To Sabacriber* of the Patriot
According to Order No. far; of
the Pool Office Department *ut>*cri
ber* can not lie indented to a newspa
per more than one year and alill have
{he |>a|ier sent to them at tlie second
•iaas rale. The order reads a* follows:
A reasonable lime will lie allowed
publisher* to secure renewal* of aub
Jnrljitions, but unless sutmcrlption* are
rayo-'M/i/ rrm* u-nl after the term for
which they are paid,within the follow
ing periods:
|>allle«. within three month*,
Waakiies. within One Year,
they *liall not lie counted in the leglti
mate list of *ub*crilier» and*
iailed on aecount thereof thnll noI *'*
■4j,t> rt for inn Jni'/ at Ihe second*
_** |H.-l H. ‘ I V ‘ o. < . Ill II I' ‘ Old
it may be mailed ul the trimsieot sec
.d cla** pint age ral*’ of I <*-nl for eacii
iur ounce* or fraction thereof, prepaid
ataiiip* affixed.
Political Items.
Although the campaign flows In
Ulan three week, there is still a
ack of old-time political excitement,
rhere la someth lug heller, however,
. greater intellectual teaching from the
ibleat statesmen In the country on the
jpublican side, covering every part
i the country—Mr. Taft having just
jfted to tour the Houthern -Hsto.
)n the Democratic aide Mr liryan is
host in himself, s|»-aklng e . ry day,
id half a dozen times a day. If he
not the intellectual |s»wcr of Taft
d Hughes, he is as brilliant in dis
laatng every question of the day in a
icinaltng way If not always sound,
s exejiected to have l,afollelte and
her brilliant radicals to s|s ak on Ins
lie, but they choose to take the other
dr. r*o he stands nearly alone against
ie great boat of opjmnents who attack
in and w ind hr »ays The-" »|st—b
and addresses on both allies are Isr
ig read with nv Idily hy every ela»' of
l©j,le, to get informed as never before
Hit- great issues of contention. That
one reason why there Is so llttlcout
aid e vciti inent going on.
We give on fourth page Judge Taft'a
III S|s ech oil the I .111Mil.' I ill sll'ill, de
Imsliatnig bv his past lift? and acts
at helms always lieen the true friend
the lalsirer.
liryan's attack on (iovernor Hughes
having vetoed the two-cenl railroad
I, has proved a liooim-rang. The lu1
llature had passed a lull ap|silnting
ommlsslon to Investigate the entire
liter of ralltoail fares in order to le
gate advisedly on the i|Ue»lion. Hy
ie carelessness the li-cent fare hill
s passed, making unnecessary In
ve a cointitiasion. So the tiovemor
to veto It, and no tntedllgent |iec
in New York complains.
‘resident llissievell is mil afraid to
kohl Mrs. tirundy lie comes out
footed In Invor candidate l.illey foi
ivcrnoi of t ’onnectlcul.
‘halln tin* Prohibition Presidential
idldate Is lo make a trip through
ineclicut, beginning next Monday,
winding up with a mass meeting
te Indejiendenee party have mini
id K. C. Albreehl for liovemot.
platform adopted denim rices the
Constabulary; condemns the Imi
h system; demands a more ei|Ult
ayslem of taxation,an calls for and
foyers’ liability law.
iker Cannon's lerrllle struggle
'lection to Congress In spite id
[open attack of the Methodist KpU
il church, on the one hand, and
apers on the other, attracts alien
Tlie Hepuhlicans In Ids district
ird him as a rough old diamond
more honest titan the average pol
n He'll gel there.
lteniocrallc National CommllUe
Id change their chief of the pros
iu, who got them to proclaim to
rorld the silly canard that Presl
Koosevcll had o|s>nly Knight a
leader of prominence to desert
i|ters by the promise of a Federal
i. The accused man denies the
, and says he never was with the
_ 'til more than a few intitules,
then tu the presence of a number
iiilmitl jssiple
Idenl llouarvelt lias no doubt o(
lion of Judge Taft, and the can
himself thinks tits election Is
.artes Murphy,the Tammany boss,
tils, says tlte N. Y. Tribune, that
1 York State Is going for Tati and
Editorial Scraps.
tokens of businesa Improvement
leading railroads
a decrease of only 4 |>cr cent this
compared with tlie same time
l.asl month the difference
1« percent; In Junelt wa»40 Jar
than Iasi year.
