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LABOR SAVING DEVICES. Maci'intt Th ! SioipUfy T *-» Comrron Ferirt cf Farm Work. ®* if k*'r of flerrb k for MIKlitfg h. > In tin* ' rkl, *'■ b a* ■mil i a a ii t'. ?’! ^fr.*‘lon ln*r*?w ltb, will \* fniitwl not nuiy very band?. #HJt €'Sj M t‘i 1 '' ft;_!:<'t, .‘U I It » l!l do rt. -.imrk lu i <f«ctory a manner a« < r—n m * i i\exit . >m- hi' ai.R ■ons of tin* newt PKi'i-n ivr hnjr tnrli «rrm J hi* in.i-1 fiii'l * "• *i*'» slil.* lii'm * i .iri* 4 ty t lii< ft* < .'ini'* 'I'n* "I an;: V fs* III** :ilnr 1“ I I* III I"* I * 1 * * if hi Tli* <if i I fit- <1 tin !i at I* I; ’I In* A h ihSu Hi.* i-'iltl'* i*i ' i't* '.I In |il/i* ,. is *lii*n n t li Tin* t*. n liultH 1*1’ liiiiil lln< uni1 t III |.Ini"•* mill " rr iiiovi'i) « !n*ti iii"i ina t!ii’ «!*■ i r 1 * U Ilnur,or. If ■ • it* in "I'ly i ''*•<! 11 si: .rt <li t.Hi' i* It lil i* ** I"* .. <>S |i> rr*!iH.vii tin* inii'f Hiiiii'ly hit li ii liorw* t., tin* >111 nlnI 'll UK tin* * i i * *h*rr)< k svtnr** v, n t. I I’ I* tin* in' > 1,1,fJi fir 111 '*: < ! of It* I : !*• -' 1*; ami |; tin* i . I "II. I*> » !n li tli«- lilmU |» In in.nil* f.i*t with ii Ini I M'[k* \ sling limy l*»i | m * * I * rminil tin* * ill In films* of III*' i >'*!' .ft I If in** '' tr? ■J ill* >111 liniilil !■*■ rr<('ll fmii tm ti slUron fill l*i;it: mnl I In* 11 > ‘ ’ '"'I tun "It* lirmi'K from «itli*<*ii to t«* i! »y fi t ! long Ity (Hiring >i* rnil li"l'* HI tin* in ' t tin* mmi* In* ini-i il **' Inwrivit mnl nmih* flit” prnp^r Iti’lgiit fur Itilb m ill ml Initat* sti*'1— l ln «lrrri K slimilil ><*t at mi mi;;'** <>f ol«*tit forty tin* iliorn* I. loaning tiHViinl tin* stark, anil 11. i1 i* two guy ultra oi roi.ia il lla* riv.r mnl into In front Till* H* 1*01111 Hill-I I 111| Ml slim* « how II * l‘g* la I'll* n.r- f' r limy hr roliKtrilrt* il It I*' i 11 in t only ■ u* linn h ivork on tht farm loil will grmitl.v nasM In ftlaolng li i* i •** oil tin* tinir!.**t in ta-ilor >lm|*o l lu* ''til l> rnillly **t*lf 111",*!, 1 ng 1 In* * i * * * **f t ho ilovl.o will sll*tn*n<l *111 tin* lltnomit of vr gt* t H l*io ** to 1,1* o .1 >||I*|| A 1**\ I l ing I'liiil till* , > lln lor Is m i'll* tiv sotting I **vn * from on** or tivo tit* li liimlii-i I Iiom* l|fs* | .i lilt* f nt I lo I In. Ml|:1 I I ii n. | | *1:11 r I Jil lit* ' \ 11“ slimy ti, 1111 ojiiOilnyf bolng in 'W* In u til' li fin* *i '* ‘ •' |*n I | t. «u **!i >• *i lit A. wII II I** tn-'il I'i I'f.ici* nl'li h * i itt'*t ri"i I ;u* * ii I oi‘ to* “h.ift Is hriil i" form a taming iron!, or l.rtlldli* Tin* rj lln* A M . i A ' I 1 - U A HI 14 «U»r tuvaJ* iiiv «»v * ' <! >viii» Ueitv' \vt»v lilk wr nair-w *uip* v‘f •*»*> l>i..»U»i luin^v Tilt* " In h»* VVilslH'tl 4ir»* |>l;l <tl I I tllv* * $ H»* 1**1 ;Hnl l hi* i‘*>\ rliy t ‘i**! vvllll Liu* i Uliulul In ttuoi lv\ • I I I nih‘;‘ ‘ n* i rtiik Til* ttmil will fall I » tu<* UUioni »>i III* it* \ To »! hi i!u* |i n thi* 1‘Ittu l> r** SIlMVttl flUtl U •|!(,l’ iUi»V\ « t It* llovv II uutH it i un* t It ur A Uunvl la* ii nl ft*i i’h» \ ISit tut b\ I** rihi; it mu or «>***♦ in- L IjoIuh TUH iL i o will !hv op A*r »t«n to u.ihIi <*ii*l * ItMH a la! .:* Hi* *u ’• •«'f % fvH »ItiuH In ?» *!»■■»'! linn Mini Wiih ut L.h i ! : tin- IwumI* lu t h* A’OUI « llt l Pt inns Hay Crop. The |»r ujh* li u » h‘|* in the woslrru (vn thin!* of Ivin- * piotitl-M** to In* trailer thiH year than f« >r many year* I »\i IM * it t«* liny properly «imal nti.l taV*k i >itv «*t h ^ » fetallu;; value jptiratec than uu\ other hav pr*ntu • I In thl« x^ iioit e\« epi alfalfa or elmer I’sualU flu- grass la not tut a* early ns t< should hr Prairie grass should nit early t»* make the In'St feed Til* firs! of Nuiiuaf Is ItoUe t«.H» t irh to tieglu haying I'ralrle hav Ih also, ns a rule not as well stacked as (t should !«• n >d the iierrentage “f I**hs «>u »e«,otint * f st.1, king Is hirer More firslrlr hav Is ns1 It* horse* In ihe «i!le* «»f the «ottntrv than any other hav Kneli ve>r the vulm* of bright sarlr eut hav Is hu - reusing Poor pr ti lie hav l- of slow sale This faet ol;«> serve* to demonstrate that the feeding, ’•aloe of late out uml Id i kem*d pmlfh t>atp Is u«d «o irtvaf ant! feeders will I no# pav a* mu eh pumii'v for If us for the hi ehf \ \ llundwxt# «*f of Ke «* I ;irv -et n*d<|e for » ftroftoef of native ralrie eriss hav To rrn’t e tin t»- *?o*t profit- either for feeding ,»r •* * eh -eilo*. It should lx* pmprrlr e* r 1 f r Iflenvv, imjHi - dh e •issues, indigo*; V« a we&k, pah ill iter* make* U tOlOfi i |*rfeol 1 * Dr.Thfttu s* Kt?