Newspaper Page Text
Sonic Worr.e-.r.’y Follies. * Th<* Lonely W -min I» Often f $o o.i Account of M r Own Self! .hue' a T c Art of W ooi.itf Misfortune Not Uilliu t. —.. .— • now am! 1woni# |n*tr wo man v rb* ■« f<■» *f»** *• «. P ^ idm 1* bum ly," oi)H* r* •"! the editor of fin* wow tn a |. >k ' ' *he Ia»d down a pile of letter* "I wi»«b I could help «u« b people but li< v < aa I wlwii they live uiti«o» oflrr “Oh. ymi can/' declared b<r friend f bn society woman “Write an-! trll them how to K»*t omit It ” How to *et over Iff" **Ye*, by being 1**4* »e!fi*h My deor I yd»* you n»j word that* the tif y*'t of Ji!fi»o*f ill! kind* of loiiell f»*-»« uii|K»tufbitIty aiid ad th »t *ort of fb g No woman need ever In* lonely if nln» f,i!.♦** I i < roi In life ami in b**r folio . f'*it If ‘'ll*’ "but* ln*f seif up nrut think* of nothing but her awn woe*. why, she In bound to be left to tier ow n device* W ho would go near f» mi tiufttttrreatltijg. mourn fill »p***lmen? Not I, I a*-«ure you, 811 ! iio one | know v»?}i'«l take the trouble ♦* Hut ‘M r I of the lonely j*eop!e In 11*Ih world b i <* f oijl.b•*/ stml If you do t t'»• i ‘ i !» 1 r •• ti» fii » ifo<.i llim* lh,*> e iff i you v it It hii a* ro*- ill of their Mi - r > •* Sv o-t, bn! If? Wli> 1 ft iv*. impii In* :i <*onmriil at n da *e forced to lb ten fo a ff* »| f ! ; i ■ «* f tf- * bo!'** V ilia- I* . - ' • ? ■-*. ,1* of th ’ • i ■ * i • i him bein' phi;.fd Vou *an l*e unite rtire ahe lii'M r M*ecl.eJ imy Ibvlbi Ikina from rim after tbit 'But war n't It rmtier * l f 1 * ti •*( you? Boor fit r‘\i p ilia, - It* i r* s' if flTlUfr •Well, wh> didn’t -!n - *rk up her f« . >• - t: • I* h d bo ' I* n ko III o* • HHbui t h«* il * * • t * «I p! <• to Unbind ».!M h prh ■*' Mi di ip f lv. plo fir** fluM-t* f»* b -1 i*t. .* I t - I they i * * Kent lilt f * * 11; ** 11 - * ofti *•»■■-Ubm that verge** on the wt-rluiH or in airnful Tlielf at rtnidi* 1 only ju f I n,,a r knov* * wt» nil Ini’*' * ,r fi .! i « M >* t of iim k Sf%<! tan» If, T: : m Ml 1 U,« N\ ' \*U. I N« i K 1« V II. r ! \ «• I* (Mill If 11 t *» 1 <rp I hi* III 1' * «*U I* »* i \. We ti t I it I* a duty we h* IfCy. #*»»«! I hive no nyiupiithy witfi it- • m*!i 'i . i in \ \ ho to; , s her jLllp oil ta i i'Jf n .tmuts ‘ l !l*» V W It- * li.'H 1 “ Mi W o dd nthpr ilk about th* » ilia « «ut she 1 pel pel imII.v ask inn «a» f«*i inl\ I e (Mol t fi:. ? she I .v I *' t** Id n il sh • lo-n i*m you with ike 1 -4*1,•< fur h«»ur* il!i| ‘'ill-’ *1 * « !M «* ‘ ? i • IM’ h llH'l v * t * f • f it i; lit (•► In* left ; i 1 • * 11 i* MMlII *»!le • \ s i r t hi- r ' ' i ti»* n -'inr i w h • »n» l«u ly a I u ’ - d *»» I live In flit* ltlftl-1 i( 11 i|» * N ': il* i‘l t. wh»i i‘ fh • li»iHer \'a.| hi , . .1 t»«*h -a ir fpijt^rid TIih v\ * '»! • Id t«* 111tm* tv t he i i. -■ v • t *•} •■•14 to mot*i ${ \\ . i ,t ( t Ml i I i ■* » to • .. »r function* hut "i‘ • a : I v\e b Mil «»ur • (' i fi ai • • H eu -dilu. • b m I II f- w I • I p ! Is I!it*ni ly il ipt M i'Ml t;,. . th • trouble 6 It f I ; ' I '■ i ■ •‘■a * n 1 is “lltUM in'. I *n : |‘ .U.l . ♦ . In "h4( VI m ‘ f! - • t( ' of I If W illil , \ p » tMlil'smt I i ll I n .u Hot M»p» r . i i ■ U > tli' .livd tin* up to mite m net "hut l do Ik* Ik* vie in * alii it * ■ v n ml fvrluia* -V\ h> is til\ *wn • .1 *• 1 In illtiv aunt why is my t.e\ th»or iii'i;lilmr i •it Nb kl\ The i. 1 h it' lit itUl l ho »tim\ bill if iv wa* a wutmiu tt (m ll.ttl lotip 01 -it til e ' Oilin' 11<‘U* wh** lent !t% k *'V>' I f,t vM•* She N llWltVN ItKlkir ^ ha Hi* kt *'NS *il* tliMlble ■ I in* other itii> both etuUlrett caught i.ili! 1 ili l ut*>«»!uh ' nolhuitf for Mil ilnt! I Juki U*t It* run around ami work it off Hut > on Hhou’tl lu\o mtui Mat Smith fun** "■ i'f K in ! S'n* wm tuiv it ww* KoiDw t>* M'ttU* on her lump* a col«l in sin 'U« r ' i ■* Kcriou* Kin* fiiHHtHi am! froKul until *»ln» yot Ihhi'l Into Uni m It l«'»t water lH*ttU* nn<l a t« u i ' t* it m tin* xxa\ |Ih* autinl that vial it I know Then |m a it tin' uht il'vu s ankhsi non* weak they nhouM wear kniiY*. 