Newspaper Page Text
—- yrix » BA I'U Mjsl Ethel Howard and Weslej j q. ward were home for Thanksgiving, inieiteo thieves visited Quinbaug KjgeBe Mtllett, formerly of this ~‘Tis living dangerously ill tn St. iJ^rnt s hospilal, Worcester. lotiis Kit is and Mrs. Abbie Austin ,(re at Charles Kitts' for Thanksgiv UUC Rvron Howard is putting up the . • for a telephone to Hiram Jordan's ^Jfrom there to Frank Jordan’s. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Vaughn and .me daughter, have l>een spending “ with Mr. and Mrs. Charles eldrich. and on Thursday, Ralph gLiof Worcester, Mr. and Mrs. Fred [lodge and Luther Smith were also MB there. >lr. and Mrs. George Beauregard Kre the victims of an automobile wag driven without a light, collided Uuir team.'throwing them out, and Soring Mrs. Beauregard quite se verely roMFKISI UMIISU The entertainment given in the jfijool hou<e by Miss Medbury ami ier pupil' proved a grand isuccess. It • u field Wednesday evening last week, consisting of recitation und Kings commemorative of the olden tune. A good number were present, Kiti were highly pleased with the pro gram of exercises and successful j>er formanoe. Herbert iiaker has moved from Abington into the red house so called now owned by K. L. Wright. Mrs. Jane White spent several days ijstweek with Mrs. Fay in Abington Mrs. iF. O. Wilbur and two sons George and Car! of Mendon, Mass., footeri> residents ltere visited her parents, M. C. Congdon and wife on Thank'git ing and rest of the week. sadie White of Somerville and brother Louis of Mystic were at home hereon Thanksgiving. A. K Coveil and wife, F. Willis and lire, and Miss K. I’. Sherman of I’ut aauiand 1*. C. Coey and wife of Dan ielson wererecent callers on.Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Bruce. Mi" Killed Peck and sister Avis of Auburn visited itlieir aunt, iKlisa and grandmother, Mrs. J{. <). Whipple Thanksgiving and rest of the week. Mrs. J. I>. Johnson and daughter were at home a few days from a for mer visit of several weeks, then left to be with tier brotiier in Pawtucket to spend Thanksgiving. Mrs. M. C. Congdon and two daugh ters, Alice and Ida, two grandsons, George and Carl Wilbur visited Mrs. Alfred Jackson .Saturday. F. Burdick and wife visited F. Child's family on Thanksgiving. NORTH WOODSTOCK Mrs. Kllen Paine has been enter laming Miss Thresher of Newton. Frank Skinner and wife of Boston have been visiting his parents. Mrs. Calvin Rawson entertained her parents on Thanksgiving day., Mr. and Mrs. Janies Morse s|»enl last week Thursday with their neiee, Mrs. Leavitt.i Henry Penniman of Putnam iwas in town a day or two last week. Mrs. Cyrus Potter and daughter 'Vinnifred have been visiting Mrs. Flora Merrick of Holyoke. Mrs. A. C. Hibbard and daughter Funiee were guests of Mrs. Louis Hay urd of Pomfret on Thanksgiving. Levy Aldrich and Frank Potter of 'Vest Cpton have ireen s|>ending a lew days with relatives. Gladys Gordon of Boston High school his been enjoying a short v acation at home. Mr. .and Mrs. Byron Bates and daughter Iternice have been visiting friends in Monson. Caki> (ik Thanks—We, the under signed, desire .to express our sincere thanks to all those who so kindly as sisted us during our late bereavement, •1m to those who contributed flowers, uni to the Webster Post in particular tor their attendance at the funeral ser vices. Mas. JoSKTHINK Stkkkk, -Mk. and Mks. Gkouub Stkkkk, Mi" Stkkkk. WOODSTOCK TV annual Thank Offering meeting «' lire unties was held Sunday evening «nd wa.- conducted by .Mrs. Henry T. 'bill lle^mrlsof the annual meeting of the \\ It. M. in Hartford were giv «bv Mrs. Waters and Miss Butler. Henry T. ( hild told of the recent quarterly meeting of the Eastern Con oeelu it Branch in Norwich which she attended. A solo by Miss Mabel Ktlch was tiiottl acceptably rendered, 'he thank offering amounted to over *>5. Hr. ami Mrs. K. A. ClHrke very fmsaiuiy entertained tlie Ladies' Be nevolent Society and their friends on fwy evening, and nest week l>ec. ‘hh, a social is to be held at the home ■Mr. and Mrs. W, J. Lindeman. EdsanJ L. child of Worcester spent thanksgiving Hay at Valleysiile. Mr. ilinrichs was at Lakeside over Sunday. Mrs. ltinghara spent the Thanksgiv ing reces» at home. Miss Sarah Lyon has visited her ' eousins in Central Falls, B- J.,the past and is now with relatives in u&meiion. Mrs. Hr. Perley is entertaining her ®*ter-in-law, Mrs. Fogg, who sails ■**1 nionih for a year’s trip abroad. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Bannister and r*P*°.v were at Mr. Wilcox’s Thanks *v,ng. Ethel Spalding was at home i ainlLsgty in® an<j entertained two col 2;§*r**. MUs Phoebe Randall was w ber guest. p?1* "oodslock friends of William Jnn are glad to know of his well promotion to the rank of major. ”* stationed in Wyoming. and £. R. Hall met their *«n and daughter at the home of Judge in Bridgeport Thanksgiving. Henry Burritt visited his aunt. Miss **“**, ia»t week. Hr; a„d Mr*.William Fuller of Whi %T*'Llt Jined with the family of Ed «dt-oehrane Thanksgiving Day. >aun >palding has finished his well rWing m Elmville, and is now at *'Jr* >n Rhode Island. ^tiler !e‘uens entertained several ™ relatives Thanksgiving Day. «infield Hibbard of Hartford \ Uit hu mother recently, L»r. McClellan. ,^t<r [J’ff <i'u-r, Haviland china, cut StaN»- ‘“he mi an g: t>s Va<e>, an t ,,,, '•'to the Wells' auction in Smlh " o xistuck, Monday, rain or shine. Mrs Mary P. Witter of Putnam is the guest of Mrs U. W. Child. lxs t >iah \\ ithey of lirston s|>eut Thanksgiving with her mother. Mrs He.le \\ ithey. She returned Sunday, Mrs. Wit hey and Miss Cobieigh going as tar a« Webster,where thev spent the day with friends. Mis, Nellie Pratt is in Dudley with Mi" Phipps. Dr. Paine an 1 family of Thompson were at Maplewood a few davs last week. Miss Helen Chandler has resigned her school at New liritain, and will re main at home this w inter. M rs. Chan dler is still in New York. Invitations have been issued by the I. A pres Midi Club for a bene tit whist ami fancy sale at New lioston hall on Iteeember 7. attractive iine >f Chri»l bi«).; tts, are lieing sho-. Shaw. Inins cards ami w a by Geo. K. KA»T W S'lliTlM K Mr.-. A. G. Morse gave a dinner par ty to a few of her relali\e' Iasi >alur day. Mi" Harriet Burden of Oxford spent a few days recently with Her uncle, G L. C pliant, and family. Mrs. Marian A. Stone of Waterford, Me., is s|<cndinir a few weeks w ith her mother, Mrs. Loren She ad. A social w as held at the Methodist parsonage Wednesday evening. The pastor, Rev. John Miller, and wife, were presented fur coats, gifts of their parishioners and other friends in this village. The follow ing is the score of the pig eonishoot at G. \Y. Child s Thanks giving morning: S.H.Peekham tk'i.ti | A. II. Hibbard si.s I*. M. Gilford 62.6 j Hr. It. C. Paine ->s N.T. White 57.5 | Mrs. A. M. Gildersleeve had an auc lion Saturday, disposing of her horse, carriages, farming tools, etc. Mr. and Mrs. Allison Potter and son of Abinglon. spent Sunday at Ronnie View. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Potter ate their Thanksgiving dinner in Southbridge, with their daughter, Mrs. Kliot Clem en ce. The social in I’.rick hall last Friday evening was well attended, about . ■ tsiiiig present. The young gentlemen of both parishes received, and for re freshments served doughnuts, pies, cheese, and coffee. Miss Florence Mill hard received the pri/.c in the cranber ry hunt. The program consisted of piano solos by Allan l pham, readings by John Healey and W. Armstrong, recitations by Howard Perrin and Har ry Coe, cornet solo by W. Armstrong, Harry Trask, accompanist. Several young men sang a motion song, and when they were not singing they were waving yardsticks. About twenty were present from the North Parish. Marching and games wound up the evening’s enjoyment. WKST (tl.OlHIKSIKK. A daughter was tx>rn Nov. H, Edith May to Mr. and Mrs. Maro Hhipjiee. Mrs. ('. W. Place and son visited with Providence relatives last week. Mrs. Emily Itabliitt of Putnam is visiting with relatives in this place. Miss Marion Reynolds returned ito tier home in