Newspaper Page Text
x rogram : Tb> sd»y, Oftobfr 6.I1 ENTRY DAY 8 A M. TO A P. M Wednesday, October 7th i. Exhibition of Gelding* and Mares, 3 and 4 years old, 10 a. m. 2. Brood Mares . nd Colts at 1 oot, 10.30 a. rn. i and 2 year o*d Geldings and 1-lilies to halter 11 a. m. 4. Stallions, 1 2, 3 and 4 years old and over, 3 and 4 years old to harness, 11.30 a. m. 5. Trotting and Ihu ing Kac es 2 |>. m. Music, Vaudeville, etc., be ginning a 2 o < lock j>. hi. Thursday, October Mil l. Draft Horses in I'airs 10 a. m. j. Mate holt image 1 lorsi-s io 30 a. m. 3. hainily llu\ses 11 a m. 4. Driving Horses 1130 a.m. 5. Trotting and !'a< ng Races 2 p. m. Musie, Vaudeville, etc . at 2 p. m. Hand (oncerls Uadi Day ! Pleasing Attractions Galore for the Entire Family. Eastern Conn. Circuit Great Horse Races—$1500 in Purses. High Class Vaudeville Show—Eleven All Star Acts. HIP-HIP HURRAH ! HIP-HIP HURRAH ! HIP-HIP HURRAH ! Putnam Fair llth Annual Exhibition and Fair Wednesday and Thursday October 7th and 8th October 6th, Entry Day ! October 6th Entry Day ! Grand Display in the Exhibition Halls, Etc. Be Sure and See the Beautiful Floral Show. Fine Automobile Parade and Motor Cycle Races. Excursion Rates: Railroad trains stop opposite the grounds. Ail Trolleys stop at the Gates. Admission : Season ticket, admitting pri i .00 vate team Single ticket. Children under 12 Teams, Teams, double, Automobiles, Admission to Grand Stand, 35c 15c 25c 50c 5oc 25c Season tickets are not transfer able and do not admit public con revances. Officers : MICHAEL R. JOY, President. ERNEST M. ARNOLD, Secretary. RICHARD GORMAN, Treasurer. MICHAEL R JOY. Supt. of Grounds. GEORGE H TAYLOR, Supt. of Rentals. WILLIAM H. TAYLOR, Press and Ady. Agent. BASE BALL I • \ < . | i X \ 10- VI* I W itti l,i>I<1 Jm < omodlv holding «tov«n itxil rt lil > Ilf Man II I I Iterlhlutne's arll<d» t i strengthen the < iinadlan*’ batting order, the 1 "H’ xiUtaneed Mitring* i I "Inti ’ yougxu-t* til ii him aided trillin’, tm lli" I'ritv tdenee sired grounds, lad Snlrirduv Kuf three inning* It w »-■ g. "d - J• t, inti 111 the fimrlli I’iiIii I’" l‘> 1 1 lio*e, unit horrible bmktng a*st-d"d I*' the local* gelling eight men around. AIU“t llli* I Ill'll W M* HOllllUg t" 'lint the enthusiasm. Ml"' i»a**h»g one. timktrig two w lilt jilU'li"’, ami allowing three situ?)"-, i.iili"" went l» the »l« i»l« Will tool o Join II t! ni-'ll* - I til* game, which Wits already tu>i* lessly |o*t. He lielil Putnam ilown in two kingt"’ in - I inning*, hut w a* hand icapped by pool bark-top ,». ||. Ylli’ v thil t)i s jit»l lt» t »i 11 * • * !\ t»»l s agfelle*. two each In the semnd and eighth, til" text *ealtered .!<*' lodlfisl After lit* season mioiii the minor leaguers, hart plenty ot *1***1, g'*"l vontml, lo hlert in « lively ninnner, mid ap| arenlly lul l something In re serves but itUin't Hint It neeexsnty to ujien wide tin- throttle. Some of llie temllnit play* were a nice ealeh by 1.1/oUe, when lie pulled tlawn Carlson’* line hit in the *ex*tnd, that tell hi* hut lor the outtieht with earmark* of a lr!