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J She ATevir Mayor Based OH 6JI. Broad hursts Successful Play THE MAM I * wn ran^ y u . of !°w3S out and told tier tbev'd ni» to sell myself and Slv wife— p:::iHed Herrigan •ah try in* to eaiui :< :,1. -What do } on tlH-y've forgotten all you’ll still have the ,u'< Folks won't ask -•• All they’ll care to got it ” Ko -erts blundered . o i; the interruption, step was to organise ,,ters' wires, ami they wife this morning .•J I ? .... „ f„r a dish nest bill. \«t thinks I'm the squarest. Lt nan on earth. Oh, you needn’t . I?t,r rrust means everything to *%!* told tiie women I wouldn't .-iv deed that wasn’t hottest, i'"Set answered: ’Ottr husbands be ” jjr Kolerts is a crook. If he is jw hv-irs! he’ll vote against that , „ be dui before.’ Then on ray tbis cihui I met my little ’ was crying. I asked him jfl 'be matter was. He said that '^8 bad told him I was a grnft lteii you." his voice rising almost , (cream. "Bennett’s made my life jcl I’m no crook. I’m honest srjre you're honest!” Horrlgan ex wi. as though to a cross child. «s The day! That's why 'rcTotii.e f"r "ljr bill. Because the clauses have l>een cut out of rad in its present form it’s a benefit fie city •" :hat isn’t why I promised to vote I- contr di' ted Huberts, w ith a pjirinz dash >f courage. "It was 5 lse [—because"— \ Tht tort*dropper. ™>r nhui why, then, but Just go 'i and Jo it" *uu't! I dare not”— ““'ll do it, 1 say!” stormed Horri Voa can't welch ou me at this ; of the came. Those Sturfevnut t company notes of yours were to you and”— od I won't take them!" dec I a ret 1 ins. slamming two slips of |taf>e! i upon the table. “There! Take hack!” hat do I want of them?" argued '^‘D craftily. "They belong tc i 'R't. I won't keep them." M1 ■! have to 1 keep you to yout ‘feat promise?" them asked a voice be ' iu doing here?" bellow fury "You called me >».>• f..i coming into your pri « Icmt knocking What acaa '.j miing into mine?" ur®' -;u> tied "I had an ■ mi the city's. The time is *ken the words 'Uorrigtin' and m>*at the Mime thing. Well. *• how are yn going to vote-; 01 to (eiieve y,,u huuest, and— an thisV" bis eyes failing forgotten note* on the table, dog of yours!” shouted Horrt ss !*g a futile, furious grub for otaeiirs which Alwyn was pick “I’f’P them! Drop them. I Jou'!l_ ttt hai id enter ref Of tl summoned by I'tie the room unobserved ■tested men. • ' lie asked again. "A n* to " . • ahouid I ?•' asked Bennett calm 'tu ck eye taking in the nature - (* of pa[ier even as hi* aiert Pf'issi ra full the meaning of lakntioo ,n which they figured *’ twioog to you.?” f don't tc- ong to you anyway.” 3 Horrigaa, "and if you dsr* • feady read them. Roberts.' * 11 < kinder voice, turning to l,ri* seierman, "these were tc J««r bribe, weren't they, fo» 'w the Borough bill?” luiet r compelling tone and ^forced from Roberts a frightened ief r, H rr gen could Interfere. ■ . t v , ,4Uiet. Horrigau.” n-au-j,"i a, ,[,e infuriated bos* through hia choking ‘k ' s l et »eeu Roberts and trnH the note* to him!" plead !i . ante ‘'Honestly, i did! ou came In 1 conld have fore *sl he couldn’t have pre **■ t‘Tva f I voted against the at 1 ® *<jn»re and”— H .ire‘" affirmed Bennett, f fhe at^wraian s cold, tuotsf — -| knew U.4uU ill l l itfiltlsj* IlMSSUl , all y«m were honest at heart. Horrigaa wauled to brilie you. and you wouldn't l»e briiiovi. Now. I wntit you to sr-» Into t!io «■»*«! icil room and