Newspaper Page Text
IhlM'.IO* ,n,i Mr' George H. Hicks have *" .■ a trip to Waterbury, l>ri*ttfefxjrt, and Noroton tew O'-"’.'1 \t* Have<> ^ Harrs Weeks, the veterinarian, iK'!. for'svattle, Washington, where c a desirable position. ks !ia> been visiting hi W*' Dr 6* ',e'' Jennings, in Hills Grove, 8.1. . ,, ,*i>rze i’ 'll inner was tn Heston .Jodav' •*>* week VI;*. Virginia Shar|>e i' visiting a ewsin in Minot, Mass. Ur* Charles Smith is entertaining staler.Mr'. Bowen from Boston,and u Marv K. < tsgood fromProv idenee. grs. Mary Joseph Gilbert has as guests i.mill and K - a Postof Gilead. Harold and Hr and Mrs. Thomas O. Elliott are in Sova ■sc >tia Hiss Marv Averill of Lynn is visit at Mis- Mildred Collar. Hre. Catherine Martin has w ith her fneads from Concord, X. H. Mrs Joseph Elliott has been enter juning Mr. and Mrs. Houghton from »• London. Miss Mae Stoddard is In Providence kn a brief visit. nieMi">‘s Homans of Brooklyn, X'. v are spending a few weeks at tiieir ‘ inner home, Way Back, where they ba.e already made many improve 11Hos Emma K. Allen is the guest of ML" Hose in Yantic. IHOfcMX VI1.LK The remains of Mrs. Charles Watson o! New York Cit.v, were brought here i-i Thursday for burial in the non 0 nilv iot now i>eing laid out on the firm of Madame de Uiva, her mother. |y\. Arthur de Bruyeker of Wiiliman u,. Officiated tt the services. Oliver La tham, Frank 1C. I ware, William Law va William-milh and Caro l*. La 1 im were !■> irers. The services at the were i-rit-i and were only marred f. me thimr. and that was the vault »V a utile smaller than the outside Of. wii.eli necessitated keeping a watchman .er the grave Thursday Bigill. Among recent visitors to this pace art i owing: Klsie Taylor 0i \\at. i at her grandmother's, Mrs. John T ty., : s. Kdith Wheaton of Manclnt at James JC Healy’s. She returned home Saturday night. Monroe Latham and Charles Down lag of this piace, together with Orrin ;A!wood ami -on of 8outh Manchester, made a fishing trip to Coventry Lake ■ the iirst of this week. tASTFllKI) Rev. Janies B. King of Hopkintou, has decided to accept the call utendeil to him by the Congregation al chureii in this place.and will remove with Ilia family to this place some I time during the month of September. At the Republican caucus Wednes day evening. A. M. Keith was chair man and C. M. Talent acted as clerk. The slate delegates elected were A. M. Keith and J. M. Tatem and they were instructed to vote for Lilley. The con fessional delegates are Ward Holman tad Caro Latham and the senatorial d-iegates are Dr. H. M. Converse and T C. Thompson. MlKTH WOODSTOCK. 1 i1.m Hawson and wife spent seve rs lay- in Norwich the past week. Mrs. Ira Bailey and William Brown ®'id wife attended the funeral of a t 'in iu \\ ales on Sunday. Mr- Allison Poller is entertaining -M:— Iriiu-i- (i.irdon Slone of Brook lyn, X. y. Mis. Anna Herrick Nichols and two t ■'Iren have »vn staying at the Her rres cottage for a week. Will Her refe s family ifrom New York is still l.lere. i.uther Keith, wife and son, of Put •**> 'lent >undav with relatives in town. Benjamin Brown of Sonlhbridge was or guest of his sister, Mrs.Ozias Miili Uh, on Sunday. Mary I- Potter is the guest of Mrs. | ■ lulder-i.-eve at her shore cottage “) Westerly this week. "iu- Paine and Iternice l.eavitl >|*ntSunday withGeorgePaine's fam ily iBSmiUmridge. Ksther Iti'lmp and Mary K. Potter iw ed Paid Hill in Union last Thurs L it espeels to enter the Jr* Britain Normal School next h ise\|s'ct(-I the Hnglish Neighbor vi“«i, hou-e will ije ready for oc psacy when the next term begins. beorge McMillan and wife of Bos u°*re guests , t .\irs. George Deane “ - week. J lutein and wife of Williman taurdsn^ r 11 aphrwood Farm on »<n POMPRICT LAMOl.NO Iiariinn has a few week* '•wlimt friends .In New lit. vaen York .JJ11 "ith his family had a 5 'scat ion in Massachusetts, 'wdoa Wiicox and itelle Dodge of ^Hampton visited at H. I). Co uHenr> I-alhrop of Gardner, tJiifcter K S; Jo,hnson recently, ^nwaTtuhahergran * ^ vssLrf'vi* Wutler °f Harrisville, K. *** Mr" M. Noon recently. . *'■ Johnson and daughter t,__ “otne <l®y at Foster Center. »n the famfly of A. 8. I;..