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The Scrap Book E'f iirrtn Ier I-cc’s surrender nt Ajv c»vnti mi of negro minis d in Washington. A white Pennsylvania veteran at 0f their meetings and as laired ,.e, jjjitier story used to tell aU-ut ^ tt, ,«e f these preachers were sur* ig!' intelligent." be said. "One a t i> given at a religious meet Id eider of his district and pvniPy 'brought down the Thu . ider took for his tevt, wmi he said onto them, rabbi.’ - 'BretMeren.' lie went on. ‘dis am significant. It means you. It „4tu me ' -■uid h* said unto them, rabldl* -yV hretWeren. he meant it then. „d it an. jus' de same now We must * f ,H ndt'i, and if you don’t rabbi ' _V 1*1 s . ds will rise up in bell and nMJ then1._ wtd M »f *“ VO*' Sl tUT ANP DEATH. ^.neijs right when our first parent fcn.eW , (r m report divine and heard thy ryj tremble for this lovely frame, I*. a ’r a canopy of light and blue? * a curtain of translucent dew. HathcVVn the my* of the greet setting fiame. Hm-ras with the host of heaven name, creation widened In man a view’ ips could have thought rich darkness lay t^nfcealed «nth:r thy ’ a ms. O sun. or who could find Whi > rt w r and leaf and insect stood reveal*'! -v... v. count less orbs thou mad'st us bind? a, then shun death with anxious ‘ strife? U light car. tiius deceive, wherefore not ‘ life? —Joseph Bianco White. Pulled In Tv»o Feet. f u;.>t'»vi't was working under his m wiicu h fanner drive up. observing the ear. whieh stood j5 the very middle of the road, and itiir the dlsiauee to the ditches cn..ji either side the farmer shouted: Hey: Can't you pul! in a little anil i?t me past':" The iia■ i;n ering censed. inu• h';" asked the prostrate Ban. •‘About two feet 'll do." The motorist obligingly pulled in Ids tie. protruding feet and resumed ham mer;::-' and swearing. I ,,, a,hug that Saturday would lie • liHter day to go to tow n anyway, the firmer turned around and drove back borne St I.ouis l*ost-l>ispat< h. All Well. A certain Mine. C’resswell dleil in Bridewei: says an English journal, «:ni bequeathed £1b to hive a sermon preached in which nothing Imt what was uvll of her should lie said. The cerium! is said to have been written by : . Puke of Rockingham and was as follow s •Ail 1 shall say of her is this: She r s l» rn well, married well, lived well I ■ » well, for she was born at i s married to fre-aweil. she [ ,] r leikenweil and died in Bride Sr e Eoriy and Often. ■ >! a al of ay Till1 I: f -re !! :.* y >!i 11•**l lU:‘ m<>re you must s.. ' m vs a physician. ‘‘The philo «: y of tlic smite cure lies in the fact th;i!_ !»• I« dv being l!n' means by s'. ;!.,i mind expre s.*s it ch, t' ere n.M't lv mope ration. If the l*ody re ? to express tlie mental suggestion of depression the mind will i it. i w.‘ i! .“.i:i:ni!e ami accept tin* body's jmgges y'U of I- ,i'listless, if, on the contiai tic pit.-icai admits the mental line t:r-..' ?!ie In sly in a short time lifetime: !" -•itiii. tiie head feels tltiil and often «■ j the blood liows slttggishly. and htn-ss results i:t some degree "1 lit* I mnseies Iteing those through wl.ic'.i • ; greatest play of expression is> !"■' le. it follows that their reae . t lie mind is quickest. Tile *• ..t of sin! e prodtiees a revul ■ nl fe. ling, and the artificial soon '■s :: real laugh." Vi y He Joined the Sunday School. said a young lady visitor 3t - sue, "why not cotue to our • ••• I: »s. \ era I of your little ■ t us lately." ■ hesitated a moment. Then k In- exclaimed, "ltoes a little ' id kid ly tlie name of Jimmy Brin, :i g,( to your si■ itoolV" ">•. a.iced," replied tlie new teach er then." said Tommy, with an •if 1 f Interest, "I'll lie there next Sun il.: yon 1st I've iieen laying for that k il for three weeks and never knew *!