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PRESERVATION OF FORESTS. The OH 8*y 84*t* !• Now T»ktn? th* IfWtftftt'vft. The j»Tf*«»rTnfti n of ifw foresi* l'» a ■tNjbhsc# se *j!h1 to In prt* «»tif N f A&d til it** ««i‘ N»»!' t'iwartl f»e fid-Te 4 o«»r 1 oj.ii r gl^ i il*- rap! t J-»i «. .. u «>i mir ,‘*i »v Ui.' m already I**; ihJitiig to 'wu* if* <*Tr*ef • l««n ear steam* aim! river* n: <J n* eur wafer s’tppty Tl*e hfVoiifMi *»f WTtrnf pij'o f>nj»»sr hf»i1 * iw r-ioid e\fe*i •km the Industry thro ah»tit • )« rotuifrr. lopetlier with .!«• »ner**ri*e oi •r*ttKfifiprf efr* illation. have h!I ft*** thru of ()«« forest* to nu* h • depr*e that *t««fM are nl.vfld* t «*ln$r Vikrfi to pfw^rvp them Iwfore If Is too fcrte. C«r?jrre«* has oftempt**! fn tnUp a ftmot In the matter. tut so far with Btrle aval) nrid it now remain* for tbs indlvldml state* ofFe*ted to s*** wtiot fhey rati do Tin* ftr*t step would see ■* to |>e the development »*f paper « lakiny from so me rnpblh tffowli:sr ami mu •unify trap’fWirtftjf ul^tau «*. siu'h «» eorasfnlk fiber Instead of from the tlonf. rfsfttff tree v. Ill' ll ran not U» re plitf e | e. ept after .tea is of; renewal •ml^r wfh Ih r. fo t>e *■ l td Mas -o f»i» art?* h» fill Int? I he Initiative To f * * gn\ vrv.f*m t» 7 t !»** other li* e NeU Kir; fciiid stefe* tJovornor •' ihl b * sen? snt a rtviiM* f f*t a eonferem *\ ami I1 trlH hr held at flu* A'pompiin * -l*il hr IV*^fon on tin* I Mb of Soptemls r T*n* pf\ proof of* will then ro*jf'*r aid dcHbeie e over IV* r means to I • taken f r the pr* -r tn-n of our f* r aid ft |h probable lb*t nrr ►> in* .if* V*. III 1-e made for the * a1 ■ of s New Kh" r I Sai-i' : «' fere-.- e a •rwne ffme !iu*f*edhi?eiy fi IJotvl' ;* th prevdih 'if! I eleefinfi, ’f It should b heM “ n« On* «*rt *r f.ii1 d In hh f *ft-r p >i. aiM / ope* a’ 11> if time in *ad that ||r tv fi; iidetp ja * i c n " trfth the poMfP » of th * pfe i b-fiK rtf mf» > rn t »m* of tie* • pe ' * l> y*f {h f f this meet bijjf of tin* popa rt'! ! UMVf H in-1* . ^ / - W. V i.) J U)1 ul iLI' Of M A » « \CH!'MI. I <M. Ills i > a* h ■ |i| 11* m u *11 !*• U» *!»•' Ihi* *i>.Min \v|H>n»h\ a gri’Hicr nnlformit v ♦ f fi« f 1*«11 ifillv N* m’ iiivd in ihf h*j; %4r|, ft! *»1 * tilt’ •« V«*f*tl stnto* t tt rf** t''thill Itut i In* i’ifMiiv-1 t * in!* • Th^'IiI Im* h» I hi* nthnulus It will i.rh * i » 1>1>H • piithit util In 11 m nwnhriilitu «f »< ti» tho fa* t ll.ti Hu* fi»rfV*4 imi«i sent ctfttifl h«* (m-MTUMl Th* first Mr>t*toev &ir Uni if I,' - i it It i - »ii i •• •« wit IUr Kntuof* I if a k t* I In* hou r of hr*l ||:frt«|Of ||t{X 111 - pot till III |-’utflilu.| U\ol at itrl Ito I. I.'ulttnl »t»* ir l,|j?a tVoth'M IhiiiM* m l.atn ivliiin ah * ohtffi s till* h*u» >r -if hot it i; the* who »f th* fl /si * till urn of l it |» U.I to i « tii.u rutin(n Tlu»\ mo wall in ha\» u . ( grown Uton hy a I’onnhy man who *4ttUsl with Sir \V !I**i i'll** «-<»r t* * f « tiM uilion of flu* potato ill tN’ I»i i; i.- ?» i »u I wan |ii fithh at on Hu si ait h *ni t of I t ola ml % ftttv tills givat IM'I. I"t h ill all i* w IhU', If hi 4 !►»*»*it i*» uot ill> an ml *1 that tho gkntaio wj» ■» laUiut in i:»ii’o|M' from Virginu« itml that It v\ i * out! tvnrrt) thoro hv tin* uutlvos sir ,!<* • *|»ti Hank* tllul l»l* I «»|f|v !»‘ itnfll J i tho o 'll uf th’if it uthm fly tn tli s lit v, hut I! hits luoti asoort ahiuii that f In* ItuMuiis uf \ it . nia though 'h \ its< | a numb*’ ttf totwrnus n*. ts <||.| imt know our |Mil tutu ou<* of fht M* w m tho plant w*mi«*tln»os grown as au urmuuiMitttl oltmhor tn out jBir\h n* uiiil < tlhsl h\ ln>tant*tw Vpiut* •tt*»’ti**a, Tht* Imhans »alh*t| tin* root* nctfatoo*. .ami tho Prom h t'nmulctim trur-w thorn as |>oiiimo* »|o turn* ami aur potato. h**lnu' a native of Smith JimrrUn. wa* woniveh likoh to k Iuovmi tn tli«* linhaiiH of Virginia \et tho potato was umtotihhalh fc»ttr*lurs>l hi Kite I ami as part of tho riinp* «f tiyi* of Sir Ulchanl i»r**n vlllo'i* ship* ntal ImqiIih) at Tty mouth, amt tho •hip (not ifoiio iliro.