^7n“ **ost and brother Harold in V. Sfnith of Danielson: 2.^. F. CHiM and Mr-. •"WNiatu VALLKV. ^eJ^uTt M l’ernn- the c* a t^,Jo " *‘^r vs. Peter Murpf Tbe suit was i fcadanr, V Worth of h»y- Ti 1-ieaded a set-otTfor groceri man , Judgment was for the d W «0 and the cos of **.-9. An a b«w 10 the superior cou item,-, „ e parties separated i r“fel i-' a> rt*ehe»i whereby th« *»a twi; *-' ?*01 of lhe costs b tier *nd p!**ntit1, li ► rsf* 1'ic **n dollar* won in tl * j«1 t."-*ll,,‘l!1ent was agreed c * ***** of further litigatio A \ interesting Saakcv .,,t. ,, ,.., . vice was condt eted bv the . sty, . «av evening A skereti of in, l,fe ffiven anti his hymi ,,ur,j. U. F. Thompson, from New York whose music was so much enjoved two we.ks ago. is e\iiectetl to si„8' u, u* « ougregalicnal church next » ::i.:.u morning In theevening Mr. Hinriehs will speak upon a vital theme in con neetion witu “The Challenge of tie City.” Woodstock Acatlemv will open sere Wnilaer S. Miss Annie Coffin of Hyde l*ark, a graduate of Itston Cniversitv, has been secured to take the »laee of -Miss Cage, and Miss Reed will return Mrs. t'laretioe \V. Bowen has Iwer a guest during the past week in the fam ily of ex-Gov. Crane of Dalton, Mass. The Woodstock Hill Congregational church anti Sunday school held a pi,-, nicat Rowland i’ark. August Jo. (Ker eighty jwople were present, a bountiful dinner was served and a program of games and stunts was carried out. Klderly and middle aged men were boys again and the afternoon was a genuine frolic with everybody in the ircsi of spirits. A prominent feature of tile afternoon was the recitation, in the most pleasing manner, by Mrs. Gussie Hiurlchs Rates of a poem illustrating the reversed proverb, -What can t be endured must l>e cured." The poem was written expressly for Dr. Hillis Sunday schorl by the aupertnteudent of the school. Mrs. William Howard and Ixmise are v isiting in Norwich this week. Miss Kthel Spalding is to teach in the Norw ich Free Academy the coining year. A number of j>eop!e from Woodstock were invited to ttie tire^rvt reception-in Pomfret on \\ ednesday. Mi*s Elizabeth Carr si>ent Sunday in Norlti Woodstock as the guest of Miss Ethel Hawson. W. W. Webber is entertaining iiis sister, Mrs. Bishop. Mrs.Woodward had a visit last week from her grandchildren, Dr. and Mrs. HolUtigshead ,and a party of friends, who made tlie Dip from Philadelphia in an automobile, and returned via the Berkshire Hills. John Clarke and wife, and some members of Dr. Spalding's family,tot k in the Nantasket excursion last week. Miss Jessie Hibbard is in Woodstock for a \ acation. Mrs. Clarence Taber and daughter have been recent guests of ( E. Tab t. Mrs. Dr. Per ley has spent the p 1st week with Mrs. Kingsbury in Hart ford. Miss Mary l.yon, who has spent the winter in California, is now visiting Mrs. Dr. Gardner in Emporia, Kansas. SOUTH « OOilvTlH K Austin Phelps Dean recently took a carriage drive front Vcrshire, Vermont. to East llartiand, The journey of about two hundred miles was cov ered itt seven days, Mr. IVan spent two days at Norlhiield. where his sis. ter, the late Mrs. Col. H. P. Spaulding of Springville, N. Y., attended the seminary when tie was a Ml. Mormon sludont in lsstv-sT. On Tuesday liev. Benj. A. Dean and family moved into tile parsonage at East llartiand, Conn. The interior of the building has been freshly painted and papered. THOMPSON. Rev. K. A. Holden of Shelton, will preach in the Congregational church Sunday, as a candidate for Hie vacant pastorale. Herman Tugnbergof Worcester was the guest of J. K. Wilson over last Sab bath. The Cirange are to hold a picnic at Hates' Clove, Webster, on Monday next. Mildred Knight is spending a few days in Providence