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MACUONaLD fir WliXIAMS <’H> ■'OTNAM WINDHAM CONN. Editori*l Scrap* The key note »f l air* |<olicie* i* sta ted i‘.v him m. the following ■ewtem* «fCvery business man who is olieyiw? the law may *o ahead with all the eh trfiv in hi' i***"*—lor.; every enterprise whirh is within the statute* may 1 ro wed without fear of interference from tiie administration, wfieri aetinK i« aa. ly: hut all interest* within the JurUdie tlon of the i-ederal Government mat exja-et a rlfjid enforcement of the laws BKain-t dishonest methods. And what I* Ix-ller, lie mean* Just what tie nays, and tlie ja-ople know it A ft real ileal of w het is said aliout re vising the lari It l» simply what some dread or imagine. The revision will not lie ttie work of one mind, hut of a large laxly of the ahl st and purest atateamen of the country desirous of making a tariff that sliall lx- for the j best gixxl for the entire c ountry and not to favor any section or Has- of Its |«o pie The verdict of the conHuve fff N*'W Knglarid (fovernor* a-*ieiiible.| In Bos ton Ih~l Ki'rk is tliHt their -Cite* must have fnrnda, fruit in' apnie «-i|.. » ial 1y Mini la-llor fisheries lotniU'rH parlie ularly, as New Kngland Is enabled, by judlcioua, systematic tiianagemen t‘> vastly Increased* present produetsand also mill to them new one*. The yield of jxitatoex should lie quadrupled, <""1 everything that ran l>e produeed In this climate. An object lesson to de monstrate this should lie given by a combination of agricultural ex|*-rts, scientists and wealthy New I nglnr.d ers who love their I’llgiim's Inml In nil the largo cllh - of I ifnjie the authorities are puzzled how to provide for the many thousands of destitute unemployed hernia of families Bast week Ihouxnnda ol such |»-r*ons, ear r.vlng a large banner lieartng tin word*. “ Work or Itevrrlnlion ; the l *overnun'nl inuat ller'lile," nrftrefied through the fahliiouabli stmt s of l.ourlon. Koyal t.V costs lo i Horny million* In all the great nallona ol Kuroja*, la-side* eitus ing a waste of hundteda oftinlllloriK an nually for hi mle* mid wnr*bl|)*- The next revolution will complete the work begun In |v|a, when the |s-< pie will rule, and not starve amidst plenty It rook ly ii, N ^ , is supply tint H" po pulation with water from a new aya U'iii of wella. They are mink very <tee|i mill no matter what the meleorolonleal condition* may la' the yield l" at way a the Name nnd abundant. Typhoid le ver lirta lieen no far eliminated tiiat tlie disease causes no aueli alarm a" uaed to la1 ex|a*ileneed there every fall. 1'lic system was devised by a man who re Heeted from what he had learned iilmut the earth In-hik everywhere |H-rincnted with veiiiH of water no matter how deep down one went. Me vmt a con tract from the city to »upply a sull'er iiiK district with w ater Me made a laritc fortune la-tore the city awoke to the fact that it could do that work K ncIf much ehcn|« i .1 udac Taft pio|HweN to have an en tliely new I abtnel when betaken up the rein a of aov eminent. I III" l" not la-cause he linda laiill wilii any mem b-rof the t'ahtnel. They have la-eii ettlclcnt, Srentary UiniI especially, whom he would like to retain in Ids pit sent olllcc, tint lie is to lake a more lin|Hiitnnt seiv ut (loti tif Senator of the ureal Slate tif New \ork inti's I'nhliit-I will la- composed of memlH-rs whom he |s -rsoiially eaieems and lor their ahlltty to perform llit-ir assigned duties. I'he foot and mouth ttlsense of cattle la spieadlnx ai the West as well a-- m the I asi, Iml llie authorities an^enei Itclh-nllv al work loerushlt out. I n gland