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I President Abel lUeve's All-Stellar production were too much (or the t Champ*, *hui Ibn met, a* In-raided. I on the Providence street grounds, last I ' (Saturday. (I «n* tbt finil ifipriirano1 before p4nt Into winter quarters, ami I was • tittlriK finish Tlirt-e hundred ; fans were out t<» M-e the last hall pitch ed, and 'at with le«-'h chattering until the last man was out. The President himself was on ttie coaching line In kahaki nlckerlxx-kers, and sporting a line of green hoaery that would innke a sliarnna-k look like a faded flower. When Ids choice se lection of diamond solitaires began to oiitsliine the |M-tinnrit winners the warmest thinif on the grounds w a« iiis happy smile, witli the poaslhle excepl lon of the Imp, who was being roasted by Captain I fanny Murphy and Ins band on about every decision. Keeeh, tin- And of liie season, was selected to go against Houclier. Ills sup|s>rl was perfect up to the'.iih when from an unexpected quarter came the flrstj rror ta-hlnd tiim — Itayniond drop ped a fly. I K he hadn't the Itnsehuda iiuirht never have not a lransfer ta-yoml the third station. The error set the wheels ill motion that 4ave the I hnmps a pair of runs. Itouriieron the other hand was till rather freely arid lib -uj • [tori was ragged nl times Horne of the feature plays were: a one hand -lop by Mel ‘Ialter!y in lln 1st, two rile.- stops by llmielier in the .'Id, and in Itn mi tie 11.i|{ayjnoml prilled • In-a u ally against tb<- 1 (I Held fence and donhied Houehei nv .1 throw to iiirt that w a« just great. John-un rnode a pretty one hand randi of I,™ pold's liner In tlit- t’.li, Talm made a good i-nleh of n foil; fly oil < idem* in the filh, and Murphy mode a good ■ tup and til row in the lull. In I lie Itrst two Innings II hsiked iis if It was to tie a piuheis huttle. Heveu men fa s-d Kee n and lie fanned six of them, wlilie liuuchrr laiunil six out of eight. I.arowearirl Itnuehi 1 started the .NTs half uf the third wllh singles, mid Keei-li was gelling into a dangerous situation Mi Chill -ily hit to Keeeh amt Karowe w as forced nt thlrrl. Mur phy drove a foul Ily to (lie left lit Id fence. It lisike I impossible to gel it, j lint w hen It came down Itaymond w as under It, and by doohlhig (toucher at Und relieve I a critical situaliun. The All-Stars broke In in their half ■ 1 veia’Ii pul a Ily Jiisl out ol Kmeisiin'. resell, slide second and up tin- line on 1 Itaymuiid's siiu:le In light. .Iuhiis*ui drove a linu hil m li I m-oi lug the ho runners, hut u a* out himself trying I"! reach ,1 i-uioi on tin- m-iuiii. 'I hey in.*l' i-eil I 1. ir lend In lln- --111 \\ till inn- dovv ii 1 mIi-i re I tom I, lull ! Klin .Sim n rn p| led the third id 11 hi .'III I ' Intuit i wild throw, Cnlerre reaching 1 enll il. I i W I 111 to 1 hull ell II pie .III 1 hall and s -ored on W illiam's single, j Willhui’s stole, w i 11 ll 1 till 1 il mi | : ' nlle ■ single, scoring un McClalt’erly >1 ei ror, 1.1 m»(n- sh 1,e hut w is c ingh 1 | oil sei-omt. I IP i,-ii \ singled, went down uu a ]sessed luill, mid K ■ s-rls 11 hroughl hill 1 over with a single lo ceil 1 tec The ltose-bmls pun.