1 Liu^luxi at her She put them on her rh.iil To*lay Kfhel call l walk |*ror* ei > Without tlieui Miklrtsl IS w el I. you t un >o-v il T reut^ltiv' out therv* Nothing ver> w« ak ;h*»t!t tier inkles is ttwrr) Amt the oiher * hiM wouki have kvii that wa* • * he ‘Mur hut let her a om Tuik .l »u;t e » 14 il *wn i»a t • Tti * w !i is i t oUi faahlm.i a tlHis*r,M- r.\ " MAT l * lb *151 NS AN i IU'5|\ v. irn« • *. Ui 4K* ' A Hl itt| f dy, }>iiii(»lv »-o JtjiU'\tt»;i, Iks^Icv.-H^, I natwes, ThinV»kv»-| mak*-*, ; vou jmU* "U'kls H .kIUv>ki j kllm tin 'm*h, tv,I, jnta —traU.rr* |wrf«ol h<*»ith. * * IH.Thom »*1 Kc Wi rio (Mi l* lhebe*t tv'iMJtl.r t«*r that «<tU‘tt t«s«dUrtt-w- - | Ha- tw» u* <t with -uu-.v,* in out family for right t,trv -M . I. ] U nit a., t; ■):. ,,, V V. CASTOR IA For Iuf<uit* Wid ChJdren. Fha Kind You Hats Always Bought Bear* ti e &£uatur# of BLUFFE.1S. T*> y lr* ' e ft id Cut »nd •I. ■ ; * i ’■ iT T 1*1 m lU ; I i • nun* is. r tprefc* ; < ft I pi : z;i ■ n ... . ,? ,,il iud. I . J . i . ! ■ lUK tiri who jii-i tvvi : y" I ■ -r/ out* think* s ' i. mi Inn t. H.' i i~'(‘think . , .1 ' |M' |, *' jt, | .«• | ' IT hi rt: *1 v, ! • *( mil uf biiw worn nil! ^Ii*' It iifi'T Hi** whitor* f typtic* UVil. J ' k I! inline who flnn> up last ii;?ht. s,i, * slip works ;it < :t i|ip,:! * Is-ifh i| 111- | p Mp * ouiif«*r Hlii' isn't l hr only lilutTiT In this li*v l<-l, rlthrr." llio slainty one wont on E * Ri-.i it. itvajr with Til F V THINK HIIK IH AN f 1 KI It I'M!. Havi- you irtot ibi1 I'mrim**;,, «‘ Imiuty %%-lih lllttt '* I U • -.nU I, it i* i.«! Ill** VOi* »• < fii '* «'* >iV* '!“ “Why, » * •• lit-* l»‘’ i Fits. lug ttjn h I .* Ihvm : 1- . 4* ■ • i a h * nor. ‘ .No, ii-.r va i»l : . I tm in nor Hill H?M’ Y**U IJJ/H I; In,. I till I WOUS llI ! r i no i it v t ■ i i* i 1 ill vi* i.ui 4 • ij . 4 II'., i;. / till It 11 > «» | ,i IM i ui It. fin- ii In tl.ltik toily *!li» I i niw i,4 l,» iii«l In gri f r* Mfl ii.ij.r iif f» , I f li“W v.'» n f *ho ! S'lf* llH* Hi) f til.* f, I i * 4 i r M r* liolili.f " . i ii Mr. - :irifl thoy Iii i;(i1 1 . • *i “I '!«*r S!i!* Hut I V. 1 »••?* t*t r-i»>r S4i||*<*t IiIiijs anil UHt'li t|i*r if »•! oilf of if Kin* in Htlllrr 11 ft* i!<.. (. t ..if#? tui Miuir.i- I mil not allow tn*r. ot Muff. |*mr»* bluff, noth ll.jt to |l Sho lamiY* mIn* Dim*414 Holm* fIiiiik to in *kt* IiiT attr.i llvt\ »*» ab«* ln\ ontH It ■ I !»*'»«• i4 !*»!*• I»**tfT«*r In thin tiotc*! will) tl|:**M t!»i* • ll.'V hilt Hill* i »»i iih*.’* ili«’ r.. Hli* I i hojor «!«*« • I ii r I f h Hi.* *■ .v.* * • »tln*r wit » in n \ u irlow !f<*w i »vh lit* i< to that Ut fin lilon lmif<«l ■ hli I in I'uMi !" I hit iimv * ■ . i . .. a Ini tf#*nti ‘ IU . ii , Ihii ■! || it'l^ to 1K' s - . * • t i i ill •nr*1 I II ’ r - it m l t’i * i • • * . -r ■ **it*• I N *. 4. i»-«*.*, | v.f ! «1 of Ii;;.' il t‘ • t tfl*t \ • lit I’ll | io HUIy ” i i ni I-.- th ’ tii*jllillotau“ : ttj** •'Hi t ! ■u, w!» » iM'Vef ; \ i •* , .. win-; n**ium*.| Hit mi tray tfirl. S 'll . * . i' • 1 t.i: i tl'lt Hi* h lit I ! • - • a I• h nit 1 In;1 » on* '1 ii** « i I> i' »* t i t l it it \< h uil to H i Ii IH u* tho Konnrnl i ( i ii i “I ' nil 1 tIn* Mi n i v otn* U Alilil i V Si A »:s COi.ONIU FURNITUHE. Hi* a Quit 1 ot »r.d Dignity All Ii 0 vn i in* i !i* • * t In* rhanuiiu; llfi t'i >: oi i « * .it? ; \ It > ! ** 1 In* t: i *»\i>i«’i 1 wi !» nr.« n mat ii - o\, i* v, h, t m., • \v.i\i*ii from ra^N V 4 d .. - 1 ** ’t ... i ... .c, ■ viT\l *• j . » 3 .X*. L:, . P- ' -*K * rd ill ■ 4 A\ OM» PAMtloMftft* N(H>M uv pimv-l Ik*;. and there Th«* hlfb it'*k and the t bit* an* «*f mahogany \ . v: A- ; • ‘ :<'!'»* i|n»« irs In he otd fash: i \ d* * " ay The wall* tr- 1 . . vs n U|» t» the jvOtiU ard ato • that hi i!o«t*rrl p **r XX If l.