Newspaper Page Text
w o M A N 7 Strenmus pf'erk J.nJ Party and Its Victims—-hcd Din ing lir/om Is the Latest — sJ S f' ya pane <e lielle. Week end party. oh, where I' th; r. '■ i l rl.-c • _••• l.e h wu a victim tl <- e.itlre part/ played two rotnid* of golf l.i ‘lie >rnli ^ Tbs moment tli-y filii -bed luicbi". they played croiuet till lea time. o'clock tea. after v. ti rli they played *if> m u <>f tcnnbt until dinner, wlii li wn followed by brill);.- till tin “mail hot! of tla* tuornlug Apparently alt;: in : th w bole of tljut alrenuoii* day ft had not occurred lo anybody to tit atilt, and though all wont gr< suing with th* beat, not one of them made tile alight e-t effort to keep fool 'I lie one tliinti that everybody roomed anxious b avoid wna re-t Vet if a:- obvlourl, what they had till come for And tin mirprl-dflg (inrt of It nil w :n that tie went back to town the next inoitilin actually fortified by I heir e xeri i ,i« n:. foil of the delightful (a lee and real fUlrica* of the country an 1 ah the lieiu tit they had derived from their Aa a matter of fact, th re tnilal b< physical stage of c.dla|i*e wiif'ii th ml ml and the tealy alike i-ea e to act Into thin Kinte the oonilrio -d w eel einter no doubt hypnotl/.oa In -elf. fo no woman oxen of a rohuat eonatltn lion eon Id stand the atraiu of n in stloeewidte Hutalaya in tin* cie itry an readme her n .-mtil wcnpnt> " Monday 1 tie n• v < • k end r< (|Ulrev an .*) .-II gieu -r elloi t of tii mind tliaii It d<»— <>f in* Inal . on I I your IIiiiIh. lii'tie na t .i* r-'-odt of tie e' littyeli .il exorcise yen r I ; In i I grow e-pialty weary i i tin.. t find a topi - of . ' ll ".'il V ill keep •-1 • • 1 r !H i-iidair ■ f dir.’, l 1' terestitl | . nt y- I y-uit -(-If f’"u frilling MHleep lielWeell bi ll till 1 Ihl* • 1 Oipyiflg il«»* Idea tv r.ui flirt I i<» . ffe •! Uk tll.iUy cf the 'VUIllliKT 1 ' II u t#r». -1 millionaire I»r’Iff M kc- p* calm i)f ice in i hidden hiii!. In her diidn, ThlH I **» 1 11V fill MII'M rut'’, kc* h< t» -Hi);!:. *1 a t i In* e\ in-mHj warm i i tin* <I<»•-? day•*., 11»i... KUiii-y itu*I comfortable hi whiter. Tb* h»tf*b •■■■*. w ho entertain* llber«Ih In I! >« Kuini.H-r. d*> id**«i miuim‘1 hlng luvi i !>< done iii i *h»| the atmosphere nn«l I>11hI Jy i|**i hied be in hulk w:m tin? only thing In a corner <»f the <12tiiiiu rt*nu mIii.* (him a big tin tank built, ami thl is kept liihsl with « ake* of lee Around tin* wall Just abmc tin* t it Ilk ill** fas *ened three noiseless cdeotrle fans, and flu* w hob* Is surrounded by a hedge of giant ferns and other plants, entirely concealing It from view. No one was told of tin* new device, and In conse ijuenco the quests of the woman were astonished to find tin* temperature In the room had fallen so wonderfully 0 e evening, however, one of the youutf matrons derided to investigate the eaUHo of this "Oreeidand's lej mountains" air, ho she quietly moved around tin* r<hitn when the other quests Were bidding their hostess K»mm| night Peering through tin* ferns in Ih** enr uer. she slipped and fell upon what seemed to her startled wiim'K an lee 1 erg Then, of course, tin* secret war an op* i one \V i '.llu'tnii | . til ||it Vo n IM*U SiH'lil' favor i i* Uu* rn:!il:i:* 1m flu* per sou < Haroiit-NM Kivo l ikrtblta. (•■i • 1 !be i i| 11• • .• aUitmKi n|of in r**<eu{ \ r 11pt Jap* ho*m* H"'iu n have IUO\ I* l ilhilOKt |I'tr u j»it |m; *.|\ in ho i It*f> .it tin* il. in i \ luu they Jut O’ I: foil » !« ,!»«; 1 11. barono**. however. win a no’ voiOp « uu: \ at* she to In ' oriental ri^iniii.’K Mu* !-* n;*t ;*t wm ei.ltetMi ti i1 • : l lull *-ue It»»•-• tool yi’jir In c|fi>!ot»iiith > '• J f> m I okyo itlitl i c\e»’y M**j thru- *1»t It \flstH more a lv .'.U'-. ,| hmt tl* * average A iu«*rl in t-ii l « f • i a; e s o >-j»**.*I KttgLfell W lih I i|’ • 'I pll.iKlt'C Ai . . ft I- ttl . »\ > ;• , f ill I 'n iu ll ati>t <:« tM in ’’i i. i f i n* Hum height it a her o urn g-> v. !tb a h iti II Vtut, mil. M-.i* f iit* hi her uailv • dress ahe v ill Ik* a i ti v ligurt* In W.i-diin.; <>u r t* Tlu^rt* m i* few v, -nu tti/' urdlet j |mu i, |u» t cheery *»r liovv uu t>eUl*h t1»> \ . . I t*. who w oilUl IUM | |*rt*ft*r f .of N I oily ittul one | tttIf*I bruin* boil tin ,, t * '10111* Tt»ry furl that N'iiua ’ m»ii *th mm that tut fun* ha* n » n_!.t to withhold from ; them, 1‘IMMUm’ |»eihu|»» With llnth'IV. tho v tlii'l ' lt.