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When Santa. Came to Cactus GulcK HEN Gar.ty come to Cactus j w« wuz not ejtpcctin’ hiw, Cur limir'AC connections ■ bein' broken off complete. , In fact, -with t» -il o' tim* had j get so mortal dim We on! / V' v» . ’* <vu; winter by tna absence o‘ the heat Say<» I *f. Pmk, P" bays I: “W<?*d o» tie e*tf / 1r rd yt’a rlonn 1 ' ut Th say. Pinky P 1*11 bet it*a ncar« the old one's squint tr hustle for a lit* kfr-ivin\** “W'y," ' "wy, man. Now Year’s, for ne to seed ” We »r'. d it nn' srgied it till Desert Da") p“* up His canvj; bag o’ nuggets, en* s pint o' yaller d. st He a spent the year collectin' in his pewter drink m* cup •■It's Chn«4ma% in * werk," he 'iyt: *'f*W bet /ou. win or bust," I still rr - inta* ed T h s nV* wur iboutth* At f Cj • r*' by my »ppetit<“, an’ P inky still declared That Ntw Year s suz the Lto // out hat v.mi next upon th* m « IS THK But Desert hi a nugget b.KJ an dared an' dared *n' dared. •See her#," s*ys Desert, “I can feel the oea*cn in try b nfi; I sen • a * t hankerin' for days of old long si”n. When I wuz ba m Jersey an’ my name Daniel Jones: I’m Icnruome «' the soldier wui at Bingen on the Rhine." T"hen Desert up an’ tells us what he’s never said before— As how he had a cottage an’ a wo man an' a kid; But, some mieunderstandin’ havin’ made his sperrit sore. Nigh on to twenty years ago he aim ply up and slid. | looked at Pinky Perkins then, an’ Pinky looked at me, But both ' f us wuz silent, an’ we lookrd rt Desert Dan. But he wur sizzlin' bacon for a supper feed for three. An’, shore as I’m a sinner, there wui teardrops in the pan! That m. t we set an* hugged the Stove, while all around the sha w A desert hi izzard whistled an’ thr snow wui whirlin' thick. It shore wo* Christmas wrather. but there hhorely wui a lack Of anythu-^ s»■••jestin' o' ou^ ancient friend St. Nirk The dcor bust open euddrnt like, an’ Strang* , . dog my cat! If thrre ain’t Snntv C-laus hisself. ir fur an’ robe complete. *lr THKIil *1* I « »!*I Y < 1. u 4 ll|v>ri.l . ' tomobila hat, A» ewell a Santy makeup, air, aa inywhtrf you'll mill But whan ha turned hia baarakm down Ina whiakara tall away • (It wuin't anything but enow collect ed on the fur), P«' back of him an angel atood—yea, angef'a what I aay— | An' Oeaert Oan got wobbly when he up an’ looked at her. ^•uni lanty aay a. “la Mr. Jenee at 1 heme tonight T" eaye he. At tarhioh eld Oeaert gl-vea a gaep. Wan me an' dinky we vameoeed in boner ef the three, i Per it they wuan't ieneeea yew can deuce my glim complete! rhat'a all the atery, atranger, but I'm name Inclined to add Whan tanty come te Caotuc with hie mother, which he did, I clean upeot the notione we had al waye previoue had. .Par daddy got the Chriatmae gift. ( and Santy wui the kid I With enow a dingin' funny to hie or Santa Claus Headquarters CHRISTMAS TO -ALL c H R I S T M A S P o s T C A R D S 1 c E N E A C H .6 F 0 R 5 C E N T S 3 Kstorese 3 Keystone Department Store Co. 3 Kltor0ense 3 The heading Holiday Goods Stores DANIELSON PUTNAM, MOOSUP. WHERE YOU COME IN (n In »imply get ting busy and mail ing >our Cbriotmu Helectlom from our wonderfully com plete aaeortment of KKAI.LY IH Silt A hi.I OIPTH »•« the fttlre*»t and moi tree*onab Ip YOU GET NEW IDEAS Ah you look through our holiday Hlock. It In » practical demon*! rat ion of 1*0881 HI UTIKS In gathering under one roof nearly every!hlng t«» mak* people happy at ( hr hi mat tune. PLENTY OF THE BEST la here waiting for your Inspect ion. 1 > find a hu It able selection la a p«n time, to price It is a pleasure, to p«>#» aeaa b in a priv ilege. A Visit to our rtore ia a Ut’A It A NT I K of Popular Present* al P »pulnr Prices Everybody can Have a Hand in It \Vt> have done OUR }>art to make this the Rig gent and BEST Christmas EVER and the finest sight in town is our Beautiful Stock of Christ mar (lifts, containing ill that is Bright, Fresh. New and Novel in Hn'iduy Goods, WE CAN Meet Your Wants Whatever your needs, come and let us show you a variety of beaut iful presents that will at