** from \ hu uia ami ralUs! (kiw hors* oil fho way On tho •oyain‘ homo howovor. It lout rnotmi torts! am! <a*ptur%s! a Spanish sfiip frxun Shiiitu f‘amht»jn tht* ihUiUihs won* a jMtt ‘*f rtuic » of tin* hit tor \ oss»*l TK# Useful Sunflower. fftmtloun irv aaUl to jive »»i ♦Uni title flavor to egjftt a tut »ro Rturh •*«*! |»y thv Frem-h |**»*tilt* for that |uir |M*«v Rfiufitilrr lhf*» wti»*n yi»ll |uant 5««wr rrtf>f'*n mitt tlrtvji in «om«* **h»«I* •nutHt th** amt In !!»*♦ odd wr io*rs \ few { ’ i t,s| near the sink drain will ho!j» to away mfmtua •tut srHo yon t»< of wotl that will W kiiau.moth Ui llr*\ y, iui|nirv m k> t to ik«- a ututl fty. limply vtoo, hr.iltch^i, MMK« . *n Thin Hhvnl tUftkiS you wvak, pale *1^ W y HaM vk BKmmI KlUiirt* iuaKr» Hk" uoU* j in —"T®sU>rvH hvaUh *‘I>r nn«nA*.’h>^triC! Oil U lhe Km feiUKHty for fI*at often faint «Mm — jgVttim* Hssheen wUImiocosssu ear family for eight y »ar-* ‘—May I. Wtuit^ ai, Buffalo, N. V. CASTOR IA Til Kind You Have Alsajs Bought for Infants and Children. Hwes the St^uaiure of Fruit Muit Ee P-t Up For Ma-Wit I" A‘tractiv® |tyl«. RtuUrnt r* ?* * - m t ■ ■ •* flf»OUt f:f »‘ * if « «* 1 »!» ! Hurkrtt ij? <*nr horn* gru vii fruit* If ne i iKfi ♦*! in iii'itiifjiiniut; imr ftr^nt rri*in tlir* horn* in • ■, *t*» f'nlifof ni.i fruit 1* Hnviii* a ir*•* • -- on if* • \tr\ff** of fruit » t!» * *-#*ft*m mar t *«t* px+ry year, oil fi.J mi: In mire to «111 <• nany ♦••jsi* m fruit ffrowr-r* out of the Im.-unri:i.»•*** It f* 71*4 1 II.*?-*# S, . 1 l,V I'S r rt with * <•■!* fl»** an* fit up In ns { in I ur;p*i}V‘* ?t>I** a- Uioite nit1 -’ i :• 1 *r ».!i |!i,it • t ion d hr r-Min! • In Mn« li aid* of tin* ;.rn o:-«, If I! i d lr*- to tiU\r their frul n* - • • t a** found i*» «uUfonih! f! I • 1' •» • V I : I <* I* HO M f t !■•••! i \ tf til ' *1* and '» . >■• t It lift uniform In ♦ I’* ;j ft tfi :* f’. * 1 ,?»*r th»* ron*um*»r u III fin! tliM • i* Invidious < ouipst Ihohh w Iii'ii !.*•■•-■ if I»;. t! <■ ''!»• “j ' ( al ff.#11*1 »•(.*! f I/I : • ii ad Hit* or will hn\«* w« , ; d In »ii itu nilniiitf It fruit f t ;»*»■. luit If o'■ i' homo grown fruits ar>* put tip In tfti huiu^t inn tutor Hint tm<1t»rtll thin Uii '• Irs ttto I »*pt off from i|m* mni ln f w «* « .»ti tin* » <un p#*t!tl »n mil It »?. 1 our homo markol* thin prohiom of liittHifhig mid iiuirU*** I114 fruit i not om* mu la* noiv»*d l?y Individual rtlort isiofi#* It ifpdre* rorijwi a t Ion oil tin* part of fin* vitriol!* fruit growors t Mio inin mat run «m*«I In r 'lahlMdiig a ivpiliutloii for high gr nit* fruit, h'it i t tin Im*hI tils i. puta t |***i V ould o il) la I " if. wberotlM If n |||(,. : ;t , I i '• il '-tU 4*ih woiii.l t oiiihim mi.1 orgnnizo and I mi vt* Hiolr fruit put up hi uniform ' Vdo nut I:- !;*!*='" ulla nt |i If* |.\ ♦ * V | »* • i'u*mo*«! pa* k.'rvo that their In utul u oiiki O-I i Ilia l,i **1 « 1,'KS r* putnt I nil fin* ,|, ton i for flair fn:lt wood e*puil If nof rto r) fni flu- cull torn I* fruit What uc und to do Is • » organ Iff it ii* I do our g nding. pat Mug nuil mat holing to a.** liusttif-tMlIkt* matiluT iis fir «’.Ilf a idiiu-* Our grow#*, nuist Ifarn P* utlllo* flmli In!••» i i i ra )■ at Inuur tuar kft ii? thing tail tin* very h«* t mid In ilidf t in p " Un: « - Itv k«* doing llirs will ohllli.t itiolr liioho) Ilian h> pi.u* lug tin* w ol? ini on tin* marl* ft I.' in * row * r dtould grow tin* l*fst \ari rile* put t tit M i tip in till a* *■ It'll IV, Util form pa, ! i.o *< a d pkuf til*an In tin* t mtdx of d* • who iimlfr>*t ’ml their landings 1*1 f \ ri v package eoittnltt full w*d, tit i n- -t Imp' rrmd mat I, 1 nr. ! • -n> Il : • f tin* frill! Is II, ,. K. !, . til,., !! i »■ kngf In w III* h i,» *n*ml l: f?» 1 . il. t Vo fruit should Sm* nMMit In itia hut ii Ufa! and attrin* r ■ i \ ’ . f ! !