*w iut»'*li art. tut* tun*. ludul?: e. l- w tunny g'***d of Hih’k uni t.v are required among friend* to neemuplhdi In some year* whftt a lovely fan* will do In a few moments." » * ►. Violet I* not a usual shade In which lo furulsth a n*»u*. but one girl w hone color It Will experimented. and here I* the The nail* weiv pA|wreI with bunches of violet*. among which there were ui.iuy gray shadows upon an ivory ground The woodwork w u* tlu iahed lu Ivory furtaln*. portkNv* itnd all cover* were made of dotted twin and I howl with violet cambric #»r Uvvn. the only trimming being dain ty rulttes »*f tin* *w Ik*. Mahogany furniture addl'd warmth und tone to tlu* room. The writing desk \vjm» provided with note paper of the falnfeet > lolet hue. I* it a wonder that an elusive violet fragrnm'e in*r vnd»>! this room? It wa* ImUnxl a charming tu*t»lng for a gulden haired gtrl MARY 1*U.K Make a Note Now Uiiirt Kl.v'i* I'lviui Halm if ton are troubles I with nasal Jtraiarrh, ha\ fever or cold tn the heat), ll Is purifying ami soothing to the *ensitl\ e mem brane that linen the air-passages. It i* made to overcome the disease, not to (tMl the patient by a theft, deceptive relief. Therein no c,value nor mer cury In it. H i not I- talked into taking a •substitute f.-r Klv’s t ream Haim. All druggist* set' it. I’rtoe .'sk Mat Its I lit Kly Him*., .><> Warren Street, Nets York. CAHTOniA. Vmtw a Ika k«o Vo* Kao t Bn0 OLYMPIC GAMES. Anc»*e t G'«ek Worn** Riddled Ath letic G^rlft o« 19C*. T itc Ore—k iti.iM* :i of R. (* con'd put to tfw? A u^i jraa M«wt<]fir»r girl** of l’HH. wLcm; her ddmirMV »rt* npt to Hfciakij fl< ft»e ixt^t Crtoiuph of 9 {Hi; ; .*' pr r- * f »• tie- fl( vrtv j of the e**' ■lk*n/,*» of phyvfca} irak.nsr j for ft rJ» v.ii m;iv> not by tte f r coot | »«m of modem hirb wbc if !»ci by a ! Spartan la» sft»«*r don e :£>* » ago I.vrnrtft.-. this Srniri.^n l;iA|flv€f, *c I (unity eoforon] by law a MtreuumMi pbytdca! training for Spirtan girl* “Of we are (old. hyrurgo* t *>k all fbr rare that nim fw»w<dhle r«*r an InufniH#• of If l»e oiyIpwI tli* maiden* to exercise #H» with running, wnvtiinK throwing quott* and ca«lfnjc darts ** And we are a* *ui*d that certain feature* of the K[mr tan girl** tralnlntr. while ol»m»rvliig true mode-fy, “u led to render their con vc-atloTj free and unreserved and to l**get In them n iboen- of I* mg vigor oijm nrsd iM’ff’ e nn«I Ailed them with r*otirat'* and generous thought*. Florn *f mu Ii roof i* in It In no wonder that on the blgbent hi.’I In fledr rupltal city • »f Hparta and near to the Mammary of Athena f!i»* Spartan* honored a sue fill spoil n-wo-.i an. placing there a statue of Knryleofil*. a wornuu “who won an Olj tuple victory with a two horse chariot/’ or that m* midi vino bon «»r« were accorded to flwdr Mtiii more illustrious F’lince** f'ynJ ra, “who tva* piMMlonntely fond of the Olympic game* and wa* the first wofitai) who gained a chariot \ Ictory at Olympia." i ynlwcM won her v let orb*s a twin t 40b II I ' and I I e ■;* nf if li Ktafne, «Tt J1 ill i-. i.-’cie e, of a girl runner at Olympia belong* to the same period, Tlii* maiden, fleet of foot, bring* us to the e .men's 0!ym;nf fetttlval, of which, tbi*. only m* anty noted survive, pre nerved in the p?tg<** of an old Roman r • • J. ■« f <1 I he fa inoljfi Kite »f • ’.*■ Oiyi ;> < g rued long after their j : or> had departed. Just ;ih those '.farm's v **re t i t and foremost a re* igl' tis < e|et>nll« n. held in honor oI :;ij• chi f flret-U deity, Zeus, father of ' , | . il l i■«• :i tfh iM every sjm * tn?*rr of Ii'r gum 'i o) ge| to and bare - i 1 ' J* > I < r <■ of the g Mb, mo ! e v g.H , were held In honor tii- t !•-. Ilera and were d after her. the Her«»ea i‘he> . * ••!