Newspaper Page Text
VICINITY. wWt WOODSTOCK Kobin*on has been vis in this parish. -Herman * house is being shln ihester Burrows is visiting at be held in the Baptist •n,iav evening. < >ctober ii. A «uni>er will be served, The \VUiins Workers will have it place has been seriously ill, ^proving librarv Association met with thllips ami chose the following rs. Foster. 1_M rs. F. L. Corbin. rs. Mclntire. . I*. .S. Butler. Committee—Mrs. Corbin, Frost, Miss Josie Poiudex Bleknell. lo have new shelves added in of new books Edward* from Paris, Maine, is friends in this vicinity. t0X s sister and husband from are visiting her. Lew lux graduated from the school for nurses at Houlh on Wednesday. Baudv’s sister, Miss Angelicas to her home in Providence. Witter has gone to New for eattle. POMfHKT CENTKE. mi daughters were born to Mr. Mrv John Peterson at Hamlet Sunday. October 11. s. Sargent is visiting her daugh Jrs. Poelhinan, in Jtoston. a Cecelia I'anielson leaves this for Kan-a- City, where she will with her sister. biril fro-1 tlie morning of the li'lh, sail to form iee. Ilian Jemimas of Hills'Grove, K. isrd on PiM.ifrel friends last week, i,ite ham will siHin be built on tiildfcr I'liice, Mr. Grosvenor's fir. pOMKKf.I I.INIHSO «te Darling, who lives with Iris i). lam. rimitly received a visit ; . Mrs. Waldron of I ibridpe. Ollier out of town friends j visitors hi the family. and Mr-, onmmons of Matta- j l Mass., were recent guests in ■iljofA. S Itruce. Charles H. a. wife and daughter, with Mi-s inJ W. \\ . Sherman,made them rt visit last week. i J. It, Johnson and daughter i»t-'raiuiiigliaiii recently to visit (lead the wedding of a niece. ■rt'.Coogdou. wife and daugh JitcdMrs. M Jackson in Jtroek iffwdays recently. iJ. White received a visit from Her, Mrs. Cal burn, also from her iter, Mrs. William Kay of Ahing THimpSON. ! Thompson \V. C. T. I', will | with Mrs. Sarah Truesdale on cry, Uetolier ±1. al 2 p. m. Re ^ delegates to Slate Convention Norwich will be in order. |and hear them. jin.i Mrs. Paine are spending aj |s; East Woodstock, the doctor] !a vacation and the hunting • • harle- Peck preached at the rational church last Habbath. R. H. Chandler attended the !of Miss Osborn ol New Haven ' harles Knight returned from nixon Tuesday. land Mrs. J. K. Itoane are pre I to make Itrookline ttieir home. I of the series of lectures giv IMrs.Coie-leugh was held Monday ]residence ,»f Mrs. Wicks. The *aa -The White Man,’’ and Sure was very interesting and Rive. The ladies tendered Mrs. *h a vote of thanks for her pit talks, and she also thanked ! for their good attention. ■OaTH WIIOUSTOCI ard Merrick of Holyoke came lay to escort his mother and son They hate been visiting Mrs. “otter some weeks. *rtAgard, wife and children • are sending the week al xlemau’s. • Healey attended the celebra pturbridge Orange on Tuesday ' Rice anil w ife of Worcester •visiting Mrs. Foster Child. a»ne and wife were the guests t Deane the latter part of last Ijaffee was called to Hartford Won jury duty. Ma/rett of Westfield has been TJ» »eek w ith his mother,Mrs. *—ett. , l>eane and daughter of P»*»at Mrs. Lucy Hibbard’s i A®***“> has been entertaln ^**l*.v lde of Attleboro, and **n of Worcester. iasmarsl of Providence is 5**piewoo4 Farm this week, , . coming on Friday to re • iNUUJlV, L*«u*« of the branch of the “jyd of the I>a> Kimball its”* *! Morse’s the speakers were Mrs. I ^ " • Perry-, and L” 1 a>ne, all of Putnam, ■wuy-tik* Udies were present. *nu acre served by Mrs. J. .Mu* Mary F. Potter, Mrs. '* wid Mrs. Leavitt. Mrs. *rsie*\e was ehosen presi "*r.v V. Potter re-elected |RR*ni Brown and (laughter “I'* KWsU of Mrs. Main of ■ *no entertained the Re • «hool house has been paint _ "oodwork in the interior &»ue<j Qu Saturday. ®rown has returned to Bos if^*-'rar>ge accepted an in\ ■ffiteei «n.h the Southbrids tf/^rs-iav of this week, an 1 - jiu Hudley grans ^ H iectric Oil is the best V**; often fatal disease— * wen used with success in ■£r*u?ht years.”