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w Use only the purest ingredients in die prepa* _ v ration of food. Reject the baking powders contain ing alum or phosphate of lime; such powders are injurious. Clevelands SUPERIOR Baking Powder Made from a Superior grade of pure Grape Cream of Tartar. THE BAKING POWDER FOR PURE FOOD. No alum—No phosphate of lime. Fa Industrial Kdunlion in FHchbarf. Ailvnirrisl ground I" IftduatrtaJ eihe lattonil work, say* Ifie New Vork 'I ri tt bum, Inis treen taken in h’ltehhurg, Kftaxs Kdueators in nil purl* of lln* IpBOuntry an- watching the detelopuu ul |Hlf the ambitious nr><!<• rfhkI•• k with p more than passing Interest, /is op hi ‘ the aueces* or failure of tlieexperiincnt Will depend wlielher or not tin- plan la adopted elsewhere. Tbto fall the seonndyrar high school L buy* received lln privilege <>f h-amlng • metal trade by going Inin Ho faeln. rim of the town to work out week at r regular factory hours, nod to return In £ the achoolrooin the following week | thus alternating lad ween faeloiy mill k school room throughout the year. Twenty Isiys were eleeted to take the i new course, anil the report" lor the liisl i three inoiitlis of the experiment areal | together fat orahle, not one of the t w en : tv la»y* hating shown any desire to j abandon the eoinhlnallon ol a aehiail ; room and factory work. It la the flral attempt of the kind in a pul die Mchool. A course similar lo this one ha* been In operation at the jUAlverallyoft Incinnatl fur older hots, anil the Kltchhurg ile|iitrturc is pat 'terncij after the (‘Inninnatl Idea. I'lie course in one of four years—the first ©onsisiitig exclusively of schoolroom work and the lhiee lollotviug years of of Una ret lea I and practical I mining iaqunlly apportioned. The faetoit ow i KMk.Wtrn of whom an isi o|n t iling HHpttie Sidinul jfepni I Hunt, sat that nlhe liigh school buy s are m ikio : hi I h i Mgagtess I loin I hi* full Hon i| pniiliis. Sand Hupeiintendi 111 d.phi. I .dgi I . pgr, of the h'lleliliiirg puhlie si leu U, o Hilt* that the schoolroom wot k ul t hr -■ pay* I* fully up to tin standaid I le ■ iaUUCCss of the fitchburg plan seems i ja*o Well assured Hud steps air la Ills' i ■Wan 1(1 a milnIs-r "I el hi I ('ill. ~,.t lies, ■pool tint Inn nil's hat I Urn m 1.11:0 ; ■pOtjenec tt 1111 Supeiiuh udeul I let 1 By. to begin similar enuise* next teat 1 rromiuciit cnucators in MJt.vswiti. ells, believe Him Fitchburg Ini'Hour 10 long w ay toward r-uh 11ik ihr prul> I It-in how lies! to keep I hr I toys in tin thigh school for llic loll four \ eit i s ■■Mine a |irol>lem Unit Ini' been the flbspail of educators in nil ■ II it II111 Iki-t t ■ r - ting tewii', 'in li ii' i' I iii-111hiik I'li, [belief of til any parent* that their lmy», irho limit eventually find their way into tin- shops, wen* wasting time in Bhooi, when they «*,>t11 it Is' learniiiK it ( lie, lias Uvn its tmieh I he cause of i falling till' In the euroliuenl of m i mnl and third year high sell ml class,' I tike youthful longing to hunk into ’e'« real tiniile and to throw seh,ml ook* a«l l How to meet the e\ ponses of the four lyi n' ' in t In- !tU; ; i I n mi 11 , i«,,• 11 kfaetoi, hut ii,. 11 I as ni eliminated in i |FiUditmi e, it' the Ini'who ink, I'it jpwo,k course will lie able to earn j Bough to clothe themselves ami even ay board, without interference with work, since they receive, jro.vimsUlv It) cent* an hour the i Ufa! year, ami work approximately I,h5() hours. The second year 11, the j Mnl li.’ !