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The Scrap Book .1 sisters.” teiran the old -j . l net choose any imrtie ^Tw'rt (j montins, but shall preach __ 1 open the book. and. no » • '• I shall find the wrath 9 to c o upon the wicked, who fll; off when they hare shuf 0g this mortal coil. It is now tad”— g*e the parson was interrupted by jfjcon who had been asleep and. * w the « Tils ‘-open, cut and shuf forg"t himself and cried out: "It's ,,£!* What did you open on?” ?Tfc. tarjinse of the good man in the ‘ t lt>-it. but the deacon col when the reply came. “It is «n Kings-” HOTV pro TOL- PTE* jUj you tick's that trouble that came vonr ■* ' V ^ a res- ite heart and cheerful . y0;,r face from the light of day flfo a cran n soul and,fearful? j trouble 3 a ton or a trouble's an ounce (W , trout*-e is what you make It. *rflt isn t ihe fact that you’re hurt that Bo/omV'h " d!d >'ou ,ak* lt? yes are b n to earth’ Well. well. what si '1 ’ come up » a smiling face. I*« nothin-’ - st you to fall down flat. But to He ' re—that's disgrace <n» hari r y ■ *j re thrown, why. the high er ecu bounce. Benroul ; your blackened eye. g 101-t !;;e fact that you re licked that counts Ui r.0w d;? you fight and why? ^ thoueh > ■■»u be done to the death, what then ° If you batf I the best you could. If ; play?-5 v ur part in the world of men. the cr/ic will call It good. Lh a crawl or comes with • s slow or spry, t that you re dead that Detth com* ap,v;r Ai'A. * '* It isn't n • counts did you die? Hu Last Joke. •You say you would llkp more ex s ! (he death watch to the c.ndeiuut-i . an. "What sort of ex tr. «e would you like?” -I should ; :i to skip the ro|>e,” re fill the pri- ner with a grin. He Band. A Halifax weaver was going to get carried He went to the clergyman ami said. "Aw've corned a-tellin' you as Aw'in genin' wed.” Tae parsed smiled and remarked, -You mean you've come to give uotice (or (be banns." “Nay. that I haven’t,” said the bud ding benedict "We're noun havin' env hands, we re on'y havin' a concer tin* after tt a." Too Many Improvements. An old German woman became III aid was taken liy her busbaud to a bspiial for treatment. The first day sii-was there, when her husband called t" .tnjuire about her. the doctor said sir Improving On the second day b- was ag.i: told she was improving, aril on the third and fourth days the ao -anee was the same. This was King to the old German, kt when called on the fifth day be mis tn'd that his wife was dead in bis grief lie -might his favorite saloon i drown lbs sorrow. “Vat’s de mat ter';" a-lod the sympathetic bartender, ce’ieing lit- customer's despondent coil 0.'oil "A li! My vife iss dead." re f led the ti'-rman. "So? Vat did she ifie of?" asked the bartender "Iin fryvemenls,” replied the bereaved bus band, calling for another glass of beer Reilly Sick. John w. re you really visiting a friend a<t sight?" "Sure " “Ami was he really sick?" “You let he was. He never won a Recipe For Oratory. A n at the end of a bril lam s',-1 a was congratulated on his or;-/, try. ""’hat - vmir recipe for good ora tir.a rter asked. "I .it 1 oratory comes natural,” '' ■'’h' y "There is. though, one r" e old Jacob Walmsby's, but it c hard satisfactory.” ' i: i . is to be a public speyker. '' ' Job in Ills Yorkshire dia ^"t w... |>,( ‘Aml thu tbeaks Awm !l"" ' ! . put tha up to a wrinkle twi it? ha's right. ! awm. Now. ^'i> tha' \\ hen tha rises to meek thy •teydi. hit t.iable and opjieu thy mawtU. If Bowt conies, tak’ a sup o’ water an' fc-t taable again. Then oppen thy Jaawth w .Jer than nfoor. Then, if ® "f comes. ta' thysen off and leave fablic spec kin’ to such as me.’” *•»->» Blundering Rtason. ®“*ts. birds and insects, even to the ttisatest and meanest of their kind. ** *hh unerring providence of In *nct; man the while, who possesses * h ?her fa-nlty. abuses It and there 8°cs ‘ hindering on. They, by l-rir unectisekm* and unhesitating *Miene«- the laws of nature, fulfill “ad i.f their existence: he. In will *ui aeglc-; ,)f the laws of God. loses *Si! of the end of his.—Robert *wliey * Gtnttt Hint. "K^n i was running a room of my **r sa:'i a famous billiard player, clu!k disappeared at a treruen raio. and I said to my belpef: 'Keep I'u l ln-rrer eye on the chalk, Jim. u ’noire.1 ’ t:; the gents wot pockets the 1 said, "but they're regular r ->' - I guess you wouldn't want _ ! J 'em. would you?