vote as your ti*Mtih<»>d tells you to ” lodierts. comforted. yet still trem I -; .:, i.’ eyed, not venturing a second look :• t llnrrijsnis *' N * iw. ny friend.” s;»id Bennett utly w he aiul the boss were j alone together. “what are you going to do nl ut it? It seems to me your game is up " i ”1 want those notes!" panted Horrl- ' KU!;. finding Mibcvi iit sp.ech with an effort through hi-; red mist of rage. "Why? They're uot yours. They 1 aren't made over to you. and there is i no cancellation stamp on them. They are tlie projierty of the Sturtevant Trust company, and I'll send them hack there tomorrow—after I've had them photographed " "You'll give them to me." shouted Horrigan. his mighty body vibrating with fury, "or you'll uever leave this room alive!” “Y’nu're a fool. Horrigan." remarked Bennett, w ith condescending calm, "for you iluti t even know the right man to bully!” He traced un flinchingly Into the maddened little eyes of the boss, and so i for a moment k they stissl (.a i trkinti and |mv letariat—In the world old strug gle of the two for su|>rem:u y II o r r igan's fare was sear- | let. distorted tu U r d eTons ; | Iteimtdl's |,;tle. i old. deadly In i Th*'n irihHti the bntth' its repose. ot u ,iis, t/ mm A n <1 then ' nit hj t mj motiunh v.v waged the bat tle of wills, men standing mu- , tionless, tense, vibrant with dynamic j force. Slowly, little by little. Iforrtgan's eyes dropped. He diuvin! awkwardly to one si,ie from his position in front of tlie door ft ml Bennett, without so tntich as a backward look, passed out. The boss, like a man in a daze, sank heavily into a chair and gaaed'Straight ahead of him. his usually red face i (fray and pasty. But he was not to enjoy ’even the scant boon «*f solitude. From the ante room t i il»!»s strobed in. “They're going over some unimpor tant preliminary business.*’ remarked tlte broker, -so I came out for a breath of flesh air. How are things going?" “We re ln»at.' grunted ll orrigan, not looking up “Beat?" -creamed Oiblts. ashen and inert at the imv.s “You don't mean it.' You can't in n it! Hreat heaven!" The sigiit of the other’s cowardly emotion seemed to rouse Horrigan from his apathy. “If 1 c.-.n stand it. you can!” he snarl ed. “You on:.' ■ <e jour {lerceutuge on the deal, while I"— "A percentage?" echoed <»fbbs, t«»o panic stricken to ht*ed his own Indis cretion. “Kvcry cent i bad iu the world! I"— Ho checked himself an Instant too late. “So?" drawled Ilorrlgtin. ins keen little eyes searing the otner with bollmlless contempt "iso it was yon who were secretly buying tip the si*s k and tailing in on to our game, hey ?" ••I’m milled! Broke! Ami — "And you've got it coining to you. you winning traitor! The man who goes hack on his partners deserves ail the kit king he gets." “1-1 didn't mean any harm!" mum hied the crushed Oibbs It eon dn't hr.rt you people to tiave me buy Bor ougti sto. k for myself, and I d have cleared up a million and more oh. lou t glower like that. Honiguu. hut try to think out some way of"— "Ot wt:** you cur?" •'Isn't there any way even now to make Bennett let up on his tight?" "If there was you couldn't lw of use to us. SO why should 1 talk abou* it to you?" "But I'd do anything in the world— anything"— "Von would?" cut In Horrlgan shandy "V.