Newspaper Page Text
—A herd of six <r -even deer are seen near the Wlwiton farm, south of the city, nearly every'lay- hy carpen ters at work on Mr Wheaton's new hwse he ia now erecting on ht« farm. —There wa« considerable excitement on Union street for a little while short ly after ten o'clock Saturday morning, causer! bv a quantity of smoke Issuing from one of the windows on the ground lloor of I'nion Itloek. Jnvestlgat on rleveloperl that a pijs- connected with the automatic piano-player, in the store of I’aris Brothers, had exploded, but there was no danger and no damage dona. — In crossing the lnn(r bridge. on the arruth aide, one get* a \ -ry pretty view of the tfiiinebaug a* it winds its way towards < argill tails. Its lieauty is marred by the lodgment of flotsam all along the ea-t bank of the -dream, nog men tad l*y refuse matters which dwell ers along the hank have deposited, no doubt, thoughtless of the eyesore they were creating — Arthur Parent, of Wenster, well known in this city, where he has ap is- ired several times In public as a sing er,was recently married in Providence, to Miss Julia A. Harrell of Krle, Pa Mr Parent and Mi-- Harrell joined the “Mayor of Tanktown" company the first of tin- season. The marriage istlie culmination of a romance which U g hi when the eonipuny lit-l rehear-rd in New York. —Alderman A. A. Hroduer, A. Mag nan, Joseph Pin**!*, arid l>; J N I,nr - «|rv m'r«* «1U-^r:iI« - from I’utnam lothe New Ktigbtnd eon venMoii of t he I reneh A rtiaanw Hoeiety, u « fillly held in Prov idcnec. The most Impnrtati Ineiir liikm n|i v. th< *■ i .-ndi 1 m * of of a hick ix iiHit fund in I he l filled '•tm^ A eoinmit h * w a> h J> J h »i ?i t<-«l t > uni ■*. i gflU* liiul r» jw-it w ti •. - and mean* \n tflhJUh I In* fund. I>r. I N IjiihIi} wm* appointed one n f the eommittee — l e w hunter* lleenM hit e U'i'ii Issued by the town rierk I hi . season compared In I fist a • *if I hen rue twn possible refinon* fur thin, mid douhlles* ladll have something In tin with the matter. Some nf the hunters limy lx* using their Inal year*’ licenses wtiieti htlbject* them In it |»ennlt> it caught; and other a lire not going out this sen* anil, owing to their Ih routing disrmir aged hist season «»n account of the sear City of game. *“< inr neighboring tow n of Welader IlHs heroine thoroughly -livn t i -1 i«'« 1 with H railroad station aertimninda lions and with its sanitary eond III on At it meeting of the \\eb*tri nmt Dudley lltiaim-.■> Men's Association, lit-t week, it wits voted In nottfy the llnnn! nf i teiilih to ins i ti. . t he un itary condition*, Mini a emmniltee in ii|i|Mijnlet! to H^k a hern ing U nr the railway ivmi must oner ~ I‘nlnnm.wii h Its lim* new station, is freed from Much ! roubles fur nil lime, rite eotumiree •re also to seek ix‘tU r nt‘.' » *•' t rnhi aery tee to New York. They will t. k for a liMin to • im to Putimm t » eon met with the • ,.'7 »\prr«~ W» b*irr will shortly have i new -no.non p» *t olliee. I'he appropriation was ma te at Hie last session ot Congress •tint Is now n\ nilnMr —Weluiler will not enter the Wind ham t 'minty I ntri*’bolnsHe Ita-sUrt I In i I I, vague, as tt»e name lias l*een nhamh nrd in that etly this season ow inn to the l»ny slicing uimhle t«* get a hail. In lit u Uieieof a plan is on I««»l V«» form el as honor* in athleties. Till* plan, it is thought, woultl insulate a healthy rivalry and bring out physical ifuahheation* that will ant materially in making *elceiiuits of e.mdidntes for regular teams It is also proposed to have a series of e!«s* meets through the w inter ami t“ inrlude. among tin* oth er Hjmits, jMihe i i»o a sp. eial eliiss day for athletic comptMllon honors going to the e 1 less ^coring the highest mimlei ot point*. t he plan hM>ks Hk»* a good tiu*, mill our High School Vthlcltc \s MH’ialton might do well to |«>ok Into it, a* the sum ss of basket hall this season is an unknow n tfumtMty Bradley Thejvter Thcalileni *ei«*<'ii»eomo iiihI go, nml by llir same token* play* rstmc ami go, bul like the babbling brook of foml re BttmbranM', "lucle I'oni'a t abin" run* on forever. The name* of Marlin amt •’l'licit' Tom" have t>oon *o long In cluae association Ural the combina lion h»* lawmi’ almost irre*i*lable. Mr. Marlin haa abandoned the parade feature. He rinhtfulUy