\ H W ME N i:uj t . * it iv sihmt if Vv»U treat U with \ s i v i Halm a** '*>» a- > • a K* sHn to- > mi l sn.,‘fh N: .: •>''■ T the cold !Uiiv grow into cslHfth, nml air 'W**^ 1*^ '•*' lHal you h&i.e to ft grill for every hwslh. It I*, r ; ' ihat K:\ •* i team Hahn Curt's ea'n.fh, jovi.ti.wify ami iv;Uiu!y. Hut yon kn*H the aid sa * about the ounce of prevention. There! mv \jm* I h'juti H.thu Mr hen the ©oid in the head show--* h\ l u Hi\»s " W anvn s* riv-, Now Vork. For a mi id, easy action of the I towels a <to*e of IKwitth Keg u let* is enough. Treatment cures habitant con stipation. £o cent* a bo\. A'k your druggist (ox them. I c-o Mrs.Searritt’si Crusade. By IV F BRYAN f - ' * i t r 0 --o It is a dreadf»il fl«iuir to have a mis ! lion MaUd Maitland found it a re | ipoosibilhy. and Uojr Barnes declared ! it a fxire. * fad and ROfiie other 11;inept i to trbii'lt he did Hot give vocal utter | a nee in llabel** pre*e nee. To 1(0) ft wm a matter of supreme indifference wind her women voted or not, hut it seemed to Mntsd that it was tiie vital question of the iiour. Hie* attended. all the suffragette meet ing* advertised and even formed n suf fruge club among the Kiris of Cowdrey House. nu establishment for self sup l*>rhug rlM In which she had made her home since the death of her pur entu. The Cowdrey Huff rage cluli was at best a lukewarm organization. The girls had joimt] "for the fun of the tiling.’* and Mabel had to work hard to hold her converts In line Tills prevented tier from giving much of her time to l(oy. and hi* opinion of the suffragettes was the natural rt**ult For five years he had begged Muled to marry him hut even liefore the ery of "x )|i*h for women” |>ernine a fashion aide slogan Mabel had had pronotine«d 1 '<-as as t , the independence of her sex, and hoy waited patiently while V ibel d .i 'lisf• rite«i her uhilify to earn her o« n II• i; g Tin!) she I I f;iH**fi under the Inftti fiu i' • f Mrs «*r.i •• |{r*in ii !! i/ nil I It.i ! I* i*n v. elemned by the leader a* an . billion to I he ' a use The approx al «»I 11 i: ’ I*;!!*: HIS HntJJiin 11:1 • 1 the effort of rn. Ik' M i --I flu* iimre eiiMl'IKin-fie. fllul |»l« etiliy -he dexotlfig every ew*nhr; t«» the » oxvdrey bnmrlj of the ■ and liny \\ left .Hit ill the e : 1 It x, <t f <• rr’e f’. <t nil #* wen* f» t * ? ;tl ! 1 lit wdnyv II t h t! • nil • t\ raudh- Mu I ei w f : r iee ' I ’ 4 !; i i.f » h I he p e IleH I It 11 Mr* f I i i/ -I dellv eieil and *1. I i 'f '■’< xx il!i rj!y to tier w o, k t fit- foilovJig morning. nadly I» i t he l i. l, of sleep Mr* I r * 'n H i '/ ! I found In h i li1 'i •> n valued ns-,-(ant :in<] her demand f- r *;>eoi lies that olTered a «!* ’part tire from her own stereotyped tire aids X\ i « insistent. 'I h more >he praised tin* harder Ma t- I s orhed until at list the inevitable breakdown oi. on r d. and Mabel xvus f i io n*sign her position and g*> Iiit<» tin* eruintry when* tier sranfy hiiv pi s raid’ >x diminished The pile of ii .uni*< idpfs for ln*r Idol. Itowever. In erea**.M| g'oatl.v Mi - s- ani't. her new landlady, was mi: ii latere ted ia flie girl. a ii I her j .re' I - .i • i n. d tin* n .inner la wldeli M ib.-I was overworking were loud and en plinth*. itetter stop that foolishness.” she irnru. d. ”iin I p* t some t!« - !i on your I.OD. S *• 1‘td the « • e neisls my worliT* elded the fi el U I i M’. Uro\vn 11 nr I wt >P me that the ■ *;■ mir> are mug a a o' 1 •; -o|. thd I . making thousand* of oi'ivn'P <M eourse sin* tlalters tie there, i r ft I her uuijjuelie \ orsouafity tli.d count* I merely save lea tin* worry of tear ledbm* ln*r arguments.” • M: r.row a i In. n i mu*-. 1 Mvs Searrilt " Ihovn married l»eii Ila 'ant Van don’t happen to know whnt vour id hunks husband’** inline is. do \ ** i T* * It Is |l Hemler-oii 11 a/./.ard.” re Mpe:,deil M ihel ‘ Named altiu his ma." explained Mrs Si ‘Mitt 11 is ma was l.tiella Heudtrson We always i d say that ehn ge of nano* a ini not > f letter’ lirin! Vintage for xx o -e ami uot t or ItelUr ’ It was (iem* I!n /aid that g f the worst or it My. b it lie wn- in*!! peeked! lived over in the hollow id ue Itrow n lived right down t!.e i a p;eee that h: - * red house on your right as you g » t i tile postoftiee.** "She noxer said anything about hax in; been born I erksl Mabel n mirprie "She dal say in one of he fellers die knew that t'Utlvvuir w a lie.auliMil pi o e.