Newspaper Page Text
BASK BALL M XI HWI t V o. « A. 1. The Wan .cgi n fir -y* kept in tln-ir tie forfir*l place by ilrfentlnx the f 'mi adiana in their llr«t inning, I»•*! f*at urday. oa tin; t adel ground*, \\ aure K«ri. Tli* fiU* *howed their yellow Mlrcak a* noon «< they too* the field Herthinrne'* aggregation took advant age of it to pile op 6 run*, enough to win, till! were unable, due lo Honin’* effectivenc**. to make the round* again. ihitnain aaved a nhutout In the 4111 when Marion ami I tunnel hit for two •mck*, earning the vlaitora’ only run. Ltaeh in right garden wa* a big far tor ill *hlilting oil < anadinn run*. He covered a hi* territory, and twice rob bed;tlie \ l*ilor* of hit* that meant run*. He al*o lead both team* at bat. itouiii pitched good trail after the l*t inning where he had n hand In l< -mg hi* own game by panning a man, rnak in; a wild pitch, two wild throw*, and allowing two *ingle*. Raymond wa* the Brat man up and drew a pa** lb* went down on a wild pitch. I reach'* grounder, whleli Marion failed lo handle cleiin, let liim Ul third. Neveau -cored boltl runner* with a single over tir*t. itunin * wild throw to cateh liim napping let him •town. (iadlml* brought him o < r witli a -ingle, teaching *eeond on tin* return liovern »nerllleed (indlaii* m third Mill tilt to Itoritn and took lid •ill hi* p**>r t hr--w to I he plate, < ■ luibni* •noting. Hill reaeiied llilrd on I,a roek'n hit to Marlon, and drew a wild throw from larlcy, which let hint over with tin tiflh run It wo in the fo nth that t‘ tm-m <jui all liielr curing. I in-re wen- two <tmi n when M irlon got a tliivc fir two Hack*. 1 mhr tel *enred him with a double livei lliynu-nd. I.aemiv -lie gled drill Ma.uan v. liked, filling 11 it* line- I ail-) wa ip and put a low tlv over ili*l that looked go-id for til lea*t two Min*, hut I-cacti made a good run and caught It The game then dragged through to an uneventful finUh. Tat ro Hli l.i/.nll< ill IiuiU it M ntlon " Oiilniilrl rt t.iicrnU If MiiKh hi H> friifU'j <■ lit min |> nil 4 ii 4 4 4 4 A . r n u (i tb 1 1 (I a I"1 i Ti | in „T \l M II Mi ■lb r \ \ b If IU) m'rii'l l.i iii li rt JS.'Mfft I'f 4 i mUkiU 11} flovont i* mil ;b 1 ,n ftH'k :'b Iver* Kd tldfiv p l I l I ii I n ii ii Ih ii sa \V tail ,| II II I) II II II II tA, I ii ii ii I 0 ii ii <i ii I Jb lilt, Mmnni, Ihiluitl, HiuTllii' Jilin, iimfiii, l.nniok smirk u it i i Hnntn H, tinr|\ lliw on bull*, ml Ii min 1, lliiirv \\ l‘ Iloii 111. stoli n l lilt. | 'll , I or, | - n to I . m||.ul* I nit' I III i iii pirt' Un>, » IKl'tRN I I IN \ . I t un I Wbii ri'rs mi Nutaii'h Paft C A C. J >nt> \ 11 li* Ji'W.fU l n v .Amleiot Won 11 11 IO I ,0*1 IMH Ml l‘ I .t)2t Correct Halting 4wrote of c VI. iHtbrim f hot I 1 .i mile '1’etm l.’W'foei M < iii>u Kai lii, lion In i ii in ill Ml Hi I III ill III I III I’M I (I *Aii> |ilmn lintlrtnu a lut*l:i!n m lit* hatlmu average will eontel a limit liv U"llfvln the owirei I. A nun i«v \ 'I In n wen- two untntere*thig ovhth tllon- mi tin Iim nl ; ' iiiil- Mondav Putnam Im ke even w nil lhe