once appeal to you as “Just the Thing.” We have irenuine new At tract ions forChrlst. mas and we want you to know it. Come and See the Latest It is a privilege to show our beautiful holiday goods and you will oblige us by considering this a personal invita tion to call and in spect our extensive and up-to date tins of C’hristmas Nov elties. Merit. Quality and Fair Prices Are waiting for you here in connec tion with a great THiietyoftbe Best Holiday Selections of the year, and our word of sea sonable greeting to buyers of gifts is a aguaKE ■ DEAL” and a MURKY C'HKISI’ MAS ro ALL, i ieadqiia iters lor tlie Host of Event liiim % H for Christmas BOOKS When In doubt ulve « HOOK. I but’* a ntklv rule to follow hI Holiday film*. II }*’ Honk*. Hi# Line *t '26 otiu*. coml*tn>a of I'mhIIrtiixii'M, Trowbridnu’d, Alg^r'a ('oop» r'», Hcnty’* nml Optic'*. Hirin' Hook*. Hlg Lineal 2ft cent n Hy l.<>ui*a M Alcoit. Mr* I. T. Meade. Mm. Whitney and other populir writer*. VUIl our Hook IK part meiil. Blt< Line Story Hooka, Picture Hook* — all kind* of Visit Toyland Hil l see our lin** of Magic Lanterns. Mechanical Trains ami Tors. Steam Kngines, Tool Chests, Drums.Teihlv Hears, II o -ks, Doll Houses, Cloth Animals, Plush Animals, Fur Ani mals, Doll Hetls, Doll Trunks, Doll Carriages, Pianos, Tea Sots ami '.•9'J other things for ohihlreu. DOLLS K\cry little girl wants a now doll, no matter how many she has. Wo can »ell you just the kind of a doll you want for her. We have all kinds, all prices. We can show you dolls that will surely please your little girl. Don't fail to see our display. GAMES 5-cent Games. 10-cent Games. 25-cent Games. 50-cent Games. ¥1.(H) Games. All (lie Latest Out—together with all the ohl popular games that ate always good, All prices of the “Perplexyu" Puzzle. Christmas Post Cards at lc each, 6 for 5c, 100 different 25000 kinds at lc each. We have others at 5c, 10c, 50c and 75c 25000 each. riioeolalt'S ;ii.(I randy Kuili \ ItoX Oli'OitlutrH, 2ac, .'IK*. 00c» t 100 and #1 50 ii l>«<\ Filled with the will known Simrrow Oboci'latt"* All price Chocolates, 10, '.0 and 10 rents H pound '20 Kinds of Candy at 10 cents a pound. For giH>d, pure, wholesome oandv, «c can suit you in quality and price. Fancy China for Gilt Purposes Nothing is more Appropriate for a gift than a piece of nice, im ported China Our line is complete, including everything desirable, from the most staple of tilings made here, to the daintiest rifle from “over ttie sea Jn no other line can you make the much or the little that you wish to spend for a gift buy what looks better or is more acceptable than some item in China a Chocolate Set, Berry Set, Salad Oish, Cake Plate, Bon Bon Ihdi, Hair Receiver, or one of a hundred other China articles we are showing. Fancy Stationery The finest line of Box Papers we have ever shown, direct from the factory at Vicksburg, Michigan. Big values at 10c, 15c, 19c, 25c,37c, 50(, ti2c, 75c, #1.00. #1.50 a box, and up. The Keystone Up to Dote 5 end lo cent Department Some Uig Vslues that you see in the big cities. 5 atui 10c stores. A11 'bet's new in Pont Onrds. All tirades and Prices of Post Cards Albums. Gifts at 5 cents Tin Truiu|x*t». Domino**, Fancy IVess lX'IU, Doll 1'hristiua* Cards, liubber Balls, Handkerchiefs, Pocket Books, Harmonicas, Tot Watch***, Toy Washboards, Toy Kaius, Hanks, Musical Toys. Kitchen Sets, Tov Furniture Hosts. N>>ah's Arks Block*, and hun dred* of other things at 5 cents each. Visit this department and m over 10,000 Articles that can be bought at 5 or 10 cents each. It will sur prise you. It will surely please you to be able to buy just as good at our PanielsoD. Putnam or Moosup Stores as you cau in the bi(? cities Gifts at 10 cents Toy Furniture, Cloth Bound Books, Large Dolls. Fancy Plates, Cups and Saucers, Vases. Sets of Blocks, Card Games. Bubber Dolls, Babies' Rattles, Never Stop Tops, Tea Sets. Suprise Boxes. Pocket Books, Checker Boards, Tin Animals, 1 rauspareut Slates. Boxes of Paint And heaps of other articles at 10 cents each. Thousands of Christmas Gifts at the Popular 5 and 10-cent Price. We are ready to receive you. Come Early. Come Often. Buying for our 3 stores enables us to offer bigger values for your money than you can get elsewhere. Don’t Fail to See the Keystone Line. The DANIELSON, Kleystoxie PUTNAM, MOOSUP. 