has ijuaianllned all American , „itle. So has Canada, and so w til all the nallous of Kuro|a- unless the tits cast- Is stout stain |>cd out It may lead many people to avoid meat altogether to prevent catchti it the distemper. Viuhassndor Kclil, «l lHe American S-a'icty dinner, in I.omlon, made an address In viluclt In- eoulrasled la*l year's huxlin'*»i ili,[Ht,»*iun,whkii hung user I.onitmi and Kuroiie a*. well a* live i ntled Slate*, w illi llie ho|ieful con dilion* of today litmiliess lie said liad re* n 111 ei I it* inn 11111 ii 1 aellv li\ ,tlie chief danger taring the old familiar one—en thusiast* nin> soon la1 wanting to gel u|> too ninclt steam, “t apilal isn l to l* atalisheil Just .'el,' said the Am bassador; “corporal ion* »«d *ri'sts are not going to tie wli>ed off the face o ft hr continent, tf lliey faithfully obey the law * Brother Jonathan though |ieaoeful, ia uiieon'inonly commercial The l ntted heal**, he aaid, could feed and clothe ai) the nations of Kurupe in a war, and C'en sell them anna and ammunition. One of those remarkable Oklahoma statute* make* the teaching of “ngil culture" in the Stale's public schools compulsory, and there's a rumor that r\en Arkansas like* the idea. The day l» coming when a man will think that between learning a trade and gel ting a college education, he will prefer the former for his children. it Is to be e\|>ecled that the incom ing legislature of New York Slate will tie more leaponalxe than before to the reform recommendations w htch Oo\er nor Hughes is to renew He is ev levi ed to ask tor an extension of the juris diction of the public service iviuini* sions, to include telegraph amt tele phone commute*. He will also again recommend a direct primary law, and a ballot law modeled alter the Massa chusetts method. Our incoming Oov ernor Ulley has declared his purpose iu carry out tiovernor Moodruf! * jmli cie*. They are about the same as those ofttov. Hughe*. Will the legislature aid his purpose? Lnited State* and Japan A*rte lo a Cov enant lor Joint Action An agreement of farreachlng Import ance between the f'nlted .-tale* and Ji|nn, covering tlit of the two countries in the i’nciflc.ha* > ecn adopt <•/J. The agreement i* Saved on the Idea of encouraging and defending free and peaceful commercial development in the Pacific. it contain* not on'v a mutual guarantee l» reaped each oth er* territorial |»o«'n>lnni there,hut de tinea the attitude of tic two countries toward i'll inn. binding each to defend China'* lnde|*-ndonee and integrity by every paieful mean* and togiveerjuai commercial op[«irlunily in the (,'htnese Umpire lo all nation*. Hut. more im- > portant nilII, the agreement, In the ' event of complications ttiri'ateriing the , Ntalu* ijiio, hind* the I niU*d r*lnle* , and Japan toion-dll each other w ith a ] view to acting together. The agree- j riienl is tn tile form of h declaration, and con*l*t* of five article* of witicll | the following i* an accurate and faith fiiI description: Tile (1r*t article give* expression lo lheiwl*h of llie two government* lo encourage the free and peaceful 'level oprnenl of their commerce in lliei’acllc. Tlic second 1* a mutual disclaimer of an aggresalve design, and alm> contain* ( a didilution of ttie |ioliey of each gov- I erriinciit, h dll a* 'iirected Io the main tenance of I lie *1 al II* «| i<i in l ill’ Ho t lie and tlic defence of tlie principle of 1 cijunl opportunity for commerce arid indii*’.ry In < 'lilna. The third artlclei contains a at«U‘ ri)4*iit of eonxe«|uent “llrtu' rwiprot’al re*’lution of eacdi government lo r<» HjHfi the territorial iio^i-chhIoih in the I’aeific of the other. in tin* fourth article the I ruled Htate* and Japan express their deter mination, “in the common interest of ail the |H>*er*,” 4,1 * hmn to support *• I»y all [N'Hcdul mean* al their di*|x> hii\" the iiMiependenee and integrity of < Irina ami the principle of e<|t»al com* mere! a I and industrial op|»ortiinity for all nations in the empire. The fifth article unit it Ally pledges the two government* in ea-i of “the ( ueeurrcnee of any event Ihrffit.nliig I .