«* remedy for thst oi tvouw. Ha»* beru w family for eijgitl Whiltadt, JIutTit, ** tkt » n imul headaches, *xt make* d*.*ek Blood j CASTOR IA Jfor IufaaU aud Child tn. Tbs Kind Yes Have Alwajs Bsaght GAF 0"N NOTES T I Bo-nt l- « —r-'r W rk Apt te 6* * .4,1-etta. • >ut jmiiit now In Hi* ; -gotn! of niijr kind | J.»■»'[! growing trfttj, ; >. I *. :• x » .iiiwfit from 1 I* to ffOnd VegeS iiMlttl and gro v , I toi till In r, They ore (1 of lender v-»;»*;j I . ! i •!. 1 idle *n had* ale I ri er iti*,. ami nil e 111" emutlistanee*. <j. . of I pie;, i Ihiil Ini'll n great , I I ' ■ i .*• > ■ plaids *|,o. I now le trotting fresdj, il loppy !■ Hi „• • >*r who Im» « g .ml water and run run the hose Into the tnm In-- »t will ami keep the roofi always iiiiilil Celery, with lli«- n or* In ji uml. moist m il. I* Inde pendent of the weatlier. awl. no matter how b It the min, tt will grow rapidly, the leaves * *ion spreading out anil fortnl'ig a tin" alnnle for the root* While this eotirenleiiee I* not at band anil watering liy hiiutl ha* to la* re sorted to. the Ji it j la lie rru lean If mtteb eatery la grown, hnt It mnat la* at fended to unfit the plants are atrong enough to take *a re of themselves The grower who uses plenty of de ea*-**d niantire In lilt* treiiehe*. as we mil In*, w 111 la* reaping the lienefit now In tin* tiealthy. strong growth of the plntita I’.itatoe* ri-ed a lot of cultivating now. mid until lih ill) hanked uJ> tbi*y must U* kept ln>eil frequently I lie potato Inig |r never no dost nu tIve In plots well t* !,:*aTe<! though of « oUr*n* uprayiiig *!i mid I*** f *ltowed tip for them* nud fiir fun" 1 '1 en e. A* tin’ early row a ; le lifted, late eahhage nail rolett firts may I** planted or. In Ineali tie*: fat ora!*!. f ir .. growth. Savoy ; 11.11 11.- i.Hniii' kale* for winter il ■ I *n* I* at HI time even r,,r I* . ■ t I I ill tim e trar.sjdiih'ed noH *• l i< i i I * ge ni Hioi" put ii I , i m y .il. tno. *■' i*r, l,e verv in-efrl tor soiii and Havorlug Wheie " *il leiluien urn ill'-"* 1. tliili the 1*1 IV* *1 early ami agio when the fliiunlngi 'ie lira*- i • gh for tl»e i'll,*, will * i 'I ' a* well tenv trans p|, e.l I , . \ 1 I* :!!y hmlied after, m il It I; I •* I to «av thinly uiie e the} Ii - *■ to ' I, prefei ably il, a ... e*i 11.1 rtI illy led IsifiKw 1 .a i e I*." i, - are haling a good lime the tt *r i. di * w ither milting flu i l tte | :i P* rati a i.ept right at the i -"I : nr I n * II .aihli ate | The early plant I are f iling well net with Unit, il III I -a a 11 • - liegliia to "Well freely the pi.i * In i> he I* I nal ivalefeil a Hit e mule iilierally h.eep *i sharp lookout I r the • nle almoli ami pinch llieiii out regularly. ns they lake the strong! It a'*'. 11*> 11 * * Mn* llower ami fruit i j nit eii l* Mu* mem-i grow re *nre the:n Hi' make* or wires. wUh-h ever Ii most i niiveiileiit so they w ill in*t in* lilmvii alHiiit hi high winds I ‘IMSIMll'i I *. out nle ale liegiiltllllg to fruit, mat 11*** liim i m l not suffer f..r la*h of tint rt lent I'.intlnm* f" plnell till' pilin' **f 111" 'll*".' of till* vmiiii: pi ml where they have tad a siittl- lent lui'iiher **f 'i es. and as the friths develop nil them when quite yiiimg \ fi’tt* i *l llln'ii rr left lo )' * lii Metal tt ill I il e n *l e i ill of I lie vines lleiii i I i.i.i nl a . * **n :t.l ready I . shall *f'* e fully grown I he*, uni v I*.* pulli I . I laid In Mte ■■ till to dry. lull let M *,i have mother week I* tv,* If | lo I,|r (Yeiltium I" fa'll the i i In* ' .n la • in they ate grow nig ion! draw •> t . t mi. e any ullm kerl hv I i ft or l-d'ilew AUTO PC R in papwiwg. Tht InQvnioui 01v <. <i of fi Connecticut Fa* mar, A ii »*tr - r; i i ' i i im*r I <' l'»*l 1«mi f SmToi: . « ti ; n »♦* hi* Mtlnui' 1»IU* lodihc fit!, . ::ihi dv I'lii' (Inn dn»w* tin1 m til ii in p»*ltli*i» and .01)11 till NV sill m':«* of lilt* film tint . iiiu.Ml um>< M «*\U*n*h vly for ilri v in:: n tv d v i w 1 'o \. o.1 , ■ I I K«• I '•* Mm* !U n Iilno “to .