Newspaper Page Text
KKlIKKIrH'Kt Ml NAM WIN I HAM CO.. TOWN. Ncpuhluan State Ticket. t.KOlUiK l.. 1.1I,KEY, Kor < iv vet nor.) HUNK K. WKEKH. For l.ltulFiianl Governor. ■ Kit E KM AN I FATTEN, Eor Trenaurtr. TlloMAH l> BBAIMTKKKT. < For < 'ompt roller.) ( oI,o.\ KL M II Kuril.Its, For .-M cn lary of Htale.) JOHN </ TJf<*oN, i For I imir n«*iri*n- at- tar if William E tit Itrlatol. Alton F.irrt-i. of Ariaotna. < harlew II K ilmk, of Nrw IA /Utlon William t hurnliain. of llrti|*ej**ft. Euiiuif - I*- N\ tmlhflm. Henry II KrHlicman, of .Norfolk. William A. Ilrot It well, of « he»ler. --««• —— For < IIAKI.E- I. A Kl> Editorial Scraps. While general improvement in hind lien* in recognized, It* progress I* alow, but *ure. An acceleration may mil I#* expected unlit after the deep anxiety of the manufacturer and captlalUt I* tjuftely by the certainty that the elee lion will <!#•<• i<te that there will In- no upturning of general affairs by new an«l fanciful *ehenn*s, but that the g‘ fieral administrafion of affair* will la*. eoofi(le<l to the hand* of tho-e who have made the country »<> i£t«ml in it** |uoHjH ril\ and w ho alone can recover ft and maintain it. The • untida!***, 1 aft amt iiryan, arc to tour the country until the election, •tddre*Miig the multitudes in e\|w»uHd ifig ttie principles and measures each Will employ In governing the affairs of the nation in case he I*-elected. \N e do not c anything undignified in the »*<•!, If the effect enlighten* and con vince* the |»eople. The two men un able and attractive speakers. Tin* disappearing of our forest* and the <*• >n Mag rut inns that sweep over Cities and villages, erenl mg inereiis d demand for luinls r. should induce the national government to offer a great reward to anyone who will discover Nine non combustible material la !*« nai'd in building that will not U* more costly than wood, all thing*considered The re|a»rt that the President Is t<» f eommeml hii increase the strength of the army to inu.euo men nearly doub ling the present niiiuU‘i may bring out in Congress the need of liiereaMing the army mi soon after increasing the navy. May it not !*■ probable that the government has good ichmoii to tadteve that a gieal wai Is impending 01 may toon occur? “ I ks s ad\ertising pay V 'fhe Hoar*I of Trade of Springfield e\idently vote •* Ve*" on the pro|H»%lttoii They have Merit out a circular lettci announcing a prize of y »oo for the U-st plan lor ad vertUing their city. I'hc eoutes'ant must furnish a caption line w hit’ll can be carried through all ‘’ad*’* w hich wilt emphasize the desirability of the city for residence and manufacturing. Put •mm’s Huainess Men's \s-.»ciHtion will w a ch over their city, to adv nnec its hi it rest* in many w ay s Kev. I>r. (. ( iiiiiplx'll Morgan, • »f tlllllkx llmt HUIIIHII SUflelgl Iii Knglnml v* ill In’ gimilt <1 al the next session of I’nrllmiifiit \ great feather In tl>r i!H|H of tIn1 wuntnii suffrages!