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POMFRET PARAGRAPHS Mr. and Mrs. Gordon narrower anti daughter, Struthers ieft Tuesday lor Now York City, where they spent Thanksgiving and the wo*ekend with ter mother, Mrs. Bertrand Hopper st St. Regis hotek They returned Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Kdward J. Buiiard sud children spent Thanksgiving and #ie weekend with her mother. Mrs. Parke Longnecker at Thiiadetphia. They returnd Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Osear Neison enter tained over Thanksgiving his niece. Miss Birgt Neison; aist Sven Lind from St n'ktn im, Sweden. Miss Xei aon wtii leturn to Sweden December lt)t. to spend Christmas at home. Mr. Lind is in this country on business. Mrs. Oscar Neison, Mrs. Wiiiiam i. Stevens and Mrs. Lenous Swan aun spent Monday in Boston. Air. and Airs. L.Cooper-Hiiis were Boston visitors, Saturday. Mrs. Car ton Shaw entertained her famiiy at dinner Thanksgiving Day: aiso Mr. ami Mrs. Ciarence Shaw and daughter, Lois of Putnam and Hartfor'and Air. and Mrs. Ciibcrt Danieison and famiiy. Mr. anti Airs. George Danieison and son. Charies were 'thanksgiving Day dinner guests at the home of their son-n-iaw and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Gerard Daigic of Putnam. Mr. andAirs. Paut H. Storm and daughter, Kiizabeth of Red Hook. N.Y., spent Thanksgiving Day and tile weekend with her parents. Air. andMrs. Harry H. Smith. Mr. ami Mrs. AYiiiiam Smediey spent the hoiiday weekend in New Haven. A famiiy dinner party was teid Thanksgiv ng Day at the home af Air. and Aits. Harry Frteit. Friday they were guests of Air. and Airs. W. Staniey Hdwards, who entertained a number of out of towns friends at a buffet supper anti bridge. Mr. and Aits. Oiii'ort Danieison were given a party at their home Monday evening to ceieinate their 20th wedding anniversary. Present were Ait. and Airs. Robert H. Baker, Mr. and Airs. Waiter Streeter and daughter, Short- it. Aits. Hveiyn Sher man, Ai'sses Ruth anti Htni y Shaw, and Airs. Diana Coie, the iatter of Woodstock. Air. and Airs. Rome) Provost en tertained at a patty November 20 to teieirate the 2nd b.rthday of their daughter, Ciotia. Doii.ious refresh ments were served. Present were Jo anne Atiint. Linda Provost. Ai chaei Meehan, Chippy twsky. Airs. W [ SamAdint.Mt. andMrs. Louis Pro vost. Aurore Provost, Jean anti Ciaire Provost. Ait. and Aits. Rene Riiutrd and Jeannett" Atakowsky. The chairman of the Thanksgiving differing for Day K.!tn!)ail hospitai wishes ,natis m tttetr name Airs.! L'h'" ... to ICCO^^ health- ^ ^us' . ^Aicss, ^ J -- #Who among us wouidn't pay handsomeiy for the return of heaith? But, re member, it is easier to re tain heaith than to regain it. it you are feeding a bit under par. better consuit a physisian without deiay. His prompt diagnosis and experienced counsei may forestaM a serious itiness. And here's another bit of sound advice: Bring your Doctor's prescrip tions to this Professiona) Pharmacy. We assure you carefui compounding. Joseph A. P. Gagne DEGGG/Sr Teiephone S43 i75 Main St., Putnam * * * w f Wi t ant Yatentine and ait her assist ants for the generous contributions received. Air. and Airs. Edward J.Carleton entertained at a cocktail party at he r home Saturday on the occasion lof their wedding anniversary. Ed. Beverty, chautfeu. tor Mrs. T. Morris Murray, is a patent at a B ston hospital, where ho wit; under go an operation. Airs. Libit Philhin spent Sunday at the Butter home. Atonday she ieft w th Airs. Butter to visit a few days friends in New York. Mrs. Robert Post entertaind. over thehotiday andweekend, Mrs. Cyn thia Cooper and son, Samuet of Stam ford. Mr. and Alts, Irvin Hattin and ami.y visited over the hoiiday with ,heir son. Ronnie at Annapotis. They nso attended the Army-Kavy foot iraiigame. I Gerry Smith of New York was .he guest of Airs. Eteanor Whitehead rvei the holiday. Mr amt Atrs. Vinton Freedtey h sed their house for the winter and eft Aton<iay for New York. Aleeting of the Pomfret Councit of Cathohc Women was hetd tast tuesday evenng at Pomfret Inn. twenty-eight members attended. Plans were made for