Newspaper Page Text
B^WWWS'. t ;i\ j2nj to iloc rirf. By »fAr-T'>\ K CUILOC3 WK.UVS. ?«jjyrlg!il*a. l;*Jt by A»»<x-latM IJ»i*r<i' jr »-r *« D-ml* ■■ i < .i ,;'i i lt»n< she- run ihout and ■! t !<‘£f i’ w i tl;f i ;<1 it a «•))»• pli.jt jn.c. T';< «■ i a rrrtnln 11V< ti.-* tn • if i tfirl .ti l iIn- marc, lintb xjnnvi-<1 I b-it'l »cr- tnind* s.niir in unu i f; ■ t<i(»n. f.isalieth was a *»»< t '1 ai d lmr In ■ Was vfrij t, an nnft!: iii Power. Thus >!<■* •* << pfw»r r.w! mnl Alien llintte (,!. | ■.j; ,i , ■ ■ i - - i I lie jik-tiire. •*l tlots'1 -ii'ii nv and tfce eolotf-l n< i »i; .m : t<c'”thrr " Is'tli I .in i i“. "• >■• . m*rf» *.r in llin Mil r. ml 'leg wjii hi-r :.!y Im.lh,.. lit In I ntairivt. i mu '\Ai VVVVWW* rndf • If r,f411 t!»♦-> i tr »i;<! -T* • I iniphl ] vc 11; to r*i« I,i-/ »Ij4‘IIt wont on )<!:ilf>t iv * 1 y. : ■ • * » *•« '• • •»» ' I Ii-ive to *fu: d up f r 1 "■ Tb«*y d ban* «• >< !i other for»'V«»r If they thought I win partial." The* M;; road xw**pt hi ii Ion if rum? ball way round the pl-iiiation IJ*.i N-il. f :iu^lit ifllmpM * <«f lli«* white holl o*, v, i li tall rod * lilinn**ym. nestling among flu* tr«*ex, nil uloog Ihrouglnrtjl tin* firnt lull#* He . r 1 ti ;n < dir urdhd a! the boil Me*; * me hIic* her liMt. nitylng, will* a fr wn: (111 y* u look j o* d lot I ill you’. • j'i i fin- i on* ;i-- a prison’ I run i do nit til: g I want to do, In* < mi i* 1':;i r i i’ •'* d • v to lx* ml; tr< ♦«< of Vv III « Wand inn that Iwtih tin* vr; wor-d I mu f m i ry wiih |M**h fp to im* rn?**-f» r there if ever ttii'i lii '1 ' U» h a | ii I V. on t do it: i * ii’ i w* /ti rn run uv\ with n drummer mu or *•'•♦!» .i i:y\r.<\ ► If I ir «» l. o " f. 11-• 1 ■ \ 4 iiini'f"! ii vlf d to her Unger tS|i i* only • liii I and. t***tIj I*. ttU.v rn i hi r badly *p' il**d. ••il».) !i„'tit ho. M«, ' I.l*abetli i ni on, limn* i!. n * ♦ r phi .ti\ • "m.v IIIUIIIm.\ mid til** ruinin'! !!*• get* Up IIf t |ly I»1 «•;, i. |,; t I i loo Ii 1 i ** I t M»*Ill1 *»f H brand in >\ r«* <*Ul W It . I out:lit to that Klnroxa Hilnir ” <1 pe<aii licvii »*x|'H*hx tin* ruil here of I I ai Iwtli’M lip- » “And In* tin** If at mum iny k« h!ii* ;:h • ; him Id* eoflfeo ami *|hi||w ln*r appetite alwn.VH u in I million ImT ' T\ h»»| 11**111 iii*H 11111 Nlit* getx oi l’ll I.oiiu before dinner* ready Iio’h r»*ndy with *oiin*t hlng good amt better in Ilnmp Jdlhird (Hi. laird! I im \ Iv liilt wit ft) a h<«dy iiaimMl lluiii|»! I hear tny*elf *»iylng, 'Humpy, dour ’ or My Iftjtnp.v Hiu?ur lump” I turn* my opin Ion of folk* nhii would go ami imino a l»oy * * Ii i Id Humphrey* don’t euro If tin* naino Iuih ln*«*n In tin* family forty thou Hand year* " Sin* foil hlloiit a lllll*' wlilh*. Tho rot**| ran on dow n I.*••*!** hill, wtil* h Wa> i.»i*• * *• than half a inn a *f rl.iy 1 tedded i tti<| tiowldi* (Mu* ooiihl drive over it naff* omui^h If •• Iv 0110 know h* w 11 l-o If *»iu,’x h a *• wciv rlonr fool* d ami tun* puSHim K'Uiotitly a p = r ii ><t *■- u\od * <»nui ■ up It who la* ,<d i tho.*!* I till) . Il'ifftt :M di n f h' 111!’ > a Hfnall i ruvi-lly h* m b !!• ro wu*» 11 ti I tivortitrntal hnu.. v v\i*h 1 man h If if | : : I' ;■ I - ’ • [ ; fill ■■!.( :tl 1**1 « !> ;»f 1 In* ' olih V | nfld tin- h r*o win*** h**;'*l bar* | k!i m. *I at*.»vo tin- d* pt’ix * f a i« nl -id*' gully The !»om» will. kered appealingly h» M< ?, w 'pi nmxxaid with the I n ,t f:«Ini \\ fii»11 • • 1 I aheth t |»i»< tl - pj f-t t #* till' -I rM!Hr*T li‘:l! <1 t little l«* ward tiki*! 1 •»_ hi 1» i father’< i Jim!It It! tom* l in! I’un't .vu ph k joiii'Mif up afu-r your Mplll?” *'t erminl? I « in 1 m doing thl* nil f«*r i» hirl* r ronr-***"’ tin* r.»;» * i re tufted. thi: to 1»i^ f* r* head blooding from u I*ash ilu-u on t«» n fool l\ lit;: 111*11in from «»f film A mmmIIMi lun I«»u in I trunk a litil* beyond * * \ i *i >11 Inal 11 !m plight In I Ik* ffplll it! somehow fnlloll upon his nnkle. breaking ji Imuii- It wan a ffumple trunk. I.ImiImuIi if* * hied In MnutIv Therefore tin* Mtranger wna n drummer It hotmh! him »i. lit for fixing to g» rroMM * untrx xxi'hout a dtixer mul V It It oi||\ :\ Min,If It. • . hilt that \\:im Bo molt* than n fit* of tug though! Sin* f\;IM L 1 ling • in Iti- «s ' t .-light * hut f It*- * oiou I vx «*uill ► to him Tll«* eoioitel ha to*] tin- xx hole l.nt* «*f drummer?. all** it In* admit fed tln*v had their in. ■ Not vx It I. ! t ding In* would not n fitHf mi-• - i to thl-4 Njuvinl dm muni I i . 