Newspaper Page Text
t.A'I WCH»DsT«>«'K •q... Nellie Pratt i' entertaining \i .. 1'anrue Phipps at her home for a Jew d*.' Ke> I A. Turner ami w ire are enjoy tr.i ttl' ir two weeks' vacation in Bos ton »n«i <-’*[* God Woodstock Ini- several of it> citizens who owing to their many useful and irdii-irious vears lived among us seem loth to give up entirely, but try to do mbatthev can in this busy world. One cAtiU number is Nelson Mo,-e, who ;|th)Ugh <*» vears old, w alked from his Kum-to Prospect Farm and made f. H ix;. am a short call, ami then -wa’k cj v,,.me, a distance in all of alwmt .:,re» n ; es. A-rfather of this minUer fchto brother, Stephen Morse, w ho is years old, ami is quite active, alien ()e,j our fair, and seemed to enjoy it a> v,e!l a« those much younger, ami he is wie of our most regular attendants at church. It has been said that Wood stoek was a good place to die in, but we think it can be proven that it is finally a' good to live in. >!r. and Mrs. Falward Killam of Thompson', ille, v isited their son, o. H Killam, last week, and attended the fair. |„ H Healey arranged with George Prink to take an auto load to the Stur t mice fair last Friday, which lie did in fine shape, and it proved a gala day to the party, which was com|>osed of |„ H. Healey and son John H., t'. H. Potter and C. H. Killam, as the ride ami fair, together with the dinner,were ail O..K. Mrs. lit ace Rice, who has visited a few day» at Hillside Farm, returned to her home in Barre, Mass., Monday. Miss Edith Bemia, who lias lieen spending a few days at her home, re lumed to Greenfield, Mass., Monday. Mrs. Grace Rice, Mrs. Mettie Morse, Mr- i- ura W itter, and Carl Morse, were entertained by Mrs. ('. H. Killam Saturday afternoon and evening. Cahii—I desire to express inv sincere thank-in Mr. \V. K. Hammond, and my oilier friends in the church, for their recent generous gift. Alien \Y. I'phan^ Organist. > MWILI.K M l Latham, W. J. Latham, and ( liar i- Downing, wf1 at Black Pond ft'!:iMt "ii the lir*t of thi* week, but reported no luck. The >"one couples of this place are improving these early evenings by g<e ing out boating. |,eo ( ra|Hi. who Iftes to the south of the ullage, caused much excitement last Saturday night by hi* screams in the wood* while returning home from his work for Ward (t. Holman. He strayed from hi* path in a large strip of woods which lies between his home and Mr. Holman’s, becoming confused and totally lost. He at once set up a '•holler'' which was heard all over the xillage. Friends from here went to hi* rescue, and found he had built up a lire and was preparing for a night's lodge in the woods. Great was his joy to be able to reach home after such a trying experience. Miss Mildred Bennett returned to h-r work at Dorchester last Monday. Ward G. Holman has his two large silos full of corn fodder. MIKTH WOODSTOCK. Miss Winifred f’otter is visiting Mr. and Mrs. t'alebC. Potter in Fall River. Mrs. Abide Austin, for some lime past assistant to Mrs. Nelson Morse, has returned to tjuinebaug. Myron Kinney of Putnam, and bis daughter, Mrs. Willis Hume of Merid ian. N V., were guests at Maplewood Farm last Saturday. Mrs. mlas Allen and daughter of West Haven are visiting Mrs. I.. H. Lindernan. George Penniman, a former resident of North Woodstock, died in Stafford Fpririgs on Monday. Services were held in file church lit 1 p. m. Thurs day. The bearers were ii. P. Hibbard, I. J Leavitt, I,. K. Kawson, ami Irv ine Paine Burial was in llie cemete ry here He is survived by a daugh ter, Mrs. H. A. Blake, with whom he made his home. Mrs. Flora Merrick and grandson, Joseph, of Holvoke, are the guests of her sisier, Mrs.V. W. Potter. Arthur (’. Potter is at Kock ledge Farm lur the present, his brother Alii " ii liming found employment in Ab inglon. Mrs. Fenkeil of Waukegan. III., is 'lsiti11vi her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Morse, i • liar <s Panic of Brooklyn, N. ^ is in i.ivvu this week seeing to the prop arty nut him by Mrs. Susan Paine. 