Mohegan last Sunday, having st>ent several days with grand parents. Mr. and Mrs. E. (I. Gibsons enter tained his -aster and son from tSpring tieki, a few days last week. Mr. and Mrs. Maro Shippee and son visited w ith i’utnam relatives Thanks giving day. The pupils of Clarkville School ob served Thanksgiving day by appro priale exercises Wednesday aflcrmxin. Mr. and Mrs. James R. Reynolds en tertained a family party on Thanks giving day. fourteen silting down to partake of the turkey dinner. POM FKKT. The Indies’ Benevolent Society of the Congregational church will give a bean su|)|»er in the dining room at tlie church from 8 to s p. in., hridav, Iv cember 4th. Supper 15 cents. All are welcome. I>r. Henry Malhewson has been or dered to New Mexico from Cleveland, Ohio, where he has been stationed a number of years. Mrs.Kerriday closed her home liefore Thanksgiving and went to New \ ork for a lime. Mrs. I’orter s|>ent a night at her home here this week. The rural delivery service was start ed in a part of the Uiwnithis week, but the “would lie” patrons are not alto getlier pleased with the time of the de livery. Harry Smith spent Thanksgiving in Croton, N. V. Mrs. Keyes’ two grand sons .Theodore and Edwin Gordon, were with lier on Thanksgiving Bay, and also a niece, Miss Olive Keyes of Minnesota. The l’oiiifret School boys had their usual spread Thanksgiving, and “The Ueu-Grosvenor" with its many cotta ge-. ,#i' full of parents, aunts and cousins. Many of them stayed over Sunday. Mrs. M. L. Williston has gone to Al bany to visit her daughter. (Sterling silver, Haviland china, cut glass, Bohemian glass vases,and a very attractive line of < hristmas cards amt booklets, are being shown by Geo. E. Shaw. Well’s auction, South Woodstock, Monday at it a. m. rain or shine. TBoanos. The Thompson W. C. T. I -will meet with Miss Kllert D. Lamed on Thursday, December 10, at 2 p- m. at the Vernon Stilea Inn. Miss .Sarah Crosby spent Thanksgi ving with her parents. A very interesting letter received from Miss Shaw, who is ill at Providence reports her improving condition. Clinton Mills was in town over the Sabbath. Among those entertaining on Thanksgiving were: Mrs. Militants, Mrs. Chandler, Mrs. Fletcher, and Mrs. Herrick. Those spending the dav out of town were Mrs. searis, Ch'as. Knight and family. Cieorge Gould went to Providence Wednesday and returned on Monday ofithis week. Arthur Peterson of Brookline took dinner with his parents Thanksgiving. The Ladies Missionary jsociety met with M rs. Searl’a on Wednesday after noon. Mrs. t handler hud charge. The subject was -Medical Minion in Africa. Fea *as served at theck«f. 'H?ron Elliott |'.uh’'1 his birthday on 1 uoday and the nuniner of friemis » h» given surprise in the neigh u'r"'**l completed the Vi. and si! were made we!c ne. Mr. Kielcner rt i i appropriate nn< and presented Mr Ki!h>tt with a hook. A hutch was mtm'.J of coffee, -a ad-, oil vex. sand wiches, cake and fruit. A delightful evening |vns$ed. A -‘lion at Well*' IVaoh Firtu« So. \N**KMo*k, ai 9 a. m. » hoiet cl.ina. dainty I loklets and c»rd>, artistic cut g..t->. sterling silver and Koltemiau vases are being shown bv tieo. K. ';u» A »<IN«;ro> U' M 1>KN WKDPINO Mn WwintvUv, November i-Sth, Mr. amt Mrs James V Botham celebrated ! the fiftieth :mniier>j*rv of their mar riage. About one hundred guests gathered in the afternoon ami evening tocongratu ale Mr. ami Mrs. Bothaiu, to extend their good wishes and to leave tokens of regard. Fifty dollars in gold coin, a large gilt f'ao’e mirror, and numerous small but valuable gifts were received. The rooms were pretti ly decorated in gold color.cake and cof fee were served and though the day w as ,-lonely and dismal Jwithout, gixxl cheer and brightness prevailed within. THAXKseilvixu eu KSTS. Mr. and Mrs. Newton Clarke,of Hast Oiange, N J.. and Ilr. anel Mrs.Clarke of Boston, were at Miss Richard's on Thanksgiving l)av. Hr. and Mrs. Vtackintosh and Mrs. I James Macklnt >sh. nil of Hyde I’aik, Mass., were at Joseph F.llioUs of Wor- i et'ster. .Mrs. and Miss Averill, and MIssCol