Newspaper Page Text
Joan M. Jogodnigg, Geo. A. Pianchon, Wed Sept. 11th Miss Joan Mary Jogodnigg, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Jogodnigg of Kansas City, Mo., became the bride of George Aibert Pianchon, son of Mr. and Mrs. David Pian chon of Pomfret, at a ceremony performed September 11 at the Coun. try Ciub Congregationai church in Kansas City, Missouri. The bride was attended by Miss Mariiyn Finiey of Kansas City and Francis Crabtree of Putnam served as best man. The doubie ring cere mony was performed by the Rev. Warren Grafton, pastor. The bride attended the University of Kansas City and her husband is a graduate of Putnam High School and attended the American Trade School in Kansas City. He is also a veteran of the U.S Navy and served for two years during the past war. He is well known in this section and while at PHS was active as a mem ber of the Clipper grid squad. At the present time he is employed by the Kansas City Light and Power company. Woodstock Seniors To Conduct Benefit The Senior Class of Woodstock Academy is planning a chicken pie supper on the evening of October 7. It will be held in the basement of the Woodstock Hill church from 6:00 to 8:30 P.M. All class members and some par ents are participating in the affair. HEAR—BUT DON T UNDERSTAND? )2 smaMest SONOTONES] BUILT FOR GREATEST JNDERSTANDING! Investigate! SONOTOM Mr. E. Clifton BeH will be at the Hotel Putnam, Friday, September 30th, between 1:00 and 8:00 p. m. Married !n Missouri Mr. and Mr*. George Planchon Guild to Sponsor Rummage Sale A rummage sale, sponsored by St. Philip's Guild, will be held at the former Legion Clubroom at 209 Providence street on Friday morn ing, Oct. 7th. Mrs. James W. Frost, chairman, has asked members to deliver rum mage articles to the clubroom after 1 P.M. Thursday afternoon, or for transportation to notify Mrs. Lewis Champlin and Mrs. Edward Spellacy. Greeley's New York Tribune was the Rrst paper in America to recog nize Charels Dickens as a great writer. FRIED SCALLOPS ROUTE 44, PUTNAM PIKE Te!. W. Gloce*ter, R. L f88!-W4 State Line Sea Grill WESCO FABRICS Nationally Advertised EXCLUSIVE WITH US IN PUTNAM GABA-DOUX, a fine rayon Gabardine .... per yd $1.00 WASH A-MAT1C GABARDINES, guaranteeed washable . ** 2<) CRETONNE for that new Fall Dress per yd $1.29 PARTY C1CLE FAILLE for Suits per yd $1.59 AH Above in an Assortment of FaH Colors TextMe Incorporated MILL END STORE Tel. 1332-J2 328 Main St Putnam, Conn. on Decorating Costs Hang Wallpaper eas/erand/as/er YOURSELF WE MACHINE TRIM the PAPER for YOU Smith & Walker (OPPOS!TE CARGILL TRUST CO.) CANAL STREET TEL. 68 PUTNAM, CONN. Pi/fnayw %rsona/s —A meeting of the Woman's So ciety of Christian Service for Nor wich District wi]] be heid in Grace Methodist church, Westeriy, R.I., Thursday, October 6th, opening at 10 a.m. The program wilt include reports on Summer Schools by dele gates who attended, regarding the work of the organization. A group from the local society will attend headed by the president, Mrs. Stanley Shaw. All who desire to go please no tify Mrs. Thomas Bell who has charge of transportation. A lunch eon will be served at the church at 12:30 o'clock. —Mr .and Mrs. Eli Hart of East Hartford spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Lussier of Sawyer District. —Mr. and Mrs. Charles Guertin of Woonsocket, R. 1., visited, on Sun day, Miss Marie L. Guertin of Provi dence street. —Mr. and Mrs. Leo Wasilewski and daughter spent Sunday and Monday in Worcester, Mass., with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter E. Belair. —Mr. and Mrs. Henry DiVincenzo of School street and Mr. and Mrs. Peter DiVincenzo of Walnut street spent Sunday in Providence. R. 1. —Malcolm Johnson of Washing ton, D. C., was a weekend visitor at the home of his aunt, Mrs. George W. Perry and family of Providence street. —Miss Joy