claim* tbal a afreet exhibition of hi* player* places them in ihe light of freak*, rather than actor*, nml later rob* the *lory of Ita real aeulltiieiil ami comedy that the action o( the play call* for In lleo of the parade, however, Mr Martin ha* organized a baml of twenty live mu*t dan* of exceptional merit, ami at Ihe noun hour ainl In the eveuing, con cert* are given in front of the theatre*, ami they are concert* lit every *cn*e of the wool. The program run* the ga mut of the classic* with encore* of |*r putar ami latter day medley* willin' aeen at 11 rati ley rtieatrx', Ool. To Subscriber* ol Ihe Patriot According to tinier No of the l*o*t tltlicc Ikparlment subscrl bera cannot tie indebted to a new 'pa per muir than one year ami *tlll have the pa}te; ** oi to them at llu sotxmd Claa* rate. The order mart* .1* follow* A reasonable time wtll l«- allowed publisher* to secure rvnew a'* ol suit, acriptlon*, but unit** *ut *ertption* arc ctarrod after the term for which they ait paitl.wilhiu the follow ing periods liaiiie*, within three month*. Weeklies, within One Year, they shall not l»e counted in the legtU mate list of suhaciilirr*. and cople* mailed on account theretrf aAziff nof tx /«r ’Moiltttg at the second Cla** |»**t»ge rate of one . cut a |tound, bul may be mailed at the lr:r - . ond cl as* l*wtage rale of I cent for each ftrir ounce* or fraction theretrf, prepaid by atam|k> affixed. Licence Applications X <» h,.4 C 4 n v, ** '!•*■»* lor Wlodhtm i * I !.t<|tit v . 1 a plv f/n a DniWWt'* lirenae to M-Ii »p:-r **f u» »; ■! Hjioiif f f lienor*, a!^. ; . r' v 1and » ■-•»■ • . »’ S *A4 I itcprr alterl. (n«n * f 4 1 •jft'W I |K»t to **11 *|Mr»tW. *flI If fOtfH Stlvjf lK||Oirt j fi* ♦** flrtiOM or, the jrrm f a'**e oot to "fli i »piritu< «• arid p r.>> k »f*ns iuj-ior* in «| . iMifif* j g oit j:* i'*n. ctrcpt other diatilled , injnor* im t) *e in 'p*1 fill* - f*'* ftrt*< mg i f.» e Ifftil'Mj#. f tf »T tO fiftt «l»ii if# or.!? • f<rr Mif'h Itrcnae, ao«‘. *b*t it •hail be r**v»a#**bie 1 for mi* representation jf { Ho i. ■* iolfi*! tbe f«it gnu g a|(«»iT *nt*. , Am! f. on oath. P» •*»*« t! at tb* i*o« no# 'thereto** rarnffi on t« nnr which I nm * n a* prof-mtor or *« < mt»!ov<. of the pro ; prwinr, sod that I am a h-cnaetl pit«maH«t. Dat'd*! |*nti am. < nr» . th»* 12th dar if firtobef, A. !>-. H'*. J OH I |*i| ' PI-PHI ,, • *r;'. Wf the ui <U r n/r-f«, a?*- elrcfma «tt«i tax J ptvfrt, ovttinr re31 eatfPi of *?»•' >'i*n ot I* .t* uam( < >»rm.f an-t hcreM *:^n * d rnd»fr*f the 1 fo»cpoio/ applicate** of Jw|*h »l. Dupre tor a ■ nccij*e. and hereby certify that *ai*J m a >011 table person t«» t* I;' Med 'rtio’.int *o ■aid »pr,lir*‘i#*n, and *r eaeh certify that *** have not tiitrioi lor aor other applicant for a ! lirrnac to *ell ipiriUiofi# and into*)'-a*<ng lkpiora. Dated at Putnam, this 12th day of O'loVr, A D.. 19m. .f >a#-ph P f»ot» n ,l<fM pli IP thraucpe * Lou i* Dupre, Johu Cerroll, (» Byron Mwf. I hereby fortify that (be above named tignrrn and endorn-ra are elector* and tax p«)eara, owning reel e«t’le, in the ’own of Putnam. Conn, and that they have not »iirn» *• tor fany othei applicant for a llcenae to a* II Hpiritnoiia and in intoxicaiinjr Itijijora. Dated at Putnam, < onn., this Uih day of fjctober. A. IJ. I'JW. KflfCDl.KICK W. SKWAKD, Town i Icjk Tto thf f '■ountjr ('-on* mi* •doner* for Wiodhini ( minty I hereby apply for a liern*** to *f*H ■.pirituou* and mtoskating liquor-, ale, lager »*ccr, »b»nr wine ami • kler. si IH Mam »tr**et. town of I'i.tnum, Conn. 1 agree not to -« II • pir ititoim and into* dating liquors to f*«- drunk I on the piernow *; f agree not to «ell Kpirituon* and liitm KStin/ liquom in quantities > to ol mg one gallon, except other than distilled liquor* and tl»o-«- in quantities not exceeding five gallon"; I • '»•< to p*v filtv dcillar* only I o «u' li Imi'mi*, and that it -hail !«• revocable fur mi-icpt»tion if I do »r/t fulfil the fore going *g Mllieut-. \i,,| f, on until, do -fate that 'li*1 hindnc-* thi n? to In- cirrinl on ix one m which I «m * r-“.ngr I «- j'l1 >jii.« for or - employe of the i l r oprt< tor. ho-1 tii!»t I ntn a ii< ett-rd ph*fTii»eixt I >•»?* I i»t 1‘iitiixn . * cmn., th»x loth dciv of 1 * Mohr i, A. I» . !!