* ! raie« 1 every fourth year and • i. u, »»r the mu im gement of a :'■ re I *■'»! • • known as the Sixteen Vo;, - a i ’lf-i* won* iinfrons, aw were lie Iiauidinnidd who attended them, H A itII>I' DHiVkX IlY A WOMAN I'AHHINO HIM WINNINti HJ«T iml |hi||i the eollefte »nnl the umpire*, !K»fon* f!tt*> <1is’»luir;'i*<| their duties, eeelved eereinoninl purification The KUMieS finish ti ll of foot III)<1 harlot driving, tin* coume. however, being shortened for them hy about mealxth of the iih*iih rourw*. The SpartAn Khl. ivlth hi*r eoiupulHory ^ynmastlf training lit running. wrw tllnic. ijttoit thro.vhiK and the Spartan • I lii< •• fi*!*‘hr. 1 for the vlctorlen »f her fleet horne* on the Olympic raiv oiuho, I « !on ;i «l to n r ire llhmtrlmif* a’ the fifty s I t! feet Ion, the emir ige and the patrioti*ni of It* women 10 le** th n of It* men The A inert an pill of to«1iv obtains. alas, Imt a ilmdow of the ( is deal culture enjoy ••I I»v her inoii fortunate (inik »f yearn am M A lit I VIU:T I'oItTMK COMPLEXIONS BEAUTIFIED. Effect of Wr.lUm j Out In the Ram Useful Hints. I i*r ii w;i >v 1 • has no thr*at 01 lu-fi wi ll.! i -< I."* no greater »vmf|(h»r than flip Imhlt of walking u tin' tain, for tin* stimulation of •risk exon Imp wliou w arm!.* i1ivsh«!. ogefher with wetting the skin. In not mly a delightful Mt'iisntIon, hut Is of Im»tit >ii to tin* I'oijif*l«-\Ion Healthy. normal stimulation that In • tin* otr* nhitlon nftd, rcuetltig, ■V ,.;htotlH flip Spirits Is IM'l'OSSlir.V to Health. tun! whatever dovelo*** It Is of .aim* Win*n added to oxer ise thorp s i j-'t’iv flint omos fivm wafer the ‘.o'loilt U ctouhhvl. and It Is preel dy *hls o- o ?■ s * i » walk In tin* rain I’r lo <!i 'i ! In mo Ii \s :iv as to In* ?r itfv '«il from wot otltor than aurfwcc Sauipee.s* there would ho grave danger >f taking 04*1*1 Tin* Ideal way to pro are f.*r an outing of this klinl Is to Nit on a skirt really short of heavx loth; a short laokot. because a long ino makes walking difficult: warm un letvlotlies, IkhUs that come as high as o prevetit tin* upi*er part of tin* II ml vs troin getting wot amt a small hat, ovor khtch drtt|»e a thlok chiffon v**ll that s*mes over the baok to t*n»tthe lead, but lean* the face uorovpitxl. A bit of fur on cold day* to prevent he mill from getting down the neck ind worst**! glove* oomplete tho out tit It 1* uot desirable to have a muff is bokllug the hands before one tn the ’ashlou required for It check* * free, swinging walk. Sm h a costume a* thla keep* damp tews from all part* of the Uwly eicwpt he f*i*e. and here It will do no harm The strength of e«ch woman tmiat togulat* tin* length of the walk taken; nit, whether long or abort. It must be 'Hpld This I* absolutely iHrewwary; vtherwlae chill will enter In aud one w III feel cold Fast walking ***ta the *hvKl running swiftly at once. *nd *rom the first five minute* them I* a list I net feelli g of stlmulatkv© and ela Ion. One iu«t> Is* soaking wet outside, •lit If the cloth Is heavy enough uo lampucsa will i*%*netmte. Why HurrvT I he aeorvl in^ vvollat was on the r>vul to St rat fowl-on Won llo «ss li nt ovor Tho ha mil* Kim, timl the N'att* whit'll .-siHik the siren e>*tw toller were trie Ul"„- off his fare. HI. he culievl to a passhi,: I yoioh. am I right for Shakisju'sh'* ••Vi's, you're right. ntl-'er.'1 »»» the 1 'lit » on neeilu't burr.' Shakespeare's lead.”—Loudon A us w era. reply of the leisurely youth feu* the Bifiutu* ft lit I* to bin Mis tagl <• ♦ ! My Lc'.dy And P ♦ • J <7 * ’ : - > ^ *> ^ if «. A A • W • I By C. B. LEWIS. 4* ❖ -5. ■•'>''' ❖ 4* »<■♦♦♦♦< + <• IM4'» H4f4*44+^ i Mv lul k'»* reached 15**- *«£** of ffltf, I t»be text* Urw ii* nearsighted tod a **lt , 1 if She iN"il, and *li4 bad a «!iir*if stoop and uof.ii'wb •! of an uc »irfia r» rill, f5*?f for i!