Newspaper Page Text
cheap ’ baking powders impede digestion n of tartar hen you use So-called more v b ' Cream of Tartar. ■Lies* of food. M-vfe from a Superior gr CLtVLLA.NL/J aid* die Country I.He Con ni-sion. At I'o* suggestion of l*re»ldent I! > > " sell, the < 'iiuntry I .He < 'oinriil •ion tin inked the fir.iiern of the or intry In meet ill their respeetlse m.inmiuiHlcs home umi*' l»'ore Saturday. Im «-r fi, to til»eti-» the *|il»si inns which the i niiitiiivi n in hindylng mi I to Imh cite Mr inn Idea* of wt»«: me 11»«■ itool Ini], rtfliit ""I'jtei. ior tin • o ii mission to cunslih i In n letter to the nipnitrern of the < 'otiiiiiI'hIoii the I'rcsldent mi\» the fanner* should h 1 "a .*use of owner* etilp In the t’oiHiiii-hion, Mini Ihnt he I dleves Hint lie < iiliiiilissi m ... jjet Into the closest possible tout'll Willi the farmers. lie urges the Importance of holding the lie cling •" hue • nngrr-s ailjniirris prior to the t'hrlstm*- hole • lass, hi! t It fit the time ton gross re as hem hies, early In January, the l oil mission me v have rt-|mrls of tie mist tugs In hitml mill mny lie “In p.i'ilmu to advise iletinlt 1 vely w lint -In old he •lone. ’ The President, In Ills letter, ott't rs the fol low I tig tuples to Irt* eon'hie reil hy I he tunnels; iiml 11\ f nr mil s In- says; 1 I mean also to Inelutlt* nil those alu> live in Hit* open country mid lire Ini iuinte Is connected with those who 'III the farm work — inltiisleis, school tenehcis, physicians, eilltorsuf cnonliy |. 11-t*i s, In short nil mi'ii mol women whose life wotk ts iliitu ' illu r on tin' hunt or III • (inneclhoi wilhtliellh wink of those u ho nic on I he farm Tlie efficiency of the rnrnl h nrntei •' oiyanl/alliMi' 'I lie ijm ■ 1 i"ii of I nr oi Uitair. I lie iif <1 l ".oi. I o. i I I inpros • I , • • i i. • <• • ■ i Hmillni 1 is ii i ill t U ■ os on the I inn. The gie-ite.l ol h I topics flint ought lotto illscnssiol 11\ tho. ile ■ oil I ;i f si iuei s. i i .[ml 11 .insll \\ 11 Ii i, on > mill enss trnii'tl l cioill'll toss II it,I the topic, so i 1 -h I I > the Pie-idi I would follow lit natural course ll I l.i ing cut ell fro in the outer is or hi I ho l dwarfs all pf'ign ss nod deadens nitoi tal energy. In the iiuuintallnois re uf Iseutm-ks anil olluo Ilk. sec lions, \s In re the nullsew linse lien cut ell from tin* i.tiler world front lack of • iss c iimiiuot.oitl. il therewith, they me tint cltililren m oilnlis, es eu In their hum lets amt, while physically 1 thes linse no superior In manly amt womanly form, t in s are rapidly trails formed w hen it In close o nlact s» It It relllic.l p s.ple < 0 the .oiler ssurlil I J t Is c.pial Iy not .ceil *lc aiming the col j oust iH-onle ot the ■south As Profcs mu Hal lie sii lit, while tu this fit js, - *'k lug fun.Is to e.lucate his c..lure.I r.t.e 1 they me h it hats-., menially, mol «< a people, they Inis, maile no nls an. - Insist. title Meet mills, siuec thcii slase iy tins I'll, y linse no mtloeinss to eles ale mist ties clop nil I heir meiilnllly until they no to llniiiploii, I nskegoe. oknlona or.HOiue . thri industrial cilu eatloiial tii'lituttons for eolore.l young men amt women, where they me trails forints! aa are w tiito |ieople under the ►oro* conditions. All the hulls Ideal Hill give* way to the isunple »lt S ot the outer worlit. Professor Hattie. wns a manliest example of this tuniform* lion tu what in termed mi Inferior rats*. The further we go tmok in the isola le.i sections of our state, where people cannot leach the outer world, we thut llieiii prtmlUse In their Use# and