V m«l-K I ► T«»K » FltThAM WINDHAM OO..CONW. To Sub-ariber* of the Patriot According to *inter No !•(** of the Poat Oftiee Department nutiweri Ixo CHr-iiot lx to a ncw tlm* per more than one }rar soil ’•Iill ha\e the |.a|**r *ent to them at the *eennd elav-' rate. The oriler read'* a* follow*. A rea*onahle Him will tie allowed puhliidier* U> secure renewal* of *uh Wcription*, hut unit -* *utiwcriptions are rxjtr,-■/«/ rtmu'td after the term for i which they are paid,within ttie follow | In« period*: Irallle-, within three inrmtha, Weeklies, within One Year, they 'halt not tie counted in the icfrit) | mate li-t of 'ul -'-riU f'. and copiii mailed on acco inf thereof "An/I nnf If j (Iro/iioi /or miiilini/ at the M-eond i elan* |»»iaue ran >f one cent a jiound |iut may tie mailerl .1 the trim*lent » ■ | ond eta-* pontaire rate of I cent (or each to n ounce* or fraction Itiereof. prepaid by alanip* iiltt *ed. _ Editorial Scraps. The rejMirl of Hie special commission appointed by President Hot-«*%♦•It, to Investigate conditions of the Panama canal, i*H|K-cifiIiy a* regard In Isrr ami ft^rmimodationN on the Isthmus of Panama, greatly please- him, e*|*cial ly their high praise of Colonel <«<**th *lst the head of the canal triuU'f It and I ». \ rally will ,hf held of) |l»c cnlng of the l dh n*e Putnam local Society sends two dele* gules tu represent It at the convention John Melttiire and Arthur l>uvert A year and a half iiko, the t > sub treaury, at Uileago, was robUd of f l7*VNJti in hills o flow and % *»«» dv nomination, and no clew to the theft w as discovered until this week The mhtierv was lirst ic|>otlcd by (ico. W Id/gciald, assorting teller, who wa toll* |H‘«*led and alter wants dismiss'd ! It wasditIU'ull tor the thief to get rid of tails of touch large denomination lh «* nlly l it-jc« raid went t«» a broker and ofleted him a hum* sum to get rid »d hi> large bills. This w is re|n»rted to tin • dicers of the Mil In usury and the thu 1 vv m arrested, and lhe storV ol the r ib c ry w as all rev * at I The coal combination at Juneau Washington, raised the price of coal to *1 » a ton. V city elect ton was held ami coal business was the issue. The city council cont iacted w llh a Welling ion coal company lor a cargo, which, on arrival, was sold at a ton. The city got in its year supply at that price Then the coal combination sold at The railroads having agreed to form a monopoly of tlie hard coal bu tinea*. In New York Slate, to restrict trade and ralM* prim, they are all to is* priv ate u led for violating the law. • ’oUttral llntt* The political campaign, although o! im»t tm|>orianl character, nation , »tir» u|> 1111It* excitement at the hast, al ieasi Tlic Itc publican* *eem ao) certain of electing Tad ami Sher man that they apjwar to think It un necessary to get stirred up. Tlw ikptti* octal* get iw(i)(uura««tural (rum their leaders, amt the lea p«|*i* that alii I taxor Hryin amt Kern, that they have little encouragement to arouse them. Moth *ute» have lawn a anted from their re*|»*etl\e headquarter*. Thet’ouiant glxe* the re*uIt of the election of the three candidates lor t Wuoirull, is A* the total number of delegates in the convention to .so, of which IJIley ha* noar arj out of *.ti already eleo ed, this large lead can hardly nca tie oxervume, although some of l.ake * strongholds are vet to elect delegates Thom|wott, howexer, has gone at rung for Ulley, utterly disregarding the’‘fa xorile aMu" claim. Among the lea-ting «tw»p*fer» that ■upported Itryan in IJ**, and now re fine to aupport him, are the Mptlaf lieliJ Itepubliean, the Hartford Time*, ttie New York Time- and Evening |*mt, and the Halil more in, the moat Influential pajwr in the South. The New York World vigoroyaljr