•- oenls an hour, and they arc I well lilted for their trade ns If they put all their time in the factory — sr titled, because of a livelier Intel bcc and ability to use their (leads I hands, besides enjoy ing Uith work ad Behind studies from the conscious I of becoming masters of their fu III* destiny. The manufacturers take the lxiys in , so that by alternating they hate , all times one of the pairs hi work. Mb Haturday at II o'clock Itie boys [who have been in the schoolroom that t, go to the shop, and ascertain rhat particular job their alternates are I and how it is handled, so as to Iv dy to take hold of ii Monday murii Tbe details of the arrangements tween the manufacturer'and boys, 1 the taller choose trad,-', luiw ■arc instructed, ami how their in l are watched over, are unneee' (|» explain, but the school of lions I employer* arc mutually mien- , a he success of tlua new plan cl in ial education, it has s j far w . ; ■ approii.ilion as an adv anced slop iucalmg boy* tor their life # woik taxperiiiicut could be tried in this rany manufacturing b a n, wlth I trouble or expense jf any. The may be liupro la a step in the must dually end I girl a complete I training of all their mental an I physical faculties tc go fort it a» men and women, indepen dent and -elf-reliant, t<i fulfill their declined service for tlit-1r own f>c*t in terests ami the good of the world. A nation of Much trained youth will inas ter the world In everythin* affecting j it* material progress. Bradley Theater The feature picture* to la- shown on Thursday, I rid ay and Haturday, in elode the well known motion picture entitled “Site." taken from the drauiH of the Name name, “The New Hlenog raphet,''"The llumpty liumply Cir mi*.' uni The Kit Kin*." t'hri-tniHN day tltere will lie a e itillimoUN |»-rforni anee from “ to o and T to 10. Pathi - very latest lian'l colored "i'asdnti I’lny" will Is- shown in mo tion pleluies neat week Thursday-, I* ri day and Satur lay. To show thi*. pic I lure requires I no feel of film. fhere will la- s|n elal mnsie and sjieeial sing ers. Oils It Thayer and Oertrude I’.nnd | hill, who will Is- seen here next M <1 r I - day night in “A fascinating Widow," a musical farce comedy try l‘. I . |t-i/,ey, , w ill la-icmemiiered for their excellent w01 k In "Swir l ( lo\or" and “At < n/,v Comets.'' This latest starring vehicle | I'omes to Hiirpnss Ihelr former efforts. I Us a comedy written in the author’s own Ini mi tntslt- style,lnter*|rer*ed with many catchy musical mini tiers try a large Chorus. Miss llnndhlll will wear the latest Parisian sheath row n de signed for her particular use by Mad amc < oslcll >, a noted I'nrlalan cordtt iner, and will Is- Hit* first introduced Iri tills city. Seats on sale Kriday at ‘i o’clock. “The Man of the Hour," thr.tlaenaa liomil success umoiiK recent play sol Anierlcan life and character, will Is acted hereon the nikht of January 14, try W illiam A. Ilrady and Joseph It. Orlsn t-r’s spi el id cast. This marks llic third year of tills iini-oiiinion Ini of ilrainrili''composition, the wonk of Mr. (ieurge Hrondiiursl Mrs Kdgar Clarke who lias Ih'cii vision* her daughtci id Windham do. ring the inroith past, ha- iclurncd to her hone* on Klin si reel. In r dimghlcr, Mis. I 1 rliiild, reluming with Ifi. I'lie Child I.outlier Cm|»u;dmn lime pi11i'ti . I i large plot ol land tw htndtlir "I.e.'Oiiil Itow, once I he old ein , e • iiit’ 1 > inded on I lie nor III In I .."inn I p I W'h.le In .1 J. liitssell wasdriv log down I.Ini street last I* ddn.v, with is x ,i! nil'll lioise. one of the hind loci .1 llie hois, caoglll on the sins' of one ol Us tie I* el, e,' i n sing the in taking ol one of its leg*, ind ll had hr Is* sli >t. Mi«s VogiixiN I, Haw sou, of Nor walk, riled of a broken heart, her due lor s iel, from grief that 'Ire had Iss n dropped as a kindergarten teacher in the schools ol that city, where sin1 hail taught ten years, Irveause she was not e nu|K Uiit she was told. — The teachers lit the public school* J » hose homes are abroad, are s|s>nding j their I wo weeks \ aeat ton with relit lives. Iliose of tile High School ale gone to the following places Miss Klo once ti iH’cdy, with her mother in Worcester; Mi** Marion I.. Titus, with relatives In Somerville, Mass : Miss \my I, Wallen, with het parents in ’ I’oiesl Hill, Mass Mis, tirade Ilay ' den. with her parents in l‘lymoutli. ; Mass i'lie li st o| the letK'l ers rein tin I Ill I III- I'll