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MACDONALD A WILLIAMS PROr*!ICT«'«» PUTNAM WINDHAM CONK. To Subscribers of Hie Patriot Aceontmu to Onler No. !#I7 of the Post Ufttee Irepartment sulatert bers cannot be indebted to a newspa per more than one year ami still ha\e the paper sent to them »t the neeond elaMN rate. Tlie onler reads as follows: A reasonable time win >><• mKiww publisher* to secure renewal* of sub scriptions, but unle** *ul*crl ption* are exjrruuthj rtnewfd after tlie term for which they are uatdjWlthln the follow In* period*: 1>milies, within three month*, mate 11*1 of *ubaoriber*, *ml copte* mailed on aocounl thereof *h<Ul nut l*. ac<*i>t'<t J'<r tiiflitirif/ at the second Claw* pontage rale of one cent a pound, but may tie mailed at the tranaient *ec ond claa* [*>*tagc rale of I cent for each four ounce* or fraction thereof, prepaid by atamji* alltxed. Editorial Scraps. The huainea* depre**lon, which oc curred o\er a year ago, liut now, lia|e pity, fa*t disappearing, caused a delicti in the revenue* of o\er 9MMtOO,MlO. I n the preceding year there wa* an exce** of over $M,MNI,OUO. t'nel eSam I* not yet dead broke, a* he Iih* balanced to hiacredit In the treasury the clean aum of Hni!,OKl,44/>. The hot dlHCUftxtnn that lia* tieen up kept for rnonlha, al*nit the revision of ttie lartll, really amount* to nothing. Tli* pledge of the Itepuhlican party i* to lie kept, and the tariff i* to !*■ revl* ed In the interest of the people—not Unit of the manufacturer* nor of the iin|Kirter*, bill of the |*ople S|*uiker < 'an non ha* had a heart talk with I’re. aidenl Taft, and now ace* eye to eye with him. I'lie latter I* eniptialle in hla declaration that the larllf must l*‘ revised on j u-1 principle *, and he mean* It, a* any who will try to favor any special ttiIt-1v*l will learn tothetreo*i, i'lealdent llnoscwdl wa* virulently a**uiled by the New ^ ort, Sun and the Indtimiipoli* New* during the past year, on charge* aliening hi* upright lie**.; He considered them t<*> gross in then malignant filially to leipure not! Clng On ttie advice of an esteemed IrieiKt lit- tiux Inking up each separate cbargo of bill 11 •• li i 1 <• r mol shown by Incontrovertible evidence that inch Wlls wilfully fills* Hllll lllfttlllOUM. Mol* lIlOSC Mlltlin lie pilloried 111 I Ilf gll/C iif llie world ns they hi*1, mul they wish they hadn't. Tin* Imllami|«uU* editor n*i s be didn’t or Igtnalc (lie charges, lie simply clrcutilled them. The Sun edi tor »a>* If Ins charge* arc not true, llierr are oilier tilings just ns bad Hint are true, but lakes rare mil to inline lliein. At the New j ork Xortli < arolina So ciety's annual meeting, President Tull marie an nddiess holding out a friend I.Y hand to the South, v* hit'll has made a profound Impression on the entire country, lie shows that his |H>ltcy as President will !*■ to brink down all see tlonallsin UlHl|liasso long separated the Mortb and South, and will no doubt aucooeed. Donald firnnt Mltliell, aged S4, the well known author who wrote undei the mini de plume “Ik Marvel,” died Ml hlahome near New Haven,Tueatlay. The Venezuelan* am In revolt agaln*t the rule of Castro’* tyrannical sway that ha* brought their country In se rious eon diet with several Kurofiean nation*, one of which ha* already seiz ed two fthl|M of their small navy. In the absence ol President Castro In Ku ro|a«, he placed the government In con trol of lien. Home*, who will not like ly op| the will of tlie |ieople liy force. If the financial allalr* of the country are carefully investigated no doubt there will I* a stale of things brought to light that w ill prevent the return of ( astro. President Itoosevelt and the Senate are in coiitlicl. V resolution w as adop teil to Investigate (lie civil service |s> Ins'lhat secured the ev