Newspaper Page Text
Ii ; . A WEEKLY FAMILY PAPEK P Hi i»' ''AUKS. Knt<-r- ' it !b» Putnnm Port Othn *• s^con«J-cla-p VOL. XXXVI. PUTNAM, CONN. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 30 1908 NO 44 _\jr, \V H. Taylor recently enter al her nepbew, of Burlington, Vt. _>lr-. F. H. Green and son Karl, o; florce-ier. were guests of friends in Ilia City last week. —Tliere have been applications for i,cense' in this city, including three, druggist licenses. _\llvn i handler, of Worcester was ^jctiy the guest of his father, who -Jafarni south of the city. —Landlord E. C. Rogers of the Put Inn. and J. S>. Green, left last Fri day for their annual hunting trip to tii Maine woods. _Mr<. Abel Child returned to Wood last Saturday, after spending tfie ireek with her daughter, Mrs. J. Rich ird Carpenter. —The young men's gymnasium class ^reived a lesson in the gymnasium in the Congregational church last Friday evening —I)r. > B. Overlock, of Pomfret, President of tlie State Medical Society, wj Dr. * Gildersleeve, of W'ood .wlt. were guests of the Tolland ('oun IT Medico. - rciety at their recent semi ir.nuai meeting at Stafiord Springs. —There were eleven de iths in I’ut rum last month. According to the monthly Bulletin issued by the State K ardof Health. Putnam’s death rate Is but 1*’.4 per thousand. This is slight !?above the average for large places, the rate of Norwich being 11.5; Kil liggly's rate was 111.7. -The quintette of bow lers from the R,i-e alleys, Norwich, w ho beat Put nam's best bow lers a week ago last Thursday in Norwich , came to this ai_v last Thursday, and succomed to the locals on the I'nion Block alleys. Putnam won the first and third strings indXorwieh the second. The home gam won by a total of 19 pins. -The ‘-other Fellows’” social and dance, held in Bugbee Hall, last Thurs day evening, was well attended. Also fee .Saturday night dance in Forresters' Hall. There are now several local or thwtras in the city capable of furnish ing excellent music. The Ladies Hing ing Orchestra, which disbanded lust »inier, has been reorganized. -The following town appointments haiebeen made by the selectmen: Town Physician-—l>r. Edward F. ft-iy. Van \t‘ rney—Huber D. Card. Public Weigher—II. \V. Johnson. ... I Measurers—K. J. Cutler, A I hr i r, E. F. i fuller. >u of Weights and Measures—! I.N.J | t1 .in : Keeper—Jerome Shlppee. Haywards—Fredrick Cutler, Alliert ! tsrjei.tvr, George \. Petti-, Sidney ! I'. Hen' . Ashel Bat ley, Kay liurlbut. -La-t Friday afternoon ( apt. Kos «e o Wells, of the National Society Tim Aid to the Injured, spoke to a c- of young men in the Congrega tional chapel upon the subject of form ic: tir :-aid classes. Much interest *t> shown by the young jieople, and ills probable that classes will be form al. The nine lectures given before the las-es take up anatomy and physio logy, At the close of the last lecture nominations, both written and oral, •ill be given, and all those who pass these examinations will be given a di ftama, signed by the President, Clara Norton, and which signiiies that its P®*s«or is competent to render lirst •W to the injured in any emergency. —There is a large body of the citizens k "iliimantic are not satisfied with peir city form of government, prefer tins to return to the borough form "•fe n my. It is to be brought up pi disc issb.m in the Business Men’s “oeia’.Umol that city at an early day. “filch a question should l>e brought PM a meeting of the Putnam Bu-i Mens Association, it would call 01 a Urge attendance, as many of our have never been satisfied w ith ■ city form of government. We be t's such a discussion would prove of natgood in clearing away inisappre eoslon» and in correcting whatever ^managements that are pointed out. ®asit seem- Putnam has made great 'ances under its city organization, ^ has a better repute as a city than had as a town. But no form can give **7! aatisfaction, to every one. But know the worst and the best by «mssion, so that the minds of all be Ktied. -Ky » recent act of the Massachu f*thslature, all towns and cities °'tr lo,uou inhabitants are obliged **ub;ish and equip a public play ed for children. Webster has now Ctr K,r>sideraUon ways and means toaiplying with the statute. Web - » ready has a playground, conduc une °f it-s philanthropic citizens at tin* ha* no bearing on the inat Jlna-ii Ls without a playground to' *ofii but as our General Assern not rrCognUed the children's i' '• the extent as has the Massa " Legislature, it is not conipul it should be, in this State, but u!"