• f"i I an t *d/.f r 1*1 kl l> SI KUS »X>WS |HMit popular where the fruit In ship j ped Tin- human' I* llu* s re.i t buy rr of ft ull Apple* Hill are whl for tlrst elans fruit should Is* Ii imllo I tu a careful manner while Ixliia iiKkiil ami then carefully laid tu pile* on tin* ground w here tin* nun cannot rea* h them or removed to the Imru for a few day* uni left In pile-* **** ** to |x*nult wine i f the moisture to evaporate and the rklti to become toughened. In w h ih lolldlllotl the fruit will stand up let ter w hile I ■ : shtp|xxi and keep long or when peeked than It will when put Into ih * I . it I a fas’ as It Is pt kod from the tree \\ ha - a ,*.* I in I he tu a t Noth jng to worry *l*>ut If ymi treat it with Ktv's Cream I taint •' hcxmi as you be gin |(i el s . an t situitle N w ivied. j the cold may grow into catarrh, and tin* at -paseigi - lx* so intlamesl that | i .,.1 ha s to tight for every 11 real tl. It j |s troe that K*i *s t eau Itaim cures j ea a ip*'\ and tvtfnUriy. iiut | yo i know the obi 'a v alsmt the ounce of prei ration Therefore use Cream ttahn when the cs-ld In the head shows itself. \i! druggists. »k* , or mailed t»\ ! U lie's s Wattvu >i ret, New Varik. __._ For a inttd, easy action of the bowels a single dost- of iloan's liegulets t„ enough. Treatment cures hahilual con »li pat ton 2f> cent* a box. Ask your druggist for them. *---c ! TrIE BLUE BOWL. By TEMPLE BAILEY. - | Ctypyr* ghi+6 t£H hr Associated Uu r»ry I rt i% Ifc-vef!y really knew lot bln? at o’l a!>out oil cblD<i. but after be ww the lady of the blue bowl at the front r/ftli a yellow r r*e Into her shining brown hair. be became at ore ** a worshiper at lla* shrine of old china — and of Clarice. "The i ’laiborttes are n» poor a* ctinrrb bia Inndindy Informed him wb«*n be* asked nbotlf the fwho lived In tb** ifmy funnaioH on the hill "The rieljgbboni roundabout here don't think that Clarice and tier aunt have enough to h8f. and yet they won’t sell a thlnjr And got nine* old furniture that they could sect moat any price for. and their cbltia why. one man of feted old kilim (."allioriic f’JOh for a blue liowl and she wouldn’t take It" • | wonder If I could see It?*’ Beverly asked. thinking of the girl at the irate “Miiy!;«»/* huid bla landlady doubtful ly * I hey don’t care to meet many people Tin v iiwd to have money, and now that they haven’t the old Indy shut* herself up there and Vila* Clarice doesn't see Ul!;N>IV .** Hut Beverly hu not to In* daunted, rid tines* day a later tie knocked at the ("l.iiliorne font floor. f I ri* «• uufv the knock She wan evm lieaiittrui than the tlrat time Beverly bad eeen her In a faded gown of pink cliiicham **! t*eg pardon.** Beverly an id “tint my landlady ha* fold me of a howl—a blue Imwl- I nm Interested in oid china and !h ped I might *«*e It.” I , i • ' | I ' » ' » | • ’* I .1 ( II I 111 K ' 'I ' ’ «/ • ”ir- i it t >r sale " she ha ill. "and I ?!!.J r tf «*?5»* »* |.l f VOI| nil) 4'VPfl l<»Ok «t it I'll It * <■ ? * v*k Aunt M itH'Im *’ * <>; roil r.rvrrly I prompt ly. * nu l . you doirt mind I’ll s t on i| • |!, v hiU* I will! mnl look lit tin j- If* V. < ,i rfljl Voll IllUnt be »t to 'i* t ill*, vtntpwi " *'\ V i * i in.’’ I'!, ire mild ulmvly **jtuil tins' - I . v i.t t of It " li»- I •»! m1 at h • h» surprise "I u‘t y mi Slk«* tlit* view 7* he fill) It * * ‘ I * I i in It." «he « ild vehemently "It ’* i!:« , if*:l In Iih1nilt Into tin* world m l t-M-n t i 11- doit up h«*rp” — Th-n P.r I lushed hotly •*oh, | I>i*'j pardon." she «iiid "I •dm hit have ml that I forgot I i ij*•*.»kInin a stranger " N i • *»i* not speaking to ii stranger." lievrr v told her ".lust tliiiik fur si mo ni«*nt flint I nin n long lost brofher or ffn* miHotif mariner or nnybodv tIn*t \ oil'd have m ri 'lit t •» f t* 11 your troubles t<» WIi.n I IVi l its If I know you I»•*!t«*r thnn any girl I've ever mot. and yet Ur hav«* seen each otlirr only trn mil) Ut*’S " (laiirr sighed "I fool Unit way top * * admitted ' ' ut now I’d lad tor go mid ink Aunt Mrdilda V, In n hill* I III- dou n hrr cheek* wrrr flaming “She Keys you r 't *,■«• It." who Halil mournfully *m|i i in't I ' ' tie vorly’s tom* wn« Mid • S m * r 11 "Well i Khali *< V It and von as nfti !» as I wivh," «*l,ii I* «* -hook I:*t lioad "You don't kno \ \nnt Mali da " she said hope lastly "I know hrr 1.1 ml.” Ilevorly stated I ns, d to road about dragon* an I w Irked