olyee ao the further lu»eK they are found. Htemn ears and trolley Itne.s that reach such sections s.hui make a change: People of si liter mental Irwin lug ro«ne in, new life I# Risen to busl jie**, new ho|)ea amt aspirations stir the liearl* of the |a*opleand the change goea on until the comiininl’y is in liar uiony with like place#in wnai has tieen i he outer warid. No matter what part of this or other j (State we test this stateiuiat sse svill find it prosed. Intercommunication j with Interior and central eu’-.imurtllu-s level them ».l up to the same attain- j mentis, noiev.tct hoss iack'rig |a*ople fmse U-conn for want ot such coni- ; mingling. The nevt question Is, "li .ss shall the (own* in this and adjoining counts, be tween hers mid Hpriogtiehl, now de ; |<risedof rapid transit, tie prosIde.l to Ideal Ihe residents anl .hvelop the !*■ 1 leut rich jes.'ur*s'» s>f the ter lory That l# the ,|Uealton for the farmers to discuss. If they can determine on aoute feasible plan to gel trolley roads w here needed and where they will ulti mately fray, it khouid tie publicly an nounced . and ll will he for the t'oiu pskain.. or government lodes ioe mean* |• i it/ I Linvin. of Worcester, Champion Welterweight Wre-t'ei f tin- U otl I who w ill defend tie- title in St. John s 11.ill, Providence street I'hanksgdvinn afternoon .it .t o’clock his Opponent being Young l'.idcUo of ( imbridge, who in , previous exhibit on kt pt I Ian on from g1 ttmg a decision, the mati h be ng.dt i !a• 11! a <haw. Ill Hull r 111 i • 11 * • ‘» fir ll c.m 11,1IH' \ f J ; i I > 11turn of i 1 It •«' lUli t (\ an . -I u>; f >i mi n ti j 'tint 11 \ ■ ■\ i« pn ,■ n• . \s !i I.: u a > «*:»i. n*» v% i*< i In* up ..Mi rii* [ \i\e [• !ft11 tin? m*-‘I’liiriit. PUTNAM,CONN SPECIAL PROGRAM EOR ki \ ri it ini i ‘ Lights an j Shaows of Chinatown’ and olln*r M*Uvt pu*lnrv>. Amateurs on F.iday Night I..mat talent Hily .illowisi In I’l'iZt's SV *'l Ull'l #1 \ll la.lii •> ntL< uitiun Mnniliiv. I'uv-• 1 ri> , Hint A ottin sitny .if m M week will t« ivlvi- lickcla tiillllniK them to have their lorl mu's till11 I n'«' In Madame Lord llie t i.iirv owwl of \\ n*lttitglon, lv ( Children s Matinn (Saturday Foot Unit ami (Kill given away. Wednesday, December 2 llealil ami Hreeu In the fans* comedy “The Country Grocery ami free ili.strtbuUon of entire contents of store. A Riliibli Riinidf roR CATARRH Ely's CriM Bala it AttftrM li«M Rtittl •( One* It Booths btWs AUit Wltlt'tU tb« tlUMSUMHl Ul«*ttt* UriiQt rvMiliiii}t fr> n\ CtlArrh Juul itriv** »« »v tti'oivl in th* 11**1 >\\i\ kly. Ko*U»r«** lb*" S* :uw«t t»f tutl SrnelL Full •i.’t* .*>0 cU. Mt l>r<:or by 1 ”Ul. liquid i' *ra {Uii« t- r u*v in n*75 v*i*. Kly .V» \S»nvu Strvoi. Now York. For Sale l‘:KMiiuit to an outer of the J*r\>t'«lo > ('out! I n " oiler lor >»le Ml private ! - iW, the tract of land Mltialni on the I Ihiv'lile |{ ul, l^loiiictiit! lo the e*>late I ot kttvi >1 It V-ni'tioni!, late of I'm i mini, <tetv:iM'i|, -niit foot containing IS t J Hi'ifx. ts I 1 Hk\k\ o \ vi'tii. Ni.. \ihn. CASTOR IA For Iuimnt* and Children. Tin Kind feu Hava Always Bought Bears th. /if Si«ua;ur* of /4^Mf I h» rt-l'v offer h rewrml of ' •<* fo ->n\ inli'iiimtitMi lhal will lt*A»l lo lh> « liiSU'Uoiio! Ml’ 11 i«I \ «* i |»!irlii,s win r.» im“«1 tlit it i* in m\ Ntort* mi tlu' in< -rniiu; < • \ * Hi In l I »l !i •If. f.f iMl .1 N ITIJ^iN Iff f^H i,t uii.M ilurnir the |Mi>t year tour t\ «• li.U Intro <’p»M»«st mnl r!>w»nl TIiiim thoiiamitf i wu. - «%-'U\ v*»u “wink ' A womWnrful pi »v ot tU'Viur m •« Intnum t* Hu1 mi m m «■' c, unit ji t I he n ui |H*op|< ur in the* ih< • »%*•* that iho ulii'vv thcni t»» wmk !