Newspaper Page Text
The Csurtts? wltn wished to lx as English railway ,_,m ttj.. examination room bis expectant father that Blwj because be was color can t haver said bh fa re no more color blind thn» that, feyther." be replied, trough bein' polite.” you mean? Explain your fc-tber, I went into a room, fkap be! 1 somethin’ op for mt tt Tbts is green, isn't it?’ y'eme now. you're positive quite pleading-like. and. see plain enough that find it in my «tell b!m so So I agreed with they bundled me out No •erliteness for me. It don't gpvriKO THE SEED. ^ govtnf seed of word and fold know not nor the careless word and the kindly deed bkssed the earth In its sorest nrfij Sweet wiH the harvest be. i«™e »re sawing the seed of pain. 2Tiein"rs“ and a maddened brain, use jtsrs'shall fall and the sun shall ret the weeds from the soil **>^rk will the harvest be. Right Either Way. I Dabney II. Maury tells In -Efcoliect ns of a Virginian” of iD Fredericksburg who was to taking ia boarders in order atf both ends meet. On one ooca o( pcct::i; r stress the larder was Epty that the good lady took to her tjd’niiBth": -1 her servant. “Nan ii> said. "tliere's nothing in the P for my boarder* to eat except l Rat give them that. If they are Stans they will accept It in reslg (j god t!i i I,fulness, and If they «e Christians it is a deal too good ttem” _ line's Modesty. surtine in IMS was at the acme is (t-ory and a cabinet minister ad just contributed “La Marseil le In Paix” to the Revue dos Mondes. and Ruloz, the editor, I on him at the ministry. “I be I owe you ‘J.000 francs. Here is Boney.” said I.amartine, producing ssdie of hank notes. j\ deduct the amount of the lie indebtedness to you for your Mid the editor leant to make you a present of rejoined the poet. at it all. 1 insist upon paying >w much?” sir own price, whatever It may L well, if you will have it so I oblige y- n,' said Lamartine, and a magnificent gesture, lie swept w whole bundle of notes repro * the ■ 0 francs and restored o til sole: u dignity, to his pock S 3■ i Some. |M*r in ;i Z'-n was feeding tlie is. Several live rabbits were lute the 'cc and were inline tlj and greedi \ seized by tlie rep Thi'Mnjjr.' .nit rabbits, although iasly almost as large 11s tlie were swallowed whole one aft ether. The grisly siglit prompted early looking man to exclaim: Ibssonie, >-!i. keeper?" f teepei turned a glance of scorn I the profess. >r; | and >11 11 ’a’ grew some. too. po(let ai tint live stock, 1 guess." “ting Shot. .tM|aig persons hail been en had ijtiaiTeied, but were too to "mat I “ere ea.\i< up.” Furthermore. u< to have it believed Memm y forgotten each other p'!ay the -hi: g man called, os on Io!- --ss with her father, h is -ion it chanced she taswer the doorbell. ''’1114 was game. “Par '• ' with the politest of Miss n | believe. Is your ' wry t • s iy t)p |s Bot.” the - *"11111!, re-ponded without the Wl sign of recognition. “Uo you to see him personally?” t^i'iied the young man as he to go down the steps. I r? your pardon,” called out the “"man ns he reacited the low l(P but shall 1 say called?" Reason, like the magnetic tnflueDC to Iron, gives to matte «o,l powers which It poi not before, but without et "* built, augmenting It w altering its organlzatloi 1 to which 1 have compare /Wble only by ,t8 efforts an * only by its operatlons. C- Colton. rted trees I that J*bo (the Prsm glt# isb village rector while oot one day noticed an old h** °f tiltn Gobbling along as , * ^ could carry him and it otrylDg t0 escape him. See , *as one of bis congrega 0 h id not been to church of dear hurried after him. Johft"' *aid he. "How Is It Ve"* s,,ca you at rtiurcb late , f** the r. • r eon Id get nothing b'JT af!t‘r a litt,e Pcraua ’ ’ ur voungest dar * 1» a feared of." J*<’ of Nelly, a girl of a just returneil from - s i see.” replied John, ft-in' an old forclwti * '« I should l>e “. a rat to a black sg« au your ter 'air corned 'otae 1 to myself. ! says, the ginger 'un. an' away from church In a Barf Way. The English .r-fecn t v ,l:e *Te-r,„l. Tflnl* rM!'> “ » «,e i bl„ntt of districts In ,be .,ens „f ,ht> stJt* |*>s*»iiarly known, Rome r are ftt<ecinien« of expression \ R).