'I lierliert l-eavill and daughter. Iviii:. . are guests at L. J. Leavitt ' Ibis w,,k. Henry Penniman and Bur ton i^aviit of Putnam were also guesis there on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Galvin Kawson are at tending the fairs held in Barre. Palm er, and other ylaces in Massachusetts, *nd expect to'altend the Danbury cat tle show Miss Kilith Be mis has suttieiently rr - covered her heaitli so that she has ri turned to her duties as trained nurse tov.i H. Van Natter ofGrosven onlaie e\|»eets to preach in the .Melius did church this week Friday evening Ail ate cordially inv ited to come. POHFHKT The selectmen of Pomfret have in *r'«i a notice in the town warning "*•1 a vote will be taken for “consoli , l*°n of schools.” This means only 11 management of schools. It is aute<l that every person w ho desires Kuproveinent in oux schools will vote ,n its favor. fs»t cants at **'ng machine* from $11.To to MO •‘Jeweler Shaw's. Full of attach “Venu sim each. Ktlison ami Victor ‘•Iking machines and record* at faelo ^ Price*. The Pojnfiet School bovs returned "ednewday. Many of their par ni* came wiih them, so the Hcn-Ciro* nor and the Inn are <|Uite full. , Hfsi'wrreL. Bradley has returned *■ irojve.and is living in the How *ra1 Wage at present. ■',ru''nsted and family, and Mr. *n<1 ',r« Palmer have also returned. -Mazier Hubert Sw ain has gone back 1 •eorge'a, Newport, to school. (»ordon occupied the pul '■«,(' |f'e (°n8regationaI church iast K* his VI. 1,. Williston will take up •ork here the iirst of October. J’r. <'serlock arrived home Tuesday, K«VES.,M »' »■«>■ The Ladies Benevo ent Society 1 , church wiii have . ** , 11 f*nc.' articles, cake, popcorn and ce cream. Friday afternoon and "I'nrnc .1 ; o'cUa-k. in the On irih parlors. The children will i uj In* ft- auraclive as v rr. OIXHUT.if* Monday. September -l-i, was a dax ; “f rare interest to the iwfpie in N,.rl t a-tern i . "nev-ticut who aUended the horeslry nieeling in l niou, Forester M.ver. ,,f \\ashir«.,m. >;nte Hai. Hr. Jenkins from the Kxier - ment Mat ion at New Ha en. and >w relate Stadmulier from West Haven were present and farmed a complete ■ treau vf information on ibe subject, 1 he meeting w as held on a farm where i ‘,le experimental raising of white nines ■ roiu seed has .ten largely engaged in, and the assembled company visited the ft ate Forestry Reserve in Inion. " oodstock sent a good delegation,w ho report a most interesting .lav Hoe very interesting feature of the Woodstock Fair seems to have been i overlooked by the newspaper reporters thus iar. It was -The Old Ladies' i xhibil. which cor sisted of articles j made hv the ladies after they betaine <0 years old. who were “Our (..iris' of I lifts years ago when 'he Woodstock Agricultural Society sprang into exist ence. Mrs. J. R. Rarlier, who has never taen absent from tun one fait,ami then on account of a death in the family, exhibited a chilli's garment worn by I’resident liarber in lv*s. Mrs. Jonah Morse sent several fami ly heirlooms in the form of caps, etc., and a rug completed by Mrs. Harriet Stone Mav on her s4th birthday show ed most painstaking work. Mrs. Sarah A. Woodward sent em broidery, Battenberg law, and fancy crocheting. Mrs. Abel Child,whose husband was one of the society 's first directors, fur nished silk and cotton quilts, rugs, so fa pillow and several knit articles. A by Mrs. McClellan, and two shawls knit by Miss Amarvtis Mathewson were noticed in this exhi | bit. Bedquilts were sent by Mrs. Mary Sanger and Mrs. Samuel Barrett, who also sent hand made garments. -Mrs. Lyman Kitts, though ss years old, was represented by line knitting, also needlework, and Miss Sarah Lyon sent two