*** vl^ilaiVf of her mail. Perk f ns. «he a<raWI have I'inkM] -v#*ry month ot I;*-r 09? and onsued for the 0I1J Ionian she wa» It wan Perkins who skillfully padded Ii**r gown* :ind applied He* dainty pink ■ ind white complexion m i*l who gave her <lall> l«*afOUM in the art of remain ing a young woman It wn* Perkin* who had told her for the hint doge 11 vear* that she looked under forty am! who made e*irb birth lay count one less Instead of one more. In her way. and It wax a good way, FVrkin* wns ,1 Jewel of the fii <f n at'-j My lady had wealth When, at the age of forty, she had married again, only to I/O ome a widow for the xwnnd time within three yearn, her cash In route had U*en ! srgely added to. At fifty a third ardent suitor ap peared. bttt my lady decided to pre w*rvf her widowhood and retain con trol of her money At nifty a he had hemelf and “he had Perkin*. Five year* previously, when the woman had come to her, *lie had aid: “Perkin*. I urn a frivolous thin# of thirty-five.” •#Yen*tn,” replied Perkins a* she men tally adder) twenty years to the figures. * 1 am frivolous, hut not quite a fool.” “.Will.” "And I want you to help me from l»e oomlng one.” •Tert-ilnly. in‘m." “If yot 1 see me flirting or acting gid dy. as u>“*t ><»nug women are apt to do at tint* -. put your foot down and stop if." I will, m'm.” “Sin*''id 1 I* * I! y fall In love. Park In* should 1 i e -o gl Jd.v and frivolous and fool Ml ns to think of marriage, put both f»*»*t down and bring me to n*y efi ere It Is too late That's all till- evening, Perkins." I him Perkin ’ became lady’s maid, chaperon and ad «*r combined. She was Hut keeper of the keys and the watchdog of I In* treasury. She was a g" »d Judgi of human character and a close estimator of how far a flirtation could go and wtill come under the bead of harmless. On several occasions, when things had gone their limit, ulii" hittl unnounc <*'l Hie fuel, uni] my lady lu.l turned tier bark ou the affair. It was one season at Nice when tilings w ent wrong. Perkins unn ttnd Inlc It hard work to keep the wrinkles rubbed away. My Indy wax beginning lo notice her own stisip and limit, and she was almost ready to acknowledge xIn* felt all of forty-eight and a few minutes over fount I hilt,.Is made his appearance at this opportune moment. He was a real I'rcnch count. If that was worth anything. He was also a spendthrift mid a gambler. He had about reached the end of tils tether when la* got around to Nice on a tour of adventure and ran across my lady and her f rlends. Ills repul i'Iou s kiii caught up with him, but In liurope n title excuses much There was almost at once nu open ttliiallon between my lady mid the count, and for a time the Argus eyed IVrkit.s watched il mi l said noth lug. However, when Mrs f.rntidy bad Ih* gun to iohI and wick and w hlsjs'r be bind tier fan, -lie look my lady III band Dtt all previous o. . islous the dear old thing had heaved .1 *oi:h m two, shrugged her shoulders and soli milled to tile Inevitable hut on fits oeriisinh. to I'erklus' great surprise, she proved obdurate “I'erklus, I am surely In love," sin* replied But you can't Is* You are too too v oting " "Hut I know that I am In love, and I shall marry the ooimt. poor boy." I’erklus , ime ba k at her with enough statb’t os to sw amp tin* eliar aeters of throe or four adventurers but my lady had made up her mind ami not blog eotild nitiv r her I'erkuis k lew w 'n it I*.* argue a; *1 when I" eon iH*al herself behind I lie portieres Before the eoiint left the parlors next day she was In posse*.sion of a'l tie** bil partle*.ilars There was lo be h yacht ing party of a doxen friends, an l dnr Ing the trip the engagement would be minoumvd two weeks later a tuar rtnge and a honeym.en trip l’he yacht would not make the htir Isir until a late hour In the evening, and the tsaint would call for my lady In a carriage He further threw out a suggestion tt was that I'erklus !>e looked In her rvsnu at a certain hour to prevent her wandering about Nice dur lug the evening hours and getting lost or falling off the ipiay. Human Jewels such as she had tieeu known to disappear off the fare of the earth while Innocently taking the night air of that charming reaort. “But I'erklus won't be advertised for as a bait Jewel," said I'erklus to her •elf as the count left the house, am! for the next few hours her face wore an expression that ought to have put my lady on her guard, but didn't. She was so mild amt gentle amt af fectionate amt she seemed so far from suspecting any sort of plot that she could have asked for a raise of salary and got tt on the «l>ot As she didn't ask, It was not offered Neither did tuv lady think It t>est to tell her tha.’ she would