i'rujan* «ii liarlfoid, a team inuell then Infer ior. KrrorH, |i i ir ju<Um nt In the llehl •rut In tile in in ir;. neat depii tment, added tu It-.alette* oft' Itiniin, loot Put nam the morning gome * to * The *'olt*aUo u*e»l the wagon tongue, net tinis to Webber for 1 ■ with :« total of H Putnam luitl a lea.t of one run when the Trojan* eame up In the !Hh. Itontn hail iK-eu working with a -ire arm •nil the vlMlor* had lavu gelling to hliu everv Inning \nv kind of a change of pitcher* w ould have given Putnam the name The Hr"! man up Miigled and Mole and *eored when Maiion lei Manning * -.ingle go through hi* leu- Mantling vv as caller I tint at the plate on « clo*e* deeiMon Whitcomb wa* on lii*t and Marled to ►econd l-'arlev threw to tat to l.i *»U*\ fot Home unknown iva*on jump ed up foi the hall. It hit hi* hand and imunded te> ltie ihil 1 < .1 md \\ hit camib aooreet the winning run on the luuplav Tfugan* '« nil A* o n. if- * t‘. A. (’. ti it 1 The ■ftemuot* .«• ua- a a, » oil* sol U, Uk> thulluic 1 ill ' Villi A of It. Mini with H errors lnU-i»i«t ised m re Able l»< *, .> urn*. Tal«> t>l nrval hall, ami 1 ill for aii error by Urott n.»t a mao Vuujit h»i» *«i Bi»l until the «\(li TV« strike out* Villi In !it» crmlll, Hlul }>ut four hiU were iiiuk off him < •„ A. i\ <Mk l -2--tt-S- i>-b-*—lu •wau. S^itre k*in Batf *r" CZL*, TX Miss Hazy and Mr. Stubbing in Mrs. Wiggs of tht Cabbage Patch. Bradley Theater ll lw uni.I .if “Till' Wolf” which i« an imiiiici'l fi’i I'rHliiv, 11, Hint ill* a v*• iy Mltrsufiv* play, !«in, *ilr»i»K and eonsimMii/ Tilt* wumt'ii Mite ‘t I I an* *tu st4 it r- *•<» manly, anti la*f*ft»i*e i 1 m ( * sen-oil ional Ki’f/tu -, without lain# <*on v «*ii 1 loti’llly nndodt amMlif me forreful and €-1 f«-<*t i \ I ir piny pfo.rd lit HlrrllliK worth i-V n i‘!H« rm lit tin \ I .\fir T! >« at m , \ W % «> i , i:«*>t HMiii. 1 11<< Mtoty tf*!U • I the M hy .1 ii< H« i il.iii* . « n \N i!<i:«i•» Mm-llon* aid. lor tin Ulrayai of lieanhiiie’* half i -1 <* r, Xinift.t*-, and of how ltd* k* ventfe vv *»■■* i-HTom pii-died. 1 hr M-eiten are laid in the wild N- tlh < *un1ry ami tin ilia met** i - it'll* < l l In- vviht life t*l ! tlniM* ii n -«•! 11* I M'Kiun al-> now on I HU It*, “M!;- Winn- •»I III K * \ lilt \<lft£ i * a r« ii." The original 1 Mi- Wmicsof tin*1 *mi* i»111'«• I’nli'Ii i* not «| ? * 11 «* a* mu mi v a MMlI IIh she w ih Jflu.M A till- I 1«- wt it 11 IticM* discovered her to tin* world in her ■•tor j«->, am I Mini*#* Anm* t i;iwl»nl He\ I ner «1 r amrtt »✓•**! hfr. Inine ht»* ninth* , u liens y tin head thill omr Ins down so easily in tin *‘l »htiH4« Patch of tin* l#oulsvilte suburb, mill insist nt si*it or* * r foi h hit of 111 -1 ha ml phiioso phy oftentimes ffffi*. • , him! to *ay , a lil'f flttM* MMlI-illlK Indeed, till* ill! jM'tUous jMotoly j»f of Mi- Wigg*. uol Ionic shier d»hi.~i'il no excellent society !a t\ with Miil.’i uml w«i summoned to Im»iiff e ml, vvIm m* she w a* honorably ill o li nt *•» d, • *• I w<m t liooblf notofi Is. If noto H Is iloo l (louMf Of. Plies kin | nt jim in book* mol in -lat'e puiy* until (i \ T»* i t of it, but you all base got \ to nlfff fill! of Ilf ill |H*rVO||,M If i iiiMikol t hf " Mii VV igii.