—Mrs. L. • Buffsio, X. y. ■**T Wool STOCK of Kw "oodsuwk ladies ■Mended the auxiliary me* tin* of the W .Kiiau * Hwnl of tne I>a\ Kimball Hospital,beM With Mrs. George Morse Thursday \V. F. Steere attended the annual reunion and dinner „f hi* regi toT*11, hel<J *l tbe ^ulnc-v House, Bos Mrs. f. T. \\ itter was a iruest at the home of 1xnj.ii Harwood in tSouihbridire over Sunday. rts'Yu *' ?'*y '**' 10 Hv-ston one day last week. WOODSTOCK Kev. F. D. Sargent preached Sunday ; morning in exchance with the pastor*, delivering an eloquent and practical sermon upnu the duty and privilege of j being cheerful. Ke\. and Mrs. \\ aters and a goodly ; number of members of the Woodstock I church attended the church conference at Fast Woodstock on Tuesday. The social at •Clovenea’’ on Friday I evening w as a decided suecess The cordial hospitality of Mrs. and Mi-s 1 Hinrich*, and the spaciousness of the pleasant home were a good environ ment for a delightful evening. The pi ano plating of Miss Van der Smtssen vocal music by Mrs. Hitch, Miss Hin riehs, and lierliert VV. Bowen, the amusing exchanges of the1White Ele phant, the presence of unrecognizable mashed figures an interesting program, while the climax of enter tainment was reached by the presence and readings of Charles’ T. I allin, of Brooklyn, N. V., ltie elocutionist, who ajways delights aWoodstock audience. The unavoidable absence of Mr. Hin richs was occasion of regret to all pres ent. Miss Perley is entertaining her cous in, Miss Merrill. Dr. Perley and family are now living Jn their new house on the Hill. Winfield Hibbard of Hartford has been in town this week. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Bowen Herein Boston last week. John Lester has returned to the Sol diers' Home at Norotou. Miss Maudllare of Providence is vis iting Miss Mabel Cochrane. Belated dandelions and white violets have been picked in EUnvale during the past week. WKST THOMPSON The Ladies' Aid society of the Me thodist church served a 1 tiean sup per in the vestry Wednesday evening. A good number enjoyed the excellent supper and the social hour that fol lowed. SOITII KM I.IXU V Delxiss Wood of Danielson, w ho has had many years of personal experience with psychic phenomena, will sp ak in thechurcil here, Thursday, tieloh r £1, at 7.150 p. in. Subject,11 Biblical and psychical evidence of a future life." All are cordially invited. ••• -- K .4 ST THUMP ION Mrs. George Morse was taken to the Day Kimball Hospital in Putnam on Thursday, being sick with typhoid fe ver. Smelling Out Eeli. Along the coast of Normandy, In France, dogs are sometimes employed In fishing by a few of the elder flsher women. One of the latter, armed with a basket on her left shoulder and on the other a pickax with a very long handle, closely followed by her dog. wanders along the shore until she comes to a place where the sand runs for a considerable distance into the body of tlie rocks. Here the surface is usually broken by a number of little mounds at low water, tut seeing these the dog becomes excited and runs back and forth, smelling of the little hillocks. In a moment be will begin to scratch and whine like a terrier on wgtell at a rat hole. On hearing this the woman rushes toward the animal, brandishing her pickax. On reaching the spot she looks, which way the hole runs and then liegins tearing up the sand with her implement. After half a dozen vigorous strokes out tumbles a conger ell. which Is quickly picked up and flung with great force on the hard ■and. stunning the creature, after which It ts put into the basket and the Ashing resumed.