11 ** t !i » hm k'ed inlx h • in* got out mid ppiojt* h*'ti him, May trig l ot lo-it 1 so|f\ you If hurt At Orwt I thought you wort* only" ••1‘rUUk. till' NttMilger Mlpph UlOUtod 1m she |wm*ed. coloring deeply Sin* tedded Hut I II *p*uo >ou apo|ogU*M Instead riu going to take voii home with tin*.** sin- Maid "Sure I'll go • * tho atninger asked I.ImhIIt guxo him a ae\ or** glum e a* nhe miMworod "You needn't unlea* yon waul to Juat tell me who you are. who you trax el for and xx here you’re going, amt I run aem! xxord to them light a wax The IHgley* down yonder.” |*»lntiug down tho hill, "have two telephone* " "Thunk you, bill I d rather K" with you U) ii.itni' I* \lu> Use Aa for the rest. It doesn't matter." tin- stran ger Mild, trying to rise and fulling |.«< W. white to the III"* 1 Wnbeth • aught hi* iirin. saying «everely “Hr mill. )oii while 1 halloo u|> |tnl>e mid Billy tin II Ik lot hoy* you know — to make h Ixm* wddlr and tote you to my rtmaliout and take <*rv of your plunder " "1 see" \ln. Use said hi* eye* iltnr lrg In aplte of Ida pain T'mrt you think y-.u'd belter lot mo go hom* with thorn? I iilway* did like to ride fin a l»ee saddle " "But you never triid it with a game leg-at loa-i 1 tv Uou ■ ■> 1 t>; oih retorted. "Anyway, you * an t <o to Ma IIliEley'*. I louud you in the road and Audi s' l-i ko«u "Clearly there's i,»> i. iv to lie wild " MaeUae answered. s'hm.lng his teeth oil u groan. He had on 1 y a simple fravturo. the d.s-tor said, but somehow he n ude a very alow reemery. The • olonel had •worn over him for exactly half un hoar—ailontly, of course. Humanity and bosidUltty Uuh forbade anythin*: else. Then he had fallen trtctUn to the «harm of a jteraouallty singularly Crank and winning. A* for mammy j jib*1 bild * j< IJ .Ixilj frim ih4 to do j tr. -T* tiMii nay "‘Good BfiTClS"'* I ir-!*i sti° a* SfiH'liw j fee;' *i j* n. ? rt wbri & • down tu hit » n fit** |#k*Z£i or toufelM* up and ■ ♦] , * ff ~ *•■?»«* foil»MV*-l bill) Ilkr» n f ; « MrT*’d rbjlid H 1. <j i i .* < tv till Im r. Ed* ; <j* ..!'./ I. l> *--n n?l o <*r thf* world, i He wa- i!iirt.s i t i».i *<i < :tut well srnl* ;*nd ' f'.ne.> wi ll tr« d In uplift J of L<- v» • , ii Tl;<* f < ort* h I and jM*v«*tai n d tJm* v«*ati<»!i I ta' i ly. it* i J ; »t fr frd In tlie ovr*r Ui > m • Wont. lij.-t ii<l. after WfJo nu ,• i « • . . f brief I r . I.A !• d I -. < -r, (hi; it I* • “I I hi,re I only l“ «• -1j-j* snywif I'Milns weir." Ail I : - I . ■ .• In I ■ for the ,r< rer. h , v , .*t v- i «, fit. Ida . Ij h i ?. < . * 'IS inone; . It j bli ;.r:; f. f nm'it lit Willow T.,«4 . .I . f. ,iiiy h d eouflded l«« him liielr |. 1i a d . rlfvatifM. Set - i <•/ j v . h.i, . i- ary lie hail i i .■ i I . 'l 1 fore It fa me. After i ’ ,n i' ■ null t he lung ill i| j|.ii;,fi lilt judgment veered ; h i in ii1 *iy l i 1- a .ad li h hide "Hut you !!>• ii n innii of yuur own to tight for. ' he explained to her Jn ill'dully. "iofoeieitl> any i Maly it to Op|MlHe to tie- e two. Von IIIhIMI that ymi i hi do Iwtier than take el ther. Ymt-.e not to >how iiiaminy and the > olonel, even If the} don't eonie from Ml- otirl. Iion’t you know uny holy you I'oulil Idealize into n hero?" I l eiheth ah1 etk her head. murmur I I don't know him. hut I know of him Ii'm ho aggravating lie wont pome hoim I wonder If you ever met him 'I M Murray. Ilea lieen globe troll i mk e'er (dime III’ left eollege I in nle up lay noml to many him no 1.. ii ... t , ari ago, w hen I went nil over In holt e. not heeau-e II a ho I f. r I lie niltne tioodhiairt I |. , \t 11 I in -urn I d love him i Hut how inn 1 when lie keep* il w ay nil I lie time It i: i.lit t.e harder till If you saw him .No, IN, never m«t him. lull I ve la o’d ii |o| about him not mueh to hii ..I." Mm line mild, aeuwllng ihIiIIj "If lie'a the only rival you can H* are up I -I e tiothliik' for It lull to prop, e pi v. lf Voit found me, you 1.1.. .U and - . d limllny vtaa keeping.” Ami I tin nt l. rluht then," Man belli lid joyollaly ‘ I'AeU If you lire u ilia inner 1 believe It will lie great fun to go along with you I might even drum for thlnga tuyaelf.” "Thai'a a hargaln" Mat llae Halil, holding her tight, hut not kliving her. "I m afraid, though, you won't Htlek to It w hen you know I'm a rank, rank ImpoHtor not n bit of a drummer You don't even know my right name.” "I don't l ine I know you," l.UnlieUl erletl, ‘ llnglug i Imer Then lie klHneil her t w lee, hu.vlug, with the leant alinke In Ids miee "Thank (Jod! Sweetheart I never before waa mo proud of un-ell' Mat the name Is a pretty deeeiit one l in linking you formally lo Ue Mi l M inuaduke Mil ellMe Murray I wan going home with my family | iper i In that trunk when tl lamed me mi d ;.uvt» me Homethlng very m|' !i more | ii'* Ioum. Now. what d * \ oit think ..ay ami Hie eoionel w ill ■ i v V" ' ll d ii’hu'i ||,a er. I ay Am.