4-H- I
V. mother. if tomorrow
ain't Ttwr)fc*g1*lfi'f** mM
Jacob I Sc u nett, broarblog
Ui- subject «* If It li j»»1
! to ItltM. though one might
twve kft‘»v.«: by tt»e troubled expression
of hi* t. > l > f;i« a that jt t, d bwo for
noior time under silent c'Oflfci'l^rfltlon
lie wus put;trig the finishing touches
of ... with *i v li4'fj»toii«‘ to Nil NX
that he h* •1 oti his K •*«*
Looking «t Jacob with Indifferent In
terest tvna n lioy of fourteen years,
who ant curved to h wtful attitude
with hi* feet on the round of the low.
icpiint t»ot toured ehnlr, hi* elbow* on
it in knees, Id* « bin In hln band, thank
fui that the i;tl*»r of turning the grind
fftonc uai Mfcoinplhihtoi
At one of tin- two whitlows wblcb
lighted tin* I'mmu, stooping n liftt«*. with
tin* b-tinlM tin it* ledge, hPhnI the inl*l
woman v\ h«»i<i .Im ob n»hlr**m‘<l.
"Why. no »J* Thauksgiv In'. father;’’
tdic exclaimed. h»*i ion** til-sembdng
surpr p nioiv art fui thuu h**r r:t-•*•
wld; h she did n *t >**i venture to turn
to him for sin* know tb.it there were
I ears on in*. cheek*
Him e she ami Jacob were married
nil tln*li TU tk-^hlu - li- *! be«*u speut
in the holie-lj * oinfort of the "old
place. ilH they BIN. a.. * «?alltd thi ll
l ife ho 4* m, the hunun .1 ;.rr, f : u
AI mo ;» i . =.r . t ,<•> v>, n- lot - e l
to give
4,1 the
lltioth.-r li'Hi’rt debt
li ft Vi-hl . * "I, H e
Willi M v 'e * »»M i
«li» u tr li * *r and n -on »<
i\> I J.i oh wiim
i r i* i t ot<l age, I
f. an invalid
r< el • oltl rliifllgh
to ♦ i n » l|\ lug * t <11*1 not
4 *.!>-« *ie hill ? * reUK" li.T r. itl..’s i*
Nftratl. e ui the f»pe- ul/itor set forth
%\ i! Ij uuuIk fed ftilth In «ju«*wt of fresh
•W# •« er >*m fear, Jacob, ol‘ man I II
fix things uil right yet," Iteiitly Imd
.la-oh bon* his * h inged fortune pa
th'iitly and wet him-elf to earn what
lie could by day labor for the support
of his family lie was faithfully aid
cd by Ills wife and their Invalid
daughter, who vvna < tinning with her
iksm114* M**ie than by aught else he
wax rheered by tile brave spirit with
whh h bis wife bore ttr misfortune,
never offering him tin* cold consola
tlon of I tofd von no "
She <•**•. i t ilv w ljM*d lu r • !n»i-ks with
the rornei f her <ipr«»n ami turned
fr«*t»i t In* w ledow
•*> s. It * : !ii- lv Is. an* I titlin'! got
instiling ready fur’t only some pump
k III pies "
"W nil.” smM Ja.ifb, "pumpkin plea
In )»• .1 lb thing t i I ’ ' in’ ’*
**( >f eit'ir-'* tin*, be. but Ihev kinder
want somethin’ to h«dp ’em out. s«**»in’*
though An* w»* I rdti’t g*»f a thing per
vlded. 4*rdv pork I'll' pnf li*M*s “
*’ \ti* off n I M'h’i » nggr-fi’d
"Wliy.” sa'd tin* tliHiijVrr, lifting her j
fi u her wewlng. ,'wlt,i p*uk fitei as j
tm.JluT It tit’ s* It pot ' .»• u
we’ve got. u»r onion- at,* pumpkin pi**-.
1 tl'Hi t l.fio ■ whiif !t i• 11> i»'"!> nee,!
nd\ for |*ui lire v » * ail be tliutiUfid
w If h It an* for It ”
"\<'U'ie liivuiv'i thankful." M'bi he»
motlier. “Thankful hy mum* an iluuik
fu) l»y natu •* We named .von well."
••\\ll> i'll h t w »• ha cm tut We > * a
we i»*u-d to’" askisl tile boy without
hanging his position or diverting hl>
gHire from hlM father’s is'cnpathm
• l urKi vs , . nioin ssaid his fn
ther, "wlien you don’t mine 'em.”