stepmothers ami godmother* In inv fairy book* and of beautiful ptiti »*rsM s shut up In rustles This will simply br bringing It up to d dr And while I'm not sun* that I will fid fill all the ir*pdrrn rnts of Prime < harming I’ll do my best t Jailer gave him a flashing glume "i l|i I'm suit slio bt gan ami tiled thr Mini It* froze as a voire ramr from Minor < l irirr. tin hr It said, "romp up at on,e " "11‘s \ uni Matilda ' < 'hitler said It a ftlghtened t >m* ml vanished IVvrrly borv himself jauntily a* ho went down tlir walk What was a inrn* mint to stand In tin* way of his Intrn tioit • ■ Hr u a* thirty two, rluh. ami h« had ualtrd all thrs,* \,ar* to limPtho ideal woman Vid hn,* In tins »pth*t town w In iv hr Imd rottu* to rrst ami to fish hi* had ili*«stv»*m! hrr. and hr should marry tier In spit** of any old aunt dragon Hut as thr days wrut on In* found ,hat It was not an rasy thing to r*m • pu*r Vunt Matilda In thr tirst p1 a •• hr rmtUl not mrrt hrr Shr was i> m \ i■>.iI>!r as a u lb h. and r\» rpt for lu*i voi.-r ra'liug riarhs* from U*hind thr window , urtaln whrnrvrr Hr\«*rly Mtopjrsl at tlir gatr thrrr was no tan jdlilr evidence that sin* existed at all ' You sre. it d«svsn,t do a bit of g»»od for you to keep routing.** C'arh** told him desperately one morning when she met him on tin* way to the jniatottiee Site always vnills me away, and then the sroUN and seolds Shr says I haven't any pride" And her MimmjuIt •red "If I dared ask you to meet m>* tome where." Beverly said. "I>ul of tOlllHO It wouldn't do" "No." t'larh-e said "I couldn’t <t > that amt you *<v. Auut Matilda cra«ler and cr.t/ior over her old china ami she ought to soil It We haven't enough to N‘ ooiuforlahie we haven’t llwavt enough to eat ” “Oh. hy Jove'" Beverly aald “I onn't have her starving you, you know ’’ t’larUv grew a little pale "I shouldn't nave to: I you.” she said, “hut I have thought of a wav for you to hel|*’* "I am always at your service.” said Bevvi v trrav-lv “Oh”' She looked up quickly “1 Ihou cllt v oti might write to t, at m»n who wanted t' e I ue low I have his address. hut I wouldn't da re w rite tod I vaHiftl give y<»M the I- II I. nml you cv> 1 sed It to hint, and :" u —then you Cli . 1 to ; g toe Ih*‘ I. ... i V ’ ”11! htn It myself,” vi : Beverly protniHly. "I have never d i t tel;,! . ho »..» I. i>‘ |: | n ;. l that ls>wl." "What’s the Other th - Clarice asked curiously Beverly looked down at her tint ■on sc. us (Mr "Oh. whe said at East. ”1 won’t tell you until I am sure I can get the howl” "The tuan offered us $200.” Olar -e •aid hurriedly. “hut I shouldn’t e\p.vt that now 1 tlUuk f ICO will be o ugU -We'll see." Beverly staled. "If ; you'll brink It I can pot a proper price j on it." "Come to the back door while I am ' t> ;tir. 15 breakfast.” directed “Aunt Matilda Is always asleep then “ Clarice getting bre>khut was won derful Kite wore an enveloping blue apron, and Iter sleeve* were rolled lotit front Iter white arm* She was stirring the breakfast porridge aa Beverly came In. I'd ask you to have some ' site aatd. “but we haven’t any crestn “ “Vou wait.” Beverly told he' and caught nit a quaint pite!i»*r. and pres ently he «t« bnek w 'It a liasket of strawlterrten. the creatn autl aorae rolla. Clarice f wotested. "Oh. you shouldn't” — Beverly took both of her hands in his "Hear child." he said, "surely yon will let me do atiel) a 'life thing” The blue bowl waa. even to Bever ly's untrained e£e. a Him* of Iteauty He InaistetJ that Clarice should let him pay the full S2M>. but ahe would not. and at last he made out a cheek for 11150 and handed it to Iter across the table, and Just at that moment a sepulchral voice came Iron) the door way. “Clarice, what nre you doing with Bty blue bowl?" And there stood Aunt Matilda, look ing ns witch like as possible hi her black dressing gown, with her gray lutlr failing utmtt her shoulder*. Clarice shrunk In. » oil." site said. "1 thought you were nhs-p!" The old woman look a sl**f> forward 'T waked early." sh- - tUI. "and w ent to look at my china S .methlug Warn