«* ii ur d i* U • of wool or iiiiiUiiu n ii,ill ls' i '« in tlu* u round inii! h iIn vi ihI U‘o ‘■*•1 To . n» i 1 !» * in* i lii’if Mr I'* 'Mon mmlo :mi c% * . ; oi tor tin* crank “dntH Tin* • o' f n ') a tliin^o with Ii »lt*s f ,j . m • ..-\\ wlii It i tv thiv.idd ' * ’ ■1 i i * «' • <• " ' >‘1. I In %l lO 1*0WI'll ON lifK rvltM tmlntne wheel Umg on I he wnl of the inillA shall ill this “f Other styles f auto- ai uiii require I. UlClVltl Uirib>*U’i of lauttieetiou i be mm Itllie ns a i nn ig ml makes a \ery (-omentout aihlitiou to the farm equipment, Uelng nvnlhihle oil her for travel or for farm |n»wer or for a »oiuhhmtlou w lion work Is to tn* ilotie in localiotm distati* e froui the farm Moit U»#ful Tr««. The enrmihuUt palm of Hr nil Is sai l to Ih* the \\orUr» most u*efil tree It gives to the j*s»ple of that eoutltrjf everything from «lr».gs tv* cat?.** fe«Hl l * r\H«ts make a valuable »ne»lh hie a |>Uhh1 purlthr Its tlmltor takes a high Isaiah ami is In il etna ml hv otihluet tUHhers I he sii|i l**x'Mi»es wine or via cgur. aoc-ofttl g to the wav It is prv pared ami migitr ami slur h u»a> also tie ma le ftos \ the *ai* The fruit of the tree K ts ! as »ante fmnl ami n mil It f a falr-Vv g. • d sul«*rltnte for • ! I the | i?h of the tree corks tuv u, , If \Y it - 1 i V J ; \ l ho hi ‘i t \ i im s.i \* i\ t' .riiu von treat Il.ttUh | ! iv'st roam llaun •' » «'» a» 'tv.i ln> i gr i i > . 1 -on U. Nov .vied, III** <• I imv - row lt\lo eaiairh, ami ; tlie* ' • i’.TxSS*'* tar so InllrttUhl that v,i iMil fn eve? \ breath. It i«;rr. i J p!\'s t H»l«l CUWi c • n ■ (>r,i,in»!Sv anil certainly But V i isiv -> Iheoitlvrll itlliMtl the Ounce of j v.«*iiiion. Therefore use <'ream ! lla t when the enhl in l’so head shows It*. \U druiqcM*. -1' . nr mailed . r \ Hno -i Wa'rvn ■*'.v*vl, Ni « Y ■ K _ _ l r » i -t. o*'\ action of she I>oweis a -umu- owe of lVsiii’r liffiiiVlH is .in .tit Treatment care* habitual oon • lii So cent* a bos. Ask your Urr.iiKut for iheiu. -o # PLAYING A HUNCH. By COLiN S. COLtINS. r ('■ i I o : i I.lKr J'i * name lanes* tin-man Reft* toit. I U! hi* fr.'r-li !j» Insisted tt-.l tint tiii'b!*■ Initial -f»»• ji for “Cw!" for Jlni'a i biTrfBl desire lo lie of *errl<e lo hi* feilow man wu* forever getting him into trouble. Mi* misfortune In this regard had caused him lo delay In* de< la radon of lore for Alma Hln-ldou. When a man. b iwever Irunc ently. I* forever playing la* llown he (Joe* liol stand no excel h o' < Iniriea of being rcganled a* a romantic nod eligible matri inoii la I ly. The worst of it vm Unit Jimmie uev er learned by experience lie *a« as ready* a* ever to change n ten dollar lull for a stringer after having been j caught vs It It n counterfeit the day la fore, it nil that lie wa* not always swlh died wax proof miff! lent to Utm that the world was tiot always to lie regard i-d wi’li suspicion Ami so It happened ttmt when a I *<tr.1 woman ou III*’ suburban sta tion platform tlixuat a rbild in his a mu a III M’ggoil bill) to take It to ber al-li-r in tin? illy Jim ncreptetl lit* i barite I .1 sU not."*1 lady to tal:i* 1dm." i! plained tin* woman, "on'jr there don't si*CUI to Is* IIOIO Bolt);? 111 on tills ti-al'i " •■’Kill's nil rliflit." mil Westeott’s rhi"’. fi I rt -jioii-•• "There will Is* some one on tin* train If I n***-«l Im*I|> with this little shaver, but In* I a >ks ns tin in*b In* was giiim to Is* as i;»«l as Bold " l iillowe I liv the worn nil's voluble filial* l.tnialr- i dminsl u'tonrd tin’ I >n ,■ ■, I ||o* * I Ki ll leine of Ids sot w ., * f * -ir-i tin* *iiini«* ear. |li* *li I n .i dun* c*> in nr tin* smoker. , it . . iioed hi >isi If In i in* rear n-at .if tin' list oar a.i I tb’>uke.l ids p.ssl fo; I | : .1 tin* Milan. *1 train slowed it Mi* t.iti.ias R'D*t favuril by the j>eo|-l4* la1 t* 11o■ dli rso v It), like him self, ■ , ,* ;> ■ t i t jo I a v ir 1 laMl |l,K 1-0 Idiiid v "> I 1 prefer ttie ni’lu 111. s of I ’ll!,.. -IIS oil ill’ll Oil tlie ir,ore lull '- t int tr In Tb«* h.ihv i.i! i good tenifiered and |d.1.11 ! I ml U-siooit Mils hsitnir tin* time id' Ills life when tile train 0,11110 to n halt at the first station and an In ooiii I tilt | msse i L’ev uttered a shout and Is,re down npou him It was Hen Itni .ter, with a pally of tin* uedilln,‘t -nests "I . whu'n li<T« be shunted. nt tntctlug ifu* attention of 11ih eompiin loti* * This I'* rlrli Jim. I never sup* I* kc*I ynj would full f«*r the f)bun* (l<l| |||l‘lll g i fi»* ” ' llis iiiujher is to moot me at the* ■<t;111 • ■ i e\jdalned WVstrott. ml sera t ?y * .fisrii. is of tin* fart that Miq< Sh.'