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Don’t allow a few cents difference in price to mis lead you when buying baking powder. Read the label on the can and take only a brand made with cream of tartar. |© SUPERIOR Baking Powder Pvlade from a Superior grade of pure Grape Cream of Tartar Insures Purity of Food '*< m -1 * % /\ ., ' ^ 'f<hD'• U^TfiAH I *COl IN. r l- *=>* Man son Smioslully Ikftmh Sli 1 Hit-. Tim e hundred and fifty H|mii l« were in St. Joint * hull Thanksgiving after noon,and saw Flit* 11 rniwitl of Worn - ter sustain his Mile of Champion welter weight of the world, getting two out of three fall*, with hi* famous l«e mid arniliM-k hold, over young t’ndello of < 'mubridge Many present w lines-* 0 the |Hifl ifor the first time. Olliers hud seen the game ns exhibited tty , light weight youngsters, and a few were familiar with the sport In nil Its aspects. All pioiuiunccd the exldhl tlon as one of the most Interesting they hail lever '•■en. Wrestling is praell tally free from hiallly Injury, mid Is a j s|atrl requiring mtisetilar development, j science, .and a |«-rfeet control of the temper. This Is apparent to the ilnl niated and soon has them in favor of tlie conltnuanoe of Hie s|sirt so recent ly introduced here. T)te exhibition was a little lutein starling as I’udello missed his train mid eame In an automobile. The auto broke down in North flrosvenordale, ami tie finished the trip Ity trolley. I>11 rlsix the wait yomiK MenryTelreault gave a riiiinls r of piano seleetii>ns,iiind also enteitained (lie andleiiee In the same inannei lielween linn The preliminary hi nt w ns liet ween Kitl Van Itiui t - ,ii and Voting Duhrl el, troth of this city. I>ul.*rle| Is t n am- i alt ni, and has taen training lad a lew weeks, l.iit show ' tip rctnaikalily wi ll j fur a 'ttegimtei. \ an Unit Vinner «.■! tin , first twi I alls in I if--I and Id •> re II w «s " ".n w In n Ihe pajHclpmiU In tlx l> K bout slepp i| I i Hie li t I I lliinsnn lirst A|i|e8ri*tl. lie Won a i bo.ivn iigtlietl bliill lul>e rm tiring hi' retl trunks, He whs in’roil.lent ns Ihe Champion WCllerweigM WIes'Uu of the mil III, willing lo ile'enil tie tllli ngiim-t nil comers. Ym eg I’mtello lot loweil elosely on the heels of his n| |M> Mhl, wenilng bliiek trunks nml h gray swutttr. lie was Introduced ns tin tie- ; defeated l-.l iHxiiut man willing b ; inert all eonieis. Hugene Kiiiiihiiis oi ; this city aeleil ns referee amt master of ; crmnorilrs, to thesntlsfnetloii of all. The men were s mu m It nml nilxe I It ii|■ lit h good flip from the no, mil al once hail the auilieniH' entli siasuc In applause. Hanson was the nan lessor all through the Ii -l Ismt ami IihiI I'm ilello busy on I he ileli iisi s e. lie time nml [again hail tie (Vnbinlge mini mill one sliuulilv lo I e eiinva> ter what hsiketl like n ■•< In f ill ml with eel like isinfortloiis t’iiih llo tnvnrin' ly . s>(ulrineil out n( hi' pi-i-minus position Hint rfaluei) the upper lunut, but only to keep II for a few seeomts. Al tin end of Ihe first live minute . I’iiilello waaiui top working for n ereteli hoht tmt mu bloekeil tn eaeh effort lie j a uve up the ill tempt amt, s inWinit the c'lnmpiun's mighty shouli is like a itog, Irleit tn viii'i for n iloul e Si won. Hanson was s,s>n the master agnin mut lout hts op|snienl on Ins baek support ed by faith el lows. t few eontoi lions nml 1‘inlello was on his knees enibiae ma the chump's legs