icon tx» out of a place That was another thing the count had suggested the very last thing as ho was leaving the house— that a< sen as the marriage took place I'erklus coo .1 ic> hang M> ady sun ply ivailcd her fultliful servant ami companion on the Is k and -aId that she shook! miss her when she di d The day on wht U my lady was to U'gm her yachting trip dawned tuxo clously She had Usvkvst Into he; I. *.trt She had f-lt the stir and ttul er * *u and roman*s* She lv* I hearvl licit one laity had said that she was old enough to t>e the v.mat's grandmother She Ivsvkod Into her glass and In l g nantly rvpud .ltrd the » under \ >t a gray hah* tn her head: not a wrinkle on her face; uot a wabt'le to her knees as * he atood there aud fed how good It vras to be young again Even ner worst encory must bare V-en forced to admit that day the w<pteit«M Jflct f,nkhcd IP.-!:ins was a three A ' brand. and tbs' Hi** movement* of the ' old dame aro 'r 1 the room had all the j Utb-ees* of Kir '.»•! Aft^r Ihf* 0)i*1i|.‘3T l»»iK*h petrfamt and >*r ..«* and flmllT dmtp Perfclw away !<> sit by herself Hbe Cum «** ‘mil : .t' : j! in v ' ‘i f park a small trunk with the thing-* she would m*s| a! .1 lb** yacht At the dinner tionr had the meal served In her r*> m« 5!n* ate sparingly. but •trank ratter i - Ibac usual of her favorite brat' I if n ine. It is needles* to add that ■ lie !*>!tle passed through the ha mis of perking before taking Ita Ofl tllP tiil’lf* Half an li"’ir after ilinner my lady felt drowsy ut retired fora nap She eon Id sleep for two or three hours and then bare | • nty of time to turn the key on the unsuspecting I’erkina. Her puff* were laid aside for the Donee, tier . ompiexloH secured against aeeident. and she laid her bead on the pillow and fell asleep like a tired rhild —or a grandmother. However, when ♦he count drove up soon after 10 o’clock he found my lady reedy aud walling, and tiie drive to the quay was quickly made En route lie wanted to Inquire If there had been much trouble In dis fiosing of the watchdog, but as his companion scorned disinclined for con versation he derided to let the point stand over until later. They went on board the yacht ut once, and tny lady was handed over to 'lie care of the stewardess She might have inquired If the rest of the party bad come aboard yet I* t she didn't. She didn't seem to cn re The count and the captain had had their morning co> ktails and were httn grily awaiting the appearance of my lady and breakfast. n hen she sailed into the cabin after a night of sleep broken at Imerv.ila by chuckles that seemed to chuckle of tlicir own ac cord She had a smile of serenity on tier face, mul he s t down to the table as Itli a! app -life. The eapr«ln i:olTcd tti-i - u .hi made his how The count stain-I to do the same thing, hut Ctlllghl Ills all and then veiled It vt as ! i’lwblns (he Jc > el - Perkins t! v aehil ... Perkins the all around I -t ever She was calm She was tfnnq I She iva i very much at home She exru-i d tlie nbaeuce of my lady on tiie groan Is of a very pressing en gagement nml promised, as her sub stitute. to mil' every hour of tiie trip so kindly planned and .so auspiciously begun It was a breakfast with firecrackers and Itomiiu eandlcii tied to It Every minute or two there was a snapping and craekMng. and every miiiiite <>r two something would go ulT The count cursed and raved and tore Ills hair, the captain grinned and chuck led and Perkins said she hadn’t eti Joyed a breakfast so much in many moons. li was soon discovered that she and the count were not eu rapport nml mundn't view matters in the same llgtit. In fact, they speedily decided they didn't want to Is- found drowned i t the same Mediterranean sen If the disappointed and cursing man had had Perkins afar mi the desert nr on some lonely mountain peak he would have gladly wrong her neck, tint on the yacht there were re strain!*. Of course the ci ft put lank When Perkins reached th hotel she found mv l.uly In teai s and her complexion ruined for Ilf** The count left Nice tie -ante evening without having called; the eapi ' n f the yacht lnd no news for reporters and to this day there are not half a d .ten people who ran elevate their e. el i-" s ntnl look knowingly when u certain name Is mentioned. I rk is did not take advantage of t to cl .