OCR Interpretation

Putnam patriot. [volume] (Putnam, Conn.) 1872-1962, August 28, 1908, Image 6

Image and text provided by Connecticut State Library, Hartford, CT

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84022396/1908-08-28/ed-1/seq-6/

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/* * I
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Ti c Pnrk.r Sula' t Suc
«-e'4<<( the Woman 1 : -tnjii t.
Sum; Iemlnlne Opinion*.
What Woman Worker* Art
Saying and 1’oinfJ.
Xbe |ntrl(f hi ■* ia I i’ll It it new feature
tn puhile life The \mrV,T So It*Unt It
an ttMlirlt1tt.il gtruerully « tvoww <‘f
(lit- |r (sure <1 't Ut* I It; nk« the prt
art! eeonntnle nml Jinlm* rlnl
arc often tj erlN-Uro «ij*1 prot-ee.l* to
•tlr ttitttarx lift In a plen«aut dilettante
tif. Htit lalium ha* toniiic fawblena
Me When the millionaire'« daughter
in tein I to death hy tin- Innnlliet of
her own life "be g<f« down to the «o
Tint wtileiui-nt aiii| relieves her ennui
hy pi fling It glluipte of tin* life of the
kindling uta • arn. The "oelnl ■o-tt!eifii*ot
propelIj ailmi ilaten-il 'l«>t rntn li g ■ •’
work for tlie eiitiinei geil tenth, hot it
In doubt fill If It th't n 't <!" more '."r
the ri< h The voting woman w ho 1
jii.f tliroiipti i nllr^ - ntnl It potting
Willi Men" of her Intel!••• Inal anil film
fly importi;tire will learn many exeel
lent lewwiim f I'o'n the liolefiemleiit
working woman whom "lie undertaken
to patronize nr lu-tr.n t In ken hr tln
tor luuln. tlie working woman It pinhi
Illy Hie moat : puble. mi l to far a*
Sookt are < ori<i•f ; i-:| kIu- oflener than
not ha" lie* ml' alilag • I he I'lllldlf inn*
under tv It ' h wiimti wo*k -ire ti* I Hie
ty In he h.'Mcri >1 hy any olee:nn»;. mr\
effort on the part of hh a!!-1 !. ami no
one will rr i nl more thin the tv rklit r
woni.in lietm lf the ra ,rg,.,i at fha! -in
helo . In I lit t H’nt It an nl net for
phWanthr^|>li' nt lentil n
»» l*.
The wuin.iM ilr.»u*:ifM ** ni« ?o be
hi',"** lo She i'TOWH i‘I IH li’xf
ami In rlf> In tip- Pel I «*f the
dmiau it h I;,«;♦»***! a irvh d of I'm*
fit tent 1 be tip Oat** ti *:i ha*
no pi' * • .pah * v pbv. *
Hi* h|ni«Hf la t ! lh t! e It<10 end
then‘fori* W ; '*t b : • S *'■*’ I Mb I * '• t i! t
f« -:ti ; * f »i « I ,« t » < 1 t
SWp;’il-“ tniiCur, vv!»0. he hiS litf f it
writ^ r. W often likely to P* I a mn-» n
line preie-dl *-«• hs: nipt vp ’'itn’i worli a I
fllirti It lii- hi **w 4 it i*l fpilfe n* f oo 1 n*
that *!<*!i*I*. h - ;> n ' • '* I f a ^
lr4 %■ I » I. there ill'** lit.* I ■ I*** Imh.1i* !
nr of hero ep ifiv • >> I, a it: I ti14*
eftii!!*•**< or** that fie* t auie alitor wl I
Irtiy lie* nl«»tt written t»v >i imm in prvf
0fe!H e to flu* one written t v n woiutm
With the * !’»! i r il 1 different I If
fm t that .. play hm been \ Pten bv a
Witlii lli N i u • * I ml vert iKeioeitt. I hr
fein in I lie playwright i< *tiii fnioieyh of
a nonelly t.o inahi le*r p" • I * *py f<»:
the y.i'iilon** pr* h n lt* * ti I Women «I* •
Bof, AH a rule, lyive the InantL'er ho
itntrh trouble when bn Im * armin'**
tlt uife ale t » la* :n;--i|<*. a <1 they t »■
'lera fu»*,v Hh*»ut in.-v.ntf fh** «’ 1 niint
fhma Mini e mem In! Iron* too* ar> in
even a u » » 1 plnv twdfore It * in h=» ore
••■lift I The '■;» o, drama- t I Se *
likely t » t- * an i ■ ‘‘t-.t til’ o the i tie
drupuilbd, a is I > t Hiii : i= v- \ -a 4
to fa ’*r l.ei work wleM the. • tin.
Wollfll I r * l • ! oh- are |n*i of the
vi^OiOUH raeu i • ! ‘ . I |* !Vl j. I lit I \
<»t Mi"* .itllm 1\ aio 1 I*<• who in ; ,*o.<
of (he fai t that he lee* j a <-d in
♦HSht.v tllxih tot* m?‘- e ,. i i the vote y
t*f I w O' : f l| .1 Hie «'**■!» \ i’llt ' I of « * ?b
woaH'U held jve«idly In 11>i**t?iti Ji a
avoid v t e II a to il l > a * If 1 h*
\tiOHe of i\ Hilt-. I, H'hl < i tni ijv Ihefe |a
tllee feihylihii* 111 lh** follow-ills 111
teraih •. ph h i « n il:. <1 P* * >
“(»;i«• u ht r* t . I e t i i*ae *‘tl a
suthUui rsvnhenies l li.o! a vision .<
a new era wh* il I* h* *lawn for io.au
Jfclml au l *i v, hh h io n and w j, , ■ ,
haltrini: epiaMy. uoitedlv for t!u* t:|*
nrtiutx and eiitaiu i|*.ath»n . i the r . •
from **\ il
* I j«aw men an*I w*»uien of ever>
rllrae WorUhisJ life U to unwrap the
♦ vlU of > • ;e! \ iJU. to iHneoVei tb*
wbolo v\ * - ’» of e •* if m I un-ery nr I t»
apply ih*' ft ie-. o-o at I n‘ o to tin*! the
lull nen ‘ * t tv.* f * hnunt lit vmiuteniet
**¥li ami Its ntteudins '.i.' ei t z
TIl IV K-e’Ue-l !•» be O h«*W\ n Willi
♦tro* * e\* ' | • : aeilf.ll''h'. the ^b»r\
of w tih ti t * nun, t at : to put In
htmuui v.ord He' by t of »iewl»orn
h <)»* in I Uif t!i>• hr1 hi t l hi*
t ttlSVO * f It 1 * ht \ '■'* fitmiiltl fM>
«•* >%«»r lii’i .«>i ;i |••: ;•*« »» nf
• *ioi■■ ’ %■■ i J . ! ’:i ii. who
v.» ■•,** if* ' th.i-tr pit! hi III * world
I • . ' H»> - i *si-1 ; ‘ w mum.