-s, yes! Only give me a chance I'd" Horrlgan considered, then said re fleetivelv: •No chance is ti»> Slight to take at a time like this, and nobody's too rotleu to I*. of use I've found there are three things, one of whk'b will aiwais Inn am man-a woman. ambition or cash We've tried Bennett oo ambi tion: he doesn't need money, so only the first of the three remains." • A woman? 1 dou't understand" “Miss Wainwright” “But"— -l isten here Bennett's In love with Waluw right's niece You'ie tut him out Go and tell hlui if he'll let our bib aioue i ou'll smash the engagement and leave her free to marry him -| e*n't: I—bold on. though! After ward I could deny the whole thing couldn't i lt d I* bis word against mine, and she'd never beilere 1 <-o«id do such a thing I —I might try ••Yes." grow-led Horrigan. “you might A cur that's lost mil his uene van try things that eiefl an ordinary crook would Uiilt fit.** Hut Gtbba did not hear He had re turned to tin- corridor in search of Bennett The man scarcely deserved the opprobrium bea|ed on hiui tiy llor rigan A brilliant. daring operator. be was uuknowu to bimseif. a rank row ard at heart For the first rime in his rife the cowardk-e bad cropped uUt and. to do Gibbs justice. It had driven hid temporarily insane In hia^aor eii t1' t!if i «< ‘i i»* v* js i * v > ■, »*,< ^ *;* t'‘ i carry uut It was a putrid l it of jet | s.ui a: wit. i a fin::a fct y drowning U.u ill ! tjef to cl1.’ teh llurriitan (•< :■> led him from the moot, h- t i s iv.ati I nvt' e <|ttltv rg covered f i v or '! Hi. I ,>ir hi' hopes had 1 ece cd Hr bail staked heavily .»u the deal Mor iv er. It* fid HIV. a* be Mil'll tin ;! dt the wreck iff that mighty podtanl prestige he had ao long amt wearisomely to.i t up It might eiiu. If Alwyn fill tilled hi'* threat a Unit thv notes, lead to graver personal consequences Yvt thv !>u dug pluck that had carried th s man of Iron froni the gutter to the summit of iKiiitical power did uot desert him. nor did be show the loss of oiiv iota of his customary monumental calm Scarcely had Horrigan quitted the room when i’erry and I'a 'as entereil It "You could cut tbe atmosphere In there with a cheese knife." Perry was saying "Williams doesn't think tbe Borough bill wlli come up for bait an hour or so. We'd better spend the time till then In here than to stay there aud turn our lungs Into a microbe too." Pallas did not answer. She sat down by tbe table and rested her bend de Jeetedly on one little gloved baud The sight of Bennett hia grave, hopeiena appeal to her; tbe calm, utter despnlr of his brave race— all these had affect ed her deeply. Perry noticed with brotherly concern tier look anil attitude “Peeling faint?" he asked. "No. I'm ail right, thanks” “You look pretty near as blue as A1 wyn. He”— "1'on't let's taik of bim, please,” she begged. "Why not? lies tlie whitest chap til's side of Whltevllle " "Thai's what I used to think, but I know better now.” "Then, miss." broke In a voice from the d I'irwav. “you'le entitled to anoth er know.’” Phelan, who, passing down the cor rid or, bad heard tier last words as he reached the threshold, turned Into the room “Kx< uso me for buttin’ In on a fam ily chat.” he remarked. coining forward, “but I’m pretty well ported on his honor’s character. an’ when I hear any one knot-kin’ him It’s toe to the hat What have you pot against Mr Ben nett? ‘None of your measly business, says you. ’Quite so.’ says I. an’, that bein' the case let's hear all about It.” Somethin# that underlay the seeming Impertinence of the alderman’s biufT speech touched Ihiilas. On Impulse she “Mr Bennett.” said