idence conelu slvely proving 11)Ml the negro troop* did shoot up Hrown*ville. The Presi dent's Message UihI led lot he nupitty of the evidence, la likely to cell out some thing Him! will hurl some Senators and other prominent men. The President Ire* gone Inlo no |Miblle oonlenllon un lee* lie had evidence lo crush his opi*> ueuta. There * fun ahead. The Houee of Keprc*enlallve*, like lire Henate, is fearlully displeased *1 the Message he sent lhem, lh*t one of their legislative enactment* last session I >ciie tilled ihe criminal classes exclu sively. As that reflects on their lack of wisdom a* well a* honesty, they won't stand it, and are going to make him feel their wrath. The House ha* jitsl refused the reijuest of the t'ensiis Bureau to |»ut all clerk* ami census col lee tors under the «'oin|relitlve sys tem, instead of having unfit men air pointed on recommendation of fou gressmeu. That's Ihe kind of unselfish patriots they are. More fun ahead ituef, one of lire fellows who con trolled the city of San Francisco by orgam/mg into club* lire corrupt men of alt classes, whereby lie degraded ail tire |>ower* of the city government to |iervert law court*, lo sell privileges to the vilest of humanity, and thereby enrich himself and his gang—after be ing tried twice for hi* crimes and ae * prilled, lias been found guilty on Ins third trial. The brave allorries who begun the prosecution and |ter*i»led al ter two defeat*, was nearly murdered by Kuef’s thugs, recovered from serious wound* io win In* triumph al last. JiaJf of ihe city and half of the cily newspapers, did evert lung they could to prevent hi*success. Tkawyaoa W. C. T. U. [Thompson Woman's • 'hrirtian Tem perance t'nlon meet at Vernon Stiles' Inn, December 10, l!**t ) Hits f A It NR UK IDDIIM, It It n (tttl pleasure to welcome the Sister* of tfie \V. IT, I .In lilt* his toric Inn. I hate welcomed you to my home a* representative women from all pari* of Thompson, meeting with theesinmon purp<j*eof maintain* trig the temperance standing of the town ami furthering it- best interests. Itut thi* meeting of a Woman's < hri — tian Temperance I nion. in this old stage-coach l(«|UOr-dispen*lng tavern, ha* a hroader significance. It marks an epoch. it illustrate* change* not only in temiieranoe sentiments ami practice bul in social snu civ ic comn tlons. This old inn. built in ISIS, re present* the turri|»ike and slage-i-o«eh era, the era also of the dominance of | the hilltop village. Thom|>son Hill, ! though not the geographical center, Iliad longaerved as the scat of town government. Town meeting* and town ( business were all conducted in the t on 1 gregatlnnal meeting-holla*,Constructed long liefore town organization. And after ttie war of 1812, and the develop ment of manufacturing interest*, with the two great turnpike line*—Boston and Hartford, Providence and Hpring fleld— intersecting on ila aumtnll, ila peculiar business facilitlea were 'ecog. nized and appropriated. Young men from all part* of the town flocked to I thi* business centre. They built tliia tavern, they net up stores, they Initia ted induatriea. lie/eklah Olney made and aold New York cap* and hata in tiie adjoining building. Then came Kdward Mliuw with hia Jewelry ami watchmaking, Mr K night’sstore with ila multiform supplies, Aliny A t'ros hy, and Itufiia Coburn run other atorea. Ilool* and alna-s, aarldle ami harneaa, eahlnel rind carriage making, were till under full headway, anti it bevy of ear |ientera on hand building bou-o-a for the new eomeia. I our "tnges made dully round", and a conalanl alreain of private travel puaaed over I he high way. And jual in the midst of tliia Ihmiiii Vernon rattles IimiK pos"eaaion ol tliia central tavern, swung out his I,a fnyelle algn, and secured the mono|al ly ol singe coiieli custom, lie vvas n niiulel landlord -hut, jolly, hospitahle, with a wife of eijiial dliii'-nsions. The I aide w as good, and the Inn lilh-d willi templing llipinra. The oltl Inn la-low w ns somewhat run dow u and the SI iles Inn became most attractive, greatly facilitating the village Ihsiiii. Two fashionable lailors'shops, anti an up Pedate milliner's shop, were milled. l oung mil) [ruin in 111 •! 