- " Us i alii'l h V. bl-l el'**! '• li I ladle ve 1 hey w ..11 1 I,i.ike mill'll i'. ■ la.ill It," Vo ti, o and Avocation. \ i l. i . i! fr *»m ! t! .• I.iii h. \ • l v - i! iji». « i liing ■ \ v < 'll' I|“ is i M-ri I I'i '.HI II . • •« >. I c*?i 1! :n\ i\ . r divert. o.« * 'hi', eulllnr .»\\ .1 \ * i ill' rn hu \ lit.i li *• • a Mil' j: or V"< (ft«tl if H hi li felt! lias prO 1 > •: 1 him HI i > ; n i: • h , i • II11 •.! . r fin which I •• huff rw el etl a cMii ame s I . . p4 • I i \ III- III lit I) I | . . . , •;! voeatioii lint w lim a man I - tailed \\\ i v av "intn fi‘"in IiIh regular em l»l"\ nu n* a ml "»». «k»*s in n «|i v erslou or iim n illm ,.f any Mm! tin* word uvo • m i '!» applies t" sueli diversion or rail in,, avv . reerent loti may he of a wry serious nature, a* some profound atudv « r arduous work hut it iv not hla V"« .iii"U. Th#* m h"> '»<»> Ii ih no vvxni limi lit* la rifting himself for out* it'it tm nm.v have many aviations «tlailatone* vs -aiion was statesman ship among his n vocations were i tie study of tin* i lassies, making transla tions ,'ul sometimes chopping down ir« I.omlon M A I* A Small Girl’s Philosophy. Th. nl i iiu liter of the house v\ is Kent f" hed <ailv the oilier evening as punishment tor some a t eonti try to | rules iiul regulation*. After sin* been til k*d ill he.I tor some time and vvas supposedly asleep tin* youugsier ealied tier father ami told him she vv i dled tie * "liltI go ahead ami spank her and have it over with instead of sending tier <»fT in that way • This lying In lnnl never*# going to make me any better,*' she said. ‘ uuvl a good spanking would lie* Idea, It mak«*« me so mad 1 ean’t shn»p. and ao what a the use of It P*—Cleveland Plain Healer. Shop. "Well. well, well! la this Rill Snoo |*>r V "Yea, and tlila U let me aee- van (hla las my old friend Torn t<rtgaou V' "i'bat'a who it la. 1 tiaveu'l aeeu yoki for- for-’— "T»mtj iev»a years." “That’* right. Twenty aeren years! Well, well! What are you doing uow, iunr "I'm a tratellng evaugellat Are you a member of any church, TomT" Not yet. I'm a life Insurance aollv Itor I represent the beat company In the world Currying all the Insurance you waut, lUlir - Chicago Tribune. Mi* Inspiration. "What furnishes your Inspiration?-' they asked of the author. "My wife." was the reply. "Uow lovely’" tiny cried "llow t>or feet y hlealtstic!'* "Ye*." he went oti. "If the muse ever halts and I fee! like looting her tie tn a ml for a new gown or some add! t onal t ■>: - ' f .r h-atseh c t expenses »*trs t;ie t<* re: owed eff at and puts;.s In a gall tv" YVhat'a the ’ alter, oU man?" "1 was out last tdcht where a lot of lay freruls rv:eu->dly sang that l was • Jolly g'*>xi fellow.” *'\\ eieu't you?" "1 guess t was, gll right, but t ran't get my w fe to bollsvo lt.“—Chicago Record Herald. i Tio M.-H Fer H-m. A>’> otdiiiic "> n Tit.ih-i*man. fhorc? « i» «ii- <■ a jll ie*' In tin* i-anlern sw*. tjoii of tbat ulaiH. a lean w»-ll verw-iJ t:< !«•». but I'lillivly w-lf wbn ll I'l <ottj(<•<.<! nith (!;< ij»!ro» of | orttioyriiphy nil Ills llfp. In flirty Ilf-? ! b" b .<l !>u«l In Kti'-xvIHi*. a-d for a |i.i / I. ln'oil uj.on s pIII’ik tbo nnuip No i-IMp. H1 ; ll; ;,i. frl"i.i! < • <*<! blm np •< * < : . .• »b. K. R» iiior - !♦* •!;..!• fa t . t:,-. ]' on Insrocd ■o ! ’ i : fi-'-v . : !i-rn ird hp t. y ■ ii ' ■ ■ >u;ij prp ! ' y- • l .o I ; -r *|.i- Jtidafp i i oil j . oil i| t-i Murfi’t-ps i-I O Hit- l on ii.- !«;_ i l . wrl'p i |, rr- I-: rfr .i": pin-p he *• -i ll*-1 liia Ii "! In | < - ill} nml fib..;:; **v : .*.*1.«t "I ■ ' rio-.