-‘rl the generosity of indi Jf the watchful care of inuni J, a* F OOiily or many vears we base feet urged upon our citizens . I' dance of securing a few acres 'sii vren s playground. I f a com teuati,, Wtfe appointed by some of our is to look out for sueh a plot *t'‘' w option on it, we are sure r**y lo P*-v f°r it could be raised •year to pay for it. Mr- t 'haries L. Torrev spent Tues day in Providence. —Edward Ka\ reau, of Hartford, ha* i l,een 'Biting hi* parent*, on Elmst. —Lewi, T. Champlin i, spending the week in Red Bank, X. J. Judge i. i. Russell has returned from a trip to New York. —Miss iielle Byrne was the guest of friends in Providence Sunday. —Miss Carpenter, daughter of the late L. Cass Carpenter, of Denver,Col., is visiting her aunt, Mrs. R. M. Hoyle. — I*r. Arthur l.aRue, of Waltham, Mass., spent Sunday with his father, Dr. Oruer LaRue. —Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Sharj>e enter tained their son William Sharpe of New Haven, on Sunday. —Mr. H. J. Thayer and wife were the guests of Providence friends on Sunday. —Mr. Dexter Crawford and wife of Wiliimantic have been guests of local relatives. —Dr. EJward F. Perry is to deliver a series of lectures on the First Aid to the Injured, to be given in the Congre gational chapel shortly. —Mr. 8. M. Wheeloek and wife re turned on Monday from Ashburnham, Mass., where Mrs. Wheeloek lias been spending the past two weeks. —The '“Ten of IV Association will hold a Haloween dance in Bugbee Hall, tsaturdav evening. Music by the Broad way Orchestra. Admission bo cts. per couple. —Charles K. Shaw and F. Walden Wright spent Sunday in Providence, guests of Frank Davenport, son of Mr. | and Mrs. H. H. Davenport, Pomfret. —Monday evening next the French Republicans of Putnam are to have a rally with sjteeches in French. The rally will tie held at St. Jean Baptiste hall in Rhodesville. —The Elizabeth Porter PutnamChap ter, D. A. K., bulletin committee, have placed an attractive set of pictures of Japan u|>on the bulletin boards of the Free Reading Room. —A Teachers’ meeting w ill lie held in the High School, Canaan, on Octo ber 30, at 3 p. in. Addresses by Prof. Charles H. Judd.Vale Cniversity,N'ew Haven. —George Gunsula, tower operator in j the local yards, with the a-sis!anee of j other yard men, extinguished a lire at j the railroad company 's oil house, Sun- j day afternoon before it had caused any , great damage. —The ladies au xiliary A. O. H., of j Windham county, attended a ban juet at the Chlokering House, Sunday af ternoon,after tile annual business meet ing and election of officers he! I in A. O. H. hall. —About 400 feel of cable will lie placed in position by the telephone conipanvon Pomfret and Canal streets. The cable contains lifts pairs of wires, and when in use will reliev e the con gestion of business on the wires in that part of the city. At Canal street, the cable will lie div ided—Jo wires running ' up Pomfret street and Jo south. —There have been the names of il new voters added to the lists eligible to participate in the general election of Tuesday, November 4. The new voters were made nt recent meetings of the Selectmen—10 on Friday of last week and lb at the meeting of the previous week. — List of letters remaining In the Putnam Post office for the week end ing Oct. JO: Ladies—Mk. Adams. Mrs. Amy Co well, Mrs. Sarah Fay Edwards. Mrs. (.race Evans, Mrs. Eva Sawyer, Mrs. Edith Tasker, Mrs. F. B. Wollcy. Gentlemen—Chas. Conway, Geo. E. E. March, K. Flynn, Rupert R. Uau zell, W. G. Hurfbul, J. A. Ixing. —The 1-allies of the Auxiliary, A. O. 11., for Windham county, at their an nual meeting, held in Hiberniam Hall on Sunday afternoon, elected the fol lowing officers: President—Miss