M.nuJ ! it* i*\ ^tomMor !»•
itlliHil U*i, i » * i » i *ii\ :tml imlotn
|”’!v l‘ 1 t'VtM’v fiO'V
\\ till ?» - i.m ■' » ; . i n th A :
w«*ro h m • \ i*!i « ' • \ In vhnv.
fltUf I «i* f O l;;t Pf. USW* »‘VO|'iUSlIlHf
good t«i ualti.
"Ami I til'll 1 -to Pi \hf«» \ All of
«*\ it .i . »• • ’ » -1 i M \s
tr\ \ .» i , *! *■ J \l:m\W i.l W .**
«'!musrt|wit <1 f !v »«!> to tn.ttvh f>»r
wml hi a U’>\\ . a «*f human timlor
Ktuuiliiijk. nil «' '«{»..m.viii|uithy
ami ru e p.v* »t !i« lj> I In* i ra of
! >v«\ of po u-. p;».*ksin^ umhr
%>tn»ohn^ ”
Aft»-» i: ;l \ I * • • * f t1 > <uvi»t-.N of U»|
)urw in «>»!'»'* ■ o \•«»• *l Mr* Hnul
i>y M..him. < no "f Now \ *rk. now
of I oinJoii. I *:<■■»! r hor
*u u <;> i’hv fotvUzn »**
Sl.»* l».!> \'. a ?o «lnull hor
1 hate ci f»» uj‘ ' ambition to
shim- ;»* a h *mi s in l . Ion The
umst foolUli ivimoi in tin* work! U the
w ho mm- nN tn* » . ,n ’^’i’v on s k
< M\ V- n t\ • • > ov.r'i If f »r
ICngiiaih l»COi*h‘, tin I tn*u th#Y mo*!
you *>n ih«* eontlnont or e'w? where. If
the ?*; -rtf n ■ r -ti fhr> \\Ui ;utu
• ’!> ftg>* to |*ow *o y*«i “
WhU i- t ■■ : t ■ N 't ;
|rj>< u» worry 1! > - In al it With
i ■ . ' 1
gin Ml *Mf'* Wil : Xeatuvl
the c <:-t in;»> «r ml ' <»><••>■ -> ■ <
the ■If-pan'iuf'*' ><■ *o tiitl.-m . l l i
VOU !»!*'<• Ui tixSU l < *'• ‘ m •*»>• 1 ‘
i, itue ihat Kly * r«ri«Mi l.mimj *
ecitftl, fuemjilly ami certain’.' ' 'f
v(.n lnOW the ui'l '# * lire nutm
,fi prevention. T!rer*l»re V»e < re.-vn
h ticit lire <v*M tit tire l**- v l'' 'w s
,, \ii *'<• . > • !> o . .1
: v i v [tins . - Wativu Ne»
(mi, a mi'll, t H--\ aetUm 'if lire bpvvt »
m (itcle 'foe* ol 1 V>an ' !Uy^ 'f> i*
ich. Treel iirent eu-o halrituat eou
Mtpatfon. cent* a boa, .\*k your
*lru^i'l fof tl»**«*
da!:;ty w;:h co’vns.
Cr’ .% A',- .7■ ' ’ f+ick* Plain j
CiC* At
\V» §?Hi’ «i • ' f* .- iflT.-'f of icrr<)
^ to f;:*• .. *«i ii * «1 r |
trt ’ • «♦* h •« n •* tot* o'
v • I - • — ' ‘ *t t<>
brin; «nt lio* • •-f of fli 'If f* ro*ft»-;b
• • "
nmd< ; ■ * - ■ , - • **> nndb of
ifalnty %r ** thtj ** *-f of a* « xr»*
SI .*• wh'l I- !*I- fgnr.u^xnric for *o
mm h thot n pi ^ t ** **y«*
i b** !.••’» : -f * ■< • Wl I
tmot* n* !i m<l* *:n I «• Jtl 'l 000*
'•bokt* of * < / 7 ;t r niiJ t
Till* ion! *fiH* b»*r«* * • r » i* si UrftH
pu»Mo* wtii!«* or li;?iit f * »'* 1 fi n<
tlj.* tiffi I #*#t folijn*-. of <* : - Him*m
with ni!«* lit?i»* l> »xv*. Ho ni* of tip** * ol
lam lift>♦* r<%;»:Iar tU*n !*' «< k or *HrU
nilk, mimI flu y ri‘w,;n’i!«' flit* four in
Into I* of flu* Iuj NiiiTn ;tinl fniti«»r*»
tl#n no rnftfb that it U smrtliiiw *•!*
p«i t'-»1 that ffair vv<*arcrn l»av»» t*or
rouitl Othorn bav«» tli»* tiny
* nv or th* |*rf*ff> bn!t«*rff) I *■#«*. nmalS
ami f «*rf*•* ? S ill *• Inwi. Jabot*
mix! i r-u r #*t nr< anoiij* fit** lot
of tbltur* to U* worn at tin* tljrosif
with tli*- filjih l» «n I I tur iov»*r oo'lani
So: .. i.f ;{j(» | m* « -i ' * :i»»* «•* t1 j
Jritflv <JHh;:*il fs»§*■* ami art* stiff**!) i
«•«! tvlfh llil’i • \ ■ Satin, silk
of % .-j , i4 ^ • - im I •••no - ami
( • - I ! 1 • »
ftu- f >m > im- k*- *- »r I r fa or unit*
!o> ?, i r t v , •1 j i .»» ma'l
hit* »*f !«»*•• I •••*! l**»r tip* famy
Hrur- ;»* ‘ »l ’* of !a<** or imlY*
of in!!•> or n;i4 on i * fmUhml off v ith
hn-f» nr»* !!*:«*•! ( iii^ *rfM v titrh hav*
.ti-li-’*t#» •!<-., f‘i" in I ti|-»n t'miuarf*
’* It I i'f* *f I Jo a f< il . f»l all finish •'! it)
fronf ! v • • ,, * < » »\ < ifimraliy
Ia*. »• for i Jo 'i i t uif in Inti t ‘i fly
• of «-ji 'im; In lit*«»
So o a1 » f; I • ai*«* In w!;.<*!i tin* • fi ! •
. >f t*i |. ; ! i a « : i* o hum'll an*J
lr i 1 > . i i•*«■ fa - <u*t *| ln*r-4*
n:v mutiy '*• .j fam i-*#< ini i* I h*1 V1
n v. or«| * »o - \ r« 4 . !Jn^ tl.