in nn eltort to gel n pin fnll, hut nothing icmne of it. I'adello was warned by the referee (or what liaikett like an attempt al n strangle hoht. This seemed lo anger 11nnss'ii nml he went nt tils opponent like a lion. At me eml «l Iwrniy min utes Hannon iwoW but a four Inch drop of Paddlo's right shoulder to do Ihelrlek bill 1>»I it. He had him dan |rmu« again when both men rolled off llie stage. Taking their |>osUlou on the niat Hanson had him going when they rolled oil the mat A few seconds alter tin1 return to the eanvaa Hannon had his U* end armloek hold, and It \» as only a t|i»odlon of wo o1* when 1’adello look the count Time: I—dit. Hanson now issued a chalk tigc to meet Willie C dllns oft Vi tral \ til ;en» lk-lorinc llamas ehal'em I Kid \ m lion Couer to a match, I >1 Uo i'i three, three weeks fto-n -I l'he Kid announced that lie aee ted Hie chal lenge. Willie Collins of Centra! Village w as cadet) to the slate amt Issued a challenge to the witniei. agreeing to get two falls in one hour. Padollo an noumvd that he would accept, win or hne. Hanson also accepted, staling that he baried no man at hi* weigh.. Tlie nec uid hout began at t—S. 1 n a few s>c aids I’.- dello had Hanson on 111* back with a bar hold. ^training hi* kuighty muscle*, which stood out like whip cord*, the champion struggled to legain his freedom, but il was useless. Although he fought every fraction of an Inch In* was *t last nbmpelled li> I ike (hi' count. Time I—'-•">• Hanson appeared to object to the referee’* dccix ion, and again and again (minted to hi* Jthroat. The crowd did not like till* HitlHide on the champion's |>nrt mid let him know It. The -sh >ul of applause IliHt if reeled the champ’* ilowmail denoted HihI there wn* much k v in pill h t for the I ‘am hi I due If d.* Kid Viin llonfouer and Young I>u hiiiio now »n lied ten minute* to a draw. l*Hdello wh- the lifst out Hfler the lie 11 fur l he Unit and w a* given an ova tion- Ilnii'Oii wn* aUo*glven a genc i hi hand when he npjieaied. They were al il id I hJ. hiuI were anon on the ■ nut w ith 1!r-l one nnd then the other on tiip. At the end of the lir*t live liiin-ilr- Hanson had 1’ndello nil hut gone an I when he '<|uirmed from neat 11 the stisk * s» ede I here wa* great applause Again he luid the I’nm hridge lad on one alioiiliter an I I he oth er w 11 Id n l wo Inche* of the earn a*, lint those two inch*** looked as Idg as a mountain to 1*711/- when he suddenly found himself In I’adello's place The crowd was cheeihiK tin- < 'amhrldne lad heartily when he apparently had llan HON KOifiKi It'll nil "l once he seemed to lose Ills hold. There w»h a smith'll metamorphosis mol I'sdello whh untler with one shoulder to tlie Hint with the champion In |K»illon with his rnnioiin toe mol armlock holtl. WlitH|ier* of • • I I’m all over" went through the crowd. A few thoiiKht I’ntlello inl«ht Again M>| u I mi away from Ills o|i|iniieiil, hut it w as not to lie. Thai mighty holtl, ap pnrenll.V ns eertniri «- n full double Nelson, w its IkmiihI It* tin the wot k, mid after a few vain struggles I’atlello lor the seeuntl time took the eonnt, anil 11 it 11 sou li lit I mist Hi tied Ids title ol i champion welterweight of the world Time 7— U The eereiHtteit's entled ' v Hanson's challenging Willie ' 11it^ to it u til ti , for iv11y purl of ■ iim liny lime alter lie eeinl ei >1 It; \\ hen \\ IllteColUns ol t nlrnl Vll- 1 l#He meets Young I’adello a week