Nelson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Iver S. Nelson of South Main street, has enrolled as a fresh man student at Centenary Junior College in Hackettstown, N. J. —Mrs. Albina Labonte of Bridge street visited Sunday at the home of her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Traska of West War ren, Mass. She was accompanied by Mr. and Mrs Armand Labonte and family and Mr. and Mrs. Camille Labonte and family of Putnam. They attended a baptismal ceremony con ducted for Miss Florence Traska. —Mr. and Mrs. David Brooks of Putnam Heights attended a shower and stag party at the Grove Club Wednesday evening in honor of Miss Norma Crabtree of Putnam and Richard Butts of East Woodstock. The couple are to be married Oct. 1. —Lester Page and daughter, Mrs. Louis Lefevre and Mrs. Arthur Ship pee of Putnam Heights were in Woon socket Monday. —Mrs. Lharies rage, ner aaugn ter Mrs. Don Peterson and grand daughter baby Margaret, returned to their home on Upper Wainut street iast Friday after spending a week at Jeruseium Beach, Wakefield, R.I. —Miss Theresa Breton of Upper Wainut street, Miss Lorraine Pouiin of Putnam and Miss Dot EUiott of North Grosvenordaie spent the week end in Hartford. —T. R. Peebies of Brookside street manager of Montgomery Ward store, ieft Sunday for a week's vacation at Aibany, N.Y. —Mrs. Loretta Benoit of Walnut street visited with friends in Boston Saturday. —Mrs. Charies Page of Upper Wainut street visited in Worcester, Mass on Monday. —The East Putnam Home Econo mics Group met Wednesday evening at the home of Mrs. Cris Aifpieir with Miss Margurite Fifieid, home demonstration agent. Mrs. Bert Johnson of Woodstock gave instruc tions in chair caning and rush bot tom seats. Those attending were Mrs. Daibert MacKensie, Mrs. Lioyd Cut ter, Mrs. Hiida Wood, Mrs. John Hayden, Mrs. Waiter Hayden, Mrs. A. Ford, Mrs. D. L. Chapin, Mrs. Rubin Shekieton, Mrs. Harvey Stone, Mrs. Haroid Frankiin, Mrs. Law rence Adams, Mrs. Anna Durfee, Mrs. R. Arthur Chase and Mrs. Cris Aitmeir. Deiicious refreshments were served. Meetings are heid the third Wednesday of each month. The next one is at the home of Mrs. D. L. Chapin. The subject wiii be Christ mas boxes. —Mrs. Aifred Dutch and son Daryi of Greenviiie, R.L, visited with Mrs. R. Arthur Chase on Thursday eve ning. —Arthur Boutin of Church street i attended the jaiopy races at Seconk ! on Saturday. —Mr. and Mrs. R. Arthur Chase, daughter Caroiin and son David with , iittie Benny Chase of Upper School street attended the jaiopy races at Seekonk on Saturday. Successful BeneAt Conducted Tuesday By Cosmos Club A near capacity crowd attended the penny sociai and card party heid Tuesday evening at Beiding Ciub house under auspices of the Cosmos Ciub with aii proceeds for the Miik Fund of that organization . Mrs. Eari Francke won the first prize in bridge and Mrs. Robert Johnston received the consoiation award. Mrs. Marceii Kennette re ceived the major prize in whist and _Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Dustin of Randolph, Vermont, wore quests of Mrs. Alice Carpenter of Wilkinson street over the weekend _Mrs. Charles Richardson of Bradley street and Mrs. Augustus Cutler of Bellevue street spent the weekend with Mrs. Richardson's son in-law and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. ^ Ralph Carrington of Waterhury. _Mr. and Mrs. Robert Howe and son, Billy, who have been spending the summer with her mother. Mrs. George Shepard at Hickory Lodge, returned to New York City Sunday. —Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Pidgeon and children, Ronald and Joyce of j Walnut street spent the weekend in Hartford and New York City with relatives. —Miss Caro! Leeke. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Whitehead of Gilman street, has entered her senior year at Mary A. Burnham School, Northampton, Mass. —Mr. and Mrs. Lucian Davis and family of Southbridgo. Mass., were Sunday afternoon guests of relatives here. _Mrs. Daniel Donahue and family of Brimheld, Mass, returned Monday after visiting here with relatives for the weekend. —John M. Flaherty .exalted ruler of Putnam Lodge of Hks and How ard T&urteHotte, lodge member, at tended District Deputy Night ob served Tuesday in Danielson with Morton Briggs, D.D., of Wallingford as principal guest. He is scheduled to appear in Putnam October 18 at; which time he wij conduct his of ficial inspection, accompanied by his j suite of ofheers. —Norman L. MacKenzie of Upper Walnut street was home over the weekend from Manchester, where he is employed. —Mr. and Mrs. Albert Glazier and sons. Robert and Terence. Mrs. Ernest White and Miss Hannah O'Donnell of Norwich and Mrs. ] Edgar Ross of New London called j on Mrs. John Whalen Tuesday. —rMs. David McGarrv of George street spent the weekend with her husband, David McGarry in Guilford, Vermont. —Caroltne Chase forts r rantum and Pauline Davis attended the In termediate Youth Fellowship meeting at Putnam Methodist church on Sun day evening , —Cromwiel Chase son of Mr. and Mrs, Cromwell Chase of Hast Brook iyn is at the Day Kimbaii hospital with a broken leg. —Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Worth, formerly of Putnam have moved to Thompson where they wiii make their home. —Mr. and Mrs. William Buckley of Walnut street visited with Mrs. Buckley's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Michel Loenergan in Brockton on Sunday. —Mrs. Edna Dubois of Walnut street with Mrs. Oliver Tetreault of Attawaugan visited *" relatives in Norwich Sunday. —Jenette Stevens, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Stevens of Putnam Heights, has returned from the Day Kimball hospital where she has been a patient for over a week. —Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dufresne, his mother Mrs. Mary Dufresne and brother Joe of Walnut street exten sion motored to Nashua, N.H. Wed nesday to attend the funeral of his uncle, Frederick Birn. —Mr. and Mrs. Richard Estar brooks and two children spent Satur day in Providence. Mr. and Mrs. Durrell Johnson of Oxford, Mass, visited with Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Stevens of Putnam Heights on Saturday. —Mr. and Mrs. Robert Howe and son Billie returned to New York City Sunday. Mrs. Howe and son spent the summer with Mrs. Howe's mother, Mrs. George A. Sheppard of Hickory Lodge on Putnam Heights. —Patricia Carey of Farrows street celebrated her seventh birthday with a party for seventeen friends on Monday afternoon. Games were play ed and prizes were given to the win ners. Refreshments of sandwiches, cake, pop and ice cream were served. She received many gifts. —Mr. and Mrs. Cris Altmeir with Mr. and Mrs. Edward Fisher and ohildren of Pomfret attended Spring held fair on Friday. L. Messier won the consolation. A substantial sum of money was realized through the penny social, ofhcials reported. Valuable gifts, do nated by community merchants, were distributed. Delicious refreshments were served. All members served as co-hostesses. Mrs. Clyde Thaneuf and Mrs. Ed gar Phaneuf were in charge of the penny social; Mrs. Edward Spellacy had charge of cards and Mrs. Ber nard Sandys was in charge of re freshments. Gifts were collected by Mrs. Henry Gerardi and Mrs. Charles Drew, president. --r-— S/i jvo rs WiH be closed Monday, October 3rd, due to Holiday. WiH be open as usual Tuesday morning. Opros/7*A' CO.VGPPO^r/O^L C//0PC7Z 156 MAIN STREET PUTNAM, CONN. Home Economics Group to Meet Next Thursday "Interior Decoration and Coior" wiit be the subject for the next Thursday afternoon meeting of the Putnam Home Economics group scheduied at 2:00 o'ciock in the V.F.W. haii, Main street. Miss Mar guerite Fifieid, home demonstration agent, wiii present the topic. Ati members and friends are in vited. Hostesses