their annua nrstmas basket with Airs. Alary! daher named in charge of tickets, chich may be purchased from Coun it members. Airs. Rosamond Con nolly. Airs. Aurora Whitehead and drs. Dorothy Ketly are in charge of <.he tiasket. Atrs. Bernice AlcLaughtin, Airs. Atary O'Brien and Airs. Ray ! nond Jackson were etected to thei nominating committee to name a state of otlicers for the etection, scheduted ilecember lhth at Pomfret Inn. A mo ton w as passed to g ve $25.00 toward the benefit dance to be sponsored in , ihmfret for the parents of little Georgette Champney. Georgette diet) n Ateriden. After the business ses .on. a penny sociat was held fo lowed iy a bu.fet iunch. Aleeting of the Pomfret Home Eco nomics Group hetd last week at the Congregationat Church parlor was attended by twenty-three members. .,*s i iiield was in charge of the P< grant on ptasticpocketbooks, as sisted by Airs. Walter Davis and Atrs. David Pianchon. Refreshments were served by Winifred French, Beatt re French and Dorothy Kelly. Another meeting was held yesterday at the Church parlor to complete the ,.1'cgram on pocket books. Aleeting of the Girl Scouts was hetd Alunday night in the Congrega tional Church sociat room. Mrs. Don ald French, leader, and Airs. Raymond A oght, assistant, were in charge. One new member. Judith Aloore of Pom fret Landing, joined. For Thanks giving the troop distributed three l unsh ne baskets to shut-ns. At the j resent time they are working on l it find craft. Senior Gill Scouts will meet next 'asday afternoon at Airs. Elizabeth; filer's home. They are working on : : t and craft. Hiaine fellows. daughter of Mr! : id Airs. Kenneth Fel ows, was a { l ember of the cast in the Pomfret th oi Ti .'ink'g sing piay presented' at Hard auditorium at Pomfret, f 'hooi AAcdnesday evening. Air. and Airs. Gilford Stewart en-t t rtained fourteen guests at dinner 1 hanksgiving Day. Plans to Study Law Mrs. Catharine Bergen Sage, wife oi' Nathaniel Mcl.ean Sage, Jr.,j f finer science* instructor at Pomfretl S -hoot, has tiled notice of her inten-! t m to commence the study of taw. R rs. Sage, a graduate of the Uni ters ty of New Alexico, formerly t;mght remedial English at Potnfret S hoo] and served as chairman of the I'omfret democratic committee. They are now making their home in Bos t <n. Mr. Sage is at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where he is Dean of Admissions and also doing graduate work. The announcement was made by Attorney Irving H. Miron, clerk of Superior Court for Windham County. Rev. Francis W. Sweeney, S.J., who recently completed his Theologi cal studies at Weston College, is now at St. Robert's hall, for advanced s udies. Rev. John E. McCaPhv. S..T . i o the New England Jesuit Province . I a THE JOY OF A HOME )* i There is no Joy like the Joy of owning a home. The feehng that there's a bit of earth surface that you can ca!I your own. F j Accumulating the money for a home requires 1 some sacrifice; but isn't it worth it in the end? f. When you have the required amount for a down payment on a home; see us about an AMORTIZED MORTGAGE LOAN -* ! u<nam Savings Bank PUTNAM'S OLDEST AND LARGEST Estabiished 1862 Deposit; !n this Bank are guaranteed in fuM by -he Savtngs Banks' Deposit Guaranty Fund of Connecticut, incorporated. L—- -- is also at St. Robert's hall for special Theological study. Mrs. Raymond Voght entertained the Knitting Club at her home Tues day night. Donald bellows and Stanley Shel don, .!r.. returned to Fort TrumbuU, Branch of University of Conn.. Sun day afternoon after spending the holiday weekend with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. George Whitman and two daughters have moved into the cottage <qvned by Raymond Wing. Mr. Whitman has succeeded Mr. Wuig as county agent. They formerly matte their home in Norwich. Mrs. John Peterson and daughter, Eleanor, Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Truax and daughters were Thanksgiving Day dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Hannifan and fam ily of Putnam. Mr. and Mrs. August Loos enter tained lat dinner. Thanksgiving Day, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Swenning and children anti John Swenning of North Crosvenordale. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Peterson en terta ned at dinner Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry R. Peterson of the Center and Mr. and Mrs. George Far quhar of Central Village. Gus Loos was home for the holiday and weekend from Cambridge Pre paratory School. Entertain* at Holiday Party Miss Jeannette Makowsky enter tained at a holiday party Saturday pvening at the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Jacques Makowsky at Idle Wild Farm. Program of moving pictures and dancing was enjoyed fol lowed by delicious refreshments. Guests present were Josette Makow sky, Joan Murdock, Colby Lachapelle, George Harper, Donald Murdock, Rogert Parent, Patricia and -Joseph Lucas, Susan Angell, Junior Mayo. Rob Gerardi, Ann Donlon. Burt Smith. Richard Keeler, Xancy Fitz patrick, Louise Wilcox, Caroline Keroack, Irene Logie. Roberta Allen, Joel Douglas. Thomas Slye, Ralph l.aime and John Bedrosian. Jeannette is a member of the sophomore class at Putnam H gh school Benefit Dante Public dance will be he!d Saturday night in Pomfret Memorial audi torium. benefit* of*the Harold Champ ney family. Sponsored by the com munity and friends, proceeds will be used to lighten the debt caused by the long illness of their little "-year-old daughter, Georgette, who died in Meriden. A donation of $25.00 has been given by the Pomfret Coun cil of Catholic Women. Any other so l ty, organization or indi vidual anxious to donate to this most worthy benefit may contact Murdock's Gas Staton, hire Chief Charles Cutler, Fartjuhar or Selectman Ray mond Jackson. Mr. and Mrs. Irving G. Beebe and holiday guest Perry House left Mon day for Xew York, where they will spend a few days. Tuesday, Mr. and Mrs. Beebe will s# 1 on the S.S. America for Europe,' where they will visit indefinitely. Mrs. Leonard Swain and daugh ters. Dede and Susan, Mrs. Edith Drisco'l and Miss Daire Driscoll spent Thanksgiung with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Swain and family of West Hartford. Miss Helen Swain of Low ell, Mass., returned with them to Pomfret and spent the night here. j Pomfret Congregational church will! hold its annual Christmas bazaar on Wednseday, December 7th between 2:00 and 5:00 p.m. Buddy Swain, son of Mrs. Leon ard Swain, has been transferred from Castle Point on the Hudson to a hos p tal outside of Worcester. Knroute to the hospital, he spent one might at bis home here. Mr. and Mrs. William Dunn and ] two sortu were in Worcester with her famity Thanksgiving Day. Mr. and Mrs. John Downing and chiidren visited over the hoiiday weekend with his parents at New Canaan. Specia) Program Sunday On Sunday afternoon. December 4th. at 4 the Betty Putnam Chapter. O.E.S.. wiH hoid a Candie iight Vestper Service. The pubtic is invited to attend this service at Christ Church, Pomfret. The offering witi be devoted to the Masonic Home in Watiingford. Christ Church Epiacopa! Robert H. Parkes, Rector Sunday, December 4th — 8:00 Holy Communion 10:00 Sunday Schoo) ! 1 :00 Morning Service 4:00 O.E.S. Candteiight Vesper Service. Benefit Card Parties A series of card parties benefit Pomft'et Independent Fire Company, witt be heid every Friday night through December at Fire Station 2 (Abington Schoo)). Prizes wii) b< awarded weekty, and a grand prize at the last party December 30. Dep uty Chief Murray Ke))y is in charge. Mr. and Mrs. Perinchief enter tained, over the hoiiday, Miss Basha Cone of New York and David Mer r'.it, student at Rectory School. Caro) Barker, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Danie) Barker, cetebrated her sixth birthday recentty with a party ie)d at Pomfret Schoo) pond. Mr. and Mrs. George Conne)) and son, Teter of Concord, N.H. and Miss Daggett of Cambridge, Mass., were Thanksgiving Day dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John P. Grosvenor. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sutton were n Boston over the hoiiday and week end. Miss Betsey Thompson, daughter if Mr. and Mrs Washburn, is a patient at Day K mbaii nospital. Mrs. Wiiliam S. Smediey returned tecently from Cieveianti, Ohio, wirere she attended a three-day conference as official deiegrate from the Feiiow ship of Congregationai W'omen of Connecticut. The atfair was heid at Hotet Cleveland. Miss Margaret Ho!t of Chandter Farms, recently returned from France, ieft Monday to spend a few days in New York. Sympathy is extended the Maher { famiiy on the death of their mother, i Mrs. John Maher. Mr. and Mrs. George Maher and son, Dr. It.chard } Maher of Boston, Mr. and Mrs. Charies Maher and son Charies, of i Long fsiand, Mr. and Mrs. Wiliiam t J. Savage of Vertione, N.J., Mr. anti! Airs. Charies Hutchinson of Canaan j and Miss Ann MacDonneii, K.N.. were at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Haroid Nelson, coming on for the funerai. Pat Donion anti Chariie Ayers were in Washington, D.C., over the week end and visited Ronnie Hattin at Annapoiis. They aiso attended the Army and Navy game. Paui Neison returned Sunday to La Moyne Coiiege, Syracuse, New York, after vis ting severai days with his parents, Air. and Mrs. Haroid Neison. Hugh Murphy was in Boston Sat urday, where he attended the Hoiy Cross and Boston Coiiege game. Htiward Quigley has returned to Boston after a visit with his sister, Airs. Annie Keliy. Air. and Airs. Harvey Biodgett and her brother. Harrison Deai, have moved into the home of Air. and Airs Geoffrey Austin. Caiifornia, once known as the "World's Granary," now exports more i'ruit and vegetabies than any other region in the world. This name, says the Worid Encyclopedia, was given to Caiifornia during the 1861's when tons of wheat, rye, oats and barley cere raised there. An adjutant is a high ranking ..Hirer in the U.S Army, but in India it is against the taw to kitt the tung-biCed birds known as adjutants because they eat the bodies of dead animats. Be a C/iamp/ L !KE "the champ", never expose yourse!f to a crippl ing b!ow — a!ways be pre pared for the unexpected, if you don't carry complete Automobile Insurance, you are wide open to a serious hnancial loss which may be a knockout. NOW, before you drive, insure with— Byrnes Agency Pomfret, Conn. Telephone Putnam 1389 !!i ftw**ww< Fw(/ NEW / You con'f beef if because . . !t's wonderfu! !n every way . . . size, appearance, performance and appointments! You can f beat if because !t s rugged, tough and dependab!e . ^ . . . bui)t to !ast 100,000 m!)es! HERE S one and ow/y one word that does justice to the new 1950 ) Pontiac—WONDERFUL! And there's one and one way for you to team just how wonderfu! it is—come in and see for yourself! Please accept our cordial invitation to pay us a visit as soon as you possibly can. We're sure you'll be impressed with what you see. We re sure you'll agree that no car—so big, so beautiful, so obviously stamped with quality through and through—was ever offered at a price so low. So come in and see the great new Pontiac—America's finest low-priced car! You can f beat if because Each of the 1S beautifu! mode!* !* priced to please you! fLtcfMae ant? S'afe fayes pjrhaJ t. Oniy tar in the Worid withEiieerStreahStyiing 3. ^Lmerira'e Lowett-Pri*ed Straight Eight 3. Lowe!t-Pri*ed tar in the Worid with 6M Hydra-Mat)* Orive E. Thriiiing, Power-Parhed Pertormanto thoire of Sie or Eight S. Worid Renowned Hoad Re« tor Eronomy and Long Lite d 4. Sapar-Saf*, Soper-Strong *0 Stan) Aodiee by Fieher 7. Smoother, A)t-Coeh!onnd "Troweiox" Kid. K. Dietinttiweiy KoaottM Swoop-SFroam Rear Fond.f Rneombto V. Spariom, Loxorioo! interiore Foatoring Arm Koete, AeeieF torde and QaaMty Fioor Coworingt !0. WMa, Cotnfoftahiw Saatt wtth BetttuUy Contoured Cuthiont H. W!da, SatyAttett Daart !3t. Better, So ter Driver Vtaw w!th Satva W!da, tutwed Windthtatd )3. Uitro-Styied Diai-Ciatter Bath !4. Hand)-6rip Parhtnp Braha an Bath !5. Finpar-Ttp Staffer Button !*. fait Chromiam Windrhiaid and Haar Window Moidingr )7. Twin Dart Oatrido Air ManTing and Vantiiating HyrTam M. T^'ra Largo, Faiiy-Linad Trank Tar HnTrn Laggago !9 Coantor-Baianrod !oii-Lorking Trank Lid 20. Smaathar, BnTar Hiding Law Pronaro Tirar an Brand Rknr RLJTNAM MOTORS OO. TELEPHONE 803 SCO SCHOOL STREET ROUTE 44 PUTNAM