"Ah’ that we imlu't done" said tin*
mother. ' Iier vet -i (lihkell. which I'm |
glad we ha tut. for they'd s« rateh up
the lltlll g n dell. It bein' so elo»«o I• * the
b<*US«* V gal*,lei» H W llth more II 4 IlieW |
1*118 to eat. Still. I vvisht we had one j
for Tlv.inksgivhr Hut well try t*» U*
tb ittkfiil for what w» e g d. as Tturnk
ful sa v - '*
“An' that s • >;-td*ahle ••**m|»-trcil to
what s<»ui4* got." .1 iwoh Haiti "We'Ve
got a go.-d rutf **s er our head*, an* me
an* hub’s earnin' m uey ’non.Ji t>* pay
the rent on't for siv motdhs t»» c«une
We < hop mi' put up »*nr t \v<* i - rd a day
I 14*11 y*»u. bull's geitUi’ to be a luaster
hand with his :»\ Vn' now ‘at fn*'s
got a chance to tlo cli**r»*s f-*i his
|h*hM mu' g** t** h» h'Hil lie n flxed com
plefe f«*r whiter"
Ah' S.pilia* Hnsimni says I c’n cotiu*
liotue ev4-ry Sundayrflwl hub
"An" I'm glad to get such lots of
lewtu*," salil Thankful "l chvi earr
a dtilhir every w»*ek "
"Aif wa re all tol’able well.** Hut,
looking over at his daughti*r. the fa
ther siippliutienttsl Ids remark with.
-That Is. we haln t no w us M
"An* beat »»f all Is we’ve got one
*»4>thef.** sab! his wife
"That** s<*. Mahaly." he said fer
rentlv. •‘Waal, my little fall chb*ken,"
fiddres? tug the tsiy as lie nn*se and
laid ttie whetstone ou the crowded
mantel pi i*c4 "If umthers got our din
ner put uj* we'll Is* off"
The tin d!uner pall was ready at
hatul. and. shouldering their axes, the
father a ml sou trudge,! iter,*** the
d<*lda, making n urw brown path
through the aptinkled whiteness
**l'i« afraid father misses his old
fashioned Thanksgivln* dinner turrf
Ny,** Mahaiali liei.i elt s!gl,evl. "and I
did us»- to euj’y (i\in* this,; an' hnvltt
our friends v*otue II* >. bo hum! It
irrttii •oinetinn*« ns if o\ir friends hail
gone w Ith th> turkey a.**
"Oh. no. leather They give ??s work
•o' that's the b *st thing they *x>u! I do
tor u* Hut if they aU forsiwk u« we v,
Ifot one *n *iher. as you ju*«t aakl.M
'So we i ve. dear heart, «u’ whilst
w* have we « t l*e thankful enough
I'm thank'.d thert*’s some folks nensl
Mttftvmgh to 'prtH 1 ite gvKKt ol‘ fashion
tnl yam mltteua," *h« remark.ed as she
loopcti biuo yarn ou a needle with bet
finger. "Mi"er. down to the Holler,
nays ha c u soil all I c u knit for a
mouth, nu’ tbn« pair a week ain’t in
g;reat stint.**
The braving air. tempered hr un
Clouded sunlight, aiirrwd ike Uood v1-'
By Frank H.8webt
corrwmr, i^ca.tv rs«wr H r+rrtT
CLy—-^ V? *ge
v .. . \ r ;/ ' ^
See. it's holler!"
the man and Isr- alike with healthful
i;» it y, - i! fiM.dged mv'isH Iht* field*
hi.| t-i)r<■ [toi if,M wools Kiery hrowu.
.>mi i»■ 11I twig ••■■pry tiny. close
■iI had II, coping and rap
jf I . ■ l i- in Kim . ,’iil nr blue In
r- and tl rank* of corded worn)
witi. roofed with It
I . M,B m already mark
. | web t',i» l . I- of arnniiirrlUK squir
rel*. tin* i.rri'1 pud* of hares. the
* i: - - * I | if nf tin. |. i11 r Id go's ilr v I
. .. . . tin- dainty seam nf wood
mouse path*
I'.iid* gm e audible proof that the}
were ‘ ill and hint now. A party of
Java MTfHinrd In tflscurdunt million,
ehleknilee* and nnlh lb lira 'iilli-d and
piped. a woodpecker hammered Indus
trlotmly for III* hard earned breakfast,
a partridge went Imoinlug away like a
Kray rocket w ith a trull nf mow cloud
pinking softly and silently tielilnd III*
noisy course, and a red a<|Ulrrel Jeered
at the two Intruder*
The boy'* ear* and eye* were alert
fnr all Hound* and sight* Itefore he
delivered the Urol ti \ stroke upon the
hull of n great ham wood hi* attention
wan attruclcd h.v a Htrange track that
ended nt It* foot
• i di, father.' In- cried, “what kind
nf a track'* lid* It look* Just like a
III tic liny ‘rt hnre font
■Why. Ikey If* a coon, an' he'*
laid lip for the winter In tills here
tree See If* holler An' there’s the
hole uI> Here III lie went In Now
we'll Je«l have III* |>elt milled up on
the ..I r ml ll"> r I dllMlUlll't Well