!i!oi» }i:111 I• i r11»*«! tin* t« :»iI» “Sill* couldn I aR -I t In* I' mv to mine out hml L f tlio - hi 1*1 Ho'* » * eh having a \ .n itl<>ii In i!i«* country at Ills aunt's l„ »■ Hit* it I n» itlior hi town l* b d i »r him "That's -i * iff story ttmn the aver Miff.*' n, - *l tils t.*rii»oator * \\ 't you lift to I iwti -Isiii. turn M n over t » t'n* (>,, ij iii tin* nearest station house ^ u’ll If I !•* for i'io wedding by I ho ti-' tint you have * xplalned nil at oft It.” ' How did you ooim* t » ho on this train?” den. in' I W est* oil I in totaled to mil down to ><ur station nml taka tin* o\| i ** my seif ” • Train was • lo, ; ■ «| 11 *• slop was cut out." explained I’.oi! liov or ‘Wo kieUed whoa wo hoard it. hut wo sav triad now I wouldn't have mi- » J this for a million I'ullman nirs Tin* noisy j.i o. li and tin' presence of tlio score (»f people crowd':? tf about W . si, -it s S* al i 'UM'.i III*' thi.v tI'll\ eler Ills eyes wrinkled. ami froui the hutton of a mouth there was emitted « yell w hi* !* was scarcely hoard above the ddrghted shout* «*f the little nu dloneo Tim fn -di outburst stinted 11 * • i hlld In earnest. and \Vestr<tt looked miserable Valnlv tie lo *jui*‘t t ho . hi'.d w tii his w atoli and a bright silver e»dn Nfither the tiekuig nor tlio sil \ toy chime «>f the repealer stilled tho oil. v and at i:ist Ahua Sheldon » am* to Id- i rM i:o She di•.a*» Into their <-• its the crowd of 1**1 uionto! s and then took her j o hf' ido \\ « • i. ft I lor a'Uh n chan* I Min* protect more ettl* a i»*u** than the w iteb. ami presently tin* baby's cries Were stilled, to \\fstooft’s great relief “He's ii frpleudU) little fellow.” he •hi'In red. “He’ll t*e a* jj»hh! as goal if lbpstet' keep* out <»f tin* way lie’s n tin** little t Imp," she assent ed. "but tUm’t yon think that you were a link* bit er ineuutious to take * barge of a strange child? There an* to mam abandonments, you know." Not a bit " iuststed Wcsteott "Of «H»nrse there mv Inhuinau mothers, but. > oil *«*e, this wasn't his mother but bis auut " Mis> Sheldon smiletk at the explmia t ton -You could see that »b<* wn« worried t*»« auM' there \v»*rv no women coming Into town" \\ os toot t went ou "Sho tmI(I me I could find some one to U»ok out for him on the train Of course 1 ’idn*t suppose that I should run into % I of you 111 t u ! I \%:»s thiukllig Olliv ul»out »Im? p«n*r mother who wa* watt lug there in town for tin* lathy she timin't soon in tlins* weeks Just fan cy i t"t*celmr a chiM for three weeks and then tic tug disappointed tuH'AU^ there wan no one to take It at the other nut"’ The last part of the sentence wan a tritie au.htgu ^ and Mi'S She.don , sm led again as she wondered I*1 per ; hat's such trodde might not exist at I >ih en 'a of the Journey It was a kindly > ,.k\ though. f r1 West* etl * fai(l| '-as In pleasant coo* trust to Hr -*» s vyu cal jests t!, st even ik w outfit 6ediitt| b;t k to the ti I ; to take the child to the |- iec static V <1 c:;u tvi! the vU I t f •>; ee a;;.t then tkould the tj-.’ilvr cvnuv later *.»«* cau U* directed to the sta? on bu^’* “She’ll Is* tlnrv." »!«\ Lr«,! WVstocdt. With cheerful opt •* a. : d Mt>s S ! dvm l;ke\l hint the letter for it The train bod entered the yard, and now Westoott gattfevred the little bundle of i'MIw* noil fink ?•••* 1° 1*1* aria* j gtid [>r<fnr«-<] to M-avf »!i • far. Tin- ot)n-r» of fbP r< • rt: f -r:Ji«l gvlvt** into an tfnc&rt. n;» 1 if ‘ * f. r tiff* *•*»». ItojUrr "• •* !l'*|7 book with ever twr> - 'ig "»M» r,‘’ n.otV-r wo I I* found nt ttt . end of tin: long plat' Wesfcott did Yiot «b ’e hi- ermM^t axnile. though h*‘ fX*'d to T‘*r!