1 c E N T E A C Hj F O R C H R I S T M A S P o s T c A R D S 10 0 E N T S A D O Z E N January Christmas of <he Julianites »>• KOHEHT -DOSr.YE£» by A r AS Am*. ‘^^THU TM VS the ** * a#4 * twice* u by tt» [>*.• ** i Is '■nek le time ' ’’scsm FORTY DA VH. those who desire t . that which is Caesar's even as to ti calendar. '‘ks «<! all the dlierent* of that ' htirc lodin* the ilussiann. 0f ' "urs*. hokl their 1 lirNtmas onth* Till ri:iy u( jtB nary. In the ,-u, „ N>w York tmt* ' hristma* <jayj are "lehrated. t ho January date. as a matter <’f course, |g ob. servial t,y part lively fe„ persons, but It m observed rijrldly, elaborately 1B,j faithfully by ret.iler unto Caesar New York city has a considerable population of Greeks. Russian*, Ar menians, Syrians, Servians. Rotes, RnJ. garians. Montenegrins and Vlaths, of whom observe the Juliacic Christ inas. 1' r forty days prior to Jan. 7 they observe a fast, eating no meat, neither beast, hsb nor fowl. They eat fish eggs or oil' iare. but draw- the line there Their principal diet for the for ty days’ fasting is made up of olives, beans, eavlnre bread and crackers. But at t» o’clock on the morning of Christinas day, .Ian. 7, the Julianist fast is over. It is not necessary to hint that these people count the days till Christmas or that they rejoice and are exceeding glad w hen the annlver sary arrives. These fa. ts are obvlons. Christmas means for them a glorious feast, a square meal, several squat* meals—In fact, a round of square meals. Our Julianist friends go to church early on their Christinas morning, but not too early. They eat breakfast first. High mass is celebrated in the Creek Orthodox church at 8 o’clock The forty days’ fast having ended two hours before, the Juliautsts are joy fully full of the good things of this world tiefore they elite the house of worship. The chief viand, so fur as its symI cl|e character goes, is a spiced loaf <.f rye bread covered and tilled with walnuts, with a cross cat on top. This is called the chrisfojv soma "bread of the Chi'i-t" But it is not to lie doubted that beefsteaks, fowls, fishes, saddles f mutton fin 1 other '■ lb taiiti.iIs ere dev. "red. Ilet" uinl lit -re one i f tin- pre uaiahly faith fill proves faithless ami falls before Christmas, his craving for a meat diet being too strong to resi--t. This weak brother is ignored bv ihe faithful. It Is in the cafes In the section* of the city where the Juliunlsts dwell that this Christmas day is celebrated with til-- UK >t visible gusto. The Creek “young bloods" gather in the little res taurants and sit long over tallies heavy with edibles and light with wines. THIS WEAK BKOTHKii IS I0NOKED BV Til* FAITHFUL. The nil rues of some of the diner* are Interesting. Constantino Eeonouiopo Ions is a budding florist who gather* around hitn his rosy young friend*. Harralambos Cbrtstutos. Minicake* Kepaelacos. Pericles Doganees a** Hresula I’appanloilas. And don t let us forget Nl< holas Booms, editor ot the Daily Thermopylae, who gets oat an extra edition In honor of the day. These Greeks, many of the.J ed In gorgeous new clothing. UtU their feast t* an end with the cnPV" Turkish coffee and the Turkish clg*' sattes. mixed In with songs and tisf“ It to highly Interesting for t fto* Ihmartean. wtth * plain name Uks im Jones, to sit In one of thesecstosajd hear the aongs of the foreign ftoto* men wtth the m ebeerre the anl their countenan on and recalTe the ts reel Chrtotmaa thirteen days tote according method of counting time. that this real Chrtotmaa cheer, though It » *!*•*• *•» urwHos minnN auia» | | 'G3IHOXS OanNIXNOO OM * «os * ••a.o :««nuu oa t* SOMOX AT3WIX NO SU3dVd ONW S3IUOXS XUOH3 ANVIfl Aidvia *iaAON axsidwoo Zl Utyejain luauno u| j$3g am Auvuan Aiiwtfj v 3NIZVOVM A1HINOW Sill03HUdn BLANK DEEDS AT THIS OFFICE.