‘ 'i • r:h i'll1! fbi-r »l i ilii1* of tbln pin. p with n ’ K V* " FI.OWKHS wmiOI’T FRT’IT Pr )»* thou »hy word*, the thought* That *>'*r thf* *w*|| and throng T!i'-V 1». I! rond»n** v. Uhln thy notll Arid ( \\h t\ir*» to j strong. Put hA who let* hi* filing* run In nnft. Iiixurton* flow Bl rink* hard vcrv:<« mult t>* don* Ard faints it every w<^* Y iltti'a mA*f.n»ft d*«*d more favor l-f-ari W err ' a* d v M’« a » w*'1 h* 1 Tt ar: hr tghtest trat ns port*. choicest yr»y* W .... h tloom their hour and f»h —John Henry Newman. Adjusted His Nam*. \\ In h tfi«- baronet, r?tvf Brown Cmvi*. iir-t »unie to Amiri' a he Insist* ♦•<1 ti|*»ii help * nldr«»#M*d by Iiia full ti. !.■ He »miI mih* night nt dinner hi u I' irdh.g h..u ^ In Montreal next to •iu Kn Ii.*! ;n ti» named Leonard Holme, a ii old ( hit!tn h. Wind) II. * j*duta < f)in«* on the table I lie landlady. who did the carving, said IV ft nr milt toll, Mr C.IVI'?" The future baronet. hi Ids most free* 111.' riiiinne! replied “I lieg your par don m.idati Mv name is (me Hr.»\vn * .i v *», If you pli ise.” Willing to oblige her guest*, the landlady asked If Mr. Cave Itrown t a \ *• would lake Iwef «»r mutton. He accepted tile b«*ef Then sin* turned to the next guest ii ml said. ‘Beef or mutton. Mr Holme?*' \\ itlioiit n smile the Cambridge man gravely replied "I beg your pardon, madam My name Is Home Sweet Home." This drew n roar from the Englishmen at the table and cost Holme the friendship of Cave-Brown Cave from that time forth. Ahead on Prayers. \ bishop traveling In the depth of winter came t«* a lion we of a presiding Hilrr to -pend the fd^ht. '1 In* weather w 11-« bitterly cold. and tin* bedroom Into will* h tin* I isliop was shown hail a tlti> k conthu: of I* •• on tin* window* Tin* elder waited to see tin* bishop s.t »*lv I *4 ■ t \% * « tin* f» it her hi'ils Hot When the bidiop. half frozen, jumped Inn* le d without sh ppiatf to say bln pr - thf* elder n nnaistrati d with him • \ it hav«* f« often to nay your pra * , r* he said ‘ N-- i ’i *. I'd t lie t>i <li p “I al wavs I; ep •prayed up* In preparation Tor nights that are as t ehl as this.” Somt.thing Missing "Iddh i I tell v«* i*» feed that rat a poll ! of 11• *•:»t even day until ye had tier fttiV” demanded an Irish shop Keeper, n. ddln a sh kly. ema ciated i at that was slinking through the store. ”Ye did thot.” replied Ills assistant “an* I’ve just boon after f»sd!n’ tier a pound of meat lids very minute.** • I i it fa. an* I dolt t believe ye. Bring me t tie st ales ** Tin* p*M»r rat was lifted Into the scale* They balanced at exactly one pound • Then*!’* e*< lahned the assistant trl umpbantly. Iddnt I tell ye she'd bed Iter pound of meat?” •‘That's right." admitted ttie boss, mv itt him: Ids head ‘’That's yer poumi of meat all right Hut" sud denly looking up “where the divvll Is the eat?" M\erybody’s. Work Wdh a Will. \\ are not <eut Into this world to do nt> thing Into whl- h we cannot put our h arts We have certain work to u» f. our bread, and that is t * be do n* streutiously; other work to do f»*r our delight. and that is tv* 1h» done heartily. neither Is to be done 1»> halve* or shifts, but with a will, and what is not worth this effort is not to l>e done at all John Uuskln. He Prayed Hard. Au old man In Oeoritln ntmnl Jack Baldwin, haring lost his lii.t In an oltl dry well one day. lilt. Inst a ro|>e to n »t it in |> and let himself down A wick .si wag named Neal .nine alone Just then and. quietly detaching a Itell from Via Id wlu'a old Mind horse, approached (he well. Iiell In hand, and began to Unit a tins Jack thought the old horse was com ing and said ’’Hang the old blind horse’ He’s coniine this way sure, and he ain't got no more sense than to fall In on me Whoa. BallT The sound eame closer "tireat Jerusalem’ The old Mind find will ls> right on top of me In a tulnlt: Who*. Ball! Whoa. haw. Ball’” Neal kicked a little dirt on Jack's bead, and Jack lastsn to pray; "Oh. Lord, have mercy on— whoa. Ball! a poor sinner— I'm (rone now! Whoa, Ball: Our father who art In - wh.ia. Ball! hallow,si Is* thy gee. Bill, gee’ What’ll 1 ,!