she. “is opposing the Borough bill, knowing we shall Is* paupers if he defeats it He also sold Borough stork short t»efore he an mmnced his veto. What ran one think • *f a man who enriches himself at the expense of his friends?” “Geo “ cried Perry, “that’s a terrible thing! Bennett’s the original man higher up. I’m afraid l wonder he isn't afraid to wear the clothes of such a wbkcd geezer «s himself!” **nh. perry! Don't Joke about It”' begged Dallas. “Can’t you see tlte serl «us <ide of anything? W<* shall he peimilo.s and depemlent ou”~ I ear thou not. sister mine!” de flared IVrry in his l**st mehstraiiiatic manner. “Paupers, sayest thou? Par i*e it so! Little Brother IVrry will ‘fuard tliee from the cold, shiverx swats «»f a wintry wind. May Is* we ran sell violets or start a tight club ir” — •• 1 Kiii't!” she urged. Jarred by Ills flip pancy "You don't undersjniid I"— 'As for that story of bis booor's sell in’ stock short and milkin' a pile of cash on his ow n veto.” put In Phelan genuinely worried, "Horrigau’s looked It up an' got enough facts to make him think lie ran lie's goln' to make Williams tell the whole story to the aldermen tonight. It's a lie. of course, but it’ll hurt Ids honor a lot. an' tile worst of It is Bennett refuses to deny it " "lie does, eh?" remarked Perry “Then I'll do > .ine talking alioiit it I'!! h ive to fracture a promise i made Alwyri. blit I guess it's worth while.” "What do you mean'/" queried Dallas in wonder "I mean Bennett lent me the money to sell enough stock short to make up for what you and I would lose if the hill was quashed, and he gave me il letter to his oivu broker We carried It through, and now you and I stand pat to whi whichever way the cat Jumps. We re on velvet, thanks to Alwyn. “lie did this for usY gas|>ed Dallas In aroajie “But why didn't you tell me? Why did you let uie misjudge him?” “Ilf made nir promise not to let yoo know a thing at*>ut It. and” — “Say. young*ter." broke In Pbelan. ttugling with excitement "you come phasin' along with me Into the aider men's meet In' I'll have you get up tbere an" tell what you know It'll knock that lie of Williams' and Horrl gau'e so high it'll forget to bit groun again. Come on. «oul Tbere's anre liable to te bot doln* In the tneetlo' in mhout eleven second*. Come along!** CUAPTKK XVI. DM.1.AS 'eft alone In Horn gau’o private room, sat at the big table, making no effort to folio* her brother ami f’he lua A uieeeenger. aearcbing for Hor ngun. Inistied In. looked inquiringly at the motionless arbite fa<-ed girl, then ;«isred on te fbe committee room be yoml and on again In bin search until the Bound of bis fmjtstepa died. And ■till I*a as *at. inert, dumb Little by ittle stir was piecing to gether the facts of the long, miserable complication in tbe light of w bat Per ry bad just toil! tier It »a# absurdly east now that she held tbe key of tbe situation. She could understand every thing—bow Waiowright bad put b«r fortune Into Rmtifll atooh to In Su ets-.-* Beuuett: bow. faiiv.i? TO more ; Utter, be bad need Ai'vvns know .-u, of the fact as a w«.ii>ou sv -t :!>e young turn. bow He wit hi I to Bare her fortune :?o-1 win be forbidden Pet t ft* ' or fee iii,r» by telling of the gonerou? a-1 "Fran r.rst to last." she murmur. i in unhappy contrition. “he his .o t< I honorably and as be tho u’u I a h«>e wanted biui to and for my har ness. And I. .e the wren el foo I was. eoi dn't unde - Al publicly humiliated him Uh. if on*> it weren't too late to”— A vision of till*!"