er! me. And the blue owl was miss ing (live It to me at • " “Itut It Is not your l ine Ism!." Bev erly Informed her "i jariee has told me that It Isdonged to her father and was left to tier with other pleee*. and now she has sold it P> me." "What?" Aunt Matilda shrieked “Itid yon dare?" Clarice's head went up "It was mile-. Aunt Mat ltd:! " she slated "But It breaks tie- si t " tin- old wte tn.tri e.mined "Cimhe give hint Imrk Ids r onoy a ml g:ve me track my iw. w i: > dm Hutched nt the coveted piece I>ut Iteverly’s hand r 1 1 her "There l« «* * * I >- one w i\ that von ran have P " In* sail! "Ami** she d -.1 eagerly "You mud let me marry yonr niece Slh* will then give \«>ii at) t!»♦* china. mil! I \ : I i ‘‘•'flit* Ml If <»SI ,V«»t| v(» that you can live cn- fort 11»;y and hire a v\ •• in to stay w ' > >‘.i V ml then (MarU*e him! I will > <>i ! ir■ t - the great tt Olid In ether <*!.:• lit* turned to tie girl find his eye pleaded "Oil.** she wills* ei id "hnt 1 hive known yi.ui such a shut time** "What Is t! no t*» m !ie asked "My mother will mine to • yon. my sis tern, so that you may have n»» dmiht a - to my character mv • p imms!m*» • and as fir the r**-u - • • I y you woni send me away < Mai i< lie ht*IJ out Ills * nds to her. and presentiy he etiuu? to him. a:: 1 lie nut j f*m* arm i;!n»t!f h r | »ie« as tie j tunod to Aunt Matilda "And m*w\ ’ he as!%• ■ I "will von t k- 1 the liowl?" \s’111 Matilda’s eye : :;!oaied over ft "V**,." she fluiliT o’ * "Ami I will tnh. Phtriee." said P ' ft!y |oyoiis|y, md ns Ann " Mat'd-! • hrgge I her tie ‘-'or t« tier lin n-i he dent mid hissed the lady of his heart H' r Prtd»r imcr»t. A ce e* r d hie was to preach I* a small vlf a re •* se Sun day where lie had I* et» s, . : ti’ »es The t . ally who •" ter’ M«1 him had a little daughter \ h•* \ as usual!' Pm 1 of at tending sei \ i e Win*a the oilier Uiem hors of th • ; i! v were ready to g » tittle Neill** firmly refused h> IT » with tllem I do not want h» no to ehureh.” sin* declare 1 "Wi wh r Is the matter?** ash* d her io.»ther \ -r\ min h aurpriscd " Are you ill?" N««. hut I » .rd Parson 1> before • 1 I do n ' e him." said little Nel lie l Hi. N ii U n ver> wicked ttd* to • * replied h**r mother "*| cM me w h v Y, . NrfMe rather confused ly • a-* p■ so ton" that I cannot k, ep :* i d |»e preaehes so loud lit • .*•> p. so the ltd" IMi ndelpi l i i a d ' r ._—_ Th - T uce of God. In P •’? ! .e of A'P'it due th* Hired that l I been made the re • iide' ? o' a s.ige from liotl order j I : e-en ?*» * -.* from flghth g Prom this r»*s hed the "trine of iiml ' The first urranct-n ait lasted for seven years hnt If w is resolved that such peace should always prevail during the festivals <»f the church and from every Thursday evening to Monday morning The regulation was s|*eedily extended over Christendom. confirmed by several popes and enforced by e* cominuulcatlon -New York Amerlan. •O VCARr ■XPKRICNCK Patents OnMin CorVKKtMTS AC. a ihctrti And dm#<*rfi*«*on ntf tutcti? AA»**rt*» t» amt o|m«ka fr«# Ab«th«*r aa *• nvb*M» rAiwUAbferommiinkcA NAliMlK on fVwm * Mi»n« » <>t«r 0|tnh*A _ *>i *• ph*b*Wf r*«4Hit lN'i»» *• Hot!? '#t»eud. HAl_ •»nt .i** i«*» toe M««nnc patents. I'ain t« t»k«n tbro«M<h llatm 4 i< Vl^i t »" ; c5»»nr*. lu th« . rwCAtTR Scientific American. A bmn:1»*> MUNN & Cc.3C1 *~*'*-1 wr^bfr, I <*r till** *, •«• *4. *1 ’ t' • t.. ekxvi i j mil r«*»*ctw «r« New York Wiahitki^i. IV C. JUDGE MOT "Up l« an rl ! I-.'.kw *•! " Tint mtK-li (!ip wriiff Imard nn<1 h« ! in ilii* f;irth»*r .ii.-.iiL'nmpnr of • be i>Ipent aiiiijert: 'I fpil foil It** la t!e- a'iinrtew* man In town Up on thp la«t rpd rpnt that la romln* 10 him Hf la a« <•!•««* aa Hip hark on a rrpp. ami It la wp!I known h» klip* nothing away la a worthy ran**? ” Hripfp. lait— Aa thp wrlfrr hafi|iptvi»»l to know In thia chip. It wa* only half the truth Trup, tlir man rrfrrrrd to la rlo*e In bia (Iraliinrs. Gut ttila la nlao tmr If ho tualata upon what I* due him tip la also rpatly to pay to thp Inat I’rtil w Uat hr owpa Ilia till la arp promptly nipt Up la rpvoeiilxpil aa an boiipat man Ilia rrpilit la gaxl Anil this cuuuot al wuya la* aniil of aoiiip otlipr hipii with a reputation for ifrorroalfy Up dp rnnmla no morp than Iip la wlllimj to roll1 t'tli* If Iip ia liiaiafrnt tljaiti full payment, he la also ready with hla own rhrrk lajok There I* another ««!