolling wavr« and the wrcli Ijoard rnur mere like the cry of the (full", ami wa llow much of a joke it really I". II they i itch you. youra for the ho»|iital. *>r to the |ailtce court on a cliMrjfe of non au|i|airt, when- you'll find lion funny your net Kill air a think ll when they come in to tealify In your hrutl«h !«• havlor, In a haw hall (farm- la-tween the fat men ami the lean men, 01 the married men and the aiiiKh- men,every error la a joke and every inta|ilay e ta a Irnuth, for It’" a fare*- and rmlliinit more. The «ame crowd at a h-airm Ifiiui- |i«y their twotilt*- rind I <>n*e lln-ir humor, error" now Ket a Krunt of dt* jirnval and tn‘«|il»ya are loudly crlll i-i.i-d The (ana are harati erilh- They would Ilk'- the |iiteln I on their l.i mile ti-arn lordrikt* out every in on and !o have every hatter on their team tret n hnuu-.rtin, and to make it a fan dream ol |iiirioli > jmd helu-ad llu- umpiri lor every eite-i deei-uon that i<o* - .nraird their |e i*. Ifowc ii, while IIm hu m! 'an am no i**e**ptinn, it i- now lit* in tin < .1 >n , in><! Itif) lift* only linking for * shakoup ol . h> i. ,uh, ft <11iik nf mid Uku some 91iir<I work, And miM thing of th* kind i udieduh I to tak« place I* ltn*- another Snt nrdAy n»|U around Ii at lion- mu*t I* hii awak idinr and g* tting down to Imhiim in or w« might .»s will give mji all Iio|m of thr l!He» M i *. and it h imi I Ihtii ui cii up yet, although In t Htitnrday s game w «*» n disappoint inrnt To telum to tin* nano- I In* i ult chiih' home dragging tin* tin can the !(o'i**buds find tied to their tail with m \rn double knot i, each knot repre renting an N I run, :iUn a < nnadinn trror I hereby our jn nnauf hip, that * nine up into tin' wind mid bended lor the flag mo nicely a week pievlou on nee unit ol poor weuk on tin W au re k'nti boat, d! pp» d Inn k to the ii ir ol the find dk\ I* cm Hut the gic * w a* I»v no m< ;tm a rendition ol the Week before It von ien # > ■"{ , mu ti w ,11<*21 aha ii there nr a no '‘♦n«uiltonal pis %. and errors hi rr too tu ijuenl to - nil the lit l ie I 'arid i ! !"> a: i t.. that t . w . i ■ . tea in. both pi t die I h wen* ettectisc Mild Hoilii ii uni nice. I*utnmn bunched n llourhet hut once, ami, ulthou; h out batting their opponent-, emildn t •* till alette*. when they VSoUhl do the iliml good. riw Iv»*sideid' ell tin o|h*l hand bum hed on Met irthy in two jo idng**, mid vop|**d out their little -m gles with nicii on base* thmugh t \ t *. error • Tatroojuie t the game with a bin gle ton hot fm \\ Mel allcitv ii* hau die, Mule »t i'hihI, ami t<» thud on a passed ball, ami there wen* mine out The milnin! aihVe i I**, a run. but tins Are not getting natui.ii results these days l.i/vitte formed, I cut hit a little gi -umh i |o second Me* aiterly did good w H Me k« p* I a e el e., to third as b io; a- he dated, tarn made a «piiek threw io tii*t r lling I M* 11 l Hr < ’ll pint n had tin last etlftaCi t: It x 1 I riled nut lotvft, ami't ab' wand uaek to bt‘*au»ct' !o Hulk N ! - toed a ! in in til* it halt, Mae | Hi Airi Ii ihm ,f into the _ hole light nil *» i ns ii M it phy put it Mth iH twt n Im nt amt Maiglr, and went rigid down I, » pold put one to deep hit m ti the tool line, getting a liuulih* tiiul i u nrlim tin base-* J \le • ' I ft I * v* 11 \ site Tk Heed Leopold to thud amt he svaued on t s out, Mailon Vo I he l auadiai! went until oidei in the vuml In Unit halt I aft tilled tilt- bio -s alter tw » were gone l.i - pdd Sins up tiut th«* !