1111 > i; towns rulin' lu Thompson Mill fur “freedom kuiIh” mill watches. Kaelory girls from Hu iinip mill I’otnfret eame fur tsinnets mill Hurry. A ItHiik wax instituted whose lil I lx with current through l In whole 1‘onnlry; hii engine company wax formed wllli suitable engine. A lliir Ari'Hili* inear tfunnctlsset InnI wax I mi 111 for stores. The lhi|ilixl So ciety moved down from lirninlx Mill, ami linill Ihr present rhnri'h cdllirc. A High Si'IumiI wax u|H'iii'<l, anil sin' i*t'xxl\i* lie w > pa |ier x Tloim ln <1. I In xi w i n' I In- days ul M ay anil Scp U'liilxi tiahilngx mid ‘Micneral Mux lerx," of • rnrav mix" wllli great prnces xionx mid band' of iiiiixi.', w 1111 rioji'x of wild Ixaxix ranged under a great (ml on llir I'liminon, ami wonderful exlilhlUoiix ol monkey x and elepitttlilH. All these caterers luiiud enU'ilatnnieiil at the tavern. And there were private xliows, Civil Authority New Yearn'dinners, lire en gine oyster xupperx, sleigh rides, India mid parltea—every thing that would make a country tavern allraetlve. Ilut hy Inr the must unique feature of the Vernon Stllex Inn wax Itx agency In matrimonial ventures. Massachusetts and Ithodr Ixlaiul Inxlxled u|hiii pro longed annoiiiH'emenla of marriage In tenltonx t'ninieettetit allowed the wr emoiiy alter a single piitillalnnent In any legally exlahllxlted meeting house. It lxx'inue very much the eiixloni fur mat i Iniuniiil enndidatea in those adya cent States to drive up to Thompson Mill on Sunday morning, secure pub lishment, and have the knot lied at the stllex I'averu. The ministers for a time performed thi' function at noon time Intel mission, hul lavoming alarmed al the resultant Sahnath breaking, re signed the i.fltee to l aplatn Stiles as justice ol Uu' | H*Hit', lino, it 11 ii iiis am ple form ami melodious nilit, (unform ed the aervloe with the mu-lion of a li Ik It church dignitary. Ca\ aloadea of Weddlngers” apjieared on the lllll eveiy Siunlay. The prepared loaf of wedding i-atn- never failed of lls mis sion, amt the Stile* I nu fairly tti alts! llmm limn in matrimonial annals. Tills distinction aililt-il to other causes made our Inn the mosl popular ami nnU'it In the Wtiulham County of that ilale. That lltpior float'll freely goc* w tilioul say lug It abounded In other taverns, ami a-as dealt out toeuslom ere In every store. Our Stiles Inn aa-s highly respectable according to the si ami ant of the tiniea—a jelly, royaler tiiK rendezvous, a here man anil tieast fiuinil congenial entertainment, hut no tale of any especialoutrage or inhuiua nltv darkens its memory It was the opening of railroads anil the growth of manufacturing interests that changed all this, banished the stages, diminished private travel, ami left lh* v lllage stranded upon Us hill tip No wonder that balance should tk' loal In such a change of, < nt< !-s. Vet the change urn gradual, tine by one the various Industries declined, the nuintsi of stores lessened railroad centers drew- away trade and custom ers. Conditions were reversed. >i-ttt Slatis. modUlcd iht'tr laws amt “wed dttigers were less In evidence. In |s*i Captain •'tiles removed to the West, ami the Inn lost Us prestige. It revived again under the administration of Mr. Stephen Crosby, inaugurating what may be called the era of the returned ] Natl v e and Sum me boarder—boys who hail gone out into U e w orld, returning | to the old iun w th their families. These