*!e to hi* charac ter hidden from the public view. I,et u* turn tin* shield around. 'I hi<« Individual who I* called sting) and « fluted has a large family IJ« lx f irly proxjv mi's lust in* ms-d* Hi bln iimncj He slaves ami sjnes m> for himself. but for ! i** :.»*.» \ ll» would perhaps 1 iU** to i»* uvin*ruii>» and Hin 1*1* »i»l»* in kiv i:■ • h-r tin* sukt jf tIn* *!»».!r ores li*‘ i:mN drive hard bargains and nisi I upot ft.'!! pay men *f hi* dim lit* even stmts himself fot their sakea M i t* yef Oi e of this man's i hi! Iren 1* a life crl; |*1:* Aik i her i- • ipaMe of m il. i:,g j:s way In tli»* World And In* i* edi.en*i..a au orphan m«*« «• Tin* person ; v. !. < ailed him a tightwad didn't know ! that y -.ngx No. Hard hearted? No. lie l;« . i>hes all ln^. <;h* gth and all I his jbi ::cy ,u:;d all his tenderness on | tho.e who net*! his first and greatest | rare lie does this deIil»orate!y ami | without regret anil without self pity He Is not a demonstrative man. He is not built that way And yet his in timate friends know how his big heart yearns over those helpless ones. Stern and odd? Mayl#* He doesn't wear his heart on Ills sleeve And for tmin.x years he has buffeted the waxes of crushing trouble and daily sorrow He may have a false view of things, but he no doubt feels that tie must tight a world that knows ami cares little for him ot his So men call him hard and unfee! ing whereas in he is as tetidei as a child Von s4*o. e.\tpn is are deceptive Von do m*t know x* it i n nn*s thor: In the flesh i :a\ be i-\ looking at him from the outside Theref -re “Judge not lest ye be Judg'd" The Cause of Many Sudden Deaths. There is a disease prevailing in this Country most dangerous because sodecejv tive. Manx sudden deaths are caused by it—heart dis ease. pneumonia, heart failure or ajwiplrw are often t>ie result of kid ilex- disease. If kidney trouble is allowed toad vance the k iduey -]>oisoti ed blooil will at causing catarrh of the bi i Met. the kidnexs tliemselves break down and waste a wav cell by ceil. bladder troubles alm<*>t alwavs result froman derangement of the kidnexs a':d a cure is obtained quickest by a prop-er treatment of the kidnex s. It you are feel ing i'.ull \ you can make no n;:-tuke by t.iu'i".g I Klim - yxxamp Rmit. the great kidney, livtr and bladder u medv. It corrects inahilitv to hold urine and scalding pain m passing it. and over Cimies tliat unpleasant neccsxitvof !x*mg coin|ieiletl to go often through the dax, and to get up manv turn - during the night. The mild ami the extraordinary effect of SwammRoot is soon realized. It stands the highest for it> wonderful cures of th? most distressing cases Swamp-Root is pleasant to take and is sold bv all druggists in tittv-cent and one-dollar size liottles. You max have a simple bottle of this wonderful new dis covery and a U>ok that tells all about it, both sent free by mail. Address. 4>r Kil mer Co., Binghamton, N Y. When writing mention reading tins generous offer in this paper. Iton't make any mistake, but remember tlie name,Swamp* Root. I)r. Kilmer's Swamp-Roct, and the address. Binghamton. N. Y.. on every bottle CASTOR IA i or Infants and Children. Tilt Kind You Hava Always Bought \ First National Bank PUTNAM. CONN. CAPITAL. - 8/50,000 SURPLUS $60,000. Safe Deposit Boxes for Rent j Draft- l'-uid on ai! Foreign Countries t nited State- Depositary, M. KINNEY & SON Lumber. Coal. Doors, Moulding Brick. Lime. Cement. P.B.S. Mixed Paints Lead and Oil. HELPFUL ADVICE You won’t toll your family doctor the whole story about your private illness —you are too modest. You need not be afraid to tell Mrs. Pink ham, at Lynn, Mass., the thingsyou could not explain to the doctor, i our letter will be held in the strictest con fidence. From her