^t he eo'dd deliver w ns a mt < tty t lial M if i a e »th i d in The ' 'lw timUi- t:i lii t!ii* Want I ol If loutul ll fur a '-lull , iliilo mviiikI mill thlnl, mill ki*|tt ua l.i l1 it’ ttiOliet W |j»ro«i » Uiiil ilium l.i Miitpli> in lllf sixth I’uln i'ii liu-i'.l tin' t>> Kvtllnx « 11 ill |iioi.,| lo Ik I In-11 laM inn Mi’i u 11111 ami I'alnt niun nil ami a |>«Kv'il l util ail\ mill'll thrill I i "!!■ Itiinl oul lull |i|oll Iml a elean ilmr li> (fllU'l mhiIhii Man Tale Ifi. >1 to Ini 11 in Out J. Mm i«rtort\ maile a lii < ivlorn in ilit* |»l ito .m i in khi nut nip N I - MK'ii'il l« m i .i . h m t i .;1 Bull'll!! lutin' 1 ill Kinit'itvr ultiKliHi 1 Mi'UbUi tl.\ >. kinuiiil t 1>> | ill »t!iiM tini t- tnuvil him «l siKSniil hmi t’.'.'l I’ntru il'.ijnK .1 l .i tlmm M I :<» » Mir!i> i ail anw ! Imih runwrii. mni sinisO'K Ov lifinmtil Bitil J Me1 is! Ititj- tHlHigill «ll*r. in tin- 'll!! Hat’ |«niit la! . an I 1 i 1 *0 .* I .sum u a Uuimli t j tr. Met Bftbv I hum lu thlnl !*■ In nl , nf TMra but 1-untie failctl in ti ,ni | Is is It. Tat tv* iTiis-vti nil I! i .i it . !?i j tn (hull. There u v: v Ivi o Kune « In n I Murjths siitil to left It » sn a tiBnlmii ; nt Hriilucr ilM|i|ml it. while I »mwe Li ought in the last run of the game. After holding Miiueh*tig©« the srW it fureight itmiiiK*. the INmie* gut ti.vr Mtiem ami allowed their jia»|. is in. i in t», 0,1 netting • men around Tat fo 2fo l.l/otl. .:») 1 >i”tl ft M a i kin m M<*r-e Iti Iinlgte rf liiMurr If f arlry r art iiv p at. 4 t fi t»> |*» * 1 It I (i <i I I 71 5T \0|!«1< H- l '.I I VII I I. \v. M < rty.2*» i Murphy, ■ '.u 1 Ia<iik>dI, If J M i '!'ly , ! •• Ii li I :w_l . •» Kineraon rf Tat to, III I,ar«i*e. r tkuietier. p 4 I* II II II I I II II II I I II II II I II 2 l» II II II II 2 I ■l II ]-• ! Two lia**e lilt, la-ojailil. Harflllre hlln Miirphy, |U» ieli**r, J M ■' 'latferl y . Hlnii k out III Mi * arthy 4, H metier 7 Max' .mi linila, Mr' nrttiy I Wil<» pitch, M<t Arthy I*«hall*, l.arnwe HtalHi l»ax*i, f. fatro 2, II l atro Z l.i/ntlr Z. larjlile play, Inotl to I.i/ i»ii<-. Karin <1 rima, N-T I inpire I. Ilrurtui. .Vll*n«ianr*e ■**)■ Time I -> N Taftvllle : » » " <» '* ‘l - * —" i I II II II I II I II it <! — Z Correct Baltin* A\era*e of C. A. C. I Mott lat ro I .i/otte Marton Mi l arthy I laliclc I iuma» Mnrx* I’.rmteur I' arlrv ,\ 1! I a II I In 9 24 •> * I 19 2HA 2H*i H!l III !l 211 19 11 Zl‘> 24T 21-’ 4 201 •Any player imticiiiir a mlatake in hta tmltlng HM-tnyi- «ill confer a favor liv notify inn I In- *eorer. iAHTKRS ruw., I.KAIll 1; ATT A N lit Ml. u. I .'1*1 I* I \\ rniri gaii Nor »Ii’li I afl C A C. jewel! i ii> A lull in*. I mu (iii ii IO 6 m ii 11 ns 7 .Hh7 .625 ;i Bradley Theater Tin* nyulnr toh*M anniifiil at I! !