* no.’ said 1, '1 wouldn't. V j ' ' e them a gentle hint, though y ■ plomacy.' J- i und out later, used his it kiabt. He walked up iv Inst patrons, who bud ■ J a piece of chalk, ai d he ' i ' e in the milk business, ain't to,, m} ^ hyf* the patron istfd. - 'it so/ IUGttd Jiiu, 'fro.fl thr kiialk you carry away. ^terprlK, and lie ioid esc it if you wanted a bucket of ' ami then you cou*d have welcome ’ ** A Cruel Petition. The little gir: was T,„ .nit day* ainl ,;i ijj,. raiirstorw petit**i-h m fine weather When ii. J. the «.in s'* ,jie l • ■ tn-rame |BW;a« am. u. ber grandmother. wh dear, why ran t you ,,s it may b*. warmer tom* aia a rheumatism n a heavy jyer for *ar >1 ber prt. .. ,| » said. “Weil, ».T '"h.gbt that rrow. SO grand better ?” “ VII right; I win." Was the eU.,-i response, and that night as she km -d.e said. "Oh. I.ord. p>as« make H h„ for grandma.” No* a Shoe Horn. After a di;> in the oeean at a fash ionable resort a lady mevY.|upanied hr her little dog entered a hath house to dn*ss. After a bit the dog came run nitig out of the hath house with a tmin-h of curly golden hair in its mouth. Ft tore up and down the long aisle worrying that glittering bunch of curls, shaking It and growling at it as if It had t>een a cat—a funny sight to see. There was naturally a good deal of laughter. Then the lady was heard calling the attendant In a distressed voice. "Oh.” she said, “would you please fetch my little dog back to me? He has run off with something of mine, and I can’t get my shoes on without it." The attendant was one of those smart chaps. He yelled back at the lady very loud: d es ni. ver little dog’s out hen*, all right, havin' n spree with somethin' or other. Imt from the look of it l wouldn’t say it was a shoe horn." Etiquette and Ethic*. At a banquet given nt the house of tho prime minister of one of the Balkan states, where commercial moral it.v is still in its Infancy, a distinguished diplomat eom|>liilned to bis host that the minister of justice, next to whom he was sitting, had taken his watch The prime minister said: "Ah. he shouldn't have done that I will get it hack for you." Sura enough, toward the end of the even lug the watch was returned to its owner. "And what did bo say7’ asked the guest. "Sh ii! lie does not know I have got it hack," said the prime minister. Perserverance Is Fearlrsn But little is accomplished because hut little is vigorously attempted, and hut little Is attempted because dlffi cutties are magnified. A timorously cautious spirit, so far front acting with resolution, will never think itself In possession of the preliminaries for act ing at all. IVrhaps perseverance 1ms been tile radical principle of every truly great character.-John Foster. Then Charlie Knew. 'l imy were walking under a very lit tie umbrella He seemed to be nervous, and she finally remarked very softly and with a note of Interrogation: "t'lmrile. I'll carry the umbrella. If you will let me?" "Oh. no! I can carry It." "Yes, Charlie: luit. you see. your arm takes tip so much room that one side if me is out in the wet.” "I know, Fanny, but what will I do with my arm? Won't it tie in the way ill tli-' same'" "1 don't know. Charlie. Tom Clark dw ays knows what to do w ith his arm when he is under an umbrella with Mary Martin, because Mary told me The Sacrifice Balked A young i hiii who had been con verted at a camp meeting deciart-d that ill pride and self conceit had 1-cvn akeit out of his heart- To prove it he aid he would go down among the au lienre and ki-s an old colored woman \s he went dow n the aisle the old cot ired woman rose to her feet and said: I.ook a liver, hruddah. you may hah ao pride, hut I has Vou can t Hob -onize me ’fo all deae white folks." A Friendly Saggestion. A destitute author went to Dumas •ere and threatened to suffocate him self and his three vhlldren unless Du mas could let him have ."no fnines at ■ roe. lninuis searched his coffers thor Highly, hut could tied only "no francs •ltut I must have three, or 1 and the ! tile ones are lost." "Suppose you suf iocatc yourself and save the little ties," said Dumas. Tlie Soft Answer. It was a wise young man who (•aused la-fore he answered the widow ■ ho asked him to guess her age “Von must have some idea of it, she said. I.itIt what was intended for an arch tidewise glance. "I have several deas." lie admitted, with a smile. The only trouble Is that 1 hesitate whether to make you ten years young •r on account of your looks or ten ,-enrs older on account of your brains Then, while the widow smiied and blushed, he took a graceful