*-.•> •-•»».! rmlilitun . Twii * flu* lnr.»k *i »v i * .livjti-t, Ui thorn * *on. \V» eve* it tl Hi pi!iws»’> at iv»*Kj|Mih]e pi i. v*. H. W. Thompson, t*5 tu'iitu. Court Hoi *«* Huihltayr* IT ISAM. 0»NN Shoes Repaired by Electricity The only Shiie Repair Shop of il« kind in Windham County. Shoe* Be paired while yon wait in 15 minuted. Men's Tape, *»nl with oak leather 75 een's l-fcle*' T»p», *e»e»t with oak leather 60 centa For 10 llaya only Kubber Heels 3Jr The Modem Shoe Repairing Company \Hl M'K BliHK, ('till ITKKKr - HIS SW.W'OXSi. CLAYTON W. THURBER Teacher of Piano Telephone —3 leantke N«r / A" BUY BOTH THE Victor — Edison Talking Machines at Jeweler Shaw’s All the late records received, fresh frorr. the factory recently. rv- /t*' . a i j ‘ r< m ST. NICHOLAS in 1909 7''HE wealth of entertainmrnt given by St Nicholas in a year can only be fuggeated in this limit'**! ice. but a few Lrttjire* are: A New S* r ,1 by Ralph Hemy Barbour, the most popular juverule author to- Uy . ' When I Crow Up.” a series of pictures in full rtthtr, by W. W. Denslow in every number— a feature provider 1 bv no other chil dren** magazine; "for \ ny Little folic, a Department for the youngster* of three to eight; the "Nature arid Science Depart mrnt, interesting boy* and gnls in the out of door world about them . “ Hints and Helps for Mother.” providing simple, inexpensive home made amusements for rainy days; l he St. Nicholas l eague.” a great organization with over 50.000 members, offering monthly cash prizes and gold and silver badges to young arti-ts, authors, poets, and photog raphers; entertaining shoit stories by I ranees Hodgson Burnett (who wrote "Little Lord Fauntleroy ”), Rebecca Harding Davis, and many others; instructive articles on " Airships. " Meteors.” etc., etc.; over 1,000pictures ; a series of paf>ers for "Young Citizens ; de lightful stones of boarding school life for girls; amusing rhymes and jingles ; in short, a very tieasure house of entertainment for children of all ages. Sr nil /or *peria I suhnrript ion offer*. THE CENTURY CO. Union Square New York "T" u W %v * s A * rA - -£fe A Paper For All 1'hcrtA an i \ton, ck vnk & 11ki writing paper suitable for every member <>f the family. For milad\ ‘> social correspon dence there are the beautiful fabric finished creations in all the conventional sizes and tints. For the husband or big - brother there are the especial I sizes that are prescribed by the i arbiters of fashion. For the i boys and girls there arc some i very artistic and attractive juvenile lines. The EATON, CRANE & TIKE papers are the best that Amer- j tea produces, and America pro- j duces the best. They are used , by ,the elect and the selectj everywhere. QEO. E. SHAW.! Thanksgiving Bargains at Store iay Da;i I thank you for your wy generoua Thanksgiving patronage, and to appre ciation will continue to okr Ike gresteet bargains at the store every day. 3 lbs Seedless Raisins. 25c S Ibe loose Muscatel Raisins 25c Blue Ribbon Kaisina 1<K- pkge Lemon or Orange Peel, 5c 1 4 lb S>Ickeey A Poor's 14 lb pkge Allspice Pepper or (linger. •*' Stick ney <ft Poor1* 1 4 lb pkge Cinna mon or Cloves, "c Stiekuey A Poor's 1 oa can ground Xirt meg, 5c Stickney ,t Poor's Sige. 5.’ a can N * Dales. Sc lb . 