- un- I the hope of a shutout hi the uili Mot wiiteriy walked, liayriiond drop s-d M uphy • Ily, and I ip- id I . il a hunt, lllllng the buses Sullivan hit to Iv-celi foil ing Met'laftnty at the p de < asey hit to Williams nm Murphy Im-hI mil j thertlirn. A p i- ,ed hull l i I. i|Hihl over with the last mu. K nerson tan noil and I urn lti>- I to I. up an Itav iiioiirl II ' li JoillisiUI ) 1 ttergden 11 l I Ode 1 re e t 4 Williams lh 1 Id untie u t I. Ilert-u\ s j KoIk-iIso.i c 4 Kceck p 1 •tt* 1 h lh po I -J : nil; II n o 1 l u u t l ft :i n 0 J o | lilt 0 1 1 in 1 1 1 u I il li" -jT NuKVen II I VITV'II V K ah Med 'lallerlyk'h i Murphy dh I I rsijsild If 4 Mulllvan rfcf d t wry as 4 Kmc son fir 4 Tatra lh 4 l .am we o Boucher p d liemui rf 0 r li Hi | si 0 114 1 1 t 0 I I I 11 0 0 0 0 0 11 0 1 0 11.1 0 0 0 10 oils 0 111 0 0 0 0 a e 1 I 2 o 0 0 1 o 0 o 1 o .1 0 I 0 0 o fdl 2 1 2 0 I 0 0 0 4 0 0 1 0 2 4 0 a 1 0 0 —a—0—?r~nn, All-Mur IM>-2 <M) I)Oit-t I—S N-TtfU IUMMMV2—2 Struck out hv I lour her 12, Kw«h i». Ha e on balls oil llouchcr 2, Kiwh 2. Wild pitch. Boucher. Passed halls, l.tru»r, Kmenun!. Stolon bases, Will iams, I.Vtiut, 1.1/oiU', Kerch, Mur phy, Kmeison. Double play*. Kay. mond to Johnson, Met'latterly toTalio. (talk, Keei'h Attendance .»*•. Time 1^7. Impair Calane. HAStjCKT AM) PHKSKNTATION The llnal m l mi w hiett the on inlit o( Dam iant; down wax the btuu|uel i and pro* -nlailou of ilit I'i imm I*at- I Hlirr pemisnt, at Motel t'tuckering, Saturday evening. There w<te 2 ptewcut U)enjoy the hospitality i>( Man agers Hen.'ll ami Slone, of the Nor« u'h Taft vide team, IneludiitK I’real dent Reeve*, Mayor Mniarry of Uu> city, officials of the league, ball players, ami representative* of the press. As soon . - the gne*ls were seated President IU»*\ * made a short present ation apceeb an J turned over the nett Haul to the Champion*. Manager Ben oit accepted It hersmnngly. The flag van then hung at the head of the I able where all could .see it. Alt w as now in readiness for the following execllent guenu prejiareil hy landlord Dwyer. foil- itnrnf' It 7vkI Rn»-i S’lrk Him TnrtKue itoa«t — <' ' 'A' t frantiefry Ham* k-*-" i»,-i r Radi«hi* < • <■ > >.»<*. *1 Tomatoes j l*t if* <; ,1-rklni MmV'1 P U ■> H itp ijifi* Sipiaah | \ mi ■ • ' im y.snrted < alie ft) ■ .. t ;ifT ?*• Th*- |?H1 h’-rl i ■ f -m r/nt; ’I *d and h«n* 1 fir***! in h-* :o f >■' M=i)Ni of U s city i with them, 'I . • W ■ II l r;-ir-r Hume on behalf of t . / |u ~ the city » < .-i f I applet of . Ii mi !/■*■* p of the oceaiioii h' » ■ * <i *o th e; rouping C ;e* ' ’ After eitrifs were lighteil M umper lienoil jH'lril up T<wi*{iii«*Ut and the fo lowinar rm -ts -nude hort remark**: Mayor J.J MeOarry, I’resident A. I fUi vex, Messrs Whitney ami Sullivan ol the Norwich ll'llletln, A. H. Mac donald of the I’lTKlnT, Mana(fer* Ka lon, Maunan, Uerlhluine ami William* \ --tintr«nt Mmniicr lleraslcri, Treasurer Stone, J. I,. IVrrault, Frank Henry, Murphy and Itoy Kee-h Tin- create d harmony and K in*!* firt'i iiiK prev aileii throughout ami all pre illetcil (treat things in store for the rn < onneetieiit league. Ort»n Kwilal, Mr.Heorge I>r«»*M*r will give nn Or Kiri Kecltal a! hU home in Thon»|mon on the evening of V\ ednesday, Octo b r 2l*t, for liie ibenefit of the Organ Fund of St. Philips Minion, Putnam. Th<«e who ilenire to attend will la* ! mt-l at t! e W t Th m;mori trolley sta lion on the arrival of the ear leaving Putnam at p. m. If stormy the reeital will ije |xmt|>oned until Thun*-j ♦ lay evening. Admb*Miofi, $1. ••• Revival Meeting* The meeting* at the Penteeuntal ehiireh, on 1 Im slice!, coniimie in in i -ri -i. Mr. J tell, of Washington, I>.< i-, :*•■.* i * t i 11 g Hi*- Pa-ior, Mr. Ituchniinn. The singing I* veidlent Already some i have been greatly Idewd. M» - i IU it ami liuchanan and the ts of the rhureli are greatly in to -Med. S* r1. lev * w jil also l-e liehl on Sunday at 10: .0 a m » id • and 7 o’eloek p. in. dills have Urn printed advertising llie meetings In Id every night, and the public are -r hallv Invited - ••• — Cl u and the W«atb«r. Win n fuo • < i pro.i.M s dlsa glee «t »• > it i error oi Imomi** t‘‘in e in either ' No. « , , m the author of 'Storms mi el Storm ginils" in Yachting. 