OW World Powers are endeavor*
reach aome basl* on which they
together and settle the Itai
dtfftculties to prevent a war that
prove a conflagration,
the two sessions of the Christian
Alliance, held in New York
fti2,uuu were pledged for for
The total gift* to the
me year are the largest m
, amounting to over $2atM*V.
were present at the convention
nearly every country
world. There are now half a
missionary organUaliou* out
old parent Societies, doing ser
cvery |>art of ihe world, and
meeting with great success in
heathen darkness.
been enter
China and t be, T oiled State*i
How In Destroy Canker-worm*.
\V. K. Brttton Stole Kntomologtst,
Aitrlcultural Kxjierirnent citation,New
Haven, send* out. the following va
luable Information to fruit growers, on
postal car<i<:
“I anker-worm* caused serious dam
■(( lo oitkard and shade Ireea during
the past season by devouring the leave*;
many apple orchard* were completely
*trip|*-d. Two a|(ecie*, known a* the
fall canker-worm and the aj.rlnx can
ker-worm, together cause this damage
In Connecticut, though the former la
far more abundant- The fall canker
worm I ay a It* extra on the tree* In No
vember and December, and the spring
specie* in March otherwise their hale
it* are atmllar, and the females of both
are wingless.
< anker-worm* can Is* controlled ate
aolutely hy the use of sticky bands to
prevent the Insect* from crawling up
the trees, the female* to lay egg*, an l
the caterpillars to feed Ufa a) the leave*.
Hands a hot! Id be applied in Oclotier
and kept sticky during November and
1 decern lie rand again during March and
Place a piece of cotton batting, two
inches wide, around the trunk to fill
the crevice* of the hark. Over this
draw tightly a hand of heavy building
or tarred paper fouror live inches wide,
and tack at the lap. Apply the sticky
material to the pa|>er hand. Formerly
low grade printers' Ink, thinned with
non-drying petroleum oil wa* used on
the hands. « ertain preparations for
this pur|*me are now on the market,
“Tree Tangle-foot” being one of the
most satisfactory. It can lie used upon
the pajs-r band or can lie applied di
rectly to] tbe bark without injury. Hy
scratching the surface of the .Tangle
foot occasionally with a coarse-toothed
comb It will remain In a sticky condi
tion for a long time.
Spraying the tree* with lead arsenate
|t,*. In si gallons of water) soon af
ter the leaves ii|«|*-ir, as Is practiced In
orchards, will also prevent damage.
Cutting It Short.
A Hl'.tl-it lie i • ii ml in (lie Second
lulllulliiii. I.iiii-nln-hire regiment, who
whs called Leo ijililitiis Tolleuiarhe
Toilelilil' lie d*- Orel -llil I'lalil.i eiiet
'i'ulb 111:11 lie T- ,i h iu i* lie. g.i v c iinl ii i* by
Inc.uia c.f mlv i-rih imiicIiI (lint lie re
nounced ill.- Iialltes of 1 pi 1 lit us Tullu
triii.-lic T-iiii-i-.-i bi- I 'I -| lit a v i-uet Tulle
loin lie mid huiiid la -a ■ (uftli Upon all
occiivi-iis mill t - !| I hues sign mill
use ' i'll be d '! I iii'.HI by i III*
liilinc uf I in dc Orelluiut 1 ulleuiin-he
Canada’* Inland Sea.
People hi home wh<» liftvi* only ween
1f lid Moil l»Ui Of I ill* tmi'i 111 v t* fllltillly
regard**! It n * n p it- li t.f polar do*ola
(loti forbidding ;in<l unexplored. In
reality I! 1* not him,' of I he kind It I*
fi huge Inin ml i ii * large an tin* Med
* terra itemi reaching down into the*
center of the (anadhin confluent.
Dumb Money.