—Boston Post. A Novel Claim. A claim once made on the explorer Cameron In the neighborhood of Ga boon, Africa, shows the peculiar work ings of the native African's mind, gome of Cameron's possessions proved unduly attractive to a native, and he determined on transferring the owner ship to himself. He accordingly paid another native $200 to procure for him the coveted goods. The assistant took the money and did his beat to earn If, but Mr. Camerou had perversely lock ed up the very articles that the 1 d low’s employer had set hla heart upm. The man could not carry out hia bar gain, and neither did he feel that ne could part with the money. Therefore he ran off with It. What more logical than that the man who was the loser by $200 should expect the explorer to make the loss good? This he assuredly did expect. He went to Mr. Cameron and told him the story, demanding in (he first place the $200 which ha (Cameron) by locking up bis goods bad compelled the complainant to loae and, secondly, the actual price of the goods themselves, which' but for these arbi trary measures would now have been In his possession It is not stated that hla expectations were real lied. lb. *oy»l *»•■«» »“d <»• ' Sudden changes of weather are es pecially trying, and probably to more so than to the scrofulous and consump tive The progress of scrofula during a normal October is commonly great. We never think of scrofula—its bunches, cutaneous eruptions, and wasting of the bodily substance with out thinking of the great good many sufferers from it have derived from Hood's Sarsaparilla, whose radical and uermanent cures of this one disease are enough to make it the most famous medicine in the world. There u pro bably not a city or town where Hood s Sarsaparilla has not proved its merit in more homes than one, in arresting and completely eradicating scrofula, which U almost as serious and a» much to be feared as its near .relative.—consump tion. _ Home of the Chinese newspapers are printed in a roll, so that when a por tion has t«een read it may be torn off and thrown away._ Henv v. impure blood makes a inud dv pi in pi v complexion, headache*, nausea. indigesUon- Thin Wwdimake* you weak, pale siekly. »urdockBlood Hitters makes the Mood neb, red, pure —restores perfect health. Chur«h taMnuutal Aui Thf Vtut-Oaimaid Anniversary of , the Methodist Episcopal Church of | * u'nam, was obstrvni in the church, Jn Sunday, beginning with a service i al h> h) a. m., lolloced at Sdv p. m., | an<i closing with a service at 7 in the ' evening. All the services were well attended 1 *nd much interest w as show*n. The committee of arrangements of 'srr .ice and decoration was composed O J.c Niche.,, Mrs. Clarke, Mrs. K. N foster, Mrs. ( base and E. M. Ar nold. Methodist Church Notes. The Ladies Aid Society will serve a h ir\est supper in their dining room on h riday,October hi, from 5 to s p. m. The menu will lie as follow s; Boiled dinner, baked beans, brown bread and roils, mince, apple and pumpkin pies, pieties, fruit, lea and coffee. How 's This ? Wroffrr Hue Hundred lioiars Howard tor »».v caw of Catarrh that cauuot be cured hr Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. 4. CHENEY ,t l JY. Tokslo, O. we. the tttuleisi-nod have ktowa F. 4. Cheney for the last 15 rears and believe him perfectly hecoratse in all buuiww transaetioiui and financial!, able to carry out anv ohligu bona male by hi, firm Waldow, Kims ,t M vbvts, t W holesaic lliugirists, Toledo, O. Hairs Catarrh Cure t, taken intei ually, act log directly upon the blood au.l mucous sur faces of the STStent. Testimonials sent free. tViee 75c per houle. Sold by all Ilrugguta. Take Hail's Family Pills for constipatioo. A Good Reason Putnam People Can Tell You Why It Is So IVran’s Kidney Pills cure the cause of disease, am) that is why the cures are always lasting. This remedy strengthens ami tones up the kidneys, helping them to drive out of the body the liquid poisons that cause backache, headache Hmi