opposed Hrytn'l nomination until la-t week, when it turned round to hi- -uj>|-»it Itryan tins some out in favor of a re venue taritl in opjerdllori t»» a protec tive tafitt'. Tliat neither plea-- - the South nor tin- intelligent workingmen. Judge Taft repeal* hi-dete. ruination if elected, to call a apecia! -owi-m of t'ongre— right after hi- inauguration, to ret i-e I he tariff. Ka-Oovernor McLean ha- announced hi- -le-ire to tie made f. -■>. Senator, lie will have Senator Jirafi-iegee'- place if he succeed*. Pt-te or War, reo|*• no lutur*- wart, at | the difference* miiong nation* are to tje Mettled by arbitration, and cite th** many conference* held throughout th* world to promote universal peace and cMiM-dally the international agreement to refer all unsettled differences s** tween any two nation* to the Hague arbitration trlhunal to make a final de cision how they must \>e mettled. Tnere are three classes of |ieoplc to !*• considered; The moral and religion** clan*, w ho are a*mftll element in every community the statesmen and |Kiliti ciana ii|»on whom devoid es the rare and defence of their mpecial country, w ith different idea* a* to melhmi*— Kngiand ami the I 'tilled State* are in fluenced hy the moral and religion** class of their respective fieoples; while in France and (Germany the ruling cla«» are governed less by moral sen timent than hy self-aggrandizement secured hy iieaeegble mean* rather than by costly w.iis the smaller F,uro|>eans Power* mm* mainly concerned in pre s«-i sing what eonstitntc's their nation- ! alitieslhan in -ceking aggrandizement at the c\|M‘fiHC of others; then there is It is'ia, and the scnii ch iIi/«-cI nation* ii Asia, that are in a state of dissolution through eonfli ds l« l\Oi ii tile desfHitie rulers and their oppre-srd peoples' hist of all arc such countries a-* < hunt and India with the ir huge populations de graded i#v heathen superstition* and old MH'ial c r.ion, . Japan is rising out cif it- old s.ip» rsLition* into the light ot mode in eh Uizution hut not yet established on nn\ piln'ipc except self*pr«*see\alion, by warm peahut pieferring the latter, and gelling r ad\ for the* former Ueau euf it-* distrust of aii tiie strong nations. Tin* continent sf Africa i» t nonenti ty mi f»ir aa exercising any influtnee on 11u* world except mound the borders of tin* Mediterranean. It is viitually di vider! by lines of demarcation il pos neiHioiiN by Kranee, Knglnnn, (ierma ny, and Italy, mid to u small extent by Belgium and other nations Through the elvllt/ing influences of ull these Controlling nations, Vfrtcn is rising amazingly rapid Into the |*ossoss!on of t hrisllan clviii/alioii in the wry ceil U*r of tin* Mack continent is a city eiir lying on inanufmttiring and posses dug electric earn and electric lights and other modern Improvement* Besides the two ruling and control ling influences that decide the destiny ■I tin* world us to having peace or win are th greater part o! the human race w ho are mainly controlled by passion aroused bv excitement of any kind that PIaitls to their sell interest or excites their enmity. I \en In this nation of nd\nneed civilization and Christian enlightenment, we seethe outbreaks of lliis class with lilt U or no justification. Ihe hilmr tiou lies in the milling re gums, t he ly n> hi tig of colored |*H>ple lit the 'south, oid the bliH»dy lends in Kent ueky , it s law less night-riders, and the mot»-r»ile w ilh i apine ami murder in Spring held, III., Hie home-city of \biaham l ueoln indicate how thin is tin crust that covers a \oleatio t>t disaster to | e i e that may bro »k mi! at any tmie,a> t *lii in New ok ei|\ in Im.ii, wlicii l .» op|H»nents of the drafting of so! die is to put down the re