vast correspond ence with sick women during the past thirty years she may have gained the very knowledge that will help your case. Such letters as the fol lowing, from grateful women, es tablish beyond a doubt the power of LYDIA tPINKHAM’S VEGETABLE COMPOUND to conquer all female diseases. Mrs. Norman R. Barndt, of Allen town, Pa., writes: “ Ever since 1 was sixteen years of a(Te I had suffered from an organic de rangement and female weakness; in consequence I had dreadful headaches and was extremely nervous. My physi cian said I must go through an opera tion to get well. A friend told me about I.ydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and I took itand wrote you for advice, following your directions carefully, and thanks to you I am to day a well woman, and I am telling ali my friends of my experience.” FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN. For thirty years Lydia E. l*ink ham’s Vegetable Compound, made from roots and herbs, has been the standard remedy for female ills, and has positively cured thousands of women who have been troubled with displacements, inflammation, ulcera tion. fibroid tumors, irregularities, periodic pains, backache, that tear ing down feeling, flatulency, indiges tion, dizziness,or nervous prostration. 1 OUTLOOK as the LEADING NATION AL WEEKLY FAMILY N F WSI’A PF R, and for the eighteen years has been the I . K ADI N (N A T I O N A I. MFDH’.M for Classified Ad vertising If you are an advertiser, let us convince you that our Clarified Department is all we claim for it: the best, the past longest established, ar d the most responsive in the maga zine field. Send for full information and a specimen copy of THE OUTLOOK, 287 Fourth ave.. New York. A Reliable Remedy FOR CATARRH Ely’s Cream Balm is quickly absorbed G«»es Relief at Once. It i-Kaii"*-'*, soot lift*, heal* ami the tits-asea mem brane resultin'; fr-m Catarrh and drives away aUohl in tin lit a 1 4 .i vly. >u*r«\s the Se nses of '1 :•* ami MnelL Full M/.e * » ets. at Dm,. i"ts or by mail. Liquid (’■■’•aai Balm f*>r u-e in atomiz* rs75 eta. L! \ ]'r -Lors "• ' -r-on <»re»*t, New York. For Sale In order to close (lie estate of Aile lard I .it ley, I will sell at private sale, the h one plaee, consiling of a lot, lions.) amt two barns, corner of .School a id \lay streets. Inquireof Edward o |\Vright. 1‘itf W.H. Mansfield & Co SELL King Arthur Trollev Time Table The Consolidated Railway Co EFFECTIVE JULY 1. 1<* « Tim* given lor cars leaving Front tad Main Street Leave Putnam for Worcester and ic‘ennedi ate stop* at *5.17, i.07, a. m.. an.- hoc* * u till.55 a. ra . half hourly out a 6.55 p tn handy unttl 8 55 p. m. T riTT^Worruim iC L Hall)*at 6.15 a m., ami toady uotii 9.15 p. * Time 2 hours and 20 minutes; fare 45 cents. Leave Putnam for Webster and intermedia* stops at •" 17. *6 07 a. m.. J7 ftfi a. m.. hourly until 11.45 a. m., halt hourly until 6.5$ p. ro. and then hourly until 9 55 p.m Heturi king, leave Webstei at *6.' 0 a. m . 7.45 a. a and hour! nnti 12.45 p. m.. half bvsriy ntil 7.45 p. m., then hourly until 10.45 p. tn. " Five 20 cents Leave Putnam for Dayvill* and infcermedute stops at *6-35 a. m. and hourlv thereafter until 1.35 p. m., half hourly uuil 8 35 p m% the# hourly until 11.35 p. m. Returning, teaTg Dayvilie at *5.00, 5.45 a. m. 6.10 a. m., [>4T. ville {car hou-e;; 7.28a m., and h-mrly until 1.28 p. m , half houilr until 7.28 p. m., Votriy until 10.28 p. m. Fare 10 cents. ‘ 3 Leave Putnam for l>anie!son at x6 35 a. a*, then hourly till 1.35 p. in., half bourlv until 7.35 p. ni.. hourly until 10.35 p. »n. Returning lea*# Danielson at t7-l0 a. m. aDd then , ;<• 1.10 p. m.. halt bouily until 7 10 p. m., hourly until 10.10 p. m. Fare 15 cents. Leave Putnam for Central Village and inter mediate stops at x6.35 a. m. and honrlv until 1.35 p. ra., half hourly until 7 35 p. rn.. Wnriv i until 9.33 p. ui. Returniug. leave Centra] Vj. 1 lage »,*6.15 a. m., 7.45 a. m., honilv thereafter until 12.45 p. tn., halt hourly until p. nj., hourly until 9.45 p. m. Fare 25 cent*. All cm connect at