Newspaper Page Text
MACDONALD & WILLIAMS p MOI'K I rr<l*» PUTNA M WINDHAM CO..CONN. Putnam Budoes* Men’* Axsocialian The next i|tiarterly meeting <»f the Hutlrw*s men - Awocistwxi will I* held In Kent’s Block, Suv. HHh, at * p. in. A very interesting meeting for all tax payers, to whifh the general put.llr, w hether members of tt*e Asso elation or not, are cordially Invited. Hon. W. II. I niMn, Tax Corniais aloner of the .-Hate, Ita* promised to i<e present and make an address, a* will lie seen from the fallowing letter Tux < onimlssioner » I utils, Hartford. Oct. 21, IW*h. K. M. Wheaton. Ksip, I'utnani, Conn My dear •■'ir Answering your lei Ur ol the UMb insl , I beg to advise Dial It will (rive me much pleasure lo !*■ pres ent at the (iieetinK of the Putnam Bus Iness Men a Aaaucallon on the evening of Tuesday,.November IOth. I am miieii interested to know that you are discussing the subject of local %aluatlons anil projarr methods of tax allon I fe» l sure that sueh dincussiun always results In improved methods being adopted: It will iflve much pleasure lo s|s nd tire night at your home, as suggested. Adding rlgards, i Mill, Yours, very truly, Wm. H. OikHIW, Tax Commissioner. After the address a dismission will follow, based on the following resolu tion: Kkmii.vkD, Thai it Is for the Is-iu-lit of the town and city to have lull \alu tlon and low lax rales, ami llial the pinfs-r method to reach aueli an end is to raise all the property valuation h certain |ht rent by a Hoard of Asses sots, mid then adjusted hy a Boaid of Belief. Lawyer C I,. Torn v will lead in the nflli in alive, mid lawyer K. II John son will lead on the negative side We are glad to know that the impoi taut i|iJesllon is to la- taken up and ills rushed al the (aiming i|uarleiiy meet tug. I’he lesoliillim lo la* discussed Is really two ijuestioiis and should is- di \ tiled (ini'is: “Should the re he u re valualioii of town and i lly pro|arly for tax al ion purposes/'’ 'I he other Is; “How shall the revaluation la* Hcroin pllshed After In uiiiig the l ax I 'oiii uiianlnuers address we think I he nega tive will have in coniine Its opisadUoii to I he seeoii'l elause, and should II u lit on llial, the whole resolution would la' defeated. I he i|iiestUm alwaild Is-met wi(uarely “Shall tliere Is- an honesl re valuation id pro|s-rly for taxation pur jMises?” The other Is of minor In>|mr t a nee. Then* will be plenty of time to mushier tills mailer la-fore tlu- llieel Ing lukes |place V«||(r Mrii Msnslog Atmul ill* C'H|r Hnlurday night between fUrs*»«i mill twelve o’cliwk ii- >in employe of the llu ill 10 wn- going iI iiiii i'miifrot street ho lieaid groan*, mill u|hhi Invo-llgitl trig ho foiiml n iiiiin hack of it nearby building in ii -imi I'oii-oloiiM -Into. \ I>i>IU’ *111ini hii- noitlioil mill the niini taken In Iho liH'kii|i V iloolot w ii amnmoned mol -nhl tho man might In tie taken w hero lie e.uild Is- oared for, ■mil ho was lakon to III- homo in (fund to. An examination diselnsi d Hurt tin in hi had Is-en fearfully used Ills head wa-badly bruised anil out, Imlli eve were closed, swollen, nrul blnokonoil, hi- llirnnt « a- putted anil swollen mol allowed IIio Iiii|>rIiiI of lliifcor marks, no that lie con III hardly swallow, I brio wore itioal In ul-os on Ids aide and back, anil w a- suffering from liilornal Injuries lie Is-till In a critical con dition but || Is lliniiglil Ural he will re cover. Apparently he hail been throw n down and Jtini|ied on with heavy Ish-1 heels. The aflalr ha- proved rather myster ious and no (get* coneerntiiK tho mat ter have come to IIkIiI, tire v