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Named Preacher Rev. Maurice C. Fou!ket, rector of St. Phitip'a Epiacopa! church, ahown above, wi!! preach at the annua! Union Thankagiving Serv ice tomorrow night at 7:30 o clock in the Methodiat church. The worahip aervice wi!! be in charge of the hoat miniater, Rev. Percy F. Smith and the Methodiat , quartet wi!! aing the anthem. SCHOOL REQUEST DEFERRED FR!DAY BY FINANCE BOARD In special session Friday night, members of the town Finance Board voted to defer action on a request of $17,450 by the Board of Education for purchase of [and for a school site and at the same meeting accepted the resignation of Eibert C. Kinney, with regret. The resignation was prompted due il! health, it was re ported, and a successor will be named at a later date. Action taken by the Finance Board was made public Saturday morning after school authorities were notified. It is hoped, according to Finance Board members, that more complete details on the overall building program will be made available for study and consideration of the Finance Board, it was ex plained. (Continued on rage Seven) BENEF!T PLANNED FOR XMAS L!GHTS To help finance cost of special Christmas lighting in the business section of the city, members of the Chamber of Commerce Merchants committee have instituted a plan whereby several awards are to be made and tickets may be procured through the CofC or at various lodge headquarters. Raymond. Brousseau, chairman of the special committee in charge, re vealed that many merchants have contributed generously to the overall financial project for Christmas lights and it is hoped that many others will assume similar financial obligations. Me. '-while irata'IataoB plan- and work are progressing under direction of George Winterburn. electrician. Store Clerk Helps Prevent Car Fire Raymond Vanasse of Providence street is a!) observing and heipfu! individual Whi!e on duty at Putnam News, Inc., he glanced out of the store window Monday morning and noticed smoke emanating from the hood of a parked car in the square. He sum moned John Fiaherty and Thomas McKeon, firemen and with assistance from John Osborn, custodian at fire headquarters, possibie serious damage was averted. Defective wiring near the engine caused oniy minor damage to the 1939 Ford, which was iater identified as property of Mrs. McFariane of Eastford, firemen revealed. —Mr. and Mrs. Michei Magnan and two daughters of Woodstock ave nue ieft !ast week to make their home in Woonsocket, R.I. The Green Parrot Restaurant 154 Pomfret St., Putnam fenronfc fo Hospifn/J Will Serve A Complete THANKS6tV!NG OtMNEH 12:30 - 5:00 P. M. $2.00 per person P!ease Tetephone Reservations Putnam 2014 Jl VOL. LXXVH. Est.b!i.h.d!872 TWELVE PACES THEPUTNAMPATRIOT, PUTNAM, CONN. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1949 SintdeC.,i'k-s Six Cents Xo. 17 mM INCLY VS. PUTNAM THURSDAY Letter In Mai! < School Hoart Wants Action On New Plans In special session Sunday after noon members of the Board of Edu- t cation drafted a letter asking that the town Finance Board reconsider < action taken at a meeting Friday in : connection with a request of $17,450 for a new school building site. The letter, dated Monday, has been mailed to Whitman Danielson. : chairman of the Finance Board, in which is charged that action of the latter board is calculated to un necessarily delay construction of a new high school. Contents of the letter, made public I yesterday, follow: (Continued on Page Seven) ALUMN! TO BACK SCHOOL OFMMALS The Putnam High School Alumni , Association, at a special meeting Sunday evening following the annual ! reception given by the Alumni Coun cil for the Putnam teachers at the Vernon Stiles Inn. Thompson, voted unanimously to back the superinten-' dent of schools and the Putnam Board of Education on the new school building policy. Over 60 teachers, and members of the Alumni Council and guests at- ; tended the reception and supper. Group singing and special selections by Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shaughnessy were enjoyed after