• -.(jil ;• • | . • a iih» * «I*• -«-r 11 . 41. < .i l!»e principle of cjual opportunitya* I above detlned. to eoniinonieHle with j each other lor the {purpose of arriving at a miitiial ninh istanding vvitl* re- j glint to the measure* they may Oondd * r it useful to take. The Salvation Army Minion: I lu* meetingM nt the Salvation Army hall are steadily growing ir. Interest. I he erow da are growing in mi in tier,and seve»a! run\rrsloiiH art’ re|»orted.Sattir liay and Sunday the hall w as packed to ith limit with attentive, Interented crowds of |K’0|de, and the week night services have Ik*cii well at ten tied. Saturday and Sunday next, Captain and Mra. Wither Hill conduct the aer \ totM. On Wedneaday, Dec. ttth, the servi ce* will Is* conducted by (’a|dain iirace Mon twite, the officer In charge of Wet inter corps. The (’nplnin in an ofll cer of several yearn’ standing, and will la* sure to interest the |H*o|dc here. She Is a good sinner and an ctlcet l v e apeak* ei. All are cordially invited to hear hr i. Services are held at the tiaiial hours h p: m. Saturday and at 11 a. in., and • and h p. in. Sunday I in |hii t it it I Oillhi*rlii|a In %V »»*liln Ion I he llr*t week of (’on# re**, IjegtnrUng next Monday, will la* remarkable for the amount of consideration to be giv en to the resources id the country by out side assemblies In Washington: On Monday *and Tuesday the Southern (’oininercial ('ongress will l>e in scs slot! "to interpret the res.>111ecs of the South Sti that the South and |h»* w hole nation may mdersland I he |iossihllitiet t»f ruiiimi'ii :il development in that section. On I’m *.|n\ I lit* Mil, tilt' N HltoMil ('on*er\m ion i unimiNNliin will mu'l 1 lor (lit- tisiuy liu* iiillui»1 itmiii iivs >'! iln whole fount t v 1 III lilt- V. 1: . Hull mill I I III till* \ III lull ill Kim i mi l I liu I>ur I \>littlexs w ill hold II- miniiiil nieel11iii In furlin'! Hit' ni| id tit111*lii|iiiu‘i>l ui llio ftiuiil i v ‘s u itlt r w n i ». On Ilit' liuli liu- National I tumi'il of t oiii melee w ill ini'l l lo tli'ili w illi i|Uos lions iilli't'IIMK lilt' t'tilillilt'itv of till' l in ti ll States ill lioint' mill abroad. Sofia! mol 11 aiiff iu Koroslers' liall Saturday evening. lianciiiK from 7 in lo II o'clock Music l>\ llroatln at orchestra of IIm' pieces. Wound ami n<|iiaif llama's AilmKstmi |a-i couple .*> oi'nts — Mi I. K. Soultiworth, of the I’.dl turlal ooi ps ul I ho Now York World, who tlislikfx u> Inins i|oniMii|j his rhanksglvlug «l Iho old South Wood stock homestead, was there to enjoy the day a> usual I layII lias hail another revolution—a siieeexxful one this lime. Its 1‘residenl Moil ami tisik refuge on Uiartl a Kreueh waishlp, a woman endeavoring to as sassinale him as he tied, h'or a time there will he carnage and tumult unlit wniie other drs|>ot lifts the tip|K'r hand ami rulew until he Is overthrown. And yet we have with us a coterie of re lined Kent lemon who demand that the Phll i)>|>tne murderousinatives l<e allowed their imtependenee. Hay ll will yet have lo lie ruled by this country lo pre vent its brutal desolation. Every Woman W ill Be laterested. Then* liit~ recently been illmxntml 1 