'Mm data i.pon will* It they ha,*e their | red! Ilona do nut always In ,i <an ftif**i pr.-; i i ti I 11uh 11 era Use the cloud PelUMte weather f i » till* • j ■ tit ih i mi»« i e*u ding f* the geographical lo . t *»n of the observer, llial also I ii it* they ale ill them selves hilt hypl'o |i|ets of tie* weather niid are not • iu*ev weaile-t predie Unit* if#*in clouds nr « i Mioidd In* tak I'U V I* 11 |* he, | , . • llient I *> hi*> lor in “ted why at night s.i id |» anr or» tuneful kQ tii of judg that at il delight’ I* > truthful gltar of If ably mil. - of iUe e III l to a at in ■« pr« sent great amdnu tin* and i a 11j -1 . • . 11*». t*l Imp 1 eyes, with thi*'!. <n I • i t. *> ia{• euv * i lug half th> pn I ami well a forehead that Is full i *v <» 5 he I ; «* 11 re you have li . t i I.* m ’ f . inis." The wj * <: ‘ •. .. e n •• \ >1*11 hat tie •.ii; n I ih! gl\ . I ut he was far I r» *: ii I a*I’, v a of giluU.N, Im ing. ill f.M ! I I -Ml odd .1* •'{ I ■l'.i l| ,*> he w rill on "show m. iu d -n d I*«mH»v wi'iknrsH K h .-lose im.* tlier denote cunning Ma e f i a; a* t d • • e I Pier HM.v Tlllu ladles c. t»t *.. *=11 : \ ujvaitl curve to t he in and 11.11 I*row * poorly marked m*e < of i «•' n« h \ and Imlecl si >ti I he v > • > f a \ U| tuurv mo\ e *!• W l\ tit V. If M > h i h e of a n.i .el* Ml** >•. Hi!. ! « p -uiiV !i and Mile. >et In a iMitiv d per H udur f r* heal The U ■>-< Mniu* Ifni eves large L rod u t ni d • '* n\ * i it h leg with i fnjo.l n»otJti!i the iuo?;i tie antlful ev e. ’ M-»*e . ' an t* of t a > f e g i« ety. s oue sefftshio'N.s .ami ii great Inter**-! In the opposite *o\" New Yelk Ple.H. Like Father Like Son. Four year old < <* * w is i pree«*. I.uis youn.-ur v erv t.dkat e a ml a cdose oln*i*rv»*r He and his father were •trolling through the meadows oOe tmmdiig when t’lyde uImutvim! for the flrat tliue m»me tad|»*des In a |*oik1. lie waded iu ami erlisi out, "Oh. father, wluit are they?" *"rHd|**leii, aon." the father n'i*lit»d "Please, father, let'* take them all home with us. then come tack am! tind the iiiamma amt papa, and we'll hare (he whole family' in our (mml at hoiue." The father •iplaluiHl bow lui|Km*itde this would he. and aa they walked on • few Mepe • large, ugly fn*g hop|HHl gcroee their path Clyde'* father aald "I.ook. mm. IVrhajie tliere U the |ni |m " i'lyile waa very thoughtful He look ed at the frog, then at tu* father, then at himself and etclalined: "Well, father, waa there ever eo much difference between me and you?" —I vlineator. Curious School Cualomi. Mexican schoolmaster* show their appret la t ton of a pupil s efforta In a I curious timuuer The diligent student I Is allowed to smoke a cigar ilnrltt( tin* les-m Whoa the whole class has (liv en s,i(Nfactlon. permission la fcivon for j a enteral suinke. and even the little , Me\i. ins are ->«esl to light a oigtt rvi ’e f 'r tie « n Needless to say, ' the s-'h«H>lu *ter himself smokes a | vI ■«nr of a m.> am! quality projtortlon j ate to UN s, >r p-wf.ioii Htrt the i s :>•> > are uot n juw! to itruik. this privilege leIu, accorded to the master On his desk be always keeps a bottle of IU|Uor. which, when empty, occasion* much dispute among the patents of hla achoUrs, as It Is consid ered an honor to b* a We to Oil the schoolmaster's bottle - 1-oudoti Stand ant Class Him ns Highest Type oi C; , i Gent; .man. Fr.C'T'J-'.'T HI j HEADQUARTERS Gtci r <9 la Dr Minded *oc ri. y. ., I-j -lie u4‘. biiUtWin ,—. w.i>K-.