y , Si\t\ H'nf>. nun, throughout New l I'nglaiut, ltie selusil IIiik match" j Hint 111" "dohallng coldest," were the dt iighlftii winter entertainments of] young unit ulil. Principal I inti mi pro |uim s to revive the debating contest*,] and has unaiiKeil in begin them, for the upper grades, In lake place In the school mom next term. His nlijeet— a I'orrecl nne—Is to promote the elocu tionary abilily of pupils. The attend ance of friends and other older |>eopIe will help Inspire the pupils and add Interest to the debating contests. Only a little cold in the head may l*e the beginning of an olsdlnatc ease of Nanai Catarrh. Drive out the invader with Kly'a I'ratin Italm applied straight to the tnltamed stuffed up air passagvs Price ode. if you prefer to use an atomiser, ask for Liquid t'ream Halm It lias all the good qualities of lhe solid form of this remedy ami will rid you of catarrh of hay fever. No cm sine to breed a dreadful habit. No mercury to dry out the accretion 1‘nev 7s?., with spraying tula- Ml druggist*, or mail by Kly Pros., ,Vi Warieu Street. New York ‘■■s itiered day amt night the torment I of it* nog pi is Nothing hel|a‘d me until I Used Doan* Ointment. It i ■ 1 me |h rinsnently."—ll,m. John lb "si ,i u Mayor, i.iiaid, Ala_ CLAYTON W, THURBER I rddher ot Piano and Organ T« i*r 2 PiHiuru„ Cone. To Contractors ltids for construction of a school house in District No. », Woodstock Valley, will be received until It in. Jauuar.v £, bar*. Plana and ametltca tiows may be sen at J. M. Perrin’s, West \\ ondsloek. The right lo reject any aud all bids U rvserv ed.r The World of Sport* Collins of Central Villisge won the bout from Kid Mark of I*hilnddphia, In Moosnp Friday evening. Collin* lost the first mid won tin- two succeed lug fall*. By defeating Putnam High In a one Nt'lad i(amr In Willfuiantle, T riday evening hy a score of HI lo IT, \\ iml ham High took Ihe had in Ihe |*n nanl race, f or a few minute* al the j opening »l the game it a good con- I last but soon Windham were playing ririKs mound the \ Isitors, and the only j (question was ihe size of the score. Kel ley and Isonard, of Windham, and j MaeIlooald arid Franklin,of Pi.lnarn | were most conspicuous for g'*>d work i At a me.-Iin< of those interested In baseball, held in Jewett < ity Friday evening the following olticers were elected. President, John I. Heunon; secretary, FI I Hague Jr.; manager nnd treasurer, Thomas Mdlroome. The twelve ineorgioiators are to hack the i learn, so that VK*> will be Ihe initial sum in In the treasury. A good team is promised, of whieh Manager Me* IlKMime Is well titled to take charge. The Putnam Social and Athletic club has organized and elected the | following ottleers: President, Pros j ja r Vlegnrd; vice president, Henry N. ! Benoit; secretary, Frank II. t'ordler; treasurer, Ralph Teltl; directors, F. F. Perry, OvIU Uuertin, Adelniace A. I llrodeur, Norman Peloquln; memlier j shi|> committee, Fugene Jtlbeault, ‘ Kdward O. Johnson, Theodore I’elo I quin, Joseph A. P. (iague; athletic eiiinmitlee, (ieorge Hawkins, Honorltis Miigumi. The club memls'rship has reached over .wo. The dub have n line bill to pres, nt lo the meinlsTs on Christmas afternoon. The general public will also be allowed in on this good thing, lull then aler only dub meuiisTs will is allowed. 1‘he main i bclwcen Bar retie the Montreal t itiadieu wonder and Fritz Hanson, w elter weight champion of Ihe w orld There w ill Is* several preliminaries ol nuns ini interest. Stanton Abbott, of Plo\ nhuiee, one of lilt* Is-sl known pro inoters of sport In the east, will Is- pre sent and ael ns master of ceremonies There has lieen a large adv Mice sale of liekels and there w III be one of the lar gest now ds Hint have yet attended a match in IhU elly, denoting that tin s|Mirt is constant:y growing In favor. There are no fewer Ilian •JIM newspa |hts in Cldnn exclusive of many for eign pa|>ers. Rradiey w r uui.uh M*.i THEATRE ArrritNooNaS.lA KvBNixoa H,l.