ictim be ing unable to ronioiuler anything of w lint occurred. It w as learned that he was sitting In a saloon asleep, and he wa- put out w hen dosing time came. No noise of a -cuttle wa- heard, and nothing was known of the matter un til the man's groan- attracted atten tion as stated alsrve. He hod a bottle l'i whiskey, a watch, and thirty cents In change w htch were not dtslurla-d, but Is thought ho had hills which were gone. There I* ev iilenUy a gang of thug* hangt'ig alvout the city and \ Icinlly ready to attack anyone a hen opjair lunlty oiler*, or for any sort of crime. Ke|«irU of holdup* have been coining in U> |»lkv headquarter* fur a number of week*. A man «w recently held up •ml robbed near llie cemetery, the home of K. H Milliard a a* attacked, the railroad aUtliuna In I’onifret ami Abmgtuit burglarized, and only Tuea day night a local engineer, who taken tii* engine at the round house about midnight, waa necking pernii*Mion from tlie authorities to carry a revolver, «« he ataUkl he had -everal lime* lasen held up and a*ked for money,and even hU lunch demanded of lilui. Kach U ue he had frigiiiened the men oil by making a motion to a aula hip pock et and threatning to bore them full of hole*. TheblutThaa worked alli right no far but the engineei i* afraid It may be called ami lie want* to tie ready to make good, tie *ay» that one would be aurpriaed at the number of men he meet* after midnight on lit* a ay doa n School alreet. There are other *ueh Cane*on record, anil doubtle** other* that have never i<een >e|iortetl. - — •• • Only a little cold in tlie head may la> tlie beginning of an ob*tinate roe of Nanai t'atarrh. llriveout the invader aith Gtr'i t'renni Halm apiiln'vl to the inflamed Mulled u|> air |>a*xages. I’tUv 8bc. If you prefer to u*e an atomizer, a»k for IJvjuid t'reaiu Halm. It lia* all the good qualities of tlie solid form of till* remedy , ami w ill rid you of ca tarrh or hay fever. No cocaine to breed a dreadful habit. No mercury to dry out the accretion. I‘rice He wilh »|>raymg lube. All druggists, or mailed by Kly Hron., 6c Warren Street, New York. Obituary. JtKXTKti (W.KKV >UWK!M. At the lKiine of l>eon Keaeh, in the Sawyer Ih«irlct, Saturday, alia m., JtejLtor (Mney Hawkins iww) •*•)' at the age of iti year*. lie., with Mr* Hawkins an<1 many friends and ncighlsirs, attended a husk ing there on Thursday evening. He wa* subject to attacks of indirection, and one came on there, and he grew »nre no ra|>idiy tiial it w a» not |*ix-i hie to (tel him home. He had also a slight heart trouble, and the coml/ir.a (ton of tlie two proved fatal, although he hail the treat medical attendance at tainable. Mr. Hawkins was torn April 13th, iaba, at West (Jlocester, ifc I., in the house w here he has alw ay - lived. Ills parents were Henry A. and Selinda (lint) Hawkins. He was married la years ago to Helen Klizaireth t ut ler, daughter of T red and Henrgiana irtteadi Cutler. They have one son, Henry, 6 years old. W hlle M r. Hawk ina lived a few Inn tired feet over the litre, in Khode Isl and, his associations and business In terests were largely in Putnam and eastern <'innecticul. He was the ae live manager of the extensive wise! and lumber bUHlneaa of H. A. Hawkins A Sons, associated with his brother. £ Mr Haw kins was naturally a leader among men of splendid physique, and until within i few years tie never ae know ledged a su|s*rlor among his n.s«o ••iales, where muscle anil agility were concerned, and when heart difficulty develrifiedr confidence In his strength le<l him to take chances that ultimate ly caused his dealli. Kver