^ 5 Opinion of trie Re p«i»,i*<■. n *•\,0‘ : us the high* type ot the < biU: im K^itk*wan. *i hi* 11*•- w*y lu which I board the pastor «-f a Metbedhd ebureh in a-ajfherii Illinois end un argument with a I.jjumu on the irain coming over her»* from St. I^jfii**, says Hie VVaah Lugiou i of tin* St leMib <»lolie I h*ih«h rat In a dif^atch to his !>*(**r froni Fine lunarl. The dispatch continue* Tti«? layman, paying due re HjuM't to th** < loth of Ills opponent, was trying to convince hlui that In* ahouJd not *upi*>rt Mr Taft for the prewi deucy hihI Instead should vote for hU In* mo* raflc opponent The ebur< hiuan def«« tided the principles of the Itepflb li- an part/ and. as Indicated, defended the man for whom he said he expected to vote from hi-* personal standpoint of a chtir* hrnan. "tie* a use he Is the high est fyjw of a Christian gentleman.” It xn ve uie a new idea a trout Mr. Taft ft seemed to answer some of the erlth’lsma I had heard of the Repub lican candidate and hia ereed In re rent years the l»ei »<ratl<- eandidate has It'te rbird**d tils well paid Chau tampm ie lures with Sunday sermons before religious and remlroilgtons ao cleflea ft seems that he has made the most of this Influence in this * am paliftt. and f was curious to discover on my arrb •? here whet hr r there was support from the church and semi religious clement* It, the t ountry for tin* Republican nominee My arrir at In thl- r-onn^etloti could not h e f* |>- tier timed As I err t- . ! t!;«• . ■ ..r Mr Taft’s private v i• • t - I ! ny I Hi ’hop I < If.irf'A II of the Methodist ICp!*-eoj>al e! <rt h f ; e*-:h y from a conference with Mr Taft The bishop. | knew, tins ef)ls4 ie:.ii sujier'. l-doi) over ttie v ork • *. h * gre-t church in Africa, lie li s I.***-ii * o engaged for the past tu*dve v11 • .ii» I Ini', met and formed the a* «)ij.{in;a;e e «»f many leading men .oi «»mI\ in Vfrh-a, hut In Kurojte and America. Hi ae«jii.Mlntam*e an I Influ erne with:a the Methodist ehureh are seetuid to tho ■* of few men. us he was for fifteen years an officer of the so efetv which founded and now main tains a mvhiw i of Im 11 tuff Ions of learn iiig among li»111 wlilte mid colored people In tlie southern states lie came to Induce Mr Tuft to make a speech In * lilcajf* before a society of which tin* Im hop a son. Itev. M (' llartxcl) is pi#**-Idei11 ft seemed odd to attempt to Infer view a ehill’i hmatl of his prominence • in i question at the head iptnrters of the R.*|Uil»Ilean rand date. *eo | a •' * 1 hint for fii" view* of Mr Taft am! the support of him by * hrls Man ..pie If** answered very readily •‘The \ merit an people arc to la* eon irrahil.tted upon the fact that whether Mr ! iff or Mr tlrvan I* * *ete«l pres * it «.f Mi I ■ 1 State tie' w III have a man ?i tip* ln*ad of the nation who I tint o»ily • -mi In m »ral diante »•*!• i, i who'o l 1 and speech and c\ ample n.rt* :»t \ ..vs for the l>e;t ideals i*f »nr i l ■. i '♦ a i • : • n ;c < it* 1 hi the »e n-h; *o- o tli.* < *> ••!■ tl * i clitlTch ” The Ids hop t!i**uKlit for a moment uci then on I '.tied “Ull Minn* theo high I point I difTer fi mi h tli As | [*•' >d I -I*' to! • II | ?! | ov*» M l Rry ,i i n> to tin* doctrine of *di \ hn* d« • wh!« h t*-ch 11 • it from d| elel'i ‘ Iy ll ha ■» her 1 ll\cd who - hold 1 !>«• t\ r d il l w !i.. shmdd la* !o .t I *1 . i,..: . ? id S i pr c; . Mr TI ft. I - h ' ’ I • -* •»»* t» ■ Fd ward »Ae:eM Hale tipi*. I»elh*\ lit : th d i Mir* a w n-4 a ill in |i.