■ ’ ■ name Now 1 lay me down to si .tee Ikii!!" Just th,'ii In fell more dirt "Oh, I or,!, if >i i ever intend to do anythim; for me - Mi. k. Ball: Who.' thy kingdom come tf,sv Ball: Oh. lent, you know I Ik1|>iU,,I iu Sim. * i ill dam - «h>.i. Bale H„ ii| Murder UTi...i'” N.a ■ on Id I...I ; ■ ,-r . .1 slr uted a laugh which might I ne Iss-ii beard two m :•*». was als-ut as far as Ja, k chased him when he pX out Conscientious. An Ituglisli ottrlal In N’ewar. India, decided to plant a line of peepul trees lu the avenue of aho|>s. that the trad ers might be tMtwwl from the bias Urn nun. tint. to the apent's «mi' Bent, when hi* tet*#tl'*i beenne known the *tt---keeper* »et up a tre im ui -i- n to It On no ?f fount, they k!id ootid th«v have the peet.ijl trees ■>!! their avenue. If the were •' • •—] fore every • -r eh' iit w 'I'd T*te BveM <•>-• t for a Inadlttp Imn ulali, or i!o (o < • ; • r a ml eaiil to him: “tVIlt, O' II ; ,:d I 111* ohje 'Ion to tfie fof-j.ii! tr "■ The iiTenne i* horri bly I t a !<l i-.I,; The tree* » old Ini;-t ve h ir ■<! ’» r. • ' !'' ! ■: nlub. "the pee pnl tre« I :< red tree No true !*» Iho -r r*< ' Id d • to lie < r fato* ly In |t« rhn !<• fl W. then. *rl:h a r.w lif i- * . < I:ti-- I I d We Hot ►>«(•!« e- . j . :*-*r earry on husl f* ... I ! A C -h CJ'l V. t,en a ! "r. pm min? a ne~*» ci'ide. start'd to ,i*k the trooi.m. -I >.» y. ii t ' th n a f' r fief ter or f‘*r w r '■;** it..* o-v.iin r':ed the e! r.yir 1 In !ur sf ' 'it: "No. Jiidee, I iv tii.'a i ! t* If t • - it i any h t'rr I" die o 1 if he gits any wtis* I'll 1:111 Mm r i "If" What H<* Ouflht to Gat A ! -n -millionaire made his vast fortune by hi* bu-ine-s abili ty. Thinking H..**. n* he had !.*etifi so successful in trade and finance, be muM hIiso mk • “• d in II »*ratur*\ be did ,h other* h.n d «<* Vi rote a book of travels. If.»vi / a proper pride In hi* own work. In- expwted to rereive a fairly jjihh! pH e fn rn IiIh publisher tiierefru* 'Jo hi* litf• ■* di mi-t. Instead of offer! tipr him « in fort able * heck for -lie copyright the publisher demanded that lie deaih! p*y lilfii for the risk of issuing the b It wan rh’ur to hhn that t*:I-* a attempt to take ad vantage of h: p- -ItIon n«* a rirh man with* nt exporia •* In literature. He happened to t . frieti llv terms with n Vi* ll knowi , r dl: ». and the hap py tf-ought * . ia - I to hhn to send the 111 r: inis, ry.* o* 11 • * * urea t litterateur and critic vvlih a businesslike Inquiry. “What do you il .1 k 1 should get for this?** The Journal!*! w 1 - eniial to the <>c elision. After r«- •«1 i* 1 tr tlie manuscript he returned It v irli lie* laconic answer written aero** the top sheet, ‘•Tive years!** Conscience. Conscience enable* us not merely to lea m the right by experiment and Induction, but Intuitively and in ad vame of experiment So In addi tlon to the experimental way whereby we learn Just h e from the f:u t* of hit man history we have a transcendental way and learn It from the finds of hu man nature and from immediate con sciousness -Theodore Parker. Beyond AM Music. At one of the Yorkshire Inn'*. relates n Liverpool «i>ntfin|M»niry. there L n l»iun 1st who ran improvise an-ompani moots to nn.\ lint any singer wishes to sim.' !!•• cannot road n note «*f music , yet > flu* I** m! vernacular, lie ‘N illt |t| ? v n\ " fjiM t itlv. however, lie M!' t w ifti '• v , • i *| ehe« k A m i n hum • I •' ci ii*. Iuit the pi ■ inI'I t died . • ’ • • • I. t*s try It n v sin.** I •• ^ *1 A • d i ’ • v tried if i v ; it v ' ; ii o At1 In! tt • ’ l.r i I i*.• • • r -*itt Then th* | i t sifri. I i-> tee shiver i*1 nn ;er J 5.1 ’ • i. iuv’v*' tried t!; \ on t' ’tins, nw’ve tried I ha *'ii t* hhe k V »! Aw ve iri. < 1 tint *•!! t‘ him k -n il v. f,pe ’t:- i* is ! It‘s no use 'Ilia's m: :» !-« nveoli t‘ cr;t< ks!“ Hi? L ^st J \ Hill \ .. ! on r’: r day s on e up proa Inal i ho main . r of a lootnre hti rrau with an ;tf»s♦ I ■ :»:i u for employ ment Hint win; as! * il if he Ii nl ever done Mi\ t hi ii it in I In t Hue. •a >h y e- ■ said Mid “\\ h it have volt done?” *• \\ . i! " r olhil Mi", “rnv ln*t J »b was in a dime museum «f’tln*/ In it barrel with thi' fop of my head stick flu? mit I sim; as the largest 4*;trieh eu'C In captivity.” Trimming S' :n. The \Yi kfords. who for several weeks had heen t uirtnir Kurope. had re.i Ins! I Isi, am! were at the top of ! the famous leaning tower Mr Wick ford was thin and wiry, htif Ids wife was th h.v as to he almost a burden to her-elf As >l,e v , d lio^ini: to ti e raMins | on t!; id .