I.Ittli* KIiiut Mamma, thf* nh kel
you jjfnvt* me this morning tuuat In*
munterfelt Mniiittnt Why do you
think h«». dear? Idttlc* Klmer Well I
I* ii pnpn miiv that money talk* and
I ve had thl* iiioim‘1 a whole day and
Ii hasn't Maid a word t'hh ujjo New*
Modern Art.
Art In our time weein* like an Iri
| lb-vent ' ll Mpruml uhoiit on tin* mir
flip > f tin* muddy water* of our oh
111/.a f Ion ; If Mini lift* don't ml x. Lon
don Saturday Itevlew.
A Patient Sufferer.
Hoy (f.» tr.unpi Ihm't you get awful
tired of doin' nothin'. mUler? Trump
Tori lido* Hut l never complain*
ICverylwMlv ha* their trouble*. Phlla
Jelplda Impilrer.
Way to Mantel Heppineee.
“Mari\ a bright woman for suoee**
nnd a pretty one for happtne*N." ad
t Ih»*m a *tudeiit of tin* problem Alao
Mie vxh" • an oo.dx f**r the 1*enotlt of tlie
digestion might Ih* udvietthle hut the
peak) law« limit you to one Louis
ville Courier Journal.
The Penholder.
Ite.had lent her hi* atylogntphlo pen.
nnd *he o<»mmen< ed to write a letter.
She t»h It write** beautlfull) I de
clare I’m In love with this |»en
lie I'm In love with the ludder.
{ She *a w the Itohit
Hie Bluff Called
MMv dear, you if row prettier every
day "
•‘And shabbier, John Compliment*
an* all very well, hut I'd like to see a
Itttle ready rtsh oeottaknially "
Confidence I** a plwut **f alow growth
1n ail aged Ikmpoui Chatham
— Kdward A. Sulltx an of liaiiiolaont
hi« nominated by lIn- democratic sen
atorial convention, held in thin city on
Monday, for aenalor from the JSlh sen
atorial district. <
—At Mat annual comm lion of the
Kina* 1 laughter* amt Son*, held In
llarlfont Wednesday. the county sec
retary gaxe her report. Windham
County now ha* 10 circle* xxith 175
—The Windham County Medical
Association held lu semi-annual meel
iiiK in Wtlllmaulie, Wednesday. Sex
eral Interesting t>a|>ers were read.
Amelia ihow present x*ere lVictor* It.
C. Paine, Thompson, J it Kent, Put
nam, S. It. Oxerloch, Pomfrel, C. C.
titldersleexe Woodstock,
- — —
Colonel tioclhaU say* Ihe Panama
canal *111 be open to navigation ou
January I, |:'l,‘>—six year* from Janua
ry nc\l -and that the total cost * ill lc
The Misse* Colford—Kthel A. ami
Florence Nl , t*in *lster*,bom in Noxa
Scotia—graduate* in law, were admit
lev! la»t Monday to practice a* attor
ney* of the supreme Court of the I’lil
ted Stale*. They are *atd to be young
and pretty.
•»yt * «m pouciau ..'spa-sw j»vj joq
•eop eouaiiedia jo iv**jj* ,«qj u*.vt.,
ksoumum 4<no« qt| * ‘pu»q*uq aqt
peqjviuai pus *4A|| USUI Vs
Rendered Valuable Service to
Railroad Men.
Advics Given In Judgs Taft'* Dtcisior
Adopted by th* Railway Qrothsr
hood*—Democratic Politician* L»*«
Trickary to Daceiva th# Toiler*.
The ftirmlim of the virion a brother
b***!* EOttiM*t*trd wilh tlie* gr**at rail
road A.vfitmM of the country arc grn
••rally regarded n j*ei*e* iing roo*
than t la#* avrrijrr degree of Intel! I
genre Their calling* and flic obilgn
tiorts springing from calling'
make the |KMw*e*Mbm hr them of a high
order of Intelligent ** indispetiJtalde.
Notwithstanding this fact the name
fy«tem of flieard f tlscbo**! i* relied on
to deceive arid trick them into with
drawing their aopport from tfie He pub
I ha ii party that I in general use by
rtetncKTiiiIc politic!., n* to Influence cvet*
the*!.*n«-«*t in d ii **t Ignorant of
the on .-killed la!"*'**' of the country.