but speedy pave. Particular on That Head. Vn Americau, while visiting Kings ton. Canada, saw flames issuing from a house he chanced to be passing at noontime. Hushing around the comer, he burst into a Are engine station, shouting “Fire!" At his entrance and cry an old man. the only occupant of the station, who sat reading a newspaper, slowly arose, carefully debited his pai-er ou the chair and hobbled over to a desk, on which was a large book. "Sow. said he. taking up a |-one 11 and opening this volume, while the American stared m amazement, "wofs Die aud aumlKTr . -1 don't know, but U's Just around the corner!" , s ••Weil, von'd »letter go hack . id mt the number." advised tlie *J*-* l“4n; hutting the hook. "When ti>e h»> - i i, fr,»m e inner and hear there s ■' ... * , m.hv fluikius to know fire they- I lie I»ett> anv- - Embraced THtrr, Ati in Rn** le ffti ■' *=-<» i rwUKP l ■, I stingy t1 ue of thrr oustled i>y ist a it ■ Kv< i!l this * WI-*) nisi ry tta* siiitjt lLat a frn-..J must iuue in Bus sia U.»tl *So fob are • - - !' !1 « ; ' aaKl to rnj frieiHl, to oue <* tb* tin. tiful>- triplets, eu: - frienit rtpHei! -But bow «■ T«* them apart? tbe ®ao askisi- 1 d^ut try/ i^aki Eijr frteud. Hit the Wrtng Target. f ' Hi nun Nwjsrht a turkey (Tvm old l nde Ephraim ami asked b-ni in i nki t the purchase if it «a, a tan* turkey ''**• Jal' 'ir: It s a tame tu'key «| ; right ” ^ Ephraim. are you sure » a tame turkey T i _ ’ ’*'■ y*i». sit: dere's no si t o' lioabj ! "bout dat It> a tame tu'key ol right.* He coiise.jiieutty thought tin* turkey, and a day or too later Alien eating it he came arn-s* several sh >t Uti-r «a o hen he met oid Ephraim on the street, be said: "el!. Ephraim. you told me that "eas a tame turkey, but I found some sh ’t in It when ! ash eating It.t "Oh. dat oar a tame tu’key ol right." ous Ernie Ephraim's reiterated rejoin der. "but de fae' is Kies. I s goine to te i yer in confidence dat dem dere shot «'as Intended for me." Quit* Good Enough. Sin* hail just mis*fv*s| * message through the telephone and. still hold ItiR tin* rei-eiver to her ear. said to her husband: "The Thompsons want us to dine with them tonight Is It g,**1 enough?" Before lie ■.'OHId speak over the w Ire the answer came: 'es. quite good enough, Come along " An Ideal of Patriotism. our object lie our country, our "hole country, and nothing but out o.try And. by the blessing of Ood. 11 '.v that country itself tsssuite a vasi and splendid monument, not of op press Ion and terror, but of wisdom, of peai'e and or’ lilierty. upon which the world may gaze with admiration for e' er I la idol Webster Easy Bookkeeping. A young husband, finding that his pretty but rather extravagant wife was eon sill ably exceeding their In come, brought l*er home one day a neat littie account U>ok This he pre sented to her. together with $50 "Now, my dear.” lie said. "I waul you to put < own what I give you oi> this side, and on the other write down the way it goes, and in a fortnight I will give yoi another supply" A couple of wo ks later lie asked for the look "Oh. I have kept the account all right!" said his wife. "See here It Is " On one page was Inscrllied, "He reived from Willie $50." and on the opposite page was the comprehensive little summary. "Spent it all." Calming Him Down. "If women jus! hud a little tnrt and didn’t fly to pieces their own selves when their husbands *rit to jawin' and tearin’ aronn I. there'd Is' less trouble In fam'lles." said Mrs tirlm to a neigh lior. "I suppose that's so,” replied the neighbor. "I know ’tis.” replied Mrs (Jrlm "I)o you suppose i lose my head and my tongue and go all to piece- and snj things I'm sorry for afterward when tirlm gets Into one of his tantrums'' Well, I don’t. 1 just keep cool and iaim hint down " "How do you calm him down7” "Well, sometimes wllh a stick and r:in with a broom handle, or tnebhe I II grab up a pall o' water and douse t all over him. There's plentv o' ways • > <altn a man down If a woman will only keep cool herself and try 'em.” Declined In Rebuttal. Authoress (of tin budding variety?— I got level wilh the editor last night lie always reject* my manuscripts. But I have had my revenge. Friend — IIow did you do It? Authoress 1 de clined his son with thanks. —l’hk-Me Driven From Home. "f>hl you hear that the daughter of that rich man i t the next street had fieeti driven front home?" "No! When did it happen?" ".last after she got Into the carriage.” Nd Wonder. .Tuck Yes, h> Jo tin may have had his faults, but hi* heart was on the right side.’