the supper. Presi- j dent Russell King presided and Supt. of Scholos Albert Murphy spoke briefly. Margaret Ho!t Back From Europe (Special to The Patriot) New York, Nov. 21—Margaret Holt of Chandler Farms, Pomfret, Conn., was among the 2,173 passeng ers who arrived here this afternoon on board the Cunard White Star liner Queen Elizabeth which docked at Pier ft)' in tb^ No'** ; R'ver **te*^ a t)ve day voyage from Southampton and Cherbourg. Among the notables who also dis embarked were Field Marsha! Vis count Montgomery of Alamein, per manent Military Chairman of the I Western Europe Commanders in Chief, Bonita Granville, film actress, [Robert Goelet. Jr., film producer and Robert Bliss, American diplomat. Saturday Deadline For Renta! Project Atty. William St. Onge, chairman of the Putnam Housing Authority, reminded this morning that applica tions for rental of 18 apartments along World War 11 Memorial Ter race will be available until Saturday at his ofhce, 80 Main street. Veterans will receive preference and only ap plications received by Saturday will be considered for initial occupancy. Over the weekend it was reported 20 applications were received. WINS COSMOS BASKET Marion Adams of Groveiand av enue won the annual Cosmos Club "turkey basket" which was given Saturday night at Putnam News , store. Union Square, according to an j announcement by Mrs. Charles Drew, club president. The lucky number vas selected by Mable Rich, it was revealed. RUMMAGE SALE Saturday, November 26th 9 A. M. BELD1NG CLUBHOUSE Up Group /, CouprepaGoca/ CAurcA WORLD FAMOUS BECAUSE IT S THE WORLD S FINEST j V Pom/ref , --,-0 /I 7VMnAs(7HJ/'n<7 This has been a busy year here at The Inn, the busiest we have ever had, for which we are Thankful. It has been a privilege and a pleasure to serve the great group of guests who have visited The Inn, some for a meal only, some for longer visits; the larger majority from our neighbor communities, some from far places. To each we express our appreciation for the visit, and our cordial invitation to come again. We extend our Thanks also to those upon whom we have depended for services and supplies and our wish to each for a Happy Thanksgiving. C R DENIS POMFRET, CONN. JOE SABA ANN DENIS _CM Clipper Squad Ready To Surpnse Turkey Day Rnvals ' (Photo by Grube) Santa Claus !s Coming To Town Merchants to Give Kiddies Christmas Party December 3 ELKS TO CONDUCT MEMORIAL SUNDAY PROGRAM DEC. 5th Plans for the annual observance I of Memorial Sunday under auspices . of Putnam Lodge of Elks have been ; completed, according to an announce- j ment by Selectman John Simonzi. past exaulted ruler and committee chairman. The ceremomy will be held Decern-, her 5th at 3 p. m.* in the lodge quar- ! ters on Main street at which ti^.e i George Grasser of Wallingford, past! president of the state Elks Associa tion. will be guest speaker. Special music will be furnished by the Wood stock Trio, directed by Nelson Frirk. Soprano solos will he rend^ce' by ^Irs. Antoinette Mo - b of Put' nam. Members of the committee named to assist the chairman are John Fla herty, Charles Drew, James Madden, William McCoy and Nelson King. "Quality Street" Attracts Crowd At PCA Sunday The final presentation of "Quality Street", annua! senior play by stu dents at Putnam Catholic Academy, attracted a capacity crowd Sunday afternoon in St. Louis auditorium. Outstanding performances were given by Linette Roy, Mary Artiaco and Lorraine Rousseau in lead roles. The unusual comedy was given in four acts and concerned the period of the Napoleonic Wars (1805-1815) in a country town near London. During intermissions special selec tions were rendered by the Glee Club. They sang "The Angelus" and Come and Trip It as You Go." The play was directed by Sister Florentine de Jesus. FORMER THOMPSON WOMAN SUCCUMBS IN FLORIDA A former resident of Thompson. Mrs. Mary (Lulii) Auger, 38, of Miami. Fiorida, died Monday in that city after a iong iiiness. She was the wife of Louis Auger and weli known in Thompson, and Southbridge, Mass., where she was bom. Besides her husband she leaves her parents, Mr. and Mrs. August Luili and two brothers, italo and Amerigo, aH of Southbridge, Mass. The body wi!] be removed to Southbridge, Mass. Funeral pians are incompiete. APPLES Macintosh Cortland - Greening PURE SWEET C!DER 65^ Ga!!on A few Batdwins left at $!.00 a bushe! HiLLTOP FARM Putnam Heightt Telephone 850-J3 frantatiaus)ScomrtL.