** thiMlrr. willi tin n-«ijil ‘•|i<-i*ial oitfhU, will tlnt-til out li t fijrn fit Novi wi'i-k lh«* ha\ v —«»111 * I himg iiitinly ill* w in -i * 11 * - r in addition In thf n .MilHf ( ii|i fi,nii!ii* nt this wry *p*‘~ nal fratnif U it Itahy Show, whiidt will lain* |»lm* li^ht ulhi 11»« pirlnre show WimIiii day nHfffioan Ml of tin* paitirnlar* will 1 »* fnond in I In* s|H*fial ml mi lln* hM jt-un , i m*l ltd I ntf t lie III Hii m i m which fill rh** nit* to I* uui'l* Mninl in . ! m' i|ji\ ami Wednesday in adijltmu to lln* ntpilai |»ielnre*, n |»i«• tire of lln* liritt \i Unit Until will Ik* -sin v% 11 I hU U om* of tin In-st titflit j '0*1 oM s in **Mh| Hint*. Miss l.imiin Meriiam Is at home i after a w irk U \ mil in Provident***. 1.mins I' Mcni.'iiii ami limn Mernam haw tel timed from a vnrk * I ay at Onk Hi d Mi* M m \ < :*iik ami dan^ht* t V! i I lln I, no *»l .!.«< k ‘Hi, \ II •* > i t In* w ft k Miss Mm* a >i!i «>1 tin* 11 nr t fori I linspital, sjm nt a !• w d i\sal in i hollo* in this oily I lit** | »'t wcrk < :htn*in*e I’n'n r i- sumiiintinK a I'Xpli -s on "tiit" i Im Uitii I'lilhiini ami \\ .tit i hot \ dining tin* imnith. Mis. | lutee SmU It, iinmoit >lro-|, has I t'oi t iitia laming In i miii Uo\ , nf iIns|mi Mi .1 I* I al»*ni and w iIt* ami M t .Ian n M I ah a i f .1 : . ha,. irhu lied l mill ait aat'>on»oi!v trip to i ifseriit I a ai'li. Kr- J»toi \\ i In a lias n'liiinnl to ' ; - p.ti i - - i tn i! > i nit \ lit*\ . \\ 11 Haul I ha i lot! its w I’ !i i mrn oltif'taltng at ~M . 1*1*1 »p • fit : I « i . it its I ft 111 IM’d 14 > Nt*w Haven Ilepn .rill .1! • } M \\ h« ’ilnn atul 1 I lomv t he legisin 11 > e i • mu- .!•. al < ' I ;n h - u \\ i ll . n lav I hr ,m rm.;enu nls win m rlntruu <*i \\ II l i> In? Ml- \\ I i -•ilii l!, who W r»s shut al anil iijulnllv ln*H(i»h h\ a thief al Mau no;M, Mi , *>n \|a|il.i \ , is Will Mi iwn 111 l!:i ni\ , Ining Ihemotlur u. Mu ,1 ami"' M:mn: «<• Uni. Mis I. II \ ■ • i w i - in \ vs« !, Mass hi*t I 11 < I a \ int'itim' Hlintiiiuj a iivil al then »•> tin | ijM .nf Wilhelm lli’lmi ’li > imiiMfi > e h o>»| ol n sii I lei riant hU r. Mi Inn, wlm Ina Ihyii Hi the *ehoo| the past two inatilhs, hail a prominent place i»n the program. Ihm \ l U‘ I in i ami w n! \\ aler h IV !in- tin* gUCst* Hi Ml lu III H I Ml I i ni', on Klin >lurl Hi* has a |Hunlton in hrii xi 's ili ( iilmnii **! nr m W a lei bury, the pinprickr Inhng tin for nun M’uioi partner of the hnn o! <«rte\e .V Hughe's, for a unrulier ot \car* m husinos* in Putnam \ eonferenee •*! rlirMum w i . s is U'lini hehi Uhs \m k a’ the >werilsh churrh In \\ o.h|k|ih-k, with prominent sjH'akets ami ‘iiuji'h front a loom I \ iMiiit ft w is given I’hurisilas evening i v Pint J \ HuUtutin rtiul hts son Paul 1 i ii It m an. w ho gave the same prm gram in the chapel of tire t ongiegn ttotmi church at Putnam on Wetftne* it »v evening t he annual * uwtav s hioo. picnic