Klizabeth Shea, of Willimantic. Vice President—Miss Marietta Heed, of Putnam. - Itecorder—Miss Manelta Gordon, of Putnam. _ , , Treasurer—Miss Grace ottenheimer, of Willimantic. Delegates iwere in attendance from various places in Winham county. — We learn from the Chairman of the Republican Town ( ommittee, Mr. Archie MacDonald, why the Republi cans of this town have had no public rally meeting this campaign as in all former years. The answer was plain and simple: “We could get no speaker. Every Republican speaker of promi nence has been drafted to go to some of the doubtful States, where they are needed. As \\ indham county is as solidly Republican as the Rock of Gib | raltar, the able shakers were not need ed here, and every Republican will | gladly acquiesce in their deprivation. ' Mr. Macdonald felt somewhat moru | tied, after making strenuous effort* to ■ get a good >i«eaker and failing- H* ' wouldn't accept a “spellbinder to ad I dress such an inteliigent class of peo ple as would attend a Republican Ka. 1 v.and he and the other members of his committee decided to have no Republi can rally this year. The Chairman arid hi» fellow members deserve tbe than > of their party for the wise course they | adopted. — Mr-. Hannah Briggs. of Dudley, is the guest of Mrs. Kllen K. Johnson, of Grove street. — Mr-. Mary t' Killey of Lakewood, K. I., is visiting Mis.- A. K. t boltar, Grove ami l enter streets. — Members of Putnam Grange are to »isit Woodstock Grange at North \\ oodslock next Tuesday evening.] —Harold Sargent, of Norwich, has been \isitlng hi- parents, Rev. anil Mrs. K. 1). Sargent. —Stokes Watson, who ha- I teen a |iorter at different hotels in this city for many years, ha- given up his place at the Putnam Inn. —Mrs. R. M. Hoyle entertained this week her niece, Miss May Louie far penterof Denver, the daughter of the late L. t ass t'ar|>enter. — Putnam Grange is to lie visiieit by members of Wolf l>en Grange on the (evening of November lti. I Ue local | grange are to serve a supper, ami the visitors will provide an entertaining ' program. — Mrs. Mary K and let t, mother of t Mrs. J. R. SlubU rt of this city,died at lier home in North Ashford on. Sunday night, aged sj years, tier husband, ' the Rev. Asa Handled, died on Tues day of last week, the funeral being I held on Friday. —Manager \V. C. Klebart, of the itradley Theatre has made arrange ments to announce ithe election re turns every Id minutes, Tuesday even ing during the regular performance. Returns will be received from all parts of the country. On account of this s|>ecial feature there will be a conti nuous performance election idght, from 17 lo 11 o'clock Sky Kami has been Invoked to play at the Itradley Theatre, Thursday, November 12. — Frank St. Sauvler, aged 50, who came to I’ulnam recently from Daniel son, has been missing from his home for al>out a week, causing tils wife great distress, lie has been subject to |ve riods of insanity. A searching party found him at the Brooklyn jail, where he announced that he had tveen sent there for two years to await trinl at live Superior court. Fits condition was re cognized and he w as detained until his ease was set tier), as he lias no legal re sidence in Putnam, it i-- claimed that KilUngly should care for him. — We urge ev ery Republican elector to do all he ean to svvtll the vole for Stale's Attorney Charles F Scarls, can didate fm State Senator from this dis trict, and not assume he will easily | lie elected. But he should have the laigc-t possible vote to express public gratification that lie has consented to accept the nomination. Itis friends arc in hopes that llie State Senatorsliip will be but a step to lead to something higher in time. Itis (versonal claims should appeal to independents and Democrats for their support. Besides his fitness for important political office because of itis natural abilities, train ing and experience In public attairs, lie is a gentleman of dignity and rettne menl, affable to a degree that makes him esteemed ivy people of high and low degree alike. —A Putnam High School Debating Club was formed Monday, with the following