with relatives. Several from here attended church at Putnam last Sunday. The Thimble club is about to reo|»en for the autumn and winter season, having taken two months for the memccr- to recreate, and a Jstu ly w ill tiegin with the o|>ening w hich will no doubt prove helpful. Mrs. C. H. Nichols returned from Michigan this week w here she passed a delightful time among her relatives. It is rumored that weddings will take place in the near autumn and the names of the parties may tie guessed from the lirst half of the alphabet. The schools in the town of Thomp son will ojien on Tuesday morning, September silt, with ttie following teachers: West Thompson, Marguerite Mur ray. Thompson, Clara Armstrong. t^uadic, Elizabeth Eddy. it randy Hill, Marguerite Murphy. Grasvenordale, Ruth Elliott New Boston, Josephine • lark. Paine District, Ethel I phain. Pond District, Edith Kimball. Mechanicsville, Florence Thatcher. North Grosvenordale, Ellen lraey, Maliei Whitaker. Wilsonville. I.eona Copeland. I phain, Mildred Brown. Hast riiompson, Irna l.ny rd and Agnes Brown. The republican caucus was held Wednesday afternoon with ex->enalor Randolph'H. Chandler a- chairman and ex-Representative M A. Covell a clerk. The delegates eleeled are lor l.illev and follow : Charles K. Searls. K. S.‘ Backus, John X. Perrin, Kthel berl Aldrich. The following was introduced by Mr. Searls and was passed unanimously: •■Resoived. That the Republicans of Thoiujrson are in favor of the nomi nation for governor of Hon. George 1-. I.illey of Waterbury and that without binding our delegates by any formal instructions or attempting in any wav to limit their individual freedom of action we earnestly request then, to do what lies in their |»w er to secure the nomination of George L. Lilley at the state convention." There is more Catarrh in this section of the country than all other diseases put together, and until the last few years was supposed to be incurable. 'For a great many years doctors pro nounced it a local disease and prescrib ed local remedieo. and by constantly failing to cure with local treatment, pronounced it incurable. Scienoe ha» proven catarrh to be a constitutional disease ami therefore requires constitu tional treatment. Hall's Catarrh < ure manufactured by K. J. Cheney A < o., Toledo, Ohio, is the only constitutional cure on the market. It is taken inter nally indoses from I" drops to a tea spoonful. It acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. They offer one hundred dollars for any case*it fails to cure. Send for circular and testimonials. F. J. chunky A c..,,Toledo,*>. Sold by Hruggist, ~oC Take Hail's Family Pills for aonsti pation. _ Stumping Competition. Tti ;t cot ••etitioa w at the back '"Of if not the lift of trade ts Wo*, 'r.,;«! > v tbe l ig city department vt ‘t!!.v those located la the fcirLe district. where rivalry runs high a ad if ,• .Torts to attract trade are 1 ■ ; 'v-:h | -rtt.-c’.sr care ia Mate of iepres:'! a. That this same ioceatire f >r pi sress is not given to stores in ,!le *‘"u- ,r> may he cap on’.:se—or is ti effect?—of the degeneration of some of eur rural districts In the east. One of tile’« ,-f a i::,:it Xew Tori v 'licera ~ , a vacation ia New England last summer went to the local - i ral store’’ t * buy a few yards of a certain cloth. ‘"e don’t keep It." said the stcro kppt>er. "Why 0 ttr was the reply. “This ts * * ia i • p. How caa you got aioug with out it?" \?aal." was the indifferent explana tion. -we j*st can’t keep It. I laid In s. ,e a »!.->rt *;*!! jp, hnt it was bous'd out. and every time I've got o !i“ f - ■ ■ •!• There's no use trying to keep it here”*—System. Too Particular. Tbt‘ finical customer at the fish mar tet pointed at „ Sigu jn tUo window with this Inscription upon it: “Aujo vis." '■'’.'hat does that mean?" he asked, ""'hat is an anjovis?" "Anjovis." answered the proprietor, 'are little fishes Didn't ve never hear of ’em?" "You mean anchovies, don't yott?" "Not unless you want to buy some, sir." sternly s(ioke the proprietor, "if a man wants to huy my fish be csu •nil 'em what he dura pleases. When I'm puttin’ up signs ou my fish 1*!