for the afternoon program are Mrs. Marion Smith and Mrs. Catherine Hartweii. Discussions Held At W.C.T.U. Parley With County President Morning and afternoon sessions were heid Tuesday at the Methodist church under auspices of the Wind ham County W.C.T.U. Towns repre sented at the "Department Institute" were Wiiiimantic, Scotiand, Canter bury, Danielson, Thompson and Put nam. Mrs. Henry A. Eidridge, county president, led in the discussion of "Scientific Temperance Instruction." Other discussion ieaders were Mrs. Neison Stark, Mrs. Ftora Haskins, Mrs. Mary Steams, Mrs. Lena Wheeier, Mrs. Martha Chandler, Mrs. W. J. Craig. A basket iunch with hot coffee was enjoyed during the noon hour and sociai period. The session ciosed with the Aaronic benedection. Mi.. Joyce W. Hall Engaged to Marry Robert T. Bell The engagement of Miss Joyce W. Haii, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. James W. Haii of Cottage street, to Robert T. Beii, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Beti of King street, has been announced by her parents. No date has been set for the wedding. A graduate of Abbot Academy, the bride-eiect is a student nurse at Memoriai Hospital in Worcester, Mass. Her prospective husband, a graduate of Mount Hermon School, is now stationed with the U. S. Navy in San Diego, California. _ —Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sparrow ' returned recentty to Putnam from ' Bogota, South America and are visit ! mg with his mother, Mrs. Fred Sparrow of Grove street. Wyoming had a newspaper in 1889 before it became a territory. INDIAN RANCH HOUSE Route No. !6 Webster, Mass. SUNDAY, OCT. 2 The Great French Comedian FELIX LeCLAIR MELODY MOUNTAINEERS—Radio Stars of WJAR MARTEL, THE MANIAC—as Dr. Weakhrain GEOROE and DIXIE—Yankee Network Stars Talent Tryouts One Admission Entire Day—2:30 to 10:30 P.M. Adults 60c—Children 30c—Tax Included Sturbridge Drive In ROUTE 20. STURBRIDGE, MASS., at the Eairtr.und. Open Air Theatre SUNDAY and MONDAY, OCT 2 3 Betty Hutton, John Lund, Billy DeWolfe "PERILS OF PAUL!NE" William Gargan, Virginia Welles "DYNAMiTE" TUES. - WED. - THURS., OCT. 4-5-6 Cary Grant, Betsy Drake "EVERY GIRL SHOULD BE MARRIED" John Beal, Trudy Marshall "KEY WITNESS" FRIDAY and SATURDAY, OCT. 7-8 Victor Mature, Coleen Gray "FURY AT FURNACE CREEK" Arthur Lake, Penny Singleton "BLONDIE'S REWARD" 14 UNION STREET - Directly across from the PUTNAM NEWS STORE HOURS # CIo*ed Monday* # Tue*. thru Thur*. 8 to 6 p m SFri.-Sat. Sa. m. to9p. m. Fruits and Vegetabies 4 lbs 23c MAC Apples PINK Grapefruit 2 for 25c CELLO PKG Cranberries 17c PASCAL Celery bnch 15c CIGARETTES Popular Brands Carton M%a/ do t/ou pat/ /or /ood? B/G GWEF /tas //te ua/ues/ Ketchup HE Z BO Beans...c*<K'E'<2c^s MHk ARMOUR (B CANS Jam ADAMS - PURE Grape - P!um - Apricot or Peach 1LB JAR HUNT'S )T tf€*H** BARTLETT LGE No. 2^ Can 22^ 29^ 65^ 29^ AJAX Cleanser 2 cans 23c PALMOLIVE Soap 3 bars 23c PALMOLIVE Soap 2 bath size 21c FABULOUS Fab box 28c MARVELOUS Vel box 27c Super Suds box 28c Rinso box 28c Lux Flakes box 28c Silver Dust box 29c Lux Soap 3 bars 23c BATH Lux Soap 2 bars 21c Lifebuoy 3 bars 23c BATH Lifebuoy 2 bars 21c Spry 3 1b can 87c SWAN Soap 3 bars 24c SWAN Soap 2!gebars 27c EDUCATOR Saitines box 27c SUNSHINE HiHo box 29c CAMPBELL SOUPS BouMion - Chicken - Consume Clam -Beef -Mushroom 2 c*"' 33' Campbell BEANS 2 16 oz ^ cans AMERtCAN Spaghetti 2 27* CAMrBE-LL VEGETABLE PEA -CELERY SOUP 2 c*"' 25' < US No. 1 MAINE POTATOES 15 lb peck 55c SELECTED rOKAY GRAPES 2 lbs 19c CALIF. JUICE ORANGES 2 doz 49c SWIFT'S BROOKFIELD BUTTER Lb 68c * ARMOUR STAR . r- 1'^ ^ LARD ^ 16c COUNTRY LAKE OLEO Lb 23c \MIOUR STAR-SKINNLESS FRANKFURIS Lb 45c SERVE A FAVORtTE BtG CHEF MEAT CUT! - -HE'LL WHtSTLE FOR JOY LAMB !,EGS " gr LAMB FORES " 43 VEAL LEGS ^ " 55 HAMBURG ^ " 49 PRIME RIB " 53^ CHUCK ROAST " 49' CORNED BEEF ^ 55 PORK CHOPS CENTER CUT " 75