- •* Royaler for (be attention be was at trs*r-r 1 r*ar to fli * |»; lfl v’ a' the itoff had Kpr»t<l through the Giber , cars. at*d quite a crowd of the Ineom- * ln » j.: -f*ugf*rn ^ gathered opposite the »iit cat** by the tljim? that West COtt reached It. A* they passed the exit a woman sprung forward anti, with a cry of **Mi<*tcyT* snatched the cbikl Crow \V<-*troir» arm** “Sure, ati* I was feared that J*osle j could find dlwll a wan to take care of the bye,” *b<* protested* “ah It * me thanks to your leddy. sir It takes one mother to feel for another, even If It s only me as It Is. May the saints bring 1 you a!) sort* of luck for your kindness to a poor woman”* Horsier shouted at the woman’s mis take. and more than ever the blushing Westcott longed to kick him Alina hurried to give credit where it belong ed and explained that it was Westcott who had accepted the commission •The gfntlemnn. Is it T JP*ped the baby’s member 1 >"rv an" I should have known, but you do In* makin the flue pair, the two nv re*. It do be a shame that ye nin ? married Sure file floe gentlentn *u«! make an liiigant husband to some pretty lady 81m? II never Is* sorry for marry in a kind man like th«»r '* With crimson f;j«•* wv^teott hurried Alma over to the r ib ranks an 1 helped her Info a hansom, still followed by the profits** thanks and compliments of the grateful «**»tber As the cab roiled nuny they - aught the twentieth repetition of the assertion that the kind gentleman would make a fine husband for wom * one. \\ estcott turn ed to Miss Sheldon “Are you willing to play that ‘hunch, j Air: nV’lie naked wistfully. ‘I I now that iri lots of iv I * in n joke, but— | don't you care a little for »• •• dear?” II r hand sto »* > '<» h.s Isdihtd the shelter of the hiti^oiii apron play that bun a* r»ss the board. Jir.iodo,*4 she *i< i ired. following his racing talk \V<s»,f,tt regarded vi.h regret tin* da* !r oard of ! • ! a*i . i "I y.uess 1 ar a l be iid'Mltfel regretf Hy "I 1 • dd hive taken a four nlio-'or. I didn't have any hum ■ about that '* Green Spcti In Chili's Desert. Northern rhi »• uh«h Is so largely mountain «»r < 1» '-«*11 Is general!,? regard #*d ii<( n forbidding " ilderness. but I*' nplt<* of its ti iti rtl dosohi tlop t tu‘ In nil m*nj i* presents i s. c u* <»f great l*enuty under tin* Hof^ hues of sunset, aiul hero ni t! there i i tli. waste of sand mid salt may bo i ntud by looking f'*r ta number «»f ou-es. tin* taoKt con pplctioifs of whioti mv Plea and Ma tilU These o 1-fH a if supplied with water from ti. ;ai ' !•- but tin purl Ion! nr sti> .O'*' that m, pjwn t theii lift* niv not • ' -iii ku*» . h. Ii Ii I mm'll found tli>' uivl'x's parts of tin great Atae-u • 1 . t the o »r?ft til do. neath the ■ »* lav or or sand or *.ilt Is su : . early ioi t to grow ero* onpiiloiy ;u .in spread * a f *»*• v- • ter . :h l ■ s,,il ’i ho i tin’ \ f.t Oitui ! lb* at • tie yts'VV of 11!: • grout o«t nil" ' ■ v of l:s kind it the v •* :d yi.doing • ."rinoiis qua nth'us ot i»i (: ro- 1 i'» onridi I lie tie..- of ! u f. »Jn* 1 diitod hi.I U > 1 : O •■'Os pi tv t »; p* i t nr i»•: * - in ti.. • i t iho r - '». s , V{.r,-taP a d I dstuffs for the ‘Up p«.if » title Inir as works H in* t ii r»* than workmen. alfalfa for t! ’ .1 ark us fruits, m d ills** >orv • • i p:.*do«-oT*s ft>i the nitrate «. v, • ii reoiiiro line h fuel There !• f tho world where .r-n nl i* a,• o\toiislvrly o : i <1 «>u iti o green spots In the Ata do . i r Zion s Herald. The Wjcd*huck’» Nam?. th; • ' hi si lit»tiee:iM»* traits of \\nn«h !i j-. l!».* thronluj? up «<f huge pile- , ! ii fmtlt of t IliM I' ImiTiiV.s Ai t’pil: : t«« the ttutlmr nf ‘I amidai 1 ,• in I ii mu) I orrsk” If Is f »it: l!;i" ps i• fluff til** nimhIi Iiiu k ^<»t hU ii.u . In oltli'i) times prolml'U iu t 1 • - * I h<- lower ! * n »; > ... •' i I hem. I he »!• < *ne tin v .* rah! i v. -i* burrow adjoins! that of it Hi;i; i omphtitHHl to Hu* latter that t;*.- as' eyes were ^ »h?lmi.'!!y Mr.- ; .* »lirt whhh he threw out »<f { a i \ The imirtti* i paid uo I ,•«'*! t - remount rtutee. unit the mb lit \ - inpelhd lo apt tea I to the j i . honor Immediately sent v. mil to i offender that greater « are must '« x. n In the future lUit t ie iii>- a i i .noi, notorious for* his |u t iviatv and IndifTerema*. replied to the mess* ffi•*r he “would ohiui” tils dirt just where he pleased Th t? s.uthsl I! The dog h:w Uhmi hunt ii - i he gross . (Tender ever *tn sv a I (h«* name “woolU‘IUK’k,, has sun k fi* the wh »!e till** of mamints •O YEARS’ EXPERIENCE Patents Ditnn COPYftKlMTS AC. turns •« net If PcMtfktot it mL asm fr«a. olisst a**”<* fofwtwm P**p»»ts tafeati tfcrvHAfh Muu - 4 - — r\mf h Mui . _ MtaY, VKIMI ck«TfA ttt tb« Scientific American. Amw •owfttnc ft mk*irh and d«**n»*«w>n nay Sslefct? %^-sctaftft ft«*r o»m«ih*u fru# whmh+r mo tUYSiKK'n >• profcabiy mu »»***. j on I'aimiu ! ui«n ft Ca rviYlff I Or. n* • *.