< town: A special telegram ar ved from the North Pole this morning ad dressed to Ray tom Brousseau. chairman of the Mo 'cha* *..- committee of the Chamber of Commerce, indi cating that St. accepted an invitation to par. n. ate in a special program here Det'cn, <er 3rd a: which time kiddies will be feted The committee in charge of ar rangements anno.cod that a special area between Car and Front streets along Main street, will be reserved in <he morning at t kich time all chil dren are invited to converse with Santa and each k;)d wdl receive a box of candy. 1:-. additio officials in charge have mad arrangements with generous merchants to distribute some 12 major awards and recipients will be chosen ^t. i .* dom as they*ap pear^ befo*e S; (Continued on Page Seven) POMFRET F!NANCE BOARD !S NAMED BY SELECTMEN Upon request of Selectman Ray mond Jackson, a democrat and mi nority member of the board, a specia) meeting was held Monday morning in the Town of Pomfret at which time members of the newly formed finance board were appointed. It was reported, unlike an impres sion created that the new board be compose of bi-partisan individuals, republicans are represented by four persons and democrats have two. Re publicans name<^ are Fitz Henry Paine. Ciarence Green, Andrew Ami don and Edward tsuilard. Democrats appointed are Lawrence Ryan and John Kelly. Selectman Jackson revealed that the name of Edward Carleton, a dem ocrat and Hugh Murphy, an indepen ^ dent, -vere^tot approved by Select ! men^*!. pfiw r4^<*nard ami Loneu{ Sanson, majority board members. United Church Canvass Will Be Conducted Here On Sunday Since 1942 the local Protestant Churches of the city have united for their annual financial campaigns with the results of increased cooperation and larger response from the con tributors. Under auspices of the iocal Inter church Committee, headed by Pierre H. Myers, the United Canvass has gone forward under a committee made up of canvass chairmen from the several churches. Joint letters and publicity, and some years, supper meetings for all workers have characterized the ef fort. Last year the canvass date was the second Sunday of November. This year November 27th has been chosen as most ccg)venient for all partici- i pants. Many communites over the nation are using the united canvass plan, which is given national publicity and direction from a central office as part of the program of stewardship under the Federal Count ! of Churches. (Continued or Page Seven) FootbaH RaHy At PHS Wednesday A football rally will be held to morrow morning at Putnam High School foilowing the regular pre Thanksgiving assembly. Officials, coaches and team co-cap tains will address the student body during the rally at which time a final rehearsal of cheers will be conducted. Rev. Giles F. Goodenough of Pom fret, an authority on Colonial social customs, will be guest speaker at the assembly. He will speak on the topic "Thanksgiving 1621-1949." FOR BETTER RAD!0 SERV!CE Brown s Radio Shop 3t9 Main St , Te! 176-J2, Putnam Plenty o/ Parkinp .Space SEE THE NEW 1950 PONTIAC On Display Friday and Saturday Unti! 9 P. M. Putnam Motors Company 500 Upper Schoo! Street, on Route 44 LUCKY TICKET HOLDER W!LL RECE!VE $100 DEPOSIT ON ANY 1050 PONTIAC Achievement Night Program Saturday A review of work accomplished during the past year, coupled with entertainment and presentation of speciai certificates witi feature the annual Achievement Night program in Woodstock on Saturday evening at 8 o'clock in Grange haii under auspices of 4-H Clubs in that com munity. Special guests will he county cluh agents as well as members and lead ers of the newly formed clubs headed by Paul Williamson and J. W. Beau din. Certificates will be given by Howard Foskett. General