an aroinaUc,tden.sant herb cure for wo man* UN. called Mother It ray's Aus | tralian la*af. It U the only certain I regulator. tares female weaknesses anti lUekaehe. Kidney. Bladder, and I'rlnarv trouble*. At all liruggisl.s or bv mall Mi cl*. Sam|>le KUKK Ad it less, 1’he Mother t'.rax t‘o., KeUov, NY- k—61 W hea Kubbcrt Become Necessary And your shoes |iinoh, Mien's Kool Kaae, a powder to be shaken Into the ■hues, is just the thing to use. Try it for breaking in New Slues Sold e\e rywhere, 35c. Samplee KUKK. Ad dress, Allen S. Olmsted, la* Uov, N Y. Don't atx*epl any substitute. kS—61 ThanksfiviGf Donation*. The Thanksgiving donation* to the Day KjmbaU Hospital linenot been a* liberal a* in foriner tear*, particu larly in money. I’erha|>* because the Woman'* fioardihave not apjiealed^to tlie public a* urgenl ly a* heretofore, re lying OB the generoti* friend* who; have *i steadfastly sbiod by liie Hospital in ttieir regular solicitation*. Among other thing* for whichmoney i* needed is ttie purchase of a *ienli/er for the Ho*pllat, which 1* most greatly needed. The price of one i* and hut little more tlian tiail that' asount wa* eon tributcdeCv idle usually ,dit this season tlie ca»h contribution* have been •juite generous. Tlie list of contribution* will not lie ready to make public for Mime time yet a* friend* of the Hospital understand that the donation* asked for are for the Hospital * winter *supply mainly and not merely for a Thanksgiving dinner. Therefore they aie expected to keep corning in for a week or two yet, at the convenience of the donor*. It may a* well be repeated, at this time, w hat has already been stated, an regard* tlie means and method* of main tain in it the I lay Kimball Hospital up to it* high standard of usefulness and efficiency. There are some who are not aware jnwt (low the Hospital get* the funiin for il* strpp >rt, and they may a* well lie informed at this time, and it w ill refresh the minds of those w ho have been told, and prompt them to renewed diligence in extending any needed assistance. To get the exact ligures of receipts and expenditures of lie Hospital, it is nteessary to get a copy of one of its annual re|*irls, we can give merely ft condensed statement. In the first plnee, we may say, tile Hospital Is earefully and economically managed. The cor|« of phy sicians and 1 surgeons—all aide and exjicrlenoe gen tlemen—give their valuable services without charge; the Hoard of Manage ment, emhiucing citizens of the high est character from this and surround lug towns, voluntarily assume the re s|ionsibilily of caring for every interest connected with the management of the Hospital; then tl.'eie is the Woman s j Itornd, n large body of ladles of this i anil other towns, who freely give their *er\ ices to help raise funds not only to , pay current c\|reuse but to supply the instruments and supplies required for the work of the pliy-irians and sin- | geons and also for the general use of j the Hospital. We cannot give in de tail all they have obligated themselves to do, even to help getting improve inciilx and additions to t J re* Hospital buildings. The W oman's Hoard lias heavy cares I throughout the year rind labor tomnlcli of various kinds. W ithout Its assist ance there would Is1 a large deficiency in receipts and no Improvements could Is1 made to add to the efficiency of the Hospital. From the Slate mi appropriation la hiiii11iiIIv iceelved, which does not be K1II to meet the ordinary ex|k*iiscs, to any nothingof additions nml Improve ments In the building. In addition there Is a small end hi mu iit funil, w hile ii gratify lug help, is lai