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Two hundred <»r more local *|»ortx were 111fic111 v entertained by the Padei lo-< olljfiH wrestling ho lit in St John’ hall last I nday evening ft was a Pa dello night all the w ay through, mid the wlr> Hay-Hlatcr was *em at hi* U*«d The l« it Wit- catch a- • iiteh rim, pin fa) I*, and UhI two out of ill ret* Padello-• < red the flr-t fall In ■ > min ute* Mild If* M l Illd- ’•% till II -cis-un's nod half NeUoii. The -iroiid If) I- min 111e — and Itf *eeoiida with the name. Padello looked in the pink of eniidi tlon,i while Collins hio -bowing the efleet** of a cold from which he had Uen Hufteririg for the pant two week-. Immediately after the match < olliii* ionied another ehnilenge to Padtdlo, which wii-at once accepted. I'adello alsochallenged Kilt/ Hanson who was prenent at the ringNhle. The preliminary matehe* were be t ween Young Diiiiiiih and Kid Vail lion < ’octir,froth of Putnam,and Young I rubric*! of I'uluam and l>e*titih»ier* of (iroH\ enordale. Knell niateh went 16 ndnutes without a fall. JoaeplHiaulh ler and and Alliert LangloU, both of Putnam, also went on for u sparring match of Hire* round- that was very evenly eontested. Kugeue Krnmon* was the referee. Meetings of the National ami Amer ican tin si* hall leagues writ tield in New York la-! week. The Ameiietn league adopted a rule governing pielnmnaiy lif act ire. To thin forts minute- Is to be given before each game; thirty min* 11tea to the \ idling team exclusively, and ten to tile home team solely. I m piles rile to hav e < uu g.e of the held dIII ing this tune to enforce the rule. I in p|res are tola* InsUuetud that ronm i-j on hulls ho wn Into the bleachers ate , to In* given an additional base Instead ■ of I slog alh»w« I to go all the V'-»\ , home. Thu National league voted lo eoiu plete a fund for t lie ert et ion of a moil u merit to 11 e niemoi \ of the hit** lletitv j t httdwiek, “the father of American | baseball, and to provide for |M*r|H*tual care of the plot in which he is hurled Manager Curdle r has a good match on for v hrtstmas afternoon I 111/ 1 Hanson of ter, will meet Har tell, the Canadian vvondei, of Monlrr i Ml, Harrell agreeing to get two falls in an hour. Then* will not he a Ixdter InmiI pulled nil anywhere in the coun try than the one in St. John’* hall, i The preliminaiv Units arc yet lob*' ar j ranged, but a big bill will la? reads j when the bell rings I'uimtin High evened up vvilli Wil lingly IIIkIi til llie basket •»» game,111 ; Armor) liull. 1’ild.iv ev iiliiv. gelling j (be lout! iukI uf n . ' I The' game n ;i*> ehisi'lv ootiU'sU il alt the \i it) through, Mint »hi anylaidy ’» up In 11 If limit » lift < Jtllllll) t‘lllltll*. the >'ll»‘ Him" til >1 i>l till- Ituatnll fans, Ini' Inn'll Mill'll hi* re lease b) ( onnle Mark, mul I" mm mi H loose pull), although It Itns Inin mi iiuiiiioihI llint lit* has been ottered (lie management of llit- I'ulodo, Ohio, W'hiii. War Kagie, llif Indian wrestler of Auburn, N. Y., l» alter KrlU llaiuniii'n scalp. Me has just challenged Man non to a nialfli with a able bet of an.v part of fUMI that lie ean In-nl bln:. The press w rtiem of tbe major leagues recently organised mul are to try to lm prove tbe conditions ami ite\ Ine nieana to bring alnmt more uniformity In aeor him. \n.v person who ban attended tbe ifanii'n mul reail tbe ill He rent pa pern tbe next