| call ’em what 1 dura please, nud anybody who don’t like ’em don't have to look at 'em, sir." Tlie finical customer muttered an apology and escaped further trouble by purchasing a dime's worth of smoked herriug. a harmless, unassuming fish about whose name there could lie uo possible dispute.—Chicago Tribuue. The Elephant at Bay. Twenty years of e\i*■ lienee tells me that a whale regiment of lions canQot produce the same moral efT-vt ns one twelve fo t African tusker when he cm ks his big. s . : like oars, draws hlm seif up to fc:s tub height and looks at you, letting off at the same time n bios A curdling scream, w hile in all probability others iuv isilile to you are s at ig on ail sides with the din ami v ■ ration of an earthquake. Sur round- 1 in a dense jungle by a herd of elephants, they seem to block out the v. h, e horizon. One I measured was actually sixteen feet from edge of eat to e go of ear. No wonder my Insig nificant self seemed to shrivel and uiy huge express rule to dwindle into a mere pea shooter. Try as I will on such occasions, I can never overcome my sense of terror nud always feel Inclined to throw down my elephant gun and run for safety till I drop.— W G. FitzGerald In Success Muga line. The Too Faithful Dog. A party of young Australians want lug a Fish dinner tilled a bottle with dynamite, attached a waterproof fuse and Hung it into a pool in n creek One of them hail a retriever who bad t>een taught to retrieve anything Hung into tlie water, and the bottle ha;' hardly touched the surface tieforc Watch was after It. They yelled at him to leave it nloue, liut he paid no I attention and stain was swimming shoreward with lire fizzing bomb in his month. The young men ran fo their Ihes. and the poor lieast. think lug It ail a great joke, came gallopin' after lie was within twenty yards of the hindmost when there was r stunning crash. Tito of the tnen were thrown down, though, fortunately, not badly hurt. lint of the unfortunati dog hardly a trace was left.—Fry's Magazine. The Strainer. It was the first time she had etet usisl a telephone, uud the drug clerk detected the fm-t by the nervous way in which she held the receiver. "lieur inf!" she exclaimed timidly "Why are all those sievelike holes tn the mouthpiece?" 'They are there for a pur|»ose." re piled the drug clerk solemnly “What purpose?" “Why. so you can strain your voice." And she was so embarrassed she forgot the numlsT she was to call up. He Would Return. "Fifly dollars i- the price.'' said the ninitlstnite. "and i hope, sir, never to see you here again.” “Never to see me here again? Why, you’re not resigni 'g. are yon?" And wi'h a notichaluut laugh Toor Ing-K irr threw h crisp fifty dollar bill to the • lerk entered his waiting ninety Horsepower r.n er and set out to break a not In r spoil law New t o rk Press. Hii Principal Occupation. The art photographer had visited tha farm. "I want to make au exhaustive study of this particular bit of lacd S' ape." he said, "and would like to have your hired man retain his pres ent tKKdflofi on the fence there. Can he sit still?" “For days at a time." replied the farmer Cleveland Pis la Iiealer. Not Paying For Hols*. “Ye*. sir.” sal<1 the druggist “«• have all sorts of porous platters. What sort do yon want?” ••Well -*r—whii b kind haa the fewest holes iu #r asked Sriojay. “I waat to get toy mooey'a worth ” , Nature fearbes at to love oar friends, hut religion tea' he* ua to love oar ene mies.—French I*wterb. What U a cold in the head'.’ Noth ing to worry about If you treat it with Klv'* t ream Balm a* soon e-voule riri to mee/e and snuffle. Neglected, [he cold may grow into *n<j the air passages be so inflamed that vou have to tight for every breath. it is true that Fly's < ream Ba m cure* ratarrh, promptly and certainly. But “u know the old *a * about the ounce of prevention. Therefore use l ream Balm when the cold in the head shows itself- AH druggist*. -Vie., or mailed bv Klv Bros., 8* Warren Street. New York' For a mild, easy action of the bowel* single dose of Ooan's Kegulets is vmigh. Treatment cures habitual con dition. 35 cent* a U>*. Ask your ruggist for them. jCONNECTICUT FAIR CHARTER OAK PARK Hartford, Conn. SEPTEMBER 7 to 12 OPENS LABOR DAY Grand Circuit Meeting - - Running Races HORSE ) i POULTRY CATTLE 1 SHOWS , DOG AUTO ’ ' CAT Exhibition of Farm and Horticultural Products; Tobacco; Bee* and Honey; Flowers and Pot Plants; Domestic Manufactures and Art; Table Luxuries Preserves. Pickles Etc. The “Merry Way" with its mti’ion lights and thousand allurements, including Feran’s Animal Show, Nebraska Bill s Wild \\ est. BonttK Tgonote \ illuge from the Island of Luzon; Old Mill, Scenic Railway, Ferns Wheel, Carousal, Miniature Railway. African Camels. Oriental Ladies, Phili|'pine Belles, Etc. Every- night Pain’s “Fall of Port Arthur." a military spectacle accu rately presenting the conflict between Russia and Japan, fol lowed bv a $ 1.000 display of fireworks, and given m connec tion with Band Concerts and spectacular vaudeville. ADMISSION: Day to grounds, 50 cents; children 12 or under 25 cents; Night to growds, 25 cents for all. + lO cents | « We are offering some Big ; Values for 10 cents in ; LADIES'HOSIERY, ; CHILDREN’S HOSIERY, I MEN’S HOSIERY < SHELL SOUVENIRS, : WOOD SOUVENIRS, LADIES’ BELTS, BACK COMBS, SIDE COMBS Hamburg Edging* ami Inseition, Ladies I tundri ed Collars, l.adie* l nder \ e*ts and Remnants of Lace. All at the Popular Price, to cents at The Keystone Stores i Danielson Putnam Moosup MANUFACTURER’S PIANO SALE A T SHAW’ S For the purpose of introduction the manufacturers offer an extremely low price, and for the Next THIRTY DAYS I can offer a iarge upright mahogany piano, full 7! s octaves, double veneered case, ivory keys, sustaining pedal,full metal plate, and the whole fully guaranteed for $165 Cash I also offer a second hand Chickering Piano just the thing for Sunday School or Endeavor Society for ONLY $65 Geo. E. Shaw, Putnam. TU o J*- *. Ivvj Corse After earful con*i<I«ratton of uany • !>'•■* of iVrwt- we have a l ’e*l » n- Vt* of the famous "Ivy" Hr*ml They arc .lesioned I'' a woman of wi le evperieneo in tin’ manufacture of t'.ir-M I ■, on* who kiu'ws ilic req .irements of the feminine figure. The line includes ’the following wtvlee uid price*. 100A a , V at St yie li>" V S at Si vie 400A at Style t?MO »t Stylo 199 V'1 i t See (\in St\!e '-'iOA ul I he Style -I'.Hl Vbd ' Sir.i}' evciy women inclined to stoutness wtil appreciate mu only for the comfort they given. Imt for their long service which makes them decidedly economical (Jive this corset a tn I. and we can assurer on pci f<vt sat is'aet ion We have a corset for every figure, and every purse. We also carry the newest and most up to date models in Koysl Worcester K and Cl I. ilvesststa and D. H X l\>. Corsets, and the S«!i!isi figure buiidei for slight figures FLAGG’S M Ms. farpWs and Wall Papers. Putnam. foni ~TT —s—s-—:——ttt ~miTg n , —1 DEVOE PAINT italics lfiSS and wears Ready to fillin'? C'ont by the gallon that's one way. The nunil>cr of gallons that'll another. It calls for I>rvoe every time. It coats less because it takes less gallons. 1M years of honest paint making bark of every gallon you spread. » For sale at Burt’s Pharmacy CHANDLER & MORSE 4 (C0WB0D wBoa at»ntroo I Sherwin-Williams ft ^ss w?'\ Paints for dll Kinds ol Good Painting While lA dd, Oil, i|r. Poultry Netting, Ell wood 11 O ven 11 ire Fence. Barbed and Plain %Wire With the United States Cream Separator. You take no risk. You have time to try it, then if satisfactory we will make easy terms for payment. «. Call on us kor i : Crockery, Kitchen Furnishings, and* Lamps. Chandler &*Morse HARDWARE - "pip ..; m \