U*liioti wii'Oid'O d Not only the sab uiciged class engaged in lynching in iuhviiI colored Ions and burning pub lic institutions, hut well-dressed men po«M"tstd ol education and refined training Wliat Mini) lias till' enliishtenril country thru that it \» ill c-eu|H' »m it an oeea-ion otlcra that will arouse lhe ela-- of » tiaiu we hai e la-en -|io ik nig in it ilid Hlien they nw in rebellion at I lie South to ilestroy the I nioii.' It Mieli a thing t- jawMble In this l>le-« oil InihI of fiee institutions, what hope to e*ca|*' « ar, if those nation-- of Ku ro|a', not to-|ieak ol t cntral mill South America amt other '•■mi en lil/eil .mil mi ill-bar ha mu'- nation- of the worltl, which at any ilav may bring on war with one or more of the enhithtenet! nation- a- we -ee Vene/iiel« lining lhi» very ilay W ar. for centime-, lia fieen the comiition of the worltl, ami human nature ha- not changetl even w lien becoming more enUghfciictl. Then consider lilt govriiiinriili of the world—all professing their Mra for unhrrul i>eaoc. and that disarm a uient would l>e a blessing, and have *et u|> an arbitration tribunal to *et tie all national dispute* to avoid war. Are they lioont in the*** declara tion* ’ Not at all. Their action* belle their word' ln*trad of disarming a* they prufesa should tie dime to insure peace, they are Increasing their navlc*. getting more |iowerfiil nun*, more ter nble explosive* and inventing more deadly »rt|ons What for? Our i’tew idenl say*. to in*ure |veaiv Kngland, Prance, In tmanv, and the other |*jite of France rnay yiel'l themsel- e« 1.1 acme military Idol, like the great Napoleon, who will promiac them ro venge for the humiliation inflicted on France, in deapoittng it of several rich pro. ineea and aimut half a billion of dollars, to pay the expense* of its hu miliation. We ery out “Peace! I’eaee!’’ The world'aj aaya: “In time «rf pence, prepare for w»r!" That is what the na tions of the world are aclinic up to and then—lie about it. ••• —■ of Kki^rdfiUi Ksperanlo, the new universal lan guage, is cotuiiuc in to such great prom inence that it deserves the careful con sideration of aii intelligent people even if they do not care to s|iend the time Pi learn it. On A gust 17. at irres len. Saxony, the fourth international < migres# was for iially opened with an attendance of I .son delegates, w ho sarig the Ks[a-ran to fly mu. The delegates were wel com'd l.y representativea of lire King of Saxony, and memtarrsof liie muni cipaiily. I>r. /amenhof, the inventor of tin- l.*|ier;mto language, made an a hires* on the idr als of F>|ieranto. The I tilted States wa* represented by Major Paul 1-. Straub of the Army Medical I orps. A Ki'tlinK from ( ounl I« Tnluloy »'ii rwel\nl and read. In\ nation* to hoUl the next \ear'* meeting in Japan ami nl>o in the l .’til ted State* wa* received. Of llle 17-new oocielie* ri |*irte|g#—one at I'liau l.'iuipia, V \ .and the olher al Iher-e*-. Iona, Spain. Till* will i»e for Ihe ad i outage of hundred* of delegate* from K.irojie « ho might n >t I*- able to go to America out who can attend the meet ing at r.oreelona, and the leading spir it* will no douirt attend hntli eonfei ence*. Prohibition Candidate for Governor. i it eonneet bin w it It I hr Hniiuai ‘‘Tem IH-raiiff I hiy " at the Willi mantle < 'amp •«nMiiid, last Kriday, the Prohibition ist* hehl their eonvention for tiie pur j* »**<* »! nomination a candidate for (‘ungrc**nian from the Third District. rio \ nominated <’aplain Jason L. Kandall, of < '• rot on, fort Congressman— il man «rently* lieloved in religion* ami I e m | k* r ttiioe el re lea throughout the en tire -it ate Kepresentatl e Willliam Ingalls, of It.ookiyn, an old and active worker in tile tern|a*ranee cause, was