founded home* ot their own, and drew In other cottager* and tempo rary residents, and thus by detrree* the transformation was effected from a business mart to the typical New Kn gland hill villa ice. The Kip Van W inkle who had slept for sixty years in some shady corner would Indeed rub his eyes in amaze ment. In place of the clatter of slaice coach and hum of industry, the busy i streets and active workmen, he would find one general store ami nineteen closed houses. As he l«s,ks about the town he would see greater changes, frown in the valley he wouldsee mam moth factories, turnimr out monster bales of marketable productions, stores and shops of every variety, churches filled with hearers of alien race and toiiKue-s—a ureal population gathered into a community far exceeding that of Thompson Hill in it* palmiest day*. All over the town he would *ee mark* of progress Hut what would the rnowt arouse his astonishment is the total ahwenee of spirituous beverage— Hill and “l,#ine" taverns, rum-hole' and “Wns” li<juor-»eIling stores—all alike vanished. Front one end of the town to another not a drop can he pur chase to cheer his homesick heart. He turns (jack for solace to the old Vernon Htiles on the Hill-top. There It stands on the turnpike the same long, low, while country tavern, Ponog, with La fayette swinging Ids hat In welcome. Hut the bar has gone, and the row of red-faced loungers. And there In the old parlor, what of all things would he find hut a band of white-ribboned women, chanting the praise ol Tempe rance. Never, in all its past history, had the old Inn witnessed such an as semblage, and we join with our old Kip in wonder at the change. As before said, it marks art epoch— it typifies asocial and civ ic revolution, j The New Knglnnd of today Is not the j New Kngtand of our fathers. It con fronts great problems of adaptation ami reconstruction. New conditions bring in ('inflicting if not antagonistic ele ments. While we see great material growth and pmspcrily, we see tilings that sadden and alarm. If "there are g tins lor all our In-scs," there ate al-n "losses for our gain*." Hut here again we lind in this old Vi trion Stiles Iiiii not only a type but an omen. The old building is the same, -landing (irmly mi It- old foundation* Ini it has taken oil nindern improve merit-- 11 tins appliance* for draining, bathing, healing, lighting- in clcatili lu -s and taslefulm— it far exceeds that of funnel vein*, and oilers a most de sirable place of icfuge for winter a well as summer. So we may bn|ie that all unfavorable and harmful condition* [ rimy, in time, lie outgrown; that all of the piisl that is Knurl, true and whole some may la- preserved, and all that la stimulating and helpful in the new tie assimilated, and as these kihsI Sis ters from all parts of our town unite in maintaining its leui|ieranee standing, so hilltop ami valley, native and for eigner may harmoniously work toge ther lor I he last Interests and highest good of our old Thompson Town. r.l l.l \ l>. L.VKNKll. Literjgrv Note*. The January IVlinealor has a long list of siiecial features, among them I-eing" \\ hen al\ing came n-Courtiiig," and “ Little Mlnrles i f Our Children.” and a Christmas song by Kthelliert Nevln. The departments of l .i'hion, < Fiction, • •ardcn. Housewives, and the Delineator Junior, tire tilled with in teresting matter. Helen’s mother passed her the eake, and when the little one went to reaeh across the plate for the largest piece her mama said: “Always lake the piece nearest to you, dear." “Well, then, turn the plate around,” was the answer.