-“tv to find him."—Judge’s Library. L«t Her Burn. N thi" Mr. Rockford?" said the tuil iMnrnnre agent as lit* slipped quietly into the office. ' : that's my name.” "'•r Rockford, I represent the Coin nteri uii lusuninee company, and"— “I in afraid you’ve come to tlie wrong place • Rut I understand, sir. flint you own a large industry on the outskirts of the tfh Am 1 correct?” rYes " ‘Aiui I hear that you carry no Insur am. continued the wily agent. I don’t need insur"— w. as I was saying, a man with * fare iiajustry should certainly pro " ’ as,,|f from fires. I am in a i*»>«*1 - t»n t. fort}" "But -Y A d, • oat i, tree gi -e you a tine rate. Mr Rock I don’t have any fires." on’t teii, Mr. Rockford No ■«< what tomorrow may bring : Ae conflagration would wits* ur immense industry, anti you !« Jienniicss. Vow. fty taking 11*.iky with roe you can saic th* l*« «c at tri te? first t C;- "tthe Czar. • Great was once very neat - t in a tnp l*y a jeartssr attii* h ,-'i e t ,,crt The je«ter was noted cic.ernts.i iu getting himself I. ir&Uftte out of puM ooe tii'i Ira urn.^1 m ic» ? pnv, ms w* ff ii at y ' hew*, ou ar* u’tfc*. it i>U of hi* ensure ami The latter Wf hv hi* a reprieve* > e?*r. tli is uo good J not gr»at I;: I swear ! ffning to & _. J " Je>:.*r went d *wn f kn.-.. saying. “1 beseech vour Imperial hiclini^s to |.ut that *. amp w i-iii of mine to death." T!:.‘ (Mr. thus caught In his own T>;>. only laU!f}J #uJ p#r(}gu th> condemned man. The Puritans. If the Puritans suffered boll halting. It was mu Un-ause it cave |.aln to tb« hit . but localise It gave pleasure to the spectators.—Macaulay. A Too Familiar Ego. Deacoi.' Stebbms. though a good cltl r->n. was noted for getting more work out of the men who labored on hi* farm than any other agrti ulturlst In the county. I .ate to 1*h1 was consid ere.i ample rtnson for an early rising. Timothy Flannery was engaged by the deacon, but stayed one week only. A nelghlwr hailed the departing helper am! said: Hello. Tim! Did the deacon work you too hard':" "No; the womik was all right. It was -s'in' too much of rnesilf that 1 couldn't stand." ■'Seeing too much of yourself?" "Ves. sor. leery night when I went up to b"d 1 met rnesilf coinin' down to hreakfastr"—Woman's Home Compan ion. Goad Time to Die. 11‘" following is told concerning an nil! golf i caddie ami Ills wife. The min ister, who was called hi. tried to cotn fnrt the wife, savin" that, while John was very weak, lie was evidently ready for a 1 letter world. I'uexpectedly. how ever, John rallied and said to his w ife; "Jenny, my woman, I'll maybe be spared to yo yet “ “Ns. na. John!'' was the reply. “Ye're prepared, a id I'm resigned! l>oe boo!* Dundee Advertiser. Flooi-ed by an Epithet. Wliea a hoy at Frankfort, Past start ing out oil his enreer of puMie speak ir_'. Soi.a:or Vest pern rated the knot s of Franklin county. K» lie was mak ing a spies h to a simill crowd will h had s. uttered alsout the stump on which he stood. The audlein-e either sat or lolled hack on the ground while he spoke. As he expressed it after ward. he thought lie was playing the o! 1 Harry with the opposite side, when, at t:ie height of what lie considered a spieudid flight of oratory, some long, lean lank, one gall timed, shrill voice-. I fellow rose from a lounging posit ion a! eit the middle of the group and said: "• > it. my peekerwood!” t est's hair was very rial, and he v e a blue suit. He was knocked ■•lour ofT tlie stttniii nuil adjourned the meeting. Three r.'inMs Only, Sir J.nurom o Allies Trttlema design- ; ■•■I seone-- and costumes oh several oe or si ms r .r leading I.' igllsli actors ami actresses. His so* cons ims often lieeu artistic l'atluT thru liuuiii ini. In Shis c na tion there is a story of a stage ho ml who nos reading n preliminary mmum-eiuent of a production of "Co riolainis" tit tin* I.viciii... Tlic follow* ins words nccocic l in tlic notice: ("oriolaifs Sir Ilci-y Irving. lie idental Music I y Sir A. C. Mac Si ones do ■'it. lit ** 1 I*,' sir L. Alma Ta I >:na. -There y'aro." remarked the sta^e hand in a ili l ilnfnl tuie I > a fellow •i.iphe p(*. ' tlilop bloomin' knights, and hat's iihont as long • s it will run.” He Gained the Peerage. On th • Ht -if August, IThs. Captain I loo. I of iko Zealous an do the signal ir the French Moot. For many pre ■oiling days Horatio Nelson ha 1 liaial ‘v taken either lost or food. He now ordered dimer to be served, irhih* ireparations were made for battle, and i "ti his officers rose from the table and went t > their separate stations he . ,:} to them. -Before this time to* l hi-ow I -h II have gained u peerage a Westminster abbey.” (■ Complication. Tu n TrNli'.i m were tellii-g conun drums one i!:iv. and when their anp v ran • ut I'at suggested that they make sou..* up. ••All right." said Mike. ••Phwhnt is it thut s»s around a barnyard in f athers and on two legs anil harking like a dog?” •My. tliot's hard. I give it up.” an iv -d Pat after some moments of thinking ‘Tluvbafs the answer?” "A ehleken!" •My, thot's fine. But bow’d the bark ng .if a dog get in there?" Inquired Tat. •Oh. I just put that in to make It harder.” Mari* ae Mtdicl. The tastes ..f Marie de' Medl. I, wife jf Henry IV. of France. were splendid, md she indulged them to the full. One of her collars of Venetian |s*int was alone "worth the eyes out of a mans” and she had a hue store of Thom. Itescribing her as she arrayed Herself on a typical occasion In a cos rume of carnation -atin. M Batiffol, iu l hc French Court iu the Seventeenth Century,” continues as follows. “This arranged to her satisfaction tier iewels, of which she has quantities scattered In dilTereut cabinets, must ijot forgotten nor yet her ring He. gold bracelet-, studd d "Ah seventy< ,«o small ilmmomis. were put.baaed fr ui Francois It- I’restre jew-h-t *>t Iv.ns for l.h.-o Acres Her curings tw0 g. at diat surrounded fey lesser brilliant*. were n lued by tb Id W;VH*tl. in * m>1' dm forget t. i:ri'*-tO A Paradox. “Since Foot light Inherited a fortune he is a paradox “What * ti e atswgr'-” “He is hr.’h the richest and poorest actor on the wage " twe dew witcn, young wan drew- forth a 9nr fs!J watch. "Fle.aae regulate this.” lie *aid. A Wri i.._. : ... t eh’" .. ,| the 'ratttijiaki r, “Now, listen. r:,j I ( Iti'r you some issuers a!.ont ho-v to h 1-0 f as w : , , ■ ■ ; “Wind it tn the morning instead ,,f it night. "At least oni-e a year hate it oiled Remember that its ha In nee swp'.gs ts. t»»* times a year, at; on - tie latte ,jts.t> of oil a wheelbarrow wouldn't stan j stteh treatment. If world shriek fp. lubrication. but the small t. ice of the watch cannot l*> head "After mending or cleaning examine y-'ur watch's screw heads and frames If they are scratched the workman h#« Iwn ramies*. He is a man to be avoided. Patronise him no more. "Don't grumble If your mainspring breaks. This accident i< line to some unknown con iitton of the weather There are mainspring epidemics, like influenza ones. Just now sttelt an epl domic is afoot. I have taken out sixty fractured mainsprings this week."