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(v‘.ACL>OiNALb Ar Wii-LJAMS p nor KI KTOKM ff'TNAM WIM HAM ( «. CONN. To Subscriber# of the Patriot According to Order No. ‘<#f7 of the Po-d Oftio* I fepart merit subscri ber* car;riot t*- irMirot* 1 to h new* pa- j per inure than one year and *1111 have j the |»a|M-r v. •.' to them at the M-conii eJa*> rate. T he order rend# a* follow*: A reason abb time '♦ill !*• allowed gmMlaher* to secure renewal* of *ub ampin 11-. tint uni*** *u Inscription* are ear or/ * «/#/ riu*wr*l after the term for Which tbcj art paid, with in the follow lug f* ri<w|s Imiiie*. within three month*, Weeklies, within One Year, the> *hali not l<e counted in the Jcgiti niaie h«*t of *ub*ei*it»er*, and copies ■nailed on ho’ -um there rf r/io// no/ />* £#/•/ #/>/<- ti J'or m*ulin>i at the mtoimI c!a*% |***tn»t»- rate "f one rent a pound, but may le mailed at the transient aec c»nd cjh*« poking*- rate of I rent for each fo jr ounee* or frinlion thereof, prepaid by stump!* «dlxed. Editorial Scraps. Thf nearer the approach to the elec tion w filch Ik to decide who of the two leading candidate* will lie at the head of the administration * national affairs the rdower l**eome* bu*ine«H tmprove • iient. The capitall*t and the enter* prising business man, while morally pure that Taft will »*• elected, are *till apprehensive of the poasiMlily of Bry an's aiiccesii, which prevent* them from undertaking any enterprise to advance liuainesM pro*j*rit\ It will la* yet six Week* Udorc the decisive day arrives W hlch will settle the deelalve <|iiestioii. Imi 111 the one week that ha- pa** C*l, the success of sailing aiiship* ha* lieen advanced by the remarkable ex |M‘flinents that have continued the hope* of fio imIs iu*d silenced doublers. The Ameiiean XV rig lit Brother* have lignin established the sujierlority of their nii*lilp Iri the ease with which it fti tnaiHi uvred in all weather*. Other airship of various kinds are show lug remarkable advancement. A (iermaii airship sailed for I t coiwecutive hours —a record trip. A new Inventor Inis enter* d the content, Maying lie ha* solv ed tile problem of air ailing using ail acrews i»a « d on the p.tnciplee of bird lllght, nod has made successful tents. Tht < iitIndies iiave Iseii fiolding a J .m liaii*l!e < ongie** in 1 .ondon, and al ila close Inst cninday bad a goal pro cession which exceeded anything seen mims the funeral of t^ms'ti Victoria, it had Urn arranged that 1 anjinal Vanntilelll, who, with other great dig Hilaries ot (Iu* ehureh, headed the pro* fi ssion, was to have carried the Host, toil w us for bidden by the government to do so, fearing a scandalous religion* disturbance, tin Protestants being se riously against it. Atlantic « ity, l he ext rente southern point of New Jersey, ha* Urn inn con dition of insurrection for a lew weeks. The saloon ki«|*rr* had kept o|n ii their place* in delbmec «>t law and the au thorities. The tiovernor oidered them closed and forced the ktc|H ts to do so. N »w they me preparing to oj»en then Millions next Sunday , In defiance of tin I iovernoi The promotion of |misi office clerks and letter carriers in i orinecUenl, mi det the act passed a year ago, htcivrtstng their »Him|H*iisMtIon, show that ear ner* have l teen so promoted, since J uly 1, at a total cost to the I S. govern jitenl of s.; lyuin. and that -71 clerk* at an increase in the gov eminent * annual |»ay toll of vat,non The tltl