*Q WllO Wj|*i IlJ’PI? • smim): I,, .. *“ •*** Siti.i.; nouse on ‘‘"■r1*1 irts of ■•* - *■— «>••-««» Is the nearest possible spehmg of the loc:il pronunciation—heard the dauch ter of the family calling her brother la to Slipper, “tleorge." she sad "veu come right In now. Pag on the table and ma s half et**’ A Careful Man. When Dawson reached town he was suddenly seized with a terrific tooth ache, and he flew to a dentist. Investl gation showed that the tooth was in such a condition that the only way to estnet it comfortably was to put the sufferer nnder the influence of gas Consequently Dawson threw himself back in the chair, and the tube was applied. He did not succumb any too readily, but in the course of time he was sleeping peacefully, and the of fending molar was removed. "How much, doctor?" asked the pa* tient after the ordeal was over. “Ten dollars.” said the dentist, bush dorr being dulL “Ten dollars!" roated Dawson. “Yes. sir." said the dentist “It was an unusually hard job getting that tooth out. and you required twice the ordinary amount of gas.” "Humph!" ejaculated Dawson as he paid up. “Here's your money, but I Tell you right now the next time I take gas from yon you've got to put a meter on me.”—Harper’s Weekly. “Our*.” Today a ffi'nwn's property Is sacral —at any rate as sacred as a man’s A certain host remarked before his guests lately that he would send his motor to the station to meet So-and-so “Our motor." corrected the hostess, who wants tone. As the lady bad actually bought the motor, the correction was severe and rankled Next morning the host came down very late to breakfast, lie was Chaffed alKtnt this and explained: “I'm sorry The fact is I mislaid our trou sers.” Little Courtesies. William W'rt's letter to his daughter I on the "small, sweet courtesies of I life" contains a passage from which ' a deal of happiness might he learned: “1 want to tell you a secret The way to make yourself pleasing to others is to show them attention. The whole world is like the miller at Mansfield, who cared for nobody—no. not he— Iw cause nobody cared for him. And the whole world would serve you so If you gave them the same cause Let every one. therefore, see that you do care for them by showing them what Sterne so happily calls the small conr trsT’s, In which there Is no parade, whose voice Is too still to tease and which manifest themselves hy tender and affectionate looks and little acts of attention, giving others the prefer ence in every little enjoyment at the table, in the field, walking, sitting or standing " Chopin’s Ki k. Chopin hated playing at social fesfiv ities To a Indy who after the dinner asked him to play lie tnelanchohcally answered: “is it really necessary? I ale only so little.” Schoolmates A conductor sent a now brakeman to put si>iih‘ tramps off tbo train Tliey wore riding in n Ims car. The brake man dropped Into the ear and said, “Where are yon fellows going?.In Atchison." "Well, you can't go to Atchison on this train, so get off” “You get!" came the reply And ns the new braketnnu was looking into the business end of a gun he took the advice given him and "got." lie went hack to the caboose, atid the conductor asked bint If ho had put the fellows off "No." he answered. "I did not have the heart to put them off. They want to go to Atchison, and. besidc> they are o d school inn tes of mine. The conductor used some strong Ian gunge and then said he would put them off himself, lie went over to the car and met witlt the same expe rience as the brakeman When lie got back to the catioose the brake*:: u raid. “Well, did you put them off? "Xaw; they're schoolmates of mini too.” An Unforturate Participle. A college professor who preferred the participle "gotten" to “got tele graphed to his wife: "Have gotten tick ets for the theater tonight. Meet me t here. ” The telegraph operator rendered this into “Have got ten tickets.” etc. Mrs Prof-ssor wnr. delighted with the opportunity of entertaining her friends and accordingly made up a party of eight besides herself, w boss greetings to the professor at the ren dezvous were probably more cordial than his feeling until matters were ex plained. He now makes an exception to his customary use of “gotten." Installments All Around. Patient (gloomily!—I don't seem to ie gaining very fast, doctor. Doctor (cheerfully)—You can't expect to get well at one Jump. Y'ou will have to regain your health gradually day by iav_sort of on the installment plan, as it were. Patient (brightening up*—Well, doc tor. If this thing keep* on much longer I'm afraid that you will have to collect your bill In the same way.-Judge a Library_ Why They Objected. "No." said the fireman, who repre seated the truck company that bad re posed to work with a colored truck ■null -there is no race prejudice in it But we certainly bate to work with n whose face will took just as clean Not a New Specie*. •SOW. Wfc i sk: taiiy? " Imjitircd the "Why. this s.ieci. snswered the pro! me:.t. "This is a homo sapiens."