morninit with their vari eliea of tabulateil ntmren, mu»t have been Inipiened with tbe fai’t that per haps the reporter* bait llielr favorite* in the name an well nn other Individu als. Mac bar Ion Moran wan the team that won tbe nix tiny bicycle race al Madt •ou Square Harden l»nl week. They came from oppodie nltlen of the I idled Stales, Mat Karland Inn g a t 'all forma Imy ami Moran coming liom'l'hel*ea. The winners heat the prevloun world‘n record established by Miller,V Waller in tS-vi, by milt", ami 7 lap-., making a total distance of '.*7"7 mllen and 1 lap. A peculiar lealure of these physical nlmins I* tbe fact Dial lbe men gam weight, trine accoun'ed Jfnr by tbe enormous amount of water that they ilriuk. At the annual meeting of the Vmlem bane bail club the following officer* were elected President, I'. S. Andean. Secretary, KtheUien Aldrich. Treasurer, 1.. J. Perreault. Manager, l>. A. Hahn. iHlwtont, Officer*, ami Trudeau, An Uersoti, amt Allarvl. The nnnoiineeiiK'nl that Mnniisfcr Lake of the Itcd >0* had released I-011 ( reiser w»- a (treat surprise to ItaUin fun*. The close follower* of the (tame are won• It-ring wl at eff**ct illiw will have on the work of ‘I ’y" Young. Al Ihonith not ill the llnieliitht Orciger de serve’ a (treat ileal of I'fedll for tin* work of tin* woinlcrful “I s "and *'( > himself so stilted when he was given a U iiellt hi t Si ISOM. t'reilfer knew the wenkne>si ’ of ttie tiHt’ 1111*11 throughout |i.. hint • i.* I>e I ter than any eateher in the (tame. \ f' i|H*r has ta* *n in eireulation this week throughout the eity. I he slgn eis oi whieli signify their nilention to In -onie nieuit>er*i of Ihe Pulnrtth Ath letu* "oeial < u;’. Hook* two or Itiree lintulreil naini's are already atitiserlh* I'll It IS the m ention of (lie promo ters of t he enterprise to hold alhlelie event* of all kitnls for the enterlaln inent of II 1 lie m her* oiilv,an h no cithers will la- admitted. W resiling ha* a In .nly eoine into (teneral favor, and It is In tended to hold -ptrriiig exhibitions also, of limit I rounds. In faet all kind* of clean ajiort will (ret attention, and the citizens of siirinundlri({ towns will iie eligible hi join—making Hits city the athletic center of the enmity. Rradley W LV kl.h«rl. K.-t THEATRE ArTKK^OOH^'t.lfi Kvkninok H.1A W. c till hart, l(t«lf|fii( MniiMu*'r AT THE CHILDREN’S MATINEE Saturday Afternoon at 3 I 5 \ pair of BOY S ""I GIRL S WILL RE GIVEN AWAY. Vimlor \ tiiMn-n ( I N IS ( ENTS V'tudu s' j o* 'noon DecambBr 23 \ i i.n < 'hi! iit ii 't < hiTret- \ r .' v> i!I ilii hl Mlfi r the ( tluuim \n hlt»h PRIZES will I , distributed to the children. Admission for Children 5c j Wednesday Evening* December 23 3 TURKEYS 3 will b, iIwb ,w„ clayTonTw. thurber Pcachcr of Piano and Ort^an Till*IIlion* U7 2 Putnini t'min. Ol'Alt OI* CtlNNKCriCUr til M ^3 K \i \H:*I Mttl.Y, January rksslon. A. I* . into lotto li iiiri! A senility oftlie >’sti nt Conti* nn < t'tie uudeirigtird respectfully jictitlous 1 your honorable body to grant to him. , suit tils ussoetaU's who may Join wi h him, • etimler for a water works com pmn lii l*e loewteit In tUs town of Pout tret in the 1011111 el W111 llmm In ties Sind, will! tutt puweni In said charter to tiuitit ilwnis anil reservoir* In raid town, and open tile gr mid In the street*, lanen, avenue* and highway*, aud, when nr* ciasary, crons private property, tor the