lar, of Brooklyn, N. V., were guests ol Mrs. Ketward Real. l.a't week Charles Shea brviught a load of cows from Vermont ami sold them at auction Wednesday, at the (isgeKal liomesiead. Dinner w as served —the people in the place o ntributiug the tood. The proceeds were for tiie Abington Library. Dr. Murray and family left his week for Washington, D. C., and Dr. Good ridge and family for New York. An attempled robbery on the Ablng ton store and Host Ortice was prevent i ed, it is supposed by tlie lights l>e init lit in a neighboring honst-, some where between the hours of 12 and 1 Monday morning. The thieves had previously entered Mr. Itadter's black smith shop, securing tools they needed there. They had taken two new horse blankets from the store, wet them thoroughly ami put over the safe to deaden noise. The fuse had been in serted at the bottom of the safe door, but they had used the nitroglycerine. Ihe money drawer had lieen broken into, but it was fortunately empty. They were evidently after money as nothing Iris been missed from Ihe store. Charles Weeks of Midway, Conn., was the guest of his mother Thanks giving. I le has been on a hunting trip in Maine near Jnekman, reports the snow li-J inches deep there last week and zero weather. Bradley Theater As a special feature for children, Manager \V. C. Klehart has arranged to give iuway an Air Hide and Doll Carriage at the afternoon |>erformance Saturday at ft. 16 o’clock at the Bradley Theatre.' —Mrs. Klla Stoddard Iihs returned home from a few days’ s isit with Mrs. S. Guild in Windham. — Republican caucuses for the nomi nation of candidetes for Aldermen in Wards l’ and 4, will be held in the city I court room this, Thursday, evening. —The regular meeting of the W. It. I', will be held with Mrs. J. II. Gardner, South Main street, on Friday afternoon, Dee. 4. —Mrs. Ci. Harold Gilpatrlc and Mrs. Helen \\ i 1 ley were in Worcester Mon day. On the same ear were Mr. and Mrs. K. A. Wheelock and had dinner in the city together. Mrs. Gilpatrlc is the daugliler of Mr. Wheeloek. —“One thing is certain,” says the Hartford Courant, “and that is, the American jreople are going to have the direct primary method of nomination. It comes sooner in some Stales than in others, but it is coining and cannot lie stopped.” The |>eople this way are ready to welcome it. — I)r. and Mrs. H. W. Foster and son John of Montclair, N. J., Dr. and Mrs. (j. A. Shepard and children cf New York,and Dr. Harold A. Foster of New York, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. K. N. Foster during Thanksgiving week. —Governor Woodrut! hits authorized the otlering of -<si reward to any person in this State who will furnish l_\ H. District Attorney, John T. Robinson, with sufficient evidence to convict any person of violating the order of the F. S. Itureau of Animal Industry, prohi biting the transportation of cattle,sheep and other ruminants, and swine, from the States of New York and Pennsyl vania, into any other State. _At a regular meeting of A. G. Warner Post, llie following were elect el officers for the ensuing year: Post Commander, W. li. Whiltemore .•Senior vice commander, < Near <'Oman j unior \ ice commander, John < tagood Surgeon, lit- W . H. Palmer ijuarter Master, 1*- A. Marble officer Day, John Depire Officer Gliard, Munror Chaplain, J. K. Kawson I* I eg ale* U> Department Kwcamp ment (J«o. Holbrook, V. iW. Grosve nor Alternates, Kbenezer HDhop, D. A. Marble. _George Wallen, of Kallouvllle, an employe at the Putnam Foundry, and son of John Wallen of Church street, was badly wounded on Saturday while hunting in Killingly, in an odd way. He and a companion rested their guna on a tree, and just then a squirrel came scurrying along, pursued by their dog. Tbe squirrel scampered between the gun- and the tree. As the dog followed he hit one of the guns in such jk way as to discharge as it fell, and the heavy charge of shot entered Wallen's neck behind hi* ear. Hi* companion bound a jersey around the wounded man's neck and then almost carried him a mile to hi* home, where surgical help was hur riedly procured. The ear was found badly torn and required several stitch es to close the wound. Hi* injuries are not serious and he will soon recover. 