will l»e hrKi al luwolanil Pi k ^atuniav . ami the conference will eiosv with three s|hh*i*1 m"\U\s on Suialv W II i hamlserlain. an oht u’si lent “i Putnam, iltctff at his home n Walnut 'i ol, W VMiu svia\ morn Ml; »,i • S v Us Me Is s;|t V i\ e«t hv i r to Vlrs Joseph MeK u h me ami Mr- Moult on of |hh city , Mrs. \rnoht ot Piisioag. amt Mm, Whipple P,rnv uiemv. amt one sen, S vr ml \ l amss juii of I'iirviiK’rhf Ml. t ' au v i nn w $s a mctuher of the isth i oii-? , i \ M He « ame to Putnam itt IN'I where tie has since resnieU fol ks hts Irik* ol lafjKmter ami l»ui,ik*f t-me . s* \iiv> were hehi this i r.tirshav afternoon, lk\. K h >argvnl ofh uatmg Marini m tinnt st feet o !»uvU n . Interesting l.oijUs s' r,i>nir,.,l 1 y ntacUinerv. Mt’iiV v ttnt .'iji> * h', 1 <* v. I a, u - >,*• I'o Area CMT Court Hto»wll Tbf entire Uinf of the court w»«* -i,int 1 i«»t Krida.v i:i hearing the ad jnurued f'Str' of Patrick Karlon and Allison \\ licox, charged with drunk fnne»«.liji'S-tiof tli** peace ahd »"’i ill. The iniwlcfiicanor- ch* rged sprang fiom tin* *ameaffair. When the Pro*- ! M'uilnft Attorney |>ut Karlon on Hit* , itmiil lii lentil}. Attorney Torrey. who I n presented both defendant*, olijw'lrd t*> tl.e f>«l>•>i^wton of Karlon * te»tinio 1 ny on the around Dial hi* an*wer would tend Ur incriminate him. a- he w a* there in court charged with aeriim springing from the name difficulty that w a* the cau*e of Wilcox'* arrest. The court *u*lairied the objection, where ifiori the Prosecuting AlUrrney nulled the case ngaiost Karlon. lie then f it a not tier <|uc*tlon, which wa* objected to ujmn ttie Mine ground*, Mr. 'forrey » sting that Mol ing the cue did rjol hare any effect, a* Karhm could la* ar rexled again lmiiie*liately, in fact coaid at any time iiefore the expiration of the *tatuU* of limitation*. Hi* honor sus t lined tlie objection. The Prosecuting AtU»rn-y got in one or two question* that were not objected to, but w hen tie tried to gel at the material matter, ole jeclinn* were entered, and tie gave It up. Karlon ielt ttie court room ao'l the city. Testimony in the Wilcox r ase <leve io|**d tin? fact Unit in* wat in town with hi* hor*e rtfi*I carriage on Wednesday night along with a friend. Tiny ran Far ion, who wanted to get up to Wi»o<M'rt k ami Wilcox volunteered to give him a rid**, a* he would pa** Karlon « place on his way home The tnr»*e started down ttie* street, but had not gone a great way when Far Ion got out of the carriage and started bark W ileox testified tliat Karlon wan un der the inftuenee of Ihptor, and a* lie | feared he might get into trouble he j diove back lor him. \\ hen he got to HuglH*e\ corner, I irlon eame from arrows the street and grnhl**d hi- hone hy ttie bridle \N Ileox, so he tentitled, tried to get l! arlon to get into the ear ruige and go home. but he refused and itretced W lleox of going throu gh Ins pocket1-, and said he would hold hi* hor-e there all night Officer llayns wn-railed. ami piae* I karlon under arre*t. A- he w a- holding III* prisoner