U ‘ ; | | j *. I 111 I*’!
f o r lit fi i '}i iU f »r
»-c, ' ■ I i * • * 1 I * * ‘ r t ’)'
i ft d II t !; '' ■ ■ ■ ’ - ■
*! ? ! ,» J., . . 1 i .. • o •'> n#»at
\« I r . , , • 1 ‘‘ f i !!■•* I,'
• i"; (■ • . i *■ o v. ! • • i w i *•! ipft (
■ ■ * • | • I • ; o I
I ».!*».; - 1 • '» i i i h tin u h«
J tl »j,,. . 1 ■ . - ‘ -!»•!. o \ oil? !|
i It in f 11 * * h* m ii t hn r»* i '• ■ t <oinr
is}? mi ■ i!i ■* l ■ ' 'it in »?*pl!y no?
• | v < I < , to III N !• io " t li.lt
flirt. f<»| • • ' ■ • - !
ai> no; t?i » o who u .-Mi* Mi* klttiotio nl
Jtlt■ |«*l* «»fi!
i •■.!!- i- • , ' of Mil* f*nr
thMli.lP Hint, toll III,- III II fmifit of ft*
J ! ' I'l U u V ,f I l»)UCvUH
M |! • • |.|| tl 1 ..*• Si U U*ft Of*MV
am! I • • * « t ■ i ■■ i ;• an I ini|»«‘»!
Hut ! • «-•;■■ f • ti »n .if \\ kimiin
t ■ ' i; ;l) "f HMV l;^l
tit' j I.. *' i ' - a* ui'.ii i i' .h im*
l Ml ' , . 1 a uui apt* »>r un
i , I • t ‘ * f U«»* M« •€»*«•* t«
l * * • < 1 -i «•[' , Ui -,•,<*• < i»* loti
w i" ■<’ » i ft*! id ' li»* *■'l«iw
it i s! * . I . ; « i i t »- •* %% li i an
t ! 1 5 a! t.» ' '»t m ia i.1 tr> t
iiavo tli»‘ v* < i t t t it* kMl*.’
mn**» ar« m* •• i«* i > *» • a^;
1 till fro i l«• - ! «ar I ‘I t‘\iO> pos
si U* v.o .. >. ii ... I t aim
1 lltl'l' t : * I ■ I 1 > ■ 1 lit til*
jumjw r »f \ it
ui*r * j1 * 11 * * a
* rv ; • '
o j ! * it*
u> r.utlj its ‘
ttr.i'^ht I»>
*! *. rT
' 1 V « It , ' *
U ius? i!o-v i ilOfO i-i a
O .. oniMf ill,.- !h>
. :;t t; i tiiiUot uj
1 p» *> \ ' It i*
, ‘ O' o ^ 5* h i ! ; ■ t I 11;t vr
\ !. i lino.* w'Hfi i -i tj»»*
two *h Ulos of tiu* vault
I luaui.f • n • ' ! ’1 •' v :» . hi t iat
ilia ; ••! liiu'ii n \\ il h * "t a
ft"\ llitS Hik of m \ liirmiuh it I l»>
ro U - M il il ! i! v M, i ^ I I. ..’till
Hiii) rvHm t v hiU* Sf o v): t ' as t an
•»,* ;i tl *1 VO I . 1 - * \i ! ■ ■ i •» a v\ .1 ! \u„
utnl vhaUt' mil jus? ■» \xi*i i* l*»faro
H Ihmi tor i> .a at tin w ir fho is m ult'
slinpi t. c •nriii > with p * t**l vkirt
W it tl Hi t l p>* U«*fs !i •! It’ll ivtat tin
<lt*l | ao fol.Js Iks k« Is !?v smii -i ran
\«*tiUnnv w hon H H nt*v«*r at
. I . V , ...
. U«* tai* U* » units I thus sii.lt »» jhiw
lor. tHtkini; tfias**. t-o.iiJiw ami hairpins
.Mai wlit t * on to foil ill! tin* HtH* to*
mljuuvtv \ • ii»« tv man » «mi!iI untior
via I,; »l n •» « Ot
Ulti itainlt rii.l offtHiito artn U* of
IVntlfiUn iit a tlhiit v. arf
SsM’oO of tbs VO s, Jirfs :»*>* lll-owt :irth*to'.
rinttsl as t w> atv with v.ti,nu v tint
. ,| Itkwsioms vv nf • v n«ar» than shml
»a«v I ■ •.•••‘lath ran m or I ho stianl
.!« v S>- iv in! t»UT afh«»m
lutvo a !n»- ‘o *101*15,11* of <s-tshnior%»
ho * th*‘ ' r*t NN Ifh on*' of tl»« v«- ami
h . ’ * - -aiwti . w«v.uan if*
t'tju j :Vv1 for ivm - : 'st
* i tvr tl vki‘i:s;
t ko>
j 1! eav ) , Un ps»tv
\ ttv, puuuH hvrHl«i*?u*i
| Iiuhtn, i Tfein bUHHl nukr
vou wrivk, j Mok v. BoMtwkHl -hI
i make* Uu* Itmail fh*a, nM, |tun*
i u >usi\>. ttf ru*v i health*
icr I taut ft a:.d Cluldreu.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Boars the
S^uaturo of
"Your Aunt Hup.iii wm« g r«T,i,irk:<bt*
Woman. MHji Molly,'' saUl the awyer.
look hut k < ij > nr tin* l/sck Sonne-!