** a.-tv-itis.' t ">'iu%L ‘1 ‘ a i«l i >.r ..tM.fl. 8.i4 liyall IHUNN & Co.s«,s~—’■ New York •naek .i &»*'*» W»*hi! ,l .n IV V. i rr _ , 4r<4 ^ ^ * 4a W' A 4 'W' «■“ 7W jart . • f i L « ■ • r JL 4i iifeC* By EDWi.N A. NYE. ivr c .t !'«-fc by A Ki> KEEP CLEAN INSIOE Young man: !>■ ■uls'rately insult the man who starts i.. tril a smutty story in jonr presence by turning nn your heel Such a cumip’l mist ha* no more right to steal your pure thoughts than be lia* to pur hi.* band into your pocket and take your money The**- retailers of filth are whited sepulcher*—< lean »*n tlie outride, but Inwardly tilled with dead men's bone* They are detjuucher* of clean mind*, roble-r* of purity You Should never permit yourself to listen to an improper story-» story you would not care to repeat to your mother or your »i*ter The filthy sng gestlveness vrlll soak Into your mem ory a* spilled ink soak* into blotting |Ki|**r Allow no man to drag your mind through a sewer. Iao you know there 1* many a man who would sacrifice much today to be able to wi|H‘ from hi* memory some of the thing* be listened to w hen a Ihj.v? the man who will deliberately re|teat a ri*t|Ue story in the presence of a youth deserve* uo re*j**’t lie is an Incarnate devil of meanness Me Is daubing a coarse picture on clean walla. No gentleman will tell a story le could not tell Iri the presence of ladies I I»o you remember what General Grant said to the officer w ho began t > toll a story, remarking. "There are no ladles present." whereupon the silent soldier quickly retorted, "There are gentlemen present Keep your mind unsullied A foul suggestion mat harden into .1 habit of thought that will lead you far astray Kei 1 1 lean Itlsldc It i~ more a ■ utter of Importune* th > y .11 ■ n > t’d Ucej. the d'rt "IT vow coni 10 keep it off your elotlies The Cause of Many Sudden Deaths. There is a disease prevailing in this conn try most dangerous because sn decep tive. Many sudden deaths are caused by it—heart dis ease. pneumonia, heart failure or ajxjplex v are often the result of kid ney disease. If kidney trouble is allowed toadvanee thekidney-poison ed blood xs 111 at causing catarrh of the bladder, or the kidmos themselves break down and waste away cell by cell. ; Hladiler troubles almost always result ; from a derangement ot the ki ra \s and j ing badly you can make no mistake by t »king i Kj >samp Root, the great kidney, liver and bidder remedy. , It corrects inability to land urine and ] scalding l am in passing it. an d over- | comes that unpleasant u -eesMtyof being I com tilled to go often thron gh the day, and to get up many times during the | night The mild and the extraordinary etlect of Swamp K"ot l-' soon uah ed. It stands the highest t- r it*’ wonderful cures of the most distressing cases. Swamp-RiHit i> p!r.;>aiit to take and is sold bv all druggists in hlf' cent and om dollar si/e bottles. You may ha' e a sample liotlle of tins wonderful new dis coverv and a book, that tells ail a • -out it, t>oih sent free bv mail. Address..>r. Kil- I liter \ Co . Binghamton, N. Y. When writing mention reading this generous offer in tins pajnr. hoiiT make any j mistake, but mm uiliT the name.Swamp k Kit, I>r. Kilmer s Swamp-Roc t. and the address, Bine ham ton. N. Y . on every bottle A Reliable Remedy FOR CATARRH Ely’s Cream Balm is quickly absorbs I Goes Relief at Once. Tt eh-an-s. soothe heals And proto- ta the ills* m» m \Tfine rt'sttUiniX fi m Cat \rrh and ilrive* aw.ty old tn thi* 1 lead | ii ’ J.y. Kent >res the S*‘Ust*s t 1 l\i :*■ and Smell. 1 ..1 >;,e 50 ota. at Druvlgi-ts or \ y mail. Liquid A’ream Halm for u>e in ati*mi/> r> 75 cts. Llv Hroth****s. 50 \Narren Street, New York. W. H. Mansfield & Co SELL King Arthur Flour HOUSE WORK Thousands of American women In our homes are daily sacrificing their lives to duty. In order to keep the home neat and pretty, the children well dressed and tidy, women overdo. A female weakness or displacement is often brought on and they suffer in silence, drifting along fmm bad to worse, knowing well that they ought to have help to overcome the pains and aches which daily make life a burden. It is to these faithful women that LYDIA EPINKHAM’S VEGETABLE COMPOUND corues as a iMxrn and a blessing, as it did to Mrs. F. Ellsworth, <-f Mavville, N. Y, and to Mrs. \\. r. Boyd, of Beaver Falls, Pa., who say: I was not able to do mv own work, owing to the female trouble from which 1 suffered. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege tableCompound helped me wonderfully, and I am so well that I can do as big a day's work as 1 ever did. I wish every sick woman would try it. FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN. For thirty years Lydia E. link h,mi's Vegetable Compound, made from roots and herbs, has been t he standard remedy for female ills, and has positively cured thuisandsof . women who have been troubled with . displacements, inflammation, ulcera tioiL, fibroid tumors, irregularities, j periodic pains, backache, that bear ing-down feeling, flatulency, indiges tion, dizziness,i >r nervous prost ration. Why don’t yon try it ? Mrs. Phikham invites all siek women to write lier for advice. She has guided thousands to health. Address, Lynn, Mass. OUTLOOK as the LEADING NATION A L WEEKLY FAMILY NEWSPAPER, and for the eighteen years has been the LEADING N A T i ONAL MEDIUM for Classified Ad vertising it vnu arc an advertiser, let i us conv'nce you that out Oassifir- 1 I department is all ue claim for it: the best, th<* past longest established, ;u d the most responsive in the maga zine field. Send for full information and a specimen copy cf 1 HE OUTLOOK, 2S7 Fourth ave., New York. For Sale In order lo close !he estate of Ade lard Iiilley, I will >ell at private sale, the home place, eoitsiling of a lot, horisi and two t»arns, corner of School and May streets. Imjiiired Edward ii. Wright. DUf NOTICE To Wheat It M.i\ < >nc*i n: N »ti»t* i» tune h\ jiveu that th< lit•.nksuie >«j il> Company, a corporation or^.-tm/cd amt exMiQj under the lnw- ot the State 01 ('mu erth ut, and having j*t tu.npa! phu-i hicint ss in Woodstock, W it tiitatu ('«> 1 *iit\. State ot Connecticut, lias, by a/reoinent sijiiod by all its stockholders, deci ded to tenninati its corporate existence, and the Itoaut ct Din c tors hen hy jive not he to all jhtmhi having claim* njaiu*! *u« h Company, to til.- muiii .in o» Indore Nov*. *20, llH'S. wi h i\e Semtarx ot' -a d Company, either at Wood *'t« • k, 111 the State ot Connect ii ut, or «t 37 1’ieinp nt Street, Citv ot Brooklyn, Siateof N: " A • •« k. J *h 11 F. >tiepp*rd Janet C Shep pimt. Chare* K. Hester. Director*, i l—34. For Sale Fort Hill Farm THOMPSON, CONN. Consisting of otat acres ami buildings, formerly known as I>av, Sibley and Maker farms, all or part, alsoislanding grass, cows, hard wood and hay for sale at reasonable prices. One dwelling house furnished with steam heat, electric light, bath room and run ning water, for sale with two acres of land or more. Also house and Jo acres nearThomp son station and N. 15. Ream's premis es- Jtitf First National Bank — or — PUTNAM. CONN. CAPITAL. - StSO.OOO SURPLUS S6 O.OOO. Safe Deposit Boxes for Rent Orait* I-sued on all Foreign Countries l tided States Depositarv < h\s. h Hkowx, President, •' ' 1 ' • ' • Vice-President i- H Cin v\tkii-. Cashier. CLAYTON W. THURBER I -v. «. r < -f Piano and ,Organ < pb nt 97—2. Putnam. Conn. to. KINNEY & SON Lumber, Coal, Doors, Moulding] I Brick. Lime, Cement, P.B.S. Mined Paints Lead and Oil. Trollev Time Table The Consolidated Railway C® EFFECTIVE HT.Y !. U»* ^ Time given lor cars leaving F-.«i ..a Main Street I<e»Tr Putnam lor Worcester and interne*, ate §tO|>* at *.>.17. *6.07. 17-Vi ». ffi. lnc . II t 111.55* rti . half honriv iint.lSJJ• E hourly until 8 55 p. m. !,*aveJWorceater t •» Halll’at8.15a no., anti hourly unt-i 9.11 r « Time 2 hours and 20 minutes; fare 43 * Leave Putnam for Webster and .D'erme-e... •tops at *7 17, *0 07 a. m., *7 55 a. hour!) until 11.45 a. m., halt hourlr until* p. m. and then hourly until 9 55 p.m. uing. leave WeSstei at *6.'0 a. m . 7.v t B and hourl unti 12.45 p. m.. half uuurij i,-iJ 7.45 p. m., then hourly until 10.4, t. m ' i~Jl 20 cent* m Leave Putnam for Dayville and nh rmedve Stops at x6M a. m. and hourly thereafter n^s 1.35 p. m.. half hourly until 3 45 p m _ hourly until 11.35 p. m. Re- run* »»'„ Dayville at *5.00, 5.45 a. m. 6.10 a. a[ ville ^ar house/; 7.28 a m.. and hoariv until 1.28 p. m .halfbouilv until /..hs p. , L, until 10.28 p. m. FarelOcenis. ' ’ Leave Putnam for Danielson at i6.35a. % then hourly till 1.35 p. ni., hall hourly uniiirjs p. in., hourly until 10.35 p. ,u. Returning lean Danicisou at 77.10 a. m. and , a hi.uHt c«tj 1.10 p. m.. halt hourly until 7.10 p. a,, until 10.10 p. m. Fare 13 cents. Leave Putnam for Central V.Hiifeand ictw. mediate stops at x6.35 a. m. and hourly uci 1.35 p. in., hall hourly until 7 33 p ru.. ito:.