* \V gire 1 It possible? No wonder he died. A Forcing Effect. Fresh manure hits a forcing effect alp.1 tends to produce stems and leaves a*he expense of fruit and grain It la therefore lietter for early garden truck grasses and forage plants than for cereals or fruit A Good Reason Putnam People Can Tell You Why It Is So Doan's Kidney Pills cure the cause of disease, and that is why the cures are always lasting. This remedy strengthens and tones up the kidneys, helping them to drive out of the body the liquid poisons that cause backache, headache and distressing kidney and urinary complaints. Putnam people testify to permanent cures. Mrs. Dennis Cady, of .Hchool et., Putnam, Conn., says: “For three or four years my husband had severe pains in the small of his back which prevented him from sleeping well at night. A day or two before a storm he always noticed that the pains were worse, and when he caught cold the trouble was also greatly aggravated. Added to this there w as an annoying difficulty from the kidney Secretions. He used many remedies but got no re lief uutil he began taking Doan's Kid nev Pills, procured at Dresser’s drug store. Their use stopjasl th*- ikidney difficulty arid banished the back I for -ale by ail dealers. Price oO cent*. Filter-Mil bum Co., Buffalo, New York, sole wnl for the Csited Remember the name—I loan's—and take no other. Basra tka Brasilia ft 0TORIA slu 1*4 fa HWUI8 ALCOHOL 3 FEK CSJIT Prvpanrro&r As ZSSSSSSSS iNf wts -'Children ftTJWrtraDtgre&wjCkmfi* nrss aad RntConums mm Hmimi MimhIi. I, v '|!Uh( » Not Narcotic. AprrVct Rrtnntv forfwn*R Mon. Sour Stomach, Dlarrtm Worms jTonwilswusJnrrisk wss mi Loss of Sleep. cSMk Sifufwr of /CZ£«tf*25T NEW YORK. \i to months olu J5 Dosfn - J^Ci nts CASTORU For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORU Exact Copy of Wrapper. ■ WANTED SUMMER BOARD Hv thousands of Brooklyn people. Can von take a few ' If m>. list your house in the BROOKLYN DAILY EAGLE FREE INFORMATION BUREAU, for which purpose a printed blank is provided. The service of the INFORMATION BI IlEAU Will Cost You Nothing The Brooklyn Engle is the best advertising medium in the world. It carries more resort advert laments than an v New York paper. It stands PRE EMINENTLY at the head. * * An ALVERTISMENT in the Eagle costs little, but bring** large results, because the EAGLE INFORMATION BUREAU is constantly helping it. Write for listing blank and Advertising Rate Card, Address Information Bureaii’ Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Braokyn, N.Y. Mention the paper in which you see this advertiainent. Worcester Buckeye Mowing Machines Scythes, Snaths, Bakes and Forks. Sprayers, Various Kinds. Paris Green, Bug Death and Arsenate oi Lead. TheCyphers Incubators and Brooders Sharpies Cream Separator (NONE BETTER) American Steel Wire Fnci 1 g^-GET OUR PRICES This Stove In Your Your Kitthen Wilt Save Tune Work and Money. Putnam Light i PowerCo. Removed Cvei Prey's Vmket. The Indian is Chief OK Anirriran Intorrydn » ■ i r < I i R d ii > ; : i ■ plenty of pow r, always ready. AfK THE VAN WHO RIDES ONE 9 iNni a vfmx'vrr^iH Alt' Ar1innwlr(ltr«,il to l*r (hf of thi %*o»Ut hi *|l %* i'll ir*<oi »i i-«I ttintn m il ilil ntiMcaHil Thru ir»».t«l m io„.l i hi'tn -i i r l<»M-rh» hip*', n»t lc»Ml i »l on tht* tt'H) k for th»* f»n*t m i »*n 11 hi' pto\ t tin *f *»;•»* »*-! nli, Our mixIvU iinw *m ut !(,»' AuUmmliiit' Mn*w, M< i‘iiniiu-« II u i id i ii ||« 11 iu>( iii); luu Av« , I) mi i hi, Mfi' M'IiVH'.hm proot* that We halt? inniiiiMinnl oil I l* | U* Hli<uj oi wu,«t’»u*i til . THE mm IN. CD., Springfield, Mass j. m T ITICW. j •«., A*.hi. TWO SECOND HAND »/OTOR CYCLES FOR SALE Two New 1907 Imlian Motor Cycles (or sale cheap. A STATIONERY Our line of stationery contains supplies for the business man, the professional man, the student, and the lady. In buying for this department we al ways have in mind the store, the office, the school, and the home. We make our specialty of the best grades and latest designs, but have in stock the cheaper grades- Blank books, pens, pencils, inks. School Supplies for a Song! Vacation time has come to a close, and Wy* and girls will again resume their studies^ They need lots of little utensils and we have nearly every sort of helps required, and at prices so low as will certainly astonish all comers. Edward. G. "Wright, Central Block, Putnam .... ♦hhi §111IIIMHWMIIMI IMItlllllll