-rt eel man w li* 4* prison's : * i»d h.'e • !i earth arc the key t > •* <u'< salvation in time and ofeltdly \\!.!i 11»* * «hur»h 1 Is'llv'e that tlr f perfr-t man ilwelt tin* <h vine natiueM \pp’ . h di ■ - a hi a pr in i «•«! way. Ilf* h. p 11 t/e’l ram Minted* Whn-h of \' ■ ?! . « i • '* !’ ven* f will not he 'd. d hv their re!i< ions '•elh f v hut > h m tin-\ at * as ? *i and hy ; rhi Je i.. \ p *t* they -1• 11id ;«» i:i the :op iin trathm of tho . o .Title' i 1 ! otlove that lu «» ing tifWMi ttiW view as an \ntei .an eiti n 1 am lu h < y *• if It t in spirit and ptiip- o* «*t the . rmleis of our re pnhUo. w lio pet ';.t*» the « 'listItuthui - / ■ U ' to ipuiiie, aih’tis to any .'th*-** »»r puh If. trnsi mui.-i the \ riittnl States' Mv c.mvloihm is that the thitur** safety **f the nattou »h |s‘itds very hu gely u|k»u our js opu* h«s*ding that omstltutk'nid prtdiihttion Pm nathm owe» inueb In moral character, statesmanship, lit » ratin'!*, art anti religion to those who have not U*eu in strfet harmony with *oine <»f th«* dogmas of the ehuri'b. The days of the ItHfultdlloti are tmat.” Secretary Rm( an Tariff War*. Thivrttrnwl tariff want between tha I’nlted Stal>n a ini tienuan) anti A* t'tilted State* and France ban bwl averted by commercial aymmrnti an il. r the power ouuferred upon the praa IVnt !n tha third aectkvn of tha IMif It tariff act Perhaps tha ttrynn manaflUM dla play such tondne*a for campaign raln to*« tiecnuae thov I’ttani of tha tra ditional iH>ta of Kohl at thalr and. It la |>oa»lt>la to concede that aftnr Mr llttittpara' sls-eehea Itl Ta\a* that atate may go IVuiocratlo Peculiar to Itself In aelectlon, proportion and combination of ingredients. In the process by which their remedial Tallies are extracted and preserved. In effectiveness, usefulness and economy. Curing the widest ranee of die ,ie «. Doing the moat nest for the money. Having the most medicinal merit. And ltie creates! record of cure*,— Hood’s Sarsaparilla In usual liquid form or in chocolated tablet* ttloa n aa larMtaM. 1 A' doe* * H. Bear* tha Lfutara af Notice The *el*'-ctrnen and town clerk of the town of Th< m]-cu will be in »e«—on on Friday , Ir lfp.h. F«i», at the < ourt Hoorn in tilt P i-’ Of ■* Mock North Gra»vcnordale, to examine li)e qualification* of appm a'.? < anil "dnul ; to die elector.' Oath tt<— found •( i a ti lled, from if o'clock. a. ni.t onto ** . o'clock p. in.. Brut will aim '*- in *.-**iou : for *ame purpo»f at ti ro of Ur urd- at Thom j won Hill, Friday. Oetoticr Ski, from if 'i chick «. m., until a o'clock p. in., and will not he in -'-ion after that time uuksa it apt-nr* -ome of the applicant-’ right to he *o examined mature after iaid Fridav. arul on or be fore the elector*’ rnteiimr. and if it ap |-ear* that tlie right of any per*on mature after-aid la*t Friday tiiey will tie in p****iofi at H ail of Keeord.*, Tboni|r*< n, to admit tho*e only whow right* *o mature, on Monday. Nn\ern tier 2nd from if o'clock a. hi., until 6 o'clock p. in. Thom a* Hvan, | Flau* A. flagttrom, Selectmen Philip Woiiird. ) Ifyer IS. Klliott, Town Flerk liated at Tlionipiion. Oct. 7, l!«r>. menders experienced on fine worsted dre** K<xxl* wanted. HtfScly work and fcotxl pay. VYiile or call. Sidney Biunien thal Co., Mill So. 2, Shelton, Conn. 441-41' DIHTKl' T OF WOOI>*TO< K. w ProtMte • ourt, Oat. 2. lana L«tat* of William 4. Id#-. 