4^4 Winter Or#front« 2 MH Overcoats You can buy on Or ere. .-it in this Mote at any p ice bet west! ,iti and ?‘2If you want a j;oxl wami stylish. perfect filling coat, a coat that wi'l look we,l mul IioM its ahape until worn out, you ran got it her <* for $10.00 Storm Shoes Shrew sbury tan grain storm and hunt>n shoes. II inches high, raw linle laces, ‘2 buckles at top. $5.00 Underwear Heavy natural amt white wool un derwear 91 Htui #1.50 Derby ribbed ami fleece lined un da* wear &0c N. T. Hurlbut, 22 FRONT ST., PUTN \M. Christmas “• of Lustre Rubi Art Glass We have purchas'd 24 Barrels consisting of 1872 pieces of this beautiful Lustre ltuhi Gln-s. consisting of Rnbi Hull lions, ltuhi Violet Vases. Kuhi Plates, ltuhi Nut Howls, ltuhi Sweet Pea Vases, ltuhi Berry Ilislie-, ltuhi Salad Pishes, KuhiPooteil ( (imports, ltuhi Nappies. Fie. Many of the pieces are worth *2.‘i to 35 cent*. t)ur Christ mas Opening Sale Price. Take your choice for 10 cents. Ttu'se articles articles are the best of anything we ever of fered for 10 cents. The sale begins today and will continue while the lot lasts. Many of these pieces will make beauti ful Christmas presents. Come and see our beautiful display of Lustre Rubi Glass whether you wish to purchase or not. Now on sule at The Keystone Stores Danielson Putnam Moosup iiiiiVimi) - SO EASY - To pick out the people that buy their shoes here. They always wear a look of contentment. They have reason to. Their feet do not hurt them and always look well dressed. Enough to make any one look contented. Try a pair and you will wear that look of con tentment. WE Fit The Feat and KNOW HOW. We Give Green Trading Stamps. C. M. ELLIOTT, PUTNAM 1 MM MMMM M mmm Gas Heaters Be comfortable this cool weather by using a Gas Heater Putnam Light 8 PoverCo. i IRmmovmd Over Pray'* Markmt I The Ivy Corset After earful ooinM.lenilion of many lint's of t’orsets we Imre adt’ed a comi>let# line of ti c fmsn us “Ivy” Brand. They «»■»> d signed hv a woman of wide eyperi* nee in the luamifreture oft’crwU, one who knows || c in|uirrmHiti< of III* limit tne figure The I lie includes the ft How it g style* mid 1'itcca. St y e 400 A at style 280 ht Style too.v ami 460A at style 10OA S at Mjle 400 Aide St tap. iStt (Yd) St\ it* &&0A at too 1 .6 1 f() 2(0 2.7ft a. (H> lli.- i-. \ t<- UIO Vii i s,i kj\, iv-inn'll inrlitm) la utoutucHM will » ppreomt «• not only far tin- o -mfoit they given. hut far their long nurviiK » nich inula i then «?»»«*|(It vllv . aooiuh'nl. Give this eot>el a Iri-1. nm! we r«n RNMiirB van petf t v.lis artiat A\ e have a coirft far every figure, Mid • v< I V \\i'k;.u civiv the lieu a-t Hil l tuo*t ii) to date model* (•I Hay a; W U<-1'1>1 1 li nil.I ii l. iK- sm-t.i Mid I' II A (xitni'l-, Mid ne Sah;tn li'lire Inn .lei far slight tiguren l»i y (IwtK r^rp^fs m\ Wall Papers. IWnam. font?. ■ii ii Look at the Difference kLLONS LVOE 6GAI OTHER Ore-third cf the paint-money goca for the paint, two-thirds for the painter. It all rihs by the gallon; look out for the gallons. The least* gallons paint is Devoe. Fewer Gallons or No Pay Taint half of your hmipe with any Other paint; paint half with Devoe. The other-paint half will take the most gallons; if not, we will make no cl targe for Devoe. Wears Longer or No Pay Here’s another offer. Paint half of your house with lead-and oil: the other half with Devoe lead-and xinc. In three years the lead-and-oil half will need repainting, while the Devoe half will be about like new. If not, we will give yon the paint for the whole house. For sale at Burt’s Pharmacy ;.«i&iEak4v 5/A BIAS GIRTH Blanket CM'I Slip Vx'tOwOft). It Is Money in Your Pocket — TO BUY Horse Blankets which are warm and strong, and long of wear. 5-A Blankets re-enforced and strengthened where strains occur. They are Strong and will save money to horse owners." | Ask For 5-A Blankets WHEN YOU BUY. .* Chandler & Morse HARDWARE - PLUMBING