Centra! Village for Moo-up. Fare S cents. Leave Norwich for Putnam at 6.1* a. m.. and hourlv unt 1 H.45 p. m. Fare 55 cent^. Putnam and Providence Leave Putnam for Providence and way point* at 6.35 a. m rbangipg at ElmviHe oi r*r-of I the Providence arid Danielson Kailway, leaving Klmvilte at 6.45 am* *.45 a. ui. Hi i hourly | thereafter to and including 6 45 p n Return ing, leave Market Square. Pro\ lei <, at 5.45 a. m. and hourly thereafter to 3.45 p. m., then 5.45 p. rn. Fare 75 ceuts. •Does not run Sundays. ♦Sundays, one hour later. xSundays, 2 hours later. All southbound cars connect a: Central Yil i lage with cars lor Moos up 1 • -uhie< t ?t> rl.H'-yc ’a ■ notice <J A fear 'X* iri . Bear, the 1U You Havs Alwais BosgH Putnam Mail Service 1908. POST OFFICE OPEN From 6.30 a. m. to 8 p. m. Sundays,from 8 30 to 9.30 a. m. The lobby wi'J remain open to Lock R<?x holdei- until 12 a. Holidays trorn 6.30 a.m. to 12 m.,5.30 to 7 Carrier’s w indow' opeoSuodays from *.3010 9.30 MONEY ORDER DIVISION Open fiom 8 a. b>. to 6 p. in., elosed on Sun days and Legal lloii lays. Registry r>ivisiou open tim ing office i■ours DEI.I \ ERIE* By ('itv Carriers Daily, (S- t \ * and Holiday* v c| l< d » at S.‘20 a. m. ox:■ i 4-10 p. m.; ami 11.05a. m. in tlie It;- -> Sectioa, One dei!v* r\ l»\ City Carrie'' <*n li »iiJays. HOI KS of CoU.mi «Vs Fi"tn tin Street Letter Boxe*, SunHavs and Holiday-excepted, and De-patches.) HI SI OF N IT A L S Ef 1 IO V Collections. Despatcbe* 6.15 to 6 40 a. ir.. mail despatched »t 7.10 a. m. 8.30 to 11.30 a. m., “ “ *• 12.15“ 4.30 to 6.30 p. m.t •* “ “ 7 45 p.m FHUNT AND Ifl.M STREET BOX. 6.15 a. m., 10.00 a. rn , 3.30 a. m., 5 00 p. m.. mail despatched at 7 10 a. m. *• “ “ 10.10 “ “ •• “ 12.15 “ M “ 3.35 p. m» “ “ •* 7 45 “ KfKAI. FREE DEM VERY. Route- No. 1 and 2. Rural artier-, leave daily, (Sundays and Holi day s excepted' at 8.10 a. tn , return at 3.10 p. m. Mailable matter, weighing 4 join.■'* or le»a -ent hy Rural Carriers niu-t b« it pared by stamps affixed. MAILS OPEN FROM Boston. New York, Hartford a: all point! north, ca-t. -outh and we-* al 8 1' a. m. Boston, 8.15. 10.45 a. m.. 3.45, 6 05 y. m. Danielson. 8, 11 a m., 3.45 p. in. Norwich, S. 11 a. m . 3.45, 6.05 p. ’ flattford. 8. 11 ?*. ni., 4 10, 6.45 p. N- w Yo;k, 8. 11 a. in., 4.10, 6.40, m m Worcester, 8.15 a. m., 6.05 p. m. NV'eh-ier, 8.15 a. i.i., 6.05 p. tn. Willinmmic, 8.00, 11 a. m.. 4.10 p. n Sundays from all point-8.30 a. m. MAILS CLOSE FOH Boston.7.10. 10.10 a. m., 12.15,3.35 ’ 7 45p.m Danielson, 7.40. lit.10 a. m., 5 35. 7 5* ;. re. I Hartford. 7.40, 10.10 a. m., 5 35 7.i ;n. New York, 7.40, 10.10 a. in., 3.1 " 45p.B ; New Haven, 7.40, 10.10 a. m., 5 ■ 7.4‘ p. a i Norwich 7.40, 10.10 a. in.. 5.35. 7.C p. m Willimantic, 7.10, 10.10 a. m.f 5. 7.45 p. m Worcester, 7.10, 10.10 a. m., 3 35. -35, 7-45 p West and Southern States. 7-10 7.40, 10.10, a. m-, 3.15, 3.35, 5.35. 7.45 p. m. Worcester and New London, North, Way Sta tions, 7.10 a. m., 3.35 p. m. Worcester and New London, Soul’ . Way Sta tions. 7.40 a. m., 5.35 pm. Boston and Hartford, East, Way Stations, 7-10 a.m. Boston and Hartford West, Way Stations, P*ra* ,,, Boston and Pough., East, Wav "rations, p. m. Boston and Pough., West, Way S’utions, M-M a.m. * Boston, Providence and New York, East, Stations, 10.10 a.m. Woodstock*. Westtord and Eastford. by if>1** 10.30 a. m Woodstock*, South, North, East, 10.30 a a 5.35 p. m. Pomtret, 8.00 a. m., 5.35 p. m., bv stage.* Nights for all points 7.45 p. m. Sundays for all points, 3.30 p. m. FRANK G. LETTERS. Port—**•_ lie Putnam Spring It* Challenge the World. A. S. DAVIS, Manager. Telephone 144—4 Calcium Carbonate. Magnesium Carbonate. Sodium Carbonate. Sodium Chloride. Sodium Sulphate. Sodium Nitrate. Potassium Suipnate. Siiicc.,.. Oxide of lion and Alumio*.... Volatile auvi Organic.. Total Total Solid Residue on Evapor*• Grains per l’. S. r. r« suits >how tha' iht * very ■'mail amount of dissolved water i» ac eveelleat one for dm * Yoors truly, HERBERT E. SM! 5Jrt . -iil . .Ml . .0* . ■<* . .n» ; jsa 1.SS4 :s;8>* , :<m •a :S* N»