- flashed he* - miml. and she shtnld red. ret 4 that tier rash steps had eut .el “It Is too late." she confess, si To b-r seif. fighting !>«ck the hot tea s \' seared her eyes But at ea.-: 1 - .in te : him 1 know ami l»*g his foil n ness and thank him " The soinul of voh-ea in the e >: t i ■ ■ musisl tier from tier bitter revere she spra. g up hastily, unw: - ! at:.' should see tier tear stained I*t , but tile speakers, though they drew ’ near, did not enter Horrlgiin's otthv Instead, they stepissl Sato tli* ail; " , U;g committee room. The messenger had left ajar the doi>r between the two rooms. Heallztug this snd not wishing to lie awn. Dallas shrank lank towanl the wall, fearful of detection. Then the yoke of one of the speakers sud deuly arrested her notice. ••Well.” Bennett was saying In no es pev. tally drII tones, "you said you wish ed to speak to me In private What have you to say? Be brief, for 1 am busy.” Finding herself the unwilling witne«* to what promised to be a confidential talk. Dallas stole towanl the door lead lug to the corridor, but Horrlgan. as was hl» custom, hud locked It on going out She dared not enter alone the crowded anteroom In her present state, so hesitatingly she paused, forced to remain where she was. The sound of another voice chained her to the spot, and. unconscious of eavesdropping, she stood spelltmund. hearing every word distinctly through the half oi>en door way. ”1-1 hardly know how to Ivogtn." Gibbs was replying to Bennett's curt demand “It Is a delicate subject and”— “Then the sooner It Is treated to o|ien air the I letter. Is”— "You've won the Borough bill tight." begat) Gibbs “Is that all you have to say to me';" "No. You've won. lint you've lost mr ulore Y'oll've lost I lallrts \\ .iluvv! i _■ '.it ”1 hanb.v heed to lie reminded of that." retorted Bennett "and It is a I lion t C» rc* To C1ISW*U*S “Hut listen." pleaded Gibbs ns the mayor made a move us though to have the room. "One minute! 1 sn> jon’ve won the Borough tight. I've w^u Dal las Can’t we"— “Well, what?" asked Hennett. with ominous quiet as he paused iu ills de parture “Can't we strike some sort of bur grain?" said Gibbs tentatively. “Kxplaln. please." ordered Hennett. with that same deceptive calm. “Why." went on Gibbs, euilmhloned at the other's seeming eomphneme. "suppose you gne np this Borough fight and I give up Dallas? I won her by a triek. She doesut really love me It is her pride, not her heart, that made her throw you over and accept me. II j is you she loves, and I've known It all along, and you are in Ime with her." “What thenV* “Just this." returned Glbtis. wonder ing at Bennett's quiet reception of the strange offer "She will marry tue l*o cause she isn't the sort of girl to go back on her promise, especially since she looks on me as a sort of high mind ed martyr to your oppression, so If 1 hold her to her word she will not back down Now. it you. even now. with draw vour opposition the Borough bill will i:u tinsmith I- e I it K o through nmi I v III break my engagement to 1 >u Ibis Wain w r I g h t a n <1 J*-.t i e her ftw to marry you " “Vow promise that?" <rl«l (jlhliH. elated "I promise on my word of honor! Is It a iuir UtainV "tiiiilw." re plied A I w v ii ■lowly. "I iliiJn't think there wm »<> foul u cur .1 w joii lii fi11 Hie world I thought 1 understood how ut tcrly rotten you were, hut I didn't