**. mMtv i.. m kt, Apj ' We, the n• 'U-i' -i t i, *r» dec for* and fax civet", oki og t<nl e-fidc, of the town of I’tJf itain, < •'». i ., ni-i her* *•> and etulor-e ’ ! Ik- ton /'-ins' apple a- ion Hcn<v I- hurt * ini n • * • f.-*es »u ti hen Im n-'tj y that **•***l ap* ) j in unt i i *nitnt>!» jar-on !*» In* ikcc-id put ! viriol to -md rtjq l•' atiim. at d wi each «*-«f11y i,,if a • («,»\. • ■ ip i i o toi nt\ of h* r ’ippic it * I j».f n in i u*e t»» •« it -) irttnon* and mtoxn »hng D .li-ti at I’ttinntn, i outi., thi* I’oh day of t» tutu r, A . I» , 1 t H. I I Mi nt!- K. < ink I t nr-t M \ i ii *1 I Knu.klm W |*ri i v l&cuja'iiin I < hart* ll\ t on I». I hereby it rtify that tin' above named signer* «*r.<l endorse. * an- clciflii and to pay* r», nWn* mg real « -tale, m th«- town of Mutuum, Conn-, and that they have not - gncd lor any nthrr appliennt for a license to sell spit ttuou* and in fix icotiug liquor-. I»;it«d at I’utnam. t'onn , thin Jft;h day of OetoiM r. A. I* . I'M H. I HKItKIUt K W sf W Ml It. I own i lerk. Tn MM BUAIil* O! t ill N l i ioMMISs ION | |fs Ko|{ >N I NUIUM ml N I Y I h« !• to q ply f< r a lim-n *e to a. II -pirftuoua md Intoahuititiif > quota, all*. h»r-r beer, rtiltn win. .in i . .d* r. it South V i'n -f ItV Motet) (own of I'utuuui, < » ^1 \ phii e of hu»lne«« l« tn*t | iix-.tted wit - in 2oo feet In n dwet’i |uif (Kilo any i hurrii • »Ufi* i* or puhilr or juiro ‘tdal *rl«»ttii the j.r. ml-'« j.* r».lining lhpr»-t..,r)r any |n»*l offirr, putdfi library, or n iiirietv. Ihlted lit I »11 .iin. tin- i • ti day of t» tot . r. A !»., l(|t II \ ftl» M M»M \ -ON A| ) !!■ oit f- or lu'ti' m .»* <1 llrtMms-1. U »». the ttnder-ly«»ed, ie * heiora ai)d tax pa < r-, ovuittnc real * • fah .<■ 'he town uf futioitu i i ft ,1111.! tiefe - i|)tu o i v IJ-«- for i* Itirf application of .loin ■ »n iilld ija«tin)ir fill i II eij-* . 1)1 to rel.y rer py eat laid ippli «;d la < Hit it'le J > r«Otl to !>« 11 ■ tl«*l| | H: • I ,1 t Ui •Nil) lt| , i«-J*» 1 I'. I ltd w ‘ ! . . Ii.rlti'y U'«t we !u»\* I" h'U» d f'-f Ull\ . ,n, i apj I i •'•’ t< i a tie* use to *ul i.pmtui»U' , p » l.e-i, I (tun , titl-l UHti citt* of I » li tol. | . V l* ‘>'f' Hh-fiard < * orma»»* \\ h in i.l. W t- It a ft i t y I ii* mu ax .1 flow arth T ( H rt.lfonl I he|eb> < . r(| v fh il tl" at - v. littutrd s-yto rx • ml • ud.a- - at. • |. •-|.,i w :* ' t ,i \ p»>i'i-. own •i < i • *iio< iii ft owit * • I'lonam. t nun , .iid '.li tto » ti , Ii"l - ‘i'n i any ottn r up pM* till l“i - ■ ' i = #« to Hill -jOfitUOU* hi d lu “XU atlntt i- i-"*r Ita'ed at I hell. iin. Conn . this I'.Uli day of • •» lot., t. N I* , lie x I Hi HI t:ii h v> Nl W A UP. 1 owli t’lrrk. T*» tile ItoH'd Of «'Utility ruluUUsHdotier* tor N\ liidhum i <»unf \ , I heref*. »| | h !**• i IU-*-u«e t*» ■•Ut»plrltu*-ii and lot 'll.’,*nnk It*| os. ill- I,i|f* t beer, rhu»e w no . and ehf* i, »( 1 -n ProVid* u-» *!rru*t t <w n of i'ntti kio. < onii M > pta< • « f bu-uua * o» not h» • at* d within ;xn> •! .i a ire* t » < from any » hmeli odlftee or publh to p »r**ehtiil <u lo»oi, or tfie pt* ml - ■* pi-italotou t hereto,*»| any |K‘»t oltiee. pub-o- 11 hr wry or <uunet« ry l» |**»i at I’Ut nam. t’turn , t li i% I ll li Uh) Of <H't. A l» . I xw .11 I II > I Ul ’ MMI Appihant \y tlo Mud' i :„ ii* d, :*i• ♦ !»•«•( i - and pay e»-, ’wide,- seal ■ s^ute of iU< l wii d Putnam. » .me . and tl« rehy ‘I«II nnl « ll«l’ !'• ttye for* K'dliif appih a'iou **r .lio.u* I. il'.unnu'. for « ll«’i»* t Mi d iteivbv «rtlt* that said <pj U nit i* a-uit t Id* )H-r*on '« b»- In * ii-rd p»*r*u tut t > *nM appll eftthui, *'•«! we • tirli • rlt.* that «t w i\ not -iK“ -*» !>it any uth* r «p|dte«mt r *i a h«-« n-v t«» *ell «pO tu I* I. lid lilt ll'|!l**t - I' d* •! a» PlltUBin, t *M‘H . Mil* 1 fth day **f Oct A P . *-<*« ,1 .*• eph IVlo.puti |.«uiI- Unm I'd' ttr i.oud* an ICi* aid Joorph i.iibuuii'rr I hereby cctttfv that the «Uo. »ialio d m*u rx Mint *nttoMM*ra at* «livt»‘i * and u* jwy* t -, own biji r.a; ahvti. IU the town • Putnam, toon, and that th« > haw wot -irfin d t i him other aj pli. am for a Itcouae to *ell -pirttuoui amt Ikloii eating liquor*. halt'd Ml Puhiaiu.