** "4. me Ittown ain't brai:-rinu iiboui us. ; d we ain't brauui-ur af«*ut «Ira • 1 *imxx u.” (!eeiar«*tl tin* old hidy '*t«rn always was n finnl.” she xx 4 nt 4 m >!i i mh| to u *t me l» xxriti* h o . *m \ ■ .-ns for her. and Hen Harrow do In r sum- S;.. m-x e« did .ii.\ 11, ni that s!ie eouhl e*' »x some on ei e t > i)n for her I must sax that sP«* hot uiee ways about l»*‘t Shi eouhl eon \ even the teavher int*x uix Itm her |£<hwt marks xx lieu she'd Invn kept in aftei selu>ot the wtnde xv.vk " She Is the lender In a eause ». ti<! Main*! reverently “She lias de xotiai her gifts tv‘ a great Uittie. and nhe xx ill win for us We shall get the \otf> ts*fore long, and the name of Mrs Uroxxn tlaK*urd xx HI go down through the agx s as the woman who worked tliis great rex xlutfou in favor of wo •nan’s rights '* Mrs s mitt Htulml acorn nil Iy; then she l.u»K«vl down into tin* deep Mm* •■ms glow in* with tin* fires of enthusi asm M»Hooks w«'iv thin mul white, «ml there w.h 8 little quiver of the ihiti that M's|>oke nervousness • Hily the eves Km rayed Animation Mrs s. art ltf laid litH* baud gently upon tin* girl** «rm "Thotv s | n? ota* real riuht that a woman has " she Insists softly “That's the i ight to marry a cm>d man am! have him love a ud protect her. If she can get that *he doesn't need to vote or do any f t? • -»• f»*ol filing She Is content will; her It or e a ml her Uahits It's when *he d s’s\*| 4j(*t the ms Rniifs it. it sho m iis the w ueinent c« k .* t oi trusa !e like this, *’i 'e lived fifty three years my dear ! 1 ln'Vy>f Wied, • J I m-ver w. \wd to* 1 4* d I ff*Ts-s S's a: t 1 e : it :*$ ! ia the state I he of Boa It .-row* a I »' * ago ‘ll.ivV hwed ; :* *■ . e I !l' f'-' .... t a".I !..* )• .. U.I t: <• i-s V. <'•: '.> K’u*\v t' lit* vwU !v p <y • > ! ■, .h >» * Hu vt B. mot i.i .; «%! lilts, .it.! r;s lift sth* ttiu k-: , f Ih'U Jt't S.Hli.'ftUn'S'* M4M jibm! lrtv.i as .*'<* rivii ".'.t oos I;, a tat Mns. Browu Has .»> - ttli.'C ln*r n.l bad aim.s>t r .'ll into the in ertng*. utuier i:.»r t:.’.ttw Tb.*o then.* w.-ukl ceu.c over tue (OBMti't -tri'-.g. rather mawo Hi e face a '11 re e l ■* ■ ’f r.-_-ret. ItHl M.'i !»-l wondered if Mr*. Scarri’t had not *fKfk**n the trad*. "I teii you. • r." continued the old la fly. "there i* nothing to roll ig let the men vo*r II they want so tong as they make g-d to * ’“it» Tti.'t'-s all I've ever nsi ■! of Sii..* I df*i t I** Here In thro*- g over a good mart for tin? Mike <»r for ti«- presid.-nt and |!|P tOW coii'ildl Hixl all tbat K ■ ef ion f’:o on.-.* a yrtr. *J fJ* 1 you're tnnrrl*’ ! d tys In that tin.** Vou can't l* a ■ *1 wife and so col- j dins around o*, Y ou have to take your choke." "But when von have a mission to uf*11 Tt j-oiir *■ tcran Mahei. Mr*, ftcarrltt sniffed again. "f'f.llft not :,g." 'he aald Irritably "You only ad 'em Into mischief Your mission la to marry and make some man happy and strong arid a g.*«I citizen That's the way to do jour duty to your country.” Mai*-! turned away without answer. Khe was out used to ridicule extent from Hoy. and of course he was prejudiced. Here was Mrs. Scarritt maklns out her i.-ader to he a wltish, sorlld woman who. haring thrown away her ha • inc**. sought forgetful ness in the excitement of a crusade. It was a bitter blow, and she resented It. .Mrs Scarritl did not speak again, and Maliel hiv ' o k In her chair, her tired eyes Pasting tilein flie soft greens of fh te I and forest, touched here and tit* *■ wiili the gold of the afternoon sun Across the toad was another cottage with Isinrders Its voting bride, in w hom the vv I tow n seemed to take n [lersonaI test came out in her fresh white .!!'■" to watch for her husband lb every Friday night ami stayed until Monday, and the lit tle bride w a - tv ays waiting for him at tile gate A huge fur i wagon piiiiiIiI'hI past, a gr» it cover* I v ir. it ml from It* cav froou* depth* » ion* sprang an athletic f in Ah: -f I * lor** ! • could realize It the lift It* If ■.