arrangements are in charge of Sven Arvidson, Mrs. Arvid Anderson, Mrs. John Armstrong. Mrs. Donald Child, Mrs. I^onard Martin, Mrs. Car! Bolander, Mrs. Joseph Naines and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Foskett. On Dean's List At Becker College (Special to The Patriot) The names of two students from the Put)!am area, Miss Laura H Johnson and Robert Bourgeois, arc inciuded in the dean's iist for the first quarter at Becker Junior Col iege, Worcester. Mass. Miss Johnson is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard C. Johnson of North Woodstock. She is a senior enrolled in the medical secretary course. Mr. Bourgeois is the son of Bona Bourgeois of Putnam. He is a fresh man enrolled in the business adminis tration course. ReAniah Your Floors Now! RENT WARDS FLOOR SANDER MONTGOMERY WARD CO. Putnam Conn Rocky's Glass Shop Safety Glasa for a!! cars, cut and inatalled white you wait PLATE GLASS TOPS for Bureaus - Desks - Tables - Shelves - Place Mats - Show Cases HOUSE GLASS Single and Double Thick For Window Sash - Storm Windows Cut and Installed Orders FMed WARe Yetc UNION SQUARE (Entrance between Putnam Fur niture and Fruit store) Telephone 20I6-J1 Putn*m, Connecticut /lrc /Veer^/ Abt^or^es 7"o ttYn By virtue of its im)U*es.--ive record during the campaign tht Kiiiingiy High School footbaii team i< a heavy favorite to wit the annua! Thanksgiving Hay grid contest here Thursday morn ing in competition with the Putnam High Schoo! eleven. Tht tiit wi!! be played at the School Street held in Putnam at 10:3f o'clock sharp. Provided weather is favorable some 5.000 to 7,500 fans art expected to witness the traditional contest, which may, with a smile from Lady Luck, prove one of the most outstanding upsets in Northeastern Connecticut should the underdog Clippers con tinue their victory streak over the heralded Redmen this seasoR The classic, fifth since the annua] encounter was renewed in 1945 after a !apse of 15 years, wiH be the! 21st in the overall series which date bach to 1921. Since that time Putnam boasts a wide margin ih the victory column with 15 triumphs as agains* a tone deadlock and four reversals. Until two years ago the Redmcr were unable to cross the PHS goai in 12 previous games over a period of nine years. In 1947 when the Red men entered the contest with an un blemished mark of eight successive wins they dropped a 19-6 decision to) the Clippers. The lone Killingly touchdown was the first since they swept a home and home series played in 1923. Last year the Blue and White array maintained their streak' at the expense of the Danielson out fit and copped a 21-7 triumph. (Continued on Page Eight) XMAS SEAL SALE DRtVE LAUNCHED Under direct supervision of Mis Gertrude C. Warner, committee chairman, the 43rd annuai Christ mas Sea) sate has been launched un der auspices of the Putnam Tubercu iosis Committee. In a special communication to tbi newspaper the prominent scho- i teacher remineded: ''Christmas Seals are here again. Don't sigh, except in thankfulness that you yourself have not contracted the disease, tubercu losis and help those who have, by having and using all the seals you can afford. The committee head also revealed the Putnam Savings Bank has seals for sale, in order to reach those whose names are not on the mailing list. She concluded: 'Putnam has al ways done a magnificient job on the seal question .Please help the good wrok, by doing your small share." It has been suggested that checks be made payable to Miss Florence De vine, treasurer of the PTC. Other officers include Mrs. Daniel C. Durand, president; Mrs. Fred C. Sparrow, vice chairman; Mrs. Henry O. Hartwell, secretary. Other com mittee members include Dr. Morton H. Chapnick. Mbs Esther Welles. R.N., Mrs. Angela O. Simmons. R.X.. Miss Gertrude C. Warner and Mrs. William J. Dcsaulnier. Miss Inez Swanson Given Glee Club College Berth (Special to The Patriot) Miss Inez A. Swanson of Pomfret has been named secretary-treasurer of the newly organized Giee Club of mixed voices at Hillyer College. Hartford, it was anouncd last week. The club, which