run* rikkiki
L&trit Nrwj Condenied.
The dltoovery o; « e *inft with « Htte
eainlai ha- jii-l t« i> te|*irl*'«l. Hie
Yerket oiftef t Hot)' lift* it* fit veiling
their apparat .« ready to wateh for Ihe
iialiey itiii,i ! who it t- now alitiut Ine.
Fftlllpt lit* atfarii i r e nnet It tile Hal
ley, witicli may have enconiitereii*nme
aeetlrrttimg lone in II- iftnnji Journey
of thou-arnl- til mitiiont of niflet*. It
l«-l o|tj««rttl in |e t, ami »*» H|tWl
erl again In t min it an i|uerr.
The Klluuea volt trio in Honolulu in
now In a more •cine t njjtlion titan at
any time tint • I' • I.
A burglar, w hn luul |>u--i il more
than hall hit mitluie yearn If, pr.-m,
when aye mu -<nui> til tin other tiav,
aaid that llie life ttl crime I- a failure,
A young Italian win drowned Inal
WHk at Mantlifiil, ami hit Innlv wan
not reentered until -e.erai tlayt after
want* HU linger* were foimrl nra-|M i|
Ughlly around the nml of u tree at the
bottom ol tire river, an If he hail -ei/n-tl
It to keep from drowning. “ I frowning
people granp at tlruwt, ini fori tiniilely
tiin trratp wan untier the wait r
A young man At Oil I'a., wlm
11n<l fallen from a bridge and broken
tii* neck, hail the broken vertebra* re
moved ami in their pla e the doctors
inserted the vertebr.t-of a dog. Me left
the liospti a I alive ami well, hit head
rcwlilig on the *41»iirr*i of a dog. An en
tire niHti might !*«• re made that wav
VS tint, or who Mould be be then/
I'ope I'iua \ in an interview last *
week with an Vmerieun lh«hopt de
« la « il that the confirn mcnt at the Vii
Mean, the burden* of ih Church, and
to hi* unuppnss* (I it* ire to return to
hi* old Yenitian home, were limit* than
he eouhi iiear, and be feared lie would
noon aiKHMimb,
Colonel ( ok thaia, m fio d«.e-» thing*,
ttfnjr U tli at the total excnv it Ion on the
Ihinama eanal, during ifie ujouth of
iVuKuat wan . rj. MUt cubic yard*: the
month preceding the amount exciiv a
ted Wli »,IfgttN40 Ctlbie Yards. lit"* he
lief that the eanal v\ 111 l.e finished in
fl v c year* and at mueh le**» cost than
the estimate, be is going to make good
One of the oig el v |i engineers who Ull
derlook to build tiie eanal, and gave
up the jolt as ho)» le*%, said it would
leipiire *Jh \car* aim l w lee the estimate.
David I’ loiseh, last chief the IVita
w atomic I ndiatis, died recently on tin
Indian reservation at Menominee, Ml
Chilian. I be < hipp* w av <«, Menonii
ww*, l*ot* tvatomies are not extinct
but dwell in the vicinity of <»reen Iiny
and in JkK>r countv Mich,
Mr. anil Mrs. Iioind* Virility re, of
M' Kih> l(<K k\ Pa , have 11M'I l*orn to
thrill 20 children In »> u iirs All *in
flic* mill all Ii\ Inn. and all Ian, healthy
mol «oo«| l«mklnn
In full view of 2d,Otar horrified s|tce
tutors, must*mbird at tin* I all ground*
nt \N iitvrv »ll« Mi , la-t wo k Wedm
da\, (harles ii Joins, a wall known
H« rotund, fell from Ids balloon a diy
4 lance of otMi, find died an hour and a
half after (lit* accident. His w It* and
child wort* Hin-mg llit* (list to roach his
niik* as In* fell.
Tin* trip round the world in m>oi» to
In* made in forty din*, l*y moan* ot tin*
high hjhhhI strainer* an<l by rail aoro**
Kuro|»t% \*iu and North Ameitu.
Id Peter J UUdmiiM, of Now York
after roMiiMoilattt'K a luUner i»n|>iKw«ed)y
killed by electricity, last week \N od
»o *dn>, made tin* astounding Mate
moot *'\‘»t a murdoror whoso U>d\
«*\er went to l ho gnu e Irotn thodoath
c*»*%tr win ovor killod t*y electricity.
I very (tiu* mot death from l ho dissect*
In knife of the surgeons or w a* nmoth
» »d in ‘juioklimo witti width they
w* ie surrounded after their so-called
to.-dh I It* otto?*, to |r rovr hi* deolnra*
lion, it allowed, \ uMisoitaUntf the
ne.vt man eleelr“cut* d
Anttux ('miifum, s uu-at ex|**rt on
Itmla'r, Million to the London I'liiirx,
hold* that unle** ilifr»' i* h \ imnoo*
campaign lor forod protection, Inllia
tul hum to lhr nation* most interval
nl, thr world «!ll liaM-to rrwirt to llu*
I (■alula union’ll AI no* amt the Ant*
turn sat let lot ilk lutniirr t lit I ly tear*
All over Turkey Vlie women nrr di»
cardtng llieu loll* mol air taking part
In thr alreet dcmon*tration* with thr
mrit in celehrallng the new liberties,
and thr Mint ehrrr thr urn riled woinrn.