it Urrii I ranee and < icrma ny , annul tin' tut11'i '•* acknow ii ilinic Hi*' authority *•! tin new Sultan n( Mu mein \* 11tiouI OiiiihuIUiik til*' utlii'i j iwi i- i'iiiii'i'Iuni, i» hihiIiihIIv i|iiU'l lutt do** it iiuili i tin' illorl- i'l tin' -talc Uteri of Kuro|*e 'I'll*' I it'l Mlilll l‘‘ui|i*l «>r tiiixtiiK named til- I'uint i- **illm«il ► tnuilil Hu ImiKi'i di-tirb U'lii'"!1 tun in.'in tint tin’ |- • |»li* uf I'uiihv ti'i'l bitten* -mi', Mint Du- attack- ui ili*' I i. i u |• 11 -- **ini iinytlilitit tint unit II y u ui Hit* I ni|n u ti 111- tuny ilii t In1 Intltli' lice tun ollcll, ’:i - *11111, Ki ll llnrill*', Hilt . tin- cuilitijt 11*| n -i 'ilnti**'- i*t labor in III*' Hmi-ti I’m Ilamerrt, in an addr*-- before the i **u trnl I rdctaled I iiion, i-t Sunday, in ?Si ** \ ink, tinted \ nn i ii'Hii ** in kiiit ii In IS« iiiln |HiUtti'-. “Iii I ni; I Mini, tic mnl, 'wclouud **c were i-,ni*ll* lie jDi'i'tiil ntti'i the I’liH'tinn whether ***■ Jit-11 hi I coi-er*aU*e ,n Itbetal |>m r t * with our * nti-. Hint Du n ** * -cut ilu***'t ie|it*-t’iiUU*ti tutu |i>trImtiK’iit with m man* itootl re-uU-llial I would tire yOU if I Dl*i| tin IIUIIUmu-till'll) Vou, too. -iii'ii ]ii u ink I- n party in imliiic- | that could U defended upon to protect Vmi -■fiKunnl your niter*-t- • Kvvt nUy ili? phlUwupbcni have been «li«*n-*Dm ho** I on it tlt« world * »u|> pl> of fuel w t*» itulnit to la-t, nmi what would the wurld do then? Al-iul one It indeed * * nr- nt*'- I el ore nrithrnelte •o«l **»' known to be nfuel, the *ame *1 notion* a-ktd. Kecvntly * lo» u In llrilt-h t oluinbia wan eon - mini, Un inhabitant-of which wa» e i«i*i:«'*l in mining coal for a company. 4 areful in*e-uitaii“it- mere then uiatie with-urpn-mit rcaulu. It wa* found that ftontelhlUK .‘..nn.miini Ion- were -tored away in an area embracing '-•** ■ I ua re III tie- Mill further, in v-ini b ua, l lie re i- -aid to be full* a- much more coal, making an aggregate of to,. UW,««UUI ton* When tht- w orid w a, made everything w a- provided to »u|> |dy all waula a- limit a- neetted An mle re-llng educational iu-ttiii t on of a no*el |ihiianthr\i|>ic character ha- recently been c-tahlt-hed In It** ton. ili* called tiw Vocation llinetu, and it* purpose t* to aid younic men and w omen, by ad* tee and direction, tn c!u>J-itig an occupation, preparing Ihriiuehni for It, amt 11 mimic an open ing. It la accomplishing much good. Putnam Fair. Willimantfe, Brooklyn and Wood Block Fairs have now a'i ta-en held, arid all were moat sueces-sful—good weather favoring all of them. "Iking Uve l,,itnain Fair! "—the only \\ md ham comity F'air Uiat still retnsirw In Ntore for us—-to la held Wednrrdiy ami Thuradey, Orloiar 7th and sth. 'I u* - day i- cntry day. The < 'ommti’e* of Arrangement- ar promising the public a F’air beyond the u-nal inter* -l in all department* I’urse* for trolling horse* haw i>eeri increased *ioo tbi* year. Total M.-KM. ■ Tim events will lie at follow -: \\ ednesdsy—Free for all. 0|*en purse j » km. da** trot, dosed -lake, Tliur* lay—i Ik class pace, closed, , K.'aai. trot and par*, open pur-", j tJMI. 