;oihik woman l**for" him. "atil ws
roust therefore not la- sorpiiacel that
rhe iliooid harp made a remarkable
will." Ho tup[«*<l a foi l.*.) document
.Ijat lay on tbo table
"t nm quite anr« Aunt Hunan ha*
tna-l • a wl«* dl*[*oslf loti -if li<-r proper*
ty I only m hth aljo l>a<l l»*eu «|umt
longer to enjoy It." uniil Molly f*'a ocher.
lo*r pretty eye* r**d from weeping
Ah you an- tli** only relative Ml**
Wnwl hi ), and ns your name In the
only one mention***! In her wilt. I rnay
an well prooe***l to make you iiC'innint
with lt< rontent* A In-m!'' The
lawyer iinfol<|*»i the doeusnent and
Ut-lil It < ore to lilt *|ieet«<"leal eyes an
In* re.i.l ulov. ly an.I Impressively;
“I ah.- aod ln*i|ii<*at!i all the projierty
of »' iiii'li I niiiy ille |en» »i’il. aa |*t
i‘(iih tie 11*v to my liei'ivtal niece. Mary
V. ... I I'aii* her, on i .mtitiou that ah**
y . - not le. tin* wife of Itultib
New ronli If the"
>;•>{». f* tuld Molly quietly.
Hilt* lliid 21 ini now hi«>*h1. vvjtb
. i* f.i• *■ an.I t$a *h s n 4 ♦*;* «•*. i*e*ide him
You lift-il not flu o h r» *.idltttf tin* viU,
Mr ,J<* » Htt* < nndltloti-* are pre
ni • •us I **;i n htii'ii ; »• that
n «i • •. i r A 'nit S -.in « • »n!*! have asked
* .♦ *i n tin ,r of i if Hi - knew «»f nt>
•1,4.14 !(.♦ n‘ to Mr Nf\H omit mi I h:i ;»«•
• i* mi-v I it Hi** **-,«•!«•# •*! ill to into tin*
. s a t >m a:; ] Subs elioked
• . •• . i he j*r**>v -*l a li.'iti »
k jriiinf to in r ir**UH iti4 tfj»«.
to. . ?o 1* ) uur-elf. Miss *!o!
/■ « »M i! • j. not h i I s er *\\ - !
i<| ••••’ • :•*. . ! . \ it Wan il
, • .i. .. i • »* v, ui Mi. Jnl
• w i,. . mt iiii'-r* t ui.* now.”
;, i in 1 . ... . i .• v i is 111* s ■ I
.» lo.iii Mr Vo Kiuil) iit tin* uppo.ut
,1 t, mi I \*J ui s\ 1 * * 11 * * w out tin*
f mi of Lin* v. i.i ». hute\* f linn am
J|.i j.-ii-fii n Hi ii In* n**t essafy lor im*
10 s .i f«* tin* h*» -• ' ■
• ‘ .a 11ri•!• i six i. iiitlis. as a getter
oils nirM..H' is provhl. *1 i<u that jieriod
in i n i* <»ij u*i ,s»- i.i eo.njiiy with the
mu ,111.1 , . oi Un win. Mism Wood liitM
‘.*,l a si-.iUtl «l Kit;.n ot In my hand*
,, «I. :..i J» !y Hi | > ei oi I In* «,siat»*
Molt; bowed *■ !»i-i i v I think ns\
iU'it mu.-t In * i* ron. ruled some ptvju
*1. »• a^n i*.| i • vv > ui.ib. 1 if j-.
i mu ,i»n \ Her voh e Mitered a^aln.
V*»U alt* sine )uii in.* ii. l making a
u l a.iki , ,MU> , > Pardon me. hut
11 i» a large i'M if»‘ about a million.**
■*i .. in t . ait- if it P i• ■ ii millions.” n*
turt.il Mm,;., iikii nation drying Ini
Ira I*. 1 Ui uM i >\ until • in;, loAe for
tiny aliioUnl Sin* 1 . ■. *<• I warmly as
Sul* un*i t :it* i i v t i *> honest, a* 1 tail*. 114
wlitjne and dn down hoi* bhu L veil
• . i) a 4 * or .! u.-h 1 ;i:i»
juiit* ' i'* >• u v i < .0 uii* my iiuni's
! 1 \\ i -Its In t‘i>* (i.liiii* • i 0 * l‘l t MU.,
li.aiun-f l.i it \o,i have alo a,, s h fall d
I l l 1 ili‘M* ' • ‘ \ 111*01,- ,! | I it r
i ill 1 11! ij‘MU tin* hkii Sinvr aial t-ii
h r,d \u v w ill uirL « . i i i «.. <■
\\ h ai she e* , rdi li t* Sober* nl !
l ."ii thill h d UtVil l >
i of ^„un v\ < d f. r Ii ill a « .
unu and w hi li had 1 »*u her own
! S i I 111«?. t i* Molly I’« 11« I s 0\rl’S|IMiu
•d nerves pau* way f**r the first time
-In e t Ik* impel! k Mm of
\\ m mI had resulted in her death a
Week lndt*!'**
In spite «»f the "Ul lawyer’s repeated
requests that she sh"hid hear the te*‘>; s
*.f her mm! s win the prleJ strh hen
.ill had refused .wind': time to Ml
bi s until Uos moiamp. when ‘he
h.ul I herselt fr-m her .* *rru
mil made n*u to take upon herself
l he r«HjHiHK|MiUie-4 that si * I d heel*
lU.Jd t" I »eil,-I e Well Id be ln*l*S • ft tl • r
M ; — \\ * ■ I > t ath
h e leadi' fci of the will Was a sheeU
I *» her. the l-'HH ,.f the Inhen u e
w . is not him: , map ir*' ! t»» i h
dpe Unit her aunt had see re! I*. her
* j, d a ill h i, e if not a diet ml of
haijoi New. * >b Molly's tun epr d h*\
*r it was tie; t! i» »ui«, id that raid.Id
;n tie ■ tl - i d d all that niter
»■:»!» while sin awaited Ids votnht;: in
i he e\ oil tUK
ivr hear!." tie erltsl , lieeriii as h,
•utei a t i the drawing h'tuii. ‘'if you shut
, trs, i tt|» in this ptoouiy house mu h
, per without e,*:tij»atiioU!ihip save
dial "f Mis lexers. why. I shah"
lie paused as he ttimed her f lee t • the
s*!i hpht of the lamp •‘Something on
•as : h ;s h ppetied, Moll v l ei me
what It Is'
Mu* s:j: i bravely at him find stilled
!,r tremhilug lip* I have Imimi to
eir Aunt Susans will read, she slid
dew !y
Wed Molly found herself listen
•4 f*»r so e note of anxiety or even
jiusin| p.derest in his tone as he ask
1 the quest hti that he had always
I ded when rl«dies was H t"|de of
am versa lion, ami she siphed relieved'\
She leaves exerytltlug to me condi
tloimhy '
"And tiie condition* v’
• l hat I do t. I marry you!'* The
% utte « words startled him
sfaticely Ills a.-ins Unweiied their
held up«n In d d. d*ed to tils sides
' \ •* t ■ t t here must l*e
s.*n e mistake M • A ” he said gravely;
M ss \\ .ssl e;\ d i t distrust the
quality of my love ' *r you. It is very
Ura litre.**
'I ,mu s v U eve If of Aunt
j su*an tvt li dph. dear. 1 at not
afraid of poverty, and you are jnvor*—
•nil 1 will It* i ■; yon, and wo
« 1 liv»* la t..«i tit £oirul studio buiM
; in*, '
v. v. i, w 't,a- Jl !.i*i li to 1 •:* »r i
I i ■■ v * y. *. t ,i\» » .a j. r v.o
11 lie ;* -i-*. ,1
"I'll >iKi kiu *>»' « I t \ • ... , £ - lit
i a;
"I aw only sorry that 1 aw brins £
jn u ti ' • *; Utt lo><», c-.-.ir, *t.e - .£
e.. n.< >Uy.