solicitous for tin- comfort and welfare of others lie -i Idom thought of himself. One of the elergymen at the funeral service said “length of life should la* reeknned by good deeds rh111«-r than lapse of time lasiklng over bis life from tlnil stmnlpom!, be bad indeed li' cd long. None in need ever sought him in v inn < iciieruns In a fault, sy in patlii'lic in a p lint Unit made him 'ought hy all that were In tumble as they well always sure to lind In him a Itlend. I'o those who knew him ls*sl, Ills atienglIt of character, lenipcianee. pu rilv and lender lioine -life, nppenU*d most strongly. W lllle ill lied with I lie I loin i I lilt pill ly Mi. Hawkins -didily refused In lake public liftin', raMiei preferring to enjoy a day In Hie •u ni with a eon genial com pan Ion and In lail li I ill ill >g I Inin mix In public life, Skilled ill wood-erafl, every tree, bird nr sound was an open Ismk to him. i uneiHl services were held nl his home in West < • Im-esier, li I , Tuesday alone p in. The venerable I'.lder John ulhan Kldridge, who preached in Ihc iM’arliy idiurch ns long as it was tena ble, who had been the family piislm for three generations, assisted hy 1<«*v. F. li. Sargent, of Putnam, eoudueted the service. Floral oirerlngs were profuse auil la'aullful—relatives, friends hih) busi ness associates sr-nding trlbules. The Isuirers were A. II llonghlon, (•. Alien Hawkins, John F. < ar|a*nler, I W Joslin, Major.V. II. McIntyre, anil John I). Fox. Itn 11 :t I w as al I lit- I ist Pulnum cem etery while all Ills family are burled • ini' We wish in lliank all kind friends and neiglilsiis who so leudlly assisted ns in mil sad experience: Mis. I> i> I law kins and sun, Mi. and Mrs. W aller A. Hawkins. Wisl I , (let -I, IHUs F.I>VV Mill AHMHTHuMI. Kdward Armstrong, aged ••!♦, died at Ills home mi t'huich 'lreel, Satur day iflciniHin, alter an Illness of many w eeks. I le is surv lveil by one brother, Henry , and one slsler, Anna, of this city Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon, mt two o'clock, Iti \ J It. Slulits-rt oltlelatlng. Iturial tn tirove street cemetery. M iis Aw Si kii viii. Mrs. Ann stew a it, aged 77, died al her home, on School street, Monday morning She is survived by two daughters, Mis. \nnte Keith, of Put nam, and Miss Hattie Stew art, of I'ay \ II le. Funeral services were held In St. Mary's ( hutch, W ednesday morning Itoilal in St Mary s cemetery. Mrs. Stewart was one ol the old resi dents of Putnam, cuming here over fifty years ago City Court The court vv ns In se«ilon ■ Friday morning (or the disposal of two ttrunk*. 1‘alrick I touch was charged with drunkenneaa amt twing a common drunkard lanit plead guilty. He w a* found Runty on the tfml count and sentenced to pay coots of fvdt* and thirty days In Jail, land not guilty on the second count as It was only his second appearance within a year, three lieing necessary to sustain the charge of common drunkard. Kobe it Raymond guilty lodiunkeo neaa. He went to school in this city and spent twenty years of his life here. He was found K> and costs of fs.ih were Imposed, and he was allowed a month tn which to |>ay same. l*eo Sullivan was tn court Saturday morning for being drunk. It was the second ■offense within a year. He {dead guilty and was sentenced to pay costs of fk.Otl and thirty day* in jail. All second offenders are now warned that If they appear three limes before the court within a year they are libatde to a charge of common drunk trd The {a-nalty for the first offense on this charge is ■*> days, the second l-V days and a third too days. It is ho|asi that these