purpoae* ot laying pipe* and water mania throughout the at recta, lauea and avenue* uf the town of Pomfrel, In order to fur nlah (be tubabtiant* thereof with ■ aup pty ut water tor dotneellc and other pur poeee, aud said charter to contain auch further power* aa are Incidental to tne purpoae* ot a public walar company, And aa In duty hound your petitioner will ever pray. Dated at Putnam, Connecticut, thla 10th day of December, tMt HKNKY H. DAVENPORT, By John K. Cerpenler, hie Attorney. I ho (oregong petition to ltap tienere I of lb* State of Connecticut tiavtug been preeeuled to me. and It ap pearing that the aatue la of an adversary ! nature, and that the parties adversely in - i tereated consist of more than twenty In dividuate, It la therefore Ordered . That all persona Interested \ in aald petltloo appear before the Oeueral 1 Aaaemby of the Slate of Connecticut on the appoint day of Ita neat aeaalon, to wit, the January Session of lt*OU, and that no nce of aald petition and of thia order and citation be (Ivan by publishing the aarue 1 In a newspaper puhliahed in the County of Windham In aald Stale for two day*, the Itr»t publication contnieucir.g on or be ll re* IHwaihtr Pith. IP'S, and the second to be on or before the tMthdai of IVvern tier, IHO-S Paled at llertf/ird. Connecticut, De cern tier Idi h. PHIS Micros A. SHC MW AY. A Judge of the Superior Court. NOTH K N dlee la her, by given that I will peti t'.a the Oeuanl Assembly of the Stale of Connecticut at Ire January Seaalon A. D. I tiHtp. for a charter tor a water company | aa above art forth. Dated at Putnam, Conn., this lhth day of IVcainbvr. I9tl8. ItKNKY H. DAVtiNPOKT, tlv John r. Carpenter hie Attorney SI -8* I i Fir«l liiiuml Bull Th<- :-t. Aloysu* T. A. A B. Society (in- |iimini>>K to give their llrst annual i concert ami hall, in <ni<l Fellow*' hall, j on New Year’* eve. The proceed* will is- demoted to stait a faml to entertain tiie State t onvenllon, w hich w ill meet in this city next Heptenitier. Bley A Ft pier'.* orchestra have been engaged for the occasion. This i* considered one of the is-sl concert and dancing or che-lra- in New Foreland and will, In itself, prove an attraction. Bradley Theater The program for the Bradley Theatre for I'hor-day. Friday and Saturday.ln circles the following motion picture*: Btcycv Foto, ' * * 'I'n I** of the Thanks gi\ ing Turkey," “Kool Ball tVorrlor, Irikcn from Strornfheart, *; I> .11 t fool vour wile.'' and "Two A Hi ni t ion." The iiNonl tra .elogm-s will tie showii and Mi-- Mnc Smith will sing "No One Know -. 'nnd"Tlie (larden ol HreaniN. I niiNiial interest is Im ri>ir shown in loeal amateur iilrht, whietr is sched nled lo take |ilnee lhis week Friday evening. .None hill loeal amateurs will be permitted to lake part. lire prizes t o this evening have been in creased to ami --I. As a s|*elal feature for children the niamigeineiil has arranged to give a pair of skates to a Imy, and a pair of sknles to a girl at the chil Iren's mati nee this week Saturday afternoon al I o o'e l ie k. I n anticipation of a hearty < 'hristmas dinner the nianageinent has made plans to give away three turkeys al the evening is rforinanee next week W ed nesday, 1 lecomber It'.d. Frepnratory to the children's Chriat mas tree party, this fa\orlle amuse inent house is Isdng decorated this week for the occasion A ('hristmas tree appropriately decorated with pres enla for the children will Ik- on the stage next W ednesday,|and every ehild attending the |>erfonnnnee that aller noon will receive a present. A Reliable Remedy FOR CATARRH Ely's Cream 3dlni 1* quickly Henri At Unco. It MbiIm, heals mid plot. , is Itr ine -.t*.’