distressing kidney amt urinary complaints. Putnam |>eople testify to permanent cures. Mrs. 1 tennis Cady, of 88 •School st., Putnam, Conn., says: “For thiee or four years my husband had severe pains in the small of his back which prevented him from sleeping well at night. A day or two before a storm he always noticed that the iwiiiis were worse, and when he caught cold the trouble was also greatly Aggravated. Added to this there was an annoying difficulty from the kidney 'secretions, lie used many remedies but got no re lief until he began taking 1 bran’s Kid ney Pills, procured at Dresser's drug store. Their use stopped the ikidney difficulty and banished the back aches.” For sale by all dealers. Price •‘>0 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agent for the CiUted States. Remember the name—Doan’s—and take no other. 44*. KKPORT Or Til K CONDITION —4»K THE— First National Hank of Putnam, at Putnam, in the State of Connecticut, at tin close of business. Mpt 23.1008. KKHOl it i E6. Lnu»s anti discounts. .$476 .?2h 2t» Overdr tft». secured Hitd unsecuml— 3.022 \tn (j. S. Bonds to secure elM ulat ion if-*'.**** • otlwr Bonds to m-cure U. S. in posits- •• .02,Ho.ipt* Pmnium* on 1'. 8, B»>ud.». ... -t,uuu on Bonds, »« curltifs, etc. tig.!WOO Banking'house. ooo Of l»u»* fromXstionalBnnks'not r«s« i\« agent*' ** I lf> 1 )ijf from State Banks and Bankers- .. l.-VM Due from approved reserve agenia.... 45.HJ24 v'Ik rk* and other caidi items. .1,141 *V Notes of other National Banks.. 2,<*«>»*> N lekels ami cents. . 570 7s LAWm. MONEY KBSKHVK IN HANK, VIZ : Specie. ..S3,470 oo I .enal-tender notes .lO.uuOM 43.470 00 Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer 5 per cent, of circulation). 4.wx> no Total.$e*>,300 27 LIABILITIES. Capital *tork paid iu.$150,000 oo Surplus fund. oo l ihiivkmhI profits, less expenses and taxes paid. >.413 3# National Bank notes outstanding... ... )4*,0mo no Due to other National Banks. 0,121 74 Due to Trust Com paint* and Savings It nki*. 31,002 01 fMvid.-nda ufipatd. .. ... IMM# In ilvtdual de|H»sti» subject to check, Jflb,43B so i rmand certificates of deposit.. 7.428 34 Certified Cheeks. 2,441 uu l tiled States Deposit*. 50,800 00 Bills patable, including certificates„of deposit for money borrowed, 26,000 00 Total. $"*>.300 27 State of Connecticut, County of Windham, as. I. t, H. Cillpatric. Cashier of the abov# named hank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and oelief. <i. li. UILPatkk .Cashier Subserilted and sworn to before me this 1st da> ol OctoU r, iwe*. John fi. Hybkk, Notary Public. Correct—Attest: < h as. H Bkows, l K A W HKH/ici, | Directors. W. K. Bakhkr, » At a court ui* pkobatk iioldkn at Putnam witltin and for the District of Ptttdarii »#n the sth day of October, A. D ISOS. Present. Edward <». W right, Judge On motion of L. E. Smith, of Putnam, Conn . Administrator on the intestate estate of Charles W Miliett. late of Putnam within »aid dlstr-ct deceased This Court doth decree that sil months be al lowed and limited for the creditors of said estate to exhibit their claim# again*t the same te the Administrator and directs that pabllr notice be given of this order by advertising la a newspaper having a circulation Id said district, and by post inf a copy thereof,on the public sign post fa said town of Patnam nearest the place where the deceased last dwelt. Certified from Record. 