A tin- in Itawhiilr, Net ada, made
(««i |aople honirlr*.*. mani were In
f»r«rrr»y WAAalue of
>7.<i,(mi deal ro ved.
t n-itenek. too|irr llewiu.a grandson
of l*rtrr t i*>t»-r, loft an relate estima
ted at front tt\r to eight million dollar*,
tioi|Uralnl ntorr than M.mai i«*i toeha
nlalilr institutions, and thr Mriro|<oli
tan Museum of Art, and the Yale I ni
Tltr Intrrnatlunal t'ongrc** on Tu
berculosis inert* In \\ ashmgion, Sept.
i!l |o (Arlobcr 12, Inclusive, and should
!«• of much lute reel to the pronto of
< omieclicut, both front thr prev alrner
of tuberculoid* in thia Stair and front
thr successful work now la-ing done
here to rout ml thr disease Onti*uinii>
lion Ita* lawn termed “Thr Scourge of
New Kngland," and .vet ii max la
* lain la-il out—that * what thr I'oitgres*
I* for.
Internal commerce movement* for
the month of July, a* reported to the
iturenu of KUUriiof the lteparlment
of ton i me roe amt, continue to
alto*, im prut ement* over the preced
ing uioulb* of the year.
Beginning i * trig Store
j s-|itcml«'r I f * vv iI! < !o«e
it’s Do -rs as folnws:
M T.'trtV f t* ^.45 P* ».
T' * “ i«\ l.'ttiii.. 5 4>
\\ *"1u« *"'•*' I > i-g*. H 45
11,tu * I * * I V«*| n , 5 4 *
l i ulat l‘v< mi (.* -. 5 4 •»
"' llhi lav t.'• i . W. 45
The Byron I). Binjhce Corporation
Windham County's Bargain Center, Hughes Corner Conn
New Fall Merchandise
ha* now taken j.c*'* -*if n of the hi g store. V- < 2 " new prepared to show you acn t a ed
styles in Milliner). Cloaks, Suits, Dress (.noil- Domestic**, Hosiery. Underwear, Boots
and Shoes.
FREE Car Fara ta Oar Oit-«Miwi
Within a radius of twenty miles on
purchases of ?' cr over. C ar fare
ve i: be ptid one way. on purchases
of .*10 or over, both wavs Pur
chasers from Ornsvenordale. Me
chanicsville. Lhtyvilie, Ballouville.
A'lawaugan and NV ilhsmsviile will
have fare paid one way on purchases
of 50 and both ways on £5 or
" Shoe Store Corner
ix b.-ttrr l titan < vcr Iwfor* to
ttifcl \ our toman ih in *tyli*li hii I nilitbl*
foot t* ( 111 .
'F lu* n(*i«l (T Hti iii in xhot-H i<* ft wine
< o on- calf polixli, exclusive luotloln.
e 4.00 a pair
Thu ouzji J»lf iofi, ffiia-ia ralf vhiuj but
ton 111«• b'-iglit <if faabiou, #4.00 it pair
Our Fall and Winter atock ix full of goo<l
thingH foi tl* feet. including gun iiutal. pa
tent eolt ititj! Kiihmh calf, button and blucher,
hi prte* * that will fit your pocket book.
Voung Men
F^>ok nt our win#* colored blucliera. The nobby
►ht •' for Jail nt #!{ 50 n pair
Do Vour Feet Ever Trouble Voo ?
Yon will for .-t you liuvo feet if you wear n
pul of Slt‘t>>oll Simon All hut her ami nil lustn.
#5.00. #5 50 alol
School Shoes
foi It.o , ai ! ,i! 1' : fnuu #1.00 fo #2.00
11 Mill'
\\ m il 01 I! .SHOW WINDOWS.
Strong Offerings
Dress Goods
We call your social attention to the es< 1 r-ive
Irea- patteiiiR of 7 yard enirtha. th.
a re the latent creation o# I he foremost -it-- j<->t -
I'nee*. (1,2.') an I l ' - vat t
Something New
A spot proof Prunella, in hla<k leutina fini-h.
f 1 00 and il.50 a yard
We are now prepard to show you a full
line of Lanndowne, in all of the delicate tha ies
for evering wear at fl.OM a yard
for Fall Days
The following items represent exceptional
I Ladies' Jersey nbbe l fleeced lined u-i- and
I pants, 25i* a garment
Toadies'Jersey ribbed, white and nut n il wool.
Vests and punts Price ?.’»<• a n irietit
I,adieu black cotton hose, special vi.. )| pair
for $ 1.00.
Out ini' flannel and kimona cloth. Now
is the time to prepare for cold weather.
Exceptional values, an<l a big stock to
select from.
10 4 blankets, in grer, white and tan
with plain and colored borders,
6!>f a pair
11 i blankets, in grev and white with
plain and colored borders. Prices.