« onn.. th*a tsth day of Oo|. A. i* . \M* KHKUK.KU'H VN SKWAKO. Town Clerk TO the Hoar*i at OMiniy t\»mittlMluu«*r« fur Windham County I hrrvbt IMl]f fur A U«eA«e *o aell Apirttuou* miu! lutoakatlaf Itouara. ale, lifer b*«*\ rhinr wine. and older «t 10 PvMufrri atract, town of l*ut UAH), t'O»»0 Mr piaor of bunitir* 1* KN located within Jl)0 fret in A direct line of any church editor or nubile or parochial avHooI, or the |> pertalulii* thereto, or ony po*t oflkr i»r public library or ecmetrry. tinted At rutnAin. IMOA . thU Hlh day of tWt.. A U. t** Ylt'TOK t'H A ri'KI.A t NK, Applicant We, tb* UBdrr*»*U«d. are M.Ctor* Alld tA* |MJT r|«, OABIlif real nuu »*f the town Of l*Ut:iAMt. t ouU , AHif hereby *»*t» AMil eudnra# the fore* -m* lyfillCttloU of VldW t'hapdelaifile for A ltd MW and hereby certify that *ald applicant la a aulta Idr peraon to be lUvuaed puma ant to «aut Appli cation. And we each certify that we ha»e not >t<nnf for »n* other applicant tor a horns* to •ell wplrttaouc and lutoatratia* liquor* l»*t«d At 1'blnam, t\mn , tbU Uth day Of tVt A IV 1*« J Y Jl lough? on Jitaepti Allard G K. Hf»U(«WU I . H Mi'i.ard ti 14 .Ahippee I hereby certify that lh« above u«m*d Higher* i and r«**l»»r*cr% are elector* AOd ta\ payer*. u«n j t«i«r re*i estate. in tbe l\»wn of rutaam. 0«un., I and that tlo* bar* not *l*'*d foe »uv <*hcr ap» i phonal fur a ho* «** to sell "piftluou* and IfcUWi I (atlttf Is.^uwr* Owed at 1‘uuiam. Vmut . ifci* 14th davof»HM. A 1» I"'1**. KIUPKKUK \N M.WAKIV To* t) t'lefk IlMMtAt *>l til Of' ntOKATtf liOLlUN A1 nupsoo within and Tor lire DWtrtct o! n V*: '.hr •. •« UA* ‘ tVt V i>.. |IA* t. K : ' u i t. Wftgd VebBf Jnlfrr ;.-a . S t \»b> o* of the wd\ v>| i»es**e Hitt!, fate of w With‘It «Ald distfivM decvAwsl. Tidal curt doth d«vr*« that »ix twotuht be at IvAid au4 limited bar tine creditor* of *aid* s*»te to exhibit their claim* *g*a*l the same to IN riK'«tor and direct* that public notier be I At* t-a * f tbt» order by pubu*hii.j£ tbe mu« >« a new «pape< ha*h\« a ctrcuUtiun ;n mu*1 dlatriet, and N i*eMittna a *xu>> tberaof *»« ibo public n$n po*l m »akl town of 1 huw|*aoa a* are*t Ur place where the dewaard Uut dwelt. Cert tied tnMB He^ord, *4-a iu>ward t; wriqut. i Acting JUd^e T(» «h»- Boat ! of C«onty (omwlii'tofWf for VtVtdh*** County I h**rt»y ippk for 4 tfceoxe to •f.jf ftpfrftNVI •i.4 Ino xk vifijr liquor*. *ie. lager t^r. rtitwe win* m^w fi'Vr at VUfin. town of of Putnam. rant. My pt-v-e of io**lf*e* !• !«*?»:# d wt'fnn y» f«-*t in * 4lf*-ei l»m» from »nr rha'cto > or ptifilV or (arc^iiU vtw«il, 'if tbe pre rm«e» pertaninir f beret®, or soy pon olBeejwitolte library or cemetery I>aH*d at Putriim tkH KH» day of Ortobrr, A I) :#». L4)f I- BP AI ft PC A If lv. APT ^ r»t. Wf(ib*’ r%i/r^.J.*rrrM*r-ton» A Ml t al J •)♦ r*. owning r*-al e«t -t*, Of tt»C town nfPu!atm,<j| &»d her* 05 sign and endur-* the foregoing sp|Pte*Uon B* roifegsrd for 4 ii'4 '!•• ami1 **fe 7 ' vrTi 1y that *«ld applicant 11 a *vff*h!e p*r*o» to t** IlrerMwd pursuant to raid application, and w. e*- h orrtiff that we bar* not tfenod for may otfi < r applicant for a Ik-etmo to sell Rplrituou sod h-f'i* Ikjwors. Bated at Putnam, th»# 17th day of October, A. It . lifp. Ifr ''tor A Brod*!ir P. M l/« lai^ Xarel'w I • riair Jft-r-uir fwisert A J M^ymrd I h*r*-by e*rtlfy that tin- at**** named signer* arid endorser* ,ire * metonland tax payer*, own Iriir r**4 estate, in Un> town of Putnam, r «nn , aid that they hare not sign'd for any ot hr rap plicaal for a ii<**n** to **if nArttwowi and lnio?i eating IPjaar*. B*t*4 a! Putnam, this l“fh da) Of Ortobrr, A. I> Iw. PKKUKKI' K W mRWARO. To*n f 'krk. TO '0* Board of County (orrimii«iornT« for U indium, Cfinnty. ! hereby apply for a ltccaae to vll “plrltuoo*. and letoxfcitlotf liquor*. ak, lager beer, rblr.» wim and cider, »: 2.V3 pro?td*uc* street, town of Pttteam, Conn Mr pine* of bn-lmx- 1* local ed wrlrbir. 17V feet In a direct Hn» from an? church edifice or pubik or parochial achool. '-r t!»r pr* rniM * pertaining »h*reto,or any poat office or (rtir.ii*- library, or ecru »ery Bated at Pulliam, thli I2fh day Of October. A I), I we*. l/tl I *» CLOt TlIK. Appli< an!.* untler*lgr>*d.are • lectori and tax-p«ver«. 