* was folded in strong arms, ttml r 1 r the two went hap pity toward tin* house, laughing over the man's Mrs S< 111 l ! <died Mabel's ; rot "I-n't that l *’ **r til tti h vole?" she a k*d M ila*l r*«»•!*!*«I ■:< she rose from h**» chair "Oolng In to write?" asked Mr* S< ;ir rltt "YeV <•••• the answer “I want to write 'Ii llrowu Ii iz/.ard t!i it I llo not fffl r : . u eiMUgtl t«» writt till? Kpffffi she want", nml I want t» write to- Hoy." Mahfl van •' I indoors with n face of scarlet, an ! Mrs Scarrltt smiled as she res ked \ ivnaisly back and forth She had not known of Hm Imt sic* hud Imagined that sonic where in the background i'f <• was someone Like Mrs. Rrmvn II c/./aid. Mrs. Scarrltt was a crusader is I a sir « cssful on* Hu Revenge. *1 he dls* i i.-v\ of some po-toffic* lady el**i'!•" ! London |s pmverb i Occasionally Ini • **\ or the fail *-:va fur** re*Y*n • - i i; ; u,d for an oh \ n \r* Ir.' " >\t»r ei•' ri »*d ;* .i: i cit v In ** exactly at tin* hunt o' ■ i'c-U. pulitrjy re-mosted tin* pre i * * t ■ u« t* i - - •, c turn an order I i -I* i: •< I e,*’ slid the *! * til -'«•! curtly pop with an Ink staiimd Huger t lhe k The Imll ' i nt I ro'.e• sfor . »|. raved and finally chalk nued tin* . •■♦••oss of the b nepieec 1 11* in.- ■ ! aide lady smiled 'I . ! w in-; ..! teraoon two i. i cits !■**! • fie closing !i mr tin* mr •Hiii’jt i • i. sente I liim.scM and r.iindy ask • •* I •\\ I to-> lat**?” n in-t in time." replied the dam ( s4‘l . ly \ o*i Now. miss. | must t on t » Issue me forty eight or or* \ r 1 ' 'ding * a* li ” I- tty eight" gasped the lea: r • Mr . n womau Her tea had ust ur I was standing on a table be h.nd ' s. reeii Surely voil inv j**k I ing-T v; a. " said the stockbroker. rai> i • 1 it jMditely. "courtesy begets • bond i Tit Uits V i j LiUratur# Interesting, t \ - \Y lit". y.>u should join • . -iety ’* 1 1 ^ d We study and learn s* I. t mee’h g We t k up tar I » ! u i: h his w !e " It st l>;v« I'M n ltileresflng." ••Vi \*\t meetr g we shall invo^ • - p* ■ te 12 e of Ooethe and ip Tah-sd “l! instructive?** •y. and we have found out every fhb g oft |Ve‘s dissipation and dis h i ut i' •• conduct ami pro|H**e soon to tine v investigate the actions of Volta • e ~ "Oh there's nothing like a literary society to inrmse one's culture. Yom ouc’ht to ^oim."—London Kxpress. Designs CO^V NIGHTS AC. HmuM'llnl o«r o»mmh>« fr*# • h«<h#r ad t«le*lT a»<*rtain o«r ot*tiioafrmm i lb**;,: i.'n »• lxAt#t.tjsb}A.O»«i»mai ■>» HA BO BOW AtetitA •vi t fM OM#o* M«N7 forjt+cunn* jMianu. tAhon low ____ urfh Horn A (\k rocotfo * c**. wMhonrt ****** la tb« Scientific American. A f rtr riii*- . f imt **«(«•(’<t iflt* »L 1 ci"1 ■* f ’ • Ek iU l»J Ail w*w*»W «»r*. &,n,,*—T*- New York y ** Ifwbiftrti.M. R c. Hy EDWIN A. NYE. f,l l*> • l. K.'Tft' A '•>» SAKTIAl MOkTALS T* - In; mii rm t- I- i ln:M“ rrn-e. It i, pro;»•») ly i!i.- f.i't fill it fon flour- fj liv** \V!:le It re>|ulrv» l>rav «*ry to ilk*, it roijnif**?* ni’»ro IinviTv to Hie Aiifl itnniauit)' i* *o Mt*.«it twortoil if tletir* the Imtthr «f Hf** «* hrfiK a* it can fiflit <>-»**—a Iiretl. aick hoirfnl onf anrromJon*. t>ot bo b» the Humanity te bra re. Men Mini w»Mii*»n dally fa<*y conflict* that might ivHI daunt the intrepid god* Think you 1 teenuae they zv alx/nt with ftrniltoff face* there are do task* that fist «ll their fortitude. no sorrow* that must be courageously borne? Humanity b* bra re. Here i?« one righting t*> ke**p In sub Je< lion hi- lonrn nature Think of the duels he t:«r!it«: Who know* tf»e str1 v lnjr< of his defeat*, the gallantry of his victories? II** H a brave man, as brave as ever eon* he»I a lam e in resi against a f je And liere Is one who tackle* the wild Iteasts in the arena of business eoni|»ef It Ion an*! one who struggle* with a great sorrow Humanity ts hrare Tliis woman fates fs»\erty nnd Itmi tatlun*. «»r anxiety. or pain strain on nerve or sympathy An archangel | might well shudder to undertake the whole gimiif of suffering that comes with wifehood and mofherhn«»d And there is no shrinking Woman tiles and gives n»* sign Woman lives and smiles in the front of Kate! Ilum.iuPy