|l|ite, a good ealeh by Sinai In at thtrit on a t*>oi throw hy Mr teas, nutek return !»y Hintl retiring Hnudley at lit*l in the ninth, atul the base running of Intro. \fter lire Amk-mlte* lia«l been t» tirnl without reaching ltr*t, Talro opened up wlilt a I'cxa* Itral dropped back of short. I.i/olte *aerlllcoit him to second, he stole llrtrrl, amt *eored on Melrw* wiht throw to ealeh hint, t'onDolly walked arul Matron Itow out. Madtmi* grounded to ihlul anil Jer was caught oft' second He furnlahevl amusement trying to drstgc tire whole tolteld and part of the out, hut Hie odd* were ti*> great and he finally suc cour 1**1. The next turing w«* done when the xtxtlur* broke In in the third. I arose dutn|**l one down toward* third and treat it out. He stole see uni artd w a* aacrlftee j to (third hv Smalley t\> * era* fouler! out to U ,dboi* met near t t# bleacher* a id larKew'iteuml. Cad hois made a Mow return and J John son attempted to score, but v. ax thrum n <0 rt at the prate by Connelly, all tough ttn> desuxtort w*r* chare. In ttie locals half their guest* weni fa ptaeen. Marie**, ciadtont*, lvet*, id Uovem laid down single*, w (rich, »rih the arwdsiante ot three error*, a wsnl pitch and a man hit, gave the Crura -rt an* eight runs, eleven men having a In the sixth they again halted round Adding six more, on feur hit*. Iwo wiid pilches, two error*, ami a p»** The visitor* added one til Hie seventh. J .«* # luiu le let t*. Johnson on and gt reaching third on Smalley 'a -.11, i■ U * 'turtvl tor "•rutiil. i .mftn 111:1*1. :i Hfk I turn l,» < >11 Joe wild >1 III..,Ill,I mil till'-" l i Tiilm In hi*,ul ,'ll '' ii ill*‘> ■ I *le Hum* „ i*. wil'l n**l .l<*liu-"'i . i*f'-‘**l Thi* l * It' mini'' their ‘M'1.' 111,1 ,i .in.- mi in tin ii 11111 r.iit" n""1"1 oil l«.| Win n tlitril mill s»l»wrl Johnson u lit him . i!' tlt-i n"'l '•"« f,'r S . ,n l <11111* in'illv'l < orison's Uii"« i* ul il l.i.imdi ,1 i*» III** outlU'lil. iiiul Tilt,. k< |'l ui'iiiK -i l*, > Hfl'li'il It I'm1 threw wlht tu tliiiil, I'atro m'miiiih ,lil tlu limn itr-1 tin errors, ami with out i* lmil I . mu pitohel Two mm. \iuli'iil run* scord in III,' , iKlitt, U:tw - ii t>* !*t n Imtll .in*l was -ill.* ill M'l'Oll.l on III till r *. l‘ll,*l*H* oil 1. il w ".tilt, ,«o\en, t * i I at to. I. Jnllil it i n.l*i iiiu'i .1 thi* tumors by k roil ml |ll|t nut to |..H»ll»»ts Si ll, y eiosse.l oil I* I**' Utiw •. I,nil. 1111,1 Ml'tnis Immulit *,*i w ill! fi sitiiil* HU i Ii I'mro -I. 1,1/otl. II 1 mill,ill, p Mr,itun ,*i t . lot -* It* I \ ers ■.■> Itlotl if \oytl ll> 1 til, I'l I* ,' I |ll (111 !* I 1 I till I I Iu ir T r. a J Johnson s* Metra* *• I'tutetN l'f I* |>4 Smalley If >t* ' ( in Ison lb 4 Sunn '.‘I* 4 Seney it If ■* I.HltdM' |> - Khw son if 0 .It) It, tt t 0 t I t P*1 1 I s 10 t 0 0 0 i!4 ('. A. 1'. An.Uuns 0 (I 17 It t-0-0-7-tWMM-*—15 IMM-lUMM J O—4 Sacrifice hita. t.i colic, 1 vera.Uoverr, Melran, t’mlfftt, Smalley, IU»«*B Struck out, by tionnolly 0, Johnson 5. Ham* on balls, oil ( 'onnolly t l.aross* -, Johnson 1. Hit by pltchtr, I'atro. Wilt! pitches, l,»w«r a, John son I Stolen bust's, I'atro >, Moyer, t* Johnson, l.sllo',' 1 rouble play, Iveis, Intro to Uadboi*. Time 1 to. I inptre l ill's*' Until ii* 41 craft of C. 4. C., All liaaies. Ihthrukel 1 ;,.'* *t\ I'atro I.UoUe M arion I hot l Farley I ton in |,»> 00 00 40 tl ITS 10 'J -IS ••I OKU <T 4 *4 Ol 14 iii-; >4 U \\ i fittnte lamsv i [ \V cl it : rdf) e tele phi I JO Urk of > an ac e* 4 \UT. ' <4 the v ereuina that he players tmtether. As tvks to n ako hts ar ks very much Itke a . ami the fans are not III ii ..'