fmin meeting the dellclcncy The task of meeting the annual de ficiency amt adding improvements tie vnlvt's on the W oman’s itoaril llow the I loan I doc* it we i an e\|ilatn hut In pail to leach the purpose of this ar llele. t he main reliance Is on the pub lie appeals mnile during the year* the i ■ i n I ii one U*lng lor Thanksgiving do natIons when the farming class are si llelleil to Rive of their su|M*riibumhiiice —everything Riven In their line count ihr ns eii'h, ns wluit^they fail to sup ply has to H* pal I for In cash. In ml illllnn, those whoaro not armers art* askeil to iloiuite whatever they can spare that any family ma ils in house keepiiiR—anil the Hospital has a stea dy laiRe family. Money, when it can Ik* spared, is thankfully accepted, as there arealways null ays of money re ■piiied for articles that must ta* pur chased. 11 must lie taken into account that Hie work of flu* Hospital is constantly IncrcasliiR, and contributions that silt* Deed ten years ago, or even live years, would la* entirely Inadeipiate at the present time. There is need of an ad dition to the Hospital or a new build ing lor s|a*vial demands. The Mann Rersof the Hospital pro|iose |a*tition tiir the la-RlsIalore for an approprla Uon to pay or help pay the o\|am*o. \s the room is uiRently iHisteil, if tin l-eRislatme tails to Rrmit an apptopria tlon, the friends of the Hospital will la* appealed to for the amount. All tills we slate to show that the needs ol the Hospital for money or its e<|tiiv nlenl is large and constantly in creasing without any lived funds tav itiR accessible until the Hospital is suf ileiently endowed for self-support, as It may la* some day. It is therefore unfortunate, a ml some what depressing, to the members of tlie Woman's Hoard, that the Thank offerings this years are less than usual w hen they expected greater, amt but little of the amount of money they rc vjuire was donated We do not believe that the falling of! in offerings is on account of dccreaae of interest in t ha, Hospital or In the faithful ami srl(-sacritleing labors of the Woman's Jloarii. Kar from It. On our own account. »e smlil sug gest that the steadfast friends of the Hospital—ami they are mote than ever —who have not already contributed, to semi to the freasurer any sum from one dollar to live, to give the e\|>cctaut i ladies money enough to purchase the | steriliser for the Hospital, if farmers, to contribute any of their spare pro ducts. We assure them that in thus doing they will lighten the labors of the Woman's itoard ami will prove a Thanksgiving twnediclion to cheer the iieart of each member unlit next THanksgiv ing. Hie l‘ay Kimball Hospital is accom plssliiug a magnitirent work It is an institution for good that the people of / ©0©0® ©00© 9000® @©Q@ Merry Chrisfmas What to give "him” for Christmas is a problem we solve many times a day. Our store being Headquarters tor Men s things, the question is very easily answered. For Men both Old and \ oung. we ve ideal gifts, just the sort of gifts that will be appreciated the most after Christmas is over. Handsome designs in Neckwear, the new things in Shirts, the best styles in Gloves, Collars. Cuffs and Hosiery, New Bath Robes, House Coats, Mufflers, Sus penders, etc., etc. Make your selections early while the picking is the best. Better now tha n later. You'll find our prices no harder to choosing exactly what wh at you'd like to give ‘ him." ©©0©©( Church Clothing Company © Putnam. Danielson. Hartford. ©s this county have jiM re anon to l.»e promt, hrm 1 it has Urn made what it is hy the* noble generosity * f its friends. —The Ht. Aloyaius T A. A