is brave. In this strenuous life of ours the real men and women sleep em h night as Jbe soldier sleeps «>:i the bntft ieiicld And re. eille v ., kes each martial mor tal t<* dail battle >-■ ♦* to light the good fight v\ iti» hands and some with lira ins and some with hearts Look Unit you K it no» true? Von wav even -i*e some who *re lighting with broken sword. Ye*. humanity is brave. Hut it needs to repeat daily the prayer of Holiert lands S*evenson: •The day returns and hrlug3 us th round of Irritating concerns and du ties. Help us to play the man; help us to perform them with laughter and kind fares: let cheerfulness abound with Industry Hive us to go blithely • •n our business all this day. bring us to our resting plate weary and content and undLshor.ored and grant us in the *nd file spirit of sleep Amend* Thousands Have Kidney Trouble and Never Suspect it l’rt-vnlfni > of Ki»ln«*y DImnim**. Most people d * n» t realize the alarm ing increase and v prevalency of kidney disease. \\ liile kidneydis orders are the most common diseases that pre vail, they are almost the last ! recognized by \ patient and phy- | tent them»ef F‘ 9 iri?h (toffttring the f£ect*H the eri^' i ml dismai undermines the sv.lcm. What To Do. There is comfort in the knowledge sn j often expressed, that I>r. Kilmer :■ S'vump-koot, the great kidney remedy, fulfills everv wish in curing rheumatism, pain in the 'hack, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part of the urinary passage. It corrects inability t<> hold water r.'i l scalding pain m passing it, or bad eiiects following use of honor, w ine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant ne cessity of being compelled to go often during the day. and to get up many tom s during the night. The mild and th«- extraordinary effect of Swamp-Root in soon real; <- !. It stands the highest ft*, ,'s won h rful cures of lMe li'a»t di tresstug ea>es. !f you need a medicine i v a should have the best. Sold b\ drug* | gists m tilt v cent and one-dollar sizes. You mav have a samj le bottle and a ! book that tells all about it, l>olh sent free hv mail. Address I)r. Kilmer & Co., Bing hamton, N. Y. Wlu n wining mention this paper ami don't make any mistake, but remember the t me, l>r Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the address, Binghamton, N. Y. RoDMof Swamp-Root. W.H. Mansfield &Co SELL King Arthur More proof that Lydia E-Pink ham’* \eget»hl**Compoui*d saves woman from mirgioal operation*. Mrs. S. A. Williams, of Gardiner, Maine, writes: •• I was a (Treat sufferer from femal* trouble*, and I.ydla E. Pi uk ham's Vege table Compound restored me to health Id three months, after my physician declared that an operation was abso lutely neeesaary." Mrs. Alvina Sperling of 154 Cley boume AvePhicago, 111., writes: “ I suffered from female troubles, a tumor and much inflammation. Two of the best doctors in Chicago decided that an operation was necessary to save my life. Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound entirely cured me without an operation.” FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN. For thirty years Lydia L. Pink ham’s Vegetable Compound, made fr, .m roots and herbs, has been the standard remedy for female ills, and has posit ively cured thousands of women who have been troubled with displacements, inflammation, uk-e ra tion, fibroid tumors, irregularities, periodic pains, backache, that l>ear ing-down feeling, flatulency, indiges ti, >n,dizziness,or nervous prostration. Why don’t you try it ? Mrs. Pink ham invites all sick women to write her for advice. She has guided thousands to health. Address, Lynn, Mass. OUTLOOK a- the 1. E A DIN G N A I IO N • AL WEEKLY FAMILY NEWSPAPER, and for the eighteen years has been the LEAPING N A T I ON A L MEDIUM for Classified Ad vertising* If you are an advertiser, let us convince you that our Classified Department is all we claim for it: the best, the past longest established, at d the most responsive in the maga zine field. Send for full information and a specimen copy cf THE OUTLOOK. 