1st* of Woodstock, I'pOn the application of Hama*I I-. Id** of Hoathbiidg*. Mass . praying that **tt«*rs of administration may In- granted -»u said e#tate, it l» orteM that said appin »rl*-ri b* beard and d* tr MiihHl Ht Mj. i’rohitf Offi • in Womt-rrick in •«d Di*triit, on the J4th day of October. I’.mn, at 10 o'clock In the forenoon, and that notice t** given of tin per deucy of said application and the tlm0 ana place of hearing thereon, by publishing a copy (if Oil* «>Td*r once In a n*w-paper having a circulation in -aid District, and tn (noting a copy thereof on public "Ignpo-t in th* T*wn "f Wooa stock, nearest where the decew-ed ls*t dwelt, at W aal 6 day* before *aidda* »f hearing. Certified iroin Kecord. V' 41 I UHKM K H CHILD Judge. \t A CfiL'in OI ffUIH ITI HO l»f N AT Woodstock w>thin add for the District of A oodafo/'k on tf.ejrtt . da- of H-p f A 1 >.. ItMi Pr«*. ’it. i lareiic** ii » hi d. Ju :g* a , 11.01 ion of Amo- M l‘< o ,-omth W.od «!*.. k, < iiu* rtirut, A<lml»»i«tra'or on lb* ill»* s'ate e.t i<< of Luna M Pal *• in of Wood-lock within niticl district dec* ^<1. 'Hiia i dufi doth d cree that *.x mouths be al Ioh< (I r*n i Mrnlied for the creditors of ■•aid* Htat* to . xi.iidt their claim* ugum-t the -nine to tb* admlnlM rator an I direct* th.H |.m:die notice ti« gl • cn of {hi" or.I* r by public ho g t he x.uec in * new-paper having a circulation in -aid district ami t»y pruning a rnpi thereof on the public dig! port ib •aid Idwn of WmkDm.K nearest the plac« where the derenaed ia«t dw* It. < ertllled from |(. rd. 4^-J^^^^^^^M^WtBNO^JMrfnClLjJddge. Ui < i! - >• i 1 ' '' ' Court. September *J(tth. Iw*. K-tate of Jacob Riga-, »fe of Thompson in -aid l i»l rlct deceased I p**n the Mppii<*aiioii of k.t'i* flits;;- (wld w d* ••• a** <1 | ray n g that uHera of adminis tration on said eslntr he granted to Harloa .la cola of Mid IbotntaoH, or -(cue other Miitablc I** -on h per application on li e more fully ap pear*, it is ordered. That said iippllca’loi be heard ami determlii -I at the probate <»Hi • in Fhompson In "aid District, Oil the loth hi- tict-.ber A l> list*, at 10 iiYmk k in the forenoon ami that public notice b< given of the {.end* cs'd Maid application and the time and place of In mug there, n, by pniiltnhi« g (lie same two tin.. - in sonic news paper h iring a circulation in «a.d district, and by posting a r«pt Ihrreof on the ttuhlic sign po*t in tlie town <»f I hompaoti lit -aid district, 10 day" , before -aid hearing. ».K<»Ki.K H. < ItOsHY, Judge Pill s. PKOBATE late of Thompson exhibited hi" ad nt estate to this court L*j*, at 11 I nl-IKICT i >1 ITIOMIXiN < ouri. Sent ‘gftth 190s L*tat* of Joseph li. .iiibn . in "i*i(| district, d<-cease.| The admiiiHtr itor having minirtration account with eu for allowance, it 1« Ordered, t Ithr th lo flay (it at th*’ Probate Office ittThninp—ni be,and the earne I*. iis"lgiieit for a hearing <di the allowaitoe of -aid Adinii.i-trnlion a«c unt. aid tills eo rt dlrtefs th* adn-intstratar to rl’r .ill p« rror tnferiSfed therein to appear it -aid time and l*l:ic« by pup|tt*tdng till- enter t» i' * loj-ome new • paper hui .'tig i i iteiilafon. in * .id »ll'tt * i. ;iud by pom dig a c oil tit. public sign |»o*t ill ! fie loan of Thompson wn«re the dcc«*u-« i last dwelt, at fea-t i:i.|iy« befote -ni l time u-signed i «•/1iTi • i • -mi Kmml, l" U t.Ktdii.K >. Ch*»Sli\ Judge h|s|tu<*tul I'OMKU K I , hh probate court i ictob* i xrd. \ h , !■!• - 1-1 It. i >' \ ti \\ vii-on, I Ate of Poll fn t It; -Hid dl-tli t - e:i»ed l i on tin i, ..•:ou I Man F Perkins of \ • v\ lie •»|I, I . pr;.»|i'g tlla t letter- id ad mln.-tmtlon mav !■.*• grM|,'ed on said estate, »>< HiHtruno n; In himi.orporting to be the IhhI •.tut teHtmnent <d -aid Nine'. U Mn-on. dec.a •ed may b pi-n.d, apppoVt.l. alb-wed and ad milted to pro' ll: a- |« < ippilcattoil on file imir* lull' ap|M nl • It i*i < n dei • i. I liut -aitl appilent; * * t* be In uni and ■h teimined »t the i i.H.*;.