* In Kuglatid. It mean* IliIm iimiil ry too I lobatid ha* sell! an li 111 Mini II til to Venezuela, til regard to tilt*■ rr 11 (mmimt'iiH', tot** renioved hi No\ I^t NVm*ihi|iii are to hark tt ii|> l lir Iroutli in |Ullt* of IVtinii l\ hiiim, Ohio, mill \\ i t \ nulniii Ini'. Ihhiuho a ► •lliuli limiter, not mill 111 blocking mi l tiHiiHjHirlnttoti. Ho'iiiK down of 111 HI 11 manufacturing plant*. toll Ill'll III making it difficult t i ot»tutil a mi|i' ply of drinking w alei Tin- drought*, fioO't*, tol lullin', Ill'll I' | H ' t' , mol oth er ravage*. our tin- on tile oountiy, hair already reduced tin* eviaa'led tium|» t »tii|» to nil average one. Tlir tlranil t rmi In *c**toii mi Tole ilu, < i |in"• it ir'illul ion' looking to nn amendment 1“ the x'tvlrr |irii*lon trill, reducing to • years the age ill v* till'll a veteran can nwiu >JU a iiiunlh. An other amending the pending widow s pension litiI to make eligible nil sol diers’ widows v* ho weio married prior to the ilnteof passage of tire trill. These amendment* were thin, v laid over for three years. Tfie fkvnncetieut fair tin' been a ire inen(toils sucees* It Ini' outdone I>an bury In ll« Brut effort, and established an enviable reputation at the start. Home .iS.tritn peraons attended the tir»t day and In.i**1 at ni|(ht — a total of iK«i exclusive of the free list The commission plan of city govern ment is receiving favorable attention in many places. Ht. Joseph, Mo., Port* land,fire., Hloux Kalin,8. li., have aj* Jillnled committees of leading citizens to draw up charters on tlie Is-* Moines pa tern. Meantime the “lie* Moines Register and leader' nay» of the nmk- ; ing of the plan there “There are veiv few, if any, in IV* Moines now who j d mb* Ihe efficacy of the eotumtssnm ! plan, with it* lived respouaibililv and I elimination of red ia|«. uur itu*l ijcsk Men'* Association have this im portant subject to lay before our eili aeaa, “hier and Fabric" adv ises manufac turer* that this is a good lime in w hich to make ready for Ihe most efficient operation of their plant* when gv*>d business sets in again. Hartford Bridge Dedication, ti *.«i>a v. uctonca «. <>n <ictober nth, 7th and Mh, the de dication of the Hanford Bridge t* to lake place, and fa to *' one uf tire m<»t Mtt]|)tehenafve and elab irate public ce lebration* ever known in New Eng land. A program h»* tun prepared which will occupy every moment of the three day* dr-voter! to Ihf rfedi'-a lion ceremonies, ar»ri tfie attraction, wliicli it otler* arc *o many and varieri that ther«- will tie something Ur ap|*-al forcibly to every one. Tire tledi'-atloii ccremonle* will l*-gin at a o'clock In the morning of Tie -day. i n t. H, with the firing of a national *« lute arid !he ringing of la-ll* through out flic city, followed an hour and a half later by religion* Mnemonic- in the Kind Congregational church Then ; will come an immense paratfeof school | children, in which from feri to fifto 'i tliou*and cliildreii, all carrying Amer ican flag*, will take part. Shortly a( ter noon there will i»- an hlatnrh-al ta bleau on Ibe ri -rr, allowing how lf<-v 1 noma- Hooker, tb*- founder of llirl ford, an I hi* party , > r-> , d the r>v»r on rail* and were met by Indian- on Hu Wf-tern shore. the afternoon wisl la- devoted to a largertv tc ami municipal parade w Inch promise* lo la- the bigge«l event <>f the kind that <'onncciic,it ha*ever known All of the civic wieietir* and Order* of the -tale will la- r< -presented I-y large lie legations, ami it t* -ale to »ay that l ie riuuiia-r of men in line will tie near er oti.ism than any other figure. In ad dition lo the v n*i number of marchers, which alone would la- anltlciently Im pressive, tin* parade will have many *|H-ctacular feature* in the w