287 Fourth ave.. New York. A Reliable Remedy FOR CATARRH Ely's Guam Calm is quickly absorbed. Gives Relief at Onco. 1 It cletiiisoothes, 1 hoitLs and pro • ■ t** i the dis< :ispd in* ’ll I,rune resulting; fr en Ca*arrh and drives away al’old iu tlie Heail qui kly. Pastures the Senses of Ta le and Smell, lull -ize ■'ll) ets. at Druggists or by mail. Liquid t'r-am Palm for u-e in ittninizers 75 ets. Elv liratl"- street. New York. For Sale In order to clixe the estate of Ade liird l.illev, 1 will sell at private >iile, the h one place, eonsitinK of a lot, hoi i so and two Pams, comer of school ao't May streets. Inquire of Edward ' j Vricht I9tf Notice Whereas, I, c -lib-iTiber, having levied a j • t\ .1 vi :i111 i*|.»uii • t i fHiit It art oi Jam! fittintcd f «i» thf village I 1 town <>j La-tford, j Cmii’ty ot WiM'1!'. in*, at* i state of Connecticut, . Ta\t • in I ,tw‘"s '■ ■ \\". F. I>< mu’* estate and ; •'Upp *** <i t*> IhS j ’«> -aidW F.l >oai»*s estate at . time «»t '■ t;i 1 rvntaining ten thousand •m no It t’l oi n d tit m i tin ti ms follows : Be li tt the tl»west «vn er tit the gulden 1 Ut i W i k’s (‘ailed) on the North 'i'1!' oi it ' li^'IniHi , he’.i < N rtheily on the garden. «*ne n: i-* .! frvt. Thei t r Westerly on ' land > I said (>ianto:*s, one hu: dred feet. Hier.i e Sou’hei lv oi e hundred f-et. Thence I. ' i v ''title \ nth - i • it f the highway, one Mtndrcd feet to t!ie phti <* ot beginning. As • h s* i 1h ! on pxgc vol *>, Ian.i records of the '>*wii “1 Lt-ih i i. Sji <1 K \ \ In iiii* for the pay ment t tax due *he t«»w *. ot Ka-ttord wn list ot 1997. and aiiion itii g w ttli h oh) inti rest t si .08. Tins to give notice that on the 2nd day ot November, 19<>S, at 9 o'clock a. in., at the sign post in t)ie village ot Hast ford in 'aid town of Ka'tku d, 1 shall sell enough of said real estate to pay -»aid tax together with the lawtul eost9 and clsrgf* thereon. CAKO P. LATHAM, Collector of Taxes, Town of Eastforu, Phoenix ville, Corn., August *21. 190ft. 85—37 NOTICE To Whom It May Concern: Notice i-» here by given that the Brookside Squab Company, a corporation organized ami existing under the laws ot the State ot Connecticut, and having it* principal place of business iu Woodstock, Windham County, State of Connecticut, has, by agreement signed by all its stockholders, deci ded to terminate its corporate existence, and the Boaid et Directors hereby give notice to all person having claims against such Company, to nl? same on or before Nov. 20, 19U8. with* t\e Secretary of -aid Company, cither at Wood stock, in the Mate ot Connecticut, or at 37 Pierrepont Street, City of Brooklyn, State of New York, .lotm K. Sheppard. Janet C. Shep pard, Charles R. Hester. |)irectors. Sl-dU. First National Bank — or — PUTNAM. CONN. CAPITAL. - S150.000 SURPLUS S60.000. Safe Deposit Boxes for Rent traits iv.ued on all Foreign Countries ; l nited States Depositar). •has, l! 1’K'Avn, Pifsiitent, J r. « 4i;i'EXTEK. Vi a*-I‘resident j *' H. filt i'ATKH , fa>hier. CLAYTON W. THURBER 1 eacher of Piano andtOrgan le*epfe n. 97—2. Putnam. Coon. 1V». KINNEY & SON dealers in Lumber, Coal, Doers, Mouldings Brick. Lime, Cement, P.B.S. Mixed Paints Lead and Oil. Trollev Time Table The Consolidated Railway^ EFFECTIVE Jt I.y j jj*3 Time (fiTen lor c*r« ie*v L , p,_„ . Main Street Eeare Pu?n»m for Woree-ter ate 4tops at *5*17. *6.07 tl.M n tl 11.55 » m. baif hour v cti’iti' ^ hourly until 8.55 p. m. I *1 1 Halifat 8.15 a mV. an.l l™ » Time 2 hours and 20 minute?; far* 45# * Leave Putnam for Webster nud ,Btl stops at •T 17. **>07 a. m.. X? W » hour!} until 11.45 a. m 1,1 l''"*7 U* * --v-- **»• mnj p. m. anil then houly an;:; ;< 55 p.^ nine, leave Webster at •« 'j. a,' • a*. .1 kaital rtn#«' 1 y _. _ . 1 an'l hourl unti' 12.45 p. m., half ^0,®" 7.45 p. m., then bonrlv urn;, 10 45'— 20 eenU. r' ’ Imjc Putnam for DayviUe and loarm »ton« at x8.35 a. m. and" hourly (aereift.. 1.35 p.m., half hourly uot ; 4 ,ij . hourly uutil 11.35 p. m. Retursin. Dayvilie at *5.00, 5.45 „. m. g. 10 a 7' ! Till.