«*, *• i*., ■ wms to thvtr ■fi st ' he a ran* a c» of (vi.I apjs ■tit, to ft,* him the benefit of the *loubt. Bears tW thfsai*** d 1st k"4 Hat no* two /pirn a •*» issioK -*L Attention ! Tllli 1JHST Wholf'iilf anil Hr fail ConfiM'lioiierj »ml In* ('ri*am Try our Home Made rtiocoUfee, B« n boon. The beal ami the price lowest. Our lee l Team in guaranteed under the pure food law, Price 30c .£:rt or One Dolinr prr gallon W« keep l» <>ur stock « full line of fresh Banana* of all aiai** Try us once hmi . you w ill In* *#t istU'il George Pails, To!. 12 12 l »m It'Hiii' ittliver hihmK in l*m imm nr ati> ,<l surrounding towns. Remember! EVERY Saturday is Bargain Day A.T Chaput’s Meat Market Kora fir I HTrrrl I'litm'tlo, "U ' }id • * for hi; | good*," Wc o!S»r you thr Finest Groceries on earth, fr«*h. tempting, •pf'*Uitug (\MM in todiji ind ran roar crni-sl «yt oyer oar ii*t of winner*, and you’ll *te (hr r .vnntny of rxi'hnny.ns your dollar* for hinrtliiiii; good lo eat. Fall Hats 1908 Stvlts Our Special Derby THE HAT WITH A HESI TATION. i'hi> Fall's Special i- a Sure* Winner. The Hut having all the characteristics of the 3.00 hat and costing you £•> All the other New | *t i 1 styles and makes at ** ■ " and #3 Soft Hats We are showing a large assortment of Soft Hats, in all the new shapes and colorings, ranging in prices, 81.00, 81.50, *2.00 and *2.50 Come in and look them over, we will be more than pleased t»- -how you the styles. A. C. LUKE & CO., IiKLIABLE CLOTH1KHS AND Fn XlSHKKs Telephone 51 rii.g t. Put: »m. ri.. Store that ha.- gained the cos v. letoe of the ’ sblie . Headquarter- in the city for Hart tvhaffner A | Mart t lothes Blankets ] Goods bearing the Beacon Brand om be depended on for service, comfort a nil good value. Beacon goods are light, warm, ! sanitary, non-absorbent, fast color and non shrinkable. | have extra good values in | Beacon Bod Blankets, Beacon Wrapper Blankets. Beacon Crib Blankets. Beacon Couch Trows. Beacon Bath Robe Blankets. Our Corset line is kept right up to-date, and we can fit any figure, right. We Lavejust added two new models h amt (.t A2S low bust, deep hip and long back. j qq c B a la Sprite No. 187 Coutil, low bust, deep hip. fiue heavy cor >ei in all sixes IS to 30. white, 1 Oil 'he Elite Gt\OVE FITTING IDERSKIRT L ///// i i 1/ !i-'f il 'W d Jan.19 1904 t ' I Improve the style ami snai' of your tigure. You van d' it bj wearing the ELITE Glove Fitting : Adjustable Top Petticoats. Made in Heaiherblocm. Sateen. Italian cloth, and Taffeta Silk. 1 M to 10.0». We will describe just one of our many styles. No. 91*0. made of Heatberbiloom Taffeta, very deep flounce. Underlay and dust ruffle. Drape is made of two wide ruffle* attached to ruffles. Each ruffle » decorated with two double rows of fine pin tucks and grou"s of shirring. Eight fine pin tucks on ffounre above drape. Special value 3.W Nazareth Waists for Boys and Girls If you Lave both boy* and tT1^ at home you'll be interested to ; that the Nazareth Waist is suited ; for both. Over four million f these [ sold every rear. 1 to 12 yews, earn | 25c. Rubdrv Towel' The only towl i worth a name. 25c end 5J e Trade With Us and Save Money" Agents for Standard Patterns. Lewaudo's Pr«neh Dyers and Cl® n** Telephone 19-2 PUTNAM, CONN.