-Uiristnnre as anolher might S' si: ;dy used fhe |ia t as i >vei who she wanted to out short another flirtation After she had staled her r with the forts* and clearness of in attorney at law sh.* would bold up a forefinger and conclude with •‘Cut It short, my lady I may not I - there next time to do. tor your wine • I take your |>laee. and then what would the world sax T' After swffi this «riB|(WMT« WMNttortdl Pink boat's V table Mn. Stitts Frsnoh. of Pbucaunlo, lad. Ter, writes to Mrs. Ptnkham: I “ 1 bed fsetela trouble# for htu jim.wH ell rue-down, end ao ner* roue 1 could not do anythin*. The doctors treated na for different trouble# but did at ao good. While la thle con dition 1 wrote to Mrs. Piakham for ad vice and took Lydia E. Plnkham'e Vege i table Compound, nod 1 am now etrong and well.'* FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN. For thirty years Lydia E. Pmk ham's Vegetable Compound, made from roots and herbs, has Wen the ! standard remedy for female ills, and hits positively cured thousands of women who have lx*en troubled with | displacements,intiammation, ulcera 11ion, fibroid tumors, irregularities, ixuiodie pains, backache, that bear ing-down feeling, fiatulency,indigos t i v> n, d o r ut‘ r v o us p ros t r* uozl Why don't you try it ? IVm't hesitate to write to Mr*, f l'itikliMtu If there is anything about tour sickness you do not ; understand. She w ill treat your l letterinetMitldeneenndodviseyou free. No woman ever regretted writing her. and because of her vast experience she ha* helped thousands. Address. Lynn. Maw. Ifutta «f AffTOnio., .In kali I« Hj>* Ut* An Inspired Sculptress. An (i i’ -re girl Mi-■» Vinirie Ream, the acnlptrw,,. *lvi.*d Rome. her sou! filled t tene*1 rr urovdy to the wonderful timed 1 y bis iii-pln-d touch. At a pause I-i zt turned and looked at her. and ijuletty. without a word, tie leaned and overlaid one band over hers and gently pre-«ed it In silent recognition of the appreciation which glowed In her la*-ge black eyes and Piled her whole being At the close of the concert he turned to her and said. • Jlj child, we need no introduction.” At her earnest request that be would ait for her he readily consented, and she modeled the bust from life, putting fn the work the true artist's inspiration and power, which alone can give to it the touch of strength and life.—Balti more Sun. music, e ery? hing ran* i ami forgetful of ev il ve tiie g! ri c * sounds pro No* on the Progrimnw. Two stout old Hermans were enjoy ing their pl[>es and placidly listening to the strains of the summer garden orchestra. One of them In tipping his chair hack stepjied on a parlor match, which exploded with a bang “Dot vas m>t on the programme,” be ■aid. turning to his companion. “Vat vas not?” “Vy. dot match." “Vat match 7’ “De match I vaiked on.” "Veil. 1 didn't see no match. Vat ■bond It?” “Vy, I walked on a match, and it went hang, and I said It vas not on the progrn nime.” The other picked tip his programme and read It through very carefully. “I don't see it on the programme.” he said. “Veil. I said It vas not on the pro gramme, didn't I?" "Veil, vat has It got to do Blit the programme anyway5 Kg-plaln your self."—I at die.s' Home Journal. Women as Well as Men Are Made Miserable by Kidney and Bladder Trouble. Kidney trouble preys upon the mind, discourages and lesseusambition; beauty, vigor and cheerful ness soon disappear when the kidneys are out of order or dis eased. Kidney trouble has become so prevalent that it is not uncom mon for a child to 1* born afflicted with weak kidneys. If the child urinates toooften. if the urine scalds the flesh, or if. when the child reaches an age when it should tie able to control the passage, it is yet afflicted with bed-wet ting, depend upon it, thecause of the diffi culty is kidney trouble, and the first step should be towards the treatment of these important organs. This u upleasant trouble is due to a diseased condition of the kidneys and bladder and not to