*i W C- KUI>nrt, Kcaltlrnl WniH»u«*r THURSDAY. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY S|x‘i'ial Holiday .Hill Featuring the I iratna “She” also “Thf Sew Stenographer” ‘ The Hjmpty Dumpty Circus" “The Elf King’ and at hor motion pictures. CHRISTMAS DAY Continuous performance from 2 to 5 am! 7 to 10. K\tra attraction for Christmas day will be announced at the theatre Thursday afterniKin and evening. Saturday at the Store OF E. Mullan 1 Bean* 8c qt i 5 lb# l)iu(«r Snap*, 25c , 5 lbs Soda Cracker* 26c I Pork 10c lb ; 24 lb* tin* granulated sugar ft.00 to the purchaser of a pound of our 50c or 60’ bulk tea. 3 bottles Ketchup 25c 3 can* fomatoea 35c 3 can* Hirmgleas Kean* 25c 3 cars Nice Corn| 25c 21 lbs Fine Uranolated Sugar ft 00 to the purebasvr^ut a pound of our bulk eogee. ;t bars star soap tOc j Corn Stored Be pkge None Such Mince Meat 8c pkge l.itlle Beauty Flour Ilk bag Kak«r<’ Cocoa t»c j 5 tbs starch 35c 5 lb* Run; 25c Hemlock Lumber For Sato j We are cutting a hemlock lot in | Ahtngloii. Conn., and would Is* pleased ; to <|Uote on schedules for li>nl>er. joists, studding, or hoods either roughed or planed, if you are going to build In the Spring" We think it will pay you to buy now. THE CHILD LI MBER CORP ., Putnam, Conn., <\ K. Child, Tel. SiU J. W. Whipple, Tel. £6* GEO. E. SHAW PUTNAM. CONN OUR Special Effort this Season in til* direction of Original Novelties ami New Features hes met with the moat gratifying success. and we shall deem it a j rivilcge to show von a verv extensive assortment of Holiday Good** that are aa NEW at they are PLEASING and APPROPRIATE. Watches, DIAMONDS Haviland China Cut Glass Bohemian Glass, SILVER WALLACE NETTING ART STfDIES, I.AMSOX NATlBK PRINTS, CARDS, <aLEXDARH, BOOKLETS. PRESENTS 10 PLEA L cVERYBUDY In Giita for Old or Young you will find your wants anticipated. We will place at vour diaposnl Pretty Re membrances at srnal1 cost or ► how von more Elaborate Articles should von prefer them. CHRISTMAS BUYERS' OPPORTUNITY We are offering our Holiday Patrons the Advantages that come from the Happv Combination of a Superior Stock, a Large Assort ment and and Fa rest Pi ices. Moke your selections from this stock and get better results mid MORE SATISFACTION THAN EVER BEFORE NIGH GRADE PIANOS There is pleasme in selling pianos that have a look equal to their price, and inside quality equal to their out side appearance. McPHAIL and POOLE PIANOS possess the good qualities of othec fine pianos, and some good qualities that other excellent pianos do not possess. I offer also a good piano that has been slightly used, as a .special Christmas Bargain ONLY $150 I SELL THE EDISON AND VICTOR Talking Machines. GEO. E. SHAW. Putnam. Now Get Ready FOR I Christmas The Gilt Problem. RUN DOWN to a FINE POINT Fur Gloves, Wool Gloves. Unlined Gloves, Lined Gloves, Negligee Shirts, Cardigan -Jackets Coat Sweaters, Seal Skin Caps, Cloth Caps, Umbrellas, Mufflers, “Silk", Ways Mufflers, Initial Handkerchiefs, Suspenders, Shirts, The appended list will save you lots of worry and bothersome thinking. The list is not com plete by any means. Simply boiled down hints that are full of the meat of suggestion. Cut ttiem out. They will cftme in mighty hardy. There's a deal of satisfaction in buying your presents when you know you can't make a mistake. When you know you can get, “your money back if you want it,” without any trouble, any time you say the word. 2.00 to 4.00 i Scarf Pins. 25c to 7-5c Link Buttons, 1 00 to 2.00 ! Combination Armband 50c to 3.50 i Suits, I 50c to 1.50 Neckties, 1.50 to 2.75 Fancy Hose, 2.00 to 4.50 7.50 25c to 2.00 50c to 4.00 1.00 to 2.00 Fancy Vests, Russian Tests, Bath Robes, House Coats, Night Robes, 5(>c Sheep Lined Coats, 1 >c to 50c 10c to 50c Suit Cases, Traveling Bags, 50c to 1.50 I Raincoats. Armbands, 10c to 75c 25c to 75c 25c to l.oo 50c to 1.00 25c to 1.00 15c to 50c 1.00 to 3.00 1.50 to 3.00 4.50 to 6.00 ti.00 to 7.50 •50c to 1.00 3.50 to 7.00 1.25 to 6.00 1.50 to 8.00 5 00 