-her siile. ir is »irtir for I reath I and f* t a.: her •■elf. he * authmsly up ■ I r e ’• <! t h Irv r - id- . la\ flat • n hi ► 14 ’ 1 -V to si i - *'Ue **t 11)4* lip rights, pu’h-it himself f* nv.ini until he * or hi h ok d wo over the edge The 1 rflY* t was terrifying tod. with a hasty ex« I a inatioti. he drew ha* k The tower soenusl t*> t*e falling, ami lie could feel Ids hair r! imr t* meet the emergency. “What N it Nathan?” askisl ids wife, starting toward him. "(id ha* k there. Candace, quick!" ht gu*p«sl If you bring your weight over here the whole thing will go over sure’*' A Riliabli Raamfy FOR CATARRH Elf't Cnia Mi la ««uctn atMiM. t»u bM >1 bo It clcansfs, aoothea, heals uni protecta the diwiuuHl mem brane resulttn^ from Catarrh and dr.rea aw»y a Coll in the Head quickly. Rniorn the Seuseeof Taste and Sun'll Full mw 50 eta. at Druggist* or by mail. _ Liquid I’nim Halm for use in atomiien* 75 eta. Uv Urol tiers. 5S Warren Street, New York, For Sale Pursuant to an order of the Probate Court, I will offer for sale at private sale, the tract of land situated on the hav ville Hoad, belonittntt to the estate of t'.dward M. Armstrong. late of Put nam, deceased, said fact containing ! about It l-i seres. is t;i Hk\h\ O. ARMstKoNU, Adm CASTOR IA For Infanta and Children. IU Kind fat Han Always Bought Bears the nature of fear*Ua \*rr I When the mercury drops out of sight and you just can’t keep the house warm, you’ll find it wonderfully convenient to use a PERFECTION Oil Heater (Equipped with Smokeless Device) It's very light—carry it about—beat any cold room. Turn the wick high or low—no danger—no smoke—no smell. Easily cared lor and gives nine hours ol cozy comfort at one filling ol / I brass font. Finished in nickel and japan. Every huter warranted. The R&yo Lam] with it* flood ©f VtaAr. 1 brilliant light it ideal .W the long winter evening* —T»d or mw k. * —i tin your ora. Lota, <n>pr<-r<l '«*»*> jr.H Um. Mode ol bran, mckcl plptrd E«ry l*mp It your dealer cannot .uppiy tkr Rayo Lamp or Pertactum OJ Heater, wnW our ncercol agency tor a devriptire ortolar. STANDARD OIL COMPANY llacorporalal) The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been In use lor over 30 years, has borne the signature of and has been made under his per sonal supervision since its infancy. Allow no one tc deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and “ Jnst-as-good” are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment* What is CASTORIA Cantoris is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant, 1* contains nelthet Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotie substance. Its age is Its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation aad Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the 8tnniiuii and Dowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea—The Mother’s Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Putnam Mail Service 1908. post omrK opes From 6.30 a. m to 8 p. m. Sundays,from 8.30 to 9.30 a. uk The lobby will remain open to Lock Box holder* until 1*2 m. Holtdftn from 0.30 a. in. to 1*2 ru.,3.30 to 7 p.m Carrier'* window opeuSurdays from 8..30to 9.3C MONEY OKIVEK IlH IslOSf Open fimu S a. n. to 6 p. m., clotted on Sun liars and Legal Holidays. Registry Division open during office houi* t E1.IVKKIE4 By 4 'it v Carrier* Daily, (Sundays anc Holidays excepted) at S.’iO a. m. and 4.1® p in.; and 11.03 a. ni. in the Business Section Due delivery by City Carriers ou Holidays. HOI KS or Cm.|.KCTI«(N|l From the Street l etter Bov, -. Sundays anc Holidays excepted, and Despatches.) KINIDKNTIAL SECTION Collection-. Despatches 6.1.3 to 6 10 a. m., n ail despatched *t 7.10 a. tu 8/'0 to U 30 a. m., “ “ “ 12.13“ 4.30 to 6-30 p. in., •* “ " 7 43 p.m rKoNT AsD Fl.M NTRFICT BOX 6.13 a. in., mad despatched at 7 10 a. m lo ts* a. “ “ “ 10.10 •• U13a. in., •» “ “ 12.13 *• 3.30 a. m., " •* 3.35 p. m 6.00 p. m., “ 4* »• 7.43 •* Kl KAI. FREE OEI.IVEKY, Routes No. 1 and *2. Rural arriers leave daily, (Sundays and Holi ; day*excepted' at 8.10 a. m , return at 3.10 p. m . Mailable matter, weighing 4 pounds or lest sent by Rural Carriers must be prepared by stamps affixed. MAILS OPEN PROM Boston, New York, Hartford and all point north, eaat, south and west at 8.15 a. m. Boston, 9.15. 10.45 a. m.. 3.45, 6 05 p. na. Danielson. 8, 11 a. m., 3.45 p. m. Norwich. 8, 11 a. oi , 3.4ft. 6.05 p. m. Hartford, 8, 11 a. m., 4.10,6.45 p. m. New Yoik, 9, 11 a. m.. 4.10, 6.40, p. m Worontft, 8.15 a. m., 6.00 p. m. Webster, 8.15 a. m.. 6.05 p. rn. Willunantic, 8.00. 11 a. ru., 4.10 p. in. Sundays irom all points 9.90 a. m. MAILS CLOSE FOR Boston.?.10, 10.10 a. ru.,r2.» Danielson, 7.40, 10.10 a. tn., 5 35, 7.45 p. n. Uartfotd. 