"We can c,: a tons on lit.*' be v 1
I .li.ly, "\Mlll a lew ;«• added i i
iu the wav of li.eat »!.d drink (lull I
(May l« r.i-ie to worry out of tin- e n
tors, t-ut It isn't fair to yon, dorr £
to leave all tins,” He looked ats-at
the rk'hly fnmldted rvont aaj then
Utik Ii.*o her eyes.
“Too eannot ts-fiere that I realty
love you. Ralph." *be murmured |>iv
**1 *\o now. gweeibeart** he t'ikl.
let*?'* rig her lip* r»- »••** n,**n
a few later. be added. ‘I
shall pro re my trust in your lore,
Molly—will you marry me ot once—
tiiir. w^-kr
**Yes, Ralph." sh*- *a&.
• ••••••
It |*»rhaps *iv mouth* Is ter tha*
Uwv« r 4o?,»*«« . not* •! the last h-ng
step ‘ :g->t of that led t'» the
Evrie, * Ralph Newcomb called fitw
•dudlo fipunm* if. He lc*»ked about
t be bare. mi<-on»nron: Mng hall that
rotj!«l not lie dignlfi**d by the name of
corridor arid then rafcped smartly on
the d*M»r in front of him
Molly opened the door—the name
Molly who bad never lifted a dainty
i - I r ouitteni Hef
brown ha r w - >fw*-et i onfusion
about her pft?ik ch****k« and the sleeves
of her linen fr«s k were pushed shore
her elbows A threat gingham fli**on
enveloped her slim figure
Hhe welcomed him with all her old
charm of manner and ushered him info
a long many gabled room, where
Ralph Newcomb sat {-lie and weary
eyed before a glowing fire
"My husband has l»*en very III." said
Molly serbnisly ns the men shook
hands n»rdl;jMy ' If** has l**en work
ing t**> hard and But he is so lined
Muter now. It has been a most trying
siege for hint.** !I**r red lips clo***i
firmly, and the oM lawyer gues**d at
! the unuftered story that lay behind
those lips A g :,j'»e of tin* bare stu
dio. the remains of a very simple meal,
it portfolio of drawings on a chair, over
the back of whi w.:s thrown Molly’s
coat aud hat If «’l spoke of poverty,
and the sort of poverty that jwiltaps
1 s hardest to la ar
The thought «-f *vefy Mo!l\ Fanefier
trudging tin* -reef* In and out of edi
torial oiliri** u Mi a portfolio of draw
ing* and in* it -sing h**r bright. brax-e
*■' H *• of liuj** ail s\vi*i*t cron ten t stirred
tin* lawyer strangely.
*1 I; ! v * * <m ro inform you of t !ie
fiuril disposition «>f your ! :■*«• mini's f >?■
pun.," t; ■.!! I ra' r ufu :'a . adjusting
UU * * eg 1. ■»■*'<* *< and t a U .g an envelope
from hi - po Set.
• 1 #■■:! * i * ’ 1 in
tliaI,** tvuai' 1 .' ’’! St m, Hin;!v **Miss
Sii.- nM g:i'.c u • oMf !-.n* • !;ont h'oxv sav
er I fonth . • V" ■ • ■ * in • ti » »*n*t
i , to _ •. o’ el s. Mr .lolil'sV i.h
XI, . V*
; >• htugh> I - 'dVr arc nx* fully
poor. 1»» t \\ nr mwh *• mvf*,:h tp*
py. Mr Jones Poor Aunt Siren didn t
"My dour v»nti- poop:**.” Interrupted
th‘ lawyer g \\> y. "Mi * Wo- 1 did
know In her youth shi* chose between
love and ri< I.■ and be preferred the
latP-r. nud e\< ■ pt for h**r little u*o*»
k!u» v, as a > <•: bmelv and unhappy
woman Hi •* Ml** M ' the
satnc e!r»hr. li *' that *!i • diMm-Jed
either of jnu. hat *ht* did van! ’.on
both to he * *e I * : h mimr's love*
fie 1 iU a d 1 • 1 * eared I,: - I’lfo it a - he
• 1 M> < • I i • ' *
give and ’ e«[ - ' my entire e*t-fe to
he e.jua J 1 1 • * 1 at " 1 !»
■ ’ • I !i: - u i’ M y Fa ti her
Vewe m1.'"