warnings will have the erfeci of driving some of the rounder* away from tlie city, or at least keep them out of court. Havid Ihipre was before the court Monday morning charged with breacfi of live |<eace He plead guilty and was fined and ordered to pay costs of fft.Of*. He wax allowed lime in which to pay. He also apologised for making remark* .to the woman, who *» present In court. Thii la the ca>e ujsm which the charge* preferred against *|#cial policeman I tetri* Dupre were Craned. It was charged that the ofllorr refused to make the arrest when he found the person accused was hi* cousin, thereby allowing hint toeacape. Dupre ha* atmented himself from the city since the occurrence took place, October *1, hut returned voluntarily and gave himself up. Wedding. M< UIN I.KV —OAII N . There was a large an<i billiant wed ding in Ht. Mary's church at nine o'clock Tuesday morning, when Krar eisj. Me< <irilev of Woonsocket, wm united in marriage to Miss \fae Kllen Oahn, oiliest daughter of Mr. and John Oahn, .-unnyslde street Tlie nuptial ceremony was performed by Rev John Van den Noort, who also celebrated the nuptial high mass. Miss Margaret J barrel of Woonsocket was hiidesmaid, and John A. Mc (iinley, brother of the Krooni, iacted as liesliman. The ushers were Walter liihn, brother of the bride, Philip Gorman of Providence, Bernard lioy lan, VVoonaocket, and Kdward Mc liinley. Boston. A weddiiiK breakfrst followed the ceremony. There was a la rue attendance of irelatives and friends from this city, Boa ton, Provi dence, \\ non socket and other places. Mr. and Mrs. Mctilnley left on the afternoon train for New York. After their wedding trip they will resiiie in Woonsocket. M I NOTH—Holm. Kdward iMInoch of (Irosvenordale was united in marriage in HI. Mary’s church this city, at S o’clock Tuesday morning, to Annie Bodo, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Bodo, Seined street, itev John Van den Nieirt |«'r formed the ceremony. A rece|>tlon was held ill the home of bride's par ents. Mr. and Mrs. Miriocli vvill live in < I roev enordale. ConKU'KHtmnal Chunh Notes A large audience gathered in the (•tin re 11 last Monday evening t<> listen to ii concert given by the choir. A though a enneerl of this kiml is h little out of the ordinary, and tile rule* Unit “a prophet is nut without honor except in Ids own count r> and among his own |M-ojile" (i|i|ilies equally well to a company of ainiters, vet the e\ec|itiou 11 rev ailed in this ease, for the most en thusiastic admirer of our singers could not have crltici/.ed adversely the reeep tion they received or the rneed of praise that was accorded them. The pro Kinni w ii' an excellent one, tsilh in the variety and character of the selections. 11 cmiId nut have Is-en Improved,and while “The Whistler and His Dog” caught the ptihlic favor, every one could appreciate and Is* pictured with I he more delicate and dignitlcd mini Imts. It would Is- Invidious to make c >in pin Isons of the singers nr to em phasize one above another, since all did so finely the work assigned them. The choir and its director lire to Is e mgiiituhilcd not only hi securing the J1 imieial return they sought, hut at the same time winning laurels for them selves Is'eaiise of the merit of the en tertainment, It ina.v not have been rioted, hot it Is a fact that the entire program was given try the choir with out the help of outside parties. We shall look lorwaid with pleasure to an other evening of song from the same sou ree. An amusing entertainment, entitled "The Snow (ap Sisters," is to t>c given under the auspices of the