One form which this system of trick
ery mo t frequently f;»t.If* that of
hinting at what terrible thing* Wil
Ham II Taft did again.-t labor organ
Iza Ion and Its member* while he wen
Ofi the I smell
The one official net and declaration
of Judift* Tuft which la l*eiug used In
that way on railroad men la his ded
slon lu v, hat i.M known as the Toledo
Aim Ari»or cn*e Vet In ft * f cam*
through hi* decision Judge Taft ren
dered an actual. tangible and renllj
Invaluable service to the cauw of lalior
organization His advice given to laboi
organization* in that cn»e ban lieon
generally adopted by th** various broth
erhoods and tlielr mciiilsTs One of
the rule*- of a great labor organization,
tlie Brotherhood of Kngineers, which
waa the cause of the trouble (rule I. »
hn* long since l*»en voluntarily drop
pe«l as ladug contrary to the be-t Inter
****ts of Iwith the public and the organ
i/.atiou Itself.
More than all that, Judge Taft‘a <le
* j .'.n in the Toledo-Alili Arbor cm-c
contalUN hm good, I iM.ol mid Miimd In
I r d'H trine mm ever found its vvi., into
New. what was tbit Toh-do-Ant) Ar
!*•■' < ,-t -•** ? Mo l enlighten* *1 r i I
m* :i know all about it Many *»f them
pi*rti« ularl.v th«» younger generation «*f
them, do not.
A at t ike of locomotive engine* i s pre
valh'd "ii tla* Toledo, \nn Arbor and
North Mh'liigan railway One of tla
rules * f the brotherhood trule l-l re
qnlr d In sulmtutne that when *o or
< • .cil by the head of the organization
the men of tlie brotherhood or other
roads should refuse to handle the earn
of the road on which the strike pre
This rule was a dangerous one. It
probably never should have t*cen
adopted The attempt to enforee It In
this case brought eight or ten railroads
Into court. They sought protection
ncainst what on its face was at least
an unwise policy for any body of men
to adopt am! Involves! In operation it
possible stoppage of the carrying com
ineive of the entire country.
It was a case of sympathetic strike
And tin* sympathetic strike stands t*>
day. from choice, repudiated hy all r»*
sponsible organisation* of lalsirlng pe<v
pU* and their member*
I he principal outcome of that Ann
Arbor case was that fit** right of cm
ploy ecs to leave tlielr employment
whenever dissatisfied with its condi
tloiis whs fixed beyond all possible fu
tun* question and some admirable ad
t !*'*» gl. cn to the mends*ra *»f the or
gani/.nhon. t«» which they have faith
fully lived up both Individually amt
collectively, Mince
“We wish to make plain If we can.”
said .fudge Taft in his decision, “to the
Intelligent and generally law abiding
men who coinjsme the Brotherhood of
Ixtcoiiioti> e Kuginecr*, a* well a* to
tlielr usually conservative chief officer,
what we cannot tndleve they appre*d
ate that, notwithstanding tlielr per
feet organization and thtdr charitable,
temperance and other elevating amt
most useful purposes, th** exist* nee and
enforcement **f .*• 12 under tlielr or
ganlc law make the whole brotherhood
a criminal conspiracy against the laws
of the country
That the rendering of this decision
by Judge Taft was. then, in result an
enduring service to all railroad men
Instead of embodying anything eon
dieting with their rights and privileges
before th** law must appear plain to
any ordinary man. If there still re
main**! any doubt on that score It
would !*• retnov**! by tin* reflection
that the rule* laid down by Judge Taft
In that case an* now made u part of
the contracts a ml agreement* of all
great railroad brotherhood*
Prta>d«nl Rooicvtlt on Taft's Judicial
Mr Taft's record a* a Judge makes
the whole country hlo debtor. Hlo ao
tlono Hint decision* oro part of the
great tradition* of the heneh They
gu.irHiit.ss1 «n<l set forth In striking
fashion the right* of the general public
as Hgainel the selltah Intervals of any
chts*. whether of eai*itallata or of la
A Quootion the Now Bryan Ha* Not
If von were president and were rail
rd on to exercise your dtaeretton nlttriii
atlvely to maintain the parity l<ei»een
gold utnl allver what would you do)—
Judge Taft to Mr Rrvau
Mr Taft cau Is* trusted to exact Jua
tloe frvun the railroads for the very
reason that he ran Is* trusted to do
\u*ttoe to the rsllroad*
Litera*rv Notes.