members: Raymond Kenne day, Alvin Martin, Lloyd Cole, How ard Knight, and Lindley Cain. That is a good idea, as every boy—and girl, fortliat matter—should learn toexpress j himself in public speaking as readily ; and fluently as in private conversation, i I p to severity years ago, amt perhaps | later, in almost every New England , v illage the main winter evening enter- j tainmenls were spelling bees, singing j schools the latter now-a-days traves- j tied , and debating exercises among ; the scholars, often including some amusing personating of queer charac ters. The ladies had quilling bees. To gether these lilled uptheir need of pub lic entertainments. There weie no card parties in those days. If there were card-playing it was done on the sly, and if found out, the players were regarded as on the downward road. Interesting LoctJl The iWth anniversary end fall open ing of The Byron D. Bugbee Corpora tion which wax held on Friday and Saturday of last week proved a grand success in every respect, and showed u§ that the people of Putnam and vicinity recognize and appreciate our methods of conducting our business, ax well as the exceptional values offered in seasonable merchandise dol ing this sale. We wish to thank our patrons and friends for flowers sent us, and for the generous expression of good feeling extended during our anni ver sary. Very truly yours, The Byron l) Bugbee Corporation. A special sale of chrysanthemums at Jeweler Shaw 's, Saturday, the -1*1. Some slightly used pianos at low prices to ca*h buyers, if you want a good Instrument cheap it will pay you to call. Jeweler »haw. rsornelhing new : A good <|uality of mourning jewelry will tie shown next week at Shaw *. Black jewelry is the coming style. , Book: Fine assortment of blankets and robes at P. A. Gardner a, Front I ,lr*et. Inspect this line before you j buy elsewhere. Price* right. Post Offkc hews. The Post Ofllee Department has just ordered the establishment of Rural routes New. :> and 4 from the Putnam post office, to go into effect December 1st. riiis makes five new routes for Wind ham county to be established Decern ber !«t. and a total number of 14 for the county. A majority of the routes have Is-en established through the ef forts of Congressman Higgins, which shows at least that he has not been unmindful of the neees-rties of Wind ham county. Mr. Higgins'efforts will certainly he appreciated by the residents of the ru ral districts. l’ro|Hvsals will be received at the of fice of the Second assistant Postmas ter liencral, Post Office Department, Washington, D. until p. in., January 5, 1009 for carrying the mails of the I'nitcd -Hates from July 1, 1909, to June SO, 191S, U]*on the Star routes from North Woodstock to Putnam, Ponifret to Putnam, and Kaslford to Putnam. Forms of proposals and bids will be furnished upon application to the Post master at Puluaiu. Ctly Court—I,. R Pal'®r ting .ViMig*. Joseph Dio, aged ;tH, charged with a feloneotis attempt to break and enter the house of Randolph II. Hullard and with attempted assault on him and his wife, about midnight, Oct. L'dh, was bound over to the Superior Court Sat urday afternoon, after a hearing. He pleaded not guilty, but was held on probable cause, lie was arrested at Webster on Saturday morning and brought to this city. Mr. Dullard was the only witness called in give evidence. He told the story of the attack on Ids house on Kll lingly avenue, lie and Ids wife were first aw akened by stones being thrown against the door. Soon after the w in dows in their bedroom were knocked out with a whitfletree chain. On gel ling out of lied to investigate he looked out ill rough the broken sash and saw Dio plainly, as it was bright moon light, crouching heneulli the window . Later on Dio renewedllhe attack on the house, smashing In the windows in the dining room. One o£ Mr. Dullard's hired men was aroused and pursued Dio, but the latter escaped. Mr. Dullard's wife was pul on the stand, but could only eorroborale the testimony of her husband in regard lo stones being thrown on the door and the windows biing smashed in. Dio was unable to.