* olTiet* In Pontfref in •aid district on tio | p h day t»( cl A IF, !i*os nl |o it o clock In th« t• -r. noon, and thnt Uotic. be | gj\. n of the of mud applftfation and the | turn aud pluie <ii i.e.triiig thcn-ou. hy puidia mg :!u -are* .nice in - oc- nea *|>npei liavlng a i-ir J iM.iatiou in san! ni-trid. and oy posting a »h>,o thereof on tin pu'on -ignpnst in the town of Point o t. n.-ai'-t v* h re tin d*.Ta^e»t la«t dw*l’ in -aid IM-tricl »»1 < m-i 7 dm* before -Hid day of hearing, it A test. I'll Alt l IS *» IHOMI'hON. .lodge l~|l*'lbn l «•» iii*; r.-i »N -i» i*i ..ha • i ,,urt | fi o ., r id' M.ptnu Itatlanl, i on-* rvator ol (ieorge 1 .1nt. li' ' lv dece«". d, |i,|\ |..g l« i.diTed to till*' CoUrt ills gnat account of ad mi ;str»lion with the estate of his -aid w ii»!. ow.i cc l>v |!.|h i ourt. It is (»ni. led ti lt '! ■ .'»• I IV Of Octtiln-r t«<-, at I .*•.. i* i- • • *n at Th P. i ate »* e in l iiomp-ou n> ' 'i-tiiet, t»e an** the ‘him* i i— inir : tin <• - mu. i.'he allow sue. of -an aco-iii t, anil u!‘ln* notice thereof lie given by puldi-hmg '' - .'i t o' t*e in the Putnam Cat riot a i > w -p i, ■ - a circulation m said ilh trlct, and re: urn m .W !*• tin- court il <. *tg* ;s i rOsby . Judg* WHEN YOU CO ON YOUR Vacation lVo‘t tail to irrt a pair of our ww amber leu»e« lor tun ami water protection, ifreat im provement over or colored .leoae*. H. W. Thompson, l>pluiui. Court Home Duildmx, PITSAM. CONN First National Bank — or — PUTNAM. CONN. CAPITAL. - 9190.000 SURPLUS 9SO.OOO. Safe Deposit Boxes for Rent Drafts Issued on all Foreign Countries l mted States Depositary. t'it\s H. llRutvx, President. J. K- (' iurKSTKit, Vice-President t«. H. iSili-atbic, Cashier. CLAYTON W. THURBER Teacher of Piano and Organ Tetepbour ST—2. Patna®, Coon. O VantS. •t Bradley Theatre, PUTNAM SPECIAL, i oh WodwsdaY, 0< to- r 21 It, aM tion to regular moving j ic turf- tiiiow. The Webster Turn Tcrein Sodetv 9 in Gymnastic Feats Admission, 5 and 10 fonts > > »»l III* >»♦♦ Assessors’ Notice Alt ptrsons*Habie to pay taxes in the Town of Putnam are hereby noli tied to make out ,1 list of their taxable proper ty, ami return the -ante to one of the Assessors on or liefore November 2d, 1:*jh, or they will he subjected to the penalty prescribed by law. All per son* in making out their lists should l« particular and give boundary of all real estate on back of list. Blanks may lie obtained of either of the Assessors t or at tlie Town <’lerk s office. The As- , sessors will meet the tax payers at the < 'lly < ouncil Chamber in the Town of Putnam for the pur|KMe of receiving their lists from October 21) to Novem ber 2 Inclusive. Walter H. < ar|>enter, | Frederick J. lianiels, .Assessors. Joseph I.npalnie, ) Dated at Ihitnntn, Oetolier 7, lStos. 41—16 Notice The selectmen and town clerk of the tow n of Putnam will hold a -session to ! examine the qualifications of electors! and admit to the elector*- oath those who shall la* found qualified on Fri- i day. Oct P», from nine o’clock in the j forenoon until eight o'clock in the afternoon, in the selectmen’s rooms in t iiion block and will also hold an ad journed meet ini; at the same place on Friday, Oct. - from nine a. m., until eight <»’clock p. m. < larenee F. Pierce, | Selectmen of Arthur J. Ship|*€*e. the tow n of j < Mucr La Hue, ) Putnam. Frederick \\ . Seward. Town f lerk. hated at Putnam this 7th day of October. 