1 Owning rral rafale, of the town of Putnam. Conn ! ami her*bT Plan and rfidoraa tJbr foregoing nppll eftHoi Of uWi*( .li’irrf'.ra IterMr, and li# r»-by '*-rtify that said applicant la a «ultaM< prr»on fo Ik lir« riM d pnrtflant to aald app Iratlos, and we • a* I. rrrtlfy that w*- hat* not *igr>ed for any oth *r applicant for a li** u»*- to aril apirilrjoa* and in’oxlrwlltif Hq'jr*rw l>ar* *t at I'ulUrtin, thta 12th day of October, A. I» . If** Charir* V. ftreault Antoine lP»rn|er John Benoit Prank Mlfiiault Jullen K«d eroae t h* r* i.v certiiy that tto- «b**vr nam' d #l*rners and endor*er* ar»- •• lee tor a and tax paverx, own lr»ir r* al ■ *»»-af- . in tin town of Putna'fi. <dnri.. and that they hw^e not *ijrn«-d f-*r any other appli (ami for a lleeua* to iiell rrptrlttjOfia and intoxtrat lug ijipiort. hi'eil at Putnam ( oun .thla 12tb day of Oct. A MthOMCICK VV -KWAHI). Town Clerk. TO I h*‘ If- .ird of t Oiility Control iluti* Ti fof vv Midi* • in ( ■ tinty. I toerehv apply fora lleer *e to sell ftplrif tioti* a* i IntoxiruUi:g injui'r**. »l*-, lager l»#*r, rh||n w in* ;»r d rhiei fil .'o I'lOViilMKr* tr« el. t*‘w 11 of pi 1 * it »m. < **nn.'!y pirn- «»f hu«ln* la no? locnie»l wl ml.n joo fr in u direct Ian- from any etiurr h * <Moor pul or puro. limJ ««lirmi. or ff.e pr« ini^» • jier*«ii ir*^ fh-irfo of tfiy , po*t offt «• or 1 if»li«- library «»i c« rn* I 1 v I» »• (t l*»itnnm,t ufiti , thin wth day <>f Jttct. A li , Jie^. I’liANK BKNfiTT. Applleai.t. We. tic »*!;«'» I i-.i ■ *1. »r* . e. ’.i,s -ml fax ant, < •.nil , hereby -tgii nl.d * ii<l in* the f*■!*• .*ding ni*plii‘»tPdi r Flank 15* nr*T». for M lk**,ii*i ami nnreliy •■•■rilfy t|i;»l h * 1*1 nppllcant Is i -Ul'rtbl* p« r-«»f| to !>• ||ri |ta* d pUtHUHIil to - * id application rod w« • •'» cerllfy flu! w» inn* not -ikned for anv *>?h« r appdcint for ;* ii<«*n-♦ lo •ell ftplrituou* and intoxlc i'li g Ibiuor-. 11 d «tt iMtnufn. Iltiti l '!h day of October, A. I) . *• - ... .loveph I r l,u««|cr, < * r iHe- K*mil ard. lUrrlman I. I ».»y i*, Joseph Hro«teur •Inline Cordier. I In-rcliy certify that the abo«< named signers and ♦•nd» r*era are electors and lax i*m>i tm, owning leal esfale, iii the lown rif PutinMit. « own ainithai they have not signed for any olh< i applicant for it licenst |« h. II spintuou tt'ol iiitos i< .»fing liquors Hated at Putnam, Conn .this ]Mli dav of Oct. A 1>. IVUH MU.DKKICh VV >KVVAHl), l own t l‘Tk. To 'll* ll. iM <>f County I ■•rntmmlotter* for W Itiilliitni <'minty. I In rrtn Hpldjr fm » llretme to <•« II »i»irltIIO'l* 00-1 iutoxi.MtiiiK ll'iuor*. ale. 11»ift-r he* r, rliltti* wlm . Mini c|d*r it "• l.ion street. town of Pwc n.'ttn, l'»nn \!» i*<if |>u*|in-*<i js («•<*,«f»-«| within 1HT* i In i ■ 11r*11 i|Dr front hmv ('hnrcb ♦-«!uf piddle 01 i. -lilttl mcIhioI, or »»«! [tffrn i«e*i pertain In.: lltrr* »*, or uhjr |HK»I ofTle*' or pub ll<- lilnmy, *»i ,u titpf i r> . (luted.d Pulliam. ( .-lilt, thU Htli day of < MM I \ I*. \\*m I MOM \> t, \\ NON, Arpdoi it Wr, ilir uiHli'HiUMii, hk Hr-: m* i mi c i sc t »v - ' rr», • wniuj£ ,. »| t?r, of fit*- | Wii of Put »• in, I ■■ II i d li. |» »»‘ »M*ii !Oi I • oH -'1 |h« for* rtf implication of *TitotTiu- f-tiuiitoii for a !l* * nfc* . o»*«l t'i'l» l'i i irtify Unit FBId Hpplirmit t*» .i suitable P i*Hi lo In* llcea-rd pursuant to *ntrf apptir.' •I Mi. -iU*4 «*■ ‘MI’U O’| ■ i* •, Oil! Hi- i i IV* nrd nljTPol 'hi nn> u!•?« i i| ,1c -iii! lot i license f* *cll *j»1rM ■; »!• it lid lit * ox l« mltl# llipt.ll « l*.i.tial Putnam, i i.-s k'.Ii tiiiv <>1 oh.. A l» P*MH. Mark Oat' ml i. K I n, ki ll I Pr, title® Frank Ko tar v \N III II * ad'y l lo irbt certify ‘I, >i On :0». vr twinned signer* m i ' n i . in > .I - i i 1 .t \ | i \ < ra, >wn IO|| *'i • ; r in,( unit and t • m tJs n not dgtH t • <i Kit) ..lit' r if,ptleant fora HeenM* tt» -*i II *ptri and iufoxn a! lug Imuur* I' '"I •! Pultiuri (hi- l.'Ot d.i\ of OcP'Ihm.A 0 ,M|n MO l» 1,1' K W >KW A Ul> l ow it i It'rk. TO tlit* Hoard «•' \ "lilt!) t OlliUll'tMOnrrs fur \\ i tldil.llll I 'oil111 \ l In r» l»y-«|ddy tur .t Invito to “ell spirituous and illtoklrui inn Hijums. nla* lager l*t* r, rhil" a Ul< .uni elder uf |u I Imviret, town of Put nam. conn. Myplac* of btiaittejia Is not located within .*oo fo t In a direct Inn from a rhurrh *•<li lt <■« .*r uul>He or p uoeltlul *Vln»ol or the premise* l>rrt iliiltiK tin I Ho of any po-t oflt ». ptiSBc »!bl •>t > , »»r ,, ntH«-ry Ivdcd a! Pitttiam conn , tills t-th dav of out , A. I*, tit'. II KN IO iv rilo. ApnMeAnt VV, , tin undersigned, *t> - Hector!