* ot I, mis i . t!U to a opt In Mf;iu vs li If l hf Milf ‘ Mn \\ iy , of tin « ablm ;e Patch” ami ■ ■ i ,o\ f \ M us !•■»* gone into*! he bundled* of th<«u*aud-', Mini in thin <|ianiftll/< d form tin fharm*let'* nf the hook aif -till none f tti*f|i vf ,tinl t liter am I ii|4 Ness Noik ncsei fo«-k more kindly toatiyom t ui to Mn. \N tick's ami lor t «n jm* tm miinu'* the >astiy I I If Ml If \s a ' .Ini by folk *re king i sin.! ii',r limn Ooit'lom Right tn ill if ssillt the i* % f »■ i If Off o! book* ami piay i* |h« * M*t port ay line tin* numer ous exuelliu: i 'If- lit i'ii U t alhersbv, Mi \\ icg* Minnif Milne, 'll* II is I’ii k. I’ ill on, Lo\ f y Mary ; II ims |h . lam.n Mi Sttihhiu* anti t -con- o otln i hast Htl.h I tifvs ami tivbu: **:*>*•• j i iurt - tt» Ihf gallery of iff Vmein.m tiramu. All the < nb lirtgi Latfh f«»!k ssH! be *een liete l hm*tlas, *« pi Lit h i* lito- «i in ... I n It ■ 1»: l '• l. lit f MlSflltl *n at V VS I las ill, oil V\ i; < ••■lay , non d mi led a strong ll k« t amt which ssili oe t iffl Nit w ft t hunt th til t < e-ngn >*man Lit* ley ss as nominated lor Loscrnot on Ihf Hi*t ballot, a* tt wa*cctlaht limn Ihf ill*! that In* ssouhl Ik* ImseltUH Wood)ui! mol I futenanl ih»s«nnu Lakf mit l hell successful op|*'nent i*ong i a lul a tn*ns IV.ns amt haifU'ns now pres all VII'* well that entl* well. Next , Sfpt t I. Maim* hoht* il* Slate election, tm the it Milt t»f ss tiieh much is predicated in regard to the Presidential fleetbsn usually. tn»t tins seai the tjuestloii of prohibition enters the contest ami tliserU atlention from purely p tlilieal t|ue*lhm* 'l'he rttl*nurn l>i*paich, tn it* re|H>rt of the Isepultltewn tally at \'oun«*. town, u , vs a* much impie**ett with Uoserntir Mughes, saying • * lie mhlftl to his rs'putalmn another laurel, that of U‘ii»K one t»f Ute most msguetie amt vmns iiicing platform speakers the tsmn try has listened to since the era t»f Me Kinlcv, Itlaine ami t‘onklin.,‘ 1 Judge Alton H. Parker, who was do- i fealetl in tt<m by Hosa»selt, i* stumping it for llry an,w hich is more than Itryan did for him when he vs as the candi date, nl • I HUT »*l I «.**»« U v i>l l*m»i SC ***** iwi*^- i*r SAM »»h«*HAl'K iAtn sh >4l l district 4«- | st»lt*tl»-d h(* »dttiit«t* t S* i’r IS***, St Ji' |. m. ut ml ti J..U K.tfai, \Q Mf j • •. hS »ij I--, ! vTV‘ 4 i I* "It1 ft**nn* mtkmcUte* »i *»s*J itiiUfu.?* *c CiHiai with »|k} «-**.» T<r Mi l tbMIMiH .itwtl tHv l4ttifelllftitMT t's'C 4ii }>Cfw{h tAtVfril^ IteifUint’ «t «MIid tlwi* Aid hi | p«hll*)ubi t-nif wvlfr fit ■%»«*«• iww)t)Mt^r tHutftjjj j » s n In »*t?l vtikUt .»ud b» * fopi «» »t « Kjti i-v*» Ik IM town i»f Pul H4t*i W hrfr ttt« *i»,H'«-K.Srt*t l»»t V LI*" A Hi' v» I, Jud<T AUCTION — AT — Fort Hill Farm THOMPSON CONN (I Mile Kail of I’.iM i It! Fiidny, September 18 1908 t-ale at 10 o’clock a. rn. I Shall Kell at Auction the Following riy : DWKI.I.INU HOl'-K / modern plumbing