75 to $2.50 a pair
11-4 all wool blankets, in white with color
ed borders, $4.50 to $10.00 a pair
Line ot Outing
in all the staple stripes and cheeks. Prices,
8 and 10c a yard
A beautiful line of kimonii iljnuel, in all
the newest designs. Pi ices, 1'J I-- and 15c
a vaid.
A big line of comforters, ‘-dk<>lin and
sateen, covered filled with a good el an white
cotton. Prices 1.00 tu $4.50 each
Templing Values
h\s Fall Millinery
Fall styles are arriving daily
and just now we show some new
models and millinery accessaries at
prices which command attention of
eariy Fail Shoppers.
It means money to von, to
to unit our Millinery Depart
ment before placing your fall
Advanced Fall Fashions in
Women’s Suits
It is quite unusual to find such at
tractive prices on new tailored suits
so early in the season ah we are now
Ladies' Suits, made from tine
quality cheviot, coat trimmed with
sateen folds. Sateen lined, 30 inches
long. Skirt made full flared. Prices
815 00
Tailor made suits, made from
broadcloth aud panama, trimmed
with silk braid and stitched bands.
Coat 3 land 3> inches long. Skirts
nia le in all the laiest stvles. Price
S 20.00
Wal h Our Show Windows
The Byron I). Bughcc Corporation.
Bugbee Corner
Putnam, Conn.
Hri«■ f and Entertaining Account of Trip
Across the Stales.
Writl«*ii l»\ T. \ Sulli\«n
National < "ii\• lit :i*11 - f t he groat
fiHlirnul nr^mii/Htiiiih that *i uti tttt
intug together, from «*\i*r\ *tate, tin*
M pit 'M iital ivt * of iitiiniii <|h i»i l iioit-ainU
• •I their hrotini* «mi' * it h*'t hi* an-*
limn tin* ruiUMiii'intinn of tin* impor
taut t*?»m**, which ari*«* hi every on hr s
ami to U «*«piitmI• 1 \ *ol\ctl m••-•it at*- a
• •onlerein «• of im iniMM - icii from
roit jurimlii-t ion ». rinding m»**ioii**.
with weighty .jm-tinrm to omohlrr. fin* j
-.1 i iij'i"!*' to **•• i»r*- t"i tin- 'tali1 tiia! j
•ciiiN him •mil h‘gi*latnui aw it* im-m
U*r*iup <|e*ire* ami tin na-tli'M rmilixt j
to iiu*h down *p«*> tal privilege *eeher*.
!• a eoiuhi out ion »*| <|utu’* impo-ed oii j
»*m*»v national delegate.
it ilium- Moik, wnriv, hint l«* an.I !
tmi**t ?e, t hi * homo to ii |ii<x<‘nt a “tal** !
<n national ImhIv, hot it lot* it* r* j
ward*, ttill\ eompett-nt ing every labor j
ami -a. nfu. entaded. Fleet ion for *er
vi<< u* a delegate • tin nx with it a trip
) i.< of tin ptitnipnl «itie* of tin
country. *.<m ia 11 \ to •out'" tar di*t«nt
point, an.! tVs Appoit unity to “«*•■ *otnc
>•! tin* < omit iv i“ om* **f tin’ irwunh
i tit. -.•; \ i. • rt n.h*i*,.| \t Norfolk,
\rt HI I "7, I hi National Convention ol
thi Ktt of i ohtntlm* htIih t s*
I mnv W a* tin* rotiv» ntion • it \ tor
lntiH, v\«* with anticipation* ot
a delight! I tup that on |**ii f \ of Con
hint nut - !• hit I *i 11 Mum «»ii ''.it
to<la ' , \i j. l-t. ett until* lo the Mm*uuri
• it \
\\ ,• , . i ! . I M ft W 111! i t to j
\\ i nil •> i < i ; \ i*«:t. • .1 < iiiiimiti:! un J
ltd i. .a' i hii • • ami »m mi early j
ddtiuj; t»<» « V It i oily tor Mitiif un), j
lit. i ana 1 i uvtiupolm. iiimina at U. !
Sun »*' |i * • ill t httlr U lull,! - h*kl
III, , hilt |> ' ' « ! w t ,1 the Ml dll, ImuMiII* ' {
**t timttit*, * \ i mu«»l amt (In' I *- .ii» |
I I I lit f. v . i , »:.»!■ ! » uHllt | \ •»’ t .! !.l ! ». j
!mu\'«**ii ti-ul't-in houmhn y **, tin- j
hi p ii \! • -1 at r .MI,! I '<• Id 1 It V 1
a !>«>•: I • ! , I’ t ? \ III - !1 i1 ,
at MuntU'ui. |«c*t i-nuui.’li mm- t,> in j
luvakta ni»»l wr ,m * “fl U'%- i !•>’ W-t |
I 'In »v*»‘!«t max “i that tin1 mutt'
»«'!«•« io«i to tench oui U n mutton i*t not .