li‘ have there was ii hi ii n living vvlio could "GIWi* / ilWn'l thinI. there uiirt so lout 11 cur o# you in ail the world.” debase himself as you've Just done." "But"— begun Gibbs, in bewilder ment “Now you'll listen to me for a mo nieut.1' cut In Bennett, mlemlng the in terruption "You «ay I'm In love with Miss VValnwrlght It Is true I love her In u way a dog like you could never understand if he tried for a lifetime. I’d give my life for one word of love from her. hut I'd sooner go forever without that word than win It by a dishonest deed that would prove me unworthy of her. I asked her love at a free gift and tried to deserie it. She refused, and I won't try to buy what ■he -won't give me. especially since the price would make ute as unworthy of beraa you yourself are " “But you take the wrong view of IL Tou see. if— “1 see tbla much: I'll have to afieak plainer to get my view of thr iw Into your rile mind If ever uguln you meet me. atand out of mr way. Don't speak to me or cotue wtiere i am. for If you cross my path attain I'll treat you ten thousand time* »<»r*e than when I thrashed you lu that football game That'* all." Bennett, retraining bi* wrath with a mighty effort, turned on hi* heel and strode off into the corridor, testing till.i* taring after biru In dumb. Im potent deepair When the broker bad reeorered hlm aeif sufficiently to start from the room Da I la* Wainwright atood before him. burring the e*it Her fare waa dead w hite, ber l ig dark eyes ablare. "Wait!"" site commanded. "I must •peak to you—for the last time.” “Dallas!” gasped tbe desperate man, bis drawn face turning p<wttl»ely yel low "Too were—yoa— yoo heardT* "Mr Bennett just now called you ■tbe foUiest cur in all tbe world,' ” said Iw i>. hor v iiiiv scarcely louder than a wh;s(«-r. yet twry syllable atinsliig a* a whiplash •‘IK* (Hit tt too mildly." "Rat. sweetheart"— ••"Mis* VV i nw right." piewse I heard you nfier to w’l mo to him in exchange for his conscience. tf tuy own brother hi! I tool iin- such a thine I would not hav«» ho t-rsi him. hut I myself heard It V I I I . aril his splendid answer I; . von know. I »as joking! That It u .s just a triok to"— '.list such a trivls that made mo to be imir wife? Vo*. but l! ‘imo viiu had to do with a man - a man In a million not with a poor. . d • • - i tt s dial like mo And bo answered ym as I shon d havo an svvervd yon bad my eye* been opened In I Imo I" ••f> •!*." groaned (KM*. Mr bene on s sii'sc d took at mo liko that! I o.o t Is-ar it! I lore you! tad I" — ~.Vu l I In my criminal folly (>n m Is is! to marry you!' * ..J I let you kis> mo. My ■(»> .1 uegnideil fv'.owr by itail bon b <1 >our* I et you speak vvoulsof iosonviiio. I lwoke a brave man's lioart for your worthless sake 1 Mi. the sinumv* the horrible shame of It all! Hut l ahull thank tjod on my tombs I knee* that I havo foumt out tlio truth liofmo it was too late " "Too i.itoV ho echoed 111 horror. Id* Voice rising almost to a scream l»al la?*, you iv not going to tint) w me owr> You mviiV'— •SiottttlM#*.’* xhv atittwvivd uuivtly. a world of won doling vconi in hvr Ivvvl tone*. “you d o uo( v * v u know how vikf a thing you hiv Now Ivavv me, 1> I « i o Your l>rv»w ucv nick IMW IIIV." llv tried to a|H*ak. hut *01110 lliiug of the in of fa hie con ,A<>tr Ifciiv wr, }>tca*r, tempt hi her You, c Birk ,.