7.40, 10.10 a. m., 5 35 7.45 p. m. New York. 7.40. 10.10 a. m., 3.15,5 35,7.45p. ■ New Haven. 7.40, 10.10 a. m., 5.3ft, 7.45 p. m. Norwich, 7.40, 10.10 *. m., 5.35, 7.45 m. Willi man tic, 7.10, 10.10 a. m., 5.35, 7.45 p. m. Worcester, 7.10, 10.10 a. m., 3 35, 5.35, 7.45 p m. West and Sot tk.'rn States. 7-10 7.40, 10.10, a 1 m., 3.15, 3.: 5 5.15, 7.45 p.m. Worcester and New l.ondon. North, War Sta tjons, 7.10 a. 1*1., 3.35 p. tn. Worcester and New London, South, Way Sta tioas. 7.40 a. m., 5.35 p m. Boston and Hartford, Ea»t, Way Stations, 7-K a. rn. Boston a»vl 11 art ford Weal, War Stations. 5 JU p, m. B*xt«s and D'i'.jfh., Ea*?. Way Stations, S.3f p. m. Bo-t^ti and Poutrh., West, Way Stations, 16.1C a. m. Boston, Pw>v .'cnee and New York, East, Was Stations. 10.10 a. •». Woadato* S-*. We»tlord and Eastiord, by sta*:e 103® a. a W«>«xl'*t<vka, South, North. East, 10.30 a. sc. 5.35 p. m. Pomiret, 8.00 a. ra., 5.35 p. m.. bv stage. Xicht* foe all point* 7.45 r. m. Suada\* tor al' points, 3.30 p. m. TRANK G. LETTERS. Postmaster. * ‘ Blank Deeds at this Office, Trollev Time Table The Consolidated Railway Cc KFKErTIVE JI'l.V 1. 190S Titne given tor oars leaving Front and Main Street I.eave Putnam for Worcester and intermedi ate stops at •.">,17, *6.07, *7.55 a. in., and hourly u t 1 11.55 a. m . half hourly until 6.55 p. in , hourly until 8.55 p. m. LeaveJWorcestcrtC ty Hall' at 6.17) a m., and 1 ourly until 9.15 p. hi Time 2 hours auu 20 minutes; fare 45cents. Leave Putnam lor Webster aud intermediate stop> at *7 17. *6 07 a. m.. J7 55 a. m., and hour!} until 11.45 a. m., hall hourly until 6.55 p. in. and then hourly until 9.55 Return uiug. leave Webstei at *6.i 0 a. m , 7.4J a. m. and hour! unti 12.45 p. iu., half hourly until 7.45 p. in., then hourly until 10.45 p. ra. Fate 20 cents |Leave Putnam for DayviUe and intermediate kom at *6.35 a. in. and hourlv thereafter until 1.3d d. m., halt hourly until 8.35 p in,, then hourlv until 11.35 p. rn. lieturning, leave Dayville at *5.00, 5.45 a. m. 6.10 a. Day* ville (car house*; 7.28 a m., and hourly until 1.28 p. m , half houi!▼ until 7.28 p. m., hourly until 10.28 p. m. Fare 10 cents. Leave Putnam for Danielson at x6.35 a. then hourly till 1.35 n. m., half hourly until 7 45 P m.. hourly until 10.35 p. a». Returning leave Danielson at 77.10 a. m. and then hourlv until 1.10 p. m., half hourly until 7.10 p. m,, hourly until 10.10 p. m. Fare 15 cents. Leave Pntnam for Central Village and inter* mediate atop# at *6.35 a. m. and hourly until 1.35 p. m., half hourly until 745 p. m., bonrlv until 945 p. n>. Returning, leave Central Vil lage •*•6.15 a. m., 7-45 a. m„ hourly thereaftei until 12.45 r. m., half hourly until 6.45 p. m. hourly until 9.45 p. m. Fare 25 cent*. All cart connect at Central Village for Mooaup. Fare 6 cent*. Leave Norwich for Pntnam at 6.45 a. m.. and hourly uni 1 8.45 p. m. Fare 55 cents. Putnam and Providence I>eave Putnam for Providence and wav point* at 6.35 a. ra changing at Elmville on cars of the Providence and Dauitkl«on Railway, leaving Elmville .at 6.46 and S.45 a. m. and hourly there alter to and including 6 45 p. m. Return ing. leave Market Square, Providence, at 5.45 a. m. and hourly the*e after to 3.45 p. m., thee 5.45 p. m. Fare 75 cent*. •Ik>e* not run Sunday*. ZSunday1*, one hour later. xSuudays, 2 hours later. All southbound cap* connect a: Central YU with car? tor Moosup Thia table subject to change without notice C Bvantks fifutin I* l.5d Vm HwMMwis gyscr ziccJUU \ r a miiT orpK.-B..rr E«»' or<l w'+.ltxr V ‘ ©r Ka*t!or<j otr the fM> tlw~? Preae., ,**•* * b & OinMiotarjaha K «. ! ^ 'T4> ' *" fWi^ort doth >i*~r ;owt*«i liniff^fAf |(if> ? htir cltim« a trlni^rutor ao4 rj.r„~. o4 ihtf order t»y /-dr^n fibbed ; n PiMiam h«t t trier, mm by p*i«th K a !»f *4jn*-po r in s*;d pUce *j h*-n- !h* i crT>n**a *rJ *** JOHN For :sale In order to dose Iheest . lard Li I ley, I will '*'l*‘* 04 the home place, eot,,itiBl I!** hnnsaand two ijarns , * and May street,, h, r,of **■ ti. Wright. ■ . E*l» ®o»tb* v ,7* via,. *, Pubtfe mwt-. \i a (oi Ki oh rk«t!: Puma* within ard PuflMfb on tit** 12;b day of \ t Kilt?ar(l ti ’ On m >rk>n of rtmuk K. Ha •lock. Conn., a:,<J Hurton £ Conn , Kx<-ttiror* n{ the dm nt Of Mart m harrvtt jMr »uitl dt»ir et Tbit* COnrf doth dftcre* ttj lowt»ni f„r the to e-xbibtt U»oir claim* 9i^ai; F.iMUtor* and directs rh; *iv«* of thi;* order b> advert -n* haring a circulation in «ai,; ,.,fr * .