der If It wa- pretty nil'll prime, for liV
had three I * i" . * i **1 In They k.ij
fin's i, ad i . i v i> month Hint's pot
all 'r' In It. 111 ■ i It illl't not lit Sep
I lemher |mr - a ••!> Ill October an' It
i I, eirs to t it fa d’d In April, nouie
I l< to 1' ‘ It" IV H'a 111 ' ■ I 1 »e ‘111
I her. Mi' it* Wr II Jest go f- r the fel
let. serin at we're K'dld 1“ git tloWI
half a cord o', wood ul the same li k
j l.nnk nut sharp at tit* In h* w lieu the
i I r "f I t ■! * a d fi I III" " lett hr I'
cut aid rim. \\ • I tall It right lii heri
w here IPs all • lear "
So •inyii'.g. he dmve hi* a* to the
eye I t the 'ft wood while Isimr Willi
right good will dellvert*! hi* h‘s* ef
fect M e slrnkcA on the other side
When .lacnh h ut driven Id* kerf a 111
lie hew.nil the decayed center and
pawd the .round about him with
blond chip* almost a* white a* the
scow he In aid a restful sigh Mini
Weld limned lii the other side,
"Sow. Hoy, you Jud stan off out
there mi’ keep your eyu on tin* hole
the ..tile tin* tree lull*. Hid If he
t ;t rs to . ane out ‘f tv 1 git there
W Inn k tiini on the head
Jueoh spit upon his hand* and re
sullied Ins rh.'pplng, etplrutlug with
each I dew a isping “huh’’ ilmt seemed
to dt*uI I■ It* h e at 1 Is i t.a- U his
post with fie* .i w*l on the Inink when*
the ilrst hr I In-s sire!- lied nbro'd
Now the grout tree shivered it every
Stroke tilt'll tottered oil Its sapped
foundation* an I went down with tin
k adt rated sweep and a final crashing
In sun.
In the uticctsHlIng mouient of sllemv
tin* riwcooh so suddenly u wakened
from the comfortable winter'* nap Into
which he had Just fallen, protruded hi*
black and gray head from the hoi#
and. barely dodging the blow (hat
Isaac Mimed at him. entue *> rambling
out with inora speed ttinu hi* short
leg* would *e«ui to warraub A surer
blow from the more delllierate hnud of
Jacob prevented hi* mcapw.
Wllh * about of triumph at (he tin
expected sight. Isaac lifted the lltup
form by the hind leg and heaved It
gcrvuia the fallen truok
'Sake* alive, father, he's oa heavy
aa a pig You Just heft him.''
“Well, he Is a g*s*l one fifteen
pounds t*r upnervl." aald Jsisih after
careful atul deliberate hand weighing
“An Just feel o' the fur as thick as
wool! t reckon his |h*Ii 'll fetch half a
dollar, an' you shall have It all Now
let’s skin him 'fore he gets cold “
It looks gissl e:...:;gti to cat." said
the boy when the sk lulled *'arcass was
1st I along the trunk ' Ain't coon* good
to eat V
"Some folks does cat 'em an' a'Vws
they're as g t as roast pig"
Si f'p'er why can't we have It
for Thanksgtvin' ”
"Slut hu’> yo :r mother wouldn't
touch it She s' >ens agin s' wi'.l
. it ever s n e your I nch* Isaac I'low
ed off his fingers bustin' a gun a slrnot
In a pa'trtdgo I '>ii t h' k'ie she'd
cook |i toss* tio'tiln' i*f ratin' of It."
It o'-'ks Just .is g ssl as a pig. aa' I
don't sv why It ain't." persisted Isaac,
with wistful eves upon the .game
Then. Inspired hy a naughty thought
he said ' s.*y. father, why can't we
tell mother It I* a pig?"
"Sho, huh; that *oukl ha lyin'.” said
h> father In n id reproof as he cut off
the fwi and long, bony tail. •'But” he
I .t , i 4 "i riily on flu*
I i’ n't I • ax '.i <■ rr- o' ; pod to
..it n I'. exact I: what I' I* We'll j
prv J* * t T • No" tvp'fl go
,-*, , to ft-e 1 * an «:■ ll n;ir hind*
an" then o*»1i <r> to
Ax |* oi. tl > . fl lu *>it* clear cold
v *’t*r hit* v a ■ ’ -riv/ tr :nt*ox t-; nghl
ttit* g’exm of h iitief far up I * * ItrotA.
ami lit- presently returned fros t a tour
.f In V ext ijrr* i Ion with aever as cl ns tent
of bright retl l»*rrl»*x
‘■f'rimh'rleti!*' he eirlalmed. “Anti
then*'< anagx of ’em"'
■•floralm!(1 hlx father "They make '
Just ax pood itstx a< low huxb cram 1
1,'rlex only needier We ll earry borne
ao'ne on 'em. an’ they'll go prime with
our roaxt pig or four legged turkey or
whatever It la. An' now lea get to
etioppln'. for we've got to put up otir
two cord afore night."