and Memo heated) %% ir«->1 for (*ltc rtc light with two aer* a of land 1') *" r of picture and in <1 w, I* • 11 ou * , and twenty one acre-* mo ring Ic t free f OTfl *tOII 8 With fi -It *tOti» YA H i I £ , m tw tem rn m h u-e all k town former y kh Deacon ll-owti Kirin, one ri ile tawt ot ‘I'hornpoon i* »Mt Oftb * Hmoder and eh rken hnuar* (which run It aeon Im fort the **al • at I'rlnroft" Firm « the hay (very boat quail'\ i In Maiti r»lh:»*y barn, and all hay In the Day hirn. Fine heavy pair of work horse* , .nk mi y one what t hi V can <1 , two acts <»f double harm a1, one ladle*' waddle, two |r nil w * *oitm and CMrt (without front wheel- one old fashioned one borne chaise, | *d et condition built about 1829 winter horse blanket*, one upright en gine and boiler Del.aval separator, plat form mi ale*, n I k hot! It *, stock of mead* oa hay, rut* kitchen range, lawn mower, hone awn ttn>w»r, old fashioned sleigh, one two h<*r^* Med with extra seat* for ttleigbride partie-, one new Deerlog mow mg machine and hi d bay rake, one potato planter, I harrow, Seeder, lot of new blacksmtth’* iron, alt apple* on Fort lliil i t »ru about 13 »e*e* wpr u» and wood b t near Mr Hu h I'rav'* ifl't -f Qmdic. N Ib glMteru l J«■ r** v Cow a, 2 registered ,1 ret \ bu.u t .vo ear* o'd and 2 bull cal ve- ct1 g1111*« tu r*~gla|i r. 11 head of grade row*, tr.oiie rtm rv 'll, 2 llrVt’h-Te sow * mid one whit'- t h* u rg nbr -1 bur. btaid. malty « 11, r Ihlnga Vtliors wt.coriK in \ t In i bt f, re t be sale J 1 DO AN tv GE1 THE BES t I’m S l»v H \UUV Ml UT'in \ Mil k» ! MMTi .Pol «m |Yi. UhVl*: l*i . Fiiriiimn* i 1 Ml s \ LI < hit* canopy beilMotuI anil ?t I oromi. I k 1111 t untie «»f flurry. In.jut it Kin«*liur> Ihhim', iu \t t«» hotel, 1 rh, !» jv^on, t uini. I lA lx l»i I l \ ;ii\ri:s A 1 4 t • ■' • ’ t ot v halt* ’ >'M It Pllhiam H -> in amt Im the dish o t <>f t*u»«aiu on the :t| i • .11 .! (Mi * ■*'. « \ l > P*'N l*ie 1. I'.itt-tid t. \\ • .1.1 i •.« I'l tiHt c*t til > t M *1 i 1 \ ’mill, Utf |\,» unm, m .vuci, it> hvui ot W iirrvn 1 \ : -I>.f (lie . ty <’1 I'niVitlrinr anti state ot Kh. Mr I *iai'ti t'mit nx i'ii V. li rt’ii, fruttter ui .1 r tl » XX 'I '* < M ID 1 VllHMlI «l« • .IlM .I, hill ii', ilit'il 'Mil hr I' !i »>l M iti« , A I > , l * 0*. t id fV* k I HuttiH, Axliniiii*>t int\M of the e«tateoi *.* i I'lsn mkui M ti'crn, dtvciiMHl having, ex* hibtteil tuthiiwiiil the account ot aaid ir.iatrc with -ahI estate t«*r allowance** ivtjuiml hi txt, anil *ani W rti .1 A melt I having |Hti* iioiuhI tint court Ui writiu*r to Appoint the Itiunh UUml hospital anti Tmat («»., o! the city of l*rov»itet»ce ami «tat« oi K tunic UUm) or »iiai< suitable peiaou, truatee* of aeixJ truat iu tin* | 1 »• Ot *atM l iatemton M (iiren, deceaar,!. It i' theiefoie oixterrtl that the I'.lh »lav of Set't V I*., at IO..W tM'hnk m the toremuiQ at the Probate ollh'e iti Putnam ioanni xltMrtct atnl the name i* boivbi amh^ihdI for a hearing oc the al >'*»uiv ot said t»u*!re’» account, •dao for the approval ot *a>M luvpoaed trustee or «ou<e -utlmble |*ct^ou hi thi* r»»urt, ami that public notice he given of the time ami place ot said t)cai»*»i: hi puhoshtng * oopi ot this otVet m a newspaper |HiMi*hw iu Putnam in *a>M d»*tnrt, ami y post-a like ct»f T on the pH'*.:*- post i. ia:d Putnam, at least five xUi» betore said tin > a-' »; i.»