!• ffii’ll Ckitarrh ftinl dri ve** H A I\ n< old 1.1 ilit* lIri i «i' 1 kly. U* •-?. !> til** Si'llxyr, t'} l v e llud > llil'll. I l M / Til) i Ih. ,if I >i u ^i' u nr l»v i• • «11. islijiud 1’p ain Hid’u (mt i< i'in nt*»iui/.risi 7“» o?s. Ll\ lipti '« r -n sire- t. New York. \t ii i • • t ot f*r»•• held a' rhomp«*on with in iiiu.1 for the di-url'i of Tb<Mitp#ou on the loth day i*f !>• > • mix r, l'w»K Pli'M ill lil'lirVI' S I BVkttY, Jlpllfe I <»f I v iiti; .1 Hot 1* hue of M.i .1* ii. V*.*»» , with i*- »M‘in ls>Uiii el n ut, in *a»d dint lie?, li«'e,|i|.'ll Th»’ 1 \rcul»r tut* in*; made written apjli fjition to 'ml t’ourt. to ammlance with to "tnlulF, fttr an r t'f h»1f of tin whole or parr • *f tin* M ill i'• tiecerlbed tin- i/i ortlfifil that '«i i li«'Bl o*ii tw- Ik hiiI at Ihp i’r«*b«ie tI fit t*r lo t in mu j ‘ 'on on tho '«.*t'1ti day of I ivcrtubi r, lima, at in o'clock ill lhr forenoon, and thut oof it’*- thereof Ih* »riv*n. iu-ertiog .* ropy of lhi* order In flic Putnam Patriot. .t lo w^paper h.'triug i cilf ti'arion In silid l>nirirt aud ttiul re turn mad* to thin Court Attent, I , iiKO'U.K s HHOSUr. Jud^;o. rpn Till KIMH UK iOl III KuK I>I>T » HU I «»i I iH»ui|f*on. I siato **! »ienrire \N Smith, Halt* of Thump -ci i: • ud iMctrut. iliTi’H't I. \ ' » |M r:I It Ol Oil !' lo< \ . Smith t*t*aj»e*'f|||Uv te* - - r:it» that hi Hu ptoYiwi.oi of iht la*' will t -t intent ot <*a»d lim »s«*d, til* W ;ilt'W Mai » \ smith. w .n. to hat «* tin n*«‘ ami ineoiu* of l;i* entail' dunnjf het natutal Hie or *o long an ■.lo- it n mit \ ill1* w dour, and at her >toeea*e oi mart iatf*' •aid estate ***• to lie iloviiinl «quail' m,on * foidivn ot Itheiii it'piT H'tttativ * . d thr •ml M ii \ V. Smith w as do v Appointed In vom i » mt AdtU'id'tiatri x with will an tie veil on said e*i »i«*, auvl the «dtuini«ttalioti ai^M nu' •how>ti>t there wan rmiainui^ in the handu of tl>e aliiiuinlritii\ and legatee, real estate ot Hu* apiuaiied value of ^l,‘JUO and t*ib a^*»et# ot f7ri.*. and th« •aid Nlai.v A. Smith tuu iwfttt U deeeasesi. NVhervtoi-r vour p»'titw»urr prmvi •aid c\»ui t to itujuire Into the truth of the aiW nation* and ufH>n Audio*: the*«auie to tie true, to appointed y«*ui |»etition«r oi some other ami able person Vdnum«trator de Uuiia uon with will annexed on «ah) e*t®te to eompietw the wtatenu uf ol waid estate, and ic aecoiNlauee with the term* of the wUi of aaid deivaaed. Dated at Thotupaou. this 10th dav ot (Vceni brr 1WA A HAHiwKS A. SMITH. nlsTHIOT OK THttMPSOS. I* KrobqU Court IH-cmihtr toth. IM. Onlerrsl mat »atd I etittoo be heard ami deter mined at the frobate !*•<» in 1 bompaon in »atd dUtrtet on the iMh day o||l>re . A. 1) l«*. at .* oVUH'kiu the afteriwma. and that no He* br (tvm of the pradeney of •aht petition and the time amt place ot hearing thereon, by publtahing a cup* of the naiaa. aud uM order once in *ou»r uew«pAp«-r havtug a ctreulatioa ia said lhalrict, and bv pa*tir« a «*opv thereof on the public *i|o |M»wt in the town of Thotuiwon la •aid lHatrict at tract : dayc before caid time a«»ignrd. and re turu make to this Court. UKoKliK S. CKOtIBT. Jmtge Saturday at the Store OF E. Mullan 4 lb Lv'st* Muvitel Katsiuft, 25c Stiu'1^1 S i.uildm, 8c lb 2 lb Peiinul Butler, 25c 5 lb* rub in* n«ry Butter. fl 35 4 pkgea Macaroni, 25c 5 lb* Oiugvr Soap*. 