Till* they at couipltxhed autl at night
fall I tore iiontewiir 1 their forest trophy. |
"There, mother, see What we fetched
“An ro-j *e«f rigdrt on »n’ cooked ll j
•o' e»t of t; J«*t to [Jean* me a '-he |
children? XVaai I nay for It. Mabel/ j
UfuiMH. you i>e a p»<5 woman:
w1^ fK.tired ucl a O" ortd ' tip of tea.
cleared Her throat aid began with .
be»irettcc fff rda
"I kind of forrot —an'—kind of bated j
to fell yon what Ml* Barker *akt ye*- |
lerd i /. Jo oli
Me looked at her iDtjutolnglJ with a •
e of p r. pkin pie within an liK-b of
bla open mouth.
"SM Barber'* eon*in 'at ha* been
oof west the. see Abram Bentiy. an
the 1 rod he booth' there tell year*
ajfi. fur cue^t u‘ " ha ; rb w> on ac
count of a big b pro win up long
aloe of It ’at it'* c a ie him rl- b.
“You don’t say: Jacob laid down
UU Kitlle ’’ i*’e I ::i glad out for
fala **r e j.n’ fori He ii ' ome ba -k
an piy op every ■ ent he "Wf« If be <
able “
••That'* what ahe ray* be say* he'll
do. but I aliaII lie: -ve It when I ace It.”
and *be shook t» r bead. “It * bard
payin' for a dead :i r“e "
He'll do It XI; : y." aatil Ja.oh.
loyal to bl* abac friend "He rsir
mini* will If he'« able Oh. Mahal"
ll moat fahe* my breath away to
think of llrln at the of place attain.
I can finish my dinner with a thank
fnler heart ju*t for the hope of It ”
He ivu not dl* ippohifed. and 'heir
no*t Thanksgiving was tn their old
"I want to come home,” wrote the
Blllvllle youth from T' laa. “I've done
tjult play In' the d- ■! ”
The old lady rep i. I. “Kf tlmt'a the
case come on. min k, nil’ tell yer dml
dy how to *|*i11. nr he's still a-playln
of ll nn' rnl“ln‘ of the p ee whar the
devil live* lit” Atlanta < onsfltutlon.
y III" cried .1 i I'll, Holding up Ills pme
before his wife
•• \Vln-vt- In llii' livin' earth did you
pet Hint pig. Jacob? It Is n [iitr. ain't
It she nskctl. scanning It with ad
miring eyes and poking Its fat ribs
with a rnutlous forefinger
"It was give to me. un' you ain't to
nsk no questions," lie answered.
"How come they to skin It? I don't
know in; I ever see a pig skinned an'
tile feet cut off. bill It does look real
Hit'S* "
"You mustn't look a gift horse In
the moil 111. Muhnly. Melds' they want
ed tlie skin and uiet)bw tliuta their way
o dressin em Just look at the tram
lilies bubs tel. Ill'll lie found ’eul
in the woods, aii ulu't they nice ones?'
While the attention of the mother
not daughter was diverted to the
birch bark basket of berries, be. with
me ipialtus of eons. teu»e, L«‘re bis
pii'.e 10 Un* cellar.
\s Un nevt forenoon advanced the
little kin bell was tilled w ith a savory
odor of baking meat and Isdllug on
bias that, whenever the door was open
ed. es< aped abroad lu appetlr.lng wliifTs
that made Isaacs mouth water.
i'tie olil clock never Is*fori' ticked off
the seconds as delilx'inti'ly and Its
hands never lagged aloug ttieir circular
path s i slowly as on this day Hat at
last ths hour hand arrived at the fig
ure 'J. the rnluute baud again reached
1J. the long, purring note of prepara
tlon Bounded. As the second hour waa
■truck the little family gathered around
the bountiful board and waited with
bowed heads while the father devout
ly thanked the Diver of all blessings.
"Now. mother, what part of the -ah
—critter will yon try?" Jacob aaked aa
hr skillfully carved the Inviting roast
"A leetie of the brownest. pleaae, Ja
cob. au' not but a mite I've been
over It so much I don’t wen to hanker
after It ”
No one hut Jacob noticed that the
tasted It cautiously and experimental
ly. Ilia fear* were soon relieved by
seeing that her appetite grew with
what It fe«i u|>on and were quite dts
polled w hen she permitted him to help
her agslu
When the dessert of pumpkin r1,
was In'liig m‘ne.1 Jacob beamed a com
l>: icent smile upon his family and sniu
"Now 'at we've eat our Thanksglv
In' meat I ni g du' to make hold to ask
you one an all tf It w a'o't g-oil'"
itti one vou-e they acsen. ,1
"An now. uot to t>e des iltftil I'm
ag 'in' to tell you w hat veu ve b ci !
can ef'
' N > tt needn’t tell me, Jacob." s.n i :
his wife, shaking with la .is or
"Ii » on alrth did you km w Ma
baly ?"