*»l Alt eat. F.UWAUU li. W KKiIU Juilge. ;v \t ik Court of P*v>i*te hoUl at Putnam, with in *tut lot the of Putnam, ou the Hi\| tl»i »*• s jvtcis^N V P , X *** K*tw»nt tl W t.ifht, Jin4»t*. l'pi»t t*t*le of John H»iUle, lair <>t put* t* *a*a <H*t'. •< t, i!«ay»w i, ;u tavoj of M in 1 t'*? : I < ill ' in' ! H ' i'. I. uit*t the Ot K ll« V»Uvla:« . hiv '.xt-i i i'ii l i l«t <‘ti o! .? - ;* V IK, ' ‘ ^ ii J \U«V K II i’!i >*, , : , >»i »t v ot thv < *»*? sts r *a a II k.v \ !l a ,.., .inv*. y.*\% of #4*4 Horn 1: «* o*h*»<st U * v l> . X* v> !kf*fe«t« o* , ui p . ami t»v pos.Utt.jj a H*.e «r\>p% uti th* si^n in P «£*> # beiotv 14KI *. ;lo av> . . i pwahp t, vvRHj||T?j«a^v. *k Min til* /f '* * * \ - J i’*J 1 tte*: t CONNECTICUT FAIR CHARTER OAK PARK Hartford, Conn. SEPTEMBER 7 to 12 OPENS LABOR DAY Exhibition of Farm and Horticultural Products. Tobacco; Bees and Honey; Rowers and Pot Rants; Domestic Manufactures and Art; Table Luxuries, Preserves, Pickles, Etc. The “Menv Wav" with its million lights and thousand allurements, including Ferans Animal Show. Nebraska Bdl’s Wild West, Bontoc Igorrote Y'lllage from the Island of Luzon; Old Mill, Scenic Railway, Ferris Wheel, Carousal, Miniature Railway, African Camels, Oriental Ladies, Philippine Belles, Etc. Every night Pain’s “Fall of Port Arthur," a military spectacle accu rately presenting the conflict between Russia and Japan, fol lowed by a $ 1,000 display of fireworks, and given in connec tion with Band Concerts and spectacular vaudeville. ADMISSION: Day to grounds, 50 cents; children 12 or under, 25 cents; Night to grounds, 25 cents for all. Grand Circuit Meeting - - Running Races , POULTRY r\ a r DOG I CAT AUTO Halloon Ascension Each I)o// /lender Sholcs tV No//, World's Greatest Prummer Children's J)atJ, Sc]>t(inhcr 1(> All t liiMn n ur.rler 12 years, admitted free it accompanied by parents. I Woodstock Fair Coaching Parade, Sept. 15 THE BEST EVER! 50th ANNUAL SepllMUlMT 14-15-16. Old Home Hay 15 th. +++<•++♦•*•+++++++++++•! *+++++ THEATRE Sf Kvknin..- VI U ( K t • l> i rf , Amateur Night THIS WEEK Thursday, September 10 Thur day. Sept. i» 'oininjf ^iih«s'i iios for you nil—The ’ Optimism—The Mrs. Wiggs oK 1 11 K I Cabbage Patch ih \.ir 111 \merit'll. n*1 time'in I .'M.I.'I itl i until iii \uslialiH S.m l in ns l uoxiaN, Sept. 15 Tie lets onlet. I by mail lilU'l in clude return |- Mmre, oilier wine the seat' will U- in I at the box oltloe. Seats ortleietl In telephone will in* helil no Inter than H p. in. on tiny of lierfornnntee I'nees, L‘no, I.V, tV, 7-x mill fl HP Next show. Wednesday, Sept '.'a, “ The I,ion mnl the Mouse." Continuous Pictures I-ROM 7 to 10 Saturday FRIDAY C™* 1 1 r Evening. 1 1 ■«*•»«• • AvUI nutNRju A Dramatic Poem Tcl'irg .i Story of the Pictur esque C rs of Far North ern Canada. Rvh in Incident. lnte *c'\ Interesting. Prices. 