-w, iiU a copv ti..*re*of,oD tl. pub m : **$ *? r town of Put warn nearth#» r deceased last dw» It. ***** *Wfc t>rtHol from Kcoord 48-44 U>Haku Ij w bIgbt,j*, At A COURT OP PKiiktHTe'intr--— Kastford within and't,Vtht°{i!!? 1 Kastford on me at>< dav o’ * i,Dl*’r*' Present. John » 7at. ;*•*. On motion ot tieo. S. B.„.D the intestate estate of sieuiu fonn , Pasadena. Cat, deceased. «*tr This Conrt cloth decree th*t . lowed and limited for the erwiltorai?i!ah to exhibit their claim, again™ admiblatrui r amt direct, that given of thin order bj publishing tiMwIIr? newspaper having a circulation m h and be posting a copy thereof „n !h. post in said town of Easfford where the deceased last dwelt. Certified from Record ■""IN M TATla n. Probate Mol.i.ii it H; \i u Court v. . ,uuoir „ witliita and for district of I honTssoTT :tist day of October, A II, is*. R 0R Present, Georye s. t rnsbr jnu tin moi ion of Hurtou I. |i,„i. !.ake, New lorh.exe utoron !• ,■ >st«^S“ of Irving J Hoc le, late of Balden n " , r'tt^eatate in Connecttcnt in *aid ihstrict This court doth derree that -is month, u losed nod linilteti for tlie cm .||l,.rs of ,.,a Z, to exhibit their claim, against ti- ? executor ami directs thai i.i.hlii mole- s, 1 of this order be udverti.log n, » ing a circulation lit said distiict, and copy thereof on the public sign p, of Ihompson. nearest the place where m. ceased lust dwelt, t’ei titled from Record, t~—i'-1 tlKtiK'.K- o iisBV Jw A r OK1-I>K"BATE holdq i 1 at 'N ood?tock within and tor said ifotricu Woodstock uti flu* l.Mh day of Nov. a. I), im Present, da em*« H. (.'hlkL iife* 4 kfl ItlAf lAtl S I * I * & I .a pr.l /I i’ll. . a . - OD motion of U. Harold tillpatnc „| < onnecticut. ex-cutor^iu 'bo testa-s Mtur Lydia P. Kcnvon. late of w« d-toek xithias d. strict, doia'fit. This Court doth decree that six months ti date hereof he allowed and limited tar creditor* of said estate to exhibit their t attainst the same to the Klee star directs that public notice be given of this by advertising In a newspaper pubhsliedSj p.t mini having a circulation insaid district tad s posting a copy thereof on the public iln«a In said Towni of Woodstock nearest the use where the deceased last dwelt. ' Certified from Kecord, _<7 - 48_Clarence II Child. JttCgs iV5. KINNEY & SON dealer* in Lumber. Coal, Doors, Vlouldinw Brick, Lime, Cement, P.B.S. Miyod Paints I earl and Oi1 George W. Perry Meoliiink'ftl and Civil KiirI»*ct jin«l Surveyor RICH BLOCK Cvi r FIsikk * Store, PI'TKaW, COSH OUTLOOK as the LEADING NATION AL WEEKLY FAMILY NEWSPAPER, and for the eighteen years has been the LEADING NATIONAL MEDIUM for Classified Ad vertising* If you are an advertiser, let us convince you that our Classified Department is all we claim for it: the best, th^past longest established, ard the most responsive in the maga zine field. Send for full information and a specimen copy of THfc OUTLOOK, 2S7 Fourth ave. New York. __ NOTICE Aonnal Citj Meettag The legal voters of the *1ifj* nun are hereby warned to nisei •" A. 0. H.Ktll, Vmt»i 0a A* I «U1 at 10 o'clock In the forenoon at time the polls will be open a— remain open until 3 o clock noon of said day and no,'t,n*?‘ and there to elect by a plurality « lots the following city officer* m • city of Putnam aforesaid, namely two years, commencing the nr** t” day of January, 1SW8> «"'< until successors are ehcwen snd quan»* Two Aldermen each from ttts and Kourth Wards of sai'l it the annual adjourned city be held as provided by the t h the city of Putnam on the first of March, 19Ut>. to W*e,s upon the detailed estimates upon iu« uruuicu ^ and there and then presented ^ ^ be deemed expedient. to ’^ there make such approprtalM* each of the departments of the government as may be de __ cessary and proper for the - suing'iiscal year, and to .ay «n defray the current expenses tVsrrM* for the ensuing year: a-'-u. i* for the liquidation the det t virmv curred by the city since its /*“ JJaj tion, and to authorize f 'e , ,m d Council to borrow a sutfioieP - ^ money to meet the current e. the city until the taxes s-< '•>!«»* ^lingWf UC tU» uaaaa. s«v -- «nd 10 name the date for ^'^rrY. >itv uaxes. JOH> J M Salad at Putnam, Coon.-Nov^ Attest, Leon T. Wilson, t »> <■rfr