knit shawls. The average age of these ladies over so years, and the quality of their work would put t . shame many a v.ning in the tirst quarter century of her life. i Mrs, l,iicv Richardson I.ilium from I Kg\ |)l is in \\ ood-stock for ;t Unit'. Mr. nmi Mrs. John I>. Haskell from \\ akefieldjNebni.skn.with llieirdaugh ter and son Albert, arrived on Satur day. Mrs. Kmily Tillinghast Chamberlin trom SI. l.ouis. with her husband and child, spent Sunday at Valleyside. Charles Bowen and daughter from New Bedford took an auto trip to\\ ood stoek recently. Mrs. c. \\ . Bowen is entertaining relatives from Vermont. The many Woodstock friend* of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph I’, ( allin of Lynn., sympathize deeply with them in the loss of their child. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Satt'ord are en joying a visit with relatives in Minne sota. Mr. Sallord was missed at the fair where his faithful services are al ways appreciated. Clarence Hall w as home a few days last week. Miss Kli/.a Iterrian is with her sister in Hartford. The solo singing of .Miss Sweet added to the interest of last Sunday morn ing's sen ice. Mrs. tl. F. Waters is entertaining her sister from (ihio. Fritz Rockwell is calling on school friends this week. The annual meeting of the Wood slock Library Association will beheld in the library room, Friday, October tl, at k p. m. For many years Jeweler Shaw lias assisted our fair by his exhibits. His phonograph display this year iiel|»*d to enliven “Old Home Hay. Doubt less our iample who believe in fair play w ill reciprocate by buying instruments of him. Hewing machines for family use at Shaw's Jewelry store from Ml.75 to s40. Kdison and Victor talking ma chines at factory prices. THII u Barge display of local post card' al Shaw’s. Sewing machines from .*11.7i to *40 at Jeweler Shaw s. h ull set of attach ments with each. Kdison ami \ ietor talking machine* ami records at facto ry prices. The ThompsonU . < T. t will meet with Mrs. Van Natter. North Grosvei ortlale, on Thursday. tictober l, at - p. in. Kach mem tier will come prepared to furnisli something for the program. A good attendance i' desired. Robert Peterson of tids place, and Miss Margaret Rose of Boston were united in marriage al tlie residence of the bride’s uncle at Semen ilie, Mass., Wednesday, septemlier Uith. Mrs. KmiiiaShawt ’oleleugb lectured Monday afternoon, her subject lieing, • Theitetl Men." Mrs. Randolph H (.’handler was the hostess erf the after noon. The young lads are leaving for the schools, and the village is unusually quiet. Rev. Wallace K. Stems of Pomfret preached at the < ongregaUonai church on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J.M.Atldeiuan of Prov idence hav e l*en spending a week is town. Mrs.Marshal! has returned to Brook lyn, N. V Mrs. Barton entertained friends from Putnam on Monday. Miss Grace Granger of Providence is in town. Miss Beebe is entertaining «a young lady friend from out of town. The autos till the country roads. They are continually passing to and fro, the touring parties enjoying the tine weather, and the country inns are well patronised, while others seek the country scenery. Saturday afternoon and eveningKev. and Mrs. Slerrick Ransom of tire Ka»t Thompson Metbodwt church, celebra ted their golden wedding. Many rela tives and friends called to extend hear ty wishes and congratulations. how *’ This ? Ve offer One Hundred !*>;.«* BewaH tor 91 case of < aurrh that -aonot, be • ured '> Toledo,O. Wr. tive uaJersiaoel ha»e h*o»a r J beae* lor the last 14 re»n. and belieTt him fTfc-ilv honorable .0 al! YmaatM hI fiaaiu-iaih able 10 carry ontan* obojfi oiis made by h» firm W»Lfis«, ElHd i Ml*' <*. Wholesale tlnnrgis!*, lo*e.*o, u. Hair* Catarrh Care is taken internal iv. art ig direct!* opoa the Wood aad aw**** *or grs of the *r«tem. Teafwaontsta sent free. T.V.