— New Orleans Times 1 'em ..-rat. He Got It. He hail the air of a man who wa* particularly well sapsfle-1 with himself ' I tell you." ho said, "there's nothing like IwvIuij sickness in the family to convince a man that lie mu do a go «' many things that In- never would have dared to attempt liefore Now. tislav 1 am g*d ug to tuiy a (town for my little (t:rl Her mother can't get oul. you know, and so I am going to do It my seif" <>n the day following be had the nlr of a man who was particularly diasal isti.d with himself. "What's the matter’" he was asked "Couldn't you gei that g \vn’" "Couldn't I get it!" he repeated "Couldn't 1 get It! Fl ing |t *||, tie* trouble is that I did get it! " "Something wrong with It’" "S.iuicthlrg! If It was only 'some thing’ 1 wouldn't leu, ! \.y taste is wrong, my iud :menf is wrong, pi. color Is wrong. sire Is wring an' the price is wr ■ g" Chh igo Post Sffing Ourselves, “The HI;.: who ea l pil l opt the lie:' picture of him elf is a rare lard." said a photographer "liven an author, who is reputedly a poor judge of bl own work, exercises vast wisdom h, selecting Ids Pe t hook compared will the person w ho trii s to ri. -o c his l«-st photograph. livery I noons nrtu <-i woman w ho lots U-en photographed re Is-atedly has Ids favorite picture I'sually It Is the wots; in the eollee ttun. It shows him with an unnatural expression sluing or standing In an unnatural attitude. "The Inability to Judge of his lies! picture must le due to the average man's igi oraiice as to how he really looks, or |«‘ihaps It can la1 partly at trihuted to a desire to look other than he does A stout man w ill swear flint the photograph most marly like him Is one that makes him look thin, a thin man the one that makes him look stout The solemn man selects the j«d liest picture, the Jovial mull the most cadaverous Cn Again, Cff Again. A yinn: New V • ■. nnisi who i" almost ns note 1 for his convivial tend oils irs as lio i; for his nonius was re it. : Iv a'! 1 I s a friend: “What »h*t‘- your wife think of these s] ItsV I s: *uI<) think she would n ■ sul*n It to thmu." •W 1 sot I have a RptW.” confessed fik* intemperate one frankly, “she i> Inst as g*od to me as any one |n»ssih!> could be. She takes cate of me and nnr-es me hark to deceuey with .• kindness that is superhuman-It is an gelk* and beyond Irtdief. ‘•Hut once I am soi»*r again she he gins to nag me to promise her and swear to her that I never, never, novel again will drink a drop, and she keeps at me so determinedly and so persist • 'idly that ! y Jove she makes me so desperate that I have to go and till up again so I can forget it.” H'r Name. One needs patience to succeed ns a teat her of the* young, as this brief dla h.:_!!>■ in one of our elementary schools may show . Sell*. ; I’ve left home now, ma'am I'm living with my auntie. Toms lat What’s her name? •Sin's s all. cl after me- fanny” hut what’s her other inline?** “She lias uo other." **l; t w l. it (1'H'S tlie woman next door call her?" "She doesn't speak to tho womat next door.” A Good Reason Putnam People Can Tell You Why It Is So I loan's Kidney Pills cure the cause of disease, and that is why lire cures are always lasting. This remedy strengthens and tones uj> tire kidneys, helping them to drive out of the Irody the liquid jroisons that cause backache, headache and distressing kidney and urinary complaints. Putnam people testify to permanent cures. Mrs. Iiennis t ady, of rjs .Hchooi st., Putnam, Conn., says: “For three or four years my husband had severe pains in the small of his back whicit