'I he Floral Itepartmenl w ill Is- kepi | up to the high standard recently estate j ilaherl. Tlie Ladies' and • hildreo * I iH-partinenU will •*- given s|s-eial at ten lion. 111*. Ormlr*I tl*»*t*ffi rmiil -at» It la hut about two week a now la-fore the great opening of the moat mam moth and s|HH'lacular (exposition ever j held in New Flngland, the seventh and greateat Ho* ton F<*xl Fair, to I* glen under the auspice*of the lloaton K» tail Oroeer*' Aaaocialion, this year, in the I’ark -*|uate t'oliaeum, Hept, ^Slh to Oe|. .11, under more ad v antag<*iu* con ditiona than ever la-fore. Ho elatiornte ami of aucil long duration have ta-en the preparations that tills Kxiamition, always mi popular with the people of Hoston. and in fact all New Finflind, hids fair to prove the most im|***mg ami thoroughly interesting allow ever given in New Flnglaml ami the biggest Food Fair in the history of this coun try, if n it In the world. I M !'••■» orrun or.Irr 1*1111 ill in, < unii., Sept. -i, l‘*ns In accordance with the order of (In* Homnuhle I -nirth Assistant l*«»*tmiis i#*r i ivnvi nl, I ion to No. 2, from t tie I* ill mtnt post oilier*, will U* amended to take effect Se pt. 1 **t 1-Nlh, In addition to the route now trave l . • <1, tin fMincr will kh H<i!ith#-M-t from i the North \V«MMin|oek po-i office corner to the l i t k p i* , un i r**t i bit, thence | west to tin* It lie ad plan* and retrace. j 1 ami lies remlhiK on or m ar the m u ! ex tension, u ho d« 1 re the r u ml service, | are required t«» provide amt erect, at their e\ptn-*e an appro ed letter l»o\ directly on the route, and a i *iim nient f. »r < i ill*-1 l<* i • i< ; l u I M i - it a i j. h t mu from his u an< n All mail for patrons, on route hImivo referred to, should tie address I "III* rnl delivery No. Putnam, < omi to get her with Imix nun.Ur. New iroxe* ertH’ted will Is* assigned numhers in due time. Very res|»eetfirtly, l*railk IA*tteis, Postmaster A • rl|>|»l«*'a (s»\n the Hr«»oklyn Standard I nion A pathetie ami thorough^ human note is touched in ttie w ill of New .id seyite w ho died a couple ol weeks mi*o, dlieclir»« that what mom \ was left at ter Ills Initial evjH'iises had hern paid out ol a m *eo insurance policy, la* niven t«> some one v\ lm is t r \ mg It> pci feel an ai ishlp. lor \ cats this man was etlppled * * > rheumatism, and on man s occasions in crossing streets, in ins almost hclp less eoiidillon, was severely soared try aotomohlle- lie wills his money for airship const ruction “sothal there will ultimately U* less running alniut the streets and more dying through the an lie had expeflrnetd the terrors t»f having to lice the path of these mom an hs ol tie ro id, the same as nearly every other c.ipple and aned |K*rson has, nil I, like them, Impt.l that sonic othei tmm ol I Htuiiotloii would lessen Ihcir ust l iu old tvliow et iiainly had a consult i a n he.inn hu the lame and Itt lue w :> - !u ie»i I*, hind to tlt- Ui* iceku ss t'iiail * t s. I licit «'! y-ucjitstion no Health. Healing by -i ii Itax lavu |>iii ■ tieed til all |«.i~ i ' *. not only !'S ini. ligelll |i|l \-Ii l.lnv ! by cll.’ll lilt III-, I' KtlXHIII xll |H’I xl n t,,ux |(Cnple mill Ill'll ■'medicine mi'll mining Inilimi'., unil ! "will'll deeloix turning heathen ml f lii*iix In iitv111 yoarx l111*II* lim laan Ill'lrt-Xllt |HHI|lll' III llllx country, Will' may la* U'mual " mcdlttinx, \v hn i:.