- per bottle, soli hr all f>:t. Take Haifa Family Pili* lor coeatifwrjom. % Kf >ttTOK l{<'\ Mr Marshall of Hampton oc cupied ; he pulpit of the Cong egation a; church isl Sunday Hi» helpful, practical sermon was listened to with interest. \\ ',S'|S ^ * Allen I* teaching at '\ ooilslofk Academy. I**'■ i- a <'f Brooklyn, ami Mi** j t»ro\er . i 1 Viliam,are the guests of lire j Mix<e> (t-g,x»d. '1 " Helen t ha-e of \\ ateri-urv. $ visiting her am. Miss chase. Mr. ami Mr- Fred - iih, Mi« I>or <’ i> and v-orgc D’ess< r Smith, of ! i hieaso. are at Charu' smiths >amue > iiith die*! Monday rveninit. , '*!v' '*■**“ ' ar|>e is leaching in Hampton in the siiik district a> las! ! year. — - • — *Os TH uomatni K The sympathy of the entire comrau : nity is extended to John I- . Whitney i ami family, as death has again entered : their home, taking another s,-.n, W al ter. pt yea:-, , i. Only a few year- ago | they were called pass through a slm j ilar affliction, tH>lh sens living of the 1 same disease arnl at about the same age The funeral was held on Monday at his tale home, Rev. L. It. t 'nrtis of delating. The burial was m the to rote street cemetery, I’titiiam. The sad news was received last week that t- rank A. Wells and w fe were mourning the loss of their second daughter. Maude, who died after an illness of only two days duiatlon. The family are living in Craig. Colorado. I.awrence Sherman of Sooth Coven try, has been sick for several weeks, suffering (root paralysis of the lower limbs. His fattier was pastor of tne Baptist church here for several years, removing to South Coventry about a year ami a Half ago. Mrs. A. B. Randall is in Danielson for a time as nurse for some Jone there The fair here brought friends to visit sev eral of our residents. Miss SarRh Olney of Rockland, U.I ., '|s’iit a day or two with her sister,Mrs. Arthur Williams. William Fairbanks and w ife of Mill bury, were al J. K. Buries >n's Tues day night. Mrs.Fairbanks and daugh ter, Mrs. Halsey Weaver, s|>ent Thurs day afternoon calling on relatives in tfuasselt. D. N. Porter and w ife of Thompson were callers at J- F Burleson's one day lust week. Mr. iShipi>ey's family entertained relatives from Stafford over the lair, Mi-. Thomas Black remaining over Sunday . Rev. and Mrs. 1.. It. Curtis and Mrs. I' \\ Bassett were chosen delegates to the meeting of the Baptist Association in North Ashford on Tuesday* of next week. The pastor with Deacon Wil liams and Deacon l.yon represent the church at the eouncil to examine the pastor at N oth Ashford for ordination September l amer Newton was boumt ov er to ' the su|)Crior eoort in New lauidon on j Monday, on the charge of stealing a; watch from tile person of William Di mock, a civil war veteran. XVootl-r -IK VULKT Sunday nielli the school house wasdes troyed by lire, causing a los- of *«,IWO. Insurance The teacher’s desk and a few other articles was all that could be saved. The cause of I he lire is attributed to a tramp who it is lie lieved forced an entrance to the build ink- Sunday afternoon a tramp was given son.e |H>tatoes by a resident of the valley. Viler the rubbish of the building could Ire examiner! the stove was ins|iectcd ami in it were found a nmnlier of |K>tatoes, evidently those given the tram? It is presumed that he built a lire to roast the vegetables and the overheated chimney set the building in a bla/.e. Bradley Theester The feature picture at the ltradley theatre for Thursday, Friday and Saturday is “The Romance of a \\ ar Nurse.” Other interesting views will Ik- shown. Amateur night Friday promises to lie a banner one, and several new acts w ill lie shown. Merry \Y. Savage's wildfire comedy success, "The Mevil”, which the New York Keening Journal says is the greatest play of the age, will be seen at the Bradley Theatre, Putnam Mon