"Vi by, 1 s'upsed at first you was .
a fm In', at when I see a great loug j
hic k and white hair Into the meai
1 knew It wa'n't no ptg that It ever
grow id on, an when I come to find the
rtug tailed sklti under a barrel lu the
wood abed It w aa all plain.-'
orr.peii ?nd Herculaneum.
I'mui'c i \' :t> I urled ill 'In'- nml wns
ivi -iIv ill- ili "it. while Herculaneum
received llir full force i'f :m' crimson
In vii. w li li hardened m|>i«llv to tin*
consistency ui' marble nml must !*■
i|ii.‘irt’iisI In order to reach tin* cit* In
non 111 lieing to til's ilit'li ultv only n
SUIllll Ulllllllllt of eVIlVHtitlg tins been
iloiu* In Herculaneum ns compared
with that will h lias taken pi nee nt
1‘omtH'il In tdditiiei, another town
R|iranit up oil the lava alsive Hercu
laneum. whleh would have been en
dangered hv the uiidertuinlug neces
Far) h exploration with pick and
■hotel. New York American,
About Due.
A eonnlwoman residing near the
town of SI!;; thinking her hnsli.-ind
was rather late In coming home on
Saturday w h his pay. went to the
police otliee to ini|iilre If he wns there
"Is Cat here" she asked
“No." replied tlie eonstahle. "blit sit
dow n \\ e re expecting him every min
me." lamdoti Opinion.
Hire an Expert.
If you want a thing well done, don't
Jo It yourself Iti spite of what the
proverb says If you really want It
well done hire an ei|wrt If you try
to do It yourself you are pretty aure
to bvteh It.—Somerville Journal.
Exquisite Harmeny.
riper The rarra |ieat music 1 never
heard whatever wan rtoun at Jamie
Maelaucblan’a. There waaa fufteen o'
us pl|*er» In the wee back parlor, all
playin’ different chimes. 1 thocbt 1
was floatin' hi hevvea—Punch.
To Benefit the Peer.
A lot of minstrels went to an Eng
lish country towu and advertised to
give a performative for "the benefit of
the tickers reduced to six
l>e!tce." The hall was crammed full.
The next morning a committee for the
poor called U|g*n the treasurer of the
concern for the amount the said bene
tit had netted The treasurer express
ed great st.'idshment at the demand
1 thought,'' s.iui the chatruiau of the
committee "you advertised this con
cert f. r the benefit of the piior?” The
treasurer replied "PWut we put the
Hike's down to sixpence so that the
poor con'd all come'"
Maintained Hu Point.
Ulster Nl i ; Sheriuan while arjr.i: -•
■t ceielrattsl case slid that his oppo
nent con’d uo more prove his point
than lie could cut a batr lengthwise
While he " is still ts king the oppo
sent, who ha - poped to have a very
sharp ki’PV pi lied a h ir from his
heard uid split it As he hold it up the
court ItCiMti ! I- L-j and Mr Sher
man qntckty c led out, "l «si*d a hair,
sir: not a biotic."
It s as bad to give a compliment with
a "but " an n In cut as It ts to give a
present and erurnhle about the cost of
it.- Atchison i.iotn*
mn *
Glowing Heat
From Every Ounce of FueL
When the mercury drops out of sight and
you just can’t keep the house warm, you’ll
lind it wonderfully convenient to use a
Oil Heater
(Equipped wit* Smokeles* Device!
It's very light—carry it about—heat any cold
room. Turn the w,ck high or low—no
danger—no smoke—no smell. Easily cared
lor and gives nine hours ol
cory comlort at one Idling ol
brass font. Finished in
nickel and japan. Every
heater warranted.
R&yb Lamp
with ill flood ol Heady,
hniiunt kgh ( is ides! toe
the long winter evenings
—rend »r sew by H—mi hre your eye* Ulest unproved centrsl
droll burner Mode ot brssn. mtkel pUvd Every Urnp
H your dealer cannot supply «He Rayo Lamp or Pcrlerfton Oil
Healer, write our nearest agency ior a Oescnptnre arruiar
The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been
in use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of
/> — amt has been made under his per
/T' y sonal supervision since its infancy.
J-&ccJuM Allow no one t< deceive you in this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and « Jnsr-as-good” are but
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of
Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment.
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neithci Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
aad Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children’s Panacea—The Mother’s Friend.
In Use For Over 30 Years.
Putnam Mail Service
From 0.30 a. m to S p. m.
Sunil;*\ ■«,from 8 30 to 9.30 a. in. The lobby will
remain open to Lock Box holders until 12 m.
Holnlax- from 8.30 a.m. to 12 rr..,5.30 to 7 p.n.
Carrier’s window openSundaya Iroiu 8.30 to 9.30
Open fiorn 8 a. hi. to 8 p. m.t closed on Sun
days and Legal Holidays.
Registry Division opeu during office hours
Hy City Carriers Daily, (Sundays anc
Holidays excepted) at a. ns. and*4.10 p
in.; and 11.0ft a. ui. in the liusmess Section
One delivers by City Carrier- ou Holidays.