25c 1- 4 lb AiUpiee, Giu^er or Peppr r t>c 24 lb* tine granol*:?*! augur f 1 00 to the puitllttr of a pound of * ur 50c or 60c bulk tea. Bure Lard, t >cJb FuH ert un cheese, 16c lb All Round Four, 68c b*g 4 Iba Teu Bincuit, 25c PtckUMl P)i» Feet, 7 lb Cmnbtrri^ 10c qt French Peat, 15c can 2 lb Red Oau C'ciK, S5c 4 it*. Date* 4 25c Bacon. 13 lb GEO. E. SHAW PUTN'AM. CONN Watches, DIAMONDS Haviland China Cut Glass Bohemian Glass, SILVER WALLAI E NETTING ART ST! DIES, LXAISON natCHY: iMtiNrs, <\hi>n. a us UO.OKUTN PRtStNTbTO FLEA L lVCRYBUDY In Gifts for Old or Young you will find your wants anticipated. We will place at vour disposal Pretty Remembrances at '<uai' cost or show you more Elaborate Articles shod Id you prefer tbein. CHRISTMAS BUYERS’ OPPORTUNITY We are offering our Holiday Patrons the Advantages that couie from the Happy Combination of a Superior Stock, a Large Assort ment and and Fa rest Prices. Make your selections from this stock and get better results amt MORE SATISFACTION THAN EVER BEFORE HIGH GRADE PIANOS There is pleasme in selling pianos that have a look equal to their price, and inside quality equal to their out side appearance. McPHAIL and POOLE PIANOS possess the good qualities of other fine pianos, and some good qualities that other excellent pianos do not possess. I offer also a good piano that has been slightly used, as a special Christmas Bargain ONLY $150 I SELL THE E0IS0H AND VICTOR Talking Machines. GEO. E. SHAW. Putnam. Now Get Ready FOR Christmas The Gilt Problem. \ RUN DOWN to a FINE POUft Th® appen list will nave you !ot9 of worry ami bothersome thinking. The list is not com plete by any means. Simply boiled down hints that are full of the meat of suggestion. Cut tnena out They will come in mighty hardr. There's a deal of satisfaction in buying your presents when you know you can't make a mistake. When you know you can get, “your money back if you want it," without any trouble, any time you say the word. Fur Gloves, Wool Gloves. Unlined Gloves, Lined Gloves, Negligee Shirts. Cardigan Jackets C’ont Sweaters. Seal Skin Caps, Cloth Caps, Umbrellas, Mufflers, ‘‘Silk", Ways Mufflers, Initial Handkerchiefs. Suspenders, Shirts. 2.00 to 4.00 25c to 75c 1 00 to 2.00 50C to 3.50 50c to 1.50 1.50 to 2.75 2.00 to 4 50 7.50 25c to 2.00 1 50c to 4.00 [ 1.00 to 2.00 50c 15c to 50c 10c lo 50c 50c to 1.50 Armbands, Scarf Pins, Link Buttons, Combination Armband Suits, Neckties, Fancy Hose, Fancy Vests. Russian Vests, Bath Robes, House Coats, Night Robes, Sheep Lined Coats, Suit Cases, Traveling Bags, Raincoats. 25e to "5c ‘25c to 1.0ft 50c to 1.00 25c to l.oo 15c to 50c 1<H) to 3.00 '■ 1.50 to 3.00 j 1 50 to 6.00 ; *5.00 to 7.50 50c to 1.00 j 3.50 to 7.00 i 1.25 to 6.00 j 1-50 to 8.00 j 5 00 to 22.00 j 10c to 75e The above is only a pirtial list of the many things we have to offer. Hundreds of other articles suitable for Christ mas gifts will be found here. Get the habit and save money by buying of us. Money cheerfully refunded on all purchases not perfectly satisfactory. A. C. LUKE & CO, PUTNAM, CONN. We Give Green Trading Stamps. Ask P'or Them. i Hundred4? of Fancy Boxes (iven Away F 1 { K r-, with Gtows. Handkerchiefs’ Waists- etc TWIXT