-eeure a bondsman and was taken to Brooklyn jail, lie had been employed by Mr. Dullard but had left him. City Court—ItuftiM II. «!u«lg«*. Joseph St. Lawrence was la-fore the court Wednesday morning charged with an assault on Thomas Kgnn. lie plead guilty sml w as lined 97 and costs amounting to fs.09. St. Law rcucc and a friend were going dow n Kim street alioul four o'clock Tuesday afternoon when they met a man who was a stranger to them. The man put Ills hand on St. Lawrence's shoulder and slopped him. He was told do take a walk. He went a few steps and re lumed with a handful of money, and r ailing St. Lawrence vile names said he could buy and sell him. St. Law rence thereu|s>n struck him a blow thal knocked him [down. Failing In cut a gusli on the bacs of his hearl ami was stunned, lie wa- taken l i a near by doctor’s ollice and his wound dressed. It was some lime before he regained consciousness, lie promised lo ap|a-ar in court, but failed lo do so. David Putahchka was iiefore the court charged with (reddling in the city without a license. He asked for an adjournment to November nth, w hich was granted ujron his giving a bond of $76. Frank King, 10 years oldpof Lyon street, a little boy who failed to be good after an opportunity had been given him lo reform, was committed to the State Industrial School for Hoys, at Meriden on Monday. Master King stole money at home and did other bad things, although he had a goad record at school, which fact saved him from being sent to Meriden (Jet. 16, when he waa before the court Ion setting (Ires and taking money. —Fine harvest dinner and supper will be nerved on Tuesday, Nov. 3, elec tion day, by the Ladies' Aid, of the Baptist church, In the Assembly room. The menu oomprises cold meats, warm vegetables, baked beans, white and brown bread, apple, mince and pump kin pie, coffee and tea. fake and ap ple sauce will be served at *up|ier. (tin ner at 12 o'clock: supper from fi-kJ to lu»>. Price 2o cents. Everybody in vited. —There is to tie a meeting of Quine baug Pomona Grange with Guinnall* set Grange, oi Thompson, in llie Town Hail, on Thompson Hill, at 11 a. rn., on Haturday, Oct. 31. This is a special meeting for conferring the 5th degree, and the last opportunity before the Plate meeting for those who wish to receive it. There will be a line program to include a number of addresses by Professors Beach, rtlonebum, Clinton, of the Connecticut Agricultural Col lege, and other prominent speakers. The Tatum H<>\ Corporation We hate 011 seieral occasion* spoken of i lie growing tnduatrtcs of Putnam, of w) Ich there are a gotxl nun; tier which have been started from lime to time Thomas* P. Botham, Bu-sith• nt «iilitn I he i •>! >i u>. tout m at y •very one l a- ►tone on Inert t-u u it* l>Ustltt'S». About \lot'll year- ..wo otto of this' (. or.’.o H.'imniotvl, Treasurer Inner »a< -.1 ailed on a v small sente and was n >1 regarded as adding to the Industries of the city. 1\mi now, we arc Inclined to la-luve, tin 'e are - on c ixjojile In the cit.v who are not aware yet that there ts auch an Industry as a I’aper Box niamdaetory doing; a flour ishing business. We therefore ti*ve In-ii collecting data to give a sliorl tils tory of Its work and the enter|irl‘lmt men w ho started it, most of w hom me still connected will it- To Mr. •>. A. Hammond we are Indebted for the statement of those most Instrumental in starling the <'orjHirallon and those Charles K. Shaw, Secretary who arc now etliriently conducting the buaineaa. Several years before It was formed, Mr.T. I*. Holham had advocated the or ganization of a company for the man ufaclurejof paper noxea. Finally, in lain:, auoh a company was formed. Mr. A. Kingsbury, the veteran box inaiiulacturer, auhaertbed for the larg est numiierof shares: (» A. Hammond —of the Hammond, Know I ton A Co.