From the Street Letter lloxo', i Sundays anc
Holiday-except* d, and Despatch* ’*.)
KtsintNim sun ion
( ollections. Or-patches
8*15 to <’> Id a. m., mail desj -airbed 7.Id a. m.
N.30 to 11 30 a. m.. “ •• •* 12.1ft ••
4.30 to 0.30 p. rn., •* “ “ 7.45 p.tn
'■'.15 a. m., mail despatched at 7 10 a.
10.00 a. tn , 44 •* “ 10.10
11 lft a. in., “ •' «• 12.1ft 1
3..30 a. m., •* •• “ 3.3ft p.
ft.00 p. ui., 44 44 »• 7.4j •
Routes No. 1 and 2.
Rural arrier* leave daily, (Sundays and Holi
days excepted* at3.10 a. ui , return at 3.10 p. m
Mailable matter, weighing 4 pounds or leae
sent by Rural Carriers must be prepared by
atauipa affixed.
Boston, New York, Hartford and all point
north, east, aouth and weat at 8.15 a. m.
Boston, 8.1ft, 10.4ft a. m.. 3.4ft, 6 Oft p. m.
I%niel*oo. 8. 11 a. m., 3.4ft p. m.
Norwich, 9, 11 a. m., 3.4ft, 8.06 a. m.
Hartford, 8, 11 a. m.. 4.10,8.4ft p. m.
New Yoik, 8, 11 a. tn., 4.10, 6.40, p. in
Worceater, 8.1ft a. in., 6.06 p. m.
Webster, 3.15 a. ra., 6.0ft p. m.
Willimaatio, 8.00, 11 a. m., 4.10 p. a.
Sundays from all points 9.30 a. in.
Bostnn.7.10. 10.10 a. m.,12.1ft,3.3ft.ft.3ft,7 4ftp.a
Danielson. 7.40, 10.10 a. m.. ft 3ft, 7.4ft n. m.
llarttoid. 7.40, 10.10 a. m., ft 3ft 7.4ft p. m.
New York. 7.40. 10.10 a. m., 3.15,5 35.7.4ft p. b
New Haven, 7.40, 10.10 a. m., ft.3ft, 7.4ft p. m
Norwich, 7 40, I0.l»> i m., ft.3ft. 7.4ft p. m
Willimantic. 7.10, 10.10 a. m.. 5.3ft, 7.4ft n. m
W orveater, 7.10, 10.10 a. m.. 3 3ft, 5.3ft, 7.4ft p
tn, r j
West ami Sk>i th * n States. 7.10 7.40, 10.10, a
ui.. 3,L>, 3 ft 5 ift, , ,4ft p, rn,
\V ur.-v.tr. »i!.l Nc» ] ion. Xorth, W»v St» 1
'‘t*’".. T.10 m . n.
\v -t. v-tri ,r„l Nr«r 1 >i .4.H1, Somh, W«v SU
not;-. 7.40 a. n»., ft.3ft p m.
n,>.! an,! H,tt!.,..k,s4. w»t Stotioos, 7.it- !
K »o4 H »i tford VV.-.i, W»v Sutiorw. 5J(
H. . .! I’.-uc! .. Kft. War Station*.
IV tn.
I "'1" *:M f*» \\ ,t, \V,v Stations, 1C.1C ,
l!. r-f - V ,r.l Sow York, Ewt, W»,
S'V *1!l’ .lO a. U.
"ilT o vv<"1 ’ *nd by
W.vw''.' k’’ NorU>. K»«. 1C.30 ». rn.
>' rn . ’■»
N . ' •\Bt* 7.4ft p. a.
Sunday- .v a! ,.;,t 330 p. a,
Trollev Time Table
The Consolidated Railway Cc
Time given tor ears leaving Front and
Main Street
Leave Putnam for Worcester and intcmiedi
ate not • it *5,17, *6.07, 77.55 a. in., am hourly
u t i 11.5ft a. rn . halt hourly until 6.55 p. m ,
hourly until *.55 p. m. Leave*Worcester\C ty
Hall) at o.l7* a ni.. and I ourlv until 9.15 p. ra
I Time 2 hours ain’t 20 minutes; tare 45 cents.
Leave Putnam for Webster and intermediate
stops at *7 17. •<> t»7 a. iu.. J7 55 a. m., aud
hourh until 11.45 a. to., halt hourly until 6.55
p. m. and then houdy until 9 55 p.ni. Return
uiug, leave Webstei st *6.t 0 t. m , 7-4J a. ro.
and hourl unti 12.45 p. ra., half hourly until
7.45 p. m.. then hourly until 10.45 p. ra. Fife
20 cento
^l.*ave Putnam for Dayville and into mediate
stops at *6245 a. ni. and hourly thereafter until
1215 d. m., half hourly until 9.35 p n?,, then
hourly until 11.35 p. ra. Returning, leave
Dayville at •5.00, 5.45 a. m. 6.10 a. a.. Day*
▼ill* (car bousei; 7.28 a n., and hour]v until
1.28 p. m , half houilv until 7.28 p. m., hourly
until 10228 p. m. Fare 10 cents.