tin* iitu-t «|tio, t whirli t* very tun* j
t !uU ;l i* uf thr etUe»t i» Iteyoinl j
t»\.r th. i.iitnl liunh s\'-tem w
Im.l i l.vtr.l to i-'iinin, a ,!,*» noon on j
wWtpfc W0 iM-jU-ntn oitt^Tftttliilt*tt each
• •tint ,luting tin- >la\i that follow dl * hi i
tin* tiiu't train of tin *y*teu», • * Tin- f
hit,*inational limit,,!. within a halt
hour of oir aitivel in Montrwil, w, ■;
out of the Honaxrnt un* station
through a ma «- ot tru- k* am! m\iia,l
••wifehr* for till, air* * T mu « aw.ix
I hr* n»,ai *> *te«n, linking Port j
land, VI* . ami t in,an** ttiroujih a tor
.ujgti tort it * oy. clean. *»u|H*rhly huilt, it** •
Ham* i*r»»l«vt«Hl by exery device known i
to modem railroading fill* u* with a
tooling of **vunty an,I faith iti a free
(hun from accident on tin*. th,* hutge*l
double tra« k rwili ,md mule* *»»»** managv
inrnt in the world Kniox mg »'»i\
comfort ot railnunl It axel that an eth
dent management can |»rmul<*, wo tool
that the '2t hour*' ride ahead of tt* *«
n,u to 1m punishment, hut pleaaurc, |
am! *o it iimvwI.
t,radu«li>. ro»«tan(i,V increasing j
*j*od until wo aro spinning along at
half a hiimlml mile* an hour, tho great
ioromolnr with it* long string ot Pull
man a, gam* tho open coturtry, and we
outer tho remarkably fertile proxtnoe
of Ontario the tianlon of t ana,la
•'‘kirtinj; tho ihon* ot tht* mighty M
l^wroiH-o Rivt-r, h,mr hour a*
vu* whirl tht>*ii|2h the gn*m lo\ol owin
II \ Now , «« tar a** tho ov* can follow,
4 a mm m>* mu ,»t iipontnK gum ami
I atraiii a \a-t ar,*a w l%oro ro^^ ntlx ha*
} U*on ^atlkotoni iIuhomaihU m*u» thom^aml*
* • ton* of hay Vni* «lot tho
uonlv. Aj., horo ami thon*. Shvk, plump
!»'**!*, livinjf in a lami of plonty. thi
* ami «m »o ^p»n. thnmgh th»w dmtinontal
I ^.ar-hn. two, thror hnmir*Hl nnlov f
V way** idol, alway* citltivatad, mS a *
I n« . aero, highly pnafmttxo. it j
I *■«iio ! no gtitw i y of tho work!. Hun
«.? hor*o*, full jgTY»wn, half jjr,iwn !
ami Isttio i'txlt*. i'm»iv, thr tioki*, for thi«» ,
a!*'* H a ^roat Iwduig country ami
h*u^* taumg i% a niurvr of mm*\i rvv
oiiuo to th** tarmrr iav,u>*i! in many
Lun- ‘ oon :« an,l we go up
ahettH to tin* ilim-r, jti*t a-* vve reaeh j
Thimbu,I Man.I* .lurn-t .ion. Meal* j
Hi I' 4 111 l ill li* Hllll IIO l*»'Hi | -el \ |i i
' • *nI* 1 lie a-ko<l; i»»«!• •*«!. thi«* feature of
tin* <»rmnl l iltiilv through Irani-’ «u*i
\ u < i- line xrel lii i. latte m tin* afternoon
hi r*a«n luronto, a -plemliil Aii»*-1 »♦ i»»i
«it v arm—' tin* < anmhaii Mr
<|rr. i li-aii, up 11> <Jat«*, a miMlel nutnie
ipalitx enjoying the advantage of a
MiiiH-t uu h nation ami every edui *tt ionui.
Im-nu religion* anil -ih ihI tneility
\ I ; till fin, t hi Til uhlili* of lathe I >||
1 at in ami I a »i lu*i 1 hv the eoolinm t>ree/.e-,
hi me off fi»r Hamilton, tint,, another
tin iving ( miailiati eit\, II milin from
Niagara KalU I nun this point lor an
lioui oi more, we rule through a more
um-veii • i*nntt'\. unit Ii like \« w Kti^larui.
it ii< I then ajntin tin- tvpinil level hititl
mul t In vital fruit growing I m * 11 of
< Mitario. ihou-ati'N ol mu - are jj: i \ »
over to the pro<ltntum of fruit a- exeel
hut a- nii»w- on flu- \ineritan routitieiit.
\i\t it i- l.omhui, Ontario, uin- of the
principal divisional point- of the t.ratul
I Itlllk S\-frill. I . i.i tv Siiiulax * \i*mn4
our train toli- into the ^ail\ il* « orated |
tow II, rtij*i o--ei| in the rrlebt'ilt ion of it- ;
relit oillila I. iltul Hi' yet I t Weill \ liutl
nil- -top over, whirh VVI* ll-e to •u»od j
advantage in e\et« Mnu ami miujiltn^
with the holiday throng- at tin* station
l liree hour* mole of I idlli# hntlji- U- to
one ot tin* XVoll.h’l - o! ||>od*-| II »‘ni»it»re|
ini* tin* Sarnia tunnel under the st
1 lair Kiv « i.