>OK K| C US Hit . , l l i 1 »• ii c o «1 him Without *i wort! he «lmik out of tin* room nml out of hot' lift*. I helaa. apu with oaputiess for the comm# sin uuli* in tin* ahlertmuilc < h;imtH*t‘. busted past through tin* o>r rhlar Ih* alderman Itml man.v duties today, ami as the performatioa? ol brought him nearer t*• hi*s lmu-*d for n*\t «*e on llun ij. ui In* was positively her.mi tu with ri :hteous bliss. Dallas caught slight of him. <J *JL% o B.jrtthi »1h* iL.nd Vnu H»vr »?wa)is Buugit ’“vr Society Directory I. O. O. V. Israel Putnam l.odge, No. 33 Meet* t vm Tuesday evrinnj* at 7 HC o'clock from Oct ohri 1 U Ap’d I. mhI li oVIw k ft**** April » to < MoIht 1, in * hid Fellow*’ Hal Poiufret Strict Vinting brother* alwaya w«l Noble (»ntnd, t hath1- M. Nieholi Vice (<r«ntl, Jano Haitie*. Se< retarv. huriva II. r idler Treasurer, I-eon 1'. Wilson. A. G. Warner Pos> No. 54, G. A. K. Meets in V II. hall W«m nAMttv m'oiHK* *•* * o'clock W. H. W litttrtnon-,To*! t «»'• * inikntIci. < t.ituiK'v M«» -c; Ail S. K. SiNildiuK.iJUiMtriDitiktri Putnamf Council. No. /?4C ^ Royal Arcanum k M(Tl- 1*1 Mini -id II t*a* h mould, fit k oVlo* k, ii LO.i.i Ff4k*w« Hall, K* ut 14 T Poirtret Mmi. (rfuTKe W. I4*ijer, lU’jfent. Warren Am* *, 8u<*rcUr>. Business Directory CHARI.M K. HRAHUI K H A R « K. KI »»*l SEARLS & RUSSELL, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS-AT*LAR CENTRAL BLOCB, PUTNAM. Office Hour* * * ro., to 4 |>. n Mr. Hear l»fivr»«pFctal attention! o(*ort<orftttoi and Municipal law , Mr. Ku»**ll to prooat« uu the drafting uf will#, act* al*o a* *umlni«trator mdlruiurlBthi- *«*ttlem«nt of ate* C M AKJ.KS L. TOKKET. MARLON M.«.KI*MEH Torrey & Geissler, ATTORNEYS AT LAW NVw Bradley Huitdtritf. OHIO Hours: * to U. 1 to f>: »; 7 to » j/ Kit' II- JOHNSON, Attorney and Cou nsellor-at-Law WagnerV Bio< k Kortuedy oMi* of JoLa > Cane ut« r. Putnam. < osu. RJP"’ I‘lephooe .14-li JjlltKU li. CAI(U Attorney and Counsellor At Law office no. t New Hr.dley Building. Hoar. 9-12 1—4 7—b Hoorn 107 Elm Street. Q ■ * B. « BUT, Mouldings and Bracket*, Huh, Blind.. l»oor«. Window Km*.. Wow Turning. Htr.lghi, Hcroll a.d Bud »»»lng Klaaia. ad it itch lag. framing Klaa. Hluklag Boat*, drwrl Port., BaJa.ter, H'ar Kail nag Build*or* Klalab. Shop on romfrrt .timrt, a*ar tfc* twldg., r»t onto. < UDB Tli Pitaaa fm*q mi MaeUn Ctrwriti*. limml foaod. HH/KlUttl of il •»<l Mw-hiM- work, *04 UK t celebrated riuaMr Mteaa W. H. BAHBK.H Trm. pimua •*▼»«•« MrtAred* u. declared Aj.rU 1*1 u* Oototei Utlaeack yeor, payable April *rb aad octoUi «tt. Deperft- ®*d* alley Ik* »r.l day of *Mt BOiUwawin itlont from the drat dap of tfcr ■aaordlad TOLMTKUmi.rrooo. OfSOKOK »T MOLT Pr»*. II A. MO10NTOH. Dentist. Coart llimK Illork, Putnam. Offc-e Hwn fro* 9 o. ib. to ! f. t»., aed 2 to 5 P. » Oflro TrUjbosr M-3.Ho®« T*lepho»el7^*Il ptuus General Insu-ance Agency, riLLta arri-tnio cp rraia*, nrj,« All gowil «tto— »0o«l4 b» *tliir***ed. L. fl Foilrr a*d »U! m»!« preapt .At tattoo FOR SALE , i«k IVtttfr* iSt* A »»» *,' ^ k i» lftj 5° !»Oih Is -’; ♦cnr*- \f r<M old. H»n »s. v-s % ; « b*?t IK* r specialo" - * V:ul« *r* made » -v* •v*-,«vb- u t -ice-. pxn-Mh<* s«Hatai*tn» <*?