a habit as most people suppose. Women as well as men are made miser able with kidney and bladder trouble, and faith need the same great remedy. Tlie mild and the immediate effect of Swamp-Root is soon realized. Itissold by druggists, in iifty cent and one dollar size bottles. You may have a sample brittle by mail free, also a pamphlet telling all about Swamp-Root, including many of the thousands of testi monial letters received from sufferers cured. In writing Dr Kilmer Co., Binghamton, N. Y . be sure au:l mention this paper. Don't make any mistake, hut remember the name. Swamp-Root, I>r, Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the ad dress. Binghamton, .S'. Y., oil every S8G Bocae of Swamp-Root. liottle W.H.Mansfield &Co ! ! SELL King Arthur SO YEARS' EXPERIENCE Patents Tmm Mamie Dcsmns CORVRHIHTS AC. An»on»*en,1ln« » notch »nj iloocrtptlon km IwWy ascertain our otnmoe free »h«>.er as Invent ,.'T1 is |vrvhab]y'e. Cun n.oi'c-s Uonsstnet^^ntMeuttal. MH05CXX on Patent* mhii free. ' * ’<*** aaency foe M>cnr& p*t*i - *. Paten;* taken thn-ueh Mui.n A tS receive ••-■Ifcr*, * •» Hoel cfaETfA m the Scientific JImerican. A VmAsi+weir IlhiM rstwl veehVr. ce’.siii u « f <«■■ y a. teituAc [ ocMt rtp. »w. :«ac fciWi ay«U MUNN & Cc.3618"^-^ New York Broach OAcn, <538 V e< Wostalax! a. I\ C. " CASTOR IA For Infant* And Children. Hn IU Yh Hm Alwajs Bwgkt the S^fuat tut* of PERFECTION (HI Heater u high S3 you cm—there,,, dangei—as low a* you plea. —(here’s no smeiL That’, because (he smoke less der* pr even is smoke or smefl— that means a steady &ow 4 glow*, heat for everyT of fuel burned n a You can carry it about and care for it jurt as easily as a In BraM oil foot holds 4 quarts buntmg 9 hours. Handsomely ^ uhed m japan and nickeL Every heater warranted. The iS^&Lamp adds cheerinesa the long winter evening*. Steady, brilliant light to read, sew or knit by. Made of brass, sklel plated, latest improved central draft burner. Every lamp warranted. If your dealer can not supply Perfection Oil Heater or Kayo Lamp write our nearest agency for descriptive circular. STANDARD OIL COMPANY A pc°^ti,e CATARRH is quick!* an»orb€ii Gives Relief at Once. It rlt-HU~-s, soothes heals and protects tlie diseased mem brane It cur s Ci. tarrh an<l drives av.ay a Cold in the,__— KlSSJSHAY F£V£fl T tste and S;u- II. I ill size 50eta.,at Unip gi <ts ..r t.v mail: Trial Size 10 ets. by m liL Brothers,56 Warren Street. Sew York. Trollev Time Table The Consolidated Railway Co EFFECTIVE H l.Y 1. 190* Time given ior oars leaving Frout and Maiu Street Leave Putnam for Worcester and intermedi ate stop* at *5J7, *6.07, 77.55 a. in., and hourly u 1111.55 a. rn . half hourly until 6.55 p. m , hourly until 8.55 p. ui. LcaveJWoireateiTC ty Hall) at 6.15 a in., and 1 ourly until 9.15 p. m Time 2 hours anti 20 minutes ; fare 45 cents. Leave Putnam for Webster and intermediate stops at *7 17, *6 07 a. m.. 17 55 a. hi . and hourh until 11.45 a. in., halt hourly until 6.55 j-. in. and then hourly until 9.55 p.u». Return uing, leave Wehste? at *6.' 0 a. ni . 7.4* a. m . and hourl unti 12.45 p. m.. half hourly until i 7.45 p. m., then hourly until 10.45 p. m. Fare 20 cents Leave Putnam for Dayville ami inkrmedi.ite stops at x6.35 a. m. and hom!\ thereafter until . 1.35 p. m., half h-uirly until s 55 p in , then ] hourh until 11.35 j . in. Returning, lcavt , [>,i\ viIIq at *5.00, 5. 5 a. na. 6.10 a. in., Day vilie (car house;; 7.28 a m., ml hourly unti.' : 1.28 p. m , had houilv until 7.28 p. m., hourly until 10.28 p. ut. Fare 10 cents. Leave Putnam for Danielson at x6.35 a. m.. then hourly till 1.35 p. ni., half hourly until 7.35 * p ui.. In urlv until 10.35 p. .u. Returning leave Danielson at 77.10 a. m. and then hourly unti' ! 1.10 p. in., halt hourly until 7.10 p. tn„ hourly until 10.10 p. m. Fare 15 cents. Leave Putnam fci Outral Village and inter mediate stop at \6.35 a. m. and hourly until 1 1.35 p. in., hall hotn ly until 7.35 p. tu., Tbonrlv until 9.35 p. m. Returning, h ave C'eutral Vil lage a *6.15 a. m.. 7.45 a. hi., hourly ihercaftei until 12.45 p. in., halt hourly until 6.45 p. in. I hourly until 9.45 p. in. Fare 25 cents. All cars i ..nneet at Central Village for Moosup. Fare f ' cents. Leave N u v\ h foi Putnam at 6.45 a. m., and 1 hourly nul l 8.45 p. m. Fare 55 cents. Putnam and Providence Leave Putnam for Providence and way poiut* -C 6.35 a. tn. changing at Klniville on cars ot the Pi•.