>r \ •'!! S • u! I tui • ;mi * i h*t
♦ i," 4 1 e d M • i ’ !! e i > V- ‘: • i ?
had i ■ ' «-.« ! fio.n their nr. . *f a
I .f I he. e p* in!; that 'le In. 1 ?
mirh In 1 d. af.er a!’! * '
IvHt X-WV Imoov. K*»h ’ «!• r V n
V e !•'•■-' • • poor ” She . • 1
|i ’ ' >i - *•* and slipped l; r Iran 1 i’
“Wr i 1 n-M*r he jiu> ha{ pier.** h ■
Dt.ll I - • ' . *
V, - ! . P !*:■ I VX »»; . I>r r S •
Mie !•>' • * 1 *' of ! •. * • U.llo ' Id
i«g : .reh' P^hted a «• gar Very
»x !'••■ • i v ■! x\ o’ , Mis Wood \ ery
V i e. i; 1 !." Is • Maid f hmuiit S tilly.
Winning the Bet.
\ I. ' : I,;.' i-’uit! U ho I' 1 M
rn*!m*; nit! romplexloti. lifter "i\
4 , ’ »1 * •» le tithe Tm Wait for
lil < ? y ’ Sf h station tlltd he
' i*I f of .’I lit? joke
”\\ !»,it :> tin* name of t!;* «ctm
rv\ v' h<‘ ;i'Kis! of |t f 5
•t ■ r- ’i * tafion. * !r **
A * \ ti . s lit tor he met the siimf*
| of! r : ’ -nit:
"\ ; ! \ »u ml! this station. por
,?*• t
the v
It):*!! t
‘I'll t
V ’ Into ye ho s**t* the
. , • h*»tel there?”
11• 4* • ii < 1 ne in. net *-ar
■ \ }».i* * infer’ :1 iv soared
1 • - ‘ < r along v\ i; !» m
•, v. m « :' i vlahs si re ah mt
r iu*t U* t iv!l,“ re
I : nor
rori! «»undod lee.” said a
Seo? U ? »:er
•*\\ i ’ the Imer. “I'll tu t
f*\e i- 1 *1.oTt i:< r a ei\ it answer from
tlie t:;>» • -.er I ask a qeesthor of ”
"!‘one‘” < piled tin* oi l farmer
! - ..-if, he spied Ins ’ *rter nn«l.
?*«•> . , Mm over, asked in hi> most
polite to-.a*
"\V.*uM yon klmll.' tell me the name
of this station, porter*?*’
“itaus ana*, ye bacon fared buffer’
lMt ver daft held In!” was the answer
Copyrights Ac.
Ar*cw« M»n<M’'g » *n*l d#6*T*ptt«>n toe*
guicEfY Mr »»»'>' m fn*» • *er ao
li «»*» i >» »• t»*tstrtfbg* _j >’»»im*i■ %■
ti Hs*inMiY6«wi(iii«r.ti»l. HANDBOOK ai Paiema
i 'r*«k i*M«M t''r 6<N*urtntf «.
r*<*t ;» t*fc«n thrvM*#>i Munn I ia
*'!h.*ul ch«n** lu
Scientific American.
A 1TTw**raf#**1 •N’t’' f *rc»*«t Hr
H. . S N'T A «•* *.*«»' ‘ ’ T ‘ - • ' •
* -■ j
& New York
r.ittMk. rw*' V «t„. W*»hi ; *ji , .1. IK u
A LSI iN~> or, A LI*£
- ** a dvi. _• -- id lb** tte <*ot
»rnor of Ma*«arhn.«clt* u, an
address to young meu. "but remeitilier
there I* one thin* U-tter th in making «
llriuis. and that is making a life."
What hi the difference between oiak
In* a living aui] making a lift*?
It Is th«- different e between material
ami Ideal, between aelhahnem and al
F*>r Instance:
The philosophy of Goethe and Setue
penliauer. »hUTi is the philosophy of
many "successful men” of today. i»
this: I,*e>k only on the serene and
bright Is. not evtieetu yoorself with
suffering l>*t the misers hie ones
alone lie cheerfully blind to the mis
fortunes of others The more you do
for others the less you can d*» for vonr
self t *e others Be carer til the.. d
not use you Cultivate yourself
In other words, this philosophy says
‘Get tl ere
But there Is another p'.besot by
which says Be mindful of others'
•ni ■ ry Heir, your rielghluir Make
_’o■ 11 principles Into flesh -I'HAKAl.'
TKK f m u \ ur tt nd slid hear' to
truth and beauty tnd h re. and put as
mm h of •generous mul ou'c- -t sytu
pnthles i: 11 I Interests" in y ■ r life a
you can
Thar'-. maklt i n
I:i i1 . m-rvui - t. - ”, of tmilffn
OXl ifearo lh“” rv ■ 'in 111'
•n-k »,f i!, kinir ■ I: -• , ‘i n »' for
art >h.- ti;ir’n-r < ■ tL.*im*lve».
Th.-y ti ", c i.o t‘i; <■ for r *;;! I!‘ Ins
N i l • i .. :i r.tv I. ;, . ■: l" make n
ilvtna nft,': 'hey ,ir«* mini itmlr*“‘ rtipy
| -tnnt :ir l« «t fa. i.l-ipn : nd roh
:hcMu«*iv“s <.f tin1 I <y 1 f iitiriual lUins
They 11 .. <• o:;«* half developed
I «;.■! t 1:1 -1" tjv.y « y "Mana
fi • • ’ • V - r.'tv
, r n..\! * -;!i* I C:t , r:k into the
\\ ' -,! ,r , •' " ; l'| :||t . <■
than ;■> i . 4“ n life to i’i*ot a l-kw
il l. !’ ,t .in*, ia r■ • « l.lor
pt-r bleb or In tuotiial titi.l tnoral
A •!hr ily i- . n ni:4'P ,i :• icr
T.mi fdiv of n’t iire 1 rviny to maho :
i lift*
The Cause of Many
Sudden Deaths.
There is a disease prevailing in this
cou 111 r v most da n gerous 1 >ecause so <lecet>
live. .Main sudden
deaths are caused
by it—heart dis
ease, pneumonia,
heart failure or
ajK*ple\v are often
the result of kid
ney disease. If
kidney trouble is
a 11 f > we < i to a * 1 v a n ce
the kidney-poison
ed blood Mill at
break oovvll and w etc a wav- ceil !»\ Ceil.
Bladder troubles a ' ! aim ' - n -ait
from a derangement of the kidm s and
tr, h .Swamp Root, t: ■
great kidney, liter and bladder remedy.
It corrects inability to la id urine and
scalding pain in parsing it. and itver
comes that unplea-ant m ee-sit v of being
compelled to g«> often through’ the .lay,
and U» get up man*, times dmmg the
mviil. The mild and the extraordinary
etlei t of h>\\amp-K‘K»t s<k>u realised.