already num bers forty qualified members, plans to present at least one full concert dur ing the coming winter season. Miss Swanson, who is taking the execu tive secretarial course in the Busi ! ness Division of the college, is the daughter of Selectman and Mrs. Lcneus Swanson of Pomfret. She is a graduate of Woodstock Academy, where she was active in the Giee Club, the Chapel Choir, and girls' basketball. BENOIT IN TENNESSEE Hiking to Arkansas, where he hopes to spend Christmas day with his four-year-old daughter, Robert J. Benoit has reached Kingston, Tenn., according t^) word received from him Monday. In a brief note he added. "I feel fine and appeared in a recent broadcast over station WROL in i Knoxville." Reg. J Hi-Test GAS GAS 21' ^ 23' PUTNAM TIRE CO. 162 Schoo! St. Putnam Thanksgiving Ra!!y Of Windham County Youth For Christ Speaker: Rev. Erman K.Lunder The Lutheran Bibte Institute Xew York City Lots ot Singing and Specia! Music at the Emanuet Lutheran Church North Grosvenordaie, Connecticut Saturday, Nov. 26, 7:30 p.m. Come and Bring Your Friends Christmas Cheer Beh'ort Union Xmas Checks Are Given Mis* Anna S. Weekes, treasurer of he Bei.ort Credit Union at Beldint rleminway company distributed IAS Christmas Ciub checks Monday mployces at the Arm, officials an aouneed. Checks amounted to $llf ! *5.00 and represented an increase )ver the past year when 75 member* eceived $5,630 at the outset of the nnovation. Officiate reported that doubling of he Xntas Ciub program duplicated rrogrcss of the Beicort Credit Unmt-. tself which will show' shares of ap 3t*oxintateiy 120,000 at the end of the year. Robert M . Bulger, president, ha* the assistance of many devoted members throughout the year and all are entitied to much credit for the successful operation of the Christmat Club plan, it was disclosed. Issuance of these checks and theit availability at this time will help ma terially in the happy holiday season and will contribute to much com munity good, a spokesman explained. Company heads said that Belding Hem nway is proud of such action taken by empioyees and will contra ut. to be of as much possible assistant in future progress. Two City Residents in Webster Court Two local young men and a thirl: from Massachusetts were schedule# to appear at the regular session of Webster District court this morning and answer to charges of breaking and entering at night with intent to commit larceny. The trio includes Richard L. Kit born, 22. and Ford L. Putnam, 2Y both of Putnam and George W. Kit born, Jr., 23, of Webster. Mass. They were arrested by Bay State authori ties Sunday a (i impiicated in eight breaks in this section dating back te October IK. it was reveaied. Police Sgt. John Daigie of the ioca! depart ment assisted Webster officers, as did state officers from Danieison, it war reveaied. AH young men were present in District court heid Monday at Southbridge, Mass., and each was heid in $2,000 baii for appearance this morning. Cigarettes, cash and toois were reported found by police at homes of the aiieged thieves. Youth For Christ Rally Saturday The public is cordially invited t*< attend the Youth For Christ raHy scheduled Saturday evening at 7:3B o'clock in the Emanuel Lutheran., church. Xorth Grosvenordale, ac cording to the Rev. Fritz Soderberg, pastor. Rev. Erman K. Lunder, teacher at the Lutheran Bible Institute, New York City, will be guest speaker. Ho holds the degree of Bachelor of Theology. New Post Commander All officers of St. Mary's Pos^ Catholic War Veterans, nominated at a special meeting some time age, were elected without opposition at the annual meeting Sunday morning. \*o induction date has been decided. The meeting was held at the near quarters on Providence street, for merly occupied by the America* Legion. C.W.Y. are now headed by Dr. Rene Desaulniers as commander w ho succeeds Alderman Wilfred Mar tineau. the latter elected a truster, for three years. G.I.TAXI 24 HOUR SERVICE TELEPHONE !200 tit! LOO a m. !66Safter 1:00am. 3 Livery Street. Putnam NU-WAY TAXI 24 HOUR SERVICE Telephone 1060 or 661 Taxi Drivers Wanted