by one hand, emleavorlng to free hr* other hand from the bridal, \N ileox jumped out of the earriage and hit I arIon in the lure knot king him down. \s the officer assisted him up, Wilcox again *lruek I arlon a couple of blow File officer then t<m*k his prisoner to the lockup, and \\ ileox drove of! Mi lorrey argued that his client should lie found not guilts on the 1 ground that the assault was justified in that \\ ileox hid a right to protect his prof* rt \, and that he had not used un neeess.uv force in so doing. The Pro-* ruling Attorney stated that he thought it iififiecessar.v to make any argument moie than to call his honor's attrfith n to the fact that the assault ss is m ule on the man while under arrest. \\ ileox was found not guilty on the rhaigc of drunkenness ills Honor • aid I wou. l merge tie count'* for * * t'!»e pi |C» md a- allIt, US the\ eame under the same section of the statute-, and found him guilty of ;e - shill, imposing a line and cost , amounting Jo ' \u apjs al vs as enti led and a bond of Moo turnished Miss ( hat lot te Hopkins returned on Monday trouiher trip to lierinuda In and Mr- Haris Nought m are at f haklami Beach, II I Mis Henry It. I *le has Uen at I.ui haven, Mass, for a few day-. 1*1 it* Misses hemic and Haehel Ili ads aie at .Valiant lor a iortuight. Miss | li ilvth i-illoid is sjH'ndm., a two weeks vacation in . \\ aler iui n. Mi** i arohne llorhaour of \\ orci - : t i is tin e test Mrs, \ \\ M .acd* « aid Mr*. .1 M l{ imlall mul dmnrht* n, j Nli'M-s Kredell an*! Mhmeho, an* at list' I I’llmei II *um’. Licit* n to I tench. Mi's (.i t., \\t^!,t‘.bh!«M at 1 in IS I ( *rpuratii*u .loro, h hw’,v oil a iwn week' \ a* all.>u. Mrs. I I litchtti'L'n «»{' I n hi mI '■ h < t, i" t ntv i ' ainiiiit In t si*ie Mi-w laiiu lirt w n, of IU*>t*»ti Mn t'hnilfs II Kellev i> enter tamint her ninv, Mh** Lillian Merritt nl Spurn; lie Id. Mi" M.i’\ l .I'htivtii, of (. >\e 'In.d. ha-' U't'ii lho tftnvd »*! \| r- i»eo, l* Norn*: in W, K 1 Mis* \laiioa I limes ha-* riMimol ! I '>ilion miiM' in Iho Worccsici Imspitni after a two weeks' vacation s|*ct»l at her homo in IhUoiiv. Mr* \ W agner ha> returned from Vim ViU*r, Mich . w horo she hn-» been the Kac*t of hot 'on, I'roi i harle* V i M ,‘unoi K< \ « itt tloo I iiallttp of Nt w Medford will pleach in tho Baptlsi chinch next ^ mdav morning. Hie i'-Miotiiu; > tula,), Aiuiu'l J •, Micro w ill tv in* Nor\ lee. William W heaton had *'\eral tin* i*rr' o' !•:> lots I and vu-a !\ oul while nimiiiu; a viw al th. \\ hoalon Build inn A Lam a r i • ' shop a^i invk The ladies ot Mio Baptist church j \%»il hold thoir animal el » nlwtkeonihe ohuroh iawn, Tuesday, August - *th, U II >o ». n L '!u \ Iho ti mer wiil K Mivol in tho ehurvh dining room«. \ ar1 \ e inches > ; ram So!! in this MviMi during A igasL amt m w j >io an 'nn giMiug tight showors L.t the weather keeps veiv hsiui, dav s.