l.ndics Social Circle, next Wednesday evcuing,In the cha|icl, at H o’clock. Mistress Snow certainly deserves a large audience, as she presents her attractive daughters, w hose accomplishments must Is* seen to lie fully appreciated, and no one should fall to Improve this npimrlunl ly of meeting the distinguished fami ly. Another pleasing feature of tire evening will Is- several selections by Halls Orchestra, and you do not want to miss lids op]M>rtunlty to hear some fine music. " A little nonsense now and then Is relished liy the w isest men Admission Jn cents; children 1U cents. -Judgv K K. Russell i*> s|>cndii'g n few line's in Now York. —Social unit dance in Foresters' hall Saturday evening. — Wresiling exhibition Monday even ing at the t’. A. t'. rooms, between Kugene F.dmonds and Kid Van Hon t'oeur, Ixvth of tills city. — Mrs. K. K. Russell and her (laugh ter Constance are guests of Mr. and >lr<. Roby In l*!ymouth, N. ti. — At a conclave of the Knights of King Arthur Tuesday evening the fol low ing oltleere were elected: King—t 'liarles Miron. Secretary—I .eland Bradley. Treasurer—Ralph Bradford. Sentinel—Wilfred Stanton. Heralds—Kmery Cain, William Ful ler. , — In the case of tleorge T. MurdvH'k, the bankrupt Newt Boston woolen manufacturer, a recommendation for his di'hcargv, made by Referee Bowen of W tllimanttc and appealed by law - yer McMahon of Worcester, came up before Judge Hiatt in the i f tilled States district court yesterday. I .aw yer Starts np|>earcd for the bankrupt. After hearing the case Judge t’latt sustained the recommendation of Re feree Bowen for the discharge It ts un derstock that Lawyer McMahon will ap|>ral to the l idled States circuit court. **I>r.Thomas'Keledrie Oil Is the best remedy for that often tatal disease— croup. Has been used with success in ' our family for eight years."—Mrs. L. Whiteacre. Buffalo. N Y. CASTOR IA For Infanta and Children. nwKMfw Hin Atwijrs Blight i f PaPIoioioioTo' Boy’s Overcoats Warm stylish Overcoats for Boys from 4 years ot age up. Not a cent more to I pay than if style and warmth were not there. Coats of Kerseys, Cheviots, T weeds, Freezes, e*c. $2.50, $3.00, $4.00, $5.0010 $0.00 | Bring in the Boy and let him try on the differ.® eat styles. The Church Clothing Co, Putnam Hartford Danielson [•)€•](•] raCSICSKsHsiCgfe Births In Pomfret, October 11, * *«n U* Mr •nil Min. Patrick Pave.v. Iu Pomfret, October 21, anon tu Mr. amt Mrs. Hownnl Wheeler. Marriages At tlie American (ungulate, Santia jjo <ie tuba, Oclotier 17th, lierliert J Smith of Santiago, formerly «f Pul iiuin, to MI-hh Mary Florence Holt of Pulliam. In Putnam, < h-tola-r 2U,bv Ke\ . John \'mi <1 -ii N(mirt, Francis J. M cl»I nlev ol Wixui-oeket, to Mins Mac KllenPahan of Pulnain. In Putnam, Octoticr Lit, by Rev .John Van lien Noorl, I <i»anl Minoch ol i ■ i<n\ cnoiilalc to M ms Annie Iloilo of Putnam. Deaths In Pulliam. Oetoitcr 17, Itcxler II aw kins of \\ i ->t i lloiiccslcr, It- I -, intcil lit yearn. in Putnam, octooer 17, ImIwhuJ II. A ruisl rung. ageit -i!i wur In Putnam, O-tnUr 1!', Mrs. Ann Stew-art, aucil 77 y cam. In Ninth Ashford Octota-r 20, Itev. Asa Itanillcll, aged m; years. In AtiiiiKlon, t leloiicr hi, Harvey I*. I hasc, aged 71* y cais In Pay Mile, i leloiicr 21. A. Ilrayton Shijipee of Panielnon, aged 77 years. nmitn furnishing ludertaker, Arcade Block Main St. AUandaat Kl*hi at Store. Telephone (lonnaollim ? Ballard & Clark, 1 t Funeral** Directors j Putnam, Conn. ♦ Telephone call* answered promptly T Niirhl 3—14. I'ay 3—4. I.adv xs.nt un l when requested. i Monuments Tablets \S|i HKAIHII'AKTKKH <tp THE