Leave Putnam for Danielson at x6.35 a.
then hourly till 1.15 d. n>., half hourly until 7.3ft
p. ra.. hourly until 10.35 p. m. Returning leave
Danielson at 77.10 a. m. and then hourly until
1.10 p. ra., half hourly until 7.10 p. m., hourly
until 10.10 p. m. Fare 15 cents.
Leave Pntnani for Central Village and inter*
mediate stops at *6.35 a. m. and bourlv until
1 -35 p. m., half hourly until 7.35 p. m., nonrlv
until 9.35 p. m. Returning, leave Central Vil
lage at*6.15 a. m., 7.45 a. ra,, hourly thereafter
until 12.45 d. in., half hourly until 6.45 p. m. 1
hourly unul 9.45 p. m. Fare 25 cents. All cars 1
connect at Central Village for Moosup. Fare 5
Leave Norwich for Putnam at 6.45 a. ra., and
hourly unt 1 8.45 p. m. Fare 55 cents.
Putnam and Providence
Leave Putnam for Providence and way points
at 6.35 a. ra changing at Ktmvilic on cars of
the Providence and Danielson Railway, leaving
Flraville .at 6.45 and S.45 a. ra. and hourly
thereafter to and including 6 45 p. ra. Return
ing, leave Market Square, Providence, at 5.45
a. in. and houilv thereafter to 3.45 p. m., then
5.45 p. m. Fare 75 ivnis.
•Does not run Sundays.
JSuadays, one nonr later.
iSundays, 2 hours later.
Ail southbound car* • 'anect a: Central Vil
lagt with cai^ for Moosup
This table subject to change without notice
B-^rs the
> ’'; v *3 ’ . &,-agr
Blank Deeds at this Office. i
A r Awpgi-in.,
J\ E*« or* srithi* s~a ,
o; Fa-Lford ob the *>t, 4,, ,. *r ,
PriW.1 Jobs* A b t
Ob tf Jobu R » " ,
<HI l«f W1V »'*•■> «lf »«. „ _
Ea»!(»ra «Wrt Or^ic- l-tTsS** '
rhl»< oun doth .1«.» ;B_ -r,>Af<4 * I
owed limitsd fog the ere,■
txtUiJ-t *l*l» ciiiui mx*n,.
rrb.lsrraior *sd dir-e. •
o! the- «*( Oy ."deer.isit.g
li«he<i ,n Pti'eara haring , ,
tirf.!. aal by p.>-ti<£ a c.!,v
lit nlgn.w, tfciiiA.™
Place a here the iPfnL _ ^
1 ertafbai - r~ nT
*>*» JOHN J!
of E »«
hi *»* *,*«•
For dale
In order to close the
lard Liltejr, Imili’i Ute
the home place, con,i
honsAand two barn*,
aud May streets. Iti,
O. Wright.
of A*.
Mvit, £
'ie of
r of
N<y< »■«*
V ‘ o«. fwj
■. -ill an,,'*
\r a court ot pRiTTT
Tatuum wit 1,11, a(.(j
Piruam oil thf 12 h *J«y of \
Present K.1wa/<1 i
On mmlon of Frawk E. Bair
C'onB., and Bart*»i. p V.
I>u»n , K.xmtor« of [>,e
me nr of Marvin Btrmt, la>
said di-tr ct dec«*a-«*d _
This Court -loth decree that . r „ —
towed and limit,-d for the eredtroeTf?!!? *» at.
lu exhibit then claim* again.
Eircutor* and directs • , p^, '■» tta
given of tots order bv advertisinT i'*
haring a circulation in said i';,'.’' *
iit 9 it rnrit flmrimf ah *k. „ . > ■
in* a copy thereof,on the pub '/'ii.*MkTI
town of Putnam nearest tSe ^S/T5“
deceas'd last clw* It
t er?ifi»-d from Rw>rrf
EDWaRIm, w^aT.Jlip
Watford within and for th,0^** *T
■d on the 9th day of \ot , ..™<rto «
PrcM*nt, John M 1 *»,
Eastford on the 9th aar of Nov a r»
Present, John y 1 «•. „ p.„u t^a
On motion of tieo. s. B.,», n
the intestate estate of step ,en
Conn^PAaadeua, Cat, wP„,da°tt^
This Court doth decree tha
lowed und limited for the creo it.
to exhibit their claim- against • ,?
admtlils'rat r an.t directs that Babb-** * •*»
given of this order by punn*hiugP?hl"J
uewapaper haring » elreuUrion h, ',S5* *
and bv porting u copy there,,' n
post in said town of Easttur■! *«
where the <1*-o as*-d \**x dwelt.