- - i w 11ai aimers itko. | The citLotis of Ihak'iv'U are com* J plaining of She had Sasic Al their pm * j j lie drinking water The hea th nftW? i i lias >vnl sjHvinicns Vo She State A x | | aioih ' at Middletown to lie anaiv n*t, 1 — Hov J I* Trow bridge has hi' ! j house and land on 1‘mwbridge IL } isli. ul t a V w A rk pa \ i . . nsaiut* of families in New \ k eiiv who would be glad to Lav h i t' in that UaUlful section ii thev were made known u* them. **Th# Good 0»d Day*." How tf . *- . H! W’uea we v, . * ■ _ «- k.*d - -4 * i «ojL <| tbHr feer in M water ami got v. !-. Now th* •. U • ** grip, lake quinf'e* 4i ] f.•• * -j, g ,j ... r, Then flK j' had sufte throat. wrapped a ‘*f fa* p rk in £iit oh] jm» k. tied it arousel t ie f. f... f ,, .j to Work the m**t iiforniog. ,V*rt thej bate ton* • - i*r a *ijr gi• at «»*'f i*ioti and two wj 4 !;i the b»*u-* Then they had n;..ii,a» I a< tie ajid t**ok ca*tor oil ami r**. Nov. have a|»;»emii*-i •e- a wt'k In 1l*e * it a! and *ix fee1 • j** e i *’ a r*t! »■<-.’ -I «il feet f*>rf*T» i*J h!:!r. They *•. o **d then; they l»!*»r itow In tie***- day-* they wore under f-lothe*; now they wear lingerie Then they went to a re^t niran»: now tl*ey go to n cfn T **• f hey broke a leg. now they fracture a limb People went r-tozy then; they have a brain stortri now Pofftf*-farm then paid k<«*\ hard ash f».r Mtip|H»rt. n#>w they M*nd g*»v ernnient garden seed* 1“*. tinier have changed. and we a!! change with the time* Tlmt • progression And! flatten in Westph i (Kan t Time*. Powar of Piaot*. Fanner* are acquainted with the fa* t ►»!.':t the r • of tree'! will disrupt amt sot;**-? km** overturn a tone wall, hut the lifting j*»wer of tender vegetable N equally *nrpri*lng The t,i»<* result wlii.'h ha* ptrliaj* attracted the greatest attention 1* tl»e ||*coverv that a weight of two and a half tons ran 1** lifted by the common pumpkin In tl*e * oi.»■of it* develop (lielit I*r f’nrpenter relate* tlie story of a imvltig atone weigh kg eighty-three [MMtnd* that wa* ra 1***1 from It* bed (when joiiun] b\ other* on all four sfdo*t by Mich n *oft | ie* e of fungi a* tffe cotutuon mushroom And utlll an other and more r*-markable story 1* added to the nhtoe A man had n ■ i-k of *w«’t wlrie and pl.i ed it in an empty eeliar to mature \v !»«»ii • vanumd *.♦ ♦ <1 >**ar* lamr It had risen from th** floor »*f the cellar to th** ceiling ha lug l****n borne up war*l upon the lender shoots of a vine fi;ng';* with v. hi 11 the * **llar was Ini* i I .anion Home Notes. Catching the •Tone.” II * w :i - a « f :* 1111: -j '-'ittir man. but as ' it if** in ;t snt I village hi* had f H • \ «»r I»I ■* uskm !■» C'-cf the oia«« of | M*l ) p ] 4* who fr< • • i * • T1 r • ** I ih** fashion able f arish to w I h It*1 hit'! just been ;i | »|m »! Ilf«*i 1 lli*< tu n rector, w, hing to help him • Mi to st,|**C**ss. h.i<i I felt liberal with eh - *• ami hud *!**;>' 1:11j»!••■«-<•»I him with tli*1 Impor i,, e of always taking file "tom'** of tie J*e« »p!e with V\ lioill 11« mingled I ■' !11ii in\lt»*d to take dinijer at tin* on of one of tin* tiietiiltera of the .ongreg;d i«»u and knowing tit.if In* would have to say gfitee, the young • urate t<M»k his me from the runver* • f ion overheard he fore dinner and when his hostess nodded meander v In his direction he delivered hlm-e!f * »f the following, which lie cot»<ide|c | quite lit keeping with the "tone" of the guests assem bly *d . 