from nsl Friday night In Si John’s Hull, in this fit \. the spot is will have it treat. I 'olIIiim hits lieen In the came fur eight months mill met the follow tni: men without a single tleleat Hilaries Jackson, champion middle weight of Itliodc Ishiml Jack Smith ol Now Ilmen, l>lek Murrav of New liedfoid, Mack I'JImmer, Hie young giant of Milford, N It., Kid Mack of I’liiladelplita, and Oscar Sampson ol rittalield. Mass. Young I’ndello show ed Ills form In his bout w It li I Inn son I'hunkstiivtiiK day. I’artieulars of the event will Is- amioulieed ne\t week \11 the isnmtiies of l'uro|ic praise lilt* compact entered into Itelween tie I 'mi,',1 St ales ami .1 a pan, iusl eonsmn milled, It) limilitullt the integrity oil t'litna, and to .allow all nations at, etjiiui trading privilege thereliiit Hri till statesmen .are ■■iiuvrelv vt r :i l i lies I with tin In.all. .ami t licit kit at conn t.> ,':,a le relied oil to assist, if neees sari, I'lifaieiiu! Us provisions an mist iinv op|Hisittiiii that may arise. Work Weakens The Kidneys llitnn'a Hutu*') row lima l»uilr tlreat Hanlr» fur l‘ ro|ll* Wllu Work to l*of noni Most Putnam i>cople work every day in some strained, unnaluial position— ta-ndlng constantly over a desk — rld mu mi jolliitK wnitons or oar*—doiim laborious housework, lifUmt. rvnohinn | or pulling, or trying Ihe l>aok ill a hun I dred Mini one other way*. All these strain* lent! to wear, iweaken ami In jure the khlneya until they tall beliiml In their work of lltlrrtiiK the jaiisons i front tlte til oral. IKian’a Kidney Pills I cure sick kidney*, pul new .strength in lutd tiaeks Putnam cure* prove it. Mrs. Altiert l.atourvlle, «W Smith ' street, Putnam, Conn., i*ays: “My husband was tmutded for a Iona time with kidney complaint. Me had such acute palua in Ills hack lhal he could hauily act around Me was also Iwil he red hy dlrry spells and a too fro i|uenI a tion .'fthe kidney secretion*. Moan'* Kidney Pills proeurad at l>rvs ,i*r s ili ujt store absolutely cured him and Ue ha* never failed t<i recommend them siin'v vvlunan op|Mrtunltv ha» no uric I He h.i» been practiv oily free from kidney oouip alul during the past several v, os ami 'letiivi-v Ikdii ' Kill* ney Pills the credit• Kor sale bv ail dealers Price si cents. Poster Milhurn Co., Ruttalo. New York, sole agent for the l ntlcd States. Remember the name lake no other. -Ikuui's m! OJtSTORXA. tt« /f he l*<i In Haw tun at fiiivirfiinriit DanimmU Ihr The following Ixiok*, relating to— Agriculture, Army and Navy, < 'heinlstry, Dairying, Kngfneerlng, I- rod and Diet, KoreM ry, < ieographv, tirsrd Itoads, \\ liter Supplies, I nsec Is, I rrigation, Daws, Medicine, Medicine, Mineral*, . M iscellaneous, Holla, SlatlsLics, History,1 VVild Animal*, and many other subject* of general and enduring Intercut, all published by au thority of the Government of the I Til ted Stale*, now ollered for *ale on mall order* and at the mere coat of paper and printing- Any reader of the above li-l who wtalie* to have more complete |i*t* of documents, price*, etc., can get them by simply asking for them. Ad dress Superintendent of Documents, Government ITlnling Ottlc, Washing ton, lit. It I* oltlclally stated that Bulgaria is to pay Turkey from tU.uoo.uon to *H, lWM).rMMi <>n Hccourit of Itumelia, and $10,1100,000 on account of toe Turkish railroad seized (llher matters for set tlement are to be left to the luleriia lional Congress. 