4 Ibe 25c 20 Ibe due granulated sugar fl 00 Fancy Sew C rop New Oileans Molas*a*s 50c a gal S oktd Sbouiocrs S • cammed back Hem*. I ition. Sc 1 Sastry Flour Pull era a n cheese. Sweet Florida Oranges, So lb 13c ib 4 !b. 25c Ib. 70c beg 17c lb 25c to 40c dca Good Blend CoBee, 25c Ib, 6 lbs. fl.OO E. Mullan Store Main Street. Putnam THE CENTURY for forty years a leader among American maga zines. There are others, but there are none “just as good.” It is a force in the community—you see it in the homes of people who really know what is best. There is an uplift in it an opti mistic, cheerful view of life —nothing of the muck-raker. And the best writei-s and best artists are glad to be represented in it. •V H (l /*>■. lx-/.',, . ,.,f subscription oft r.v. THE CENTURY CO. Union Square Sew York First National Bank — or — PUTNAM. CONN. CAPITAL. - 9150.000 SURPLUS SS O.OOO. Safe Deposit Boxes for Rent Draft* Issued oa all Foreija Caaatries tailed Stales Dtpoaitary. ('HAS. H. Brown, President, J. K. Cakpkntkk, Vice-President U. H. tin patku-. Cashier. For Sale .Vtxjut 10 ton Slock Hay, must tie sold before Jan. 1, looy " Apply or write to B. K. K1>1>Y, Hast W'ood stock, t’onn. 45—4m* • THE Atheistic Sport Event ot the Season GRAND Fritz Hanson of Worcester t hnmj'f.m W t Iterwei^hl of America vs. Young Pedeilo ot Cambridge ST JOHN’S HALL. Putnam thmskiuv; AFTHAOIH at 3 o clock. PRICES: iSc. :>». stajte Extra Secure Your Srai* Early. GREETINGS YOU PON T H VVK TO DO ANY HUSTLING TO GET IN' ON j Ol'R GO' >L> CLOTHES FE VST EVERYTHING'^ l*R£. 1 AI I > FOR YOU. READY-TO-SERVE HERE. WETE LOOKED AFTER THE - DRESSING” FOR YOU. Hart Schafiner and Marx Clothes aie readyto-wear; tlie best clothes you c^n find, no matter what you par for them. ^ ou may look ihe town over, it makes no difference to us whether you come here first or last, you’re sure to buy your clothes here, first or la d. because we’ve got the value for your money to show. These OVERCOAT'S are made in the smartest styles of a fashionable season, you'll find one that suits you perfectly; ami it will lit. Y< 11*11 find Suits here in plenty to satisfy any wish you may have. The clothes are right, so are our prices. OVFRCOtTS, $18 to $25 SLITS, $18 to $25 We are also showing excellent values in other males of Suit-* and Overcoats. sins, $5 to $2w OYEKCO ITS. $6.50 to $18 Young Men’s Soils, $5 to $17 Overcoats, $5 to $19 BOY’S SLITS, $2 t > $6 Overcoats. $2 to $10.00 Come in and try on some of the Models. We shall be more than pleased to show you through the different lines. A. C. LUKE & CO., RELIABLE CLOTHIERS AND FCRNISHERS. Telephone 51 ring 4, Putnam. The Store that has gained the coufiderce of the public, The Hume of Hart Schaffner and Marx Clothes. aiifen1 FINE We are selling some parti cularly nice sets of Furs these days, and if you are at all in terested, come in and look ours oyer, as we have the finest as sortment in the City, and we guarantee to save you money. Remember, every piece of fur in our line, was made to order for I'S, and our guarantee goes with every one. We give you choice of Mink, Isabella Fox, Sable Fox, Japanese Mink, Blue Wolf, Marten, Squirrel. Lynx, Pointed Fox and Novel ty Furs, to order. Notice: Store will be open until io P: M. Wednesday, and Closed all day Thursday. OF Aprons Just in time for Thanksgiv ing use, or for gifts. Extra good values in Bib Aprons. Nurses Aprons, Round Aprons, Gingham Aprons; Percale Aprons, Dotted Swiss Aprons 25c, 39c, S00- "5C Sweaters Our line of Sweaters for Ladies Misses and Children is now at its best. _ Children’s Sweaters, 75c “P Misses’Sweaters, $1.00 up Ladies’ Sweaters, UP Women’s Golf \ ests, $1.0° ‘ Trade With Us and Save Money" Isaac Champeau, Mgr., Lew&ndo's French Dye^8 PCTSAM, COS Agents for Standard Patterns. Telephone 19-2