• aland claiming to Inne a 'ii|a inaliiral Kill Unil flirtlilca ItU'lli In lli'al nil man lier l»l lIlXlllXI'x, lo counteract llu xn uiixiilixlmnlal 1* In l», xi it'iilixlx nml iiii'ii n| xu|a rinr nl laliinii'iilx in Hit' iiilnlxlry lm\e show n llml tlu'xi- an vailed xii|nTiinliu al licnl tngx nrv |iriHlmaal by iihUiimI lawx, | nii'iila! suggestion I iii'ii' mo mm | i'tinrclii'' which practice hen ing l»y »iiyyi>»)i<ni Hi" pr Itank L. tiood • inn'll, nf Spring held, Mil" . aeemt la iliiuk wellot * tirixiian healing »' |uac lived by I'tx \\ onvxier ami Me* nml' ! In Himliin, ami Bishop hallow* Inl tii I'Hgn ••Where the Hlnvxx tx nf the xoul ihe tnlnixier can help, l>i i"«>ilx|avil lolil hi* people recently. "Wliere Ihe trou ble I* |>urely phyxical the doctor ix m dia|ieiixable Tlie gixal anil Intelligent physician has always uaed w lint ix eallexl •nuggexinm ' It i» not new. When he cornea ami g t \ ex you a bread |*»U, ami then in hi* w hole hearted ami happy way tell* yo# to cheer u|>, ami you are going l'1 tC«*l well, he ix xiiii| ly arousing your expectation ami bracing your wi lamt strenglhetiingyour tailh, amt planting within you something which w ill co-ojietate with and hasten the jmatrxxex of nature in recovery That i', he t* practicing suggestion He lb* * not label it, bat he charges you for it, and he might to. for it ix worth more than medicine That t* what these ■ Huston ami t hieago men are doing " he re they discover that the trouble ix menial, imaginary, the result of ap prehension or remorxe, they apply the tome of encou rage men t and (rea.'h the gi.xjie! of hojw Kor xin, there tx uo re j inedy but t hriat I A Mi»«ioaur>‘t Joytal Service. rutler date of June 11, l&UK f)r. H. N. Kinriear, Medical MU-ion ary, at a I ho-pitai in Foochow, < hina, anti who i« -up|>orled by the Putnam fongrega 1 tional church, w rite* in joyful strain of i hia work. Kach one who help-4 *up jMift Hi*- g'sal Ikicior i* hia beneficent lervioe are entilietl to a -hare a- indi i reel participant#: • Hut whlse w> many are rec.-j ing the <we<i into more or lea- wel -prepared ground, Oilier* seem hi be impressed hut little by it. We can only keep on *owink. know ing that the convincing arid t* inviciing jaiwer i# not of men. But we d * enjoy it wonderfully. I have wondered what our -ec re lari-- would tfimk of rne if I should write that it in tin* if»*-t of fun if? the world to Iw a rne dicai mi—ternary. Ju-l think w hat a pU a-ure it l- to be able U; relieve Mime of these people. We often remark that you g'*od p!e. who support u* here, are more con cern led than we are, because you give ■ ij. <if faith while w<* haw* the pleasure of seeing I he result*. We were often a-ked while in America whether the < idie *e wi re grateful or not, w hether . »J r* ill '1 ! • w ork ha! w< do for them. They do not appreciate it in the m-iim: of understanding just what it fr- cost or j«i-t /*»ii/ muf /i oe! ter it is than the native practice, but they are ‘grateful Jor the r» itef that w* Can mj of ten irl t them. VHiii'nlay a uov came in to have me -ee hi- trait He had gotten a needle in it two month- ago. Somr one at an other hospital ha«i made an unstieee** fu 1 attempt U* remove it *ome time lUfo, audit wa- paining him so t hat he could scarcely walk. I could easily locate the needle, made a tiny incision, picked the nrcilte out and piaru-d it in hi- hand I** fore lie had time to think what 1 w a* doing. \\ fieri he -aw tfiat the offend ing body w a* in his hand the fear* eommenoed to rain down hi* fiu*e. Be ing asked by some of the hy-lander* why fic cried now that it wa-out, ami one of the students sympathetically ex plained that tr* wa- crying for joy. •Ye*,' fie -aid, That wa- the reason:' and fie told us tfiat hi- employer had t*een scolding him -o much during the la-t month or so I scan -e fie could