It stands tlie highest t *i its wonderful
cures of the nio>t distre»ing c.-.m-s.
Su imp Root i> pleasant ’•» t ike and is
sold b\ a" druggists, in liftv . ent and
one dollar size'hhIIcs. You ijuiv have a
.sample bottle of this wonderful new dis
coverv and a ls>ok that teds all about it.
both sent free by mad. Address, *)r. Kil
mer vY Co . Binghamton, N. Y. W hen
writing mention leading this generous
oiler m thu papt r. l>on*t mane any
tmstak r. hut renlender the name.Swanilh
K n*t, I>r. Kilme: s Swamp-Roc t. ami the
address, Binghamton, N. Y . on every
a Retsabie Rem^uy
Ely's Cream Balm
it quickly absorbed.
Ui>e* Relief at Once.
It rU‘AXl'’‘*,
hoals and prof, ta
tilt* dlS. .nod m* l.l
hrane resulting tr- ”.i Catarrh and drivo*
aw *y a Cold iu tin* Head »jui« kly. Keaton
the S*-use# of la^te aud Stn» lL I .11 >u*e
■’*>* ota. at Dm^i'ts or 1 y mail. 1 i«juid
Cr« uu Balm f.*r u^e in at«‘iuiz» n* 75 eta.
l lv Ur-tlim. *»»■• Warren Street. New York.
W. H. Mansfield & Co
King Arthur
- r-JfcA »
Nature and a woman's work com
bined have produced the grandest
remedy for woman’s ills that tne
world has ever known.
In the good old-fashioned days ol
our grandmothers they relied upon
j the roots and herbs of the held to
i cure disease and mitigate suffering,
t The Indians on our Western
plains to-day can produce roots and
herbs for every ailment, and cure
diseases that baffle the most skilled
physicians who have spent years in
the study of drugs.
From the roots and herbs of the
field Lydia E. Pinkham more than
thirty years ago gave to the women
of the world a remedy for their pe
culiar ills, more potent and effica
cious than any combination of drugs.
Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable
Compound is now recognized as the
| standard remedy for woman’s ills,
j Mrs I>.-rtha Muff, of 515 N.C. St.,
I Louisiana, .Mo., writes:
Complete restoration to health
j means so much to me that for the sake
i of other suffering women I am willing
to make mv troubles public.
•'tor twelve years I had been suffer
ing with the worst fi.rrnsof female ills.
During that time I had eleven different
physicians without help. No tongue
! can tell what 1 suffered, aud at times I
: could hardly walk. About two years
ago I wrote Mrs. Pinkham for advice.
1 followed it, and ran truly say that
Lydia K. 1'inkham’s Vegetable Com
pound and Mrs. Hnkham's advice re
stored health and strength. It is
worth mountains of gold to suffering
What Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vege
table Compound did for Mrs. Muff,
it will do for other suffering women.
NEWSPAPER, and for the
eighteen vears has been the
I ■ .O > i N < , N \ T I ON I.
ME DO M Or UUsshOd Ad
vert ish
If y> >u are an advertiser, let
us convince you that our
| Classifi ! Department is ah
we claim for it: lire best, the past
longest established, a* d the
'most responsive in the maga
zine field.
Send f >r full information
and a specimen copy cf hill'.
OU I'l.OOK. 2S7 fourth ave.,
New York.
For ?ale
In order lo close Ihe estate of Ade
! >r<I l.ilU'v, I wilt m II at private sale,
the li nin' place, cousitiiiK of a lot,
hnns.i anil two 1,arn--. c-nnei of School
ami May -t utO. Impure of Ktlward j
o. Wright. 1 Hit I
l ive Working
Horses for Sale
*il "iir V s. Ilruee far in ,l*omfret Land
ing. Imjuir<■ of .1. \V. Whipple on the
premise^. The Child Lumber Corpo
ration, Puliiam. _‘4
For Sale
Fort Hill Farm
Consisting of •'*»> acres ami buildings,
formerly known as Dav, Sibley and
Maker farms, all or part, also)standing
Brass, cows, hard wood and hay
for sale at reasonable prices. One
dwelling house furnisiud with steam
heat, e'eotrie light, bath room and run
ning water, for sale with two acres of
land or more.
Also house and vM acres near Thomp
son station and N. It. Ream's premis
es- tltitf
First National Bank
— OF —
CAPITAL. - #>50,000
SURPLUS $60,000.
Safe Deposit Boxes for Rent
Drsfs- I« -d on ail Fortijn Countries
lmuJ Mates Depositary,
< it V o v, President,
i err; Piano and .Organ
•* n n’ ^•—^2. Putnam Conn.
Lumber, Coal. Doers. Moulding
Bnck. Lime, Cement, P.B.S.
Mixed Paints Lead and Oi!.
Trollev Time Table
The Consolidated RailwavP.
Time jriven lor ran ;,»viu- .
M ii n Street ‘ *“
Lenve Putnam for Worcester and _
ate -tope at *3,17. *6.07. 77-V,
11 1111.55 a tu . half hourlv tioti
hourly until 8 35 p. m. l,cav(*\v
H»li> at 6.13 a m., and lonrlv until S 14 *
Time 2 hours and 20 minutes; fare *5 ceat,!' *
I.eaee Putnam for Wehster and intm-i
ope at *7 17. *15 07 a. m . 77 Vi . ^W5,»
stops i | I
hourly nnfii 11.45a. m., hall hourlr'aatf o.
p. m. and then hourly until 9.55 p.i. w_ **
uinif, leave Wehate: at *6.i 0 a. m *
and bourl
7.43 p. m
20 cents
ive senate: at •«. Ua. m - ,>—
rl UDti 12.45 p. m.. half homir 4
a.. then hourlv until 10.45 p. a
Leave Putnam for Dayville and jaurue*
stops at *6.35 a. m. and hourlv thereaiE. -'**
1-3.0 p. m., halt hourly until 8 .13 » ffl
hourlv until 11.35 p. m. Keturuimr ‘iT®
Dawille at *5-00, 5.45 a. m. 6.10 a a r‘®
yilfe (car house,; 7.28* m ,nd houd,,^
1.28 p. m , half hoirlv until 7.2S D. m t*®'
until 10.28 p. m. Fare 10 cent- '' *®i'7
Leave Pntnani for lianieison at I6 3J,
then hourly till 1.35 p. oi., ha 11,,, -V
p. in- honr.lv until 10.35 p. ,r. ' *
banieison at 77.10 a. in. and then Lou Or 2
half houilv until 7.10 - "*
1.10 p. m..