ay of uni form* and Moat*. On Tuesday evening historical »«I - dresses will 1m* math* by Rev Mr. Ha vel S. Luther, president of Trinity < ol I bin. \\ m. K Henney, Itev. Win. .1 Mdi ii k, Hint a poem will O* rend t>y K« . Mr. I1. Iwiii I* Parker. in the evening there will a I mo in* btmi con* reft* and ii - ••! it*onit« illumination of Mm* ll.irtford 1Widge and lilt* < cmnee* tleut f Ionic \ ard. I‘ln‘rr will be l Wo parades on Weil iI' -'dii\ , o< t 7, on#'of automobiles and motors and the other an enormous 111 doolrin1- jifoce*.-dan lllustmlitw tin.* ui rioti* 111 Mil ii la1 iu M114 and other netivi lirs of the Sia t*. l! M estimated that I at least lo,noo nu n will man'll in tin* ' industrial parade, w 11*«■ 11 will also make a great display of emhi. pi it it* flouts I'Im* automobile pmade will In* an es|M*eially attractive hature of 1 hr celebration. It will he in eight divisions four touring curs,runabouts, eki'lriis, motor cycle*, club*. eommer rial cars, and it lust rating the historical and Industrial sides Tin* cars m tin* prlvute car section will is- veiy hand somcly decorated, an I they will nom her anywhere from sto up. This par ttde will Is* held In tin- evening, which w ill gt\e <p|x»rtmilly for e*|ieciiilly el fretlve display tn the way of troth d* coration and Illumination. The hiatn rlcai and industrial sections will also take part in the big industrial parade of the afternoon. In the historical di vision will be a ilotnoblies showing I h development of the motor ear from the e.\ |a*iinieiilal days to the present time. Idie Industrial itiv tslon w ill contain exhibits of tin ( onneetteut factories engaged In the automobile business. \nolher unusually interesting feature of \\» Inisdav - program is the river mu » of v atehs .and motor ImimI* hi tilth afternoon and evening. The yaclilsiueu and canoeists of the State are making careful and extensive pre parations w hieh should result in a very U'liulif il w stei fete V latry like scene is piomtsed when theerall are illunii nated lor i he evening display On Wednesday evening also a series of historical td'haux will l a* presented oil a stiute itt the riverside l hits* h iihIii d t»eis.iiis will take part in those tn leaux M i l.: the evening there will be hand conceits in various parts of |he city I M 1 hnrsil’iv ( >r s, Ihf (ill'll iluv ill I tin* ce It'brali hi , vv \! 1'iiini1 llu* urinal I dodU'iilitiu ol l i m u I’lidgc Intho llllilitll' >|| I In lilt'Oll 111,nun ill llliilr I ll.nuih n tli n .ii lit Impniillg jiii' ei'ision In l lii' luidgf, where thr I :i -1 Hillin' nlll l*i' luiii n till 11 in' ivri'tiiiHiy . I'lir tnl'irt olth'taily marking the imiii |*U*Uihi i*l dir handsome iiini massive •IriiiTure Mill In' nil i itlt'il in llir aftei Himn, follow ini; llir In*! military parade «till'll ii in be, jierhaps, llir mnit Tril lium rvi'iil of ilir riilirr celebration. Tills will Ik* llit* largest military parade mi irrii in ill*1 .'state i'lio I'liliit' 1 iri gadeof llu* national guard of i oimee Iti'ul hm Ihu'ii ordered nut fur thi" oc casion, Hint there will U' a lnllHlinu 11 | ton regulars fruiit Kurt Trumlnill, hi | New London in Hiliiitinn to these I lriKi|ii, there w ill Is' the 7th regiment Mini the Thirteenth regiment of the j national guard of New York, noth com ! panics of the tiovernor i Knot tiuanl ami both conipanics