1 i » I Ofi! th i ill \ . lolly g'Kml feet!, wot I • do*i i \press. The Mserd Ca-pet. "In ! h* e- aeiit physiebni, ft;!! «*f II hen i n wit wot | some ; ii.f-i t- It ;;; nth, udra \ me U»{;*a of S pro! - 1" 1 .i e.p •riencc-. -ays Sir N ct 1 ■ ' \W ♦ iit "4 if I c < d V ■ \! l,r \\.i> .i'.c a wed • tnan of mhcrlv I» »!»11s. tti '! • ’ ho w hen very ill asked i-. i i t t \ tell him if he w o;;!d » vet t tee from his l**d of *drk ness lit ■ ' >r thought lie never v i t l i>iu tin* l*«■ i.‘ said tli* J*:i * ■ t * r I w dett he It til sei t|t‘#Hl the at! c i .lice of his housekeeper lie said 11 . • . ip of earn**! by t i> b *d !c v. :| tr »*h| one, W I Upped up . I ;• • iv i shall not w ant It hi d if d Is hit here fho-e im w ' I t»e sin*1* to spoil it w U th ilirty hoots!’ ** i \\ A Man's T > t. t V !!ett.Vv «»*:!«! !. \ .* .pM"ijolt in the tir t j i.i »• • •' (.:• - M "if \ u v \ ft v, »,;*f I Hit! wtjukJ x »»n h,i vi*V" lUUkv ?: \se|f oMF" s;l it! I WOllUI look jUSt <\ ‘ c\* ! 11• *h'il fhuiley in iv it; \i - : . mi in of lirtle taste and A Rf.i! Ddcromm "i ' ■■ M - ru-a HmHliutf !V*\ M ’ ‘ N - .\UiL ilt till* pi»M »* «*f i S ' * paper that r>'’mi* \V!!il . \ ! 1 ;’t. ' \M»t llot'S it ! *t ! ) \\ i^‘ii ti»' ik \ ii an' Av h - • • • :»s Nun toll! t’ take n i' r ii a. l«;\\iM*n goin* t work an* t . . i ’ ' , * oNphikus! M<*.ind«'i si;g \; .o. < 4 * n»‘\ * A F' i; id in N ced. •*T • m m* . iti» ;:ir <»M man." salt! tin* tu t.>r I tn hungry Tm hr<«k ■ tuyM-'f." respond! the lagv manaj r, 1!! put you on in ? i t . .t We have a ea* - *ivne “ “Man. l >rv«* before tr h! *’ "In * t il eiill a rehearsal.** V i . ;N » Muiic. \” rau>* s more or h*s*» i!rr ntnl s. tin* v.' \r h of imisle i> t« >\ 1 j the !ht*:i:»*r The tltues of inert* tur \ iv,--m ■ 1 ••-.* « t>uiian:tii ns are pa ll r \ k> h There is ? -> eng more frightful that* Ijr*'i . ; i* iU-% tlie. Wildwood Park l" <! j : :' im for no\t wivh hi ii.i: liuiiu !' •.•■.mses to he allfHeti'e: I5.ii i a Vi ire. novelty singers, .tan i - - ■ i I:.-, i; lentit i't> i . • in V :u*k'. Ctm .ivtef -iTVi.: V amt iMiiiwllinv. ,1 n She. '.sn in «inev amt storks i . ns t ‘e I no, miniature vnre ' V5;: i' ll minim; |>u'lurv-. »i; S' ShOW ; 1 I in ■ i mm: ol this week amt W eslnes.lay .;111moon of next week »t e. jietfonnaiuvs A .. Hi is-ievrl »: t>e ci'en sun it ay aaern.Mn from - to I Rrsdley n I h. !.'•.« rt »<•*• i THEATRE sni*:g* & 1% C hUlurt, Moving Pictures Illustrated Songs and Travelogues Every Afternoon and Evening .'5.15 an*J ’*.15 Tuesday Evening Souvenir Night Amateur Night Prize* *:{.00 *2.00 and *1.00 Names must be in banded by Thursday of each week. EVERY Saturday Ch Idrens Souvenir Matinee Extra Attraction! Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday August 17, 18 and 19, THE Britt Nelson EIGHT. The be*»t pic ur4 of it« kind; will b« M own IN ADDITION TO t b< regular per f >rrnance of Moving Picture**, illustrated Hongs and Travelogue8. WAIT I OR THE Baby Show \T i 11K Bradley Theatre WednenlaT, Afternoou Aug ust I Sill Immediately after the regular per'orman ce of Movlnir Picture?. 18-PRIZES - 18 Fntry Blank? may be a-cured at Box Office or by msil and n u-*t be tiled with the management by Tuesday Noon, Aug. 1 st r*. ADMISSION including Moving j amt Baby Hhow lOr. Picture? Attention ! niE hi s r U’aiMh. InH nam ami Fruits ami Hi tail < oiitVctioiien anil In- ( rt*ain Try ()ur Horne M ade Phor* Utcs. Bon bon?*. The *U and the priee I > .ve-t. Our Ice Cream i* guarantee 1 under the pure f- »it law , Price 30c t or One Dollar per gallon. W keep in ur st 1 k « full w of fri"-h Banina-of all sir,'1*. I ry u" once ami \ou will tie -ati - tied . To! Pi 12 < >'ii tennis *1 mini ui :my «»f >ur er goods in Pul Hiding l«»v\ ii". SATURDAY BARGAIN D \Y at Fliaput’s >Pa! Market Pom fret Stiivt Fancy and Staple j Groceries t rtf'fc. h ct) grad**. right in t-vcry wav,' are what endt «v r to secure aid sup* 1 l iv tn our C‘!*l 'it€rs. ^ • It ta ‘t'- urr*? care and vci anceon our l rt t»ur we suc. * cd, " t be 1 i ve, a nd g ve { •-1 \ I 11 V v\ -•> Kara , t \\ rid < 1 gal Map;. - rap, «i ^ 1 Gakt M tpu >u$*r ' i oe 2 b steak. 25c Pc-rk Ki>> | »e 3 V « of t ft*3>S Wanted. - - hand. Man teacher preferred. Kranci> McKea n. }i \ 4:, North. GratvriMMdaie,ct. OUR BIG CLOSING-ODT-SALE IS STILL GOING ON. Lots of Good things Still Left. Bargains In Men’s Suits Men’s Pants Youths’ Suits Boy’s Suits Knee Pants Straw Hats Mens Shirts. 1 A grand good time to secure a good article for future use at unheard of.Prices. Come in and look them over while the assort ment is of the best, and get your pick—the best ! values naturally will be the first to go. Pon’t delay but come NOW A. C. LUKE & CO., RELIABLE CLOTHIERS AND FURNISHERS. Telephone 51 ring 4. Putnam. The Store that has gained the confidercc of the public. ' Right through the Month of August The Bargain Banquet Continues, Marching order* on all summer goods; Quick 'top price everywhere. 1 here are many wanted things that will >c sold minus the profit, and first comers pick the plums. Summer Gowns. I. adies Summer N i *4 h t (.'■own- I .u e Yokes, were $1.69 NOW £1.00 Lawn Kimonas. 39c Lawn Kimonas. NOW 19c 50c Lawn Combing fackets. NOW 25c 75 c Lawn Dressing Sac 9ues, NOW 39c Ladies’ Fancy Hose, We have laker; a fancy co lored Hose, that sold for 50c to $1.00 per pair, and you can have your choice, NOW for Men’s "Cadet Socks Socks, Linen heels and toes, colors, Black, Blues. Grey?. NOW rjc Salter Silks. To close out Salters 100 '«■ Sewing Silk. Blacks and ecu** per spool JC Bargains in Cottons, Prints, Shirt Waists, etc. \ nf i/>n -re . Fridays at One P. M. ’.*•» • A Open Monday. W ■'aa-v •S) .'urelay Bunina. ' ‘ Trade With Us and Save Money” Isaac Champeaa, Mgr. J Agents for Standard Patterns. Lewando’s French Dyers and Telephone 19-2 PUTNAM. COS2i>