The November "Si Nicholas' will
have the Ursi chapters of Ralph Henrv
Barbour's new story, "Captain 1'huli,
carrying on the fun and adventures id
Rov", Hick. Harry and l hub,whose ex
per\enot*s have heen told in "The Crim
son Sweater," "Twin, l*iek. and "Har
riet, ’ and "Harry-* Island."
The new volume of "St Nicholas.
is to have a serial story of advenlu e
by Bradley Oilman, "A Son of the In
sert." It'wTll begtn in the Noveml'er
©@©©©©©0©©©©©©©®®©©©®® ©©
Ghoiee Overcoats
If you want to wear an overcoat that will place you above the
level of the crowd, we ask your attention. - \\ e spared no effort to
secure the best coats that experience skill and money couid make
and we now offer them to you for your choosing. The lop
Coat, the medium length or Chesterfield, the long coat, the
college coat, storm coats, etc.
$10.00, $12.00 up to $20.00 or $25.00
Come in and let our Overcoats tell you their own s.ory
of their superiority and worth.
The Church Clothing Co,
Putnarn Hartford
•IWWW wwwww
In Pomfret, October *, a win to Mr.
and Mrs. (ieorge K. Baker.
In Pomfret, <tetolier 11, twin dauKh
ter* to Mr. ami Mrx. John A. Peterson.
In Worcester, Oclolier lit,by the K*v.
K M. Saunier. Kugene A. Wheeloek of
Putnam, mid Miss Klla M. Rockwell
of Worcester.
In Brooklyn, N. V., October II, Sa
lome J Crawford i Kddy, beloved
wife of William P. Kddy.
In \N oodslocK, October loth, l.ydia
P. Kenyon, aired 07 years.
In C< ntral Village, Oclolier I-, < ar
oilin’ \\ alker, aired OH years.
i... fci. Smilt "h
Furiiisiiins l\&\ laker,
Arcade Block Main St.
Attouilsnt st store. Totspnon*
Ballard & Clark, ^ |
Funeral** Directors i
Putnam, Conn. f
Telephone cells tnswereci promptly T
Nlirht 3—14. I)ey 3—4. ^
. l.eilv sumstiint when requested.
Hand at
Ko. 20 South Main Street,
Pl'TNAM, < <>NN.
We guarantee llu* Ik*"! of granites ami
tlrsl-elas* workmanship, t all and set*
us for all kinds of oemetery work.
For Sale
at ft reasonable price, ft barn, ni/.e .**4x50
feet, framed with pins. ( heat nut
frame. All in good condition with the
exception ot a small jwrtioB of aill.
Itarn can readily la* taken down and
moved U» any locality.
| I* K. Ci.akk, lgjck Box 157, Putnam
| 3dlf
Situation Wanted
A good sillier young man who has
(mil several years experience al the
business would like a ixwtUon aa chaf
feur for automobiles, does Ids own re
pairing. J- 1' ■ Hkkmkk, Kim street,
Putnam. Particulars can lw furnish If
any one desires. _
Ai ahU'KI <ir riu'BAIK. HOl.ltkN Al
l‘>>oifr> t within sna for the district
l>! Poiufrrt on th»*5th dr of S» pt A- 1>., 1WU
Pr^ftent. rharle«0 I homp-%00, Juda*.
On imittou of i*rl» ituii II. ■ utuain.
»’oun . lo t Attorney* for Hi ttrjr Wheehr and
Kd«wrii w Hafchtnw of 1 itjr of Bouton. of
MA9sachc<K*tt«, l*krcuioi * on the testate estate of
Alckkndrr v W heeler, late of Bo»tOA, Ma*»ncnu
•eiti*. <k*cea*#4«
Thi* Court doth .loerst* th*t *1* month* be al
lowed hunted for the creditors in ivnn^cttcut of
«atd owtntr m exhibit iheir claim* against the
»an>< to tin attorne** *N»'« named and direct that
public notice lw given oi ihi* order by aavrrlia
lug id a aonapacr' puhltfhvd in Putnam having
* circulation in anld vll-»lnct, and by ptMtlng a
iH>|»y thereof oo! the public sign |n>»t in **M town
of Ponifrei near** t ttie place the Oe
cra«rd la*t dwi'H in *41*1 town of Pomfml.
tvrt ftp* from Record.