day, October lit h. “The Devil" Is the the most talked alioul production in New York and is playing to capacity houses at live Harder theatre, New York, every performance. During one of the performances last week there were til curtain calls after the second act. Dorothy Dix, of the New York Kvening Journal says: "Kvery wo man should see this wonderful play. It leaches a moral lesson that we all nea-d in these day of temptation’’. Tickets for the Putnam engagement go on sale Friday noon, October There will be a ear to Webster and Danielson after the show. OF A War Nurse ’ a id other interesting {motion pictures. Thursday- Friday and Saturday, September iM-iVSI. Sec the Amateurs Friday Night (' mtinuous performanceevery Satur day from 7 to to o’clock. Admission. 5 and 10 cents COMING Henry W. Savage’s wild-fire comedy success “The Devil” The most talked about play in New York. Monday, Oct. 5th Seats on Sale Friday Noon, October 1 Situation Wanted A goo*! soiier young man who ha* h*<! several vear» experience at lire bust neat would like a p*»ilion as chaf feur for automobiles, does his own re pairing. J. fc- Bkksjkk. Kim street, Putnam. Particulars can ire furnish if any one desires. Men’s Shoes If you want exclusive stylos, high quality of materials an I superior wearing and fitting qualities, row* in an.I m < our Fail Styles in Foot Wear Sp. fwi Styles at $3.00 a tul $4.00 Patrician Shoes FOR WOMKN. Patrician Sbives are modelled up on lasts, especially designed to tit the foot snugly ami n ske it look trim. It embodies every feature best adapted to the various styles of foot wear. $3.50and $4.00 N. T. r.' Fiont Street,_ HURLBUT, Putnam. Conn Sew Line of Stamped Goods AT THE Popular 10c Price PILLOW TOPS. (TSIilON TOPS, TABLETKNTKUS, Pll.l.OW SHAMS, DOILIES, HI' HEAL SC A BPS. TRAY ( LOTUS TABLE SHAKES, Etc. Larue Amortmrul of Patterns to Select from Now on Sale at The Keystone Stores Danielson Putnam Moosup HI >++*****+*** BUY BOTH THE Victor Edison Talking Machines at J e vveler Shaw’s' All the late records received, fresh from the factory recently. \ Notice. The Selectmen and Town Clerk of the Town of I’ulnsm will Itolif n ~i"»,ji>n to examine the ipialillettl ions of elector* ami admit to tiie electors’ oath inose who shall is* found ipirtlirted, on rvitur dav, the *_i;th day of Sepiembei, Ihoa, at the ottlee of the St lecluien, in I niun Block, in -aid town of Putnam, from !' o'cloek in the forenoon until 7 o'clock in the afternoon. c. K 1*1 Kin K, A J. SltlPPKK, ( )M KB ],A Hi k, Select men. Kkhiikkii k VV. Hkwaud, Town < lerk. Putnam, Conn., Sept. 17lh, ltas. NOTICE. The Selectmen and Town Clerk of ! the Town of Thornpaon will be In ses sion on Saturday, September W, 1M0H, at the Court I to- mi in the Poatofllce itlock, at North tirosvenordaie, to ex amine the ipialitlcalions of applicants anil admit to the Klectora’ Oath thoae who shall be found qualitied, from if o'clock a. m. until 7 o clock p. in. Dated at Thompson, Sept. 1*4, j (>SM AII Tm KTKISiTTK, Thomas Kyam, i.kuhmk K. Ki.i.iott, 38-:» Selectmen. I>vkk S. JCi.mott, Town Clerk. | Al llUl in CKl'MA I fc MOI.VI.S Al j Pomfrrt wllhls malt for tb. district { ol Pomfrrt ob tb. Mb daf of Sept- A l>. >«* Present. I ba/le* • > I bompnoo. Judcr. Oa motion of Sssri. aad, at Puts* j j i'obq . Iocs! aluirwejs for Heart Whrwirr aad Kdward W Hurrbin* of • Itjf of Boston. Mat. of Mas AcHas.ll>, tssoaioiaoa 1H« lot sir .stale of Al.lsodrr> WhrrJ-r.tAlr ol Boa l on. Masawtiu sen., deceased. Tb s Court doth decree that sia Boat ha be s' lowed limited for the creditors In Connect wui ol tud .also lo rsbtbit tbrir claim* agaiaat the • in» to iHi utlocary* *Ho*. named and direct i Am Gone aotlc. t« fivea at tins order Hjr adrerUa jlar> published ia Putnam basin* A nrcaiaftua in mid di-tnct. aad He posita* a cony thereof oel tb» pub.1e sics port la Said tow