LATEST DESIGNS Always on Hand at \o. 20 South Main Street, 1TTNAM, CONN. Wc guarantee tne I text of granites and Ural-class w»rkinanstit|>. Call and see us lor all kinds of cemetery work. LOVE BROTHERS For Sale at a reasonable price, a bam, si/e IKxnO feet, framed with pins. Chestnut frame. All in good condition with tlie exception of a small portiow of sill, ttarn can readily l>e taken down and moved to any locality. K K Ci uni, 1 ah*k itox I.V7, Putnam ;«tf To Boston Special train schedule ami excursion fares fViday, Oct. 23rd Kami 1 lame Ison Day v llle rulnam Leave 7.4a a. m. 9.04 Mii Fare $1.40 Hack Hay 9 .40, South Station 9,.=>0 a. m. Visit the Famous Food Fairs Hosloti Food Fair, Mechanics Building New Knit land Fish! Fair, Park Square Coliseum. Hoth within a short dis tance Of Hack Hay. itelurning leave South Station ft.Sft and Hack Hay H.5H |>. ni. New York,New Haven A HartfordH.R. Sum of Money found, Owner can have same by in* ■{uiringof John M Paine, Fast 'iocd stoek, or Putnam, It. F. I>. No. 2. Electors’ Notice The electors of the Town of Thorny son are hereby warned to meet at their respective voting places. vi*.: District No 1 at the Town Halt in Thompson: District No. 2, at l nion Hall, North lirosvenordale, at nine o'clock tn the forenoon on Tuesday, November the old, A. D- l9i*S, to cast itreir baltoU for F. lectors of President amt Vice President, Representative at l.arccin Poagrees, Representative in Congress for ihe Third Congressional District, tiovemor, Lieutenant tJover nor. Sec e ary. Treasurer, Comptroller, senator tor tiie 2sth Senatorial1hstriel. Judge of Probate for the District of Thompson, two Representatives to the Oenera! Assembly .and twenty Justices of the Peace. Dated al Thompson, tvet. A', 19tv*. 4,1 Dv kk s. Ki.i.iorr, Town Clerk Dresser's Diu^Store FOR GIFTS Some very dainty bits of Fine China and Glassware as well as Delicious Candies in Boxes Dresser’s Drue: Store Saturday at Store of E. MULLAN Full cream cheeae. 16c lb Tub (.'reamer; butter, 28c lb Pure Lard, ISc |b 1 lb cao Hum ford Baking Powder, 24c IS Iba Sweet Potatoea, 2Sc 19 Iba Fine Granulated Sugar, (1 oo I 31 bare Star Soap, (1.00 1 > All round Flour 65c bag 3 cana clams 25c Pork 10c lb E. C, Corn Flakea. Sc pkge 15 Iba ('ut Loaf Sugar (1.00 5 Iba (linger Snapa 25c Fane; New Orleana Molaaaea 49c gal ■ 2i Iba One granulated augar (1 totbe Purchaaer of pound ot our 50c or 60c balk tea. 5 Iba Rice 25c Ar A Col KT ut PROBATE HOLDEN AT Putnam within and tor the lli.tnet ot I'm dam ou the ath .lay of October, A. 1) )*». Preaeat, Edward ti IVrisrht, Ju.W, On moo.'n of 1.. E. Smith, of Putnam. l\>nn , Administrator On the mte-tatr mate of I'hartc- W Willett, late of lumia within raid ct dec.-ared Thi. Oanrt doih decree that si* month* be al lowed and limited tor the creditor* of aahl ratal# to exhibit then claim* a»-aln«t the tun to the Admim.lrai.vr and direct* that public notice he atiea of this order h' advert.dim In a newspaper Harm* a circulation In Maid didrlct. and bepoet iUfi a cony thereof,on the public si*n post in raid town of Putnam oearert the place where thr decewaed laat dwelt lertifled from Record, • 4*-*i EDS aKD ti. WRltiaT, Jnd/e M. KINNEY & SON dealer* in Lumber, Coal, Doors, Mouldings Brick. Lims, Cemsnt. P.B.S. Minsd Paints Laad and Oil. Some Good Bargains In Little Used PIANOS and in second-hand ORGANS AT F. G. Letters & Co., “e Headquarters for Edison Phonographs and the complete stock of Records. Richmond Hub and |V\agee Ranges TheCyphers Incubators and Brooders Sharpies Cream Separator (NONE BETTER) American Steel Wire Fencing