—bit. Paul pioneer .- t s Unsolved Problem*. The three great problems on the * >!o tion of which humanity I* bent are the same that perplexed our ancestors—the Immortality of the soul. l-erpetusl mo tion and women’s ha La.— Paris 1 ig^ro. H# Fcrgot. -S ■ T ■ „-v „ ^ y w fsrn>''" »bat be couldn't opo-i hls month «irbout making an arrant »s_- of h r m if Once he martnr} a I young woman His writ looked pro®. 1'i' K Tor a time Then, with a sor ; r->wful elsagc, he censed bis court ship. I 5 *hp *<" Infatuate*! with ti«i said a fricuJ to whom be wen. j ror sympathy. ••Stic were, too" Jahe? s»,-eO. ‘•'Veil, wliat could hare been the trouble?" -Dunno.“ said he. Thicho hut wa I proposed she tecue i R„. down cold • ' Perhaps your proposal wasn't ur dent enough?" •Oh. it was fie-y." said Jatw* “Hot as pepper I told her she was the ouh woman I'd ever hired, ever looked at ever thought of or" — But. said his friend, “you forgot, then, you were a w i dower." “Jingo,“ said JaUut. "so I did.” PRIOR Tou're holding your hea t toe t-igt,; You’re the slave of a foolish pride, with your fact? t > the starry sky You would try dignirlt-d. But you re trampling on the Bow ers That around your pathuai You are crush it the blossoms beneath your fee: And you never can see In vour blind con ceit For you’re holding your head too high. You are holding your h id too htgh. You have r ulilr.g to gi\c t i» »• -er. You are pissing v -ur .. ] friends to F-'r th- new w ire Uys sincere. Ah ‘lis all v-rv w, nr. 1.- r tVlth a pro ■ ! and a n.f . . , To look up at the stars In tr a world of But you II often forget to look down a the flow-ts hen you re hold': ? vour h^sd to? high. — Maurice O'Neill. Swallowed the Objection, A canid . I chief liv:m» converted fii 'l asked the missionary to admit blu to ttii' church. "But you have more than one wife.’ objected the ml siouarx "My ehurcl does not allow that.*" The chief deparied In deje tlen, bin returned again In a few days and an non need, xxitlt exile:, t v itisf. , tion that he tioxx had only one xvife at, 1 xvns ready for baptism. "But," ixl ,1'ted the clergyman doubt fully, “where a re your other xx i xms T* “Oh." replied the convert, "1 have eaten them.'" On th» Safe Side. The *v ' r x<! lady" who entered serv ice as cook gate i.or name as luletta Price. Imt constantly r. ferred to het hnsband as lieo’ge I.edbotter. "Hoxv does it h i|i|h ii, .luletta." she was nsked one day. “that yon go by the name ol Brice, while your husband’s name b laHlbeltor?" "Well, you see, Mrs l.axv retice.” site replied cheerfully. “lt’» this a xvny. 1 hatin’ be'it ncquaiuted with Ueorge blit fo’ days when 1 mar rletl him, an’ I tlUln’ know how 1 xva gonter lak hint nor hoxv he was goutet Ittk me. Now. those divorcements be txvlx’ married folks is a heap er trim Itle an1 a heap er expense, too, an’ . ’lowed the safest xvay for us to do xx li fer tie age to keep Ids maiden tiam an’ to keo|i mine tell we roe hoxv out noxv experiment xvas gonter turn out." His Authtcity. Hr Maur.ith w.'is iM'eontrlc. Onedny ho was called up to visit a sick man and as he < ntered the room said chwr fully. "How do you do?” "Oil. doctor." replied the patient plaintively. "I mn dead." Magrutli Immediately wheeled atwnit and left the room and actually rejwirted that the man was dead Tin mistake was discovered tile following day. when some one took the doetoi to task for Issuing a false certificate "I did It upon Hie very highest au thority." Magrath explained, "for I had it from the man's own mouth.” Free Medical Advice. The celebrated French physician Pi cord was one day walking along tin boulevards In Paris when he met at old gentleman who was very rich, but who was at the same time noted fol Ms extreme stinginess. The old man who was somewhat of a hypoclmn Imagined that he could get some medical advice from Iticord without paying for it "Iioctor. I am feeling very poorly.” “W here do you suffer most7" "III my stomach, doctor.” “Ah, that'- had. I’lease shut yont eyes Now put nut your tongue so that I can examine it closely " The inv did did a- he was told. After he had waited patiently for about ten minutes he ojiened his eyes and found himself surrounded by a crowd, win supposed that he was crazy. Dr. HI cord In the meantime had dlaapiieared A Good Reason Putnam People Can Tell You Why It Is So Iioan’s Kidney Pills cure the cause of disease, and that is why the cures are always lasting. This remedy strengthens