—January I ieliuealor. Birth* In North Sterling, liecemher 4, a son to Mr. and Mrs. Ueorge Cooney. In Danielson, December 10, a daugh ter to Mr and Mrs. Chester Codding. In Poinfret, December Iff, a daugh ter, Virginia Morse, to Mr. and Mrs. Kit shell rv Paine. In Poiufret, Decemlier lit, a son to Mr. and Mrs. Henry II. Murray. Deaths In Putnam, l>eceuiber 14, Harold K. Morse, aged :d years. In Hast W ood slock, IVcember 14, Frank It. Chatttee, aged Tt» years. In North tirosvenordale, lVceintier I S, William Lynch, aged HO years. In Danielson, Dccembei o,Mrs. John Itrown, aged t«i years. In Hast Pulliam, Iks:., 14, Thomas \V right aged H,s. In l‘uinam, Dec., 15lh, Lucie i’ap olelle, aged 7T. In ruliiam, Dec., 15, Mary Iaiuise I .eclair aged :>0. In MechanHwi ille, l>ec., 15, Mary M. O’Hrlen aged In I'oinfret, IHh1., 1-, Catherine I'ox aged **4. In llriatol, IVe., It, Win. Hrtlton aged *•»>, Ini rial Woodstock In Hallouillle, Dec., 15, Mr». Nancy W. Kinloll aged 91, burial in 1‘ulnam. In Kant Killinitly, IVceniber 111,Mrs. Joseph Vorey, aged 44 years. In Danielson, lHveml>er 9, Thoiuaa Allen James, aged SI years. In Worcester,lleeember 10,Asa Koaa, nm O su years Native of Thomj»on. In Norwich, Ihveinher 10, Nancv Dell liurliiiKhain, wile of Charles l'. IVrklns, inn'll 40 years. Ai Ka»i ilrvil l*lain, Norwich, De cember 11, Ueorgv A, llurliaghain. aired t»S years. In llariiionv, It. I.,lVceinber i:!,Kd niuiul t'. \\ ailing, aired 5S years. i-«. K. Hmith Furnishing Undertaker, Arcade Block Main St. AttMtlaai *tgh 1 at store Tolopkoot n«an»«tioii | Ballard & Gark, | Funerak# Directors j Putnam, Conn. X rel«fpb«»uf coliik Answered |>r\>mpti> • NUhl 3—14. l*y 3—4. 4 i.oil' xiaut to h«so £ Found Large brm.lle dog, white chest and j forepaws. Owner can have same by , cal lit ig at Johnson s Shoe Shop. 51 p J DOS)®®® ®®®®0®®®®®®®0® ®G 0® Merry Christmas What to give "him" for Christmas is a problem we solve many times a day. Our store being Headquarters tor Men's things, the question is very easily answered, for Men both Old and ^ oung, we ve ideal gifts, just the sort of gifts that will be appreciated the most after Christmas is over. Handsome designs in Neckwear, the new things in Shirts, the best styles in Gloves. Collars, Cuffs and Hosiery, New Bath Robes, House Coats, Mufflers, Sus penders, etc., etc. Make your selections early while the picking is the best. Better now than later. You’ll find our prices no banier to choosing exactly what what you'd like to give “him.” Church Clothing Company Putnam. Danielson. Hartford. © ® OOG0O©O00OO®OO® 0O0000® 0© Shoes Repaired by Electricity The only Shoe Hepair Shop of its kind in Windham County. Shoe** Nrpaireri while you wait iu 15 minute*. Men’s Taps seweil wilh nak leather 75 cen s ! T sewed with oak leather liO cents For 10 Days only Knbher Heels 55c The Modern Shoe Repairing Company i AIK.'AIIK Bl.Ol K, OAOAI. HTHMCT. - PI 1KAH, OONN. HICKIE'S CREAM B R E A D lias no eijual. It is made in a clean : hIio|>, baked b.v wood beat, not by coal so commonly used by bakers, conse- I nuenlly contain* no objectionatile j ^ases. Kx in nine it and you will !*■ , convinced that you have the largest loaf and the lies! bread that can tie ■ obtained in the county for ■’> and In cent bread, live bread a sjiecialty I). K. IIK'KIK, practical baker and con fectioner. West Thompson, Conn. First National Bank PUTNAM. CONN. CAPITAL. - $150,000 SURPLUS $60,000, Safe Deposit Boxes for Rent Drafts Issued on all Foreign Countries United States Depositary. I'iias. H. It how n , President, J. K. Cakokvtkk, Vice-President U. It. Uii.hatkU’, Cashier. KKI’OHT or THK CONDITION —or rHK— Kind National Bank of Putnam, it ruutam, In the State of Connecticut, at the cion# of business. Nov. 27, 1WI8. KBOOUBt K». Loans and discount*. fp.suwi 5*2 Overdr »frs. secured and unam'iiml.... 7.310 c5 l s. Honda tt> secure circulation 1 no.000 ix» t M her Honda to srci^e lT. S. Ih'posits • ■ • • »'2.WM 00 t* re mi it in* oil 1’ S, no nils . 