■*. v*s n>» *«rri' of tnj*1 I'mJv iH- v ... i ** 1 \ . ■O * *;>;■ Oewpag K' i* * *h '* n">u*\ .it*F Htirii in \< ivlfFk ~SJjTHI THE \EW FIREPROOF HOTEL NAVARRE, 7tn Ave and ,s8th Pt. B*«ii *. M. i't ,.. -i». M <» imun « L«\ . \ *| V; -; \ yv. JVtt. ., i AccMlMt, ami Klfgant | Within Kiw Mimitr* Walk ol l'lirnttv*. Shop* hwH'Ih^. U¥> I wt W»'«l oi HitNkilw «) N* * 1 >ut«'h linll I m>j* *t iu 1 'tty, t'n 1< i'ar* I'a«» llotri to Ail 2i*iit-o*<U. II 50 rKK I>AY without Hath. 12.00 *‘K,{ pay with H*ll5 Suite* |3 50 S» n*l For llookltt s'IKAKNS A DABli, l»r©pt. ^Artesian Welle F. A. CHAMPLIN M«i>. St TjOtuMlloiulow M»«l NEW YORK CLIPPER a tms aacATiaT IKITRICALi SHOW PAPEI IN THE WORLD. tUI hi Yur. slid* ton, 10 Bl MUTED WKKKLT. •ample Copy Free. FRANK QUEEN PUB. CO. (U* MJfff! HOUR, » rm.lMIKKH, *w. jwuimco IHI Hi* IN LUMBER of g ALL KINDS o Lime, Cement Drain Pipe Paints and Oils Fertilizers Fire Prick and Cement Ladders Shingles, &c. &c. JOHNO FOUCO S Office ud Vtrdt muth ul Po.t ONtea, PutnMn. CASTOR IA Ik Iiiuto u4 CkiUm. TIm KM Ym Ian Alviys Bn0t pMM O. UMtlU Real Estate, Life Accident and Fire Insurance. HaUamr Black Ftiua When You Haw got done ..trying" unsat isf.utoi s Heat ing i toilers, YOU C ' N SAFELY BUY THE BOILER K al way ^satisfactory. All styles and all sizes. I in use since 185 t. J. A. HUVRARD, S«#ilir\ Phtntfert. and Hi A »}<M KtlU'l j IWftt'i, Com*.,t\m* lot Windham I a tut Tolland i liioty, FARM JlORTtilKK l\U.STM\TS Thai Inn Stood lh> Tist In 25 years The fiimoculrtmiv that juH pa* *«'»’, 1 »« to Muto* tlri)Ht)i,‘hTii('il t tin, wlist1 * tli in 11 v*1 * iHMiki'tl «)< »»•*' dtttiu*' ti'l uvting the |HitJp ot IS'AI, namely ; Thai there U t»o other properly ante at ttn«t, »rd that m» lung a* the *a»< <»*U am! the »un alune* ttifttfRA Ih* no hart! UttH'1* ahead toi the it*uit « itti t» well Mated faith, to it he 1 earn U»et« l>« tiiii m*t votmu ** t«v the holder ut t» well planed I hiii Me»t9^*ir<* oil Mteh piopetly. h’m taetdv fivt ufti* mu K‘**t Mm»£ u* Farin * have »to«*d the teat without the k;** nj n *t ugla dollai to •*.> itit mdm . a *t»k me«t U;nl «m of out \t *v t * )• Uml» umloiiii t•> nan I'ui llrm. VV« should In1 t»haM«i to tend «*« < • ve j tmmot of our loan* to anv one e’**t* «l I «n ahmluteiy safe ilift'stttuciit that vvil! net Farniers&TrailersBank Wakefield, Nebraska luhu I>. Il i'Well, l*’ve* t» Matht i'-toiV f R, II Mithi Wion. t aahlet. mi: a.\u 1 Air The Light that Never Fails. Tin* lu*»i st *»ii Hi® Mmkt'l, till thing* <*on*hle,t*sj, 110 (l«t»* K«‘r, iHuhiutuvi. ( ’all mid *4*i‘ thi'iii in ojK-ritUon nt l>. F. X. MVOY, 4dt. til M:iin !Slm l, r.ili.Hiii, win-rv < Tn|>» and is!t Mipjdle* for l<am|Mi»n Ik- had. AImi rr ft* 1*1101*1 cmi Ik* glvon lo many now in urn?. I liMvi* » coUMtion of Hu** Vtolio# wbkli Imvc tivriticii lo o( , ninony lb« m era (Mwcmt ol my own makr * hit'll wit* tiiwtu imohwnI fot imnc»it»l work, »Uo teveril vary old •ti unseat* idiublc ‘oi | trior or prultmcionai |»uf * poor*. AH thour in lint hr nold. The early hird—eU\,t*t*. JOHN A. MORSE -ft® South Mmtu Htreet ( ona > Commonwealth Hotel > Opp. State House. Boston > ) > > > > ? Offer* room* wltb but and mid v.a*«r (»r f 1.00 per day and up; ruuiua with private bath for fl.AU per day and up) •uile* u( two ruutna and batb for f3 Off per day and up. Weekly ralea on room* willi lot and cold water and ebower balba, |«.H0 to fff.tO; room* wltb private bathe, fll 00 to f 12 00; eultea of two l tom* and bath f 14 00 to f‘22.00. Absolutely f I reproof, Htone fltrore, r.ulblnii wood but the doore. Kqulpped with Ha own HanUary Vacum Clean In* riant. lying Distance Telepnone la Kei ry Kuo in. dtrlolly • Temperance Hotel. | STOKER f CRAFTS. Manner. Hand (or Booklet. For Sale I THE ON ELM "STREET Inquire of Richard Gorman, Iuauronco and Rea] Eetate, Bradley Building, - Putnuo