4$—44 EDWARD U. WRHiHT, Judge AT A COURT OF PROBATE HOLDER at Putnam, within and for Ibe district of Putnam, on the 12th dav of October, A. D. 1008 Present. Edward G. Wright Judge. Estate of Frank Davis, late of Putnam in said district deceased. Upon the application of Alfred T. Davis, ad ministrator with will annexed on said estate, aying this court ior an order of sale of certain sf estate belonging to said estate, as per appll tioo on file more fully appears, it »“ ordered at said epplication be beard and determined the probate office in Putnam, in said district, i the 22d day of O-tober, A. D. 11*08, at 10 clock in the forenoon, and that ootiee be giv i of the pendencv of said applicat'on and the ne and place of (rearing therroo. by publishing m order in some newspaper having a tiircula 30 in said district, and by posting u copy of is order on the public sign post in said town of jtnam, and return make to this court of the ►tree Jivet Attest. 42 EDWARD G. H RIGHT, Judge, T A COURT OF PROBATE held at Kast . ford within and for the district of Eastford the Hth dav ot October, ItkW. Present. John M. Tatem, Judge. Estate Louisa H. Dickinson, late of Eastfoid, *aid district, deceased. fhe executor having made written application i*id court, in accordance with lhe statue, for order ol sale ol the whole of the real estate icribed therein, it is ordered that mid ap ratiou be beard at the Probate Office in stford oo the l^tU day o! October, MOb, at 14 lock in the fateaoaw; sad that notice there to given, bv maertiog a copy of this order in . Putnam Patriot, a newspaper having a «r »tioo in mid diatx ict, and that return be de to this court Attest. JOHN M. TATEM, Judge. 44 We show the n. west styles in overcoats, including the new brown shades, made auto stjle. Price, $3 to $6 N. I. HURLBUT, 22 Front Street, * Putnam, Conn For Boy’s 3 to 8 years We show h ndsome overcoats in the new shades, trimmed with silk emblem and gilt but- , ton at prices from $2.00 to $6.00 j "BOY’S 8 to 16 years. BOy’s j Overeoats _j .....HUM New Line of Stamped Goods AT THE Popular 10c Price PILLOW TOPS, CUSHION TOPS, TABLE ( ENTERS, PILLOW SH AMS, DOILIES. BUREAU SCARES, TRAY CLOTHS TABLE SQUARES, Etc. Lan:e Assortment of Patterns to Select from Now on Sale at The Keystone Stores Danielson Putnam Moosup ♦44*I 4 .****** ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦*♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ *♦+♦» HMMIM MH***** ^mWivvWy W WWWWWW They speak for themselves 35 as they have Add a big dash of comfort and you at once have the recipe of the Sorosis Shoes WE FITT THE FEET It# MOW HOW We Give Green Trading Stamps. C. M. ELLIOTT, PUTNAM. IMWMWMWW Durability BUT BOTH THE Victor—Edison Talking Machines at Jeweler Shaw’s All the late records received, fresh from the factory recently. Th<? IvvJ Corset After earful consideration of nitnjr lines of Corsets wo have uliM a complete lino f the famous "In" Brand They are d signed V»v a woman of wide etj'erietioe iu the manufacture of Corsets, one who knows tho requirements of the feminine figure. Tin* line includes the following styles a nil pi iocs. 100A Mill 400A at 100 A S at lo St raj', (See Cut) 1.00 1.86 1.60 So 0 2.75 « AH> The Stile 4Oil Ahd . Stiap, every women inclined to stoutness will appreciate not only for tlx* comfort they given, but for their long service which makes them decidedly economical, (live this corset a tri 1, ami wa can assure you j'ci feet satisfaction. We have a corset for every figure, ami every purse. We also carry the newest ami most up to date models n Royal Worcester K and (1 Istllessista and Ik H A t o. Conet*, and the Sahlin figure builder for slight figures. Erv ijiwtds. Carets *nri Wall Phihts. Putnam, Cm. I 1 I \allot\s on§er DEVOE RAXNT Ready to figure? (out by the gallon that’a one way. The number of italloiM that's another. It calls for lk>voe every time. It coats leas because it takes less gallons. 153 years of honest paint making back of every gallon you spread. For sale at Burt’s Pharmacy It Is Hooey in Your Pocket - TO BUY — Horse Blankets ; which are warm and strong, and long of wear. 5-A Blankets re-enforced and strengthened where strains occur. They are Strong and wiii save money to horse owners. Ask For 6-A Blankets WHEN YOU BUY. Chandler & Morse HARDWARE - PLUMBING