I'roiu Sarnia «»n th** t amttlian -oh*
to I'ort IlmtMi <mi i lie Vno i t. MM
through till** great Uuc *t ivtolu'# the
ntt« I baml- ni tli*' Miami I rnitk, unit
ing tin* l nioti Mini th«» I fcuniti *h \u
electric locomotive pull*« oiu train into
tin* groMt art i liriM I eavity. iViwu an
**« * V gl H«|e, but alUMY* 'low II. "O go
Sines of iii an !»••«,-flit lull 1*^* light tin*
great vault*'! |»a-'•■age. it-. anii.-s *up
|Mir»rr dvi*I tviutoruHl li\ giant -tee!
girder*. \\. \\al« !i with int* n-M tip
riinit nut ion 'll tin- giant tul***, nut * 1
w. emerge oti tin* Viii'Tit-au -p!**, u !>• •»
we a i e reminded that it i- an hour
earner tliuit it w it* oil t In* ot tun •*!<;«■ of
the rin't, ami hack jjh tin* wuirln1-, tor
out ‘lav h.»* l.-ugi hem •> I Ml injiit ! • *_;
Hi> rnii* through Michigan. an I early
mottling lltitU ns at Sound Bend, Ind.,
an. I three linin', from Chicago, w !»%*••.
\%t* at rive at 7 a in Tin* ev**r present
hi.I always obilgitig jK>rt«’i hatt'l** 'i"« n
our luggage Hit*) wo Aro la traiiMci
lai** tioui tin* IVariiorn M»cet station
to tin* l nioti station. ami forty ti\«
mintit«". Uti'i w«* are heading southwest
war.I across Illinois oil tin* taunm
' *l*ia»ii*' state k\|ir*" **t tin t
. ag*> A Alton, to out destitiAtion t"
|o our jiarty of Nutmeg viator', tie
marly three In i ml ml in 11*"* si-pat at mg
t In. ago ami St lamia i* an an a when
wo gain a true realirat ion of llto state
in. nt that ‘Vortt i* king.'' V tow
mile* out ot tin* greatest oilv in thi'
\\. «*t wo oiitor t hr porn Mt,. t'ottifnrt
a hi \ scaled utnin tho awtiitig over the
observation mh'IUhi on tho rear of our
m. wo air giifli a panoiauta of • om
held* at forty milo# an hour. Two
hour*, ot tho. creates an impression that
.inn must la* one of tho lug asset* ot
tho Mato. Onr hundred milo# more of
prairie, om* hundred mile* of com Kast.
west. north, south, always nmi with
tho hoi i .mi tho boundary Into Wo go
twnk into tho oar to roan a i'huagv
ilaily tor halt an hour The rir*t ar
I toll- to . at oh tho eye i* the current crop
report. Khoainjt the condition ot oorti
in tho Mato We get oorn for dinner,
ami the Western diner* at tho no\t
tahlo talk corn while yon wait. Ha» k
into the chair par wo go for a little
poat praU'hal alumher Kit fnl «!eep »•%
pun«tuatoil with jflinip^**# ot'aprc
com tieiil*. torn I***jjm;- to p*t «.n out
urn »•* You mention it to a follow
traveler, ami he '.mtlin^ly you
that wo ar** only skirting tho t^||*e of
the (inn country, ami this hig <tate i-.
only one of tho jgroup that iwtitrthuta*
to th»# mocRKHiM oro«*. Hrtvi'VB Bloom
in^t'Mi ami Springfield we mn fmr se\
etal hour* thsxntgh the .*at country. It
m the liarve^ting -ea****»t, amt th* ttehl#
ar»* Mi'ih'* of bustling nnivtty.
or# ami landing machine#, power driven,
ate felling acre# ot the yellow grain.
IVwerfal threshing mac h i nos hu.-,
away am! streams ot* chart ‘h»<ot into
the air. contributing to monster heaps
of tjhia material a# lug as a twin.
>pnt»gtickl. the *tato * ap»tal. ottr «ra r\
make# in the middle afternoon, aad af
tor u hriet »? . .v* i we speed «n over
lilt* la-f. ' *11* 1 l II*! M ' i miles Ih*! ttrt'll tin
and I Ik* ••ml • •! I• *»i_r ride.
I Iiih i»t tin* iinfiiu^ -li'Mn l an«i min**
shafts «mk ,«f (<»n and r. gulsr inter
vttU i|o\\ n int • * t !*** ? »<*li vein* of eoal
that c*on*tit i:* anofhei -fitrir of im
men*e v\* nIt t to this great state **•»
favored v% it 11 tin- gifts «»f nature. With
the Htnkini! n spreading its golden
glow ov»*r 1 < vision wide prairie*
rumen our tii't glimpse of tlit* \Iis**iss
11>|» i mink; lined, *wift1\
tlowmg watei way, burdened with the
tiafftt that rah know no end. S|*an!iing
the might v stream, its thousands of tons
of str«‘| sMpfMO t»‘«i on immiMIsr pier* of
granite that rise from foundationa s#-t U*iow the ritrr la»ttom and from tin*
Opposite shores sf ret idles the mammoth
had* bridge. an engi ne« ring triumph of
the first degree. high up ah*»\e th
imiihmi* liver it unites Missouri with II
linois, and through t he network ol steel
is heard the ivmm'Ii'ss rattle ot railroad
trains t to!lev cars, funks and the end
less I1M1--S of the t rathe of the r * > : I t •
IV of the l lilted States >t. Lotus,
pi ide ot Missouri.