25c to 1.50 Si its n sale W ednesday, Septe min " o. NOTICE 1 tan h! of the slock ho li. r> f Wo.olsi.ick Acatlchiv will tv 1 i hi s i v, ii\. v«tuntiyv. Scjrt. lash, •; i o’clock in the afternoon to I elect oltkvt- i >t the ensuing year ami i to ilo o! .o iuijv -.ant business*. A j l<rom|'l ami ful; attendance i> desired. HKNUV T. I IIIU). Secretary of Hoard of Trustee ' NN is'J'.ti.s'k. 'si|>t 1, 1 v*v awa- | Attention ! THE 1U-ST Candy. IrM’n-ain and Fruits Illlll'Sillt' illlll It • I h! I Confer! ionerj anti let1 Cream Try i >ur Horm M rie Choc; lues Hi n bona. The heat and the price ln*vest. Our Ice Cream 1* iranteed under the pu rc ft >d I* , Price 30c or O ie Hollar per iraHon. We keep in <*ur ‘it'H'k a full iim of fresh Ban u.a* of all s:r • -. Try u> a d you a ill hf sat i-tit 1. George Pails, To!. 12 12. < Cu trains tit- it. ■ c.ii.N ia I’at limn nr an.v nf surrounilia^ until*. Remember! EVERY Saturday is Bargain Day AT ! Ctiep'jt’s Meal Market Pomfret Street Finest Groceries on emb. fresh. itupimj. appetir a* Oo11) t to lodty aid run your cr it tot cve over our liat of winners. and ycu’i: see lb* evoo.ia._v of exvbanKtog your doi.ars lor aoaxrtbtag *ood lo eat. Fall Hats 1908 Styles Our Special Derby THE HAT WITH A REPUTATION. This Fall's Special is a Sure Winner. The Hat having all the characteristics of the 3.00 hat and costing you QQ All the other New stales and makes at 81 50. *2 ami 83 Soft Hats \\ e are showing a large assortment of Soft Hats, in all the new shapes and colorings, ranging in prices, *1.00, $1.50, $2.00 and $2.50 Come in and look them over, we will be more than pleased to show you the styles. ! | A. C. LUKE & CO., RELIABLE CLOTHIERS AND FURNISHERS. Telephone 51 ring 4. Putnam. The Store that has gained the confidence of the public, Heiubinartcrs in the city for Hart Seliaffner k Mntw t lollies OF THE [lie Moves Fitting Adjustable Top PETTICOATS jo t received a large shipment of the justly famous K LITE I’ll II I ( OATS On hi an teed lo tit you perfectly around up- just as you bn.v them. The ELITE ADJUSTABLE TOP [*#• TTI EDA I S b ave no shir r strings to knot or break, anti do not hare o l>e rebuilt befoie wearing. The Styles are superb. The wormanship perfect. The materials are the best. The prices are reasonable. Every ELITE garment carries the glove fitting vise shown herewith. The ELITE Petticoats are mad* of all kinds of materials, by skilled labor, under the most healthful ana sanitary conditions. See the Featherweight Skirting. Heath bloom Tatteta, Italian CloW, Tarleta Silk. Prices, *1.00 to *10 each School W Stocking Tim We otter you the best iv.-ule. f<»* K ns or tJirN. The “Cadet ~ ^Un* stocking-, made of plied yarns strands all wear (joints reii. 'l™ '• special linen, can t rip or n >t rouges! stocking' made • r 1 •••.'» ''r E-.ery pair guaranteed. Per 1 ■ 25* Trade With Us and Save Money” *»ent# for Sts ui ,1 Interns. LewanJo's French Dyers end C;eaos«* Telej L .tit- 1 l> -2 pjj fNAM, COX S.