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MACDONALD It WILLIAMS PROPRIKTORt PUTNAM WINDHAM CONN. Te Sebncribera of (he Patriot According to Order No. 007 of the Post Office Department sutrscrl bent cannol lie irntefilei| to a ncwspa per more than one year and still ha\e the paper writ t<» t/ierji at the second class rale. The or*ter read* a* follow-: A reasonable time will i>e allowed publishers to aecure renewals of sub scriptions, Out unless »ul<soripttons are mxpTfMly r«M*W after llu- term for wfiicli they are paid,within the follow ing period-.: Dailies, within three months, Weeklies, within One Year, they shall not Is- counted in the legttl mate list of subscribers, ami copies mailed on aecourii thereof thrill tut! hr aeoeplfd /or mut/to// at the second Class [ss-tage rale of one cent a |smnd, but may is* mailed at the transient sec ond class js»sla«e rate of I cent for each four ounces or friction thereof, prepaid by stam|>s affixed. Editorial Scram The overthrow of <'intro'* role in Ve nezuela came winner than we anticipa ted. It I* known now that a In rue part If not a majority of the people had long lieen in revolt against Ilia despotism, ami evidently < ' wa* aware of his danger. The friends of < 'astro devised a plot to assassinate Vice President (Jo mez for siding with the |s-ople, hot he hnlilly frustrated It. The new admlnis fratlon will resume friendly relation* will all tl»C c*tranged government* nl once. President-elect Taft I* going to Pana ma to make ft jierannal Investigation of the canal, a* a serious unforeseen tlllll colly hut Unit may make It 11c eettsary to adopt the *va level plan hihI give up the lock system. It hit* been found that the huiiillng of the (iatuiu, nect-»ftrv lor tin* l<s*k system, eaunol la* done, because the ground for the foundation wall* cannot la* made solid enottgh toanatain thfiii, and they *ink, endangering Hit* flam. II I he at* a level hat |o la adopted mo»l 1 f the work al ready done can he uaei| wlllmol loss. “The aciia ati'l the wav* * roaring, ’ I* descriptive of vvhal all the great, ma* slve Iron steamers haveeiicttunleretl re eenlly. f our of them *truggletl for two week* again*! a aerie* of storms and hurrleane* worse Ilian ever eneounter eil hy the oldest ea| tains. The terrified passenger* had lo la* forced hclow and liM'ked up, anil prayed awaiting death. The tnalllutlon of the six district of fices In the West hy thel'-H. Korest Hervlce, Involves a complete change in the handling of national forests. It has ls‘t'11 po**thle to start all the offices well supplied with men with Isilh the linlnlng and cx|s*rh*nee to take op the work. The district organization will menu a modi freer u*e of tin* national forest* hy the people, Is'i'aose there w ill not Is* the delay InevItahle so long a* national forest ho*lnes* i* handled from Washington. The National American Woman Hut frngt* \**<K*lalloii ha* leased a commo dious hollae on II street, Washington, In which permanent legislative head i|uarlers w ill Is* estabHahed. ('o-o|s»ru tlon of other organizations of women will lie Invited, and the proceedings of Congress carefully wniched In the In terest* of legislation altecllng women hud children. The working headquar ters of the Association will be continued til Warren, Ohio. The Washington house will lie a *«s*tal center of altruis tic effort. Its establishment marks the fulfillment of along-cherished project of Susan II. Anthony. Iii cxcavallnK in Ihe I'orrme depart ment, Krinw, there were discovered v% lull are *up|*>Hed to be the oldeat hu in mi remalna, dating hack 170,OUll year* to Uu> middle of tli»> Pletoeene age. The skull presents a alrong resemblance to that or a monkey, having a lonx J«w ami tie void of canine teeth. The other hones are arched, show Inn that early man usually walked on all-four*. It must have liccn a monkey, and xot hu rled up In some earthquake. Hut to disprove the Itihle account of the crea tion of man, a