— subnet i lie* I for the second largest num tj«r, and the Itolhani company third. The rein under of tire stock »»«. taken in I wo share lots by representative men of the kown. Tire capital stock was fur ^*i.l>J>. The directors lirsl tlrCUni -r it. A. Kings jury, T i*., VV. S. Johnson, K. T. Whitmore, l> II HI a A Maui'honri H. H- Hurnham. * Mr. Itotham was chosen President, and has served in that capacity from that date H. H Iturnham w as elect ed Treasurer, acting la that capacity1 for several jears. Postmaster P. P. Wilson, wa* made Sreretary. Mr. Wilson's long eareer as pnatrnaa lor made his sorx l.a-s x «l .table as nn or ganizer. Me serxed until IkV, when Mr. II. 11 iltmltini uieceeikHl hint, In 1:**' Mr |{< ort I Met'hrislte, of ItxH'kx ilii', was. ected Manager, Secre t*rj and Treasurer, acting for (wo year*. In tiMJ 1». M Millings xx ns chosen Treasurer mui William I*. nrren Sis erelnry—Ihe tnUerllll IHW5. l*nt<11> Henoii la-gan working for the company s.hxu aflei it rnmmrnNd oja' rations. In liHi. \(r. IVuoit was eh.xsen Vlw I'rv blent ami Manager, which 'positloi s he still holds. In September, tikV the Treasurer, l>. II Hillings, die t when U. A. Ham mond succeeded him, and still holds that office. ()»ln( to the Increase of the shoe business of Mr. \V. S. Johnson, and consequent increased work thrown on llix' shoulders of Ids paymaster, Mr. Wilhunt t*.\\ nrren, the latter felt com p-llo.l to rest an the secretary ship, when Mr, t’harlcs Kn >xxlton Shaw w ns elec tc t to till the |Kw|t(on. It m. x la'of Interest to know that the It .s t or (Kindlon's orders for their Lh)X< i Itnxe come, to a laige extent, from 1«• 11 nan a.turers, namely: Hum .i.»t, lx .i*>xx 1. ti ,V t o., \\ S. John o.i unit . I'lu John I'tnlx t'o., I i !,a S \ Co., .1 II. Talent .* son, li ,-nohi - I atlicr t*o , Case M i < I'aetory, I nlon Novelty Work?, i'iie I’rttnu-M i 'iHifecilont'ry Co.» The I’nyiu* < 'nmiy <' •»., toilet her with *111*11 t*f roneem*, ami nuppiemenled by out tnftclc* firm*, MfcurtHl by the wtlvi* *oUel* tut ion < f IN Manager, Mr. Ilenoll—n very ymititr mini to hoUI Midi mi Im* port ant p. »*^t 11«»i». Mr. Itenolt entered tIm* Cor|H>rallim s% ben I I year* of age, fifteen year* *g<» At the time lie begun a* an uppren t there were only m few employe* ■*ow the average in in’o r I* in, and In ; tie hu*v * nwon a* many Hi Uh hand** ave been employed, mainly rfHldenU of the < tty. Philip L. Benoit. Manager A* many a* m ton* of card board have been uaed u|> In a year for the making of thebixao, mainly required for ni*nufacturin< eala'illihmsnU lo cated willin’, a radio* of fifty mile* of the factory, which la located on Truea <le!i it reel and rum weil into Chapel *1 reel. A* many a* ;SU0 did*rent kind* and *ize* of Ir.ixew are made. A daaa of rxixei of high grade1* ai-o made from m.jui.i J ftoni f ierrnuuy expre»» ly for that purjii-v. Mr. Hhaw, lie rv-cretary and pay ■nailer, a « the boukk«e|*r and pay i)liter for Hammond. Knowllon A Co., rank* anion* the bright, reliable young men of I'tilnarn. Mr. li.dhmn, the Pwldnit, deaervaa gr, »: credit for the Intercut be ha» al way* liken in Ihe morn of tl>e I to* f oinparty, and lor Hu- mpport hWnanit hit* given lid company. — Itet. H. F. I ter toil will preach In the K^ptlat church Ihla etty, nexlrtun day alleinoon al -it-to o’clock. —Tile W. C. T. C. meeting la poat puned until Friday, Nov. », To the Republican K lector*. Next Tuesday you w III be calk’d up on to oast y> nr vote tor the men whom you have nominated in your caueusee —men who, tf elected, will nil with honor ami Integrity the high office* of trust to which you have nominated them. Joseph McKaehtnle, nominee for flrsk Representative to the General Assent* hlv. In aeeepting his nomination, said: “let‘a roll up tftte elf lhone gvxxt old fashioned Republican majorities, such as tht* tow n 1* capable of," and that is what your town committee are work ing for. Kvety voter will greatly aa sist the ooinmlttee Ivy easting hit vote KAltl.V. This will enable the oom mltlee to clean up the voting list. Klee tors ahould hew arc of ualng bal lots sent through the mails, aa they may or may not tv correct. The polls open at i) a. in. and eloae at h tti., In A O. II. hall, Kent's block. Ihnufrvt street A Ill'll I ItA 1.1* M v<, i balrman Itcpublican Town font. Republican Lr{ixlafiic Candidate*. Mr. McKnclude, in 111* acceptance of Id- nomination a- ilisl Representa tive at tin- Republican