* .tiid fax pay r|> om nil k i«;tl * toatt*. of tIn* town of l*ut»4m, I’f'toi . and It- 11 1 \ xitfit I.nil endorse t'n f,*r* K«>iu»s .ipidical . ti of tlrory latr » for a liei ts1, and (i, n t.y rfIf> that nald appllennt |h aouuM? p« imoi l«* In- Ueritwd pur-tmiit to x.tnl applJ. a U n .md wr - nh certify that lio< mt *||l«n *1 lor any othrr apj d ant for a !K < n«« t»• <)l *ptrIttn>n* at d iunixituti v hutno* l».u«d it Putuiim, ( dini., iMs litn day *»f t*vf A l» I-*o® Oscar t uman Juxrph I Ht>alnt, VI t »H t oiiiuir, Vttlnir " Kon*»*. II v% trd I- tirown I hrrrhy certify tint On* .»Ih)\, named Higin r* ami rttil.iMw an tloetora and t*\ pavi ri. own itig r« al estate, lu tin town of Putnam, aud that tin v ltti\» not aigtird for any •,!»»* t applicant tor a Ii.eten to mil apintuous and lutoileatiug t|.iuO|4. haled at Putnam, this lith day of itetober, k l> . ti*w KKKDK.KK K W SKWaKP. Iowa Clerk TO the Hoar-1 of Couuty ConmiiiioifH for \V (rut hum Count v. I hereby apply tor * iivvu«t to #eil apiritutm* and tut oak* tin’ll llouora, ah', lag* r &••*. rh*n* niutiadcMrr. »t No. s» t anal street, town of Putnam. 'oiin My place of baalne** la located within 1ST feet In a direct tlae from any church land or public or prochtal acbool, or the praalMM i < naming thrmo, of any poet uttce or public library or cemetery. l>ate*1 at Putnaai. tht* 14th day of October, A D., 1*>K JK.RHV LAHR> . Applteaut |Vt . the undersigned. elector* and la* payer* owning r«**i catate, of the town of Tutaam, and hen-bt aiau and endorse the foregoing appll eat to a of Jerry I.ahby. for a license, and hereby certify that »ald applicant ta a suitable person to hr licensed pursuant to aald application. and we each cert if* that we have not siftned for aay other applicant for a license to sell spirituous and m toalcsttng Ikjuors. Hated at Tatnaut, thi* Utk day of tvtober. A. n. tt». rbiuea* 1« Wright Calvin o Ntchots Kdward K trstag Francois Hrwteur. iHuuel F South wick l heerbv certify- that the above uamvd signer* and endorser* «re electors and la* payers. own tog real estate, in th«- town Of PatQam, and (hat they have aol * Ur wed for any other appUtcant for a ocn»e to *e*il Spirituous and Intoalcailttg UoOOCb Hated at Putnam. this 14th day of ihriober, A. H . t*# KKKDFRK h W >I\V ARO, 1 v »q Clerk >l (X kSv'M aga/int- re quire* Uw "frvuvsof » tutin in Putnam to look after expiring subscriptions ami to secure new business t-> means of s|xx"l»l methods unusually elteetive: |ioaUion )>erm»neul: prefer one with rs|iert«HV but would consider any ijv. plicant wilh ttovnl natural ijuallflcit ttons salary jl -o per day, «llh com mission option. \<l«lr»‘ss, with refer ences, K t’ Peacock, Room liS, Sue cess Nlagatine Building, X V. 11 CLAYTON W. TH'JRBER Teacher of Piano and Organ Telephone*'—3. Patnam. Conn. | Wanted THEATRE BRADLEY THEATRE \V. C Klebart, Resident Manager Thursday, October 29. >1 ATI NEK and MGHT The Most Stupendous Spectacular Attraction. AL. W. MARTIN’S WORLD S GREATEST Uncle Tom’s Cabin The Only ‘-Uncle Tom Company Equipped to Play the Big Cities. The Oldest, Richest, Biggest and Best of Them Ail. Supremacy over all others combined, embodying the Masterstroke of the Century. 50 All White People. Hear the Grand Concert, Band and Orchestra. Seats on Sale Tuesday, October 27, 12 Noon. Prices, Matinee 10c and 25c. Evening. 10c. 20c, 30c and 50c TO tbf Boacri of County (*«tn»l»* ItHWr? for wtattam 1 ounty I hrrrhy apply t.,r a UecM* to toll -plrltoous arid tntoxlcailn* l!<|»or». ale. Utter beer. rhin wu-e, and ruler. At The Putnam I no Hotel town of Putnam. State f Conn My pl»«e of , biinlnco i* located within eiirhtv one feet In a direct ||oe from any burrh ediftre or public or parochial Mtto»l, or the premtaea tertaifilni thereto, or any post ofllre nr public lib* arjr or eef* letery I rated »t Putnam. thl* 20»h day of October, A. I» IW*. KARI. C. KiKiKKS, Applicant, vt e.the uo«leniti(n«^> ejector* and tax paver*, ownlujr real eMate, of the town of Putnam, and hereby aljru and endorse the foregoing appli ration Of Karl C. K'*ger* r.,r a Itrcure, and her. by certify that -aid appliesnt »«* a suitable person to b«- llrenaed pursuant, to h id application, and we each certify 'hat we have not »tgned for any other applicant for a licence to *ell •ptriiuoua and tnto/iieatlivg liqtterr iHifed aUPutnatn, tin- 20th day of October, A. I> I'M. I hereby certify