nominated Presldt 111 ini Kleetor. lies . J K. Miller, of West Thomp son, w Hi one of the delegate*. The following congressional commit tee was chosen SherwiMMl l>. Doolittle of Willimantic, lot s. Saunders of Norwich, and August It. Morgan, of New London. State t 'hairman Mohenthal of South Manchc*ler, in calling the eonsenlion lo order, made a short *|eech, in which he touched on polities, and gave hi* \lews «|ii11«* pointedly combining tlie Lllley and Lake gul * i natorial con test. lie said that one candidate was Controlled by the Stale machine of the parly and the other by Prank llcalv. the man whowa* deposed a*Tax Loin inis*toner for bartering (’minty < om missionerships. The man whom the majority of the Uepublieans in the state want l* the pu sent men uUnt, Governor Woodruf!, *a man free and independent,' the man whom the inn ehine will not ha\e because of thi Onl> a Mask Mnn\ are not 1*111#: l*enetlteil hv the sununer vacation as lhe\ shouhl t*e Now, not wilhstumltiiK iiiuch uutilo^r it*. lhe> are little it :m> strotnger Ilian tftc\ wen*. The tan on thetr Imis is «tinker ami makes them ltx*k healthier, hut it is onl\ a mask. Tlua are still ner\ous, easily liroo, upset h\ tritles, amt tlu*\ «lo not eat nor sleep well Wlial the> neetl ts what tones the nerves, |«erfivla digestion, creates appe tile, ami makes sleep rctreshing, ami that is !total sSarmapriiIn. t*unils ami teachers generally will timl the chiel' purpose ot the vacation l*e*l suhsvrsetl hv this great medicine which, as we know, "build* up the whole system L.. JfcsJ- sSmith Faroishiax I'iderUker, Arcade Block Main St. 4Um«1mI «l«m »l«r» T«l«pkMt OaiMMtlllR t | Ballard & Qark, | Funeral %* Directors t Putnam, Conn. X rclephoti* call* lunrail promptIj f NtchtS—M. Day*—4. X Ijub uanlul whet; Why Wait! Uil Mt) Ut Ih- v>:\lrtip»r 4. rc»*t«nr Work for Motion 1 Ita*. Lore Brothers South Main Straat Putnam Hite a larjjr *tock at tiranite and Marble Monument*, Tablet*, Urate* tone*, Ac. oa haul. A bml mNr i’vt-K on t«t tmJtr* reuitrv tor tit# uute heloot Xftil J. 1 on and not a feature Boys’ Russian and Sailor Suits, 4 to 8 years, 3.00, *3.50, #4.00 and #5.00 ■ y- Double Breasted and Norfolk Suits, 8 to 16 years, toys' Long Trouser Suits, 14 years upwards #2 50, $3.00, #4.00 and $8,000 $6.00. #8.00, #10.00 to #16.000 0 The Church Clothing Company| Hartford Danielson Q omisj Putnam roro00towc* ococow 0G)aQ 0 WHEN YOU GO ON YOUR Vacation 1 > ,,i‘t *»il to j/d ii fiair of "ur new Muter . t n min » ,1 n It- pi.it r.i-is.^ areJt Iiu H W. Thompson, it,.ii. ptti, t mitt Hot n.iiMiojt. IT l N AM, ( 1 iNN. I For Sale a! a reasonable j»ri<*i*. a barn, size d-lxnO feet, framed vs 11!i pins. Chestnut frame. All in good rondition with the exception of a filial 1 js»rtion of sill. Harn can readily U* taken down ami mo\e«l to any I«m*h!Itv K. K. < ‘UHK, Loek Box 1 >7, Putnam Aitf Notice. Notice is hereb\ given that the part nership heretofore existing lielween the undersigned, umler the name of “Hie Garment hitting Stand Company,' at I'utnam, cmu., for the pur|»ose of making and selling a certain garment fitting stand, invented and patent'd Iiy the undersign'd, William H. let ters, i*, this day dissolved. The business will hereafter Is' con ducted m the name of the saidW iltiam II letters, and he hereby assumes all outstanding obligations of said I he »•arntcnt Pitting Stand t ompany, and all lulls due said company are to l>e paid to him. hated at Putnam, Conn., this loth da\ of A ugusi, A h. l!H's. Wild, i am H. I.KTI'KHS, d >*i* .1 \MK>S. I'ALMKK. Notice. riu- ,|uarterly meetlnjc °f Hi* I’nt nani Itii'inc** Mon’* AfiwH'tHlloii will j Ih' held in i M<1 fellow*' hull, Krtd;n ! e\euiiIcm*» iImhI »H IoIIoWh l*< - :.j;tl»went cot''nor of the garden 1 -v » ,...» « « the \ >tth s n , tlMitft N »th*i l| ou the i.in-J feel. Tbs’ure Westerly on (iraittoi’a* one buusht‘4 le«t. v one hu mires! t *et. FheUi’e S irtb 'iJo •*! ihv highway, owe l>!nv of bt'ijimiuiif- \' i U . o; i. a, sot *\ land tiHMnU ol the to»% r s• t f «'■ * 1 i. >.