to 22.00 The above is only a pirtial list of the many things we have to offer. Hundreds of other articles suitable for Christ mas gifts will be found here. Get the habit and save money by buying of us. Money cheerfully refunded on all purchases not perfectly satisfactory. A. C. LUKE & CO., PUTNAM, CONN. We Give Green Trading Stamps. Ask For Them. Hundred' of Fancy Boxes Civen Away F1 H K h*j with Gloves. Handkerchiefs’ Waists- etc 'TWIXT NOW AND CHRISTMAS lust a few days left in which to do your gift buying, and this store should be a center of attraction during these lov days. livery nock and cranny of the shop filled with wanted things for Christmas time. Useful, sensible*^ merchandise, reasonably priced. Make this your Christmas store, there's pleasure and profit in it for you, J ^ tLis The Holiday Handkerchiefs Always oue of tlit* lending stocks at Christmas time, larger unit more varied this year than ever, and the values better, all kinds, and all * grades Ladies’ embroidered handkerchiefs, big assortment of patterns, each 12 l-2c Ladies' Swiss embroidered and all linen hand embroidered Over fifty different patterns to choose from, each SO lutdies' embroidered linen Handkerchiefs, anil some lace edge, 60c, 76c, $1.00, ¥1.26 One in a pretty box. INITIALED Handkerchiefs. Ladies' and iMen’s all linen. each 12 1 2c and 26c 'Christmas Tide ij the Gfoye Section Gloves make a most acceptable Cristmss Gift. We put each pair in a prettv box. Ladies ktitle Kid Gloves. 75c, *1 00, *1.25. *1.50 Fine Mocha Gloves, ISilk Lined Mocha. [Derby Walking Gloves, Golf "Gloves. I Misses’ Kid Gloves. [Misses' Golf Gloves Ladies’ Double Mittens. tSilk Mittens, *1.00 *1.50 *1 00 25c. 50c *1 00 25c •>5 20C 5iV. 76c. #1.00 Each Pair in a pretty box. GIFT SUGGESTIONS SILK 1’ETTK’OATS make pleas ing (lifts always. Wo have some handsome ones, of good Taf feta, Elite styles. Special values, wholly bos free) $5.00, $6.00, $8.50, $10.00. Special Black Taffeta Petticoats, will stand alone, (one in holly box) $3. OS_ Sateen and Heatherbloou Petti coats, 95c to $3.5(1 BATH ROBES Krindle Eiderdown, satin trimmed $2.98, colors Red, Gray. Light Blue, Pink, Lavender. Bath Robe, made from figured blanket, $3.98 Bath Robe of best Eiderdown, trimmed with softest satin, new Ki moua sleeves. $5.00 King Tailored Waists tor Ladles, one la a bo«,___ft.SS to $4 M Ladles' Silk Waists. Black Taffeta 13 95. Black Guaranteed French Taffeta WaieU. »5 00. |6 00, f7 00 Meaaallna Waists, Brown, Navj, Black 15.00 L'oi.dren * Sareaiera, 75c to fl.75 Ladles* Sweaters. |2 00 io $4.50 Ladies' Golt Vesla. fl'dfl 'bildren'a Toques, 25c. 50t Infants' Bootees. lOc' lSc, 26c Handsome sets of the most popular Furs for "Omen. \ou can rely on our Furs, as they ire all made to order, and fully guarauteed.aud besides we give yo 1 the finest assortment to ‘boose from, and save you money on every piece. Mink, Isabella Fox, Sable Fox, Blue \\ olf, Japanese Mink. Bear, Squirrel, Marten #5.00 to #75.00. \mportant Selling of Furs for Gifts Umbrellas for Gifts These l mbrellas t have been selected with a special view to their fitness for Gifts. Children’s, 50c to $ 1.50 Ladies’ 98o to $3.50 Men s. $ 1.00 to $3.50i Leather Goeds for Gifts Kndless variety of Bags, Pocket Books, Purses Collar Bags, Chatelaines etc., and the prices are lower than usual. Children s 25c Chatelaines, all colors cf leather, oxodized frame, nickle chain, 10c colors. 25c Leather purses, extra strong frames all r. ^ 10 cents Genuine Alligator purses, strong frames, worth 50c. Special, * each 25c Special Leather Collar Bags lined with *'V, Moire, each 50c and many other extra values. NOTH' K This store il he open t'von evenil»i» next week. i 1 , » >ruui j; in ai »» rvn, feGlosid All Osy Ch istmas I usual. Trade With Us and Save loney Isaac Ghampeau, Mgr., tluarauteed Socks, 6 pi in a box, $1.25 Phoenix Mufflers, one in a box. 50c Agents for Standard Patterns. Telephone 10-2 Hewau lo's French Overs an 1 Cleanse PUTNAM, CONN.