I •>! lin e days it* five thousand mein
I*.! - . I hr K of ( * provide a series of
M M. 1>\V\ Kit,
Of I’ulnam.
Mr l>w ver was a National I H'legale
to tin- Knights of t 'olunibus t on
\rttlion, held at J*l. Lout*.
ent et 1 ai 11aients that kis ji us in a ism
iml who). for tin' visitors free to g>
a *’.-rv they will traitsjantaltou is fur
nished to merv point of i* 'erest in the
eitv, .111,1 vve ~|>eiid the .lav to g«*>d a,I
vantage. itispeetiug tlve paiks, public
buildings. olnirvlii's. business houses, ami.
in company w it li the oh of ot detectives,
who is a personal friend of one of our
pattv. are go through the notorious
"Fourth" w ard ami gel glimpse* of
den* III the * * Ivad lands." where llow >
till' under current of tlve city * life,
viee ridden, lawless, held in check only
by the eternal vigilance of the poii.v
After the convention sessions vve join
the delegates for their hours of freedom
In their oonitsvny we visit Forest l*ark
Highland'. tlve t ouev Island ot >t
i.v'iiis, attend the thoral t'lub converts,
sail hv moonlight on a s|«* ial i liar
terevl st»-amer down the Mississippi for
fortV miles, attend the hampiet. there
eeption and the outing at beautiful
Mere mac Highland*, win-re vve witness
the closing session of the convention.
Thursday, at midnight, we are home
ward hound out of "t l.ouis. delighted
with out visit, tiresl Ivut sati'tied
Morning linds us in llmagil once noire
and we io a sight seer ’s rapid tire trip
a!awit the sho|»ping lenter, vhii to the
st.skvu!' IJmsdn t'ark. Mulligan
Vventh the lake shore drive, a tew
more of the principal jsnnts ivf interest,
ami again over the ''land 1 runs
for an afleniion rule to lVtroit. This
set ion we went out over during the
night, so It IS all new to ttk We dip
the northwestern eorner of Indiana with
r at s Item!, th
through a fertile *'1 ion of Michigan,
with a tew mime* each at Itaftle Creek
and laming. Detroit, at 7 p in., and
we get our first li*"k at the nivvst
beautiful city in the West, The next
morn ill); an auto whisk" U" tor hours j
along the i»roa«i iumur' and lamhoards \
out to Water Works Bark, through the
mile* of drive* in Belle Isle I’ark. vviin -
its a<|uariufii, zoo, am! a hundred at j
t rat-five features of thi- nt v reereat-ion
ground. Sailing Saturday, at '» p. in.,
on tin* steamer. ‘’Western States. we
glide down the U troit River and out in
to latke Krie tor Buffalo. This portion
of tin* trip, math* without <*\tra expense, |
a* our tirami Trunk Railroad ticket•> art*
accepted <>n tin* isiat, is mad#* und**i |
ideal conditions. Moonlight and the j
U-auty of the great tranquil lake in
due*** the voyagers to stay long Ofi
Buffalo. Niagara Falls ami the gorge
are sights of .t busy Sunday. In the
» hr 1 \ e\eifino our train craw ls on to
the suspension bridge and pauses over
the \ awning ch.i'iii. -entiling lar *»elo\v
with tin* rushing waters u Niagara. aiiu |
then a p»-s o t* < ana.41 again t«» Top n |
to and Kingston w ht re we are to take j
the boat tin* n«*\t morning for the sail
Through the ritoii-nnd Inlands.
Vi «» ai. *nt. I lie big riv< r steamer j
points rollfst ullt t hlollgh tin* iT\ s
t;«l \va»fr** ol tin* ‘M. laiwrence river
of a thousand U*auties. Through the
islands the pilot pi* ks hi** way and a
delighted pa-^MiLfer li't revels in the
glories that nature ba*» here enacted. !
•V.iginiie. ut summer homes * 1**t the i**
lands and ill and nut among themsjieeds
the sprightly motor Umt or stately
yaeht of some fortune favored son of
the States or I anada. Tien on and on, i
through the bubbling, hissing, swirling
rapids, the boat shoot*. until in the late j
afternoon we -onie safely through me i
last of the seven, tie* 1 aniline rapids,
and under the \ ietoria .Inhilee bridge, j
just alfove th * docks in Montreal. :
t'ransferring to another H. & O. steamer,
we leave within the hour for Quebec, ;
where the next day is given over *n ;
visit the citadel, IMains of Abraham |
and many other sights of historic in
teiest A side flip to t he shrin,- of S? .