not get around a- fie used to on account of the pain in hi- foot, and tfiat now fit* would not have to is* scolded. Another instance of “the good lime we are having in tin* hospital now , he lima de-eriU*-: “One man eame from a Int uit coun ty, blind W e made i new pupil lac k of an area of clear cornea that remained in tin* lift e\« , and ga.e him i g" >d degree of -igfit Tf»c other e\e vv a- • bad that 1 feared it might -et up \\ni pathetic trouble in the eye on winch we fii-t ot**ra!ed, and a- it w a- enlirt | tv t»i 111 * i I advised him Inline it out. It i- a o . ere te-t of a < fiinaman - fail h m u- to a-k him to have an e \ e n mov cd, for they eannnt git rid ol tfit,* tec, trig caused fry the ol J -lory about the mi—intitule* taking out eyes to use m | miking medicine I lc gav e hi- eon-cut j however, and the operation w a- made | without difficulty After the -tump w a- healed I cleaned il up nicely one morning, and -lipjsda gins-eye into the socket It w as a good fit, and il in-crliuti was followed hy a chorus of exelfimations on the part of tsUli the students and the patient- w ho were in I he dis|M‘(isnry Tfie l**st part of thi -torv , Ihough, is the fuel tfiat the man w a- |sr-uaded of the truth «»f I 'h rial I un ity from the llr-t, learned rapidly, and commenced to p ay without hesitation, and lie fore fie went home lie often led in prayer at lfie morning service at the hospital He went home with in- mind fully made up to hrmg Ids family to < liri-t Kiirmiry lu»tftul«* I hr t'onncetirut Korest ry Assoeia lluii will huh! an Institute at l nion, Momlav, Sept. -1st, 1'mis Order of I'Xi’n'iM * At ,o m Assemble at tin* homo ot \|r. Oeorgr l ow lit’ to inspect nnrser \ Proeeed from thro* to Stair Plantation foi in . K|»tM*lioii of same, amt lunrhun basket ' pintle plan ! n p in. Addioss * lorr-tix Ini pros oiiumiI. < ho. It M \« I s Vthlir.H's Progress of lorestrx in tin lulled Stairs, I>y Proft >mii II S. Oraxes, N alt* I oicstrx Selmol, Now llawn. If lime will |H*rmit, ins|HM*tion will la* made of planting made i»\ Mr AI Ik*11 \\ t*lU This will U* an important ami inter esttng meeting, as Hit* pro|H*r care an l treatment *>f our wihmIIhiuIs, tort sts, ami denuded areas ait* matters ot ureal economic lm|H>rlanee to all t ‘nine ami Ik* prepare*! to a*k tpicsiions how !**>; to improxe \onr w »od tot. Hie officers invite cxer>Unl%\ 11» at ten.I this meeting %%'«•«<•! Cult* * «»•*»uin 1*M? I he chief feat me- of the tear IA«»7 in e uineetioii with the manuiaclure ot \uhhI pulp were: l \ eonsmnptUui ttf wohh| greater \ <d, lsl cords than that in anv prvx n js \ ear *\ Hie highest average \ nine |»orcord tor all kimls ot w*a»*t mm increase ot »* cents per curd oxer IS***, the highest preceding vear. \n ine.ease of W», *00 cord* in the import* of pulp wtxul Of the two w<H»«ls imported, spruce ami poplar spriuv shows a |>ercent age of increase nearly t w Uv as great as that for |**p)ar 4 Since Pam the amount of wahh! omsuim**! each rear for pulp has in i a’nso! from cords to neat lx 4,<**0*10 cords. --.. * Uourke Cochran is gifted as a>|H*k cr — his words and (tuniKhts roll out seemingly without premeditation or i effort, yet always to express the inum*> , dtale thought lIkwi imssesaieit him. Hut he lacks moral principle. He is labor* ing to make Hryan President, yet he declare* “Taft is the greatest and be*l • pialt tied nominee ever o fie ret I in any Republic in the world." - The W|| liman