certain clan* of philoso pher* have tiecn Unix huntlnx for "the inlaalnx link*,' and many time* *‘aup |sised" they had found them until Home profounder mlnda proved them neither link* nor of ancient dale. —The prominent KepuWtcanaof this county, on the Invitation of Senator C. A. dates of, Norwich, and Judxe Mar ry K. Hack, of IWuiielaun, met al the Hooker House, WlUlmanUc,Saturday, for •■aortal lime, to hriux toxether the new ly-elected Seuatvir* and Kcprvscn tlvea of the county to make them twr aoMily acquainted twlore they enter u|>on their 1-emulative dull**. Amonx llie prominent (UWh were l . S. Sena tor Frank H. Hrandegee, State * Attor ney t'hM. K. Searl* and I’ounly I’om iilHadoner F. It llall. Al the lahle* were seated the follow Inf guest* from this melton. Putnam—John A I lady. Joseph Me Kaclinic, II U. Preston, W in. ll. Tay lor, lafoti T. Wilson. Thom|won—l\ K Searls, F II. Fort Us, I. M. t’htld, Marcus A t'ovell, K. N Perrin. Pomfret—John P 0>oavenor, F. L. , Wright, Arthur T. Oruavenor. Woodstock—Oliver A. Hiscox, S. II. Peckham F. Ollu t’hallke, slelaneh ton Hid.lick KlIHnglv—Harrv F. Hack, P. H sti>. ley, W. !*. Kelley, K. II Kcach, 11.1 : Kcacli. Senator Hrandegee made the s|eoo11 of the eveiling ami was s|**et«lly ajs p'atided and dus ted three time three. >cnalor-elect tVK. Searl* s|*«kv In favor j of such reunions, and telt that a vote 1 of thanks should la* accorded Senator : Oates and Judge Hack for llie op|»ortu- I Uv arlorded all present. Tlie thank* I were given, I i TetepkMC Service. The true breadth end scope of tele phone nervine provided in » onnecticut in seldom thoroughly understood end appreciated by the average telephone u«er. To him it represent* only the ixmidbility of intercommunication with in the community of which he i* a part or, at the moat, with the entire state and cities in adjoining «tate«. Further than that his consideration of the pmiriMlities of the service may not go for the simple reason that he has never taken occasion to the ulli/e power | and value of the telephone in the transaction of hud ness with more dU | tarit point*. The more that one can gel out of a thing the more valuable it necessarily j must he. Therefore, before placing any definite v aloe on a utility and weighing the benellu which may accrue from it, it is well to first llnd the bounds to which its effectiveness is con lined. In the case of telephone service In the I’nited State* this may is? said to tie almost limitless. Anyone who ha* studied the ijues tion at all know* how completely the state of (’onnecticut ha* ,<een e<|iilp|ied with telephone facilities. The service today is within the reach of anyone w ho cares to use it. Twenty years ago the community in which there w as telephone service was the exception. Today it is the direct opposite that in Die rule, proven heyond the peradven lure of a doubt by the fact that there Is not a town iri ttie slate Into whieh telephonc service tias not been extend ed. This Is true not only of < ’onnecticut but to nearly the same extent of every slate In the I nion. If this condition is to is- of the greatest value to each in. dividual telephone user all these units must Is- joined l>y connecting links which will lo all practical purpoaea, make one gieat national sy stem cover ing the entire country and providing an almost instantaneous means uf per sonal communication. Already tills Ideal condition has largely Is-come an accomplished fact through the medium of the Distance wire* which con nect the telephone system of this state with s|mIlur sy -Icin- o!o.her stall n and thu* multiply’ the value of the servlet hy inn king each individual user avail able to ev toy other. II li IMIS (> |, | n 111 111111 > -lilt I'll Hilts- I 1 call up not only 11 Iricnd 01 business H’HiM‘lult! Ill this stale; lint only n |sr son in \i'» ^ oik with w hom lioml dinte commuiiieulion is desired; hut even those hi tht- more illstnut |ioiuls. tiny tine of more Ihmi ..hmi,thhi I’.ell lelepli me subscrtlrers, that lies within Ihi' |Hiwer nf the man in < nnncclicut who uses the telephone service of the Southern New Kiiglnnd Telephone ( dinpuny. The extent ol the service In the slate, grcahas It Is, Is merely a ■ Imp In the bucket when eompareil to the millions of other telephones niatle avilahie by tlie huntiretis of tliousamls of miles of long (list hi us- w I res. I 'll if into Is as near to a business man, from a telephonic slamlpoiut, hs his home in the other pHrl of the town; it is as easy to get Portland, Me, hs it is to cull up his nearest customer anil so on. It Is not alone the nuiills-r of tele phones In our ow n state hut also the count less ot hers, far outside of ('onnee ticiil available IhrotiKh the agency of the long distance wires, that constitute the true value and the real scojie of he service to every one who has a telephone on his w all or desk • •• — Itev. T. I’. Briggs, who went with Ids family to ( alifornta last year, hits returnerl to Ills old home, t 'llftondale, Mass., arriving thereon Ik-cemher 1st. lie promises to write about his return journey, which was by the !<outhern route,through Texas ami New Orleans. Mr. Itrlggs has many friends in this section, having Issui stationed as a Pas tor in North Ashford »l one time. Immanuel. HT HB V . T. I* HKIOttM. Immanuel! t» wondrous name, VVhicIi means “(JimI with l’*,*' evwnwrc. Ami tin* »» why out pniiM^ vmr To hi jhcst lost vet) a holy Hnitu. Horn iu *|«,hihI Bethlehem, a place The smallest city might outshine, Ami ye*, tin*. Ilal*c, hotli youri ami twine. I-the Mu.hit tion, the I’kim r or Prat e.” Wfat man of tame wu ever'known \\ hoar hnth »U) (estival can move The deepest depths ol* human love A* •haui Chiiit the King wc crowi No an erring skeptic on tbit earth, With pungent pen oi polishe I sworvl, l'au still the etuiutleas voices braid In anthems o’er Ilia wondrous birth. As babe, as boy and perfect man, lie Inti the way to heavcu above Where glows eternal peace and love, \\ hen ended is our hle’v buef span. I uaeaivhable the mystery Wlu. h makes lluu truly (hie with tiad, lint ’tta enough, we know Hie blood From sin lorevei make* us tree. All nations aoen, witli one acclaim, (shall crown llim l a'ixI of heaven and earth. And with us celebrate Ills birth, | Ills life and death and endless fame. OlftomUle, Mass , l>ec. 14. — Htti’kiir Wo ode. I >m lluinhv,t IK.II.n lor • o> rur.l ( .lwrh tli.l ouiaot ho cure,I ttr II.I!'. I'.l.rrb tut*. F. J. C’UKNKY A VO. T0I0.I0. O. Wo, Iho un.Woi.uwl k.owtt F J. Chcwojr for tho 1*4 IA vo*r». .ml htlio.o him p...f«vt). honorwhlo m .11 tnratMH tr*nuu<w.»« u.i A»*m-t»U, »hie «o cany out »u» obli^r tiuM ih.Iv ht hi. Arm WiuuM, Ki«m\ 1 Murtu, Wltulrwlr Itnt.'.'tu., Tololo, il. II.If, fut.rrh Cure i» t»h.u luu-runilv, n ino Jurctlv upon the hloo.1 .u,l mucous »ur f.N'» oi tho Moiotu. IV»tiui.>nt»l. •*»! livo. |'t .i t- r.v f.T bottle. SoUi hr .11 IVu^vi.ttu 1'uko 1U1I , Fuuil) Fill. tor cotMU|Wltua. roMr*KT Mtin\ IVtnfret people appreciate lilt' chouv ottering. to bo »ru *1 lift'. K. Shaw’*. Il fin* are desired on* need not go further to make hi. welte tion. Vluw Vvi. Put ...» *.|*.vklti,» Of the liotvlor *ort, tlo your .ho** pinch, mid your feel .well anti t>*r spire * If you .prinkle Allen * Fool I.M lu «Imn*, it will give you j rest aiut comfort, ami liiMant relief | from any annoyance. Hold K\ery | where. Si. IkuCl aecepl'any auhatilul*. AS—.Vf. —Hoeial and dance In PoaaatMa’ bail, New Year* Kv» This Thursday night there will be a idance in Bo*bee hall for the benefit of the Putnam Hoctal 1 Athletic flub. Music by Broadway o chestra. —The accident* from automobile* In creased in Great Britain last year over the previous year. Ho they tiave in this country, but the number of auto j mobiles have Increased faster than the n-c'dent*. Putnam has an Immense | number for a city of it* sire. but a large share come from the wealthy home* in I lurrounulng town*. It