Vtine de Ib aupre. me. a .aeh year of a
quarter of a million pilgrims, completes
the da> «»n an early evening Inmt we
are again steaming tiie v- law
i m e o Moulnal, Vnotn.r busv day
of sightseeing in this up to late < ana!
ian » itv, a eoml ti»■*!».t ’s jv-i and tl*
next mottling a l*ost.»n Vwntnd train ;
pulls out with our travel tired party
t * mi ist s a 1 *»a i d.
vafel\ we reach good old Connect i
eltt. in two weeks vv»* have covor-1 1
unh s \. . an a*, i lent or im
toward incident has marked our trip.
t arried tti safety ov,-r thousands of
miles of railroad, lake and river, and
through a temtorv ot surpassing inter
«st. we vote the Crand Trunk an! this
one of its tours an umpiaiititsl sums**
M ■*> .<;.'igLg but fe.-b! \ • i* s, i
tun ’s generosity where lead*, the rails
ni th s gnat road, handing together
two great eountries. ami said we all of
.is it parting. •**s«*m*» day we want to
do that route again.'*
K A S.
The Knights of Columbus stand
foremost among the Catholic fraternal
insurance societies in the world today,
j It has over tS*«,dUO members, with
j Couacilsoperating in the Tailed Stales. j
Canada, the Philippine Islands and
Amount of funds classified:
Genera! fund, no. SI i
Ivath Benefit fund, 'Ni.sjn ^o \
Mortuary Reserve fund. ..JM.svi i
Among the delegates that attended
the ("on vent ion from the State of Con
necticut were the following:
I'ante! Colwell, X. Sec y, New Ha
! ven; Rev. P J Mcaiivne.r. Middle
town; C. T Driscoll, New Haven: l*r.
M. C. O'Connor, New Haven: W. Me
v.arry. New Haven John J. Phelan,
Bridgeport state Ifeputy James J.
Kennedy. New Haven: l*a>t Slate De
puty James T. Meskill, New Britain:
K. T. O'Sullivan, Torrington: J If.
Palletl. Meriden. M M. Dwyer, Put
The vie legates al-e had as guests I dis
trict Iteputy Rdwarvl S jliiv an of I*an
iciaon, and XV. C. Wa of New Bri
j ta n.
The "Irony of Life" Illustrated In
Stories of Fails.
Till* "irony of life'' was strikingly
I Pustraied ret ently iu the news of a
rustic who slipped from a six larred
gate and hroke iiis neck and of an
Italian aeronaut ivbo fell LOOK feet
with his collapsed balloon with Uo
worse n'sult than a sprained ankle.
A French woman. Mine. Morel, and
her daughter, while climbing iu the
Alps, near Zermatt, fell a distance of
l.'Joo feet, not much less than a quar
ter of a mile. and. although the mother
was killed on the spot, iter daughter
escaped with a few bruises Mr.
Whymper. the famous mountaineer,
had a similar).' miraculous deliverance
from what seemed to lie certain death
when scaling the Matterhorn, l osing
his footing, he fell from rock to ris k
to the bottom of a precipitous gully,
loti yards in depth, only to recover his
feet with m> worse damage than a
badly cut head Anti M. i’urville, a
French writer, tells the story of an
Fast Indian living ill t lie island of
Oghin who fell over a preeipiee l.otto
feet deep \\ i;|i no more serious eon
sequence than .1 good shakiug. his fall
being broken In tfit- dense vegetation
which grew at the foot of the cliff.
While climbing a waterworks tower
240 ftH-t high iu Chicago a steeple
jack dislodged a loose stoue and was
precipitated to the ground from a
height of 175 feet, fortunately strik
lag telegraph wires forty feet above
the street ami thus breaking his fall.
The s|>ectators gasped with horror as
they saw the man drop swiftly to de
struction A rush was made to pick
up his shattered remains only to dis
cover that he was practically tin
harmed Not a was broken, and
a week ter he w as walking about as
if U’ ’! h* ■ - had ha; pelted.
Mote remarkable a ml Indeed it 1
must imp ■ was the experience of
■ Wool -I when he was making
a it:,. Intie descent mi Venezuela. At
a l eight of ,:t 'st WixiUot thing
hit iseif iff his bil'oon Into space,
when, to the horror of the thousands
■ f onlookers, the parachute failed to
opr a The man dropped like a stoue
with terrible s]>eed until, when aiiout
2'«> feet from the earth, tile parachute
flew o|>eu and at nine collapsed. He
was dasheil to the ground. Ills right
thigh M-n hip were broken. Ix>th ankles
and knees were badly erushed, aud his
H'.^1 I eolmnu w as dislocated. and yet.
after t year S’ ent lu hospital. Woolcot
was re torts! to soundness of limb aft
er surely the most terrible adventure
of which any mau has lived to tell the
Hut It is In the history of ballooning
that one eneor.liters the most remark
able eases of sensational drops from
the clouds. When Mr Wise, a famous
aeronaut of the early niucteenth ceu
tury. was once making au ascent his
hal!«*>n exploded at au altitude of 13.
t**! feet and begun to drop swiftly to
the earth, more than a couple of
miles below "The descent at first was
rapid." Mr. Wise writes, "and accom
panied by a fearful moaning noise
caused by air rushing through tit* net
work and the gas escaping from aliore
In another moment I felt a slight shock,
ami. looking up to see what caused it.