caucus, wa* railed upon tos|ieak. lie gave Id*past record, showing that lie hail i>een a Re. publican-once the orK«nliitl«n of tha party, ami had loyally sustained tt* principles lor the sole reason Hint they would exalt lit* country with greatness in every way and there »lop|ied. lie should have added, but he lliuuttht lb out of place : that when his country and Its magnificent future wan tmper Hied, he joined the Roys In llltie, went to the front, fought the tiloody strug gle through, ottering hi* life in defence of the principles he had learned im a Republican. Now lie la an "Old Vet eran," although a comparative young man, for he was a boy-aoldter, as years are counted a lien he went to the front. He has never had nor asked for publio office, and now he has been put forward by friends to serve Ills town in thetle neral Assembly, and Ids eleeltuu will l« regarded l»y him as an honor con ferred twenuse his record, as he said, la an open Issik to Ills fellow eltlM-tia, a» they know that Id* promise made, that If lie Is sent hi Hartford, he w ill repre sent them to the l«*l of Ids ability, will he ns loyally fulltiled as the greater ser vice lie rendered Ills country in war. The second candidate fur liepicserit tdivc, John A. Rady, hn-. also a record that Is ns an open IsKik to nil our cili /cns. One of the latter, Mi - lieorge A. IIniiimond, who has known Mr Rudy from n the llusluess Men's Man j iptet, given last April, In s|ivaklng of the llanuuotid, Kiiowlton a <‘o. estab lishing the first silk mill in I'utnain, thus Incidentally presents Mr. Rady 's life record to Ihe present day lietler than anything we are able to say of hint which will carry conviction to every one as being true to the records **| brought a dozen old hands with me, mid ninong them John A Radv—• Isibbin-lsiy loss I linn live years before —as my right-hand man. He had been earning a dollar and a ipinrler a day. I asked him If he wanted to work for me for Ids board If 1 would teach him slashing and llnlslilug. He replied,‘I think I would lie willing hi pay my own taiaril.' We llnlshcd silk In Wlllluinntic till we moved to I’utnnui In June, R*7H. The three characlerlsllca of John Rady that appealed to me were, his willing ness to work till a task was llnlahed, Ids absolute loyally and truthfulness. You know, friends, as a rule we with hold complin eols niter due date, and In most ruses they go by default. I Just wish to any of John Rudy, that while be was in my employ for twenty year* I never saw him cross, as we use tint term—never heard him utter a profane word. Mr. Rudy comes under the class of self-made men. Remember him as the boy who came here In June, IH7H—Just thirty years ago. Think of him now m one of the pillars of the Ihipllsl church —In fact, who does more for that chu rch? The silk he manufacturea goes Into hottest competition with ours. That'* business—we must fight or quit. Hayf friends, why don’t we send John Rady to Hartford neat winter. Me will nev er ask you to send him. Metier send him anyhow.” Mr. Hammond's suggestion, made last spring, has been carried Into elfkefc so far as nominating Mr. bady, Itle for Hie electors to do the rest to “send bln to Hartford. Cuagregatfunal Church Matte The entertainment Riven in the etiey el Wednesday evening under the ana pieea of the Ladica' Mortal ( Irele waa • it11rrran both In attendanae and the meritorious character of the perform* anee. “The Hnow Cap Mtotere" proved to be amusing and entertaining, every one sustaining her part finely. Haifa orchestra save an excellent concert ah the owning of tbejmlertalnment. Tlte receipt* from the recent choir concert ,were t66M, netting W**, the exact amount of the debt axuumed by the choir for vestment*. There was a short calendar session and assignment of cases In the superior court at Willicuantic Friday. luesday court came in for a hearing of the caaaa assigned, but aa adjournment* wei* asked or xelUetnenl* made, there waa but a short session, court being ad* jour tied to Friday morning. —Mr*. Hannah*Hrigg», rt Dudley Hill wae the guest of Mr*. £lHrt Jefert* •on on Friday. Superior Court.