speak* well for the owners that there has never been aniaccident reported of injury Inflicted | on any |»erson during the year* they hav tieen used in our street*. There j ha e l*-en some narrow escapes, no d mbt. A gentleman told u* that white he passed along Grove street a week ago last Wednesday night, an automo bile came swiftly by in the dark, hav ing no light, nor did it sound any warr • ing. fie fearer! some accident would hap|>en from such reckless driving. Hueh person* should tie reported and punished as a warning to oilier willful law-breakers. Marriages In Kastford, Iteeember 1!>, by Rev. James A. King, fharles Iteane Taleni a*id Ml«s Jennie h. Bosworlh, both of Kant ford. Deaths In Putnam, December LTJ, Mildred Hhar|ie. aged 4 years, H months. In I'hlladelpfila, Deoernber ‘£i, Klia K t 'orbln, aged 73 years. In Sprlnglleld, Mass., December 21, Mrs. Mary W. Allen, in the !*Hh year of her age. Lt. E. Hmith famishing Undertaker, Arcade Block Main St. lltradMt 4l|b' •( Store. TeU^hnt I OonDeetloB | Ballard & Clark, Funerals Directors Putnam, Conn. Telephone cull* Answered promptl> Nftrht 3 —14. I)»> 3 — 4. ♦ I,Atlv tigm-ttunl when ifijut-?ed. f Monuments j Tablets AMI IlK.Aliql AUTKHS OK TIIK LATENT DLNHiNS Always on tlunri al. So. 20 South Main Street, IM’TNAM, CONN. \\ e KMHrmilee the liest of granites ami first-class workmanship, Call and set* ua for all kinds of cemetery work. LOVE BROTHERS_ STATE OK CONNECTICUT UENE KAI. ASHEM HI.Y. January Session, A. I)., 1909. To the General Assembly of the State of Connect leal: The undersigned respectfully petitions your honorable body for an amendment to Itsealstlng charter sufficient to enable aald corporation to carry on tha tiualneas specltl-d In aald charter slid amcnduieutn iherelo within the limits ot the town of Woodstock, so that all the provisions of aald charter and amendments shall apply mutatis mulaiidlajtotbe lownol Woodsto k and to all sc Ions bad and proceedings taken In salil town, a ad < specially so that said Putnam Light and Power Company ahall have lhe riifht and power to con stiuct its polis sod wires throughout said town uf Wool stock and carry electricity through the streets and high ways ot said town for the purpose of fur nishing the Inhabitants tbsreuf with eln trinity fur both light and power. Aud *s lu duty bound jour petition* ra will ever pray. Dated at Putnam, Connecticut, this 22 nd day of December, 1908. THE PUTNAM LIGHT AND POWEK COMPANY, By John K. Carpenter, Its Attorney. The forego’ng petition to the General Asaemby ot the State of Connecticut having been presented to me, and it ap pearing tbal the aaroe le of an adversary nature, and that the parties adversely in terested consist of more than twenty in dividuals, it is therefore Ordered : Tb*t all persons interested in said petition appear before the Geuerai Assemby of the State of Connecticut on the second day of Its neat session, to wit, the January Session of 1909, and that no tice of said petltton and ot this order and citation be giveo by publishing the same tntwo newspapt rspubliahed tnthe County of Windham in said State at least twelve days before the second day of said see stou, and also that an attested copy ot said petition and of this o.der and cits lion be Istt with the town cierk or on# * t the selectmen ot said towuof Wjod*tact at least twelve days before the second day of said session by some proper officer. Dated at Hartford, Connecticut, this twenty-third day December, 1908. MILTON A. BHCMWAY, A Judge of the Superior Court. NOTICE Notice is hereby given that The Put nam Light and PowerOompaoy will peti tion the General Assembly ot the State ot Connecticut at Its January Session A. D. 1909 tor an amendment to ita charter as a bow set forth Dated at Putnam, Coon., this 33rd day ot December, 1908. THE PUTNAM LIGHT AND POWKR COMPANY By John P. Carpenter ita Attorney. 63 -1 Vts*t\*url »( 1‘robsn* held at IhOmpaos, withiu and <.»r thr district of ThemjHili <>a the KIH a! December A. D IMS !