that the abm. named *lirn« rs and < hdr>r«* r- are * led ,r» nnd tax p iyer«, own Iliir r« al e-tate, In the ’own of Putnam. <01111 , tiini tint they have n<»{ Mt • d f r any other ap .loi.11 n K»x Fr»net« .1 French. .1. v\ ( htirch. K L I'u lari, i t Hopklh* nf for a ilefBrt< fhtlng 1 o] nor-, ted at lit pir-Minus and iu 1*11 .in tin 1 day of 11. tn».er, A Y *|I.I>I.I?I« h W. SFWAHIb I» . Haiti. r w n • hok •» » lilK < ii • <•! .IV t •» a MI ■* I I *N f |;» • ‘ I hereby a ply for t le-ns- :*• -**il apirltAn* and Intox |c*t lb# lupior**, nl« . lap l b * » . • lil*»** will* and rid* r. a! r* »r of Mam « 1 ’4 Main Street, HWI> f f I'UfDJlUl Cull It Mi I i !<■*• of IlMlIifl' h lot* fed wirhui fee? ill a ulnet line from anv ♦hurra *♦<!ifl ■ . puhlh* or p.tro Inal <*♦ iiOoi, or the pr* n is* * pertainm# tJi***e?o, or any p«>»t oth e, piiMfc lll»lary, or cemetery iMhd lit I'ultiain, * «*nu.. !h|a Sill UAy of October, A . I > . 1 *o>* V\ II l.l AM K Kill IAN . Applicant We, flu* uri'l* raijfnrd, ui«* elector* nod ux payers owning real «*-*?nt**. of flu town of Put nam, and h»*r*-bv sian nulendorse the foretpdnj; a; plu at Ion of WmK. K i 1 i tan for i llcetnw .turd her* f»y certify fItuf Haid iippliruut Is a Suitanle person to l»« licensed pursuant to *aid application, and we - rflfy that w. have not sinned for any other applicant for t IP • f ««• to *♦•!I spirituous him! ill toxtcatiiiK li<|tior«. |fated a* Putnnru, thl' *th day of October, A l» ltfn*. Orriti I’otnr, li.orK* H Lock, Edward KlJey, ,1 >-> ph Emmons W i ham IV Murray I hereby c**r! If* that tin* utiovi* Dan i d signer* amt « udor-m » ar* ul* < ir^uiidfa. payer**, own lit|f r**a * stute, in tJ * o wn * i Putnam, 0*>*»n., nn<l fl at they have not signed for any otti* r up- ; plii'unt fora lie* me to *-•*11 spirituous and In ioXiettt ink' I ouors I>Hted at I’u'n.iTn, ( • nn , thin 1-ltll day Of i n-toher, A. i> , h*0* I- UEI'EllK K \\ sKW.\ HI*. T *wn i :• rk W anted r,\|■ r. trip*.' itiemters wflnlcil tin lint* worsted ill.'" Et>. >i 1>. SU-ilill tmd i;.km| |..n dit.\i:\ Hii mi nium A ( ,i . Mi \.> J, Shelton, < “iin. 41 —4: Assessors’ Notice \i. |n i«..i - liable In pay Hmn in tlii‘ Town .»I I’nlimiiii aii' hereby luitili.’.l 1»> milk.'uu! a ii-t Hi lli.'ii taxable pr>>|>er ty, mul return the Mime to one of tin' \vm ." r' mi or la-fore No\ t nitn'r :M, pros, or Uu \ will Ih' subjeete.l to the penally piosorlled lij law. All jk r Min. In making out their lists should I*- pnilieulai i* in I Btve iMMimtarv >>l all teal estate on l.ark ot list. iilanks may lie oi.taio. .1 of either of the I or at the Town Clerk's otliee. The A -e»ors will meet the ta\ pavers at the < tyt Miiieil < 'ImnilH’r in the Town of Pulliam lor the pm pose of reetiviiiK ihii ii-l-from October Lit to Novem U r L' lueluslv e. Y\ alter s ('ar|*'itter,) I- ii 1 iek .1- I tanleN, Assessors. Joseph I .apn'ine, I I'al. I a! Putnam, Oetolter 7, lists. II— 4. WHEN YOU GO ON YOUR Vacation lK»a't fail to urt » pair of our new mnhrr lvnso« tor mid amt water pi'ottctioi, tfrtpai un prove moot over smoked or oolorol .tense#. H. W. Thompson, Oi'tH'iia, Court Hoc** HuiMio*-. _ PITXAM. CONS-_ First National Bank — or — PUTNAM. CONN. CAPITAL. - 0150.000 SURPLUS OOO.OOO. Safe Deposit Boxes for Rent Drift* Issued m all Fertile Ceeatries laited Suit* Depositary. I’has. H. Knows. President. J K i VKI'KNTKH, Vice-President H. tin.VATKtc. Cashier. nisnntT o» v» <H>nsT<H K ss. ncobatb t ourt, Oct. i»th n**- . .u . . K.tsl. of 'u-.n K. IMm*. I»t* otW.sjd.toek, tl «*t-l ‘'t, •W.'es^sl n».- ex-.'ut.v Civic* .xhiblt'-d M* jtlBliiv r.uos a.v u»f with ««u«i **l*t* to ,hl< iWH wr **iV**nVi'm»t the J».t a»y** ■> .1 the 1'r.^re Woodsloekbe^ .. i.-:.. <,1 lot » li-Hkna* on the •»«*•»•**' '' I A,iiuiat>tnU«i •eeodnt, »*d «>*» •* r1 !>. Mwnlor to cn» »•< ,**"•»» I ts, r-itt to »l>|”‘»r «< **»* nmx l .-s'iue »’«ei>T of tkla ower on ifc> i^c r"»* »* «-*»?■? „ ,r,.t « .,rvt , drn-.W !»