of the (iovemor’s ! I lot** (iiiarii of t uiiiieetieut, amt a] miiiihcr of visiting military orgam.u Ilona ami delegations. tin Thursday evening the three day* crlel'ratlon will elose with the finest display of lirewoilu net wen lut'on neetieul, anil probably tlie l>eit e\er shown anywhere in New Knglaml. TtiU ills play will tw given on the ri*er, where it can tie seen from every jks>m Me point. Tiie Bridge, the Boulevard and the river will be beautifully illu minated, and there will tie tvand con certs, so that it may lie truly said that the celebration will end in a veritable "tila/e of glory Methodist think Mate*. The I .adit's vid SiH'iety will hold a ! I hi! lar asocial in their parlor* Friday,, “September 1* There wilt lie aprons and (aney work for sale. Ire cream i and cake will lie served for li* rents a i plate, it is expected there will be an unique entertainment, and the publte are cordially Inv ited —I1 red Wilcox of Providence has J Lean vtitling relatives in the city, ; p Confrtfalional Clmrtli Nate* A (Mttini of the gymna«iutn com mittee *n held at the par«otiage Tuew <lay evening. The following officers were re-elected: President, K. M. WlMlon; \ ice president. < • K. • liii‘1: neeretary and treasurer. K. K. <'large. A committee including < Y. Phiid, Kichard < ar|*-riter and « l> -har|« was appointed to secure an instructor an<l physical culture teacher. Kev. K. I> - irgent art I John • >. Johnson were ap|x<iiit>-<t a committee on hy law-. No dellnile arrangement)! were mart* at this meeting for the winter, hut many plana ami suggestion* were riia ru» i | which will la- acted upon at a meeting to tie held at a near dale. Eighteen Year*’ Pastorate. hast Hun<Jay K*v. Frank I). Sargent entered upon the nineUenlli year of hi* minl-trv In the * ongregi Hound hure!i of Putnam. He made it the topic of his morning * discourse, ( ■ ($onflned bk attnafka mainly to. I lie loyalty and hearUne*§ with which it,* mef/itr *t*Mp of hi* church had sus tained/dm in hi* long and successful • pastorate. Much might tie said of that phase of his labor*. Hut we forbear, preferring to call attention to the ma :♦ rirj }»r<'m|ierity of the church under Hi* acJminMrai on, w hich is modestly outlined in the following statement printed in the 4 hureh < alendar. Today marks the l**ginning of the nineteenth year of the present pastor ale. NS e have never made it a custom to preach anniversary sermon* or to indulge In remarks that could Is* in terpreted as U-ing unduly nedf* apprecia tive. It may not, however, tie amiss to note the un<|ue*lioriab)e fact that in our growing community we have not treeti unmindful of our opporlunitie*. I »uring these eighteen years, three hun dred and two have l**cn added to the roll of the church. We have emit flo uted to charitable purposes, outside of • uir own community, al*»ul *■ u,***). 1 he Pastor's salary-—liberal in the be* ginning—w as increased three years ago, and the annual ex fiennes amounting, a* an average, to over * • .t***, have, a- a rule, been promptly met .Ian I.IHWU. there was an out-landing debt ot m ar ly * ,,ikki, incurred in part by repairs upon tin* church cdlli *e. I.arly in the present pastori tc this debt was paid, and enough more money was raised t » purchase the organ. Since then im provement*, including new windows, | metal celling, repairs ii|mn chapel, n< v I e irpet, ami changes in the baMUitent, | have l»een mndc In addition to thi j the parish has added to its prop* rty ! the parsonage and t he estate on l.iveiy street. I he only present IndeMedm i,> Minon the parsonage, and a -mil -l'.inki on the parish house, which is being gradually lessened by ret unis from the property . Through hgaclc we have a |* moment fund of - .