lie hair opened Tues day,amt on Wednesday had an attend ance, a* estimated of over l_,tk*i vim t »rs. Lieutenant Governor Lake and Major Hk'n were present. Thf latter w a* congratulated on his nomination for Congressman at-large, a* a winner. ----- Mow‘a This ? We ^vifrr Owe HuihIivU lK> ,*n KcsAtd tor »ni i'Ih' v»i i niiurrh that ,*nu»5 be « bv ll*U » v’iunh < uie i I. V III NK\ .v i\i. o. ■ We* the ui',ie»s»i*iKsi have U«*8 K J. Cheney the 5»*‘ Id ve*r* **d In \-tnt hnu ' prr<*vth !t -ii*»r*K!r it» %t! hu» am C-*u**et n* aad loam tatfy *bU- to cany oat w,\ ohttgwt lK>u» u»* .* bv h'n firm W Oi*iXu. Ki>\4\ ,t MiHV ;\. Ihotf1 ^ks. O* Ihir* Cktvtfi » uitit tuteraolhr, art* :s$ .. cet»y the hi^ni aati a*iv»u» %.,r* fww ,*f iW »v>Um. TtrVit»i'Ki*U <*eut free, . I*’' f TV' rer h**uk-. >•<»«] by nil l>rv***• »Js I Taka 1*0. .) Pu,» tor otMktUfwiK**. Distinctiveness in HATS This sea-on get a hat that has character and individualty. that i*> distinctive in all the details ,ot styie, rit and Wearing Ouality. N*<» matter how particular ^you may be about these e-sential hat features, you i! hnd exactly what you want in our line >>{ ©OO®®O0O(s Guyer Solf-Comformiiig Derbies Giiycr . ■■ i» correct. »nappy, uoto-theminute. the kind that given greater distinction to a man's appear an e <» iv -r Fit is th= height of perfection, made so by the self-conforming feature which causes a bujer Derby : adjust itself to the head with absolute precision. And the price of Guyer Derbies is no higher than that of ordinary hats without the (iuyer distinctive feature. Ask us to show you L.uyer Derbies. The Church Clothing Company Hartford Danielson Putnam [• 1 • MM Marriages In Putnam, rteplemlter 7, hy Kev- F D. Sargent, Krne*t\Vhi tie mo re of Put nam, amt Mi** fall* A Neft of Nor wich. In I^anirlson, SepteiiiUt by Kev. i (‘ro/el, John H. Kelley of Dayvilie, and Klhtd M. Howui of itrookiyn. In <.ro-.\enordale. >epU,uPH*r 2, hy Itev. F. I>. Sargent. Walter Harrett of Putnam and Mi-* I - - mor Arnold of < • i e non lute. In N( w I/iowl'-n. 'S‘ptenil>er ♦». hy ! !{i \ Jallies \V lh\ r. I>. !>.. Waller .Video Mor>r >i Putnam,and Mi** Iio>e A. I. pin of Idiom pon. Deaths 1 "'In Putnam, Si j -*r 111 !i. Kli/a P. I Mo il ague, aged • - > \« u-. in Putnam, Srp'i »»iier l-dh, Alma St, Pierre, aged 1 I y ar-. In DunieKon, >♦ j>t*ml* r ■», Ahhy* I Melissa Wheaton, vife of Anthony I \nit's aged , : year In Brooklyn, v |*t 'ii^r B, (limits «*hu-e. In Smith l-’onter '• plei-dur B, Anii li/.a Ihirfee, aged s • \ nr«. in I idi t >«-ple •• , M met la < !.r ti-, aged b i veu - In Killingly <« liter, s ptember 9, Katie I K mis, aged si year*.. L.. P,. .—tmith Furnishing Ludertaber, Arcade Block Main St. Attendant Sl(h »t sl«r«. T«Uphoi.« Oonnnrlln ■> | Ballard & Clark, | Funeral vg Directors ^ Putnam, Conn. L relephono culls am*acred promptly T Night 3 — 14. Day 3 4. T Ltiir M«i»u V\ !,♦' I • r-i'ii -!i ‘ . Why Wait7 till M,*\ Kt 'ton* ordcimg < eructciA W t*•! M niton 1 Dav, Lore Brotliei's South Main Street Putnam Hare a large stock of (irunite ami Marble Monument*, Tablets, (iravealonea, \c. on ham!. A tx*ra! di-count will ha* given on -» ict> u > ved tor the miiic before April WHEN YOU CO ON YOUR V acation IKui't •io Lvt m pair of our new simhor j » • * Ui •• prou-fii >li. tftvtl uu* p* cue rue i >v» * , »kt*U 01 coltMxnl Ii’Iim v H. W. Thompson,; <•[■11 *11 v ourt Hoi:m- ItniUtintf, I1 IN VM. 1 <<NN. George W. Perry Me«h*nW*t *h«I