■ *t .1. jaltitcklton to -oiue tww*u«pw. Ntwou. .ml h».m* ACtr, S..U..O .natm-1 4 M Cl ARKNCK H.CHIU>.JUd*e fcttnth* liuiin at ,TOS«XA. .IN Had tw lUfi Kwt I Notice - The selectmen ami town clerk of the town of Putnam will hold a sesaion to examine the<|ualiticali»ns of electors ami admit to the electors oath those w ho shall lie found qualified on Fri dav, Oct. in, from nine o’clock In the forenoon until eight o’clock in the afternoon, in the selectmen's rooms in I 'nion block, and will also hold an ad journed meeting at the same jilace on Friday, Oct. 2i, from nine a. rn., until eight o'clock j>. m. I'turenee K i’lerce, j Selectmen of : Arthur J. Shippee, r the town of j Omer l.altue, ) Putnam. Frederick U . Seward, Town < lerk. ; Hated at 1‘ulnain tiiis 7th day of I October. 41—42 ! Notice The selectmen and tow n clerk of the town of Thump-on will I c in session on Friday, October lfith, loos, at the 1 t >>iirt Koom In tlie i’ost OHioe Block :it N irth Oros\enordale, to examine the <jiialilications of applicant-, and admit to t lie electors Oath those found qoali lied, from n o’clock, a. m., until * o'clock p. m., and will also in- in session for suiiie purpose at Hall of llecords at Thompson Mill, Friday, (Xdtiber J Id. from !i o’clock a. m., until s o'clock p. in., and will not lit* in session after that time unless it apia-ars some of the applicants' riglil to lie so examined mature after said Friday, and on or lie fore the electors' meeting, and if it ap |iears that the right of any person mature after said Iasi Friday they will lie in session at Hail of Records, Thompson, to admit those only whose rights so mature, on Monday, N'ovem tier 2nd from n o'clock a. in., until o o'clock p. m. Thomas Ryan, i ( Ians A. Hagstrom, Selectmen Philip Woisard. ( Dyer K. Klliott, Town Clerk Dated al Thompson, (let. 7, 1908. Baan t'e Bjguataro Tha Kind Yon Haw < ->i,s 8cu~M Fall Suits 1908 Styles Our showing: of Fall Suitings is corr plete, we show the largest and most extensive line we have ever shown.comprising all of the newest designs and colorings in browns, olives, smoke and blues, and cut on the very swellest models. If you would wear cloihes that are just a little different from the rest you want to look at ard try on some of our latest variety suits made expressly for us by Hart Schaffner and Marx The new little ideas in pockets, in the cut of the front of the coat, the cuff on sleeves, the trousers, a lot of smart new ideas in these suits will certainly please you. We can show you the pick of them at $18.00. $19.00, $20.00, $21.00, $22.00, $23.00 $25.00 We are also showing excellent values in other makes of suits, $6.50 up to $20.00 Young Men's Suits at 5.00 up to 17.00 Hoy's 2 piece Suits at 2.00 up to 6.50 Top Coats, Raincoats. Fall Derbies, Soft Hats, Fall Line of Shirts in both Stiff Bosom and Negligee. Come in and look over the styles, try on some of the new models. We shall be more than pleased to show you through the different lines. A C. LUKE & CO., RELIABLE CLOTHIERS AND FURNISHERS. Telephone 51 ring 4, Putnam. The Store that has gained the confidence of the public, The Home of Hart Schaffner and Marx Clothes. Headquarters in the city tor Hart Schaffner & Marx Clothes Muslin, Curtains, II. S. Ruffle, *2!)t\ 30c a pair m $1.00 Glace Kid Gloves. yi 75c Of all garments worn by women, the one most important to her j>er soiml looks and comfort is her waist. King Tailored Waists leave little to be desired. And thev retain their fine features. Made in linen in different styles. New Kimonas. striped and figured flannelette, 50c Children's Sweaters, all colors. 75c to *1.75 Taimer Coat Sweaters for Ladies, *3 00 Fine Bath Robes Made from figured blauket. satin trimmed, q 3 Made from Krinkle Eiderdown, new K’.ruoua sleeve, and trimmed with soft finish satin. Gray, Red. *3.00 “Merode” (Hand Finished) Underwear Far Women made by a woman. It's equivalent is not to be found. Made in light, medium and heavy weight, in all shapes, vests, drawers, corset covers, ar)d L nion suits, for slender, medium or stout figures. Prices 50c up I Children's Union Suits, 75c New Nemo Self Reducing Corsets the greatest corset indention of tt* ige. Don't buy imitations when J*® can get the genuine. We carry in stock the No. for short. No. 318] stout figures, >3.00, sires 19 to 36. No. 312] for tall. No. 320] stout figure*-. >3. «** 19 to 30. No. 3511 black resting for slendw figures, S3-91 No. 160 Nemo, triple stnp Kosrno. short, warranted unbresw able over the hips, 11.30 ‘ Trade With Us and Save Money" 'k Isaac Cbampean, Mgr., k A • .ts for Standard Patterns. Lewando's Freneli Dyer* and Cleanse Telephone 19-2 PUTNAM, CONN.