\ono vvIihm inti rest is to I*’ expended m pa mil e\|k rtaC' If the condition ot the church, when lie assumed charge, were stated, with Ms small congregation, which has in creased full thrice and in perfect liar moiiy, and il- coniribulion* in still larger proportion, a la tter conception might !*• had of the 1mps.rumt work neeoinplished in his eighteen year*' pastorate. Two motives has governed Ins ! ilwir- I irst, to bring |ample under church influence*. Secondly, to llnd suitable work for every one to do to advance their own and the church's welfare Hence it* growth and pros perity Miss Aleximt f ar ley, daughter of Mi' liciiifi' I iirlrv, Providence street, was uiiili'il m marriage fuesday iimin iiu', in St. Many's church, In Hector I in \ t* r. The nuptial ivn iiH'iiv was performed l»v Uev. John Vim den \h »rt There was a larue *: itliering of relatives ami friends Mr. ami Mis Payer It*ft mi tin* aftenuH»u train lor a wcddimt Hip P* « amnia The\ will ivluiii in three vm*ks to reside in this city. Albert l a\ reault ami John llib eault, Iroth of this eit>, were injure*! in tt collision with a south bound ear at l>nnicl*ott Muminy ntirht The men were (truing alotnc the west side of Main sireet when Mr ltit>eault. who was drt\lug, pulled the horse into the track to cross. At the lime the cat was almost u|>uu them. Motorntuu Shlpjas* reversed the ear ami applied the emergency, but the car went into Hie carriage with a eiash, throw mg the two men into tin street. I a\ reault was wars' hurt and four stitches wen required to close a cut under his left eye The lame under the eye is also crushed and he will require hospital attention lhUaull was stunned ami suffered from shock The horse w i> somewhat injured and the c image w reeked how'» This ? Wo ortri Our llutnlioil iMMstr* K »xn! lot mix t **< of t .«l»rrh that - anuot Ik* * urt »i ht 1!aU w t, <t*ii 1> t ur» l I CHUNKS A 1 O I'ultnUi, O. Wo, thf uiulom^uod have ktoao F• J. C’hotirv tor the l*»i l"> voar*. *iul brltrvr him perlVvth Itorntnihii* ia ftlt transact an.l t;ti!<i «»HU to oarrr «»»it »i»% tiuui t>\ ht« fimi W *1 UiNli, Kinnxn X M \R\ IV Whole'air l >t 1 oio»io, O, lUll’st «Urrltl‘ww i< taken internally, tot itig tlitrellv u)H»tt the hioo«i »Uvl mucous »ur» l«V4 ot flu* mtnti. IcslituoaiaU *fot fix'**, l*‘ c TV |«* r SoU bv al! lb u^^ist*. Take U*H'* Family IMU for cvMti)«thtb. Births 111 I'utnatll, St-pUMiilarr M, win to Ml amt Mrs Ku|(cn« TtMU'htUe Marriages In North \\ ooil'.tiH.’V, Stfi>n-mt*>i by Koi r V Turnfr, 1 >hihv" lHmoian ami Kninia tl^uriOM Deaths In i ilo ratio SprinK'. S,-|>teiiila“i *»iti, i a ml i nr t'anforlh, wifr of Anhui M ll>>l<-ul To|a-ka, Kansas. L. K. Hmxth Finiskii* lidrrtahr, Arcade Block Main St. Attw4Mt AlfBi tt T»i«ph»»« Co a a*«tl«s a Ballard & Gark, I Funeral** Directors ♦ Putnam, Conn. T»t«pbon« c«a* ttMWcred promptly X1«M J—»«. l>«j 1_«. l.» t« »»' *u»l »b« i t Distinctiveness HATS TV' season get a Hat that has character and individually that i. distinctive :n ail the details pt style, hit and \\ caring Quality. No matter how particular you ma> be aU.t the! essential, hat features. you 11 find exactly what you want in our line of ©©©©©000 Guyer Self-Comforming Derbies The Church Clothing Company Putnam [0(tX4N GJ CSXSJ •II* Hartford MM Danielson MMl'J I WHEN YOU CO ON YOUR V acation I ; [lon't fail to get n pair of our urw am her j ||- <*V - UH fl! OVl l Mlioht i «>l ojoi * ! 