a of pomfrrt srarr t the place when- the dr Crascd 1*1 dwelt ia said town of Pomfiet. Ccrt M from Bmord, • ca*ki.KB o. tHoapsoJt, fitr* George W. Perry Wt-s—*—« aad O.ll Kaflaaer aad Hanrwpor MIC ■ BLOCK Orar Fta«f> Km. ptna*. comm Slate of Connecticut, Windham Countv. We, tin* undersigned, a mujorlty of the llireclors of the Itrook Side Hquah Company, » corporation orgMiu/ed under ttit- statute lawn of the'■'tale of ( oniu client and located in the Town of Woodstock in said Slate, liereli.v give noliee. That every stockholder of said eorpo ration lias sinned and acknowledged la-lore an officer anllieri/etl to lake the acknowledgement of deed* an agree ment that the eorporaU- existence of said corisiration shall lie terminated. That January •>, I’.aw, la hereby fixed ax the limit of lime for presenting claims against said corporation. Thai all persona having claims against said oor|*>rallon are tiereti.v warned to present the same within said limitation to John K. Sheppard at his residence in said WoodstOek, amt that «aid claims may I* mailed Ur said John K. Sheppard, at I’utnam, i!onn., It. K. INo. 2. liated at WisshiUiek this 2nd day of September, A. I). IS** Joh n K. Mhkpi’Akii, JA'KT SlIKl'CAKI*. A majority of the I>irectors actingas TrusUes. ;n ForSila at a reasonable price, a barn, »la dxub feet, framed with pins. Chestnut frame All in good condition with the exception of a small purtiox of sill. Haro can readily I* taken down and moved to any locality. K. K. I'UKK, 1/ock iiox IA7, Putnam 33tf Republican Caucus! The Republican Klee tors, enrolled upon the Republican fmucus Liaised the Town of WoodsUrck, are requested U> meet in eaueus in Agricultural Hall, South Woodatocb, Saturday, He|Hem ber M. IMS, at 2 o'clock, p. m. for tlie purpose of nominating candidates lor town office, also, to do any other prop er business. iljr order of the Republican Town < dm inittee, H. |s Hajcukh, O. A. Him ox, S. H. Pw kmaj*. Dated, VVocaRloek, <'t-, Sept. 14, 19Ug. ,'t»* vvj Corset Am i < !»■ fii! (!■:-] |.*i v ■ u ■ of (Vim- « t> havt* a l svl a of |itt> famous "Ivv” }?ian« Tti«*v no l< ’*y x woman of « > V tie** in tw iinnofoi' U’*' of ('or'* t*. .*> who .non* 1*0' r«H{ nviui iit' of Ihi iriiiitiini Itjart* ■ ' < 1 H« iliv'i.o.lrft *t;u- frhoWltlg Myles I *n 1 |>noea. m 10t>A h I U’. >\ u1 St * Ill ’ \ S lit Stvl# tO'A at • IyIt* Volt it ' V> I i S. i ,1,1, ( |> ■ I’.i'l .’'AAA m 1 00 1 23 1 SO 2 e0 Si. 7* 3.00 I * ‘. *■ ':* - r 1 ’ A I Mi . >. I \ ! I V » 1' ,i ll nil'll l|<• | 111 Stout ll)'k« w ill apt is'iii!f' jot tilv for liin comfort they givwt, hut for floor long I'tMiite ** 1 11 ii..ik. >■ 11.*’in iii’i iilriHy ta'ouotui. 'i (lot' t hi - rot 'ot a tri I ami wo ran ii'Hiut’ you |i*>i f**ct >-at mart ion. Wo huv«* n coiKOt for rvrl v furore, ami * vt r* l urir. U i> nl*o wrrv the n«ivr*| ami most up (o (late tiwnlels in Koval W >iot*M*>r K atol fl I. lit'ssim.i atnl l> H ,v Co. Corset-, mol tin* salt to Hitoif huilrW for slight figures 1 MW>. < arpHs ami Wall P p.T<. Put mm. f nt When you Estimate the price of a gallon of paint is of no account. What's In it? There’s the rub. The most-gallons paint is three-quarters not paint at all. The least-gallons paint has nothing in it but paint. There’s but one- DEV OE. w * % EXACTING MAN We want the moat particular property owner in town to paint his house, one half Devoe, the other half whatever he likes. If Devoe doesn’t take less gallons and money, no pay. I6EV< If Devoe doesn't wear better, then we’ll give him enough to do It again. t For sale at Burt’s Pharmacy CHANDLER & MORSE White Lead, Oil, <Hc Poultry Netting, /•Jillrood Woven II ire Fence. Barbed and Plain ' Wire A With the United States Separator. You take no risk. You have time to try it, then if we will make easy terms for payment. Cali, on us kok Crockery, Kitchen Fumishin Chandler HARDWARE