I cuaki.pj* o. i m»Hpsox. 11 ire
George W. Perry
Mechanical and Cl* II BvglaMr
and 8tntyer
men bum'i
Over rtagg * Mere, pI TIlAll, CO»!<
Order of Notice.
Lydia llrook* *». Milton M Brook*.
Mate of Connecticut. (VniBti Vi iudhaiu.
*#.. ion n of Putnam. the 2Sd day ofScplndcr,
I'jpou the cenpliittl of the said Ltrdia
Brook', pravuu: tv»r r**n*on* therein *et forth
fof a divorce. tu»w tending. rrtuinahle on the
Kim Tueadav of October. IWB. before the
^uprfHir l\>urt -u and tor Windham CoaitT.
It Aivotnig to, and hung found by. the *ub
eoribituf authority* that the* aaid defendant i»
atweat from tbi* Mate—f\ nc to uukuowu.
Therefore ordered, that notice o’ the tendency
of «*id complaint be gum *au. defendant by
publishing this enWi »u the Putnam Patriot
a newspaper print* d in Put tain, Conu.. two
week* auovcmivefcr, ccmtucncmg on or before
the dUh da* ol September. Ufcfel* by some pro
per oAcrror indifferent perver.
Clerk of the superior Court for W tan ham
For ZufonU and Childroa
Tti KM Ym Hm Mnp ta0t
Boon th*
8i|utv« of
Dresser’s Di ueStore
Some very dainty bits of
Fine China
as well as
Delicious Candies
in Boxes
Dresser’s Drue Store
Saturday at Store
Pull creaw cheiie, 16c lb i
Tub Cnamtry butter, 2Se lb
Paw Lard, tSc lb i
1 lb cud Rum ford Baking Powder, 24c j
Htaos, 7c qt
15 lbe Sweet Potatoes, 25c
19 lbe Ptoe Granulated Sugar, fl.00 |
31 bare Star Soup, 11.00
3 cans claiua 25c |
Shredded cocoanut 15c lb
E. C, Coro Flakes. 39c pkge
5 lbe Uisger Soapa 25c
Fancy New Orleans Molasses 49c gal
22 lbe doe granulated sugar fl
to the Purchaser of pound of our 50c ;
or 60c balk tew.
2 lb Apricots, 25c ]
October Mk,
Fatale of iteerge Flint. lale of rhompaon tu
OtJ district deceased.
I* pan the a^pik doa o! George 8. Croaby the
Kaecutor therein santed praying that an instru
ment in »rum* purporting to bs the last will and
test aim ut of *aui Gwuve FUat, deceased. tnav b*
Cjwed, approved, allowed and admitted to Pro
te u per application on ft«e more fully ap
pear*. It t*
Ordered that raid application be heard and deter
m;u«d at the Probate take* in Thomp»on in
aald diairtct on the i3lb day of i*U A. l> l«fe.
St It o'clock 'n the forewarn*, and that MUer U*
giera Of the | ideacv of »aid aprlH'ttlOB and the
time aud place of bearing thereon, by publishing
the tame once *u *osie newspaper having a cir
culation in said I'ldrict. and by po»urg a coys
thereof on U»e public signpost iu the town -f j
TiKKUpHW in SStd lH»:nct, 6 day* before »aid
41 l.Jwant G Wright. Acting Judge
Lumber. Coal, Doors, Mouldinet
Brick. Lims, Csmsnt, P.B.S.
Mixsd Paints Lsad and Oil.
Some Good' Bargains
In Little Used
and in second-hand
F. G. Letters & Co.,
Headquarters for
Edison Phonographs
and the complete stock of Records.
Richmond Hub
/V\agee Ranges
TheCyphers Incubators
and Brooders
Sharpies Cream Separator
American Steel Wire eui ng