*k) levs iH'iiij. for the pay tr« ;■,{ ol t.»\ *fue ♦he town ot Fast torsi *«n !i*t <»t IH07. ant .it .. iti. ; svilh tejjai inti real t > $ l .0 ; Tins »<• to ijise i.\»tice that ou the -ml dav ot \ « I9UH, at 9 oYtoek k. it lb ttgi jvj*t m tbt solace ->t Kaatford in **id Iowa of Fa-ttord, l -»t.a., -tell enough of -aui rca- estate to {xss •».. tax iet a it the laxvtn’, ami laics' ‘ > ou. IWKl* I*- I \IH\M. r • ,o« tor ot fius IVwu «»t KuUuni, I’hoenix- , \-l.e. I Xu*!i*l il. IIWH. •'i.X—37 Kails I ft Republican Caucus The Republican Klector* of the tow n of Woodstock :irc rd(ii«it(!e held in New Haven, Conn., sepieiutier S ami S*. 1HKV for the noininalion of candidates for State Officers. lCepreseotati\e-al-l*arire in the Congress of the (’tilted Stales, and t*rrsuienUal KlecOors. Also to elect delegates to the Senatorial and Con gressional Conventions Tty order of the Republican TownCom iniltee. O. A. Hlso.x, i'haiVnian l latest at Woodstock, Conn., Aug 17 lia*>, _ 14-Ar> Housekeeper wan let! by a widow to take care of her self and little bov. Would like a wtuu an between 4o and si years of age. a gvnxl w astier, trvuier, and cook. Hood place for the right person. Apply at once to Madame IV Riv a,l*hie«iixv tile. Conn. dolt CASTOR IA ior Infant* and Ctuldroa. Ill K nd Yob Hivi Always Boi|M Bears the t|*Mwr X Dresser's Drugstore FOR GIFTS Some very dainty bits cf Fine China and Glassware as well as Delicious Candies in Boxes Dresser's Drugstore Saturday at Store of E. MULLAN 3 can* milk 25c Biker's Chocolate, 35e ib Bakers Cocoa yuart Bottle of Ammonia 10c Blue Label Catsup igc 23 lbs hue granulated sugar fl to the Purchaser of pound of our 60? bDlk tea. 5 lbs liiugt r Snaps 25? 5 lbs Boston crackers 25c Gold Medal Butter 2bc lb 5 ibs Prunes, 25c 5 lb Bulk Starch 25c 3 pkges Gelatine 25c 2 cans Sa mon Steak 25c Graham crackers *gc Blue Kibbon Raisins 10c pkge I Shredded cocoa nut 16c lb Bulk Ginger 25c lb Bulk Mu-tard 25c lb NOTICE J\ W *031 I*. M*v Concern Notice * her*- ' *i%eu IMS Brookai it Squab Oapanv, 1 « « M jxjcftiioo orgaoi**] under the : !b« State ot Connecticut. »r*J hav>n* i ;** : b. ,'.!!♦*> .0 Woo»i»tock, Wiadhasi l ouctt, >tag c bv ft^ -wakfot *.*ncd by *.t us stockholders. deci ded to !» cos^porue niiteoce, *ud Iht* Baud cl Directors hereby jire notice to all j 5fnK'c • *' -»r s'kaims ftiTftio*t such Coa^ft&r, to 'bftn.r t»u or fc* * » Nor. ^ , J;a> w. • / I Secretary of vi ,, Cssbjsu.*. ettber st Wood- ' "' Stare t aaect ..t. .«■ 5;; rieti, : . !;• . , New 1 , Shews «, par,'.. (. iiarles K. Holer Oincterc *1—54. SpU3 a AH'rOJli xv. _A •* ta* Ta taa«s \ Be Sure and Hear the September Edison Records which will be placed on sale at F. G. Letters & Co., ^ August 25th A few good bargains in little used. LOrgans Piano Player at a very Low Figure The Eastern Dental Co. Elm Street. Bradley Block, opposite Congregational Church, Putnam. Operative Dentistry Most Modern Methods and Materials Skillfully Applied Mechanical Dentistry High Grade Workmanship and Materials. Crown and Bridge Work A Specialty. The Eastern Dental CO. Bradley Block Putnam, Coun ^IIIIIIHiVin W iVlIlHIIIII Mg 5 Don’t Forget s TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR Sommer Shoe Marked-Down Sale Do it Now Don t miss the opportunity. They are going fast. W e are giving Great Value. Always glad to >ho\v our goods. =2 Green Stamps With Each Sale. C. M. ELLIOTT, PUTNAM. MWRtmMR W WWfNW