B. s«> ciety v% i 11 hold their first annual con cert and hall on New Year’s Kve., in Hugbee hull. Peppier A Bley Singing Orchestra of seven pieces < f W ebster have U*en engaged to furnish music. More particulars later Slate* of t >hio, ( ity of 'I oledo, » I auras 4 Mini y. i ' I rank .1 ( heney imik-s oath that he is senior partner of t • firm of F. J. < heney A (’<>., doim.' business in I he ( ity of I nl< do,< *<n11:t \ and Stale afore said, and Ih it said linn will pay the sum ot One llmulr l hollars for each and t \er\ ea-e of ( at nrh that cannot hi* 4*ii red l*\ the ns* «l 11 ai l’s (’at.arrti ( ure Fran k .1. ('heney. Sworn to U*fore me and subscribed in n»\ pri'si-net*, this ih dn\ of hecern Iht, \. h. 1khi>. A. \\ . Uleason, tScsl Notary'Public. II all’s ( atarrh ('■"■ is taken inter nally, and ads directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials free. K. J. ('heney A < '«» , Toledo, (). Sold by all druggists, 7"h*. Take Hall’s Family Pills for consti pation. A healthy man is a kink In his own ri«ht; an unhealthy man is an unhap py slave. Ihudock Hlisel Bitters hulUts up sound health—keeps you well. “Sullered (lav and ni«iit the torment of itching piles Nothing hel|>ed me until I list'd Doan's Ointment. It cured me |iermanently."—Hon. John K, (iarrelt. Mayor, Oirard, Ala. Harsh physics react, weaken the tro wels,eause eh ri n'c const i pat ion. Doan's Itegiilels o; easily, tone the stum ach, cure const Ipatlon. loc, Ask your druggist lor them. Accidents will happen, I ul the b‘ t regnlatcd families keep Dr. IhoniHs' l.eleetric < HI for siieli fine rgencii s. It subdues the pain and heals the hurts. Births In I'H't Killingly, Novemlier is, a son to Mr. am) Mrs. John Chase, Jr. In \\ est i .locesler, Nmi'iiilifr I t, a ■ laughter, Kililh May, to Mr. ami Mis. Maro S11i|>|. Marriages In Siatloril Springs, November 12,bv Justice of itio IV ace M I*. O'Connell, Clarence K Kies of Wauregan, ami Miss Nellie !■ W lillootnb of Hanover, N II In Wesi Meilforil, Mass., Novemlier II. Kilvvurtl N IMke of West Meilforil, formerly of South Killlnglv, ami Miss Kianecs Robinson of W est Meilforil. In l’lainlieUI, November 24, by Rev. John liroilerii k, Thomas Sullivan of Central Village, ami Miss Mary Coffey ol 1 * I ni 11 tie lil. Deaths In Putnam, November 2H, Armonil Potv in, aeeil In. In W est lirookI'lelii, Mass., Novem Is-r Jo. Miss l.ueimla Trowbriiige ageil 77. Htirial in Kaslforil In Denver, Col., Nov. 27, tieorge I-'. Alilrich ageil ■ ••>, formerly of least W ooilsloek. In Danielson, Novemlier lit, llermi iltis Pi ilaril, ageil 22 years. In New l omion, Novemlier 27, Col. \uguslus t'levelaml Tyler, ageil '>7 years. i,. h,. wraith Furuisbiu^ Ludertaker, Arcade Mock Mam St. tlt«u<Unl <l|h >1 atone. Ttlipbiut mn*«Vl«'n t I BalUrd & Clark, $ Funerals Directors | Putnam, Conn. 1 Telephone calls answered promptly ♦ Nlsbt *—14, Day I—«. ^ l.atly assistant when requested. Monuments Tablets AM* HKA1HJI'AKTKKS or THK LATEST DESIGNS Alwaj* on Hand at \o. 2t Sooth Nail Street, ITTXA.M, t\>NX. We guarantee trie best of granite* and tlrst-class workmanship, fail and see us for all kinds of cemetery work. LOVE BROTHERS | |ostiu c. Kaanroau Attcmiv and Cauasllor-it-Lif CKNTKAI. HUH'K, PutnAIll, t'OUIl. Office Hours: t» U* 1-: £ to JNCONCF.IVARl E I MPOi>SiBLEft NCOMPREHENSIBLEH! Dresser's Drugstore FOR GIFTS Some very dainty bits of Fine China and Glassware i as well as I hi icious Candies in Boxes Dresser’s Drugstore h Puinam SpriB» WiitR CbftUeofr the World. A. S. 1>AY1S, Manager. Telephone 144 — 4 I alcium Carbonate........0 Magnesium Carbonate. . Sodium C arbonate.. Sodium C'hloriiie. , Sodium Sulphate. , Sodium Nitrate. . Potassium Sulphate.. Silica. , Oxide of lion ami Altitiiinx. , Volatile and Oiyauic... Total 1.5,42 Total Solid Residue oo Evaporation, Gram* per lT. S. Gallon. 