and tone* up the kidneys, helping them to drive out of the body the liquid poisons that cause backache, headache and distressing kidney and urinary complaints. Putnam people testify to permanent cures. Mrs. Dennis Cady, of «8 School at., Putnam, Conn., says: “For three or four years my husband had severe pains in the small of his back which prevented him from sleeping well at night. A day or two before a storm he always noticed that the pains were worse, and when he caught cold the trouble was also greatly aggravated. Added to this there was an annoying difficulty front the kidney ^accretions. He used many remedies hut got no re lief until he tsfgan taking lean's Kld nev Pills, procured at Dresser's drug ■ store. Their use slopped the .kidney j difficulty and banished the back- | For sale by all dealers. Price. 50 • Foster-Mil burn <o., Buffalo ' New Vork, sole agent for the Cniled Remember the name—f>oan »—and : take no other. I ;«* lad *w Vmtonn bo& *rrc *be Kind Yon Hare Always Bought. and which ftnt been to u»e for over SO years has borne the signature ot »n«t baa been made under his per* supervision since Its infancy. _ Allow no one u deceive you in this All Counterfeits Imitations and HJnMH»food"«re but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of latoats and Cbildren-Experience against “ What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless snbotltute for Castor Oil, TtN, gorte. Drops and Soothing Syrups* It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Nareotie substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhcea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation aad Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children’s Panacea-The Mother’s Friend. OKNUINK CASTORIA ALWAYS The Kind You Hare Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. WANTED SUMMER BOARD Bv thousands of Brooklyn people Can von take a few T If so. list vour house in the BROOKLYN DAILY HAUL!’. FREE INFORMATION BUREAU, for which purpose a printed blank is provided. The service of the INFORMATION BURK VI Will Cost You Nothing 1 lie Brooklyn Eagle is the best advertising me.hum in the world. It carries more resort advertisineiits than anv New York paper. It stands PRE-EMINENTLY at the head. An ALA LRTISMLNT in the Eagle costs little, but brings large results, because the EAGLE INFORMATION BUREAU is constantly helping it. Write for listing blank and Advertising Rate Card, Address Intonation Bureau. Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Brookyn N.Y. Mention the paper in which yon see this advertisuient. Scythes, Snaths, Rakes and Forks. Sprayers, Various Kinds. Paris Green, Bug Death and Arsenate oi Lead. TheCyphers Incubators and Brooders Sharpies Cream Separator (NONE BETTER) American Steel Wire Fcinge n 8#*GET OUR PRICES The Eastern Dental Co. Kim Street. Bradley Block, opposite Congregational Church. Putnam. Operative Dentistry Most Modern Methods and Materials Skillfully Applied Mechanica Dentistry High Grade Workmanship and Materials. Crown and Bridge Work A Specialty. The Eastern Dental CO. Bradley Block, Putnam, Conn cycles tfENDEH l TOWNS ra 14 Man, The Indian is Chief OK Rides as eas y as m m '< i chile, plenty of power, always ready. ASK THE NAN WHO RIDES ONE t INDIAN MOTOCYCI ,KM Are ark non led I to In* the u I tv cat rtl rtiMifv Thru rv I a tl on (i># track for thr past «t u . u«| of tho v * •*. * *'v al a lord motoi •‘vriiw.l* aid .Up I'OI.I IIIro«.l rmlm»nrr iontp»(«, hUI-dlniM*?, r<>ii*Mni|«tk>n l».t, ai‘Vt»n tcirs |vov« thr*C Statement*. « Out I'NW mod cl* now on I'lbiMliun a! the Automobile 8bow, M«clmtm** II u t id i u g, limiting ton Avc., H **toii, me couviiHiujf |'»«*oN I list! we have in Hill tallied mil |W*t r«, |.u • THE HEMEE Ml Cl). Springfield, Mass .1 H T %TKIV, 4*1., A(fiit, Futnaui TWO SECOND HAND WOTOR CYCLES FOR SALE Two New 1907 Indian Motor-Cycles lor sale cheap. Our line of stationery contains supplies fur the business man, tin* prdessionaf man, the student, and the lady. In buying for this department we al ways have in mind the store, the office, the school, and the home. We make our specialty of the best grades and latest designs, but have in stock the cheaper grades- Blank books, pens, pencils, inks. School Supplies for a Song! Vacation time has come to a close, and boys and girls will again resume their studies. They need lots of little utensils and we have nearly every sort of helps required, and at prices so low as will certainly astonish all comers. Edward G. Wright, Central Block. Putnam