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Newspaper Page Text
EAST WOODSTOCK The Ladies Benevolent Society is censoring a Christmas sate and sup ter in the Community House. Decem ber 9th. The sate starts at 3:30 s'cloek; supper from 6 to H. Com mittee in charge is Mrs. Henry D. inker, chairman, Mrs. Myrtie C. tordsn, Mrs. Dorothy Boyd. Mrs. Hfred Wethereii, Mrs. Barbara brown, Mrs. Isabet Phiilrps. Mrs. Wary Todd. Mrs. Jutia Weils, Mrs. Hora Danietson, Avis Sattonstatt, Mrs. Peggy Gifford, Atfred Wetherett. etlbert R. Todd and Dudtey Gifford, kprons, toweis, grabs, white etephant. ylants. costume jewtrey, fancy work miU be on sate. Mrs. Ray Eddy is dbairman of supper committee. Attends Nate) Party Mrs. Henry D. Baker attended a party at the home of Mrs. John Hayden in East Putnam. Novem ber XFrd. in honor of the 92nd birthday of Mrs. Laura Burnt), mother of Mrs. Hayden and Mrs. baker. Guests numbering about 20 mere members of the Ladies Aid So tiety of East Putnam. Mrs. Burritt tas been conffned for some time and *as quite ill some weeks ago. She sa-=aes the time in rug-making and sewing. A delicious supper was terved. Mr. and Mrs. Spencer P Jordan, laughter Mareia mid M:s. Myrtie C. Jordan spent Thanksgiving with Mr. tnd Mrs. Clarence Fait in Green rood. Mass. Mr. and Mrs. John Davis cele brated their Thanksgiving Sunday with his parents, Dr. ami Mrs. Ben jamin Davis of Webster. Mass.. Mr. red Mrs. Hiram Beitows of South bridge, Mass., as guests. The Baker Farm Equipment Com sany entertained about ]73 customers tnd friends at an International Har vester family party on November 23 at Sencxet Grange hat!. The p gram insisted of Georgia Harmon wi h fie accordion Charies Rozeita. the nad musicai professor and itr. Maxi, be magician. Door prizes were awarded. Arthur Baker has recent!;* tat. -n aver the business of the Wright Tractor Company. John S. May. Miidrvd May. Ver non Brown, and Mr. and M:s. ll.cry 3tark of South Woodstock spent Thanksgiving with the Misses F) r ;nce and Irene May in Providence. Mr. and Mrs. George Fairfieid had ts Thanksgiving guests. Mr. and Mrs. ffarertce Fairfield and son, Steven tf WcsS Woodstock. Mrs. Everett traofd. Mr. and Mrs. I.ioyd Arnold hahyan. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lincoln and rbiidren returned Sunday from a risrt C three days with his relatives n Taunton. Mass. Mr. and Mrs. Stuart May en icrtained Mr. and Mrs Windsor N. Vhite and children, George and ketty Ann. N. T. White. Mrs. Jennie fatem and Miss Carrie Bosworth of fastford for Thanksgiving. Mr an.d Mrs. Wiiiard Horton of Mmrche.ster spent Friday with Mr. ami Mrs. Everett E. May. Rev. and Mrs. Henry D. Baker. Mr. tnd Mrs. Arthur Baker spent Thanks giving wrth Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hayden. Mr. and Mrs. John Hayden. Mrs. Laura Btnrill in East Putnam Mi. ant) Mrs. C. Howard Salton sta![ had a family gathering on the holiday. Guests were Glen Salton stal) and family of Hartisville.R 1. Roger Child and family. Charles Sal tonstall and son. Craig. Avis Saltan stall, Mrs. Dorothy Carpenter and daughter, Jerilee and Walter John , son. Mrs. Dorothy Carpenter gave a ' party Saturday for her daughter. Jerilee. who celebrated her fourth birthday. Ten children- attended. Games were played and refreshments served. Mr. and Mrs. Burton DeVries spent Thanksgiving with his parents in Ea*t Douglas, Mass. Mrs. Julia J. Wells and son. John spent Thanksgiving with her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ed win Johnson in Stonington. Miss Esther Johnson of New York re turned with them foT a visit. Mrs. J. Eugene Hibbard attended the funeral of her cousin, Carl An derson in Worcester. Mass., Friday. Mr. and Mrs. J. Mason Logee had a family gathering for Thanksgiving. Guests were Francis H. Logee and family. Joel Eddy and (family and Albert Logee and famMy'af Ware house Point. John and Ann Hibbard spent Fri day in Hartford. Mr. and Mrs. Einar Hanson enter tained many gusts for Thanksgiving. They were Mr. and Mrs. William C. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. George Smith and children, Mr. and Mrs. C. Burtis Cox. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Mitchell. Archie. Jr.. Miss Sally Korswig. Mrs. Isabel! Phillips. Daniel Williams and son. Joseph were Thanksgiving Day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Danielson and family. Weekend visitors of Mr. and Mis. John Anderson and Mrs. Helen Ware were Mr. and Mrs. Albert Marschal] of Stamford, who spent i -anksgiving with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Byron Bates in Gilbertville. Ma s. Other recent visitors of Mrs. W are were Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sut cliffe and son, Richard of Monson. Sa MANS ON YOUR OWN SIGNATURE Single people sign alone. Alarried couples both sign. ! If yoj can- make small ^ monthly payments, don't ; hesitate to see us for a loan. A loan of $100 costs $20.60 j when promptly repaid in 12 i monthly consecutive install- I ments. PEOPLE'S LOAN CO of DAMELSON Room 1 — 2nd Floor \V E. Harding. Manager 100 Main St. Danielson TeL Danielson 4 5446 ^ License No. 524 .SafKirfaya f'nft/ Noon * TURN YOUR X! f SMALSL CHANGE EMTO EMG MONEY 4 ' A nickel, dime or quarter changes catendar to the next day. A quarter .n the left hand s!ot changes the month. The Gonsc.e.we s,ot on ton takes half dollars and paper money. 2Sc a day w.H -tse 25 in one year. Gleaming ivory plast.c destgn em bossed tn gold lock with key. A perpetual calendar -T3R2..' - HERE IS ANOTHER SERVICE OF . . . Citizens Nationai Hank OF PUTNAM, CONNECTICUT Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation "Banking Friendships That Encircle This Seation" Mrs. Sutclitfe is Mrs. Ware's sister. Mr. ad Mr<. Eric Lawson of Wor cester recentiy visited David Fox. Mr. and Mrs. Watie Marvin enter taineti for Thanksgiving, Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Bowen of Eastford and Keitneth Marvin. Mr. and Mrs. George Brown enter tained for Thanksgiving. Mr. and Mrs. Herman tteVries and chiidren. Linda and Barry of WhitinsviHe. Atass.. Utiver Osborne of Bridgeton, R. !.. Mr. and Mrs. George Brown, Jr., and chiidren, Sharon and Wade and Donaid Brown. The Christmas tree and entertain ment by the Sunday Schoot .vit! be given in the Congregations) church December 24th at 7 o'ciock. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Townsend en tertained for Thanksgiving, Mr. and Mrs. Irving Strout of Worcester, Mass., Miss Joyce Townsnd of Colum bia University. New York, Miss Bea trice Townsend of Hartford. Miss Ethel E. Upham spent Thanksgiving with friends in Wettes iey Hilts and Sunday in Betmont, Mass., with her coustns, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Merk and famity and Mrs. Merk'smother, Mrs. Bertha H. Ban nister of Webster. Mass., a former resident, who cetebrated her 80th birthday. NORTH WOODSTOCK Gathered at the Aidrich farm, home of Charies F. Hopkins, were at! i ving descendants of Nathan and Eunice (Gaskiii) Aidrich who iived in the house 100 years ago. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Atdrich Adatns, Sr., of Uxbridge, Mass., Miss E.izabeth Adams of Uxbridge, Mass., Rev. and Mrs. Nathan Aidrich Adams, Jr. and sons Nathan Aidrich 3rd and Stephen of Framingham. Mass., Mr. and Mrs. Donaid C. Adams and chddren Eari, Marion, Eiizabeth, Estes and Grace of Woonsocket, R.L, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Tayior Adams of Woonsocket, R.L, Mr. and Mrs. John Adams and son Phiiip Neai, Homer Adams of Uxbridge. Other guests were Miss Liiiian Morisette of Woonsocket and Oiiver F. Downs of Danieison. Ait enjoyed a twenty six pound turkey, the center of a most boUntifu) dinner prepared and arranged by the iady of the house, Mrs. Neiiie D. Sparrow. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart L. Morse, their son Stewart Michaei and their guest Russeii Hicks attended the Brown-Cogate grid game Thanksgiv ing day at Providence, R.L Mr. and Mrs. Steven Skowron and son, David have moved to South ARE YOU CAUGHT? Let Us Free You From Your BUILDING WORRIES ^ We ^ill Get You Under Cover Before Snow Flies ^ BU!LD!NG MATER!ALS - . HARDWARE GENERAL ^ ELECTRIC HOME APPLIANCES CHAFFEE BROTHERS COMPANY 79 Pleasant Street Webster, Mass. Tel: Webster !3H Yards at Main Street Oxford, Mas* Teh Ox. 85 &159 Wor. 5-330C OPEN AT OXFORD AND WEBSTER FR!DAYS AND SATURDAYS UNT!L 9 00 P. M. bridge, Mass. Air. and Mrs. Merton Smith and Debby spent the Thanksgiving hoii day in Darien and visited with Mr. and Mrs. Charies Light. Mrs. Light is Airs. Smith's sister. Miss Alary Potter spent Thanks giving with Airs. Harry Leonard, her daughter and famiiy in Provi dence. Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Heaiey and son, Kenneth entertained a famiiy gathering of 26 for Thanksgiving dinner. Present itere Miss Mamie; HeaieyofBridgoport, Mr. undMis. MerriHUeaiey and family of Hart-! ford. Mr. and Mrs. Randolph Whaples, and family of Storrs, Hank May, ; Gilbert Lowdon, John Nelson. Mr. and Mrs. Kart Coiburn and family, ; Mrs. Gertrude Burrett, Mr. and Mrs. Vilheim Pedersen. Mr. and Mrs. Ray mond Safford of Woodstock. Mrs. Ciadys Corttis, Frank May, Rudoiph Milier and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Miller had Thanksgiving din ner Thursday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Gontoski and daughter, Karen of Oxford, Mass. Mrs. Gon toski is a granddaughter of Frank Mav. _J BODO'S AUTO BODY SHOP Auto Body and Fender Re pairing - Painting - Welding Auto Glass Installed Telephone 1731-J1 114 School Street Putnnm (Oppostf? /arac/ ScAool.) LOST tT7 TRY A CLASStFtEO * * * Just tike otd times! Want to hnow what o!d timers meant by truty ^ great a!e? Then sip the hearty, fuit bodied HaVOf of RevemveA /risA ifrand f reom i4fe. Made from th^ finest ingredtents money ran buy— the choicest matt and hops ... it s the taste that's winning miiiions. Tty it! Compare it with any a!e you ve ever tasted! /t fooAs creamier . . : tastes creamier ... is creamier/ * NOW AVAtLABLE IN FLAT-TOP CANS! M it's a ti^t dry beer you want, try Golden Dry Beverwycb Beer, Beverwycl( Breweries, Inc.. Albany, N.Y., U S A WHAT S THE ANSWER? can peop!e !n Detroit, Michigan, buy new automobites cheaper than we can her* in Connecticut? hy can peopie in the Northwest buy Dougias Fir iumber cheaper than we can? hy can many Texas utiiity companies buy fue! for generating eiectricity at about one-tenth the cost paid by The Connecticut Light and Power Company and other New Engtand companies for fue) with the same heating vatue? . ^ ^ Because, in every case, they're nearer the source of supply. Distance makes a big difference in fuel costs. Unlike the Texas companies and other ^ utilities throughout the nation which are located near natural fuel sources, we are forced to import all our fuel — the most expensive single y<" item m our etectric power production — ay oarge or rail. The farther a company is from the source of its fuel, the greater the price it must pay. In 1948 transportation expenses on fuel we purchased amounted to about $3,500,000. Obviously, under the circumstances, it is unsound to compare New England power costs with any "national average" before adjusting for differences ^ in fuel costs which we cannot reduce. CONNECTICUT THH CONNECTHCCT MGHT AND DOW EH COMPANY ————-^ jT(McPaymg; (Jo/npaay