1.891 These results show that the water contains t TerT small amount of dissolved matter, that ii is soft, of excellent organic purity .and free trow drainage contamination. In rov opinion Uu water it an excellent one for diinking Yours truhr, HERBERT E. SMITH. _ cv*no-ctirnt State hem AT a Court of rro(«a'« hoiden at IhoUip-vu • lthio iitii fte the district of 1'i»oap*ou on the lith due of N»te»brr. A. 0 . lAh Present, i^vvr^e S C'roabjr. Esq., Judge. »in the sppiiaatuin of Marcus A. Coeell, ad l&mi*trator on the estate of Patrick l artis late of Thompson in *a*u district deceased, showing that it i* for the interest of said e>tate that such Of the real estate of *uh1 deceased as is therein dt sen bed should be Sold. AM further showing, that the real e*ta e of said deceased. pt\'|*o*ed to h« sold. consists o' a certain piece or parcel of and. with buiidii g* thereon situated la the towu of Thompson ia said l*ruiuii District. This court Dud* the fact* as net forth in said appiwcatiwe to L>e true U lit reopen this court doth authorise and direct said administrator to sell either at public or pri * ale safe. a* he shall best. the real pp per « of said estate. and to give punitc bonce of sueii •ale. bx advertising in a newspaper ha«<ttg a Cjr. cut at ton Ut saM district, aad h* pouting on the pat be sign post nearest the estate to hr Sokl amt wtthta ihe same town—aau make return to this coart. ts whom sold,awl for how much, wirh the expense of Sale. Certified from R« cord. 4# iieorge i iroaby. Judge. For Musical Holiday Goods of all kinds, visit F. G. Letters & Co., Main and Union Streets, Putnam. where you will find a good assortment of Pianos and Organs Violin*, Banjos, Guita?, Mandolins, Cornets, Flutes, Piccolos, Fifes, Harmonicas, Accor deons. Drums. Tambourines, Cases for all In stilments. Music Bolls and Pouches, Music Books and Sheet Music. Edison Phonograghs and a complete stock of the 2 and 4 minute records. Records, Cabinets and Supplies. Sewing Machines aii styles and Prices Are You Going to New York City ? If So, Hake tour Headquarters at (lie Offices of the Brooklyn Eagle The Brooklyn Daily Eagle takes pleasure in cordially inviting the readers of this paper when they visit New York to make their headquarters at its Information Bureaus, both in Manhattan and Brooklyn. They can be of great service to you in the selection of a suitable hotel or boarding house, and also in the mapping out of interesting trips and other forms of amusement while you are in that city. Reading and writing rooms are at your disposal, and your mail from home can be sent to their offices. There is absolutely no charge for thisl service. I he Main Information Bureau is located in the Eag-e Building, Brooklyn; others are to be found at 26 East Twenty third Street, and in the World Building, New York City. Attention ! 112 piece genuine Austrian China Dinner Set. Sold regular price $28.00, to close out (one set only left), price fl8.00 3 piece Chamber Set, (second hand), but in “good os new" condition, regular price $45.00, to close out $26.00 1 Axminster Rug 9 x 12 slightly damaged, regular $25.00 quality, now $12 00 1 Glenwood “E” Range with mantel »helf, regular mice $45.00, will sell for $20.00 Has bten used a little. The above values are unusual and exceptional. If you one of them, call at once as they will not stay long. Ballard& Clark, PUTNAM, Undertahing. C0SN. Telephone Day or Nig^