- (car house,; 7.28a and no,*' 1.28 p. m , half bouilv unt;: 7..or ., • until 10.28 p. m. Fare 10 unis. I.cave Putnam for Itani. yon at rja then hourly till 1.35 p. ni . . ft. *® p. ni.. hourly until 10..35 ; Itelanjiir* Danielson at J7.10 a. m. a: . hv„„f.*5 1.10 p. m.. hall hourly unt;, 7 10 p. _ ' . *• until 10.10 p. m. Fare 15 ents. " *" l.eare Putnam for Centra. Villare uui mediate stops at x6.35 a. m. and hr.i;-,,'* 1.35 p. m., balfhouily ;;r.‘ 7 i p, B C? until 9.35 p. m. Rcturniuir, leave Oni-fr? latte r*6.15 a. m., 7.45 a. i.ourlv ,i*L2 until 12.45 p. in., hall h ,1 \ hourly until 9.45 p. in. F . e 25 rents, y connect at Ceftral Villas. :,,r Moosot r * cents. Kora ich for Pot"a at 8.15 a t M hourly unt 1 8.45 p. m. Fai ij ceata. ** Putnam and Providence Leave Putnam for Pr<.v i, n.f vnd war a** at 6.35 u. in <T ir.-r u -a -iwiie w’wS the Providence and I’at Railway sad i»sj P.a- R«bJ Elmville at fi.4o ant! S C thereafter to and including 45 it to 3.46 p. e.. ; injj, leave Market Squn a. m. and bouilv tbe*ealtt . 5.45 |>. m. Fare 75 cents. •Does not run Sundays. •Sundays, one hour !avr. xSundays 2 hours later. All southbound ears eons.ret at Central 7j la*re with cars lor Moosnp This table subject to change w^thoataat O A. fc* *JL' O atLAa, Beam the tin Hind Van Hat; hmkg >»/ Putnam Mail Service 7908. POST OFF H P OPEN From 6.30 a. m. to 8 p. m. Sunday®,from 8 30 to 9.30 a. m. The feta > remain open to Lock Box holders until 12; Holidays from 6,30 a.m. t<> 12 m.,5.30to?M Carrier’s window openSuudava from SJOtoi. MONEY ORDER DIYfSIOS )pen fiom Ha. ». to 6 p. m., dosed oa $ uav? and Leva] Holiday®. Uiiisin Division oj>en «I;;• ■ g office boss l>KM\ K« Ills >v Citv Carrier® D * 'v. iSuodtvi i Holiday® ex < i ud) nt s '< , n3 a5„ pig ni. ; and 11.05 ». m. in Ru®iue«s vtii One ileiivei \ hv City < r»® on Ho!i4sr$. HOl’ltS OF < ot I K(TI*»>8 '■nni the Smrt Lr’ter Iv\e®. ,San.iavs j Holi«la\> cxcoj ted, and 1‘e* patches.) It 4 SI or N I I I L M t llON 'olleetion®. Despite .15 to 6 to a. rr., rcnil d< ®; <vhed *t 7.U'i. .30 to 11.30 a. m., “ HID .30 tot> 30 p. ui., •* “ “ 7.45a FRONT A > I> ELM STREET BOX. 10.00 a. in., 11 15 a. in., 3.30 i. in., 5.00 p. in., nail despatched Kl'KAI. FREE OF 1.1 VERY. Routes No. 1 and 2. Rural arners leave daily. Sundays wd i daysexcepied' , ietnrnat3.16fl MadaWe matter, wciifliin^ 4 jouu*!? sent by Rural Camu - inu®t be prepwfel stamps attixed. MAILS OI LS FROM Boston, New York, Ha and aO north, east, south and w - it 8,15».i. Boston, 8.15, 10,45 a. in.. 45, 6 05 p. Dauielson. 8. 11 a m., i ra. Norwich. 8. 11 a. m . 3 C •p. m Hartford. 8. 11 a. m.. 4 1' .45 p. hi. N ov Yo k, s. 11 a. m . 4.: . f -40, p. m Worcester, 8.15 a. in.. 1 ■ m. Webster, 8.15 a. i.i.. 6.h o. Williirantic, 8.00, 11s. 4.10 p.m. Sunday? from all point® 8 ,. ni. M VI l.S CLll'K K)K .17-t ta r.« *• IS,.' .V.7-I4M .. 5.35,7.44** ,.35,7.45 p- ® 5.34,7.45 ?•» ,3 55. ' Boston,7.10. 10.10 n I >.init'lson, 7--1*1. I0.l»> Hurt foul. 7.40. 10.10 ;»• New York. 7.10. 10.lo New Haven, 7.40, O'. 1 Noi wieh, 7.40, 10.10 » Willimantic, 7.10. 1 *>. 1' Woitcster, 7.10, 10.10 West and Southern States. 7-10 7.40, .0 *0. • m., 3.15, 3.35, 5.35, 7.45 p. m. . Worcester and New London, North, "l! tions, 7.10 a. m., 3.35 p. in. . Worcester and New London, South, tions, 7.40 a. in., 5.35 p in.^ Boston anil Hartiord, East, N4 »? SttDMk »* , War Stabo* ■ a. m. Bos to u and Hartford Wes Boston and Pough., East. Wav Stab®*** Boston and Pough., West, Wav Station* Boston, Providence and New York* Stations, 10.10 a. ni. „ Woodstocks. Westtord asd Easuora. 10.30 a. lb _ „ .«* . Woodstock*, South, North. East, 1 5.35 p. in. . . Pom tret, 8.00 a. m.f 5.35 p. m., by Nights for all points 7.45 p. ci. Sundavs for all points, 3.30 p. FRANK C. LETTERS. Tie Putnam Spring Hi Chsllense the World. A. S. DAVIS M»n***r Telephone 144—* Calcium Carbonate. Magnesium Carbonate... Sodium Carbonate. Sodium Ctdoridc. Soihum Sulphate... Sodium Nitrate. Potawiam Sulpnate. Oxide of lion and A Volatile and Organic.. i rotal The«e rtsuits show • •