1 Il'IiM *. H. W. Thompson, (. Conn I|-»i -«• liuii liOif, _ I \ \ >' 1 1 »\ ! " tcrfeaie Ht a ton -on-iliic |iric* ‘t * nrn, m/o Ix-iO fi-ct. ! iiiii.l \v!,:i j.iii'. * tu-tlli'il irH.iir. \ll iii it-..-I ■ 'ixli'.i'ni wiUi Ih»* l'\(<‘]>litlll of il |>ot!i< * of 'ill. limn can readily u> taken down ami ( lno\ ml lit mi \ Inritlll v 1 . | ; ( i .oiK, Lock Lo\ 1 >7, I’ntnam j Notice WIi-’fi-M, I, 11'»«* *'*»- i*m i fiiivint: 1<vied * j t*V WUIIallt 91 I'M > II n ■ ■ t . i it. »■•! ol luu I »»t u»t «•»! in I hr village at Kmth 1. town of I :»-!!«**• I, I f WmiMy of VVioilliini, *tut«- •»! < ounretieut* taxed and d tt> W. I I *' in w r»t;*tr uii I twd to ttt’loilg to - t I • I h*Ull *• *t : tiu.r of and -titaniiug ten tbotl'and mjiiuia: fert «*f luml ilc*- > died ;u* hdlowv : IW*» ginning at tht Monthwes; > i <et of the gat'd* t: j of the .John Work '* -» rulle*i on I hr N-nth | Ante of tin higi-wax. :hrnrr N rthe«l> outlie garden, one timlre<i lee!. Ol* r* *• \\ r*t« i Iv on th.» Unit fit iMai<i <*runtotN, mn ht»*! feet. Ih«iue bxi'hiilv one bundled t »t 1 he nee | r.uwterlv on tin Vufh vide ■ I the high wav, ■> •< hundred Cert to the j.Uee of beginning. *U b ribed on |• *u*e ',s. vol. 5, land reenrd* ol lhe ' tow n ol K.4-t t*•* Said lev X being f«»» the pav m< i:t ol Ih\ tier ’hr town <»t h i*tlord on li t ' l'tuT. ami union itn _ with legal i titered t * '** 1 Tins* 19 to give not < e that oil tin’ '2nd dav November, l'M*S. «t !* .iVlook a. rn., at the -ign j |» »*t in the vil:;i... e >d Had ford in *aid tow n of K:t*H'irtl, I -dial! ->eil enough ot said real e*tate j I i p.iv said tax !■ thei with the lawful < •*»'* i m l » , . . < AUO r I \ 1 11 VM • i .<■. ?ot ol r.»x« I'owii *»t hasttonl, |*!n»ein\- j viile. t \u„ id 21. 190K. I George W. Perry haiiieal and Civil Engineer himI Kurttjor HICH HUM K ()>• r Flagg* More, PI TNaH. €'<!>' Registrars’ Notice ! l'lu- ltenislrar* of the Town of Put nam hereby tnc notice that it hey will j meet at the office of the selectmen mr I'htirsdav, September i£, 190$ from :* o'clock a. m. until ■"> o clock p. | m. to rev i'. ami |tcr!eel the list r>f elec- { lots 1 1 saiil Putnam. l a. revised ist niay la'examined at tin- oltiiv nl tin town .clerk and the jm die sian pn-l on ttie l^h ill'! Vi applu- u a''- "In lie made v oters ean tie 1 eix-1 -1 >! i ter vi’clock p. in., I'hnrsilav the I ./h■ lilank :> 1 -1 a Atmis may l>e obtained of t I.K.ix r Thii.m V' I’utnam. < null Ken 1st rars. \\ 11 su\, P Iv V V X , , _ . "H-ptenilier ti, Phy Stale of Conncitiiut. «imlbam Count). We, the uiuli t'igned, a majority of tin- IHrectors el tin- Itrook Side S.