Certified from h-«’ord
4:_w JUH N M TArK>
\!. a Court s,. . luumt ,,
within ana for district of r>—rpim~
*1 111
31 Ht day of October, A D .
Present, Georjre s. t f shr
On motion of Burton K. lioxU m Z9***
I-ftke.New York, exe ntor on t ,c iHJI"**
of IrviliK J. Hoyle, late of M , if,, ur*'«
real estate 1U Com.ecticn! in -aid dlttrU*?*
cei«8ed. 'usinct 4*.
This court doth decree that «i\
lowed and limited for the c ;•
to exhii.lt their claim- arain«i
executor and directs that puhiii
of thi* order Oy rtdverti^ii.u i ,
inn a ClrcuutioD in said .ii-:;
copy thereof on the public sim '
of l hoinpson, i.eartSt the
ceased last dwelt,
< e tlfied from K
_i^EOKl .K -
t olirt. November, pi, [ •*.
i rust estate uf 'mith H'llku-.i, late of s„.
fret in said district, deceased W
t'pou lie application of it, la p 1,
Norwich, Com,.. Trustee U"l, t he will cdJH
de, ease,I. praying tha, lib Hi.,, ucxiantaatUS.
said esiate may be allow, l.a .1 turth.-r JZ;Z
for tl„ appointment of distributors!,, make',i!f
tribution ofsaidestate In accordance wnk “tl
terms of the will of said deci a- I as rer aimt,™!
tton on tile mole fully a|iperr< it u ™TO'
ordered. That said applica'io,, be hrarj
detirmln d at the Probate i mice ,0 I'orntL™
said district. OII the first (la, u( Uecen.b»r Tn
190s, at It o’clock in the torearon aad tko
notice be given of the pendenc, ot laidaaeita
tion and the time and place of hearing tbenM
by publishing the same two weeks in (Wanl.'
paper having a circulation iu said district sal
bv [m,sting a copy thereof on the public «o
oust in the town of Pomfret in -aid district pi
days before -aid hearing, and further that Boies
of this application and order of hearing be vises
by reg stere.l mail to Mary F Perkins otic.
Loudon,Conn . and to the guardian iircusiotiss
of Harriet Williams W hitaker, a minor ot us
city ot Cica, Stale of New York, :o days tutors
said time a signed.
1 *• at \\ oodstock within ami tor said district«i
Woodstock till the 15th day of Say. A. D.
Present, flu once It i htld,.lu<w
On motion of G. Harold Gllpatrc of PutBaa.
f onnecticnr. ex* cutorjnn " ■ test**? <-*ttte at
Lydia P. Koliyon. late of \V< d*t<»ck within sai4
(1 !«*• riot, defeased.
This < ourt doth decree that »ix inonthiffta
tla*» here f tie allowed at limited for Utr
creditors of -aid estate to * ' Mr their dam*
Hiitiin-t the same* t«> tin Exec at or sm
dun • that public not ce be given of this outer
by ad erti-ing In h uewspapej published in p»t
uain having a circulation iu*.ud district and by
1*0 -1 ug a copy then of on th* public slgn-nort
in said Town t*f Woodpt.uk eanst the puc*
who e the deceased last dw« it.
Certified from Record. «
47 -4» (
dealers in
Lumber, Coal, Doors, Moulding*
Brick, Lime, Cement, P.B.3.
Mixed Paints Lead and 03
George W. Perry
Mechanical and Civil F
and Surveyor
OT.r Kluge . More. pt'TKa”. COW
Whereas, 1, the subscriber having levied*
Tax Warrant upon a certain Pant of
situated in the village of North Ashlonl, T»«
of Eaatford Coonty of Windham and Watt o.
Connecticut, taxed and assessed to &■ w»™
and supposed to belong to said A J- *■"*
the time of assessment., snd eontsinin* wvewP
ire acres of land described >« ''dtoa*: * •
be road leading from Westford to Aorta_
ford, east by higbwar and land of Ams**"’
•oath by land of the Diamond Mile* y.
west bv land of the Bownc Bros., as dam"
on page 68, vol. 8, land Records of
Eaatford.Said leer being|for the P*y™«* “T
due the town of Eaatford on list ot 1»<,
amounting with legal interest to t-<J>T_
is to give notice that on the Mb day old««a£|
1909. at II o'clock a. m.. at the sign
village of North A-hford in said »wa <*
ford, I (hall aell enough of said real *■ ,
pay aaid tax together with the •»»«■ "T
charges thereon. CARO P- I ATHAM,
lector of Taxes, Town of Eaatford- ...
PhoenixriUe. Conn., Nov. d Idua^^^^
NEWSPAPER, and for the
eighteen years has been t
MEDIUM for Classified Ad
If you are an advertiser,
us convince you that our
Classified Department is a.,
we claim for it: the best. th^pa»
longest established, ard t
most responsive in the mag**
line field.
Send for full information
md a specimen copy ct I
OUTLOOK. 2S7 Fourth ave.
New York.