41—I Wanted Si i i KssMtiga/ine re quires llie services of a man in Putnam to look after expiring subscriptions and to secure new business by means of s|«ecial methods unusually elective' position permanent; prefer one with experience: but would consider any a|» plieant with good natural qualifica tions; salary per day, with com mission option. Address, with refer ences, It. C. Peacock, Boom 102, Suc cess Magazine Building, N Y. 11-22 Wanted Kxpreience menders w anted on fine worsted dress goods. Steady work ) and good pay. Sihm x I’i.imkn i h > i. | ,V t o., Mill No. 2, Shelton, Conn. 11—l.i I ! t ) i Fall Suits 1908 Styles Our showing: of Fall Suitings is con plete, we show the largest and most extensive line we have ever shown.comprising all of the newest designs and colorings in browns, olives, smoke and blues, and cut on the very swellest models. If you would wear clothes that are just a little different from the rest you want to look at ard trv on some of our latest variety suits made expressly for us by Hart Schaffner and Marx The new little ideas in pockets, in the cut of the front of the coat, the cuff on sleeves, the trousers, a lot of smart new ideas in these suits will certainly please you. We can show you the pick of them at $tS.oo,"$ 19.00, $20.00, 521.00,522.00, $23.00 $25.00 We are also showing excellent values in other makes of suit-, $6.50 up to $20.00 Young Men’s Suits at 5-00 up to 17.00 : Hoy’s 2 piece Suits at 2.00 up to 6.50 Top Coats, Raincoats, Fall Derbies, Soft Hats, Fall Line of Shirts in both Stiff Bosom and Negligee. ! Come in and look over the styles, try on some of the new models. We shall be more than pleased to show you through the different lines. A. C. LUKE & CO., RELIABLE CLOTHIERS AND FURNISHERS. Telephone 51 ring 4, Putnam. The Store that has gained the confidence of the public. The Home of Hart Schaffner and Marx Clothes. Headquarters in the city for Hart Schaffner A Marx Clothes SEE SPECIALS FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Fine Furs Now Ready This snappy weather will make you think of FURS. Our complete line of FINE FURS is now ready, and we can save you money. N<> Clasp?. No Hook. No Strings, No l.velets Nor Heavy Steels The Wonderful Figure Builder Sahlin Perfect Form and Corset Combined Once in a while a garment comes along that revolutionizes dress fitt ing. Tears ago it was the straight front corset. Now it is the Sahlin Perfect Form, illustrated herewith One hundred thousand new wear ers will voice their approval of this Form for wear with 1908 fall styles. There's no need of padding, ror interlining. It produces the per fect figure healthfully and with per fect comfort. We refund the money of any dis satisfied purchaser. Special exhibit now on. Price 1.00. | New Line of Japanese Liner jDrawn work and Renais'anct I>mean Scarfs, Commode Covers, Shams, Table Covers, Doilies. Special Prices and Extra Values Sew Fancy Collars, 25c and 50c Sew Wide Buckings, 2oc and 29c Muslin Curtains Hemstitched Ruffle, per pair 29c, 39c SPECIAL FOR Friday and Saturday New Elastic Belts, attractive buckles, 39c belts for 25c Black, white, navy, brown, gteen 50e Belts for 39c i Fine mink collars, collaret ■ tes and shawl collars, throw scarfs, <13.50 to .<35.00. Muffs to match. Japanese Mink, all shapes, <6.00 to <2:.oo Muffs to match. Blue Wolf scarfs, * $8.00 to <12.00 Muffs to match. Squirrel scarfs and collars, $5.00 to $15.00 Muffs to match Isabella Fox, beautiful line, all shapes 9.00 to 30.00 Muffs to match. Sable Fox, all shapes, 9.00 to 30.00 Muffs to match Isabella Marten scarfs, 3.9S to 10.00 Mutts to match. All our Furs are fully war ranted, and we stand back ot every piece we sell, and save you money on city prices. Trade With Us and Save Money” iz 1“ Cbampeau, Mgr., ^ Ageuts for Stan Jari Patterns Lewanlo's Pre neh Dyers and Cleanse Telephone 19-2 PUTNAM, CONN.