3.IHIU 00 IftMutk, soeuriths, etc. 63,150 Banting hotM BjW t»ue froiuNatioiinlHaakmnot reserve agents) Sr* l>uc rroui approval reserve amenta ... 18.'.** Cheek* snd other cash Item*. 2,570 aft Notes of other National Hanks. ... 2.000 UO Nickels and earn*. . 61530 Lawri'L Vf»M \ KMKKVR IN BANK. VIZ : Si»ccle, .‘20.553 Ot) Leaal tender notes .10,00000 30.553 00 KeOemptioti Mind with U. S. treasurer , 5 p«*r cent, of circulation). TVmo 00 Total t>70.<*g00 I l.l AUll.ITIKS. Capita) stock paid 111.$100.00# OP Surplus fund..... tiO.OQO 00 lturn hied profits. leas expenses and National Hank no ten outstanding. 14« vMXi uo l»ue to olber National Hanks. T.7T5 ‘24 l>uc to l rust t onipaulm and Saving* H.ukn .. t* IHvidvuds unpaid .. ... 40 flu Individual 4MmMi subject to check, >k».4T5 oa Demand certificate* of dcpoalt.. 9 sOa Jft Cert l fil'd Checks... %bQ6 ou l oiled States lVpodw... OO.OflO oo Hill* payable, including o*Ttitic*t« s.of deposit for money borrowed, .*i,oou oo Tidal .$*ro.ttv! oo State of Co«5ectlcut. County of Windham, s* { I u H. tlllpatm. Cashier of the above I named hank do solemnly swear that the above \ statement is true to the best of my knowledge ! and belief. t.. H. lilLPATan .Cashier Subscribed and sworn to before me this Sih day o( December, Jt»na B. tHI. Notary Public. Correct— Attest t it vs. H Hkowh, i jo«a o Fux, ! Wrectora. 11. H. Bakumc. ' £:|UWAKU C. HM.IlirOKb Atlonn and Coiinsallor-at-Lav t'KNTKAI. BLOCK, PulUAtU, I'ouil. Office Hours: 9 lo 12: £J lo *>. Monuments Tablets \M> UK WHJI AKTKKS OK TllK LATEST DKSltiNS Aiwa) > on Hand al \o. iO South flain Stmt, i* w> h us fur all kinds LOVE graaites and l all and see work. RS Dresser s Drugstore FOR GIFTS Some very dainty bits of Fine China and Glassware as well as Delicious Candies in Boxes Dressers Drue: Store Notice The annual meeting of the stock holders of The Kirst National Hank of Putnam will tie held at the hanking house in Putnam,Tuesday, January 12, l like*, at one o'clock in the afternoon for I the choice of directors for the ensuing ' year, and to do any other business projier to be done at said meeting. iO-2 U. H. Uii.patkic, t’ashier. \0 £30,000 time* daring the past year ?oar eve I lids have opened and closed. Thirty thousand \ turn s a day yon “aink.*' A wonderful piece i of drone mech*a:>ra is the human eye, and yet ! the n.njont v of people are so careless in the care ! of ihei» eyes that the\ allow them to work j beyond endurance. Then come- the break- \ down a d rejrrtt, Attend to them soon. We j e\*mae eyes and fit glasses at reasonable | pt tees. H. W. Thompson, Opbctia, Coarl House BniMin^, IH TNAM. COXN. For Musical Holiday Goods of all kinds, visit . Letters & Co., Vlain and Union Streets, Putnam. where you will find a good assortment of Pianos and Organs Violin*, Banjos, (in it as, Mandolins, Cornets, Flutes, Piccolos, Fites, Harmonicas, Accor ileons. Drums. Tambourines, Cases for all In stil ments. Music Bolls and Pouches, Music Books and Sheet Music. Edison Phonograghs and a complete stock of the 2 and 4 minute records. Records, Cabinets and Supplies. Sewing Machines aii styles and Prices Gas Heaters I>e comlortabJe this cool weather by using a Gas Heater Putnam Light s PowerCt. Removed Over Pray's Market Christmas Presents Please look at our full stock of nice and useful articles for Christmas Presents Something that will last and give pleasure to the whole fatuity. CHINA in Sets or Odd Pieces. BUGS 35C to #60.00. Silver Plated Ware Fern Bowls. 10c to #1 each [can furnish filling to order] Pictures, 10c t© #15 each ilarge assortment). Picture Framing to order with * complete line of louldings from which to select- ShatCS, Sleds. Jack Knives, etc., etc. We appreciate your patron age. Please give us a call. Ballard& Clark, PUTNAM, Undertaking. CONN Telephone Pay or Night