- , until 8.35 p. in. Returning, leare > entn! VJ. lage a sO lS.*. m., 7.45 a. oouilv ihervaita until 12.45 p. m., hall hourly ;iutil 6.4t p. c. hourly until 9.45 p. m. Fare 2" cents. All ms connect at i ertral Village for >L,o>up. psrT} cents. Leave Norwich for Putnam at c. 15 a_ m ( hourly not 1 8.45 p. m. Fare 55 cents. Putnam and Providence Leave Putnam for Providence an waj poisa at 6.35 a. m. changing at Elmv c on* euro of the Providence and Danielson II I war, le«r Eimville .at 6.45 anc! 5.45 a. and hourly thereafter tG and including 6 45 m. Return iog, leave Market Square, l*ri>\■••ryee, at 5.45 a. m. and hourly thereafter to 3.1o p. m., tnta 5.45 p. m. Fare 75 cents. •Does not run Sundays. ♦Sundays one hour iater. xSundays, 2 hours later. All southbound cars connect a: ( .ntril Vil lage with cars lor Moosup hh» subject to rhn'H'. a -t hout not:*? XJ » ‘x* a—9 xt j. a . Bear, the iiod You Hat? A-iwars Mft Putnam Mail Servia I90B. POST OFFICE OPEN From 6.30 a. m. to 8 p. m. Sunday*,from 8.30 to 9.30 a. m. The lobta r3 remain open to Lock Box holders until 12m. Holidays from 6.30 a.m. to 12 iu..5J0 tojp.i Carrier’s window opeuSundays from 8.30to9Jl MONEY ORDER DIVISION Open from 8 «. m. to 6 p. in., dosed on Sos» days and Legal Holidays. Registry Division open during office hours DELIVER II ' 1 >\ 4 ’itv Carriers Dailv. S lay- »m Holttlays , x< opted! at S.20 m. and 4.10 p. m.; ami 11.05 a. m. in * •:«■ 'U.css Seetiot One deliven by City Cairn • on ilolidm HOI KS OI COM I ( TI From the Street Le ter II- >iin<Uv? aid Holidayeveej toil, ami Ik- uhe«.) it i si m n riAi. m * i ion ronerti.M,^ De«{V»’ 6.15 to 6 to a. itn nil dr»j • nod *t7.Wa.B. S. 0 to 11 d0 a. m., *• * *• 12.15“ 4 30 to 6 30 p. m., •• “ 7 4-' r s FUl NT AND KLM ST ft F.KT BOX 6.15 a. m., | 10.00 a. m , H 15 a. in., 3.dO a. m., 5 00 p. in., mail despatch* at 7 W i. a • 10.10 *• 12.15 “ 3.35 p. a. •• 7.45 KI KAI. FKKK l»KI I VERY. Routes No. 1 -i 2. Rural an icr> leave daily, (Sundays and HaLs days excepted' at 8.10 a. m , i\ turn at 3.10 j.a. Mailable matter, weighing 4 j omuls or e* st*lit by Rural Camera must be preparwty stamps affixed. MAILS Ol'KN F«iOM Boston, New York, lint! ■ :*n»l all poa# north. ea»t, south and v. - S 15 a.m. Boston, 8.15, 10.45 a. m., 3.4'». 05 p. m. Danielson. 8, 11 a. in., 3.45 j m. Norwich. 8, 11 a. m , 3 45. 6.'-: m. Hartford, 8, 11 a. m., 4.lo. o.45 p. m. New York, 8. 11 i. in., 4.1". .40, p. a Worcester. 8.15 a. in., 6.05 . ra. Webster, 8.15 a. in., 6.05 r. ; . Willimaniic, 8.00, 11 a. m.. 4.10 p. m. Sundays from all point* 8.."n . MAILS CLOsK FOB Boston,7.10. 10.10 a. m.,1- 1’. .35,5.33,7.4 V*. 1 Danielson, 7.40, 10.10 a. T.4'»i ^ Hartfotd, 7.40. 10.10 a. m.. 7.43 n. ta. Now York, 7.40. 10.10 a. ■ .15,5 >5.7.45p-l Now Haven, 7.40, 10.10 a. rr.. 5 M5, 7.45 p ^ Norwich, 7.40. 10.10 a. ra.. •*. 7.45 p. m Willimantic, 7.10, 10.10 a ; . ',:>.*, 7.45£*• Worcester, 7.10, 10.10 a. m . '>5, o.35,"4? m. West ami Southern State?. 7 10 7 40, 10.1 ^ m., 3.15. 3.35, 5.35, 7.4* n. n>. . Worcester ami New I„ondoi . \ .>rth, ^ tions, 7.10 a. m., 3.35 p. n Worcester and New Lood<> . >outb, Wij tions, 7.40 a. m., 5.35 p n Boston and Hartionl, Ea?t. H ay Suttoua > Bostou and Hartford West, War StaDoM. >•* p. m. .« Boston and Pough., East. Way Stahao*. ** Boston and Pough., West, Way Stakoo* ^ Boston, Providence and N<*w York, E**« Stations, 10.7tTa.ra**' / . Woods! ooks. West lord and Hartford, vf *** 10.30 a. nj ~ . Woodstock*, South, North. Hast, M-N * 3.33 p. m. i Pomtret, 8.00 a. in., 5.35 p. m.. hr itaf*-, Nights for all points 7.45 p. nt. Sundays for all points, 3.30 { m. FRANK C. LETTERS. **** Tk Putnam Spring ChaUenjre the World. A. S. DAMS Manager. Telepbour 114—4 Calcium Carbonate.. Magnesium Carbonate. Sodium Carbonate.. Sodium Chloride. Sodium Sulphate. Sodiam Nitrate. Potassium Sulphate. Silica. Oxide of lion Voiatde and Total Total Solid Residue on Omit - per C. S. The-e results shew t