P* a..
until 10.10 p. m. Fare 15 cent;
Leave Putnam fr.i Central Villasreand
*6.35 a. m. and hosr'.'irf
: *» p- -..wl
mediate stop? at
1 .i$5 p. ni.t halt bout lv uut
until 9.A.1 p. ru. It- turning, leave
la-p at *6.15 a. m., 7.45 a. m.. L->uih therwiW
until !‘2.4o p. m., halt hourly until 6.45 r -
hoi.r y until 9.45 p. in. Fare*25 cents.’ \l; C
connect at Central Village lor Moooup. fmt
Leave N -rwi< h for Putnam at 6.45 *.*. ^
hourly uut‘1 8.45 p. m. Fare 55 cents.
Putnam and Providence
Leave Putnam for Providence ami war !*>■»
at 6 .>5 a. ru- chans* iru? at Elnniile on’inaf
the Provide lice ami Danit Ison Kailwav, iftrw
Elmville at 6.45 am! 8.45 ,t. m. and'
thereafter to and including 6 45 p n..
iog, leave Market bquan , Pi \idencc, atTj
a. in. and hourly thereafter to o.4o
5.45 p. m. Fare 75 cents.
*I»oe» not run .Sunday*.
^Sunday*, one hour later.
vSundays, 2 hours later.
Ail southbound ears eonncct at Contra! V|
lage with earn tor Moosup
Above table subject to r
ire wit boot tMi
fc» 'A' jitj.A,
fipars the ^,8 Kind Vcj HafS *!« jfcjs
s%“‘™ 1-H
Putnam Mail Servict
From 6.30 a. in. tv 8 p. m.
Sundays,from 8 30 to 9.30 a. m. The loMw i#
remain open to Lock Ro\ holders u^tiika
Holidays from 6.30 a.m. to 12 in.,.>.30 to Tr t
Carrier*? window openSundars froia 8.30t«rJ
Open fiom v a. m. to 6 p. m., closed oc Su
day* and Lcjral Holiday?.
Ht _i '' i) F)ivision o,»cn *l*i > ing office hours
DEI ivk IK?
Ilv < 'it' Carriers iPtrv, Sar Uv* isi
1 Iolie.tV- • N > J’U tl I ;t! > rn. tad 4.»i
in -; h it • ■ 11M a. 111. hi lU ,vi
One uedven l>v City Cab les an IfolidB*. J
HO ks o» C*)l » ; CTI »>S
!•'; ..fit i ’ .-I f Le’ter 1> • • *, ?’lBdtT! «
Holiday? exec, ted. »,.! iK-putchw.)
Kl MUF > 11AL >Kl‘TlON j
Co!lt i,Itom'ijj
• >.15 ?•> 6 10 a. m.. rr i ' - ■ : od *t 7.’i!s. aj
s. in 11.30 a. in., «• ' *■ *• Ills - j
t > to 6 30 j>. ii, , •• “ “ !.42 1
l»>.00 a. ui.
li i:>in.
3.30 -t. m.
5.00 p. Hi.
- • ed
«t 7 W l %
•• 10.10 -1
“ 7.43 “l
m i; \i i- itKi: delivery.
Houtes No. 1 amt '1. !
II a! arrier* lenvr daily. Sundays toi ftij
dav* otcepu-.O at 8.10a. in , return at J.M am:
M lihiMo matter, weiirhinjr 1 j oaotfe or i*
*e:.t hy 1'nral Carrier* mu*t be prepares?
stamp* affixed.
1 \n\ V<>' II >r -tnd ai!
r'ortli, i H»t. smith anti \ve*f at 8.13a.a- \
It .-ton. 8.IN. 10.l’» a. m.. 3.43, 6 05 p. a. '
I>auielson. 8, 11 a. m., 3.45 p. tu.
Norwich, 8. 11a. m , 3.45. 6.05 p. m. ;
Himtft»rd, 8, 11 t. m., 4.10,6.43 p.m. |
New Y ork. 8. 11 a. m., 4.10, 6.40, p. m
Worcester. 8.1”) a. ui., 6.05 p. m. !
Woh*ter, 8.15 a. r.j.. 6.05 p. m.
Williniautic, 8.00, 11 a. 4.10 p.m. j
Sundays from all point* *30 a. m.
.. .’> 33. 7.43 P»
. 1.15,31
15, 7.45 p. »
5.33,7.43 pm
3 33, 5.35,7^?
. 7.10 DJI
Boston,7.10, 10.10 a. n
I > inirhon, 7-40. 10.10
Hnrtfoul. 7.40. 10.10 a
N- \v Y ork, 7-40. 10.1<
N w Haven, 7-40. I I
Norwich, 7.40. 10.1" a.
Willimantic, 7.10, 1«», 1
Worcester, 7.10, 10.10
West and Sotitlicrr. >r
in., 3.15, 3.35, 5.35, 7.45 p. in .
VVor«e*ur ami New I n n. North, "If*
tions, 7.10 a. in.. 3.35 p. iu.
Worcester and New I. ud-- . South, " *T 3
tions, 7.40 a. m.. 5.35 p no ,
Boston and Hartlord, East, Way
Boston and Hartford West, War *
Boston and Pough., East, Way M»wwk*
p. m. -
Boston aDd Poujfh., West, Way Statius*
a. m. r m
Boston, Providence and New York, h*k
Stations, 10.10 a.m. —
Woodstocks. West lord and East fori,
10.30 a. n< .|
VV’oodstocks, South, North. Eash 1^
5.35 p.m. .
Pom tret, 8.00 a. m.t 5.35 p. m., by ***£*-•
Sights for all points 7.43 p. ni.
sundaes for all points, 3.30 p. ®
Tlie Putnam Sprin? 1
ChuKetore the WorM.
Telephone 144—4
Calcium Carbonate.
Magnesium Carbonate.
Sodium Carbonate..
Sodium Chloride....
Sod inn Sulphate.
Sodium Niti^ate.
Pota^ium gulpuatc.
(>vide of ’iron Mad Ah
Volatile aod Orga** ■

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