*re»e»l. lieorfe > i'root*?. Judge K»t«fe of Jonathan Porter. late of Thompson •aid dlortct, deeessrd. The SiisittustraivM having mad* w ritten appli call, u to said t oort. la nUno with tire iialuk, U*r an order of •air of th« «h>lv or a part of the real estate deecrtbiKl therein, tt l* Ordered (hat saul Appiicathm be heard at the Probate 1‘thoe lu Thompson on the .’ad day of Jan l aw at 1 o'clock In the afternoon, and that settee be fives hv in*enlltf A cope of thi* order in the Putnam 1‘ttHol, anewrtpaper having a v rvulattv'U la «ai«i I Hat not. that return be made to thi* Court 4 Attest, ftl 1 tiKORilK S ORtKSHY. JMp a t a four v‘t pt.Os’r neld at DsPSapaon with and ‘or the «ti trh'it of f homp»oa os the h*h day ot December. !t*> Pr« sent, ti* erg* Croabv, Judge. K»t*»e of t.wn W, late ol Thompson ta - ahi district. *V> rcaa* «i the admia4»tralvwdt ton is son with will au»**ed bavins tmade «r|tU'D spp.K sites to mm wer'. ta ic<V'rdai»ce atih the *t«!•*, for as o.der of | of the s hole or part of th« real ratal* describ'd l therein. it u Ordered that said appliesMast be heard at lh- i | Pretax Ofscv ta llMwtp- u os the ?wd day of J January, $*», at 2 ehrloch in aim Bo. a. **d j that notie* thereof 1* civen, by ISverlmg S (MpV | • of tfct» *rdei is the Putuam httrtci. a nr*.| »prr 1 ha* ik a elrculattoo tssaid iUrh'i, and that re t«en iw made to t I* conrt Attest, / ukxgv.t >. a;v»>ii\jwty« Genuine Holeproof Sox Mow 25 Cents a Pair You can now buy a box of six pairs of Holeproof Sox—formerly $2.00—for $ !.50 Those who have always paid 25 cents a pair for inferior sox can now have the best at this price. holeproof are the original guaranteed sox — the first that were sold under a 6 months guarantee. The makers pay the top market p-ice for their yarn—they buycnly the finest and softest Egyptian and L. . Island cotton But the trap market price is now less than it was, so the makers are now saving you 50 cents on six pairs. Yet you get the same sox as before. Come in and see what Holeproof are like. Judge if you want the genuine. Decide if any other brand is one-half so good. Learn what you save and gain when you wear Holeproof. Church Clothing Company 1 Putnam. Shoes Repaired by Electricity The only Shoe Repair Shop of Hm kind in Windham County. Shoe* Repaired while you wait in 15 minutes. Men’s Taps nfwtd with oak lent her 75 cen s T.«<lir.’ Tip*, m wviI with oak leather 60 cents For 10 Days only Rubber Heels :i5c The Modem Shoe Repairing Company j AKC'ADE HJ.OCK, C4SAL WTKC KT • m NAM, COS*. MICKIE S CREAM BREAD has no equal. It is made in a clean shop, haked by wood heat, not by coal so commonly used by bakers, conse quently contains no objectionable (rases. Kxnmlne it anil you will be cum inced that you have the largest loaf and the liest bread that can lie obtained in the county fur 5 and III cent bread. Rye bread a specialty. I>. K. II It'K I K, practical baker mid con fectioner, Weat Thompson, Conn. First National Bank — or — PUTNAM. CONN. CAPITAL. - $150.000 SURPLUS SQO.OOO. _ Safe Deposit Boxes for Rent Drafts Issued ou all Foreign Countries United States Depositary. Cm as. H. Brown, President, J. K. Carpenter, Vice-President tJ. H. Uli.PATKlc, Castiier. H OWARD C. HKAUrORI) Attomv and Counsallor-at-Liw I'KM'KAI. III AM 'K t I’utimm, I'unn Offic* Hours: 9 to 12: {2 to 5. Real Estate FOR BALK The Ua/ley property, so called, situ ated In a oouiiiiaiidiaK location on tirove street, consisting of a maxi sized lot with frontage of 1 IS feet,with a two tenement house in good condition. The properly will tw sold at a reasonable price. V. K. Fi.akk, I’utnani ,i2tf Wood Sawed al HO and 90 cents a cord. 1 am now ready to receive your orders with prompt attention, being newly e*|ui|> |K*d with one of the latest gasoline en gines made Wood split at a reasona ble price, taive me a trial and he con vinced. Peter Dumas, Lamothe St., Putnam. Telephone orders to Kenne dy* stable. 