(iii.h t om|mny, a eoriioratton orgam/i-ii under the statute 1»»> »f the Mate of Connecticut ami located in the Town of Woodstock to said State, hereby giy e notice. That even xtoi kbolder of 'aid corpo ration ha» signed and acknow ledged i la-tore an oltlecr a illiori/ed to take the J acknowledgement of deed* an agree-: merit that the corporate existence of 'Hid eorjairatioii -hall la- terminated. That January . luoii, >> hereby rixeii a' the limit ot time for presenting claim' agaiti't -aid cm poratlon. That all I'-rsons haying claim'! againd 'aid cor|K>ralton are hereby warned t<- pre'cnl the >ime within 'aid limitation to John K. Sheppard at hi' residence in said Wood'lock, and that 'aid claims may l>e mailed to 'aid John K Sheppard. at Putnam, Conn., H. i l*.. No. 1 Ailed at WiH't'toek this -nd day of (September, A 1>. li*e». JiilIN K. SHKffAKIi. J a nkt C. Shwi-ahh. A majority of the IHreclor* acting a' Trustees ’ 3“* Why Wait! tali May Ut ‘miw wn-nm 1 emetrrr Wwl U»r Mrnon \ I»*v. Lore Brothers South Main Stroat Putnam Harr a .*rjje *t«*A ©I Uraniteand Marble Monument*, Tablet*, tira»e>tonrs It. ro Vvap<\. A .Serai hr jitrra ®t» aar mtwrd lot ike same before Apr! i. }*». Samuel W. Neill, . A Kent Dressers Drugstore FOR GIFTS Some very dainty bits of Fine China and Glassware as well as I Delicious Candies in Boxes Dresser’s Drugstore Saturday at Store of E. MULLAN 10 10* Sweet Potatoes. 25c Pea B*«n* Sc qv ^ 6 lb* Prune*. 25c 60c Bulk Teu 41c lb 50c Bulk Tea 32c lb S5c Co® e 29c lb Meadow Gold Butter 26c lb Baker* Cocoa 19c ' baker'* Cbocolate, 35c lb & lb* Ginger Snap* 25c Large Mackrel 10c eacb 8 oked Shoulder* 9c lb Graham cracker* 6c Molaaaa* STc gal 5 gala oil 50c Tall Salmon 10c can S can Tomatoe* 25c can 19 lb* granc lated aurar (limited i |1.00 Housekeeper w anted by a widow to take care of her self and little boy. Would like a wont- i an between *1 and M> years of age. a good washer, ironer. and cook, Good place for the right person Apply at once to Madame l>e Hit a.l'ho nix\ille, < onn. Sotf i» o'lKt of cm 1 bare Hiiuits at Kj.ifoni w tfcia *u.l u\r ih, iM.tricr of K**lf«*Nl lh<t * »! a»T Of. AU« A. IV, !*MV j'Tvw^-nl. J->‘tt M | iv* i>? SH>. K WV-mMi.»trm’«>r «’.! &BIM \«3 €41 Ihf fltitf t>f w»r\ W Wbd'R, i*’< SI*" •><K«a I M*e •littrtct 49io*m**4 1 T1u* 1 o%rt doth 4 <|>~r that *ix to 4i townr-tl a» i HbI’H for tto t*r«-€lf «rs of 1 ?t> * ttvr-tf « W* »k»f to tb* *4i«i»i*fr»?or *»« tisrrcf* that pafehc xtcm** t> ! m«i al UtU orJrr r-j j, a&ii*Uii,r (hr uat .n a ‘ n<*« *|vitV! a oircu^ifH e 5h **iu Ui>;rict, au*S b\ • ooPk :h» re**f ,>* :ht i utrtu- *i*c lo>' lb !OtB of E**,#cra Brar**i 1 » tor* tto ‘i*x>*ajirA: ;*#: «tw* It. , *-* J *UN M IATKM. Jtm*r. Be Sure and Hear the September Edison Records which will be placed on sale at F. G. Letters & Co„^S August 25th A few good bargains in little used. Organs Piano Player at a very Low Figure The Eastern Dental Co. Elm Street, Bradley Block, opposite Congregational Church, Putnam. Operative Dentistry Most Modern Methods and Materials Skillfully Applied Mechanical Dentistry High Grade Workmanship and Materials. Crown and Bridge Work A Specialty. fmaamium The Eastern Dental CO. Bradley Block Putnam, Conn ««niiiiiiim ^ It isn't the name that "Sr shoe good' Its the shoe that makes the name good sSHC Those who Wear Heywood and Sorosi M are who y indifferent to the other kinds of shoes, oecau'e they are sure cf long service and comfort m>m the >tart. Call and look over our large stock of fall shoes, just arrived Green Stamps With Each Sale. We Fit The Feet And Know Hoff C. M. ELLIOTT, PUTNAM