NOW AND CHRISTMAS Just a few days left in which to do your gift buying, and this store should be a center of attraction during these ^ftw days. K\erv nock and cranny of the shop filled with wanted things for Christmas time. Useful, sensible! J merchandise, reasonably priced. Make this your Christmas store, there’s pleasure and profit in it for you. Hie llolidav Handkerchiefs \l»!ivs one of the lending storks at Christina ‘’time, larger ami more varied this year than ever, and the values better, all kinds, and all # grades Ladies’ embroidered handkerchiefs, big assortment i>f j>atterns, each 1*2 l-2o Ladies’ Swiss embroidered and all linen hand embroidered Over tifty different patterns ‘ 1 * each 25 to choose from. Indies' embroidered linen Handkerchiefs, and some lace edge, 50c, 75c. $ 1.00, f 1.25 One in a pretty box. INITIALED Handkerchiefs. Ladies’ and ► Men's all linen. each 12 l-2c and 25c r€brislmas Tide ij the Gl<w Section Gloves make a most acceptable Crist mas Gift. We put each pair in a prettv box. Ladies kfinc Kid Glovee. 75c. $100, $1.25, #1.50 Fine Mocha Glovee, I Si Ik Lined Mocha. [Derby Walking Gloves. Golf Gloves, I Misses’ Ktil Gloves. [Misses' Golf Gloves Indies' Double Mittens, eSilk Mittens. #1.00 #1.50 #1 00 25c. 50c #1 (HI 25c 50e, Each Pair in a pretty box. 2or r.V. (Hi GIFT SUGGESTIONS SILK PEITK’OATS make plea* mg (lifts always. W have some handsome ones, made of good Taf feta, f.lite sty 1* s. Special values, (hoi y l>o\ free $5.00. Sti.OO, #8.50, $10 00. Special Black Taffeta Petticoats, will stand alone, lyiue in liollv b if. $3.98 Sateen and Heatberbloou Petti coats. 95c to $3.50 Krindle Eiderdown, satin trimmed $*2.98, colors Red, Gray, Light Blue, Pink, Lavender. Bath Robe, made from figured blanket, $3.98 Bath Robe of beet Eiderdown, trimmed with softest satin, new Ki inoua sleeves, $5.00 King Tailored Waists tor Ladies, on* ln * hoX* . _ $2.25 to f 4 00 Ladies’ Silk Wauls. Black Taftiia 13 05. BATH ROBES .'(it dren s Sweaters, Ladles' Sweaters, 75c to ft.75 *2 00 to 14.5® Ladies' Uc;f Vests, ft.oe 'hlldren’s Toques, 25c. 50c 10c,~ 10c, 25c infants' Bootee*. \mportant Selling of Furs for (lifts Handsome sets of the most popular Furs for ■'Omen. Inn can rely on our Furs, as they ire all made to ord -r, and fully guarantee l.aud esides we give yo t the tiuest assortment to choose from, and save you mouev ou every piece Mink, Isabella Fox, Sable Fox, BiueJ Wolf. Japanese Mink. Bear, Squirrel, Marten $5.00 to $75.00. Umbrellas for Gifts These Umbrellas have been selected with a special view to their fitness for Qifts. Children's, 50c to $1 50 Ladies’ 98o to $3.50 Men's, $1.00 to $3.50 Leather Goods for Gifts Endless variety of Bags, Pocket Books, Purses Collar Bags, Chatelaines etc., and the prices are lower than usual. Children's 25c Chatelaines, all colors cf leather, oxodized frame, nickle chain, 10c 25c Leather purses, extra strong frames all, colors, 10 cents Genuine Alligator purses, strong frames, worth 50c. Special, each '25c Moire Special Leather Collar Bags lined with 'jjjj ire, each 50c and many other extra values. 'xB NOTICE s store will l«? open very evening next week. Closed All Day Christmas ‘ Trade With Us and Save Money” Isaac Ctiampeaii, Mgr, Ajjeuts for Stan lard Patterns. Telej'boue lit-2 Lewaudo s F’ench Dver« an I Cleanse PUTNAM, CONN. Guaranteed Socks, in a bos. Phoenix Mufflers, a box.