Civil *n|t»i««Nrr him) J*urifj*»r HU H HKHk Ovtr Flacc * PI TWaH. Republican Caucus! The Republican F lectors of the Town of Fotnfret are lie re by re*|iiected to meol in caucus hi the Town House In saiil Potulrel. Friday, September l*. two o clock in the afternoon for the fol lowlnn |<ur|'*»s*> Kir*! To elect delegates to t hr I on g rational < on vrntion for the Third , longressional 1 lisl riot. Srtoml: To elect delegates to the | Senatorial t onvenUon for the Vweniy j ninth Senatorial Ihstrict. Third: To (dace in nomination can dtdates for town office* to tie \»ned for j at the annual town meeting next en suing Fourth: To nominate candidate for Judge of Probate for the Proluile IHs triv't of Point ret. j Fifth: To place in nomination can didates to represent the loan in the next ttenoral Vwinbly in the State of t dnneoticut. Sixth To do any other busines* proper to tv dune at such meeting. IVr order u! the' Republican Town : Committee F l.. Wrioiit, Chairman. Haled at Po.nfrel, tins loth day of f«ept tuber, 19<*>. 3** Dresser's Drugstore FOR GIFTS Some very dainty bits of Fine China and Glassware as well as in Boxes Dressers Drugstore Saturday at Store of E. MULLAN 13 lb' Sweet Potatoes, 25 > Pure Lard, 1jL. )(, Lemons . l«-dor Bulk c«>eoanut 15e lb 3 can Tomatoes 25c can 3 can* clam* 25c Pea Beans 8c qt 23 lb* dne granulated sugar {1 to the Purchaser of pound of our 50c or 80c bulk tea. • Graham Wafers 8c pkge Peanut Butter 2 lbs. 25c 20 Iba granulated sugar * (1 00 to tbe purchaser of a pound of our 30c or 35c bulk Ciftse. Cape Cod cranberries 9c qt Bell Peppers 25c peck 5 lbs Glngtr Snaps 25c 5 lbs Soda Crackers, 25c Lunch Milk cracker* 7c lb, by the bog 1-4 lb bog Sticsne?' and Poor’s pepper, clo»e«, allspice or cinnamon. 6c bog Housekeeper » anted l y a »idow to take cane of her self and little boy. Would like a wom an between 4o and 50 years of age, a good washer, ironer, and cook, ticxxi place lor the right [erson Apply at once to Madame l*e Kiv a.Pho-ntx\ ille, i ' onn C>tf Vl t.O'UI op I’RoBATK hhu'ix aT E*»ttora wnhia sun the IXortct ot kesttord »a tt-c «.-i ,<a* of ,%ug A D has Pr*"*ci J, ht M Icm.jii.j. on IMttaa d E Wilrtw Admiaiorafor wits-bear aaarved co the -.state e*t.-e of »ar> VI a-. u! tubed gt„ ».t!.,h u4 dorrief This l i*n 4 .'ree that ®,.n' f * he gj. •»"* »<M limned for the creun -rs .»f •aide*t»t* t»eahitat (bell «»■ -<».i-s u» ,»n,e to t-., *.la*lm»ir.ior*sJ Cirrvf- that pab.ic sc-.ce te gl.ea -I thb or.s,r hj pubt:-' t* rise soar e * newspaper h«,iti( a ctrmlafion su -ah! Ui.-rvct ssd b» gSsfiacacoBs thereof os he subbe .,r pt»: ta -aid !«« of Sa*’f .r.1 sr.r-,,1 she r ; where Trie 1-.. *>*,- Ce,.s. teriH fee,* k.—erd J *H> M I aTKM. Judge. it I Be Sure and Hear the ! September Edison Records . which will be placed on sale at F. G. Letters & Co„ August 25th A few good bargains in little used. Organs Piano Player at a very Low Figure Gas Heaters I>e comfortable this ♦ cool weather by using; a Gas Heater Patnam Light f, Power Co Removed Over Pray’s Market. UUUUUUJLSA1 ^ ^ It isn’t the name that " it" shoe good It’s tbe shoe that makes the name good Those who Wear Heywood and Sorosi M are wholly indifferent to the other kinds of shoes, because they are sure of long service and comfort from the start. Call and look over our large stock of fall shoes, just arrived Green Stamps With Each Sale. We Fit The Feet And Know Hoff C. M. ELLIOTT, ^ PUTNAM. .. iwMWMWMM M NWMMMWN*