1 Some »*) miners were entomlred and perished In a mine explosion in I’enn i sylvanta, laat Saturday. Some of the j prsir wivea were made insane. DradlAu THE*TRE i si n 10 v 1 111 aillw J Kvr.MN.iD W o Klilnrl, Hnldrnl ■■■■•in CHILDREN’S MATINEE Saturday Afternoon at 3 I 5 AIR RIFLE will hr Ki\en to h Foy, nn<I a DolJ Carriage |o i\ Kiri. A• I••• l- .i 'll t II rliildreii . <•»*»»! ~. First National Bank PUTNAM. CONN. CAPITAL, - $ 150.000 SURPLUS $00,000. Safe Deposit Boxes for Rent Draft* Issued on all Foreign Countries United Stale* Depositary. Chan. II llituu \, President, J K Caki‘Kntkk, Vice-President li. II < ili r \ i mr, ( iishler \l i. .'.ml. .0 I’r-O... . h. Id ill I «Si I. O. "i'll in iitiil inr tin* iiutrli l »>i Kavironl nil tli•* a'lli •litv of Nov It* A Prt*««*nt. John M TAtt-m, Ju<lge of I. tn«H« tf. late »»f Kwtf«»ra In • Mt.l «ll•*! . »lrc« it*r«l TUa N.iitthtiAfratot rx«eut<>r having ««a<1* written application « ourt. in acconiaMcr m Kit thr ni.iliii»*. f>>r ui order of •*.»!» of th» whoi* or h 11 of the real r*lati «!*•*• ribe*1 thrrein, HU onlrtnl that •**»«! application 1m- h< ml a ml *l« t»- miiu .l at th> I'rotiiti OlRw- in Kastford on t ItV Mil iImv of Ih c. 1-H**, at 10 o'clock in the '.•vtMitMUl, ami that noth'* It civ* u Its tu«erdug a i » of the* ui tie r in i he putnam P* riot .t m ** |. j-or h tv tug .1 c tvulalh'it In «uitl Ihanlct, ami lhut return Fa* matte (o tht» Court \tt. «t. I pi JOHN M 1 A I KM. Judge \t uni i of P«*»l» ile held at rhoiu|.M>u with. th and for the dUtrlct <>t lth>mp«oti oh thu l’M**i* til. UetHXf* H « itvsh* . Judge I Ntutc of Jacob Big**, late of Thomp i*u iu »aid lit* V ! .uniat rat or h • * mg nooh wnlien appll : on t*i t *i|rt. in accordance aith the • taiuU*, foi an older of -vile of III*- a Wole or part • if thr l» al r-tate iWhuUlb* J 1 |p- Pin, It h« ordered j that *■*!<! applh'tlioii b< h. ,u*| at lit** Prohilt* j t iffi.'t* In I |ioitip«oit o t thr Kill day of l Voetnbcr, t‘>a. at 10 o c oeK In the forenoon, and that | not tot thereof be given, b* hirer!lug a copv of thl« onler in the Putnam Patriot, a newspaper having a circulation In *.u.l IHnirtct au*t that re turn made to thU * ourt Attest, tlKo'luK S CKOSBP. Judgo. ♦tA -AO. 1 HICKIE S CREAM BREAD j tins no equal. It is in Mitt* Tu a dean shop, halved by wood heat, not by coal {uncommonly used by bakers, conse quently contains no objectionable nases Kxainlne tt ami you will be convinced that you have the largest loaf and the liesi bread that can lie obtained in the county for S and 10 cent bread, live bread a s|iecialtr. I>. K III t'K 1 K, practical baker ant) con fectioner, West Thompson, Coon. Woodalack Agricultural Society—Aaaaal Meetiaf W.sxi stock Agricultural Society will ■ hold its annual meeting at the Secrela | ry » office at South Woodalock, Doe 1 I'.’ih, atjlo o'clock a in. (Saturday Dlls meeting is called for the purpuee of electing officers and doing any other business proper to lx* done at said ; meeting, Attest, l.. II. Healey, Secretary. Kciio Farm, liecember 1st, lints. Vt the same time ami |>!see the la ■ Ins will hold their meeting for the same above pui|s>se. Attest, +• «> Mr> J. ' 'lav ."secretary . CASTOR IA For Iufaat* and Children. Hit Kind 10b Hats Always Bought /T Bears tha f <* 8iguatar« of IcjCiti ••an the •faatan •a TOXIXA. • Iha kaOn Hn» fairs I BUY BOTH THE mmS. 