■vidence and 4>auicisoo Railway, leaving ] Klm\ i-f ,at 6.4" a: .i 8.15 a. :n. and hourly thereafter to and minding 6 45 p. m. Return- 1 i>’g. leavr Market Square, Providence, at 5.45 a. tn. and hourly thereafter to 3.45 p. m.. then 5.45 p. m. Fare 75 cents. •Does not run Sunday*. XSandays, one hour later. xSundays. 2 hours later. All southbound cars connect at Central Vi] lage with cars lor Moosup This table subject to change without notice OUTLOOK as the READING NATION AL WEEKLY FAMILY NEWSPAPER, and for the eighteen years has been the LEADING NATIONAL MEDIUM for Classified Ad vertising. If you are an advertiser, let us convince you that our Classified Department is all we claim for it: the best, the pa&t longest established, at d the most responsive in the maga zine field. Send for full information ; and a specimen copy of THE | OU 1 LOOK, 287 Fourth ave., j New York. COBP®if B&QQB will bear seven re peated erasures Putnam Mail Serv 1908. POST OFFICE OPBJf From 6.30 a. m. to 8 p. m. Sundays,from 8.30 to 0.-'.'J a. m. Ti* remain open to Lock B*x bolder* n,5| Holidays from 6.30 a.m. to 12 ui.^36 ■ Carrier’s window opensuadtysfro*Jjw money okukk division Open from Ha, m. to 6 p. mM elo«ii m| days and Legal Holidays. Registry Division open during oScebJ DELIVERIES By City Carriers Daily, (Sandro Holidays excepted) at 8.20 a. m. »ac 4J m.; and 11.0ft a. m. in the Bosiaca s$ One delivery by City Carriers on HoLh| HOURS or COLLECTIoSI From the Street Letter Boxes, (Sofa Holidays excepted, and Denpatchet RESIDENTIAL SECTION Collections. 6.15 to 6.40 a. m., mail despatched at 7U 8.30 to 11.30 a.m., “ 4.30 to 6.30 p. m., •• “ FRONT AND ELM STREET mail despatched it 6.1ft a. m., 10.00 a. m.. 11 1ft a. m., 3.30 a. m., ft.00 p. m., • 112.1 IB RURAL FKEK DKI.IVEKT. Routes No. 1 and 2. ( Rural arriers leave daily, (Sunday id days excepted' at 8.10 a. m , return'll 3 jj Mailable matter, weighing 4 u>GB<k a sent by Rural Camera most be prna stamps affixed. MAILS OPEN FROM Boston, New York, Hartford and aS j north, east, south and west at8.15i.ii Boston, 8.1ft, 10.45 a. m., 3.4ft, 6 05 f.a Danielson, *8, 11 a. ni., 3.45 p. m. Norwich, 8, 11 a. m , 3.15, 6.03 p. m. Hartford. 8, 11 a. m., 4 10, 6.45 n. m. New Yo’k, 8. 11 a. ru., 4.10, 6.40, p. a Worcestt r, 8.15 a. m„ 6.0ft p. m. j Webster, 8.1ft a. .. 6.05 p. in. i Williniantic, 8.00, 11 a. m.. 4.10 p. m. Sundays from all point-* 8.30 a. m. ; MAILS CLOSE FOB ! Boston,7.10, 10.10 .». rn.,$ Danielson, 7.40. 10.10 a. m., 5 3ft, 7.45 p| Hartford, 7.40, 10.10 a. m.,5.3ft 7.43&1 New York, 7.40, 10.10 a. m., 3.15^flJJ New Haven, 7.40. I<». 1 (> a. in., 3.3$, ".tip Norwich, 7-40. 10.1*' a. m., 5.3ft. 7.45p.V Williruantie, 7.10. lo.JOa. m.,545.7.4Kfl Worcester, 7.10, 10.Id a. m.. 335. 3JUj West and Southern States. 7-10 749* 111 m., 3.15, 3.35, 5.35. 7.4ft p. m. Worcester ami New l.omlon, Narth, Rj tions, 7-10 in.. 3.35 p. m. ) Worthier and New I ndon.Soatb W^j tions, 7.40 a. ru.. 5.3ft p m. j Boston au>l 11.*;: . Last. Way sahMj Sodiaim Nitrate.— Silt**..: Oiide of Iron sod A1 Hilh mmd Organic**..— Bostou aud Hai tforu West, Way Boston aud Rough., East, Way S p. m. Boston and Rough., West. Way a.m. Bo-ion, Providenci ; ml Ne* Yort, Stations, 10.10 Wood-lock**. Westlord and Kast^'-T 10.30 a. Hj m Woodstocks, South. North, En*. LA 5.35 p. m. Rom Let, 8.00 a. m., 5.35 p. m., tw Nights for all po<. > 7.*5 p. n»* Sundays for all points, 3.30 p. FRANK G. LETTERS. K Tie PiiIm Spi? ChsUeiiir, the RT«a A!. S. 1IAVIS. *»"•««• Telephone Hi—* Total r| Solid Rwiduf on Kjf*1 6rM0« P*r C-s. Gjfcj. “bese results show thu» t small smouat of "ms™*" _ oft, of excellent oiyxuw gw* insfe «r u SB excellent ose m j Tmn tret*. HERBERT I For In order to close • *** lard Lilley, I will , the home place. »’"***"*, hon-soand two : «nts. cotw , aud May street- ln‘<J1 1 G.|VVright. CASTOj i or In&at* r »• Kind You Han :