52 IVMKIt » »>► PI TN AM, Probate Court. L/IVoeinber a, isos. F-atau* of Delia Colli o*. late uf Putnam. Cpo» (be appikslioo of Fivtkricl W. Sr want executor therein named. praying that au in alrtitneul ID writing purport in* to bo the la*: will and testameut of Mud Delia »\»IHn*.dn©ea*ed. mat be protod, appro % cd, allowed and admitted to rn»twtf Ordered. that aald application be beard aod d« -er turned at (he Probate Office in Pultiatu in said dint tot oa the %*th day of l)ec , ISOS, at 10 o'cUh It . a iu . sad that uOtiCe be gireo of the peudeac? of said application and thr non au a pi»ce of hearing Utbreoa. by publishing tbu . rdcr in a newspaper published in Putnam. ami ay posting a tviiv thereof ou the public -igii post iu the eowa of Putnam, nearest where th« deceased last dsrrlt, t ertified from Knoni, 5* KD'VaKO ti. WKltiMT. Judge. rr^nnnr^T^TTTTTn^rr^s^iSTniiWP r^TRTCT W THtT ( dttli. Dec. IStil l*tWw Kstatro: franc.* N>tt, late of Ttiomp *oe ta -aid district. iWeaM-d. the adnmosiratoi de boais non hating ex fclbtted |hi» ndtmaianration account with said j rat.•sir to this conrt for allowance, i: i* Ordered. that the Sal day oi Jan A P . !**», at U o'clock ta the forenoon. at the Probate iu*u> iu I bomp^tai be. and the same D, a«-U i ed tor a bearing t»a th» allowance Of *aid administration account, and this w ul dlrveft tin ».1m:ini tiator dr bonis non to cite all persons ■ tut* rent* d therein lo awesr al said tune and pbo .Jhjr publishing tni* OfWOc taro times in •awe newspaper La».n|i a oirrsaitus in a t district, and hv posting a cop' public sign po-t i in the town of fiesta ps*»n where the dn\*«e) j last dwelt, al least 10 daw before said Urn ; asaigwrd. iVrtifitd from RniM. —I lieorge 8. Crosby, Judge CASTOR IA For la£uts and Ciuldren. ftt IU fat Hats Always Bmgtit Boars tbs St^iiStsrs of I Dresser's Drugstore FOR GIFTS Some very dainty bits of Fine China and Glassware as well as Delicious Candies in Boxes Dressers Drue:Store Notice The annual meeting of the stock holders of The First National Hank of Putnam will be held at the banking house in Putnam /Tuesday, January 12, 1909, at one o’clock in the afternoon for the choice of directors for the ensuing year, and to do any other business proper to be done at said meeting. at>2 G. H. Gilpatrio, Cashier. 10 950,000 tiroes during the past year toor eye lids have opened a ad rioted. Thirty thousand time* a day you “wiok.* A wonderful piece of deetne n»vhtm«m »* the human eye, aao yet the majority of a—pie are *ocai*foM in the care of their eye* that they allow them to work beyond endurance. Tbeu come- the break down a d rrtfitt. Attend to them «oon. We examine eye* aad lit gtasae* at reasonable pices. H. W. Thompson, O^sxtaa. Court Hot.*c tkukiiBf, pent AM. CUSN. r For Musical Holiday Gi of all kinds, visit F. G. Letters & Co. Main and Union Streets, Putnam. where you will find a good assortment of Pianos and Organ! Violins, Banjos, (in it as, Mandolins, Cornets, Flutes, Piccolos, Fifes, Harmonicas, Accor deoils. Drums. Tambourines, Cases for all in stil men Is. Musie Bolls and Pouches, Music Books and Sheet Music. Edison Phonograghs and a complete stock of the 2 and 4 minute records. Records, Cabinets and Supplies. Sewing Machines aii styles and Pric Gas Heaters Be comfortable this cool weather by using a Gas Heaterl Putnam Light £ Powerl Removed Over Prey's Market Christmas Presents Please look at our full stock of nice aid useful articles for ChriatBU Presents Something that will last and give pleasure to the whole family. CHINA in Sets or Odd Pieces. KUOS 35c to $60.0t. Sllrer Plated Ware. Feru Bowls. lOe to «1 *** [can furnish fillirg to order] Pictures, 10c to *15€uA 'large assortment). Picture Framing to order with * complete line of Mouldings from which to select. Sk»H* Sleds, Jack Knives, etc., etc. AVe appreciate your patrol age. Please give as a call. Ballard& Clark,] PUTNAM, Undertaking. CONN Telephone Day or I