I discovered that the balloon was caul
ing over. Iwing nicely doubled In. the
lower half luto the upper.”
1 he balloon bad, in fact, formed it
self into a parachute and. oscillating
w lldly, continued its descent until it
struck the earth violently, throwing
the aeronaut ten yards out of the ear
“The car had turned bottom upward
aud there l stood.” says Mr. Wise
Congratulating myself and the per
apiratiou robing down my forehead in
profusion.”—SL Louis Post Dispatch.
Elderly Women May _
but Not In Abunaanct ***•<■
.j*»rv -I yv ,
f tn
!h*T a^'*'
■vr i—*
ret ta»
>«• f
tan _
a her’,
ga tried „
bat ■
I"o the younger g
ready a me er
of us Tb . !i ve
a rr< r«- u « <■
them. but w<- do*«i V»> ,ire con
the on' ** ,«i ai yjjj
H'Tv li i ks and i . u,-,
the spirited ami qto
creature w. se • *ur
ditioual attrai tier .,***
Xowadtf-• •>! • it
crime to look one's ag
has lived a quarter
longer. Probably that
chief reasons why old t
no more, t »f one t h
tain—this great and
I ottrs has not adopted th
prevails among harhiri
ing off their aged and
If you do uot belie-.,
turesque. white haired
kindly soul who was r*-.,
mother to the entire hu
longer with us. go to
shop and ask to !*> shown
meuts for old ladies The iiolite "
woman will tie too amazed not tost*
vacantly at you and shake her (*!?
When she recovers herself a tn
vs*111 ners/MVQ/1 #/\ aKom .. . *
'ru*o afp
** Sftii ewa
“5 «tn
' I bat «**
-id wotnia it
>.T to he
nan race t, v
a fasbiotan
will proceed to show you some arnc
of wear that do not at all meet rl.
ideas as to w hat an old woman sb«-i
wear. First of ail, they win he fpJ
loned In the latest mode, and that **
make them quite lui|iosslhie for
dear old creature whom yon have a*,
tured In your mind Worse than nsi
they will show such n prodigiiitj ^
color that you will see at onee rp»
they were uever Intended for the
tie ancient who never should be chj
In anything more vivid than soft
and lavender.
Her Own Private Affair.
In bcr place we now have a woo,*
who. although her t ears may he ret
oned almost at the Scriptural llj,
uever mentions the fact in pub,
Why should she? It is a matter
. and it is
' t her own itjj
the tank ss
•tor ami
Why stw,
tn liecao*«
ilouaWe ba,
What is ties
t that aay <«
c:sr easi
concerns h r esjMv-lull
weil to encourage ituj
ty. Whose affair is it
she contributes largely
count of tlie beauty
I iy the massage ;iri:
she lie subject to cri'i
buys o ily the most
yes, and wears them?
so distressing in tl. ■ ;
of her daughters
grunddttugh ers «1
of tier chapeaux without addins
their apparent tig." •
She knows bow to se ct ycuns >4.
ing hats. Now, really, it must ly 1
milted that the woman who has so
the problem of selecting a bat whi
will detract from h r age has
plished something worth while. If si
lias made up her mind that she *j
conceal the incipient crow's feet
threaten to show in the angfcs of
face she doesn't wear a small hat
turns up jauntily In frout. She
learned her years have taught hi
that. although these hats art*
is only the you; -,r \v«»:ju*n 8
wear them with i ,mnity.
all * »ses a hut \\ r a shading
which is a wis*» i.
t!ie outlines rial jr
most voutbful efTe
are skepth ai. Try i:a: i’ i
i slant over the
t any years yen
for It • R(
•s a rottuM
Try it if!
a b i1
Bringing Out V; tuful S n»
Another o’
that io.!:v*s ''ii’i
!:: ;1 in the fact
' uu’an dues not i
prs for her et
ovetTSl *W 1
;■;> >ii’i linporn
Mie l« «*T
vut tile youthful
! er face. I uh '
dte will tie ^
thades. If she liai'i ■ ■ • - *o '*
icr uot despair. When tj*
white she may rest assured t*^
K still callable of < 'f
licture if she wishes aud
t may lie doue
Most Important
cf All.
And. last, the figure •ltl
■nportaut of all! I'1-10** tJ*
youthful all la lost- ^ut *
jkl wouiau of today dor* n°
her figure. Sbe ts fl,r
that. She exercises coa«»_
Joesu't allow lierseif to »•**
If abe Suds that advancing
bringing flesh, she diets even ^
obesity cure—anything "
ter from that awful fate.
Is a conftitutional disease
impure blood and requiring
treatment acting through and
blood for iti radical and
The greatest constitutional
In usual liquid form or
tablets known as #««*»*•*
Nasal and other local
are relieved by Catarriets.
flammation and deodon«