prevented him from sleeping well at night. A day or two before a storm he always noticed that the pains were worse, and when he caught cold the trouble was also greatly aggrav aled. A dried to this there was an annoying difficulty from the kidney Jrecretions. He used many remedies but got no re lief uutii lie began taking Uoan’s Kid ney Pills, procured at liresser* drug store. Their use stopped the < kidney difficulty and banished the back Kor sale by ail dealer*. Price otJ c< ts. Foster-.Vlilbum Vo., Buffalo, Xe v Vt-rk, sole agent for Use l nlted Ken.ember the name—1 loan'*—and take noother. CABTORIA. ALCOHOL 3 PER CENT A\e$«»Nr Ptrpmrton SrAs simiUlu^to-RxxljftJftVto I\H\TS.-'f NILDRtN Pfomo*rs D^esttoBjflmftJ ness and fcst fonamjiMhr Opium.Mdrphuv Not Narcotic. A perfect IWmrtv forCwu^i Hon. Sour Stimu li. IHarrtun Worms fonvuk wnsJrvrrisk ness eni Loss of Sleep. t Strait Sifnstwt of NEW YORK. Att>mon1hs oil* j5DosFs-J5Ct>n mi For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA Exact Copy of Wrapper. WANTED SUMMER BOARD Bv thousands of Brooklyn j»«('an vim take a few * If so, list vonr house in the BROOKLYN DAILY EAOLE FREE INFORMATION BUREAU, fur which purpose a printed blank is provided. The service of the INFORMATION BUREAU Will Cost You Nothing The Brooklyn Eagle is the best advertising medium in the world. It carries more resort advertisments than anv New York paper. It stands l’RE EMINENTLY at the head An ALVEUTISM EXT in the Eagle costs little, but brings large results, because the EAGLE INFORMATION BUREAU is constantly helping it. Write for listing blank and Advertising Kate Card, Address Information Bureau- Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Brookyn. N.Y. Mention the paper in which you sec this advertisment. Worcester Buckeye Mowing Machines Scythes, Snaths, Rakes and Forks Sprayers, Various Kinds. Paris Green, Bug Death and Arsenate ot Lead. TheCyphers Incubators and Brooders Sharpies Cream Separator (NONE BETTER) American Steel Wire Fencing §#-GET OUR PRICES Thi« Stove In Your Your Kitchen Will Save Time Work and Money. Patnam Light s PowerCa. Removed Over Pr»>'8 Varket. The Indian is Chief OK Amtrifiin Motorcycles IVni A V N'nTOCYrr.h'S \iv u V »w!<••! •« I !.1 * »•«’?*. . 1 • f ■ " • '• * \ '!*'••• i* ♦ •* t» !•*!••; i *»U ni «l «t»* export-* ) < m< i ; . ...1 . ■ t'i.! » i .• » »» , * vt -< tt j>t ion tr«t8 i <1 on tl'f irark (W the *»■>» m t f nr* prr'Vr )«»r *tf *wv#»■»*. Hid ri rref-j m rr m i * ! r, plenty of pow r. aiwayi ready. AfK THE MN WHO RIDES ONE ? Out 1 WON iihmI, i- rtmv '<11 ♦ *h;hiiU»u at t!»«• * I m > , ,M • tlirtnii’* It U l . <1 ; n K, iluiiUUj^IuU Av» , It • !*, .1' u-iiVii ' >IU( jhihiIi that wc h»t*o utout |*u»t lt| #• Htl< til Ol SHJU'i lOl 11 1 . Springfield, Mass* ,1 it T ITKV, .1 •< . A«f»t I* ut imm TWO SECOND HAND VOTOH CYCLES FOR SALE Two New KjP7 Indian Motor Cycles for sale cheap. STATIONERY Our line of stationery contains supplies for the business man, the professional man, the student, and the lady. In buying for this department we al ways have in mind the store, the office, the school, and the home. We make our specialty of the best grades and latest designs, but have in stock the cheaper grades- Blank books, pens, pencils, inks. School Supplies for a Song! Vacation time ha* come to a close, and boys and girls will again resume their studies. They need lots of little utensils and we have nearly every sort of helps required, and at pi ices so low as will certainly astonish all comers. Edward G. Wlight, Central Block. Putnam Call for Sample at the Patriot ♦i—MIH IWMIIIIIII