'ipg Victors Edison Talking Machines at , Jeweler Slia w’s \J I .Ml the late records received, . fresh from the factory recently. A Searchlight of Truth INDEPENDENT, ABLE, PROGRESSIVE The Best Home Newspaper Springfield Republican (MASSACHUSETTS) The Leading New England Journal With a World-Wide Reputation Established in 1824 by Samuel Bowles. DAILY (Morning), fH SUNDAY, §2 WEEKLY, #1 The Daily Republican continues to meet the need of people of intelligence for a newspaper that is Nine, aide, inde pendent and progressive; always enterprising in its news >er vice, dealing in its editorial column*' with every human inter est; giving in each issue a wide variety of special features, con tributed article--and selected miscellany,—in short, making a journal of interest to the whole household. The Sunday Republican maintains the high standard which has characterized this edition from the date of its first issue 30 years ago. As an example of artistic newspaper making The Republican has few equals, and the Sunday Republican is especially rich in illustrations and interesting news and special features. Daily and Sunday, The Republican gives “all the news and the truth about it,” and in its Weekly, published Thurs days, is to be found in 16 pages more good reading matter than is given by any other newspaper, and at the low-price of $1 a year. ICtICY. $8 a year, a quarter, 70 rents a month. :{ rents a copy sl'NOAY, 11 year, .">0 rents a quarter, 5 rents a copy IVKKKCY, ?! a year, rents a quarter, 10 rents a month 3 rents a ropy. Specimen Copits of either Edition sent free on application. The tVeekly itepnhllran will tie sent tree for one month to any one »ho wMies to try it. til subscriptions are payable in advance. Address Til K III PUBLICAN SPI! IN(«KI Kl.l), M ASS. Bargains at Store Any Hay i l thank you for your very generous rhauksgiving patronage, and in appre elation will continue to off*, r the greatest bargains at the store every day. t lbs Seedless K«i*ins, 3 I ha loose Muscatel Kiisim Blue Ribbon Raisin* Umoo *»r Orange Peel, Boiled eider for mince pies Bacon 20 Sweet Florida Oranges Uallon ean apple Pink Salmon 20 Iba tine granulated sugar Fancy New Crop New Orleans Molasses. 50c s gal S • oked Shoulders 9e lb Small Skinned back Hems, IS? lb Citron, So 1 4 lb, 25c lb Pastry Flour 70c bag Full efta n cheese, 17e lb Sweel Florida Oranges, 25c to 40c d -r Uood Blend r ff <*, 25? lb, .* Iba, fl.OO 25c 25c lOe pkge 5c t 4 lb 25c bottle 15c lb 25c 25c 10c can fl 00 E. Mullan Store Mala Street, t’uluam Shoes Repaired bj Electricity The only Shoo Repair Shop of it* kino in Windham County. Shot** He paired while you wait in 15 minutes. Men Tap*. xwkI with oak leather 75 eon's T.felirV T*p*. sewed with oak leather 60 cents For 10 Days only Rubber Heels 35r Tlx Modern Shoo Ripairing Ccmpany VRtVl'K HUH K, CIN.4L >TKI K1 - FitSA*. OOllpl CLAYTON W. THURBER Teacher of Piano and Organ Telephone *7—3. Putnam.Coan. C? feanlfc* t^utm 4 V A Paoer For All I'here’s an i \to\. crane & rikt writing paper suitable for every member of the family. 1 <>r milady > social correspon* dence there are the beautiful I fabric finished creations in all the conventional sizes and tints. For the husband or big brother there are the especial >izes that are prescribed by the arbiter^ of fashion. For the boys and girls there are some very artistic and attractive juvenile lines. The EATON, CRANE & PIKE papers are the best that Amer ica produces, and America pro duces the best. They are used by rthe elect and the select everywhere. GEO. E. SHAW. | t«* ‘i.v',<«v■ • *v-s 5* too past rear sour eve . hits Utr i s* -•» • s. t i. TKitlt thousand : hmi’* a i < -4 • w.i it.’ \ woiuU’rfui pirtv j oi dev too >» the huaiao eve, utivet I the t&^outy . . , x ,p.: IIT cirri*** Jn the e «*t their fW tiat thsev allot* tfwro to t* h | taryood etaiunirev. Thea rnwes the hrtai* a »-*“ A • ’X'g V . vi to • ie’u s . We t'va’Otiie eyes a-d m a’ nasoiuhic H. W. Thompson, Opboita. C-oart Hoitt Ruikhoj, PITS AM. coast. YOU CATCH 05 TO THE FACT THAT WE'KE OFFERING YOU THE BEST CLOTHES EVER 8HOWK III THE CITY, YOU’LL BE SURPRISED THAT YOU H AYE > . C.i EC TED THE OPPORTUNITY TO LONG. ••• ••• -- j Hart Schafiner and Marx Clothes ate ready-to-wear; the best clothes you c*nrfind, no matter what you pav for them, lou may look the town I over, it makes no difference to us whether you come here first or last, you're sure to buy your c’otbes here, first or last, because we've got the value for your money to show. These OVERCOATS are made in the smartest styles of a fashionable stasou. you'll find one that suits you perfectly; and it will tit. Y« if If Wild Suits here in plenty to satisfy any wish you may have. The clothes are right, so are our prices. OVERCOATS, $18 to $25 SUITS, $18 to $25 We are also showing excellent values in other males of Suits and Overcoats. SLITS, OVERCOATS. Young Men’s Suits, “ Overcoats, BOY’S SL ITS, *• Overcoats. $5 to $2i $6.50 t $18 $5 to $17 $5 to $19 $2 to $6 $2 to $10.00 Come in and try on some of the Models. We shall be more than pleased to show you through the different lines. A. 0. LUKE & CO., RELIABLE CLOTHIERS AND FURNISHERS. Telephone 51 ring 4, Putnam. The Store that has gained the conhdecce of the public, The Home of Hart Schaffner and Marx Clothes. ;QOi).S STORE IN pi ■HTEST ANBjjtSf VPHIIUt, Mi Monday Exhibition and Sale OF Fine Furs Dec. nil will be known as Fur Day Hm We have arranged with our Manufacturing harriers, one of the most reliable Firms in the country, and on that day, in addition to our line, they will bring Thousands of dollars worth of fine furs for an Exhibition and Sale. This will be a grand good chance for any one to make a selection, and as an extrain ducement we will on that day only, give a ten per cent. rev!jj[ tion fiom our regular prices. Furs can be selected and cal**® for later if desired. The collection will be the finest andlarg est ever shown in Eastern Connecticut, and will consist Ot Scarfs and Muffs it) Chic and Fashionable models in BLACK LYNX, MINK, PONEY, CARACUL, ISABELLA FOX, SABLE FOX, POINTED FOX, PER81AN, BROAD TAIL, ! BEATER. BLUE WOLF, BLACK WOLF, SQUIR REL, ISABELLA MARTEN, SABLE MABTSN. Th* Christmas Shopping Begins. Here area few Hint*. BATH ROBES Beautiful Bath Robes, made from Krinkle Eiderdown trimmed with satin, all colors. Special 92.98 Figured Blanket Robes, assorted colors, $3.98 Krinkle Eiderd wn Rath Robes, made up new Kitnona sleeves, tiirn nu' 1 with soft Mitm. Reds, Gravs, #5.00. HOLIDAY APRONS Special value* in fancy 1 89c. SOe, •** XMAS HANDKERCHIEFS As usual, the prettie>t will be found here. a> we special selections. exciusi'* 8 J Plain. Embroidered. Initialed ** • all prices, all styles. Fancy Handkerchief boxes, P** with the better grade. ‘Trade With Us and Save Money”, Isaac Cbampeao, Mgr., Agents for Standard Patterns. Lew&ndo's French Dyer* an Telephone 19-2 PUTXAU CQ9*